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@rdlowrey That's what I'm after, thanks. I could have figured that out myself but I'd rather abuse your poor tortured brain.
:14522971 I will go on there and comment.
Sick of people saying "re-disable peer verification"
@DaveRandom Nah it's fine. Note that it won't work with anything pre-5.6 as @Jack added the "peer_fingerprint" context option for this release
@Jimbo You probably still want to expose it as an option so that people can easily keep doing insecure things.
@rdlowrey Yeh I know, could probably extract the issuer cert and use it with the cafile option as a fallback though
Is it reasonable to pass around an object to a few functions rather than set the object as a member of the method owners?
I've got some objects that need to do something with a request object, but they do the same thing again later with a different request object
@m59 that is perfectly acceptable
I was debating whether or not to make it $this->Request and then set it again later
Is either one ok?
//do stuff
Is either way preferred over the other, or is it just up to me considering what's easiest in the circumstance?
@m59 Are they public or private methods?
(question being: do they need to be unit tested?)
I would prefer $Foo->doThingRequiringARequest($request);
I agree with @Orangepill
@DaveRandom it goes all over the place
some private some public
seems like your class doesn't depend on the request but rather uses the request in one of it's operations.
If they're private then setting a property would be fine, although it can hurt readability. If they're public then you need to pass it in as an arg because a property is (to the unit of work that is a method) external state
A lot of operations heh
So far, the code is getting cleaner, thank goodness.
$firstFoo = new Foo($firstRequest);
$secondFoo = new Foo($secondRequest);
Thing you have no confusion.
@rdlowrey Thanks for the update on there. I'm going to switch it over to Artax sometime, just need to get around to it
@Jimbo no problem. While you're using curl it probably makes sense to let people disable peer verification if they want to. Otherwise you'll have to field "bug reports" like that forever.
@Danack seems like a waste..
@m59 A waste of what?
It seems like making a new office building for the night staff
Bad analogy is bad.
It's exactly the same!
No, one involves a cost of money and physical space - the other is a line of code.
But it's a redundant one, nonetheless.
I'm only saying that because I'm trying to understand your reasoning, not that I'm discrediting it. I just don't understand it.
@m59 When you're setting the state of $foo there are more ways to have bugs in your code. When you create $foo with the request and then never change it, there is less state to be maintained in your code. And what state there is, is explicitly defined by having $firstFoo and $secondFoo as different variables. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immutable_object
but Foo has no state
@m59 $Foo->setRequest($firstRequest)
What's that then?
we decided against that
I was just wondering if that was a good idea.
Presently, I just pass the request through it, which it seems is the better way
Gotcha, yeah that makes sense, then.
what Foo represents really shouldn't have a state, imo.
It's more for adjusting the state of other things
Man, I can't believe that Singleton request to internals is still getting feedback
@rdlowrey what does asgi map stand for in Arya's response object
Hey guys just a quick question will $mysqli->insert_id always return the id of that row which is being inserted by the respective user. Example a user xyz and abc both inserted at 18:05 and id assigned to xyz is 12 and abc is 13. So will $mysqli->insert_id returns the last saved id or the id in which he repective result gets saved??
@Orangepill Ah, I should add some explanation there. Hold on, I'll add a markdown file explaining. It's basically the request array format (like $_SERVER) that I use with aerys.
@Orangepill here you go ... but you don't have to know anything about that to actually use the request object ... you can just use the actual methods.
@rdlowrey Do you have some autogenerator for that or something? That's a lot of content for just a few minutes ;)
@Orangepill But, the TL;DR version is this: you can populate a response from an associative array like this:
@cspray nah, it was a copy/paste :)
$response = new Response([
    'status' => 200,
    'body' => 'yaklfdjjflas'
@Orangepill ^ That's all that really means
easy enough concept .
Hi Yasuo!

I'm writing you on behalf of several php-src contributors, as well as a number of other subscribers of the PHP internals mailing list, who have expressed concerns with your recent mailing list activity.

In the last few months (starting somewhere around Nov 2013) you have been consistently contributing between two and three times more email traffic than any other person, with many of those mails appearing to be of low quality. I'd like to remind you that the internals mailing list has a large number of subscribers, many of whom are rather busy. As such it would be greatly appreci
I'm wondering whether I should send that ^^
@softgenic Yes. It would be useless otherwise.
@NikiC I suggest removing the "and/or annoyance"
I would and/or annoyance
Yeah, what @Charles said.
@Charles @rdlowrey It was never there :P
@nikic Yes you should - but you may also need to be positive, e.g. offer to proof read rfcs before he opens them - even though that might not be something desirable to you.
@bwoebi Nope, never happened.
False evidence is false ;-)
@NikiC Your jedi mind tricks will not work on me!
@Danack thanks. Got it . Following line in the php documentation was confusing me so i thought to ask you guys to clear my confusion.
"mysqli_insert_id: Returns the auto generated id used in the last query"
Basically the issue is that you shouldn't pollute the internals list with incomplete ideas. Do the initial work yourself first and only then submit the idea and ask for comments.
It's too hard to follow everything that's going on when it's a free-for-all of ideas.
@rdlowrey Yes, I think that's the core issue. That's why I suggest writing patch first
Yeah. It's the author's job to think about the RFC. The way he's doing it forces everyone else to think about the RFC for him. And ain't nobody got time for that.
It's fine to come to internals with incomplete ideas. It's not fine to come to internals with incomplete ideas when you have a new idea every week...
@Charles and it's even better to have first talked to someone about your idea before posting it to the public.
@bwoebi True as all hell.
> <nikic> do we have stats on how many subsribers php internals has?
At least one fewer than it should. I've never been able to succeed at convincing the list send me any notifications ;)
@rdlowrey How are you reading it then?
lol, I point and click on the web interface
The secret to signing up to the mailing list is to use a gmail address
@NikiC erm, why?
I actually just make my mail program put internals traffic into a separate folder…
@bwoebi Trial and error. Gmail seems to always work, while many other things are (silently...) rejected
I don't know why anyone after the first couple of mails felt the need to continue legitimizing the Re: Singletons thread with further responses.
@rdlowrey I also really appreciated the last two mails, consisting of "Forgive me, what is FIG?" and "Nevermind, I see it. DOH!"
Ooh I didn't read them. Maybe I should.
@NikiC Great =D we see… not everybody (precisely nobody) needs FIG… :-)
I'm all for standardization ... but only for things that need standardizing. Anything else is wasting my time.
@rdlowrey for the autoloader I might agree (that it needs standardisation)… but for everything else. Just no.
I think perfect forward secrecy in encrypted stream servers is going to have to wait until 5.7 ... I've worked on it from 5 in the morning to now and I'm so close but I can't get it to work correctly in browsers. Getting frustrated.
@rdlowrey or just wait a week and then resume your work on it…
you said you'd want to finish Aerys =P
Morning PeeHaa
Heya @Orangepill
A: Model View Controller and static functions

LengIf I were you, I would take a look at facades, which are now easily possible in PHP5. They allow you to use the syntax you desire, while keeping methods non-static. Laravel does static-to-non-static facades particularly well: http://laravel.com/docs/facades Here is an article on the subject: ...

@rdlowrey did you dick around yet with parsing accept headers?
@PeeHaa I still haven't, sorry :/ php-src is getting in the way. But @DaveRandom has a gist that he posted a couple of hours ago that I assume works pretty well since he knows what he's doing.
omg really wow such timing nice gist
tnx @rdlowrey @DaveRandom
Why do people get so butt-hurt over Laravel? — Dan Lugg 8 secs ago
@Dan Haha. Maybe they're scared that Rails and Django aren't the only big-boy MVCs on the block anymore. — Leng 1 min ago
such clueless
@PeeHaa I solved it.
@Leng I was referring to you, actually. There seems to be a theme as of recent, people standing up, sword and shield in hand, crying something to the effect of "They can take our lives, but they can never take, OUR LARAVEL!" — Dan Lugg 34 secs ago
@PeeHaa i used laravel, so im guilty.. but at least i got over with it. this one, on the other hand.. insists he's right :P
all the MVC talks today reminds me (and kinda makes me miss) =P
@reikyoushin Use whatever you want / gets the job done for you, but don't say it is something it really isn't :)
Where is he anyhow?
@DanLugg Last I heard he stopped hanging out in here right around the time that seal was created actually
there must be a "Petition to make him return to Room 11"
Ugh, does someone want to respond to that post now? I probably shouldn't have taken it in the direction I did, and now I'm too lazy to fight back.
@PeeHaa I'm looking in your direction.
@DanLugg plan backfires?
No, it's just that IDGAF.
@Dan Let's recap: PeeHaa said that a well-written, well-tested framework is "a lie". I pointed out that it isn't. So now I am a religious fanatic because I recognize good code. Good to know. — Leng 3 mins ago
@DanLugg hehehe there is no point. Those discussions are not about facts but about religion. Wait two years max and the people who are using laravel now will look back at their code base and think: what was I thinking
> So now I am a religious fanatic because I recognize good code.
@tereško must be pinged.
wow. much nice. such code. good!
@PeeHaa it didn't took 2 years before i had to think about those ;)
Laravel is to PHP what jQuery is to JavaScript.
The two years was about the time I think it will take before laravel is the new cake
@DanLugg blasphemy.
jQuery is an absolutely nice library, but Laravel is an absolutely shitty framework.
Eh. It is, in some ways.
I was more approaching from the angle of: "they're both overused and touted by people who don't know what the fuck they're doing"
The difference is… that nobody who knows what he's doing uses Laravel, but there are also people who know what they do and use jQuery.
Fair enough. Perhaps bad analogy was not great.
You aren't comparing apples and pears, but apples and trees.
503 Service Unavailable

No server is available to handle this request.
Apples and.... apple trees?
Nice one github. Stop using rails please
@DanLugg no. pear trees.
I could go for an orange.
I have pineapple at home.
Finally @teresko. You woke up :-)
A wild @tereško appears!
lol that guy just keeps digging
He started with laravel and statics. ok fair enough you use laravel good for you, but no it doesn't stop there. Now MVC and ORM gets thrown in the mix to proof his point
Well, away I go.
@PeeHaa wtf's this discussion…
@bwoebi Just yet another Laravel parrot
I see.
reddit check out that top comment. Frameworks or die...
@PeeHaa Holy crap, that's a constructor?!
Let this code serve as my personal argument against a majority of the people thinking that they're "MVC" when in reality they're just sticking their procedural code into a class and doing jack with it.
If you're gonna write procedural code, then write procedural code. There is no shame in this.
I do believe some people here in room 11 deserves to be in here: thenetawards.com/vote/young-developer or thenetawards.com/vote/developer
What about the entire room for team of the year :)
@PeeHaa "Room of the Year"
I would vote for Sean Bean in that first one.
Taylor is in the list so beh
^^ What's new?
I was making a joke ... There's a dude in there who looks like the actor Sean Bean :)
^ what was that joke again about explaining the joke? meh.
Yes. I'm an expert excavator of dead humor.
Just what I needed another female lecturer...
I call that a girlfriend but whatever :P
I don't know how you could possibly vote for a php framework developer for an award like that :) Those things are popularity contests.
Agreed, such pap
^ s/p/f
Further, those contests are just excuses by the publishers to drive lots of traffic their way.
Naturally everyone who's nominated will put everyone they know on blast to go vote.
@PeeHaa do you classify all women who talk to you (directly or indirectly) your gf? ;]
^ i imagine peehaa saying "there are no girls in the internet!"
if so, be expecting a break up email or text
@CarrieKendall ouch :( good thing you don't have my mailaddress
The only acceptable candidate is one nominated from an altruistic person. How many of those people there do you think we're nominated without an agenda?
Also why does age matter?
@reikyoushin lol
Sep 23 '13 at 11:31, by PeeHaa
You can always find me here or send an email to my [email protected]
@PeeHaa its hard if your famous ;)
What are you people? Stalkers????
well, it wasn't exactly hidden information ;]
@reikyoushin You are missing two letters before famous ;)
'un' or 'in'?
Pick one ;)
but you only have a few followers this other guy said.. so.. hmm..
hahahhahahah yeah that was a pretty strong come back :P
> everything is a popularity contest!!
@PeeHaa I voted!
I didn't close vote anything in quite some time :(
@NikiC \o/
@NikiC Why not? I find it hard to believe you are having trouble finding crap :P
If you are fucking dumb I'm afraid what that makes me :(
@PeeHaa The other way around. There's so much crap that even spending 3 seconds on that click doesn't seem worth the effort ^^
I've spent all day troubleshooting my php-src encryption changes. The last 9 hours. Turns out the problem wasn't my php-src code, but a flaw in the logic of my php server using the php-src code.
@NikiC Ah ye old "throws hands up in the air" situation :)
@rdlowrey what feeling is stronger, anger or relief?
Damnit. I tried to find an image in transcript search, but I totally gave up after page 2.
Which image?
One which @rdlowrey posted with a mustache
Oh, I think he removed it...
damn it :)
I should probably just make that my gravatar.
Admittedly @rdlowrey with a 'stache looks kinda freaky in my not so humble opinion
BTW there are some real gems in the transcript. I think I'm going to scrape it and make them taggable in some way
I agree. That's why I don't sport the 'stache on the reg.
14.5K rep just from questions :O
yay stackexchange driven development FTW!
Most of his questions stopped in 2009. I wonder what happened.
nearly 12.5K rep from one answer
@Charles He probably finally finished his project :)
@CarrieKendall seen Feb 8 '10 at 4:26
He literally answered the question and never returned.
@Charles he's the chuck norris of SO
jeez, look at the score on the accepted answer.
Can't believe I'm still getting upvotes on this answer
someone know what is going on here?
The problematic bit of code is this here: github.com/nikic/PHP-Parser/blob/master/lib/PHPParser/…
The problem appeared after the set_error_handler/restore_error_handler lines were added
No complains about noticed before that. But I have no idea how the added error handler could cause this...
Yo ho ho
Can you reproduce it (without the scream ext enabled :P) ?
@NikiC Umm - Someone mentioned this yesterday. The error squelching doesn't work if you have a custom error handler I think they said.
@salathe No, can't repro it :/
I'm trying to find the transcript.
@Danack it does work, you just have to choose to ignore it
but why would xdebug.scream start screaming only once you register an error handler?
previously it just had @$undefinedVariable and everything was working fine
it always screams
or should at least
can dummyErrorHandler be private or does it need to be public
I'm just wondering if the bug reporter has it enabled, without knowing.
also, why not set_error_handler(function() { return false; }); instead of the $this->dummyErrorHandler?
@ircmaxell 5.2 ;)
I thought it was 5.3, whoops, nevermind :-P
@ircmaxell what does your new job mean you'll be doing?
what do you mean?
@NikiC: perhaps try to see what extensions he has installed, and see if he has xdebug.scream on?
If I managed to find a XSS vuln in some site, but the attack is isnide <title> tags, does that mean the XSS attack is useless? like can't do any damage?
no, it can do damage
how so? you can't execute javascript inside <title> tags though
@user3123545 </title></head><body>awesome?
you don't, you use XSS break out of the title context
@user3123545 let me inject </title><script>....</script>
Oh didn't think of it xD
I feel stupid
Neh overlooking something doesn't make you stupid unless your name is @rdlowrey and has just spent 9 hours looking into it :)
The XSS Auditor refused to execute a script in 'URL HERE' because its source code was found within the request. The auditor was enabled as the server sent neither an 'X-XSS-Protection' nor 'Content-Security-Policy' header.
What does that mean
> I've been working on a Codeigniter system for a few years now. However the developer I work with creates very buggy code. He also creates inefficient queries that slow down the whole system. I'm looking for a smart and experienced PHP/MySQL/Codeigniter developer to work with me on an hourly basis and fix up the system, improve its efficiency, fix bugs, add new features, etc. This would be an on going work relationship and we would communicate issues via github.
More details can be provided via private messages.
@CarrieKendall and the answer is one line only lol
@reikyoushin that's most likely why its been upvoted so much :]
@Fabien github meaning that it's gonna be public?
@reikyoushin Just because it is GitHub doesn't mean it has to be public.
I don't know why I am outside by a pool, on my laptop. I'm not normally that guy
Is that a bad thing?
@ircmaxell Nice. I'm staring at 7 inches of snow so I'm a little jealous
@reikyoushin, it was a reddit post.
just a little? :-D
Ok, maybe a lot
Gotta go take the dog for a walk in it no less
@Charles stackoverflow.com/q/21587485/508666 you started it so you fix it
TOTD: If someone describes their web code as "MVC" or says it needs to be "MVC", they prob have no clue what they are talking about...
that should get them going :-P
user image
hehehe. Throwing things like that up on twitter and sitting back to watch the show is always sooo nice :)
good evening
how's it going?
Morning @igorw
missed ya at Benelux... ConFoo though, right around the corner!
it's been longish I have seen you
@ircmaxell congrats on the new gig!
will you be at confoo? :)
@ircmaxell like, what Paul Irish or Addy Osmani are doing?
oh yes, awesome
Yes, will be at ConFoo!
@BenjaminGruenbaum yes, just for a different team
That sounds fun. I like both those guys.
I am looking forward to it :-D
@ircmaxell when do you start? or did you already?
@ircmaxell What are you talking about? My code is totally MVC
It has to be MVC! How can code not be MVC??!!?
assumig I can get back to NYC by then, and assuming the office will be open :-D
noice, good luck ;-)
oh yeah, you're at sunshine, right?
@ircmaxell do you have a red elephpant? if not, I'd be willing to trade for a yellow one :D
yelloow one?
@igorw yes, "won" one at BNL
hehe, I also "won" one at zendcon eu
pro tip: you want free stuff from zend? ask them questions they don't want to answer!
@igorw Now I wonder what you asked :)
@PeeHaa they had an 'ask the team' session, I asked what their thoughts on HHVM were
I would have an answer to that ;-)
Hmmm that doesn't seem like it is that hard to honestly answer
to be fair, I think they talked about it in an earlier session that day
but the reaction was still nice 'nice question, have an elephant. next!'
I would ask what Zend has done for PHP lately to continue calling themselves the "PHP Company" :-P
@igorw hehe
@ircmaxell yeah, and honestly 'the php consulting company' is already kind of questionable
dude, remind me at ConFoo to tell you about that company... Yeah...
...................FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFor sure
ok, I'm off later
@PeeHaa Pfah. pconnect must die.
Danger, Will Robinson, Danger! — Charles 24 secs ago
hey @igorw
hmm, so i flagged this answer as needs moderator attention- exact duplicate of stackoverflow.com/a/13652686/998328 and it got declined: Please use the canonical flag by selecting "it is a duplicate" in the flag dialog... AFAIK, this isn't an option for answers..? am i missing something?
@CarrieKendall no, explain that you don't mean the question but the answer… mods are too busy to notice that^^
@bwoebi .. too busy to notice that its an answer flag? idk that it discriminates, but i'd assume it does
How do you plan a project? :(
@Fabien Well, when a project owner and a project manager love each other very much...

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