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@NikiC Also, handler can be anything, right? An array, an object, a string, etc
(Skimming through the code and can't see anything limiting that, just making sure I don't miss anything)
@SecondRikudo yeah
Underneath, it pretty much assumed I was doing an "rmdir /s ." (for the lucky bastards *nix users, that'd be "rm -rf .")
@LeviMorrison Very well played indeed. I'd go as far as to say that VS just trolled the fuck out of me.
I don't know regex so can somebody help whats wrong with this $patterns[0] = '/<form class="form-horizontal">/';
@Muhammet To begin with? You're matching HTML.
yes matching html
@Muhammet Why should we help you if you don't know regex?
It's different if you are trying but are stuck.
Doesn't look like you've tried at all.
@Muhammet Yes, matching HTML. That'd be what's wrong with it.
The pony, he comes.
Oh god. HIDE!
@DanLugg I can't match html ?
Not reliably, no.
@Muhammet Nope. PCRE will segfault.
Don't even try to match XML. I had a computer catch fire.
I would just go with str_replace then
@Muhammet What do you want to do..?
@DanLugg That could quite literally happen...
@NikiC Recursion?
@second i wanted to replace <form class="sdsd"> with <form action="blabla" method="post" class="sds"> which is loaded from an already saved html file
@rdlowery yeah, it was say that or say "non-experts should never audit code"... And I don't count myself as an expert...
Yeah, PCRE likes to stack overflow
Go to A and type ?; compare to doing same on B. A or B?
@Muhammet Use DOM.
@NikiC Ironically, people who ask about PCRE like StackOverflow too.
@SecondRikudo i guess i will have too, if str_replace don't work out
@Muhammet It won't. Especially if your HTML isn't 105% constant and never changing.
Can anyone see an error in this line?
<a href="javascript:delpage('$row->pageID','$row->pageTitle');">Delete</a>
@SecondRikudo no its constant
thats why
1) inline jS wtf
What ya seeing?
2) this isn't the javascript room
@DanielMinett Yes, you're trying to include PHP, but there are no <?php ?> tags to be found.
God thats it :/
@LeviMorrison What am I looking at?
@SecondRikudo It's an AB test of php.net website ^^
@DanielMinett Also, you're using inline PHP in inline JS. Don't.
@LeviMorrison No kidding, what's the difference between the two?
Aside from the meaningless order of the displayed functions?
@SecondRikudo I have no other idea how to use :P
@DanielMinett Learn.
@SecondRikudo You do see the help overlay, yes?
@LeviMorrison Help overlay?
@SecondRikudo Thanks for the help
@DanielMinett If you need help with that, there's the JavaScript room.
@SecondRikudo Press ? on the php.net website; it should bring up a help overlay that has keyboard shortcuts among other things.
@SecondRikudo Yea, throw him to the wolves.
Now I'm seeing it.
@LeviMorrison Higher contrast one.
@LeviMorrison konami code or GTFO
Even increase the contrast a bit more.
@LeviMorrison If you're introducing keyboard shortcuts, and don't implement the Konami code somewhere, I'll be sad.
@DanLugg Konami code always been there, bro.
↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ← → ← → B A
^^ for the unenlightened
On PHP.net you have to hit enter afterwards
Have you pushed the purple background to php.net @LeviMorrison ?
It's been purple for months now, what you talking 'bout?
@LeviMorrison I... I never knew.
Is it only the logo?
/doc.php is #C6C6E2 php.net/manual/en is #E3E3F1
@PeeHaa @LeviMorrison make it #BADA55
/doc.php should be #C0FFEE They'll need it.
If /docs.php has been like that for months now it has been horrible for months now
@PeeHaa Almost certainly a browser cache issue
damn caching. lemme fire up pr0n mode
negative on caching (unless it is very persistent caching)
Although everything looks pretty horrible now :P
Yes sorry to say it again @LeviMorrison, but imho this hurts my eyes github.com/php/web-php/commit/…
Great if more contrast works for you, but it is pretty heavy on my eyes when trying to read the docs
I know I am person 100000 to tell you to do something different and I do appreciate your work on the site, but please reconsider :)
which will be better to use google feed api or yql .. for a new ticker website where i am fetching the news from a few rss ... like the bbc , ndtv ...
i was also thinking of omitting the php portion making it html5 and js
@DaveRandom consider curlopt closepolicy officially dead. Although I forgot to update the UPGRADING file so I'll have to do that still :/
@PeeHaa I looked at it on several screens with several different settings. I am not in error.
Perhaps it can still be improved but
On the low-end monitors the older version was VERY washed out.
Very difficult to read.
If #C6C6E2 is really meant to be the background color you should correctly set the contrast on your screens ;)
I would not be surprised if there were significantly more low-end screens than medium and high end combined.
screeny incoming
For many people they won't even see that color, PeeHaa.
I'm saddened at the resolutions of our fellow php.net users :(
is there any way to get more detialed error of $stmt->errorInfo() PDO
@LeviMorrison lol that is sad
Although I am currently on a crappy laptop myself
I'd still appreciate a screeny.
I know what I've tweaked is better, but perhaps there is more improvement yet.
The screeny will show me how much of the screen you are viewing and can adjust from the same viewport size.
join the dark side ^
Your font looks horrible :/
Is this Win?
let there be light ^
@LeviMorrison yes win
It's probably just because I'm used to sexy Retina fonts.
That's the #1 reason to get a retina screen, btw.
Someone picked a tiny font size? Still renders beautifully on a retina.
@LeviMorrison Do you reeeeeeally want me to get started about chrome's horrible font rendering on windows because the fucking idiots use a fucking ancient API and it takes them years now to fix it, because once I start I cannot be stopped! :)
Gecko vs Blink!!
@PeeHaa 50 shades of purple?
Oh don't worry, Chrome font rendering on Linux isn't any better.
@SecondRikudo paint #fail
@Charles It kinda is...
@Charles I seriously doubt that
@Charles Linux doesn't even have fonts
Hah! I run Chrome full time on Linux. The number of times I've had to reload pages to get the fonts to render correctly lately is too damn high.
@Charles Yeah but at least a refresh fixes it
On windows it is by design
@Charles Well sure, porn sites use dubious font files.
Yeah, but then it's still ugly-ass crap.
spelling #fail
@SecondRikudo Yeah but who cares about the fonts there?
OK people you make me start ranting again
lolol @ room @madara
@PeeHaa "Hotlist-DevRel" at least...
I am no longer Madara. I have evolved into the Second Rikudo
(Which is my current nickname)
I was having trouble inserting data to a field called `key`. I guess its because I have to escape it, right ? how do I escape it in query.
Example `INSERT INTO forms (key) VALUES (?)`;
@Charles Yeah and it only took them 2 years
@Muhammet backticks for mysql. IIRC double quotes for everybody else (at least pgsql)
@PeeHaa Better than certain Mozilla bugs, though that one does have a good reason not to be fixed....
thanks @PeeHaa kinda knew it before, just wanted to make sure
@SecondRikudo I figured since you didn't win election you just changed your name.
@LeviMorrison Pretty much.
It's an experiment of sort.
> 1998-09-26 10:33 PDT by kipp
We'll see how it pays off in the next elections :)
holy open tickets batman
@Charles holy shit.
There's people on here younger than that bug.
@Danack There are people on SO that were candidates in the last election that are younger than that bug.
Hell, there are probably people on SO that are younger than that bug that could actually fix it, if there was the political will.
How do you determine what is a class vs an array?
My router is returning an array right now that contains all the route related stuff. I was thinking it might make more sense to think of it like a route factory where it returns an object rather than an array
I think this gets to the broader question of "what thing in my api is responsible for setting default request values"?
Has anyone used the Google API PHP client? For youtube?
Feels good: svn commit -m "Introducing $PROJECTNAME 14, now free of ext/mysql"
@EliteGamer I'm sure someone has - do you have a question?
Yes, but i dont want to ask it
@m59 If you're just returning a list of keys and values, then an array is just fine...
if no one hasd done it
@EliteGamer ask or ask not.. :)
$this->requestParams = array_merge($this->requestParams, $_GET);
@EliteGamer Don't do that - sol.gfxile.net/dontask.html
@Charles I think the important question is about where ^ that code belongs. That's what it would look like in the Request class, but that's kind of modifying the request...
I am having trouble getting my php file setup to submit requests to the youtube APi (youtube anylitics api) in the PHP client
@m59 But you kind of need to modify the request. Are you trying to avoid an object to represent the data from an incoming request?
That is what i have so far, but i have NO idea what my scope should be or how to even begin with rtequests.
I am trying to get a user to clikc a signup with youtube button
I guess I mean to say, should my Request class just go ahead and "fix" itself, or should that be another class?
then they authinticate my app, and i store some info in a DB
$Request = new Request($serverStuff);
$PreparedRequest = new PreparedRequest($Request);
@m59 It shouldn't fix itself; it should be told what to fix by the router. The router will have new information for the request to know about.
So the router modifies it to be specific to my api?

My understanding is that this is the common pattern, yes.
I see.
This is exactly one of the reasons to wrap all the request-releated stuff in an object
I get nervous about a lot of things :)
this way you're modifying only the scope of the request you think you're handling, not touching the rest of the code and its impression of reality.
@EliteGamer fyi - you haven't asked a question.
@Danack How would i set my code up so i can submit requests to the api?
What does that mean? @EliteGamer
There seems to be a complete example there.
@EliteGamer I don't at all suggest using php to connect with youtube.
Unless you have to.
@m59 How else would i do it?
for web based applications?
@Danack I am using the Google Api Client Library PHP
@m59 It actually works fine - youtube supports partial uploads, so you can upload just a couple of megabytes of data and then resume.
depends on what you're doing. I'd use JavaScript as much as possible.
Oh, he's doing that stuff.
I was thinking he was trying to get some data from the youtube feed or something
@EliteGamer Yes - which those examples are for?
Yes, the second one
So - maybe follow that example?
I am doing that now
i will ask if i have any trouble with it
night y'all
@rdlowrey Damn. His responses changed from defensive and assumptions of your understanding to collaboration requests. It's good it's out there. The point about these types of articles encouraging bad behaviours hits a good point. As well as the load of unanswered questions.
Ref for all
@Charles dang, this isn't working out. I end up wanting things in the request that can't exist without some more work - like really changing the request (strings into arrays and stuff)
@Fabien I just get annoyed when people who don't know better assume that creating an http server is as easy as fread and fwrite. It's not. And the constant stream of "solutions" in this area isn't helping anyone.
Thoughts on clone being a parameter modifier? Valid only for class type-hints, it would essentially force __clone to be called as the argument is passed in. Therefore, calling function foo(clone Bar $bar) { } as simply foo($bar) is the implicit version of doing foo(clone $bar) now.
Pseudo value-type semantics for parameters.
night @PeeHaa
function(Bar $bar) {
$bar = clone $bar;
function(Bar /$bar) ;-)
The slash "separates" ... ooooh
@Danack Yea, but then the responsibility is on the implementation.
Since it's part of the signature, it's contractually enforced, and reduces the possibility of unexpected behavior if the implementer doesn't clone explicitly.
@DanLugg It'd be better to introduce a const keyword.
As a class modifier?
Or rather 'the' const keyword, as it's in most other languages.
Oh, for immutability.
Yeah, that ought to be fun =D
@DanLugg Yes. If someone wants to modify the object, they are forced to clone it first.
Yea, that'd be exceedingly better.
My suggestion is (kind of) just the inverse of the ref modifier from other languages C#.
This also means you can only pass a const instance to another function that expects a const.
Not sure how that works internally, but I can imagine some pain because it's now all in runtime :)
Well, the const modifier could be applied to the class definition rather than the variable declaration. Then it'd be applied to every instance.
const class ImmutableType { }
Properties would be modifiable only from the scope of __construct or __clone
const class Immutable {
    private $a;
    public function setA($a) { $this->a = $a; } // E_FATAL cannot modify property of immutable type
What's best way to guard against "hidden" utf8 characters in strings?
@DanLugg good point...
@Danack i get a blank screen with no signin when i did the code :/
i even checked the includes ... also, no errors
I am guessing that is an older article as well
@Ocramius Better, it could be a cascading modifier: applied to the property directly, the property becomes immutable, applied to the class, all properties.
@DanLugg So even the constructor can't do any initialization?
@DonCode You need to whitelist stuff - I'm not sure the best way, and it really depends on which languages you want to support, but I think [\p{L}](http://www.php.net/manual/en/regexp.reference.unicode.php) and explicitly listing the punctuation you want to allow.
@Jack No no, only in the scope of __construct and __clone are properties writable.
@EliteGamer Have you tried using a debugger to see what's happening in your code? youtube.com/watch?v=LUTolQw8K9A
Better, until __construct or __clone return, therefore you can defer assignment to other "setters" if you'd rather split it out, rather than have monolithic validation in the constructor.
@Danack No, but i am sure i have no errors, i even changed the classes for the service.
Let me check
@EliteGamer Do you really think anyone is going to be able to figure out what is causing a blank screen?
I am using the EXACT code, so possible
LOL, ill continue to check
@DanLugg Might be interesting .. with it, you can declare the properties public without having to worry about some clown updating them :)
@Jack Yep. They're readonly post-construction/cloning.
I think the "until __construct/__clone returns" part is important. You'd lose flexibility en masse if it were constrained purely to the scope of the method itself.
And I imagine that'd be an easy check, just walk the call stack
Yeah, basically anything done before the new or clone returns.
Exactly. Actually, that's a particularly important distinction too, otherwise reflection could invoke __construct OOB and break immutability.
Rather than __construct returning, the "method invoked via new" would be the semantically accurate definition.
Is it better practice to pass entire objects or just the necessary obj-properties into a function.

What is better:
$postModel->deleteAllPosts(User $userObj);

Then get access to the user id from the $userObj in the deleteAllPosts method, or should I just pass in the user id straight like:


Does it matter regarding best practices for OOP?
@billmalarky Do you need any more than just the ID in order to satisfy deleteAllPosts?
If you can rename the function to deleteAllPostsByUserId() ... then it's safe to only pass the user id.
It seems the second way is easier to read intent in the deleteAllPosts definition. We can suggest that the param is an int with $userId = 0 in the function definition or something like that
This is assuming only the user id is needed.
@billmalarky Or if (!is_int($id)) throw new YouFuckedUpException;
@DanLugg Yes exactly
There's already an exception for that, InvalidArgumentException.
So is best practice pass the least amount as absolutely needed?
@Jack Yea, that's what I said: YouFuckedUpException ;-)
Ehm okay ...
Do you guys validate all params first thing in most of your functions?
I was j/k
like at the top validate them all and through exceptions if they aren't perfect?
@Danack Ah, that'd be the less severe variant.
@billmalarky Only if something really bad could happen. e.g. I check that a limit is set when doing a delete from a DB, rather than deleting all of a table.
If it's an internal API I don't bother with validate all params.
I am referencing only "best practices", I know you don't have to do this stuff.
@DanLugg I dunno - the cyberpolice might come after you - youtube.com/watch?v=5PuDWxgIxdc
@Danack lol, I forgot about that
To put a dampner on things - apparently the guy died of a heart attack. Who could have guessed he had high blood pressure.
Though, that actually looks like a fake baldie :)
@Danack I guess he won't be back-tracing anyone anytime soon then.

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