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@David Here's the basics of how I would write it: pastebin.com/snLgyWvx
Although also:
Jul 10 '13 at 13:44, by DaveRandom
@Jimbo Sure, give me a few mins Disclaimer: Listening to my opinions on how to do OOP in Javascript may cause death or serious injury when you show your code to another human being
...definitely applies here
How does .gitmodules work when it comes to branches? Is there a way to specify the branch you want to use?
@crypticツ Modules point to a specific commit, branches aren't really relevant
I've gone well off modules tbh, composer solves that problem in a much better way
k, was just looking for an alternative for those who did not want to use composer, but I'll just make that a requirement then =oP
*"There are 5 foreign files which are inserted into /wp-admin & /wp-includes. I delete them, and they come back an hour later.

I want to create a cron job to delete these files every hour."*
@RonniSkansing rofl
omg and the amount of idiots actually posting answers on how to delete the files =oO
seriously! that's why security is so effed up these days.
@DaveRandom Paste bin under heavy load for the last few minutes
Does anyone know of a way to move httpd.conf?
@m59 Recompile Apache
lol well that's out
I'd really like to be able to access it in my ide, but i have to include the whole folder it's in.
I was thinking, put it in its own folder =D
symlink it?
Well, you could symlink it that ^
But tbh that sounds like a bad plan anyway, instead you should probably be using the Include directive
Not that link, although it does basically the same thing as PHP include
The path to the main config file is defined at compile time though, so if you want to actually move it you would have to recompile
Ah, so that's what that module is
@DaveRandom Cool at least I understand it.
@David If you're a classical OOP programmer then that (IMO) is the best way to write JS so that you understand it in a classical way
@David Have you had a look at TypeScript?
@DaveRandom I've been doing OOP for about 11 years now so I will probably do JS that way
No is it a JS library
^ oh so you are a OOP beginner =]
@David It's a way to write JS in a way that will make way more sense to you as a classical OOP developer. typescriptlang.org/Playground
@DaveRandom Ah I like the look of this, looks more familiar.
Does it slow things down much
@David It "compiles" to JS, what you send to the client (or run in Node, or whatever) is JS code
It's the same principle as Coffee and the Dart -> JS compiler thingy
So no, it doesn't slow execution down, because the compile step happens before you ship
@DaveRandom That sounds good I thought maybe it would be done a runtime
I think there's a Node module that does it at runtime but I'm not sure why you'd use it...
I have so much JS to go over I will probably be up til 6am
@DaveRandom Do you know a good way to implement class like constants? like Card.STATE_FACE_UP for example
If I was to put that property in the Card.prototype wouldn't I need to instantiate a card just to get the value?
@DaveRandom Ah yes thanks
Ukraine looks silly compared to us :P
@webarto what is going on over there?
Got no more holes in belt.
@webarto What country are you in these days?
Bosnia since yesterday.
Came to join protests.
Quit job for Germans.
They require much hours and don't pay well.
@Ocramius I was working for 20€ at hour, I worked e.g. 5 hours, and they "estimated" it was 2, a constantly like that.
So yeah, screw them, 60€ and I can agree with 2 hours :D
@webarto Was that remote?
somehow, this build matrix is exploding...
Yes, it wasn't "remote", it was "this guy is from Bosnia and he's poor so let's exploit him" :D
@DaveRandom how is you?
@DaveRandom Why did you put the create(suit, number) in the CardFactory prototype rather than just in the constructor?
I think I <3 @Ocramius Doctrine2 :D
@David Well what use is a factory if you can't pass through constructor args?
@webarto when it works :-)
@DaveRandom That's true
@webarto Oh you know, alive.
How's job? Family?
@DaveRandom But could you also define the create method in the constructor or is that bad practice?
@David What you mean like having a method on Card like public static Card create(int suit, int card) instead? That's defeats the major purpose of the factory (reduce coupling by DIing the factory)
If you're going to do that you may as well just new the Card
@webarto Yeh good, all doing well thanks :-)
@DaveRandom No I mean in the constructor can you not do:

this.create = function(suit, card)
return new PlayingCards.Card(suit, card);
See 30+ years old firetruck.
@webarto You still looking at moving westwards (physically) at some point?
See newest Audi 8L and BMW X6.
@DaveRandom Yes, there's no hope here.
I mean, for normal life.
@David Oh right, well, yes you can. But if you do that then every time you create a new CardFactory that expression (because that's what it is) is evaluated, resulting in a new object representing that method for each instance. If you put them on the prototype, the method is shared between instances
Ah yes so it is more efficient?
Should basically all object behaviour go into the prototype?
@David In theory. Certain engines (if any it will be V8) may optimise that out but I would rely on it
@David All shared behaviour. However it's trickier than that. You'll notice I put the properties on the prototype with a value of null and then assign them in the constructor? Well, in theory there's no point in doing that because the value from the prototype will never actually get used in practice
However, I still do that because it definitely helps readability and it often helps IDEs with auto-complete
@webarto I hope that's not true, tbh, it's certainly better than the (really) bad old days. But yeh, it's going to be a good few years yet before (for ex.) you're eligible for entry into the EU
@JoeWatkins you can get raise after 3 months, yearly 10% is guaranteed, I'm sure our mutual friend will vouch for you and you will get paid correctly.
I personally can't see another all-out war on the horizon, but then I'm not as close to it as you so I guess your opinion on that sort of thing would be more valid
This is some crazy shit. Will take a bit of getting used to this funky way of thinking
@David again this isn't the whole picture, but the way the prototype works is effectively a bunch of default values. As soon as a specific instance has a value assigned, it belongs to the instance and not the prototype
Consider this:
var Foo = function() {};
Foo.prototype.prop = 1;
var f = new Foo();
console.log(f.prop); // 1
console.log(f.hasOwnProperty('prop')); // false
f.prop = 2;
console.log(f.prop); // 2
console.log(f.hasOwnProperty('prop')); // true
@DaveRandom My parents got nothing except 150€ of pension for 40 years of service to most profitable companies that got buried/robbed by politicians after 1992. People got nothing to eat, unemployment rate is 55%. However, taxes on salary are 73% fixed (compared to Germany highest of 55%), and real salary is no more than 300€. The money ends up in pockets of so called 1%, in case of Bosnia, mostly all politicians. Some have 15000€ a month for doing nothing, most of them have at minimum 3000€.
There are hundreds of them, because each county (about 0.5M of people) has government.
Bosnia will never get to EU, Serbia, maybe by 2020. However, I'm not counting on that :D
@DaveRandom I see now. This will be an interesting next few hours
When I applied for some jobs in EU, I got a feeling that I'm treated as L in Marlboro, which I can understand to some point. So, it's not shinning in EU also.
@webarto I disagree with that statement. Not saying it's not true, but I disagree with the ethos. Again it's easy for me to comment as an outsider looking it (or the other way round depending how you look at it) but I do firmly believe that every balkan nation will eventually pull it's collective finger out (although probably not by 2020).
I mean shit, if they'll let the Greeks in...
@webarto Yeh that is a problem you will have, esp. in the UK there's a really nasty attitude towards anyone from a country east of Italy (which is basically the fault of our government for underestimating the Poles when the borders were opened). Having said that, a lot of companies I talked to are only really interested in skills - ffs, I got a job with zero experience, and the company I work for employs a guy who came to the UK as a refugee from Iraq
Sand blacks :D
Yes, the political system in Bosnia is very complex and yields no results, the constitution was only meant to stop the war.
It was a better situation after the war, which is kind of sad.
Yeah, not really expecting totally equal treatment, but they could always "blackmail" me because of working permit.
So... Norway sounds good too :D
Basically, how it stands, USA is the best.
@webarto That's a sad situation
I don't know from first hand, but it's easy to make money, and there are lot of strangers, life is not that expensive, etc.
What about Canada? It's like the US, only the majority of people are not c***s, instead of the other way round
Yes, yes, Canada, Australia, also great.
I have cousins there too.
Actually, I have advantage maybe, 'cause I'm white :P
(related to immigrants)
Also, I don't want to be burden to any country, like most of people want to.
@webarto There's been a massive shitstorm about that recently (Bulgaria), turns out most of them are busy being a burden to their own state systems
I can't understand how and why they got in EU (Bulgaria & Romania), they were poorer and more savage than us, much more, also, people went to Hungary to buy cheap stuff (now they have almost 30% VAT rate).
Probably because they were on Merkel side in WW2 :P
@webarto Oh No He Di'nt!!
@reikyoushin you should post that as an answer =oP
this might help you... gist.github.com/DaveRandom/7182654 (WARNING: Don't do this unless you know what you are doing!!!) — reikyoushin 1 min ago
as an answer!! =oD
^ which he probably don't.. btw. >=)
community wiki it
well, i'm shy. haha. you can do it :P
@reikyoushin well now that you mention that, he would be dumb enough to run it too then come crying.
@crypticツ the same reason why i edited my comment and put disclaimers.. **in bold** lol
Hackers keep putting files on your server and deleting them makes them come back? Easy! Carpet bomb your installation and delete all the things.
@crypticツ yeah.. "rm -rf" everything!
I especially love this answer stackoverflow.com/a/21551742/1592648 who thinks fopen is the only way to create files, because all the crap tutorials they read use it.
@crypticツ because exec() won't have any way to do it lol.. :P
I mean at this point the hacker probably already has a shell script running, ironically probably via cron =oP to keep putting the files back.
yeah.. he has a backdoor already.. and usually you need to ask your provider to fix it if you don't know what to do.. but then they charge you stuff for it
He is using Windows, his machine could be hacked since moment zero.
@Lucio yeah, besides that.. but he is using shared hosting.. which is another thing
"I won't name the files in case the hacker is Googling them" oh nos, so that is going to stop the hacker from doing what? They already have your site under their control as they can execute PHP code at will. Withholding information from people trying to help you will only hurt you. — cryptic ツ 2 hours ago
I was going to say "the hacker already has you by the balls"
but that might be missing as well
^ of course if we don't know, maybe the hacker won't too. lol
I wish SO would remove a bounty automatically so close-voting gets unlocked if the question gets x amount of downvotes. This one already has 13 downvotes.
@crypticツ tell that one on meta.. :)
Bounty seems like a shield to protect crap questions
@reikyoushin psssh, you know I'm too lazy for that =oP
@crypticツ we can ask the community managers/mods to fix em..
@crypticツ let's wait for someone who reads this then.. ;)
for all who loves DDD/CQRS and PHP: join DDDinPHP. You can ask any questions regarding DDD (building your Domain Model) and these guys ARE the right people to answer you.
@andho *flags as spam* how much they paying you to say this? =oP
Everyone knows the best place for PHP help is Room 11
"they" is me :P
@crypticツ yeah, but for DDD it's not
@crypticツ well, i thought room 11 is "the place to be" for everything PHP
@reikyoushin and cats! The HTML/CSS/DOM room is the place for all your poop joke needs. proof
I think that's why no one goes there as much =o(
err, why do git reset --hard HEAD not discard the changes from my local.. duh.
it's still saying my branch is ahead by n commits. >.<
??? @reikyoushin HEAD is current commit. You're only cleaning the STAGE and WORK TREE
@andho but it says my head is pointed to the latest already..
when i git status -uno then it says im still ahead.
i dont want to be ahead.. i want to point to the latest pulled commit
what says you are pointed to the latest?
git reset --hard HEAD..
which is the latest commit i pulled
after that it says "HEAD is now pointed to blah blah"
this is what I do if I want to not be ahead. "You are 5 commits ahead":
1. `git reset --hard HEAD~5`
2. `git pull`
but i just pulled..
if i push again, what would happen?
i ran fetch again and it's gone now. wth happened?
maybe git push is not updating your local origin/master assuming you're working on master branch
did you do just git push or git push origin master
i didn't push, i pulled
git pull origin master
and git fetch after
my idea is that "ahead of" message is based on your local master branch and origin/master branch. So git pull origin master will not update the origin/master but only the master branch. Then git fetch origin will update the origin/master so at this point both master and origin/master matches the remote
@crypticツ: I didn't ask for the security hole to be fixed. — Steve 21 mins ago
then he's an idiot
maybe what he's trying to do is help the hacker.. ^_^
you know, hosting a future DDoS seed?
Damnit someone keeps breaking into my house and leaving the door open. How can I setup an automatic sliding door so the door closes behind them?
hire a guard maid
@crypticツ use an automated door? might as well automatically open it for him.. ;)
@reikyoushin that's the type I'm talking about the ones that open and close when you walk up to them
@crypticツ then i insist:
this might help you... gist.github.com/DaveRandom/7182654 (WARNING: Don't do this unless you know what you are doing!!!) — reikyoushin 2 hours ago
just let him ignore the warning sign. ^_^
websitetechnology.com.au/services/web-hosting or websitetechnology.com.au/services well apparently 'security' is not one of the things his company offers.
I know it's not the solution for a security hole, but you can be one more of all the people that already said that. Replace "hacker's injected files" with something not hacker related and you need to delete some files regularly (maybe some background process that creates files and you want to delete them every morning, I can imagine a lot of scenarios) and this does that. — arieljuod 51 mins ago
^ rep whore.. gah! he doesn't care about what would happen, as long as he gets his fake internet points..
the sooner we get rid of it the better
will the bounty be reverted if the question is deleted?
Well we know that one of these sites has a known WP vulnerability.
@reikyoushin Dunno, I remember reading about it on meta, forgot, let me look it up
@crypticツ eh? which one?
Do I get the reputation back when question I placed bounty that was already awarded is being deleted?

Yes. The change is not immediate like other reputation changes but the reputation points are given back. Source - marked status-bydesign is official enough. If the question is undeleted, the reputation is reduced again.
So he will get refunded the bounty. I don't think him or the repwhore should get the points, but that is how it is.
@reikyoushin click the WP tab and the list gets reduced to 9
^ you mean masonry/isotope?
@reikyoushin my best best is on this relocatingwest.com.au it's running on PHP 5.3.3, checked other sites and the ones that did disclose WP version were using latest, can't say for the plugins though.
1 hour later…
What a bunch of arrogant self-righteous twats. — Steve 10 mins ago
^ sorry i can't resist
how do you quote someone else in a chat? stackoverflow question?
@crypticツ he should put on his hosting site... "Unlimited Hacking Included for Free!"
@mAsT3RpEE just put a permalink and it will automatically be quoted..
@reikyoushin thank you
@Carpetsmoker hello
That Steve guy ...
Damn ...
lol, I know!
I almost sent him my email, offering to fix it for him, until he started acting like such a ass
@Carpetsmoker I wanted to send an email to all his clients with a link to the question instructing them to read all the comments, but that would have been a bitch move =oP
I'm sure he'll be back when the files start showing up again.
4 hours ago, by cryptic ツ
I mean at this point the hacker probably already has a shell script running, ironically probably via cron =oP to keep putting the files back.
I was right!!
Ah well ... In the big scheme of things it's a small evil ... More important things to do & worry about ...
It just ... In 10+ years of using various help-sites, forums, mailling lists, etc. I thought I had seen all levels of cluelessnes ...
Yet, it keeps getting trumped ... When will it end?
I think it's more of an ego thing with him. He doesn't want to do anything other than what he thinks should be done. Reason he got so defensive when people were calling him out on his method.
I guess ... It's funny, yesterday I pointed out to someone he obviously gave the wrong answer (he misread, which was okay), and he kept insisting it might be the right one
Most people will accept the advice and do it, others will accept the advice and not do it, other will not accept the advice and ignore it all, he on the other hand get's all riled up.
people don't like being told they are wrong, and some believe their wrong answer sooo much in their heart, it becomes right i their head even though they have been proven already to be wrong.
I compare programming languages and their practices to religions and their practices. There are so many of them, all with different ways of doing things, and there are always those radicals/extremists who think this is the way it must be done, why? Because it's what I believe.
Well, actually, I think it's very likely there is only one, or maybe a few, optimal way of doing things (such as programming); the problem is that we haven't really figured out what that is
hello to everyone
I have question
we need to build an ERP system
any one can help ?
From scratch? Is there a reason you're not using an existing system?
@Carpetsmoker yes the existing system is commercial and not specific as we need , if you can give me an existing system we can start with it and develop ?
what I want is to start building a modules one by one can you advice ?
Highly payed consultants™ spend weeks or months analysing a business, figuring out how an ERP should be built to tailored to the business' needs...
In any case, I only used a commercial ERP system ince, and had to modify it in all sort of strange ways to get it to work properly (more or less anyway)
I doubt it'll be different for open-source software, except that that hacking it will be easier, of course
OK , can give me an advice , I want to start building modules
what the framework to start with and any steps you can give me it
So what's your question, you want recommendations for a PHP framework?
yes , and that support a building of ERP (I can build modules and then develop other modules that can interact with other)
I'm not sure if there is a `framework for building an ERP', but I'm sure you can use a search engine, perhaps there is?
OK , and a general framework to building modules and so on
As for PHP framework, I've never seen one I like ... But a lot of people seem to like Doctrine2 (never used it) and Laravel (used it, I would almost call it amateurish, altough it does have some nice points) ...
This is a comparison of notable web application frameworks. General Basic information about each framework. ASP.NET {| class="wikitable sortable" style="font-size: 90%" |- ! Project ! Language ! Current stable version ! Release date ! License |- !| ASP.NET MVC Framework (ASP.NET MVC) | ASP.NET | 4.0 | 2012-08-15 | Apache v2 |- !| Base One Foundation Component Library (BFC) | ASP.NET | 7.43 | 2011-01-15 | Proprietary |- !| Component-based Scalable Logical Architecture (CSLA) | C#, Visual Basic .NET | 4.3.10 | 2012-03-04 | Proprietary freeware, no limit on use type |- !| MonoRail | ASP....
I haven't used them all, obviously
Look at the quickstart, use the one that seems nice to you
Doctrine2 is not a web framework
sigh...interviewing gives me depression
I love the Vanilla PHP framework.
What do you mean with that andho?
meh, I tried to build in app in `vanilla' PHP, and really, many of the stdlib function are so crappy you need a wrapper for almost any non-trivial task...I stopped when my wrapper code was twice as large as my actually useful code, and just used a framework anyway
@Carpetsmoker I mean Doctrine2 is not a framework. Or do you mean about "interviewing gives me depression"? I mean the level of the "programmers" are so low that you cannot call them "programmers".
Ehm, I said Doctrine, but I meant symfony
@Carpetsmoker a lot of people here in room 11 say Laravel is just a hype.. :)
You know, the commandlime outputs errors in ... JSON ...
But laravel is what people like, apparently, so well... Who am I to judge ...
I would choose Laravel too if I just started programming. You only learn when you get bitten
Actually I might choose Fuel instead
lol, I just decided to grace the Laravel website and read the "Quickstart". First code I see is a Static call.
Doesn't need to be bad, IMHO ..
I think most of the static calls just return a new object
Which was `better', cause in PHP you couldn't do new Obect()->someFun(); until very recently
well take Slim Framework as an example. You don't need Statics to get views.
I'm not against the statics in these cases, as they are application code and blah blah, but you really don't know when it will bite you. And new Developers coming in will think, Statics are used all over, they must be the best way to program.
Meh. There are like, a gajillion caveats in PHP for new (PHP) programmers, I think this one is fairly minor IMHO
@Carpetsmoker if you need to do new Object()->someFun() then better do Object::someFun().
Why is it better?
And, :: only works if the method is static? Or is my PHP totally messed up?
in code smell, new Object()->someFun() and Object::someFun() are the same.
problem is that the dependency is too tightly coupled with the code
morning ...
^ mornign!
I'm not quite sure if I follow you, let's say I want to do something like:
strftime('%Y-%m-%d', (new Datetime())->modify('+2 days')->getTimestamp())

I mean, that should be allright, right?
The example, ofcourse, can be extended to many classes
I could, in my own classes anyway, add a static getIntance method, but adding boilerplate code to every class seems silly
How is it wasteful?
you just created an object and four function call stacks to get the timestamp for + 2 days ...
It's an example
Don't look to deep into it
I'm trying to get rid of statics. I'm at the point where I'm almost done but I have some code that must use some form of default if an object is not passed in it's constructor. It works like this.

use MSTR\Model\TypeFactory as Factory;
method getMediator() {
. if ($this->_Mediator instanceof IMediator) return $this->_Mediator;
. return Factory::createMediator(__CLASS__);

1. I can't use a complicated model as it is absolutely necessary that the code is easy enough for a beginner to understand and comprehend in it's entirety (less than 500 lines of code).
@Carpetsmoker DateTime is considered a ValueObject and under rules of Composition it's acceptable
@mAsT3RpEE that could be improved. give me a mo
@andho You're my hero
use MSTR\Model\TypeFactory as Factory;
method getMediator() {
    if (!$this->_Mediator instanceof IMediator) {
        $this->_Mediator = Factory::createMediator(__CLASS__);

    return $this->_Mediator;
otherwise I don't have any idea about your context so cannot help you
I have a group of object that use an intermediary object of instance IMediator in order to communicate. Normally when you create an object you would pass an Object Implementing IMediator to the constructor. However I need the ability to pass NULL to the contstructor in order to have the group of objects use a shared default instance of IMediator.
# Normally
$y = new Mediator();
$x = new Object($y):

# But also
$x = new Object(NULL); // Generates default object implementing IMediator
$z = new Object(NULL); // Use default created by previous.
My needs:
@mAsT3RpEE Your "shared" sound suspiciously like "global"
1. Simplicity. It must be understood by a new programmer.
2. All my classes must be less than 500 lines of code.
@MadaraUchiha currently it is but it should only be shared among objects not globally.
@mAsT3RpEE public function __construct(IMediator $mediator = null)
Optional instance of mediator with a default of null.
new Object(new ConcreteMediator) or new Object;
I believe new Object(null) works too, haven't tried though
I'm sure it won't
@MadaraUchiha Dammit. My comminication needs an upgrade. That is dangerous because someone could enter.
at least it doesn't in php 5.3
new Object()
i dont want that i want everyone to be aware of the argument but have the ability to pass NULL to it.
"Be aware of the argument"
The fact that it's declared in the constructor is enough.
Enforce in your own code to add the null so that anyone reading it will see it and know it's there.
Either way the problem is how do i implement a class method that handles the logic without using a static:: or global.

@mAsT3RpEE Your factory shouldn't be static.
It should be an instance that's passed in wherever you need it.
@MadaraUchiha im listening (keenly)
@mAsT3RpEE Two options, either your Object is responsible for creating a mediator, or it isn't.
I'm guessing it isn't, in that case, one should be injected into it. No factory involved.
In the constructor and in a setMediator method.
See, your object shouldn't care where the Mediator came from, it just needs one.
Hi there can I get in Jquery second class name based on fist. Example : class=sent 12, event is triggered to sent class. I want to get 12 when clicked to sent
@Muhammet That's the second time I'm telling you this, I believe.
This is the PHP room, not the JavaScript room.
very hard decision...

if I have 2 objects $A & $B and i serialize them. Then go to another page and create $C. then what.

Option 1 then no problems. But now I have no way of passing a mediator to the Object. Now I'm forced to let the internal working of the object handle that.

Option 2 is fine. Solves that problem. But now $A & $B are unserialized together with their mediator. So I cant use it with $C since $C is new and has been passed another Mediator.

My solution solves both problems. But is ugly.
new Object($Mediator): // Ill handle mediator
new Object(NULL): // you handle mediator
Don't mix responsibilities, and you were already told that serializing objects is bad design
@MadaraUchiha You're right no choice. I want all my objects to be serializable. Not because I plan on using it but simply as a restriction I have set for myself for all my future coding "If it cannot be serialized then it is not good enough".
@mAsT3RpEE That's.... a silly restriction...
That's like saying "If it cannot be put in the global space, it isn't good enough!"
@reikyoushin it can just be deleted now. The bounty ended, and it has more than 3 downvotes.
Anyone know what a question score has to be before it autodeletes? Is it -20? and is it immediate? Wondering if I should put a detection rule in backlog for that edge case.
@crypticツ Don't think it ever autodeletes
Especially if it has upvoted answers
Q: How does deleting work? What can cause a post to be deleted, and what does that actually mean? What are the criteria for deletion?

jjnguyWhat circumstances can cause a question or answer to be deleted, and what does that actually mean? How can a post be deleted? When can't I delete my own post? Can I see a list of my deleted posts? How can I undelete one of my posts? What does deletion mean for a post? How do votes to delete wo...

@crypticツ Actually I don't think I want that question deleted.
The fact that it's so heavily downvoted, it and the accepted answer, with a good upvoted answer, works in the site's favor.
@Gordon already following all those rules, so I guess I'm good then.
@MadaraUchiha how so?
@crypticツ Because a visitor seeking for the same problem, can see that he's doing it wrong, and also the accepted solution is highly not recommended.
Then a couple scrolls down he can see a better solution.
The accepted solution is being deleted though, it's grayed out
Do we have a reference post for how to deal with a hacked site? The good answers in this post could be put into such a post. I see quite a bit of questions about hacked sites.
@crypticツ We don't have a canonical or a very upvoted one AFAIK
But you can easily make one
good mornings :)
If I make a canonical post on how to handle a hacked site do you think it would get closed?
@crypticツ likely. ask on meta first
@crypticツ You could indirect it and turn it into an actual programming question perhaps.
@crypticツ or write an exceptional self answered one
@Gordon 'exceptional' is never a term given to an answer of mine =oP
@crypticツ then its about time it happens :) go rainbow. go rainbow.
6 hours ago, by cryptic ツ
/ https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21455844/how-to-delete-hackers-injected-file‌​s-with-php
do it, finally…
ok, I'll start one and have yall review it to see if it's worthy.
I don't have the energy to fix that user's idiocy tonight. If someone else wants to go revert the stupid, feel free, otherwise I'll clean it up in the morning.
Hi all
@bwoebi I'd like to, but I don't want it deleted
@MadaraUchiha I want it closed, not deleted…
@bwoebi But we both know it'll get deleted rather instantly :)
@MadaraUchiha ah?
@bwoebi As soon as it's closed it'll get deleted very quickly.
Because it's closed a really downvoted.
i love the sync feature of chrome
just installed a fresh chrome, logged in and within seconds all my stuff is loaded
@Gordon It's a double edged sword though
My brother lost all of his bookmarks after he thought he was logged out on a shared computer and removed all of his synced bookmarks there.
If you delete a bookmark while logged in, it's synced out as well.
well, yes. but thats rather an issue coming from not knowing that sync means sync, isnt it?
@Gordon He knew what sync meant
But he thought he was logged out when he did it :P
@MadaraUchiha thats still pebkac then :)
Why would this being marked as low quality, basically a link answer be disputed? stackoverflow.com/a/19294910/1592648
@crypticツ should have been NAA. I deleted it.
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