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PEAR makes me sad
maybe someone should explain to Sebastian Bergmann , that , while a nice gesture, he really should get his PHPUnit out of PEAR .. people hate to deal with all that baggage
i want my hour back
i tried to update phpunit
but i couldnt
because last pear update had done something again
and it was looking for c:/php/pear/temp , which does not exist
lol, fix pear
works fine for me
i tried to change the folder , but the PEAR began shouting at me that i have no permission to write C:/windows/pear.ini , WHICH I NOT WHERE PEAR.INI IS LOCATED
aaaaaaarrrrgggh !!!
last time i updated pear , it decided that you do not need spaces in folder names
Am I insane? I have an obsessive compulsive tendency to do everything perfect.
Naah , it isn't a obsessive compulsive disorder , @TimothyPerez. You are just young and naive
yes, but that's not for that reason :-P
no worries , he will learn , or become academic
There's a saying: If you're in IT, you're either crazy, or new...
@tereško I'm older than you actually, by a year.
I keep restarting projects from the ground up because I keep re-optimizing or changing the way it's done.
i need some food
very rarely are you going to get the opportunity to plan long enough to write great code
be efficient, and try to minimize the errors
@tereško I see you as cocky and look up to you in the same instance. Actually, I am very open minded towards people's suggestions for making things better.
if you do make errors, minimize their effect
I try to make things flawless.
It's an impossible goal
say you're a craftsman and you're building a coffee table
what do you do if you accidentally chip part of it?
It's very important to keep in mind The difference between good and good enough
I know, it's a bad habbit.
if you make an error , try to hide it
when that fails , try to blame someone else
when that comes back to bait you , try to minimize the damage
when that's exhausted, tell you boss that it need to be redesigned
never try to hide it.
i wasn't being serious
oh ok
Question: How detrimental (besides speed) would hashing usernames (along with passwords) be?
hashing usernames is a bit pointless
as for hashing password , you will probably want to use crypt() , most likely with sha256 or higher
sha256 is ok, but there's no real point since blowfish is always supported and is significantly better
I'm using @ircmaxell's Cryptlib for passwords :)
so you're using Blowfish then :-D
I know with bigger algorithms like bcrypt etc, that speed takes a hit
bcrypt == blowfish
for hashing at least
@tereško I always use sha256 or 512 depending on how secure.
What's the difference between hash() and crypt()?
one is a simple hash, crypt is designed for password storage
sha256 through crypt is different, in that it requires a salt and is iterated
Can't you insert a salt with hash?
yes, but a regular hash function isn't designed to take a salt, and if you don't do it right there can be attack vectors...
Hi every one
I'm new in PHP
I would like to know about MVC, OOP , Frameworks...etc
@maanu You're in for a hell of a lot of hard work. I'm assuming by your comment you've never worked with OOP before?
@TimothyPerez no just PHP that's it
@TimothyPerez I would like to know where to start
@TimothyPerez with just php. it is really really hard to get job
Here, this is a good start
honestly, just start writing classes
that's what I did
hang on
I'm going to show him how
Start with this... jumps right into starting OOP in php
That's about as straight forward no-fluff into PHP oop as you can get.
@MattMcDonald study OOP before learn FW isn't ?
@TimothyPerez , i stopped at step3in that pdf
@MattMcDonald I mean framework
var keyword was used in PHP4
@TimothyPerez ok
that book is useless
@tereško I know, I have to update it. You're a butthole somtimes
not really
@tereško I'll be updating everything soon.
"brutal honesty" is the term
@MattMcDonald He knows I respect him in the same regards. That's how men talk.
and @TimothyPerez , instead of echo 'string' . $param; you should use echo 'string' , $param;
there is no point to concat the string befor outputting
@tereško I've seldom used commas. Thanks
the javascript chat lied to me... i was talking to myself :(
what ?
it said there were like 8 people in the room
there were only 2
what ?
so maybe i did it wrong
but my mindmap thing
i concluded to do it the way i want, i need to use the jquery carousel, and for allowing users to store images I have to create a database that links to their files, which means i need to use php... so im at square 1.
I think I just found the answer but I don't understand it... would anyone be able to dumb it down for me?
what sort of answer ?
this guy pretty much did what i am trying to do... but it makes no sense, i think because he is using a jquery plugin and it's not showing the files.
then stop looking to a "plugin which does everything + coffee"
write you on JS , with or without jquery
those sites are the worst, aren't they?
blind leading the blind
php side generates JSON file and on the client you build the interactive component from it
@MattMcDonald yeah .. cannot be helped
yeah, I was toying with JSON as a method for building DOM trees today, and that seems to be the way to go
@tereško was that english?
so what is json?
__J__ava__S__cript __O__bject __N__otation
1 second :)
actually it is more like an hour
yeah... im looking for cliffnotes, that video will have to wait or this is gonna be a long convo
just have some patience and watch it
crock is awesome
then before i forget, what would be the interactive component, the actual carousel?
@Nathan , here is a list of video too yuiblog.com/crockford .. you can use them to actually LEARN javascript
@Nathan yes
learning would be good, parroting is so.... limited.
2 hours later…
quick question, I have a php file that if a certain case happens, the browser should be taken back a page header('Location:javascript:history.go(-1)'); doesn't work. Any ideas?
wouldn't the http_referer accomplish the same thing?
@dukevin Can't you always keep the track of the last url and do something like this header('Location: '.$last_url) ?
that would work too

Can some one give me simple example of system() function in php.

I had gone through examples given on Php Manual(http://php.net/system).
I did not got it clearly.

Thanks in advance.
is there a way to have a php file online but read a file on the local computer i.e. file://test.txt
2 hours later…
I am getting the following error in google check out sandbox , Error is "Internal error in Server"
please chk the following link stackoverflow.com/questions/7428956/…
kindly help me
I did not get nothing by search in google. I have to fix that soon....i tried to fix this from last week ...but i couldn't....
@ircmaxell what's the point of code-bowling? golfing can be useful (you can spot great patterns there) and it is always fun to come up with shorter and more expressive code. so what about code-bowling? spotting anti-patterns?
code-bowling I think would be more just an exercise in how not to write code...
how to check total data and till sended data(in form of bytes) send onserver?
Any help....
@maulikpatel you need to be more clear in your questions...
@Dinesh you need to actually ask a question...
@Justin yes, i post my code in this the following post stackoverflow.com/questions/7428956/…. please check this
@justin hii
i need ur help
@Justin do you have any idea on that ?
@JUstin i want to display how much percentage of data will be submited on server? like loading... 10%
@David not happening sorry i will not write your code for you.... @Dinesh I haven't looked... @maulikpatel clarify a bit?
@justin now i m move to openssl_csr_new this function
as u told me yesterday
@Dinesh i'm afraid i'm not the best with CURL, look for @Gordon @ircmaxell or @tereško
@David, look in your topic about it, someone there gave you the answer... also GGIYF
but i have a new Question right now....
@Justin ok justin..thanks for your reply
@ircmaxell Hi...I need your help on google sandbox checkout
Q: how "openssl_csr_new" function work in php for certification generation?

JohnsonI want to generate certificate request in php. My code is so far :- <?php $dn = array( $dn["countryName"]=$Post["countryname"]; $dn["province"]=$Post["province"]; $dn["localityname"]=$Post["localityname"]; $dn["organizationname"]=$Post["organizationname"]; $dn["organizati...

@Justin can u plz see my new question.
@Dinesh he may not have express knowledge on the specific checkout you're trying to do, but he does know a bit more about CURL than I do which is why I suggested one of the three.
GGIYF @David...
GGIYF = Google Is Your Friend...
@Justin okay justin
@Justin Actually i am not getting issue with curl justin.....
okkk @Justin I know that
whats the issue @Dinesh?
@JohnP hi can u plz coperate me ?
@David the openssl functions are internal functions that run the 'command line' type thing.. negating your need for this crap:

openssl req -new -nodes -out /portal/data/config/certificate/vendor/requests/couffin-req.pem -keyout /portal/data/config/certificate/vendor/requests/couffin-req.key -subj "/C=IN/ST=MAHARASHTRA/L=MUMBAI/O=Couffin Inc/OU=Sales/CN=www.couffin.itpl" -config /portal/data/config/certificate/vendor/openssl.cnf
@Justin When i run the sample code , i got response as "Internal error in server" from google checkout. What does it means ? Why am i getting that response?
@David that's funny on many levels. But if you're talking about the question you posted, I'm sorry but I don't know anything that will help you
Internal Server Error is generally a permissions issue
@Justin I downloaded the sample code which is from google only, I gave valid merchant ID and merchant key
@Justin not understand
@David quit your job because after 3 days of being given every link on the internet about the subject if you don't understand you shouldn't be trying it.. Sorry to be rude but its true.
@Dinesh i'm reviewing your code now, give me a few moments and I'll see if I see anything out of line.
@Justin I think u r right i m not able to do that
and it is beter for me to leave the job or go for php training
@Justin okay,I need to know, How to fix that issue.....Actually I am trying to integrate google checkout on my web page.I dont want to user to redirect to google page and do the checkout process.Instead i want user to give card details in my site and authorize the payment in the same page without rediirect. This can be done using curl. I have done this in both paypal and a.net gateway.
okkk thanks
@Justin okay justin ....
@Dinesh i'm not seeing anything right off the bad.. perhaps its the base64_encode you have in your $header_array? im looking at the google checkout api stuff now (i use google checkout myself, but not over a website)
ahh maybe this is it
i just read something hehe
nope nvm
@Justin did you find the issue justin
@Dinesh thought I did, but no
@Dinesh I'm not seeing anything that would be giving that response..
although, just for giggles try getting rid of: "Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode("$merchant_id:$merchant_key"),
in your header_array and see what happens
@Robik good morning
Hi @JohnP
@Justin I removed the base64_encode and run it, i am getting the same justin
I just downloaded the API, which demo file are you basing this off of?
i am using sampcodetest.php
@Justin I just use curl in that sampcodetest.php
@Justin i added curl function in sampcodetest.php justin
@Dinesh I dunno what to tell ya... I think its something to do with the curl itself..
@Justin okay justin
@Dinesh perhaps this might help at all.. code.google.com/p/google-checkout-php-sample-code/issues/…
@Dinesh parts of this might help too google.com/support/forum/p/checkout-merchants/…
2nd one namely the headers and the $auth method...
@Justin okay justin, I am checking this.....
@Justin still i am getting same response ....
btw, anyone saw this? txt2re.com
could be great help for newbies, and possible candidate for longer starring :)
@KamilTomšík by "newbies" you mean, "me" right? :)
P.S. Happy monday folks
Does any one know about following error in google sandbox checkout ?
"Internal error in Server" ?
@Dinesh sounds pretty self-explanatory to me
@salathe kindly check the following link stackoverflow.com/questions/7428956/…
@Dinesh check it for what?
@salathe If possible,please help me to fix the issue which i got.I have given code on that post.
woot. my work notebook just got IE8 rolled out. this means IE6 is no longer the official company standard browser and i dont have to support it anymore.
that should be about 50k IE6 users less in germany :)
can we please close and delete stackoverflow.com/questions/7468266/…
A DECADE! 10 x 365 days. IE6 still around though
@salathe I don't think you're newbie :) (and happy monday to you too)
@Gordon finally :)
@KamilTomšík yeah
hi all
@Gordon I'm writing request wrapper, do you think it's good idea to accept urls like socks://proxy/http://proxy/urlyouwant? actually I think it's not even good idea to support http proxies at all (because you can always start your own socks->http proxy anyway)
@JohnP that could mean only one thing... had to be great browser :-P
@KamilTomšík right of course :P I'm a MS user and love windows, but maaaan IE6 took it's time dying
@Gordon forget about that, I've just found one use-case where I need socks as parameter
@Gordon you know... I think you're only one around here with enough rep for closing :)
@KamilTomšík yeah, and for deletion as well
im just sick of answers to duplicates like "Look into debug_backtrace" gaining 5 upvotes in no time
in fact, im also sick of 10k+ users answering them
@Gordon um, sounds like you're jealous about them getting upvotes while you're getting downvotes :-P
@Gordon they can't get to 10k by ignoring those dupes
@KamilTomšík no, im not jealous and i dont get any downvotes. I just thinks it sucks to be punished for following what the official idea about duplicates in this community is. its not like i couldnt have answered that.
@salathe note that i said 10k, which takes some time to get. i dont mind for the low reps to repwhore on dups. often, they dont know they are dups. but if see someone with 10k posting yet another link to the manual and getting upvotes for that i just want to dv and delete the question.
@Gordon I was kidding about that :) but I think you're getting some downvotes because you're sometimes very offensive about dups - or at least around here.
@Gordon they can't get to 20k by ignoring those dupes
@Gordon in that case you can downvote him and tell him why
@salathe tough luck
the whole rep system is just so broken
@salathe they cant get to 20k easily by ignoring those dupes.
@KamilTomšík i did
@Gordon or at all ;)
heck, I struggle to reach 10k :-P
then again, I ignore 95% of questions
@Gordon ok then :)
@salathe so what you're interested in then? java? :-P
i just got told by local forum guru, that "No php frameworks use MVP and MVVM is used only on clientside for javascript"
@salathe i mean, its not like i didnt add my fair share of answers to dups in the past, too. i like to think i didnt, but i probably did. but at some point you cannot but notice that this or that answer was answered before and then you simply dont do it.
@KamilTomšík not even a little slightly :)
@Gordon yeah I see that a lot for the questions I do look at
@salathe fsssh, good to hear :-P
hi all
Hello @DownDown
wich is the best way to encrypt a password
A: MD5, SHA1
C: Other
I'm sure you meant hashing :P my choice is salt+sha1
Other. Use crypt blowfish
@kamil: its useful to demonstrate bad code in a purposeful and known setting...
And its fun
isnt SHA-512 better then SHA1
Yes, but crypt() is better than that
so your opinion blowfish is the best way to hash a password these days?
In general, no. But in php, yes
Scrypt() is better. But its not available yet for php...
@ircmaxell I prefer demonstrating good code :-P
If not blowfish, pbkdf2. But blowfish is the best
KKamil: if you never show bad examples, how can you truely know good ones?
Ok. Later
@ircmaxell if you never spot bad example...
@ircmaxell Can you give me an example of blowfish?
example: crypt($password, '$2a$SomethingMore'; ?
1 hour later…
@ircmaxell Hi ircmaxell, I need your help
Q: How to fix "Internal error in server" in Google Sandbox Checkout?

Dinesh I am including post cart information in xml file then use curl's @ option to post the contents of the file, Here is the example: curl -d /home/test/Downloads/sampcodetest.xml https://xxx:[email protected]/checkout/api/checkout/v2/request/Merchant/xxx <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-...

some one please advice on my issue
@Dinesh do you send proper encoding? (of that file)
oh, forget about that, request shouldnt be dependent on encoding
@KamilTomšík thanks for reply....alsp please check this stackoverflow.com/questions/7428956/…
Our requirement is," User need not want to redirect to Google Checkout
Page and make the payment.We want user to give their Card Info in our
page and get the authentication from google with out redirect to google
checkout page so that, admin can make the payment /capture the payment
I have done this in paypal and a.net
now i need to do with google checkout
For that , I need to authorize the card info by google using curl
so i tried with curl....
@Dinesh dunno, but imho you should be able to send that request using php as well... have a look in comments around here: php.net/manual/en/function.file-get-contents.php
@KamilTomšík okay...i dont know why am i getting internal error in server as response
do u have any idea
@Dinesh could be anything - if server is not responding correctly then you really can't tell but internal server error usually means that it's not you who done something wrong
@KamilTomšík This error kills me from last week...i could not find the solution
Hello @ircmaxell
Good morning again
@Dinesh Why are you asking me specifically? I have no experience with google checkout
@DownDown Kindof: crypt($password, '$2a$09$SomeRandomSalt') where SomeRandomSalt is a 22 character random string with the letters A-Za-Z0-9/. Generate a new salt for each password created
I like to see this kind of code if( !isset($_GET['facebook']) || empty($_GET['facebook']) || (int)$_GET['facebook'] == 0 )
@ircmaxell thanks for reply. oh okay....
that could be reduced to if (empty($_GET['facebook']))
I know
that's why I "love" to see this kind of code
makes me think some guy never read the doc
@ircmaxell did u check that post stackoverflow.com/questions/7428956/…
@ircmaxell Is that issue related to curl ?
hi everyone

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