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Hi! I have a question that needs to be discussed rather than answered
I hope to come up with an answer as a result of the discussion. I often have unusual problems
I'm creating a new server to replace a service that got shut down, Flipnote Hatena
Users can post flipnotes, and the database links the "editor fsid", for last-edited Flipnote Studio ID, to their row in the users table
The nature of flipnotes allow them to be downloaded, modified, and reuploaded as spinoffs
So I end up with the Flipnote Studio ID of the original creator, the second-to-last person who edited it, and the person who is posting the flipnote
I don't have the database from the old service, so there won't be anything to reference those flipnotes to
I'll be back
Still here though
One more thing to add: I once was able to select the structure of a table in phpMyAdmin, by highlighting them all or selecting them or something. They were obviously selected ( I could tell) but I've never been able to reproduce the column-and-description-selection. I was able to copy the column names and their datatypes, descriptions, et cetera into my text editor for quick reference...
I think I was trying to only copy the column names or something
@AustinBurk Nice story, but I don't see any question
Well my questions were "any suggestions" and "how can I do this really useful thing in phpMyAdmin?"
I'm concerned about database relations re: flipnotes
@AustinBurk wouldn't a table dump structure provide the same info?
I was able to select the boxes in phpMyAdmin itself, no table dump required
When I copied and pasted them they were all perfectly aligned
@HamZa I thought the characters were weak and lacked motivation.
Well it's late here and I want to sleep ...
anyone here play minecraft? xDD
Minecraft is a waste of time like pokemon and digimon
so um
im learning nodejs
@AustinBurk I dunno then. I don't use PMA. Just run EXPLAIN tablename;
likes phpMyAdmin though
I was asking if anyone knew how to do that trick again
@LeSamAdmin from where ?
@HamZa - YouTube
I heard from a friend that NodeJS is really good for some things
lol, make sure to learn from the right guys :)
I've seen a lot of crap php tutorials
@AustinBurk stop being dependent on PMA. If you let a program always do the work for you you don't get practice in learning how to do it.
@LeSamAdmin thanks, I was searching for some tutorials the other day
If you have a c9.io account, you can see what I've made so far here: c9.io/matrixdevuk/learningnodejs
@LeSamAdmin If you understand french then you might check this out fr.openclassrooms.com/informatique/cours/…
oh god no
french is the worst language ever imo
Well, do you speak any other language ?
This is weird...'undefined variable' for a variable I just defined in the included file...I thought PHP acted like the code you're including is put straight into the executed file...I'll try defining it as global
@AustinBurk PHP doesn't usually lie
@AustinBurk Straight into the currently executing scope. Do not global anything, ever
I wonder why it's doing that though
Literally impossible to say without seeing teh codez
`$flipnoteData = $result->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC);
English is my main language.
Well, not impossible actually: you either have a typo or a scope issue
That's the end of the function that I run. print_r is working...

It just returns
` Notice: Undefined variable: flipnoteData in C:\foobar\file.php on line 83`
And line 83 is as follows
$flip_editor_fsid = $flipnoteData['editor_fsid'];
@AustinBurk OK, so you ran it in a function, so it won't be available outside the scope of that function
Then I need to change the scope...? Alright, I'll go figure that out
@Ocramius Did you read the relevant httpbis mail thread about the GTFO -> GOAWAY change? It's funny :)
3) Clearly SYN_STREAM is a better candidate for renaming and should be
changed to OHAI, which naturally stands for "Opening Headers And
^ The internet might explode with unbridled glee if that were to actually happen :)
@AustinBurk You need to return the value from the function
"Did your Server actually send you an OHAI or a GTFO? Did you receive also a 400 - RTFM?"
We need to seriously reconsider all life decisions that lead to an RTFM frame not being part of the next HTTP spec ...
@rdlowrey I notice adding TLS 1.1/1.2 support is conspicuously absent from that RFC, I realise it's not entirely in the scope of "secure by default" but are you still planning to try and get it in for 5.6.0?
@DaveRandom That's already been merged
$flipnoteData = getFlipnoteData();
@rdlowrey Oh right. I'll go back to sleep then.
The current support is a bit primitive, but I'm going to work on allowing the bit flags this week so you can support multiple protocols of your choosing on a given stream.
And it seems to work!
Thank you!
(as opposed to being stuck with "any TLS protocol" or "only TLS1.1" or "only TLS1.2")
That change might be a bit tricky to coalesce with existing code which is why I waited until I got the other things merged. But we'll see.
@rdlowrey Yeh it's ridiculous that it wasn't designed like that in the first place IMO. It will presumably mean re-valuing the constants, but I personally like the idea of a proper bit field with 1 bit per protocol (SSL2/3/TLS1/1.1/1.2) and a "server bit" (probably the LSB would make sense) for specifying client/server negotiation
@DaveRandom Yeah that's what I was going to try (verbatim).
I think we must have already discussed this as the correct approach. Either that or we're both brilliant ;)
(or equally brain-dead)
I don't think revaluing the flags to be bitwise-friendly will break anything ... as long as that doesn't happen it should be a non-issue.
@rdlowrey I don't know, the BC-Nazis might come down on you for it. Although it's possible that you could just commit it and nobody would notice.
@DaveRandom Shhhh ... that's my secret plan ... as long as the re-valued constants don't break anything it should have zero BC implications and I wouldn't feel the slightest hint of remorse for shooting first and asking questions later :)
@rdlowrey You could always just blame it on English not being your first language, which appears to be the current way of slipping things in.
Just put this as the commit message
The thought occurs that if such a change were implemented it would be good to then be able to retrieve the value that was used to enable crypto via stream_get_meta_data() @rdlowrey
I'll see what I can do. No promises. I'm going to try to get the necessary functionality first. Features can come later.
@rdlowrey if I am doing a Location redirect from a controller method. Do I still set the header to the response object or do header();exit; as I don't have anything else to do after redirect.
@crypticツ You don't ever use header(). I still capture them if you do it that way but that may or may stay that way :)
The best thing to do is ...
return (new Response)->setStatus(302)->setHeader('Location', $newLocation)->setBody("Moved to $newLocation");
Technically HTTP states that you're supposed to provide a response body stating that this is a redirect response.
(In case a client can't follow a redirect automatically)
If you don't set some sort of basic HTML response body such users might have no idea why they got a blank screen.
@rdlowrey new Response? Does that mean I don have to do methodName(Request $request), except if I am wanting to modify current request?
This is wierd
1390710834 unix time is converting to 2011-11-12T12:37:22Z in PHP (wrong)
But feeding "1390710834 (unix time)" into WolframAlpha gives the correct time and date
Nevermind fixed it
@crypticツ I don't totally understand what you're asking. You always return one of two things from your controller callables: (1) a string/callable for the body or (2) a response object if you want to do things like set the status code (for example to redirect) or headers.
You can use header() and I capture those before they're sent and normalize them so that middleware can work but that's not really recommended.
@crypticツ Well you only need the Request if you actually want something out of it. So if all you need is routing and access to the variables from your route URIs then feel free to not ask for a request in your controller.
The application uses a single Response object (similar to the single Request). If you return a string (for example) then the app assigns that as the Response body automatically.
Returning a Response object will import any settings you stored there into the application-wide Response
You can also ask for this Response in your controller in the same way as the request and modify it directly.
So you could do something like this in your controller:
@rdlowrey So If all I am doing is setting the mime type I would use new Response
Yes. Either that -or- ask for the Response and modify it directly like so:
sorry, that was the confusion I accidentally write out Request, not response =oP
function myController($response) {
    $response->setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain');
    $response->setBody('hello world');
Anyway, dinner; back later.
@rdlowrey is there any advantage over one?
dinner sounds good, I should go eat too =oP
@crypticツ There is a trivial performance difference if you ask for it and modify it directly because you're not instantiating another object and then having the framework import your new object's values but it's not worth choosing one over the other for that reason.
i.e. the difference is totally inconsequential.
It just exists so you can code however you like.
I personally prefer to test that a function returned a specific value as opposed to testing that it modified something I passed in by reference.
But those are somewhat esoteric concerns. You should do whatever you like.
Anyway, dinner; really this time.
@rdlowrey oh I get your point
@crypticツ Perfect.
Wondering if a 404 is the correct status to return for that. I mean I could have just redirected and has server spit out 404 instead, but I'm trying to indicate to the browser the AJAX request failed for the cache file not being available opposed to just missing.
Thinking of a 409 or maybe even a 500, dunno
I am now a consumer of Google Fiber.
@LeviMorrison =oO
show us speedtest report!
It has been a happy experience so far; I shall keep everyone apprised.
Should you close/open the db connection over and over or leave it open generally?
If you don't have a reason to do otherwise, why not just use the defaults?
I thought the best answer was to leave it open unless you either know you're done with it and have more operations to run or you are going to run a lot of operations before needing it again
@crypticツ What exactly are you doing in that endpoint (I'm trying to determine what the right status code should be)?
@rdlowrey Well that action will either redirect to a JSON file or output a JSON error response. It's for the backlog's auto-update feature. It will grab the new content via that route to populate the backlog table. If the file happens to not be there either error, or whatnot the JS should show the error message returned from the error response or display default error message.
@crypticツ you are requesting a file that might either be somewhere else or doesn't exist?
@andho it might not exist due to an error in creating it, however it may exist in a few minutes. The file will be re-created every n seconds.
but its either somewhere else (302) or doesn't exist(404). Never OK (200)?
Does any have idea about translation using Php & Gettext?
@andho yeah the actual AJAX request will not be pointing to the file. If it exists it will be redirected to it. If it does not exist it will get JSON error message.
just wondering if the 404 status is appropriate since I am not technically pointing them to a non-existant file. The AJAX request exists, so I don't want browser to think the AJAX request is 404, but rather a resource it can't redirect to is. /cc @rdlowrey
@crypticツ Hmm ... what's the reasoning behind using a redirect at all? Can you not just keep the old version of the file lying around and just update the same location each time you pull new data from the stack exchange API?
My point is: the client doesn't care about the file structure you use internally or where the resource is stored. All it wants is the data.
Why not make those things opaque to the client? i.e. something like:
public function ajaxRefreshAction($src) {
    $cacheFile = "{$this->config->getCachePath()}/{$src}_data.json";
    return file_get_contents($cacheFile);
@rdlowrey I guess the reason I was doing it was so I could provide a json error response in the event the file does not exist. If I had JS just fetch from same location it will just 404 with no details of the reason for the 404.
@rdlowrey I was thinking of that, but then I have to load the file into memory each time.
Oh, then why not the following: No you don't. That's what callable bodies are for. Example forthcoming ...
The JSON files are web accessible so it made sense to just redirect to them.
public function ajaxRefreshAction($src) {
    $cacheFile = "{$this->config->getCachePath()}/{$src}_data.json";

    if (file_exists($cacheFile)) {
        $response = function() use ($cacheFile) {
    } else {
        $response = (new Response)
            ->setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json')

    return $response;
I guess the redirect makes sense if you're dealing with large files, though.
oooooh. I thought I could not use readfile() because of the output buffering
@crypticツ Nope. The output buffering is turned off just before callable bodies are invoked. You can do any sort of output you want, you just have to put it inside a callable.
Arya just says, "No, you can't output things whenever you want." Output must be sent in an orderly way. This is also necessary to make the builtin session handler work without ever having to do any of the session_start() session_write_close() nonsense.
@crypticツ In the above example you would actually set the callable as the body of a Response object so you could assign the json content-type header.
@rdlowrey gist.github.com/KyraD/21ab81e2c5c1d865d167 that will properly serve the file now right?
@crypticツ Very nice ;)
And the best part about it is that it's extremely easy to write tests to verify that your controller works how you expect it to.
In phpunit it would be something like:
public function testControllerReturns404OnUncachedFile() {
    $controller = new MyController;
    $response = $controller->ajaxRefreshAction('some invalid $src value');
    $this->assertEquals(404, $response->getStatus());
    $this->assertEquals('application/json', $response->getHeader('Content-Type'));
(and so on)
@crypticツ so you don't want to use Apache|nginx feature for this? Like redirect to php if the cache file is not found
@andho the application should not require any additional setup from the server. Trying to make it easy to deploy.
As it currently it just need to do composer install room-11/cvbacklogui and point webroot to web folder and it should work out of the box with default config file.
why not just right the cache files into the right place. If it doesn't exist, web server will return 404. If it does, web server will send the file to the client.
@andho I want it to send a JSON error response in the case of the cache file not existing.
@crypticツ do you have any development docs for CV-backlog? I might pitch in this weekend
@andho ssshhh don't tell DaveRandom I still have not uploaded the new version to the repo =oP
ugh that makes me so mad
I can zip a copy of the current codebase if you want to have a peek. But keep in mind it's not even functional. All it does is display an error for UI.
how about this? I will comment the files where stuff still needs to be done so those who want to contribute know what needs to be done and where and how its all suppose to work. Otherwise right now it's all a jumbled mess and rather hard even for me to know what something is suppose to do. @andho
upload that copy to repos by this weekend, just remind me with a ping or dozen pings
@crypticツ okay sounds good
hello friends
good morning
anyone there
omg, someone tried breaking into my neighbor's house or car just a few mins ago. Police are outside with dogs trying to find them. =oO
@AlmaDo moring
oh Lord :\ I'm freezing Oo
@crypticツ :(
i m trying to use this plugin but i get this error Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL
@Jes ok?
What file
@crypticツ popup plugin in cakephp
^ gc_collect_cycles()
@Jes yeah I know it's in that plugin, but WHAT FILE IS THE ERROR OCCURRING ON?
@crypticツ popuphelpertest
SyntaxError: illegal character

...>\n <a href=\"#\" onclick=\"$('#popup_0').hide(); return false;\"><img sr...
this is what i see on browser
:P gn
@crypticツ any suggestions ?
@Wes nite
@Jes why is the browser coming up with that error? That PHP file is to run tests for validating that it returns the correct value.
Are you directly opening PopupHelperTest.php in the browser?
@crypticツ if you have free blood - give it to me :p
@crypticツ i followed as mentioned and added a link in my view
@AlmaDo good point. tiny avatar it is
@crypticツ $this->Popup->link('click me', array('content' => 'this will appear in the popup'));
@crypticツ huh.. not sure I've got you :p
@AlmaDo vampires?
@crypticツ yeah
Any alternative for this @ server side/
@crypticツ I've captured that :p
i'm working with a VPS

privateaceI am asking this question on behalf of a small group of my users that have this problem. Once the script they are using gets to the 21st ID, it generates the following error: The SELECT would examine more than MAX_JOIN_SIZE rows; check your WHERE and use SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 or SET SQ...

composer is sooooo slow in retrieving packages!
wrong answer to top vote
this pisses me off. The police are still here with search dogs and now there is a police helicopter flying around the neighborhood all for an attempted home robbery. If this had happened in a poor neighborhood the cops would still not even be here yet alone be using a helicopter. I hate double standards when it comes to law enforcement.
^ this is everywhere
I guess you can't sleep when there's a helicopter flying around
nope, and the damn dogs are barking non-stop
brrr.. it's so cold in my office that it's near - steam going from my breath :\
@AlmaDo no space heater?
@crypticツ it is. no sense.. below -30
and it' going to be -42 this week
I think it's +8..+10 in office (:
Kelvin? Celsius? Newtons? Fahrenheit?
haha.. -42 Kelvin will be reeeeeally cold (:
@crypticツ maybe the robber was a fugitive hehe
good morning! :D
@AlmaDo In Germany, there is laws covering how warm it should be in the office. For easy work done mostly in a sitting position, the minimum is 20° Celsius
@Gordon brrrrrrr
@Gordon nah.. I wont be surprised if heater system will fail (it happens sometimes when it's below -30) - and we'll be below zero :p But I doubt I'll come to my workplace then
hi, @Patrick
Hi @Patrick , Hi @AlmaDo , Hi @Gordon Hi @crypticツ
hi, @Duikboot Oo
good morning
Noob question: I use DI everywhere but now I have a class that returns an array with some data. I would like to return an object instead. Where do I create that without having a new call inside my class?
base64_decode returns false where the passed data is perfectly base64 encoded
what could be the reason
@SupriyoJana nonsense! Code or it didn't happen!
$decoded_profile_photo = base64_decode($profile_photo);
$decoded_profile_photo returns false
@SupriyoJana what is the value for $profile_photo
$profile_photo is a base64 encoded image
I figured that much out...
post the encoded image
@SupriyoJana Is it a data uri?
its big string
pastebin.com it
its not allowing me to pass it ove here
one sec
@crypticツ 'sup? :)
@Jack thinking the data scheme is included in it?
@Jack morning
yeah possibly heh
@Patrick if you want to return an object, why don't you just return an object?
@crypticツ how would you feel about mixed array_search(callable|mixed $needle, array $haystack) ? :)
i.e. custom search function passed in as $needle.
@andho nothing wrong with having a new call inside a class?
here is the code and omage data
in base64 encode @cryptic can you help me with the reason
@Patrick I don't understand what you mean. If you want to return an object, what "call" do you have to make. And what is a "call"?
@Jack I think something like array_usearch() will be better (backward compatibility? )
@AlmaDo I suppose if you had an array with closures ...
Hmm, but how would you call the custom version of in_array()? :) in_uarray()? heh
is the image right?
seems, to work fine to me
I used your code exactly
yeah, the b64 looks legit.
but for me its returns false
did you copy my code
well, run it through 3v4l
and it work ?
@Jack not sure. But I doubt changing current behavior is a good idea (however, if it's extension which will not have impact on previous features, then - why not and extended array_search() looks good)
@SupriyoJana yeah copied it and ran it unmodified, just added a content-type header so it would render
yeah, but only to save the file
shouldn't need the header
yeah, I added it for my own benefit so I can see if it was decoded into a valid image
really odd
not sure what is happening
btw when checking boolean return value you should be using ===
yeah that's true either
@AlmaDo The array of closures bugs me ... hmm, when you == two objects, does it always return true?
@Jack yes it is
hm.. not for each object may be Oo
var_dump(new StdClass([1]) == new StdClass([3]));//true
Yeah, because they're both of the same type.
I mean for different types - that's not true
so since closure are always instances of same class, you'll get true in any case
If I check for "needle is a closure and strict is false" I'm left with a pretty narrow BC break.
is_callable() or what?
More like $needle instanceof \Closure.
or you're saying that callable, passed to array of callables causes ambiguity ?
yeah, like $fn = function() { ... }; $hs = [$fn]; array_search($fn, $hs);
I think it's not - because I doubt someone will want to search something in array of callables, based on equality of values (what's the sense)? So - yes, it's a bit little "buggy" - but I'm sure you can force calling passed callback in this case (and not doing equality check)
I wouldn't mind the array_usearch() though .. it is less ambiguous.
@DaveRandom I'm going to bed now as it's 315 in the morning here, but good news: I wrote the initial implementation for TLS method selection using bit flags and all the pre-existing ext/openssl tests still pass. Tomorrow I should be able to write tests for the new functionality. Unless I run into an unexpected setback we should be good to go this week:
// TLSv1, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2

// TLSv1, TLSv1.2

// SSLv2, TLSv1.2 (crazy, but you get the point)

stream_socket_enable_crypto($stream, $enable=TRUE, $flags);
@Jack yes, for this case it is
What can I use for an HttpClient in php. Composer doesn't seem to able to download zend/http
@andho funny you should ask.
Guzzle? :)
Or the vastly superior alternative to guzzle: github.com/rdlowrey/Artax
Yeah, that's what I was going to suggest next ... heh
I had the impression that Artax was a Server. wonder why.
well, array_usearch() is very, very close to array_filter()
@AlmaDo Not close enough.
No, artax is a client. The server is named something else that starts with "A" and isn't open source :)
did anyone successfully implement this plugin
@Jack yes, but one can replace another in a way near "native"
@rdlowrey Wait, did you actually finish Aerys (right?) ?
@AlmaDo How?
@Jack define comparison in callback, of course
@AlmaDo array_filter() returns >= 0 items ... array_*search() returns <= 1 items.
@Jack No, I'm on a tangent to allow blocking web SAPI-style usage with it (in addition to the non-blocking/websocket/reverse proxy/etc. things). I was kind of stuck on a particular async problem for a couple of weeks but now I'm back on track.
@rdlowrey Cool ... are you using any extensions for this btw?
Or ... can it use extensions, rather
Such as libevent.
Yeah, it's all just PHP. Not HHVM or anything.
If it's pure php it should play nice with hhvm too, actually.
Well, it works without libevent, but you pretty much have to have ext/libevent it if you want to put it in production because native stream_select() can't handle more than a couple hundred simultaneous connections.
That's not an aerys problem, it's a lack of native PHP functionality.
And you need pthreads if you want to use it for straight-line synchronous web sapi style things.
Lack of native posix really :)
But otherwise, nope. All PHP.
Well, select() just falls over and dies if you give it too many descriptors regardless of posix or no ...
You mean even if you give less than 1024 descriptors?
It's just slllllooooowwwwww
It can handle them, but it's tremendously slow.
ohh, because it's O(n) right?
Aerys runs just as fast natively as with libevent up to about ~250 simultaneously connected clients.
After that the drop-off is precipitous.
did anyone try to impletement popup cakephp plugin
your idea sounds a lot like how x-sendfile works, actually.
But that's good enough for testing and development as well as standalone applications embedded on hardware.
Is there a reason why print_r() has the return option but var_dump() does not?
@crypticツ Because var_dump() can handle more than one arg :)
but why can't it be consistent =o(
Because PHP
@crypticツ ob_* :p
huh.. looks like bad smiley
@rdlowrey Oh, found a nice bug in Apache the other day.
@crypticツ there is a var_something that will return
I am Jack's complete lack of surprise.
@AlmaDo I know, but it's just seems like a hack to have to do it that way, even though the docs even say to capture the output =oP
^ that
well, var_export() will be less verbose than var_dump() (because first will format variable into valid PHP code..)
yup, var_export was good to do diffs
They come up with this great idea of FallbackResource and yet still make it possible to get a 404 ... bizarre.
404 from fallback? hmm.. that is.. fail :D
yeah reason I want to var_dump is for the additional info like it makes it easy to spot whitespace
ob_start();var_dump();$var=ob_get_clean(); // problem solved
When company x owns a domain and company y wants it and we want to transact it... is it enough that company x gives the authorization code to company y?
@crypticツ I've tucked ^(what daniel said)^ away in a function somewhere :)
<- anyways ... less php-src and more sleep for this guy
@crypticツ not only. Also data types are easy recognized with var_dump, but not var_export:
Catch you guys later.
echo var_export(['foo', 'bar'=>15, 'baz'=>'15']);
var_dump(['foo', 'bar'=>15, 'baz'=>'15']);
@rdlowrey ciao~
bb, @rdlowrey
Is this the correct way to move a domain?
@rdlowrey I put Arya in contention for the upcoming work framework discussion.

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