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It's trickier to reflect/inspect a callable because string, array, Closure are all valid. If you force Closure, it's exceedingly simpler.
Don't forget objects that implement __invoke() =D
True, but I never use that. I don't see much gain in $o() over $o->invoke().
@DanLugg you can do sh*t in 1000 ways with PHP
Reminds me of this whacky parser update I wrote to support interface Callable :)
To support it?
@AlmaDo Just 1K?
@DanLugg Ehm yeah, so that you could do class XYZ implements Callable :)
@Leri you think I'm underestimating it?
@Jack Isn't "callable" reserved?
@DanLugg Hence the parser update.
Ah. lol, I thought that's what you meant.
yup yup
Well, back to the world of Sass and .NET.
@AlmaDo I guess ways of doing sh*t is much higher.
@Jack you'll be happy with class XYZ implements Callable, ArrayAccess
Ah, here it is :)
@Leri so I missed :\
ArrayAccess is a poopy name; should've been Indexable.
Sounds like a Tolkien character.
> Take this sword, dear Arrayable, and plunge it into my heart, for I have taken to the side of darkness known only to those who wallow in PHP.
class XYZ implements ThingsToMakeItLookLikeAnArray
class XYZ implements ItDoesntMatterBecauseYouSuck
^@Jack well, I mean you'll be happy because your class will be callable and also array can be callable :p so you can end with callable callables :p
hmm, a callable array you say ... as useful as a portable sun ray.
Check ya later folks.
If I want to understand more about Dependancy Injections, DICs and Service Locators is there any recommended reading?
@DanLugg class XYZ implements ISuckAtNamingThingsRenameThisIfYouAreBetterThanMe
I found out that the ::class addition to 5.5 is really handy for DIC :)
I have a product table and a category table (each with associated model, mapper, and storage classes) ... Where is the best place to implement the link table that realized the many-to-many relationship between the two.
@reikyoushin are you using skype at work ?
I mean is this only happening at work ?
@HamZa it only happened for a while then it stopped..
I'm scanning my PC now
> The bottom line is, the difference between a Service Locator and a Dependency Injection Container is how you consume them. The implementation of both can be identical, but with a Service Locator you inject the container and ask it for the object you want, whereas with a Dependency Injection Container you use it to construct objects, but a Dependency Injection Container should only ever call itself, and never be called by any other objects.
Strange ...
@Fabien When a class is dependent upon the container then it becomes a Service Locator.
That was a concept that took me a while to get.
So Service locator uses the methods of the object injected. DiC doesn't?
ServiceLocator is just a bad name. ThingyGiver is what it should be called.
@Fabien neither uses the methods of the object injected.
Honestly I don't know what a Dependency Injecction Container is. Never seen on.
for example if you look at Pimple which describes itself as a Dependency Injection Container. It just contains Things. It has nothing to do with Injection
Auryn is the only true PHP DIC that I know of
@Orangepill Just gonna mention that. But as you can see it doesn't describe itself as such
Because it's not about containing dependency
it's about Injecting dependency
Am I only one who misses typeof operator in PHP? Providing types by strings is open to typos even with decent IDE.
Well it does have the share method which offers containment of instances/values...
Well I am not sure if I more confused or not now :P
@Fabien ServiceLocator: you call in your code. DIC? you don't even know it exists if nobody told ya
@Leri No, you certainly aren't.
@Fabien if you've checked Auryn docs, you can see classes with Type hints. DIC automatically passes in these dependencies into your classes.
typeof(\Foo\Bar) > \Foo\Bar::class > "\\Foo\\Bar"
If you were using a Service Location, you have to get your dependencies inside your class
class MyClass {
    private $_someService;

    public construct__() {
        $this->_someService = ServiceLocator::getService('someService');

ugh ugly
@DanLugg Well, current problem is that php will treat argument to language construct typeof as constant. Not sure how easy it's to change this behavior.
@andho I think the invalid constructor is the least of your worries there.
@andho No need of static getService though.
@Orangepill Leave off the C, plx - it doesn't it's not a container, it's a pure dependency injector.
@Leri Even if it was a trivial change; it wouldn't happen because we have ::class and that's PHP enough to be unlike any familiar construct from other languages.
class MyClass {
    private $_someService;

    public __construct(ServiceLocator $serviceLocator) {
        $this->_someService = $serviceLocator->getService('someService');

Am i wrong to say this __ is mis..placed?
@Danack okay... can you point me at a "By The Book" true DIC implementation for php?
@MackieeE No, you are not.
Ah, sorry though :X
Was bugging me (no pun intended)
Looking over at this PHP chat whilst depressingly being appointed to a SharePoint project on the other screen
@MackieeE Never mind. Actually, constructor declaration was not important here, so I have not even paid attention to it.
@Leri yeah no need. but umm...yeah
@Danack Auryn is a DIC. Plain and simple.
Oh yea? Well Auryn thinks you're a dick... er.. DIC.
But how does one contain "Dependency Injections" :)
Off to home. Later.
> Don't stick your DIC in.
I don't think I've ever voted Yes to an RFC that Yasuo provided.
@DanLugg if you do, it will become a Service Locator?
^^ the new anti-service-locator slogan.
@DanLugg to star or not to star
The only place for Auryn inside a class is if that class is a factory.
@Orangepill and @Salathe - tbh I hate using 'magic words' to describe stuff, as although people mostly agree on what they mean, when they come to actually be implemented in code, most of the time the actual implementation has details which are more important that the meaning of the 'magic words'.
(Because factories have the right to understand where to get stuff from to fulfil their goal)
@Danack I'm not sure how industry-standard terminology becomes "magic words", no matter how much of a mess the PHP community made of it.
@Orangepill The Container stuff in Symfony is a real 'DIC' - you have to extend your class from the container class to be able to get your dependencies. And I guess it uses a service locator as the underlying method of getting the classes.
@salathe industry-standard confusion
@salathe Auryn isn't a DIC because it doesn't 'contain' the classes that use it get dependencies, Auryn only holds info about the available dependencies and then injects them.
@Danack who cares whether the DIC contains the classes? It's the dependencies that are being contained.
@Danack so symfony got it mixed up? symfony.com/blog/…
Substitute "I" or "P" for "C" if that makes you feel better (Injector, Provider).
Nov 30 '13 at 3:45, by Danack
btw - you keep referring to Auryn as a 'container' - is that just from habit or do you consider it a container? The word seems weird, as it doesn't actually 'contain' other objects (not like symfony/zend's DIC does).
Nov 30 '13 at 3:47, by rdlowrey
It's just habit. You're right and I'll start calling it an injector going forward.
@salathe it's not about feeling better. It's about choosing the least confusing.
So DI isn't inherently wrong? It's how you do it..?
@Fabien Service Locator is bad in non application layer code
or is it bad in general?
@Fabien It's like a gun, or a sword wielding monkey. You can accomplish great things, or make a pudding of the whole deal.
@salathe When I say something is DIC, most programmers will assume it's a symfony style DIC that the container holds the classes that require the dependencies. So ... yeah for the majority of programmers Auryn != DIC, even if the absolutely correct definition of those magic words is the other way around.
@Danack Most PHP / Symfony derps, sure.
Sword Wielding Monkey, might be a good name for a project
Just because Symfony call their thing a DIC doesn't mean another DIC can't be called DIC. ;)
(is it wrong that I'm giggling to myself when reading DIC?)
9 mins ago, by Dan Lugg
> Don't stick your DIC in.
@Fabien cool! I need to add more tests/documentation and there are probably a few things here and there that could use improvement but I'm pushing small things as I go. Let me know if you have any questions.
If you choose not to call your thing a DIC, for political reasons or whatever, that's fine too.
I really hope the next acronym is VAG...
Variadic Argument Generator
@DanLugg lol
@rdlowrey Cool thanks :)
Variable Accessibility Guidelines (a PHP-FIG bylaw)
Quick, stream of conscious! Keep em' coming, we'll get one that sticks soon enough!
@salathe Yea!
@salathe yup
Variable Access Guarantee
Actually, "Variadic Argument Generator" could have merit in the context of a DI(C), when wiring up parameters for a variadic constructor.
but that's just confusing when the VAG is used by DIC like that.
@Fabien you shouldn't need DIC or SL ever except in your application layer
So, you can pass the DIC to the VAG; the VAG may have different implementations, but they'd all rely on some form of the DIC.
Why is every PHP tool around of symfony a "clone" of a project in another programming language?
@DanLugg Beware... you may create unintentional dependents that way
Where are the creative forces in PHP?
@andho Fair enoufh
@cryptic i got 5 day weekend yayy!!
Happy Chinese New Year
It's really fustrating to work with something like "bundler", something like "ruby on rails", something like "webassets", something like "hybernate"
Why does nobody complains about this and this projects got 2000k stars on github?
The Dependency Injection Container is passed to the Variadic Argument Generator. This is done to create a Constructor Unaware Manifest; a variable list collection of dependencies. In other words, put your DIC in the VAG to create CUM.
The dependcy injection container is derived from java
it's actually no PHP idea
@hek2mgl lately, PHP is derived from Java
And, I'm spent.
@andho What? Where is the PHPvm ?
@DanLugg lol
@DanLugg yes :)
I wish it was more influenced by perl
Actually, there is a language like that; it's called Perl.
@DanLugg I like that language
@hek2mgl I'm saying lately PHP has a lot that's came from Java
@Suhosin Than went to the Perl chat
@hek2mgl I'm in the perl chat
Malbolge is a public domain esoteric programming language invented by Ben Olmstead in 1998, named after the eighth circle of hell in Dante's Inferno, the Malebolge. Malbolge was specifically designed to be impossible to write useful programs in. However, weaknesses in this design have been found that make it possible (though still very difficult) to write Malbolge programs in an organized fashion. Programming in Malbolge Malbolge was so difficult to understand when it arrived that it took two years for the first Malbolge program to appear. That program was not written by a human bein...
^^ also inspired by Perl.
@andho You saing this because you have no plan from java, sorry
@DanLugg Ruby is very influenced by perl too
yea that's true, i sorry
for example, recent talk of Generics
Everyone else die for a second there?
yeah a bit
I bet it was Perl's fault.
@rdlowrey Are you going to make a snowman today?
@Danack Dude there's snow all over the place here! It's nuts!
It never snows here.
@rdlowrey Give it back to Alaska. It's in the 60's there today I think.
@Jimbo you there?
Global warming is totally not foobar'ing the weather or anything.
@Danack :O
hi all
i am using curl to download page but the page is doing GET request to url using javascript , how can i catch that url ?
javascript in the page is obfuscated.
but i can see the url in the firebug javascript console
@AMB simple answer is you can't. Complex answer it's difficult
@andho thanks, looking in to it, the thing this site is doing is iframing the generated url , so ill check the curl output or using simple html dom library
@AMB you will need to use a full stack headless browser. Meaning a headless browser that can run javascript.
@andho thanks for the link, looking into it.
Sahi needs an actuall browser like firefox, but you can control it using php
@AMB or maybe take a look at php.net/manual/en/book.v8js.php
^ not sure if that would be possible though
is there a way to de-obfuscate the javascript ?
thats great.
that would be great.
@HamZa Amazing stuff..
I know :P
@HamZa Off-topic. Maybe you also know how to configure the Sass cache path when using compass filter for symfony2 assetics?
@HamZa At least I've tried to ask :)
@hek2mgl no, I've never used symfony nor sass. Sorry
@HamZa You lucky guy!
@HamZa While symfony2 itself isn't bad, the "community" produces a lot of trash, is dependency hungry + cache addicted
I tried to use Silex because it's supposed to be lighter than Symfony but gave up using it for my (school) project.
@HamZa In the industry you'll find a lot of guys which are "Symfony Senior Devs" but have not at least of part of your skills...
@HamZa If they have to develop something, they usually install x extensions, from questionable quality and misusing them. Symfony2's job is to keep ps all that stuff running together without blowing up
The more I learn the more I realise that I'm quite far from being good.
could you please modify yourdescdmask:/^[а-яА-Я\p{Cyrillic}0-9\s\-]{1,10}$/ to let it accept the mentioned languages? I couldn't find a solution, I will pray you everyday if you can fix it, :) — user3150692 11 mins ago
"I will pray for you everyday if you can fix it, :)"
> I will provide you with transportation, passports, food, supplies, everything from A to backwards R.
@iroegbu What's up man
Does anyone have a tutorial they could point me to for efficient patterns in PHP? I'm basically looking for an explanation of tradeoffs.
@HamZa Collecting russian, persian, and chinese unicode ranges and craft a regex from that should be possible.. isn't it?
@HamZa However, it is hard to verfiy for the non-chinese hacker
@Jimbo yaml... why should I use it... looking at your adaptation for Silex
@iroegbu Yaml, you shouldn't use it.
YAML, You Are Misunderstanding Language
@iroegbu I used it because it's easy, quick, not that bad as others make out, and Symfony uses it
> Yahoo alone has 500+ custom [PHP] extensions.
also, mornings everyone!
@ircmaxell lol at logging & db & filesystem access. That guy is funny.
@NikiC at that point, why not just write it all in C, with a custom templating engine :-)
> what makes a Singleton an Anti-pattern is not the pattern itself but how often is poorly implemented and how easy it is to do so.
I love how some people don't understand the problem is with singletons but know they're bad, so they rationalize it in some odd way . This is why learning design patterns without actually coding large software never works well imo.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Well, for OO code, it's impossible to implement it in a non-anti-pattern way. For procedural code on the other hand, it can be good
@ircmaxell What's a singleton in procedural code? OOP is just a way we look at code. It's a paradigm - a singleton is a term within the paradigm...
I don't buy that. OOP is not a way of looking at code, but a way of rationalizing code. You can definitely write OOP, where the communication between modules is the fundimental logic control.
or you can write Procedural code, where the flow of the application and dispatch of code is the fundimental logic control
basically, polymorphic coupling vs content coupling
I don't see the difference between "looking at code" and "rationalizing code". I think they're synonymous. I think the 'looking at' bit even has a name after the guy who said something like "well, they're not really objects but let's pretend they are because it's a great cognitive tool"
@DanLugg Thanks! I'll take a look at those.
Yep, so it was McCarthy who phrased it clearly.
> To ascribe beliefs, free will, intentions, consciousness, abilities, or wants to a machine is legitimate when such an ascription expresses the same information about the machine that it expresses about a person. It is useful when the ascription helps us understand the structure of the machine, its past or future behavior, or how to repair or improve it.
@JoeWatkins thank you for pushing to phpdbg/master before reviewing my phpdbg/test branch -.-
outstanding bugs > new features, obviously :)
@JoeWatkins huch?
that included the C89 compat fixes made in php-src etc…
I'm only pushing stuff in response to bugs, not working on new features, don't have time for new features or bugs, but bugs are more important than new features ...
@JoeWatkins there were no new features in that branch…
just a php-src merge into phpdbg
and I wanted to know if I didn't fuck up commit history while merging it
there's 600 commits there ... glanced at it and thought it was something new ...
no idea what happened there…
don't know if that changes anything…
the diff seems ugly…
@JoeWatkins I think this time you can't trust git diff…
^ no idea why git's confused
they're different hashes for the commits, did you rebase one or other branch?
no rebase
but git-filter-branch
is that the reason?
> WARNING! The rewritten history will have different object names for all the objects and will not converge with the original branch. You will not be able to easily push and distribute the rewritten branch on top of the original branch. Please do not use this command if you do not know the full implications...
I have no idea what any of that means ...
@JoeWatkins The last sentence is for you :)
pretty sure we don't want to merge 600 commits at any rate ... and hadn't looked upstream ... I will check, or you can @bwoebi, would like to get the few bugs that have been reported sorted, thought I was fixing them, thought we'd leave merging until the day before the next alpha release ??
@salathe understood, I will leave it well alone :)
@JoeWatkins Have you thought of adding an arrayof operator to the Array Of RFC?
@Orangepill $foo instanceof Blah[] ?
@salathe would that work with the existing rfc implementation??
if instanceof calls the same code as a typehint test it should work
I'm not actually too sure if that's going to get in ...
I was thinking more along the lines of if ($foo arrayof Blah)
we don't like to add keywords ...
it wouldnt be a bad idea, but we dont' seem to like the original idea ...
@Orangepill I have no idea if it would work
It also kind of implies you could do new Blah[]();, which wouldn't work.
@hek2mgl I hate this about the php framework community ... there's no originality. No one is creating anything new and exciting. They're simply creating 1:1 copies of other things (as far as I can tell). Innovation is hard, but it would be nice to see at least a little bit.
internals has got pretty crazy over the last week, having a hard time keeping up now ...
@rdlowrey the last 8 years or so have been "let's make a framework" season for PHP, and much of the rest of the intertubes-coders. I'd love to see us move to a "let's make useful stuffs!" season.
@salathe well said
@salathe Exactly. These frameworks are solving largely nonexistent problems. The PHP web SAPI does all the heavy lifting for you already. Don't get me wrong: architecture is important. But if all you're doing is re-inventing architecture (every web SAPI framework) ad nauseum you aren't actually accomplishing anything of real value.
Innovate! Don't infinitely re-approach the same problem from different angles.
@rdlowrey but should we really focus on innovation if most of the code is still pretty bad? Would you recommend one of the popular frameworks to someone or would you tell them to build their own?
@DaveRandom FYI I'm going to (significantly) update my new RFC to include the flag-based TLS method settings and propose soft-deprecation of the protocol-specific stream wrappers (with future removal scheduled) in favor of ssl:// (which will trigger a warning about unsafe) and tls://. Meanwhile all usages will have the ability to specify flags for which protocol methods are supported via the stream context or where already possible in function signatures like stream_socket_enable_crypto
@Patrick Well the problem with that logic is that if you're qualified to roll your own then it's likely you already have ... Frameworks aren't bad -- they're exceedingly helpful to allow less-experienced devs to turn out code that isn't terrible. I'm just saying that once you reach the point where you're a high-level coder don't spend your time working on frameworks. There's nothing interesting in that area and it's very unlikely you'll create any real value pursuing it.
Not to mention: the idea of a framework is largely unnecessary in a world with well-written, loosely-coupled code. Inversion of control means you can use any code you want to solve a given problem.
I see. But where do we actually need innovation on a wide scale? I think most problems can be solved with a good cms or ecommerce solution (well... here are two that need better solutions...)
@Patrick You're looking at the world through web-SAPI-colored glasses. Programming doesn't only exist between when a webserver hands a request to your PHP process and when that process closes its STDOUT handle to signal the end of the response.
If all you ever do is "web stuff" then by all means, framework your heart out.
Can anyone help me with this problem, codepad.viper-7.com/VpVMrJ - dont know how to solve best :/
@rdlowrey sure. But I don't think I would pick PHP for anything else other than "web stuff"
@Jacta what have you tried?
Nothing really, cant figure out how to "catch" it - if I should try with time regex, or php maybe can count elements in string
substr_count maybe
@Patrick That's the same cop-out most people use. PHP is more than capable of doing other things quite powerfully. The simple fact is that I use it for serious non-web programming every single day. PHP is extremely powerful. The only thing preventing PHP's use in serious non-web programming contexts is inexperienced developers.
PHP today is not what it used to be. You can program with it.
Think I would check it like this, but needs to do some more with the picture - dunno how to get it from here, maybe some regex is best? if substr_count = 1 - then find smallest size of image and add an class before echo'ing
@Jacta Define "smallest size"?
Are you referring to file size, dimensions, what?
But why would you choose php over say for example python for non-web problems? Why deal with it's weird function names etc if you don't have to?
@Patrick Because I, for instance, am more comfortable with PHP than I am with say, python.
@Patrick Python was my first language and I know it quite well. The fact is I'm far more productive working in PHP. That's why.
People always cite "weird function names" and "inconsistent parameter order" like they somehow have any serious negative effect on real programmers. They don't. And every language has warts. That argument is a complete non-starter.
@MadaraUchiha smallest side of the image, path is locally
dimension - width height
Not to mention ~80% of the internet runs on PHP. If you're writing software there's no better market to target regardless of whether or not your software is for "web stuff."
@Jacta Sounds like something better done with JavaScript.
@MadaraUchiha Was also in my mind actually
but I guess you're right
@Jacta After the page gets rendered, you can use DOM to get to all the images inside of paragraphs without any other sibling paragraphs
@rdlowrey 19% of teh php intarnetz runs on wordpress. you're point? ;)
If you set the width or height with CSS or something else, create a new Image object with the same src, and find the dimensions there.
Excuse my French, but where the fuck has github moved the "Create pull request" from the commit details page?
French is such a foul language.
French people are foul
@DanLugg Yes, even the French letters are dirty.
I know! Cluttered up with all sorts of lines and dots.
@rdlowrey I see your point. I haven't done any non-web stuff in recent times so I can't speak from experience anyways. For web stuff I like it better than the alternatives for many reasons even though I dislike many things about the syntax
How can i display error messages from ajax data?
> I got lost somewhere between writing a "C" and a "5" and ended up with "Ç"
If i wanted to add the class .error on a particular field, i would echo "error" in that class
But how would i get all that into via ajax?
@DanLugg Sigh - kids today. French letters
@EliteGamer this is not a javascript chat
@Danack I love the "Used condom on a street." image for extra effect
But is hase to do with php, somewhat?
Do you not use ajax?
No I only use Feyenoord
@Danack Wow. I didn't... wow.
@PeeHaa Yeah - but they're voting on including mbstring-ng into Php src - which apparently is not part of the RFC
@Danack if it's not part of the RFC then how is the vote even valid?
@crypticツ I haven't a-fucking clue. I think the guy must be nuts - despite asking for clarification and pointing out that the RFC is HERP DERP DERPED beyond human comprehension, he still hasn't tidied up the RFC completely.
There can be only one PHPChatPeeHaa 3 mins ago
I need some help with php and mysql and can't find this anywhere
why won't it one-box?
There can be only one PHPChatPeeHaa 3 mins ago
@crypticツ Dat HTTPS.
i fell for it and cliked his link :-)
bam! with 2 secs left
@crypticツ ;-)
@TimPost You think you could reach out to any of the SO people by any chance? There is also the issue of other https links not one boxing in general. And the fact that on main there is also still non https content on the page (e.g. imgur). Or can I create a new question with all the https stuff which is likely to get closed as a dupe of some other question(s). — PeeHaa Jan 12 at 1:05
I query the db and for EACH row returned, one of the fields should be an array. How do I return an array as a single field? (note that the array field is generated by aggregating other tables)
Apparently pasting a certificate on some server is really really hard
@JoeWatkins internals has been pretty crazy lately. Hard to keep up with everything. I assume it's because we're in the run-up to a release.
@PeeHaa I would have thought they would have been more forward thinking and had any of their match to be https? just in case of the day they added support for https.
Bitch please...
It's SE
I like to think that the people currently maintaining the site are still trying to manage all the epic WTF's from Joel and Jeff
I'm thinking to write up an exact duplicate of meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/164048/…
Just copy paste and see what happens
Perhaps even add the answers :P
@7php We started the 3.x series on PHP 5.3 and want to keep it there for now. Joomla 4 will probably be 5.4
/le sigh
I created a simple shopping cart in php
I think it works..
but I'd like to add a modal popup after the page loads when the product is added...
@ircmaxell I can see that upgrading from 5.3 (or 5.2) to newer versions of PHP may be difficult to do. But is there any sensible reason for choosing 5.4 due to difficulties upgrading code from 5.2 to 5.5 that don't exist when going from 5.2 to 5.4?
I would choose 5.5, just because I can
maybe they are thinking because most hosting sites (that suck anyway) still doesn't support PHP 5.5 til now.
@reikyoushin because projects don't require it
we've learned time and time again, if the projects demand it, the hosts WILL do it
@ircmaxell yeah, i think i've read something about that somewhere.. is it your blog?

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