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@crypticツ Where can I find this canonical list ? Sorry found it
@HamZa I think I am going crazy
Why :P ?
omg nvm, derp I was looking at my fork not current. I was like wtf that link dissapeared O_o
@crypticツ I've sent a merge request
merged, thx
yaaay first (accepted) merge request :P
Would it make sense to have the list generated from just the question ids? Like we just put the question id and the page fetches via JSON from the API the current title, link, etc and populate the list? Can even have it categorized for easy reading like Security, Debugging etc.
Just need some some basic JS to do it, since it is a single request needed no need for API key.
@rdlowrey hmmpf… the best solution is to write in big letters in the README.md NO COMPOSER SUPPORT!
@bwoebi Yeah, but there's not really any reason not to add it. It costs nothing and lots of people like it.
No need to be contrarian for the sake of being contrary :)
@rdlowrey It costs a few bytes and an inode. on every download.
I'm addicted to smileys. It's not a very manly thing to admit, I know.
@rdlowrey There are some younger people who use them all the time. That's worse than a bit addicted…
And I'm addicted to use (three dots) …
@bwoebi For if you want to sound intellectual: it's called an ellipsis
@rdlowrey but to all of them or just a couple? Personally, there's only two or three smileys I use, but I do overuse them
@ircmaxell hehehe
Anyone got a handy link to either the command required, or a tutorial on how to get a backtrace of where memory leaks are occurring in PHP?
@Danack You should come back in 5hrs when Europe wakes up. =oP
I am in europe....
@Danack Then go to sleep? =oP
@crypticツ My backs hurting so going to bed would be at least a couple of hours tossing and turning at this point - so need to get more tired first.
@Danack This looks rather promising. I've read the first half or so and it goes into details about how php works internally to make you actually understand what's happening, so you'll need some background outside PHP (preferably a C/C++ background, but other backgrounds will likely work as well) to really understand what he's saying
@Jasper Thanks - yeah I've actually done it before, but forgotten what the specific steps to compile php with enough debugging info to allow valgrind to match up the stack trace with the source files. It actually looks like it may just be a programming error, where something is keeping waaaaaay too much data in memory.
i.e. this:
Q: Composer running out of memory on every project, Mac OS X

NightMICUI attempted to install aws/aws-sdk-php yesterday on one of my Laravel 4 projects using Composer, I cannot remember exactly the chain of events but it did not install successfully. Ever since, I have been receiving errors that Composer has run out of memory - Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 53...

It takes hundreds of megs of data to run composer for that composer file.
Which doesn't seem good.
That looks like a big PITA. Well, that's what memory leaks generally are, but in something as big as composer it'll be hard to track down
@Danack Easiest thing to do is build php with the --enable-debug switch
@rdlowrey thanks - it's actually not a 'leak'. It's just composer being special.
I think it must be going in a loop somewhere because just trying to do a composer install of:
"require": {
        "laravel/framework": "4.0.*"
uses about 500meg.
Of course, that could be just composer having taste.
I'm going to be doing a talk on composer next month - and multiple people have said it's incredibly slow for them.
Which I've never really noticed myself, but am beginning to believe.
Well, looking at the laravel/framework composer.json and the slowness is understandable
also, if they require pretty much all of symfony2, why not just require symfony/symfony? Saves A LOT of computation
Yeah.....or just use Symfony.
Is composer purposefully taxing Laravel users? I like to pretend this is the case.
No, it just looks like it has way too many comparisons to solve for, and it's hitting the exponential explosion of how much work it has to do.
But there is something weird - I thought var_dump was meant to not go nuts on objects that recursively reference each other? Trying to do var_dump() of the data it's going to process borks PHP.
@Danack xdebug fixes that
the original var_dump version is indeed dangerous to use
any wordpress developers?
@Ocramius Hmm. Think I might leave this till tomorrow. It's weird though - there's not that much data to process in the Laravel composer.json compared to say Symfony's or my own projects composer.json - but it does seem to be using over 500meg to store the satsolver stuff.
@Danack that can happen indeed
@Ocramius Not sure if you are actually interested or was just chatting - but it looks most of the memory was being allocated for the checking for ['$obsoleteProviders'] (github.com/composer/composer/blob/master/src/Composer/…)
That sounds kind of like it's obsolete - any idea if it could it be an option to be disabled for people who don't need it?
I also have borken PHP 5.4:
php(2809) malloc: *** mmap(size=18446744071562072064) failed (error code=12)
*** error: can't allocate region
*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
Segmentation fault
@Danack no idea, sorry
np - I just saw you were active on github.com/composer/composer/issues/1559 which is about one of the only references to 'provide + composer' on the web.
@Danack yeah, that one is a mess
1 hour later…
hi guys , i need a little help with object access
hi @Arno can you help me with complex objects access
I could try... What seems to be the problem?
suppose I have this object KeywordPosition Object
[keywords] =>
[urls] =>
[searchEngines] =>
[limitPages] =>
[parameters] =>
[_new:CActiveRecord:private] =>
[_attributes:CActiveRecord:private] => Array
[keyword_position_id] => 195
[keyword_position_task_id] => 263
[url] => legalporno.com
[keyword] => legal porno
[search_engine] => yahoo
[locale] => en-US

[page] => 0
[position] => 0
[search_url] => Not Attempted
and I need to access this key "search_url" but I cant access this using object->_attributes:CActiveRecord:private
as it will break it up and I always face this issue with complex keys with objects and always helpless
Silly question, but what happens when you try KeywordPosition->search_url?
Really? Really, really? A spam flag?
That's about the most mild tag freakout I've had all week. :p
When I said my preferred reaction then would have caused flags, ^^ that ^^ wasn't what I had in mind.
@PeeHaa i'll look today(tomorrow)
hey Anyone Angular developer there?
@arno the problem comes when I have something like a numeric value or a combination string in the index like KeywordPosition ->1 or KeywordPosition->_protected:url
Morning :)
@Creator as in angular JS?
@Creator. I have reccently started using angular, might be able to help
@Foo_Chow I would presume so :)
@Foo_Chow alright. have you integrated tinymce in angular?
@DavidMurray me too, just wasnt sure based on PHP room
@Arno obviously the search_url is inside that index : _attributes:CActiveRecord:private
@Creator cant say I have
and so it wont do anything
@DavidMurray have you integrated any 3rd party bundle to angular?
@Foo_Chow no problem.
@Creator I haven't but I willing to try :) Are you trying to integrate tinymce?
@DavidMurray yup i'am trying .See question here stackoverflow.com/questions/21829843/…
@MadaraUchiha +1 ;)
@Arno Lol thanks man , I checked that and its giving what I needed
@Creator Going to play around with this, will post back on your question
@DavidMurray Alright Thanks man
@MadaraUchiha he-he, my question was included to Questionnaire 2014 :p It's #8
Anybody that could help with this question. Would really appreciate it :)

I am unfamiliar with object access and always finds it hard to access complex keys in a object like a numeric key in object . Can anyone help pls
objects should not have numeric keys
@MadaraUchiha It seems you have offended 133 people? How bizarre :)
and I am confused with this object I mean I can access KeywordPosition->search_url
which is inside KeywordPosition->_attributes:CActiveRecord:private->search_url
@Jack but how is that possible, I posted the object in the chat above if you wish to see the whole object :chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/14771921#14771921
morning room
I had a quick question about mysql and php. If you are doing two mysql querys that use '$result = mysqli_query(MYSQL QUERY)' does the second one have to use $result2 or a different term then the first one?
morning everyone
It's 2:20 am here :p
@user2087587 for me too
ahh, I am working on a new project
@user2087587 they would need a different name but most of the time when you think you need 2 query you really only need one
if you except a result and use 2 query chance is you could combine them
Oh okay, hmm, I don't know php very well but I am pulling from two different tables.
is there something in common between those 2 tables
Nope :/ Most likely I could combine the two tables but I don't know much about MySQL either
@user2087587 could you provide a bit more information about the information you want to retrieve from those 2 tables?
Well I am working on an advanced widget spinner for CPALead widgets that displays two different codes based on which one was displayed a less amount of times, but if a certain ip has seen one of them within the last 24 hours it will show them the last one they've seen. So I am retrieving a ip address, and a date and time that they last saw the widget from one table, and then from another table I am pulling how many views in total each persons widget has gotten.
I don't know if that makes sense
well there is too much detail
Haha I figured
what is your 2 query right now?
$result = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT * FROM lastseen WHERE ip = '$ip'");
$result2 = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT * FROM widget_spinner WHERE id = 'views'");
I guess that would've been a lot shorter :P
Morning Geeks
good morning ^ ^
I have an email for my domain. when an email is sent to other and if he replies where will be the mail saved in the server?
@udaysagar it depend on your setup
@udaysagar host -t MX domain.com to find out where the reply is sent to.
@user2087587 do you need to update table or just retrieve the data?
i know we can read them going to the mail url provided by the hosting provider, but i want to pass the email to a php script
update it as well
@Jack where to type the command?
@user2087587 modify existing value or adding it?
for the first result
if results=0 {add}
else {modify}
for the second result I just need to modify.
Do not
anybody that can assist with stackoverflow.com/questions/21845593/…
@david check the comments , if that helps
I have the code $result = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT * FROM lastseen WHERE ip = 'hi'");
if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) { echo 'noipindb'; }
and it always echos 'noipindb' for some reason, even though I changed one of the ip fields to hi so I know that there is a result
I am confused
You have a row with ip having the value of 'hi'?
Yup, changed the ip value to 'hi' myself because it wasn't working with 'WHERE ip = '$ip'
so I tried with something I know it had, instead of using a variable
For one, you're using mysql_num_rows() on a mysqli result set.
@Jack does that small i matters?
@Jack I've heard php is smart enough to guess it right by itself
I know it's just a small letter.
yep, that's my point
Yeah, compatibility is a feature, they say.
o.o I never knew there was a difference
Do you have error_reporting(-1); somewhere? It would be recommended during development.
@user2087587 there is no. i has a special meaning in php - you can put it literally anywhere and it should magically work
@zerkms Still kind of confused on the concept
@user2087587 ?
I now added error_reporting(-1);, not sure how it reports the errors, does it just echo them?
did you just realize we were talking about mysql vs mysqli as apposed to $i = *?
:P maybe another day you can explain $i to me
most likely not
haha fair enough
btw, it was a weird day, so /me is an asshole today
I know those days
@zerkms lolwut
@Jack what?
wait, what was the 'ohhhhhhhh' for?
nvm, I'm tired today
BTW - Adding i did fix my problem, thank you
was debugging for myself and for a just hired junior for the whole day
stack traces x2 is too much for such a small me
debugging for two eh?
my product and his
as a junior he has used debugger for the first time
good mornings
I was watching kitten videos while waiting for my client to wake up and reply ;-)
oh, and the thing for him to debug was Symfony/Console component
As expected I fell to 11th :|
which is in fact designed worse than it looks at first glance
@MadaraUchiha I voted you up
Thanks :)
@Jack he owes us something now
and "thanks" is definitely not enough
But the difference between me and tenth is large now
I doubt I'll make it.
@zerkms I think anything symfony will be a challenge to debug :)
@Jack yep
but what was even "funnier"
is that something that looked like "constructor injection everywhere"
@MadaraUchiha downvote the tenth!!
in fact was just "let's make this shit testable"
$stmt = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM REGISTRY where name LIKE '%?%'");
^security risk?
@Jack Heh, do that
@iroegbu nope
but a syntax error
@zerkms Hmm yeah, because we don't believe in DIC? heehee
@Jack the class that I assumed to pass as a dependency at one point was instantiated about 5 or 6 times internally
that was just SO unexpected
so the task that I expected will take an hour top for junior ate half a day for me
Because its construction was wrapped in anon function or something?
(mostly to explain him how to do that)
surely by now you know
well, my best guess is that the "design" was done to make classes testable
in isolation - it's all mocked perfectly
@iroegbu WHERE name LIKE ? and then bind '%bla%'?
CONCAT() ftw
and escape % + _
Anyone with a Stack Overflow account please vote for me for moderator :) http://stackoverflow.com/election/5#post-21687624
Ah yes, the great escapism :)
@Jack Yes, I noticed that. But I don't know the disadvantage of the 1st one
@iroegbu its biggest disadvantage is that it's syntactically incorrect
@iroegbu I don't even think the first one will work.
and I already mentioned that
it doesn't
the fact that I'm a cat doesn't mean my advices aren't smart
it is
@zerkms You're not even a whole cat. Just the nose and mouth.
@iroegbu if you're using PDO - it won't work
Just like how I'm just an anime torso.
true that... it doesn't.
and the cat wins again
now it's time for some home made cake
Thanks, yours was the best working one. — Litestone 2 hours ago
^^ In other words, I could just copy/paste your answer.
and as soon as we've just discussed prepared statements - here is a tweet of the month (according to my own rating):
SQL injection is a special case of syntax tree mutation. *All* languages are susceptible to it, and everything is a langage. #langsec
@Jack Why's it so bizzare?
@MadaraUchiha Nah, I mean, if I didn't know a candidate I would not vote for them.
But apparently either that many people don't like you or there are 132 candidates lol
@Jack You aren't from India
Morning @HamZa
There's a full 150 difference between me and tenth
@MadaraUchiha I can sort of guess why that would matter, but I still feel someone should explain it to me heh
Hmm, who is tenth?
It's going to be hard/impossible to catch up.
Damn robot voters.
is there any wordpress developer?
hello @jack
r u wordpress developer?
ok :(
I'm just Word developer, without the press :)
/me unlocked a major accomplishment ... typing "uh huh" on Dvorak layout ... time for a beer!
Wow, today is my 1000th day visiting SO!
So much wasted time :)
@ircmaxell :)
Well you also may fail at times, but this time it was clearly me :P
Morning room
@shivgre Thanks For the reply. Are you still here:)
cool theres a code review stackexchange
@vascowhite haha
@PeeHaa how you want output be like?
hola @DanielWehner
@PeeHaa 11th again :(
This time looks like that's how it'll end
@MadaraUchiha Who's kneecaps do I have to break now in order to let him/her resign?
Either Raghav's or Doorknob's
It's exactly as I predicted yesterday
Overnight, Raghav went up two places
I have a feeling I should stop telling I'm from Israel in those elections.
Next time I'll change my name, my avatar and my location. Let's see what'll happen :)
@MadaraUchiha You think you're getting discriminated ?
@HamZa By people from India/Pakistan? I'm almost sure.
Don't wanna sound whiney, but I'm almost sure.
@MadaraUchiha I don't know their "culture" and "mindset". So indians hate isrealis ?
Muslims generally hate Israelis.
(Everyone hate Israelis, but that's a different matter :P)
Last time, I figured it was because I wasn't enough on meta, and because I asked other candidates questions. So I improved both only to get to the exact same result
lol, I'm a muslim and you got my vote :P
Undervoted by a 16yo Indian
Which is fine
But I'm guessing it's time for a different tactic.
@HamZa blasphemy!
@HamZa That's why I said generally
It's usually about propaganda and media, once you get to meet someone, you realize he doesn't have horns like they portray him in the media..
how to write multiple and condition in if statement javascript
   if(globl_Text_id==1 && globl_id==1 && globl_id_logo>1){

	var type="Custom Logo";
			var sf="$55";
		//	alert("image+text");
			var ftotal = x * 55;

How to close this
Q: What is the best practices to predict hard drive failures in Linux?

SandeepI am trying to know what are the best practices to predict hard drive failures. I would like to how big companies like google, yahoo, twitter, facebook, and etc... will predict hard drive failures. At present I am using smartctl to monitor hard drives health. Can someone share me best practices?

@PeeHaa Meh, I do understand both "sides". But I got another point of view. Not every israeli is an enemy. I mean not everyone hates muslims/me. So I do not see a reason to hate/discriminate. Of course if a specific individual hates me, then it's another story. Until now, I didn't receive any negative feeling from @MadaraUchiha
@SanjayNakate You're in the PHP room, not the JavaScript room.
@HamZa :-)
That sounds almost sane ;)
Almost :D
Basically it's a recursion of hate. Someone has to stop it. But I know that if I tell this theory to some fellow muslims, they would think of me as "crazy"
@HamZa It's pretty much the same here.
Israelis are not saints. Not the devils they portray us as, but definitely not saints.
Alright, enough whining on problems. Time to come up with solutions for the next election.
now I want to see votes by country :)
@MadaraUchiha Why do you want to be a mod to start with ?
@HamZa Because I feel I've reached the limit of what I can do as a high rep user.
Hey guys, had a MySQL query question, anyone free?
I don't answer as much, and moderating as a 20k+ is cumbersome.
morning. anyone knows answer for
Q: User deletion rollback

Alma DoSO, I've faced reputation change with reason "User was removed" and found good explanation for this here. However, I want to know answers for following questions: When revoking all user votes it will affect not only reputation, but also count of upvotes/downvotes on question. Some badges are ...

Since the latest changes in the close reasons. My contribution to moderation has lessened a lot. I've got a bit enough to be honest
@HamZa Same here
@MadaraUchiha thank you
Glad to not be the only one that feels that way ...
<--- this guy thinks same way too, @HamZa
I mostly blame shog for that
Not sure whether he really is to blame but I think he played a huge part in it
@MadaraUchiha I voted for you solely based on your username. hope all goes well
@ashley Thanks :)
Alright, I'm keeping a constant 150 from tenth place. Doesn't look like I'll get any closer.
@PeeHaa I got that feeling too. Whenever I feel the urge to complain on meta about it. I get the feeling that I will get a reply like "you're not obliged to do this, you may as well leave SO"
@HamZa I just always get the feeling of "meh what do you know I know and will say what is best for the community"
I'm having issues with Dotrine/DBAL query I'm getting error I can't see the problem... the numbers agree
@MadaraUchiha I voted for you you b*stard

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