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The way I'm going, I'll never have enogh badges to be a moderator
good luck, @MadaraUchiha
@HenriqueBarcelos Much thanks :)
Have you voted yet?
Anybody in here running IE and willing to tell me whether it says the certificates on here phpoauthlib.com and pieterhordijk.com are both valid
I get no complaints from IE10
@PeeHaa which ie?
As old as you have available
@PeeHaa Doesn't give me any warnings in IE9
Should I pin something? There are still normal stars which aren't pins on the right…
@PeeHaa ah yes, let me boot up a VM :P
I can see @Jasper booting up win98 and start complaining about invalid certs :P
@rdlowrey tnx
@PeeHaa nah, XP. IE6 though and it does complain :D
@PeeHaa erm… I think I have somewhere a vm with IE 5.5
@PeeHaa you've got a class 2? cool
@bwoebi why?
FWIW if IE6 or older doesn't warn you about your cert then your cert/server config is probably not secure.
@cspray well… it's the last version of IE available for mac…
@reikyoushin :-)
IE6 can't handle many of the newer ciphers so you generally want to see errors in something that old.
@bwoebi People don't actually still use that
Do they?
@PeeHaa who bought that? lol is that a multidomain ssl cert?
@cspray no.
@rdlowrey I think it might be about *.example.com not governing example.com according to IE6 here, though
I think it is free or David got his hands on his family's gold
@reikyoushin Both certificates are wildcards
@Jasper IE6 should be able to handle that because the common name (CN) field in the cert is *.example.com
fun with xpath: .//*[(ancestor-or-self::*[@lang][1]/@lang = "de" or substring-before(ancestor-or-self::*[@lang][1]/@lang, "-") = "de")]
If the *.example.com only appeared in the SAN field's DNS list I would expect IE to have problems with the name Oh wait, that's the problem.
@ThW xpath looks nearly as pleasant to use as xml itself...
Somebody should pin that :P
css selector for that is :lang(de)
@NikiC Your new routes parser is awesome!
@Jasper Yeah you're right. I was thinking phpoauthlib.com was the CN.
@PeeHaa The reason why IE6 can't handle your cert is ...
DNS Name=*.phpoauthlib.com
DNS Name=phpoauthlib.com
^ Your cert's SAN entries
IE6 doesn't know about the SAN extension, so the only name it can see is *.phpoauthlib.com
Because phpoauthlib.com doesn't have a subdomain attached to it IE thinks the cert isn't valid for that name.
That is fix in 9+?
I'm sure it's fixed in IE7
@bwoebi Of course!
IE6 is so old you shouldn't worry about it. Any client that can't check SAN names is useless.
@PeeHaa 11+ you mean?
@NikiC I'm just a bit lost with your code and the regex magic ^.^ (mainly \FastRoute\RouteParser\Std)
(e.g. PHP until 5.6)
owwwwh in that case. I have successfully implemented the second cert :)
Yeah, you did it correctly
@rdlowrey :P
@NikiC and the name "Std" just made me wtf. But not sure if positively or negatively^^
@bwoebi I'd have called it Default, but ... you know :(
@PeeHaa IE7 and IE8 also complain, I don't have IE9 lying around, but IE10 displays it without a warning
@NikiC damned tokens which aren't strings…
@Jasper tnx for testing!
@Jasper wtf, seriously? IE7 and IE8 can't match SANs either?
why… why do we care about IE :'-(
Also: I opened IE to test for @PeeHaa and my computer crashed within 5 minutes. Of course.
@rdlowrey :(
@rdlowrey hehe. I know it sucks, but that's just too funny.
I'm tied with Wooble on tenth
@rdlowrey I'm not sure if it's the same problem or something different, I can't actually find a way to see what problem IE8 is having with the certificate
For a while now too
Let's have a little test, it worked for Gordon :D
@PeeHaa if the cert isn't working on IE8 it's because you didn't set up the CA right
if you're using nginx
you need to concat the two CA files and the cert itself
Supposedly the SAN is not the problem with IE
> Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, Safari, and Netscape have all supported Subject Alternative Names since 2003. Internet Explorer has actually supported them since Windows 98.
All those who want Madara Uchiha for moderator, star this!
yawn @Lusitanian ;)
Let's see how that holds
you did set it up correctly
eh screw IE anyway
Most likely the issue then is that older versions of IE don't trust your CA
lol yup
> The certificate will expire in 729 days.
@rdlowrey yes it will
and at that point i will need to replace it
@rdlowrey no, IE6 clearly says the domain name doesn't match (and IE8 says the same thing but without saying which domains don't match, whereas IE6 does)
Well if people are using windows xp AND IE they should die either way
@PeeHaa that's true
@Jasper In that case I wonder if IE is only reading the first entry in the SAN list (which is *.phpoauthlib.com) and then bailing instead of continuing to the next entry (which would match)
Anyway, it doesn't matter because IE is stupid and in particular old versions of IE are stupid. No one should be using them.
That would mean ww.phpoauthlib.com should work (it is set up to also accept that)
@PeeHaa yes, it should.
I get the same error warning
I don't have an idea how to implement the reminding selectors, they depend on user interaction or do not return nodes.
Well in that case lets just agree IE is horrible
@Jasper ---text---
@PeeHaa didn't we already?
@rdlowrey is it possible IE<old> just does not understand wildcards?
Yeah we kinda did already some 10 years ago
@Jasper I guess. That would be enormously stupid if it is indeed the case.
perhaps it's XP rather than IE:
A: IE8 SSL Cert Problems while other browsers work like a charm

BrunoYou must have configured multiple certificates using Server Name Indication without knowing it. If you use this, you get a self-signed certificate: openssl s_client -showcerts -connect www.minol-fb.de:443 If you use this (with the server name), you get the correct certificate: openssl s_clie...

@Jasper Wait. Are you running XP?
Someone has some 'splaining to do.
granted, there's a lot there I don't understand, so it might be completely irrelevant
@rdlowrey VM
Okay ;)
@PeeHaa nope it's not free. level 1 is free but lvl 2 is not. :P
I'm reading about login sessions and in their example they have created a salt to use with their password hash like this
function createSalt()
    $text = md5(uniqid(rand(), true));
    return substr($text, 0, 3);

$salt = createSalt();
$password = hash('sha256', $salt . $hash);
Do I need to use a salt with password_hash()?
Maybe Microsoft hates StartCom certificates.
@BillyMathews No when used correctly it does all the magic for you
Forget about that example either way
And what do you mean by correctly?
Like documented @BillyMathews
Oh, it doesn't show the description here :(
Am I the only one who is always scared as shit to do /etc/init.d/sshd restart on a remote machine?
@MadaraUchiha Democracy is so overrated...
Oh, well I know that :P
@webmaster777 Nicely said :D
@PeeHaa Depends whether I just edited /etc/sshd.conf
If yes, then yes.
There is no such file ;)
But yeah exactly :)
Yeah whatever
the one that has the settings.
Like I grep a shit where that file exactly is.
To make matters worse OSSEC just kicked in again because I was being stupid leaving me in a WUT?! OMGOMGOMG state :P
@Lusitanian do you have a somewhat static ip?
Wobble withdrew!
@PeeHaa at home you mean?
my IP hasn't changed in 8 years or so
@PeeHaa My VPS has protection against that (and I've had to use it once), and I believe my dedicated too. The third machine I have such access too is only 10 minutes away from my home, so I'd only do it when physically present (though I have had to fix it when someone else did it remotely...)
@MadaraUchiha will you make it on the top 10? lets hope so..
Yeah If you can send me your ips. My ssh is pretty much locked down
@reikyoushin Seems like it for now
But we can't know until the Indian vote tsunami passes over.
@PeeHaa i'm confused lol
Guess we'll know tomorrow :D
@Jasper You live next to a datacenter? nice!
@MadaraUchiha fingers crossed
@Lusitanian I need to whitelist your ip :)
@PeeHaa ahh, i'll email it to you one min
@reikyoushin Thanks :)
@PeeHaa nah, just do the system administration at my studentenvereniging (student's society)
You've got my vote Madara Uchiha
Don't forget to check out my questionnaire fill too meta.stackoverflow.com/a/221603/166899
@Jasper aha :)
@MadaraUchiha does that count?
@reikyoushin It's exposure, I guess.
@MadaraUchiha you are currently 10th.. T-T we need more support. ;)
So, I just set about reading this:
Why isn't it the first page on the internet
Yay, chat question made it in the questionnaire meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/221594/…
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yup, did you see my answer? :)
@Lusitanian awesome domainname btw! (your mail)
didn't read any of them yet
@PeeHaa i'm curious.. :P
Sweet sweet revenge.
@PeeHaa hehe it's basically yours
@MadaraUchiha LoL. :P
'cept with my name
@Lusitanian you actually bought that o.O? haha.
I'm talking about the familyname one
@PeeHaa ahhh the "sent on behalf of" thing?
yeah i've used that since middle school :P
@PeeHaa why are the canonicals not links? did i miss something?
@reikyoushin It was an effort of a quick dump. I think @crypticツ is thinking about neatifying it a bit
@Lusitanian is your blog github.io/markdown?
@PeeHaa i'm switching phpoauthlib.com MX to google apps, forgot i still haz free account
k cool
@Lusitanian cool. google apps doesn't offer free now. >.<
you still have the 10 free user one?
i've had it for nearly a decade
no, 500 free users
@Lusitanian o.O?
@reikyoushin i asked for 500 free users
@Lusitanian and it's assigned to phpoauthlib already for that long?
@Lusitanian how'd you do that?
@PeeHaa I'll do it after the elections if no one else does.
i didnot know mod election has such a hype here... feeling something
@reikyoushin no, you can add as many domains as you want after the fact
nice @MadaraUchiha
hi @BenjaminGruenbaum
@reikyoushin don't know about @Lusitanian but I do also have (access to) a 200 account account. Back in the day that came for free automatically...
@Jasper i only have a 10 user account.. blah. >.<
well, it isn't mine or my domain, I just do technical administration on it
i hope google apps offer free gmail again soon
apparently stackoverflow.com/users/256196/bohemian this character has a lot of votes ..
@blackbee So does bluefeet.
And with your help, so would I :D
@PeeHaa check email again
i did vote on you .. how do u not expect me to vote on someone from php room
@blackbee =)
Hello everyone.
Is it correct that the PDO MySQL Driver uses by default mysql_real_escape_string() instead of parameterized queries (in the driver)?
good morning (ugt)
@blackbee I have no idea who that guy is - I know everyone else.
@PeeHaa you sure about that?
@Bobby, no, PDO does not rely on any other implementation, it has its own methods/functions to deal with that
@Jasper yes.
@Bobby It does use parameterized params. The difference is that by default php does it instead of the mysql server
By default it will escape without preparing
(as in without sending PREPARE to the server)
@PeeHaa Then I must be mixing up things because there was something about a default being "simulate parametrized queries"
My confusion stems from this answer: stackoverflow.com/a/12202218/180239 at point 3.
Correct, but that doesn't use mres()
@Jasper It will simulate parameterized queries by default, but not using mysql_real_escape_string().
Can someone help me to understand why this always evals to 'client'? ($url_parts[0] == 'admin' ?: 'not-admin')
mind blown
he appears in none of the chatrooms i were .. although that's only 3 .. he must have had a <style = "hidden"> on his name .. :D
A scandal in Bohemia .. :v
@BillyMathews Where is 'client' even mentioned?
@MadaraUchiha then what does it use?
@Jasper Its own internal methods.
@MadaraUchiha Sorry, 'not-admin'
if url_parts[0] = 'admin' it still outputs 'not-admin'
@MadaraUchiha which seem to be mres
@PeeHaa Really? :o
@BillyMathews Are you sure about that? var_dump($url_parts)
because otherwise it can't know the connection character set
And we all know @ircmaxell is never wrong :)
@MadaraUchiha: So can I assume that answer to be incorrect or just badly worded?
@Bobby What answer?
@ircmaxell practically wrote PHP. What he says is sacred.
@MadaraUchiha: Ohhh...
@PeeHaa i set it up as a separate domain btw so unfortunately for you you don't get an email address at my family domain
@Bobby At the end of the day, we don't have another source, but we all trust in ircmaxell, so we do consider it to be true :D
@MadaraUchiha LOL
@MadaraUchiha: I think I'll have to leave a comment asking if that information is outdated, or how that works given the deprecation of mysql_*.
@Bobby Sure
@Bobby It's the difference between the c call and the php call
Do note he's talking about the MySQL C api
which will most likely never deprecate.
@MadaraUchiha Yes I am debugging using xdebug and browser output
It's part of the MySQL API and not PHP? Well, that explains that then.
The PHP lib PDO uses the MySQL C api, since php is written in C
@webmaster777: Yes, I meant that it is not part of the mysql_* module in any way and that he's talking about the MySQL function.
@PeeHaa Just looked it up, at RamNode (my VPS) they have a "serial console" I can use when I screw up my ssh, and at OVH there's a "rescue mode" should let me do the same. You might want to see if you have something similar (unless you've got co-location, of course)
@webmaster777: It did not occur to me that might be the case. That lifts any confusion for me.
@Bobby Exactly
@Jasper i have 2 ramnodez
@PeeHaa ahh can i send you my own public key instead?
Yes you can
kk imma reply with that
Although the key wording is the C MySQL api function, as there are many more interfaces to MySQL which implement the exact same functionality (like php's deprecated mysql_ functions), hence the extra confusion.
@Lusitanian At OVH I have a dedicated that was so cheap that it crashed their business model and had to shut down any new orders while they rethought their business strategy :P
I'm off to bed
Let's see the election status tomorrow.
@Jasper lucky :(
Good luck in the elections while sleeping!
@PeeHaa sentz
@webmaster777: Thanks for that.
And remember
also nice passphrase
3 hours ago, by rdlowrey
Each time you don't vote Yes for @MadaraUchiha a baby seal gets clubbed.
@PeeHaa also enabled DKIM for phpoauthlib.com mails in case anyone cares
G'night, @MadaraUchiha ♦
i have a non php question ... how Ellen Page .. being a female says that she is gay !!
@blackbee because gay means non-straight, hence the word lesbian means the same thing as "gay female"
it's just that it's more commonly used for males
ow ... i was morally distressed when i read that in the newspaper ... now its crystal
o no .. then those ban of gay rights means a ban of lesbian too ?? damn ..
not fair ... :(
Sup Y'all?
Mind if I ask a PHP question?
Can you try to login @Lusitanian
No Really... I have a form on my page and I'd like to enable my visitors to Speak the input similarly to how Google's search has
any ideas where to begin?
use the googles api
Q: How Google Voice Search works? Is there an API for that?

IDWMasterI'm not sure if this is the right site for this question, but I was wondering how the voice activated search on Google's homepage works. Does it use Flash, some kind of plugin built into Google Chrome, or how does it use the microphone? This could be a dangerous privacy invasion if it is allowed ...

You guys rock!
it seems their API only works on Chrome, though
@PeeHaa sec
Its a start...
sure going to grab something to drink
Thanks Guys
but I think stating that your users must use Chrome is a better compromise than trying to build yourself and not getting anywhere in a 10-mile radius in terms of quality
Im with ya on that Jasper
Im actually wanting to target mobile devices with this functionality
Ya think it can handle a paragraph wortha' text?
erm my personal experience ... maybe no
such as if someone voiced a description of their widget
just try it, I'd say
That's what I'll Have to Do. NomaSayin?
;) Thanks Everyone
@PeeHaa server refused key
if by mobile u mean android .. play.google.com/store/apps/… this might work
I think this might be the better link Android-wise: developer.android.com/reference/android/speech/…
of course, it will mean you need to write your own app
+1 :D
@Lusitanian uhhhhm odd. perhaps bad copy pasta. let me verify
few days back i had an idea to write an app for a valentines day ... people who liked to to gift a song would just write their message in a text box .. and by php /javascript that text would be converted to spech and appended to the music file ... or just played at the start .. then i found that the computers voice is sucks more than lil wayne ..
@PeeHaa kk
hey @MadaraUchiha do you have twitter or G+?
Hey @NikiC can you add FastRoute to packagist so I can PR a composer.json file when I send the tests (to avoid people complaining about no composer)?
@rdlowrey Shouldn't I add it to packagist after there is a composer.json?
I don't know how these things work, honestly
I just copy/paste one of my preexisting composer.json files any time I have to do it
But if you wouldn't mind adding composer/packagist support it would avoid the complaints
@rdlowrey nope, don't mind ;)
Q: Calculating week numbers in PHP using Year, is it a bug?

saulobThat's strange, I don't know if it's a bug, but please, someone try it. Do that on PHP echo date("Y-W",strtotime("2014W05 -1 weeks")); The result will be 2014-04, right? YEAR-WEEKNUMBER. No problem at all. But now, try this: echo date("Y-W",strtotime("2014W02 -1 weeks")); Why it's 2013-01...

Ahoy hoy
@DanLugg hoi
How goes my dearest room 11?
@PeeHaa imma waitin
still drinking?
There ain't no way to dump HTTP headers to the output stream (and have them interpreted as headers) without using header(), is there?
why would you want that?
Consider it just a question; no particular reason.
I've played with opening an php://output handle; doesn't do anything.
@Lusitanian Sorry got distracted by internet movies :P
Try it again please
kk sec
"Server refusfed our key" wtf
That's just stupid. I don't even see it in syslog
did you send me the right ip address?
ooowww wait I see something
> No supported authentication methods available
i tried giving it my key directly with putty and using paegent idk
no idea why it wouldn't be working
Neh that message indicates something on my own is bonkers
@DanLugg I don't know of any other way. However, header basically gives you (mostly) raw access to the headers, so I don't see any application of this...
Let me try something
try again please
@Lusitanian There's the whole putty/openssh key conversion thing. Did you do that correctly?
@Jasper yeh i use this key for everything
i actually use keeagent, so i store my keys in keepass and use that as an ssh agent
which is awesome
Hey do we want the canonical links to point to questions only or a specific answer? One of them points to an answer.
@PeeHaa oddly, putty says publickey was sent as an optioin
and when i explicitly specify the private key file instead of trying to use the agent it refuses theykey
Well you know what. I'm gonna have it rest for today. Or you online tomorrow? So you can have a look yourself using teamviewer :P

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