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@Patrick well noone ever replies anyway to my questions. So I rather not bother writing a wall of text which noone reads
unless someone is actually willing to help in the first place
I'm willing to help. But I'm noob (:
@DarkAshelin I'm willing, but don't like walls of text.
@AlmaDo :) Do you know about Symfony user Roles? I'm trying to configure my admin panel access, but the documentation seems quite limited on it
@DarkAshelin that's because I'm noob :\ I never did anything to Symfony :p
@salathe maybe?
Sorry, you took too darned long to ask any question. :P
back to work for meeee :)
I've asked like 10-15 Symfony questions here before, all of which were completely ignored, not even an @DarkAshelin sry I don't know
that's why I just ask first now if anyone's here...
@DarkAshelin it;s sad, but in this chat everyone has found new job. So that's why so low activity here
haha.. "it's sad" (: good point
I'm the only lazy jobless jerk here (i.e. have plenty of time during work day)
hi, @salathe
@DarkAshelin asking generic php questions instead of symfony specific ones might also improve the response rate ;)
@Patrick unfortunately, this is back side of medal when using frameworks. They do lots of work for you - but when you're facing some problems with them - you're restricted with solution in terms of chosen framework in general
well, there is a certain "role" property in Symfony which should return things like "ROLE_USER, ROLE_ADMIN, ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN"
But I can't figure out where these are set / retrieved
there's a getRoles function which is just...
private $roles;
public function getRoles()
       return $this->roles;
lastly, the $roles variable is supposed to return an array, which leads me to believe this isn't purely saved in the database?
hm.. looking to titles like ROLE_* I suppose it's PHP-defined constants
Symfony Auth module drove me crazy too.
@DarkAshelin there's good way to check it: just add define('ROLE_ADMIN', 'blah'); into your function - and, if it is defined in PHP. you'll see notice and also file and line where it was done
I did this, but no changes in my application. no error or anything
public function getRoles()
    define("ROLE_ADMIN", "blad");
    return array('ROLE_ADMIN');
add error_reporting(-1) right before your define
no change
even in HTML? (source code) ?
yeah nothing
well, is that method called?
even put it in my main function now, nothing
in my main controller
if nothing changed, then it's not PHP constant (:
so what does that mean then?
well, it's some string literal then
the ROLE_USER and stuff are not PHP Constants as I recall. They are just how they name ROLES
so may be it's stored in DB. But you can search occurrences recursive through your project (I believe any IDE can do that)
so should I add a column in my users table with the role?
best thing to do is reproduce in a small app and ask symfony in github
@DarkAshelin use FOSBundle
morning, @DaveRandom
@andho wait lemme look that up
that is... really a big bundle... for something which currently is just 1 file in my project x.x
do u think I really need all that?
Github confuses me tremendously
'morning folks.
so... how about I just save the role in the database? ^^' then do this:
public function getRoles()
    return array($this->roles);
@DarkAshelin no idea
Has anyone here done Zend certification before?
/me just signed up for the "Zend Certified PHP Developer" certification.
@NiekBergman yeah. (@)Gordon and (@)ircmaxell
well, may be someone other too, but I'm not aware
Cool. Mine's exactly a month from now.
@NiekBergman I got my voucher, just need to revise. Anything you got list-wise? (apart from array / string functions)
Probably brushing up on the differences between 5.3 -> 5.5 a bit more.
good mornings
@NiekBergman Excellent, thanks a lot!
@Jimbo: Are you taking the 5.3 or 5.5 certification? (I assume 5.5)
I think the 5.3 certification will end-of-life soon, but I'm not sure.
I'll probably be going over the 5.3 study guide anyway too.
@Jimbo: the exact differences between subjects handled in the 5.3 and 5.5 test are listed here with asterisks: zend.com/services/certification/php-certification
@NiekBergman I'm on 5.5, 5.3 has finished now
Agh ! Save me from the JS!
Morning @Jimbo and @PeeHaa
Morning to all on GWT+1, and hello to the rest :D
MOnrign @Fabien
2014/01/28 05:18:32 [error] 6152#0: *9 FastCGI sent in stderr: "Unable to open primary script: /www/qcc/install/index.php (No such file or directory)" while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: qcc.lior-geva.com, request: "GET /install/index.php HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://", host: "qcc.lior-geva.com", referrer: "http://qcc.lior-geva.com/"
Why? Script is in the path it said it couldn't find, permissions are set properly.
Mo0rnizgs @Fabien
When I access qcc.lior-geva.com/install/index.php it tells me "No input file specified"
Hey @MadaraUchiha
@Fabien Yo
Anyone on? :D
It seems like the problem is only with the /install directory scripts
None of the scripts in there work, but the ones at the root folder do
server {
    server_name qcc.lior-geva.com;
    root /www/qcc;
    index index.php;
    client_max_body_size 1024M;

        location / {
                # This is cool because no php is touched for static content.
                # include the "?$args" part so non-default permalinks doesn't break when using query string
                try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$args;

	location ~ \.php$ {
                #NOTE: You should have "cgi.fix_pathinfo = 0;" in php.ini
                include fastcgi_params;
Anyone seeing anything out of order?
cough @PeeHaa @DaveRandom cough
@MadaraUchiha I got nothing straight off the bat I'm afraid, all looks sensible to me...
The second one is more specific, right? So it should capture the request.
The second location block that is.
Could it have anything to do with the fact that the script uses IonCube encoding?
Also @DaveRandom another odd thing :|, when I tried to access /member.php (which is an existing file), it pointed me back to the /install/index.php as expected, but the error log shows
2014/01/28 05:40:48 [error] 6152#0: *54 FastCGI sent in stderr: "Unable to open primary script: /www/qcc/install/index.php (No such file or directory)" while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: qcc.lior-geva.com, request: "GET /install/index.php HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://", host: "qcc.lior-geva.com", referrer: "http://qcc.lior-geva.com/index.php?url=member.php"
referrer: "http://qcc.lior-geva.com/index.php?url=member.php"
I think I'm going insane
Nginx doesn't like me very much :(
@MadaraUchiha Have you got +x on the install directory?
@DaveRandom Yeah, chmod -R u+x /www/qcc
Apparently that wasn't enough
Added +x globally and it worked
WTF though :|
@MadaraUchiha Wait a minute, $fastcgi_script_name -> $fastcgi_script_filename
Also that fastcgi_index directive is redundant, although that shouldn't break anything
Got it to work though
Added +x to everyone and it worked
Which is weird, because the directory is owned by nginx:www-data which are both the correct username and group
hello friends
good evening
Creating default object from empty value on this line

$attributes = new stdClass();
$attributes->basic->firstname->value = $firstname;
^ error
@Jes .. And?
something like
$firstname = 'Foo';
$attributes = [
    'firtsname'=> ['value'=>$firstname]
$attributes = json_decode(json_encode($attributes));
@AlmaDo whats the purpose of json_decode?
@Jes to convert nested array levels to object properly. It's kind of trick
Can someone have look here? The OP has suspiciously much upvotes for really poor questions.. stackoverflow.com/questions/21403144/… What do you say?
@hek2mgl it's SO. Be prepared.
ok, for me it looks like this guy is a cheater, you have been warned. :)
me? I don't care.. too many poor questions with upvotes and too many great questions/answer without them
Yeah, that's not the point. the point is that I think he isn't just a noob. He tries to kid the community. After having an answer, he didn't accept it. That's very impolite... This guy should feel this
Can you wrap an array_map() around an array_filter(), where the map is using the return result of the filter call?
potentially yes, because array_map doesn't consume arguments per reference (as sort() for example)
@hek2mgl array_map() takes it's last parameter as the array you want to do stuff with, but I won't have this array here because it's inside the array_map() that the array_filter() gets called
@Jimbo didn't get that. Pseudo-code is?
$strings = array_filter($tags, function($tag) {
    return $tag['whatever'] = true;

$strings = array_values(array_map(function($arr) { return $arr['keyonly']; }));
return $tag['whatever'] = true; ?
Yeah, that's because it doesn't matter what happens in array_filter
That wasn't my question
what's the sense of that callback? It will do nothing
$strings = array_map(array_filter($tags, function($tag) {
    return $tag['whatever'] = true;
}, function ($arr) use ($strings) {
    return $arr['key'];
}, $strings /** um can't use strings here as it doesn't exist yet **/ );
@AlmaDo Ignore what I'm doing in the callbacks, it's not important, I just want to stack them
It was an arbitrary example
array_map expects callback as first parameter
your array_filter will return array
@Jimbo from the pure syntactic sight of things it is obvisiously possible. What is the question?
How about array_map(function(){ return array_filter() ...
@hek2mgl Syntactically, it's not working :P
If you must see what I'm doing...
$strings = array_filter($tags, function($tag)
    return (isset($tag['tagName']) && $tag['tagName'] === "DefineEditText" && preg_match("/(text-fixedfont-)[0-9]+/", $tag['detail']['variable_name']));
$strings = array_values(array_map(function($arr) { return array("id" => $arr['detail']['edit_id'], "name" => $arr['detail']['variable_name'], "original" => $arr['detail']['initial_text']); }, $strings));
So I'm trying to combine that into one convoluted, beautiful clusterf*ck :-)
I guess I could use preg_replace_callback for the first one...
@Jimbo something like
$result = array_map(function($x)
}, array_filter($data, function($y) use ($result)
   return 1;//use of $data and $result?
here's $data is initial data set
@Jimbo What you are doing makes not really sense
@hek2mgl First part filters an array to one with DefineEditText as a key and a certain regex as it's value. Second reformats it to what I want. What's wrong with that?
@Jimbo why don't just substitute first statement into second? (as a parameter)?
@Jimbo What do you want to do exactly?
but it will be mess..
Note that I asked what and not how, spare me the implementation details.
@Jimbo Are you searching for this:
$colors = array('red', 'green', 'blue');

$a = array_map(function($color) {
    return 'light' . $color;
}, array_filter($colors, function($color) {
    return in_array($color, array('red', 'blue'));

(how does syntax formatting works?)
@hek2mgl Paste code, CTRL+K, send
CTRL + K on your code
I hate iframes
@Suhosin Join the club.
Hmm, I am definitely overcomplicating this. Simple foreach will do
@Jimbo the code filters the green and returns an array with lightred and lightblue
People who use iframe hacks should be shot at dawn.
*KISS hehehe
I got it
@hek2mgl This led me to what I needed
$strings = array_values(array_map(function($arr)
    return array("id" => $arr['detail']['edit_id'], "name" => $arr['detail']['variable_name'], "original" => $arr['detail']['initial_text']);
array_filter($tags, function($tag)
    return (isset($tag['tagName']) && $tag['tagName'] === "DefineEditText" && preg_match("/(text-fixedfont-)[0-9]+/", $tag['detail']['variable_name']));
Thanks guys
And now when I look at that, I hate myself.
@Jimbo Can you please tell me what are you trying to do?
@MadaraUchiha Lol. I'm using a library that decompiles an SWF and gets all it's data and crap from it into one massive array. This array is $tags. Don't ask about the SWF stuff.
@Jimbo I see
So, I have this array, and out of it, I want some text strings. They are in some tags, but not others, under the key ['detail']['variable_name']
Necessary evil then, carry on.
I also want the id and original text
So I'm filtering the array down to those that contain the "DefineEditText" key
and putting the name, id and original text into their own array
So then, the array at the end will look something like this:
array (size=3)
  0 =>
    array (size=3)
      'id' => int 31
      'name' => string 'text-fixedfont-3' (length=16)
      'original' => string '<b>ORIGINAL TEXT HERE</b>' (length=275)
  1 => // etc...
I'm thinking I could somehow use preg_replace_callback() instead of the above.. maybe...
@DaveRandom what mail lib do I have to choose?
@PeeHaa I always vote swift
Don't know if phpmailer has half-way comprehesible docs yet, if it does then maybe worth a look, but I could never get along with it
@DaveRandom One moar.
I would like to use your online complaint system to complain about the quality of this question. — DaveRandom 6 secs ago
@DaveRandom Unfortunately it is not working at the moment. They have problems with the id generator. Didn't you read the question? — hek2mgl 8 mins ago
tbh the whole concept of an "online complaint system" is meaningless, AFAIK the entire internet is a giant complaint system
Let's complain about it.
Can't, too busy complaining about the lack of suitable channels for registering my complaints
It's been a PITA having to fix other people's garbage .phpt tests and short-sighted patches to get my TLS changes merged ...
@rdlowrey Stop complaining. We're too busy complaining to listen to your complaints.
Did you get git to play the game with ssh?
Yes. It seems like every time I have a git problem it's because I'm using http:// and not git@
@rdlowrey It's almost as if HTTP isn't a suitable transport mechanism for every application ever.
Well http isn't the problem ... it's user/password verification (as opposed to the public key cryptography used by the SSH method). But yeah.
git 'er done
Framework discussion at work for the future choices we'll make for build.
PHP/CSS/Javascript Frameworks
Happy to see no CMS's appearing in the list so far
@DaveRandom His answer is correct...
@MadaraUchiha a) probably not (most browsers actually expose window.event as the last event raised because old IE used to) and b) it doesn't even begin to answer the question, which is actually about how to update the display after the ajax call
@Fabien good luck. I hope you manage to settle on a micro framework :)
I popped Silex down
I put Yolo down for jokems too
Aside from those two I put Composer down and Build our own :P
Any other recommendations?
Could anyone assist me with installing new ROM for my Galaxy S III? Anyone has experience with that?
const OUTER_CONST = 123;

class Foo
    const INNER_CONST = 456;

    public static $map = [
        OUTER_CONST => self::INNER_CONST,
So, ^^ that's valid; does anyone know when it became valid?
I'm particularly curious about referencing OUTER_CONST in the array property initialization.
@DanLugg Wasn't it approved for 5.6?
I'm not running 5.6. Hence the confusion ;-)
5.4.14 here.
Wasn't that always valid?
^^ I dunno, that's my question
Thought so
3v4l is down though so can't check
I should explain: NetBeans isn't giving me autocomplete on OUTER_CONST at that scope. Now, NetBeans is far from infallible, but it's typically pretty alright.
It's not showing it as a syntax error either, but *shrug*. Just found it odd.
I've got the language config set to 5.4. I've never had much issue with the lexer getting confused.
sandbox.onlinephpfunctions.com allows you to select the php version if it helps
^^ Neat. Thanks.
@DanLugg Dude, is this you?
Yea, that was before I decided to renew my forgotten life as a programmer.
Same beard, uses php so must've forgotten how crap it is... :P (o/j, php's not that bad - same beard though)
@Fabien slim would be another option if you want more selection. And this github.com/rdlowrey/Arya and this github.com/PeeHaa/PitchBlade of course :P
@Jimbo Oh, and here I thought the part about the beard would've been the joke
@Patrick Added :)
@Fabien writing your own is the best option though, but it will take a week or two and it's hard to sell to whoever is making the business decisions
Aye. The ability of the dev team here isn't great though. Including myself in that
There isn't a built-in function to re-key an array, is there? Basically, given ['a' => 1, 'b' => 2] as data, and ['a' => 'x', 'b' => 'y'] as a re-keying map, I'd get back ['x' => 1, 'y' => 2].
I'm guessing I'll just have to roll something.
cp: cannot stat `sapi/cli/php.1': No such file or directory
I'm getting this a lot when trying to build PHP ... anybody have any idea?
@Fabien Nah, it would need to map old keys to new keys.
any new key? or specified ones?
@Fabien Liek dis
Goes from ['a' => 1, 'b' => 2, 'c' => 3] to ['x' => 1, 'y' => 2, 'c' => 3], since the re-mapping happens on a/x and b/y
I'm guessing that there isn't something built-in, but I hate one-off functions so I figured I'd ask.
Seems a little like array_merge_recursive();
I don't think so; it's basically just key-renaming.
good morning room 11.. ^_^
Calling it as in my example is essentially saying, "If you find the key 'a', change it to the key 'x', same for 'b' to 'y'"
Nothing I know of the top of my head. Maybe ping NikiC to see if he knows of any.
Nevermind about my php build troubles: user error.
Hey @reikyoushin
morning everyone
Ping @rdlowrey; do you happen to know of a definitive appendix of HTTP 1.1 headers; split out into request, response, and common?
Good morning
Mornin @ircmaxell
@DanLugg The only thing I would pay attention to is RFC 2616. Other than that I don't have anything to offer you :)
@ircmaxell mornin'
@rdlowrey Alrighty. I just didn't want to have to scan through it manually.
what's going on?
@rdlowrey Ne'er mind, it's in there anyway :-)
If this is a pattern: $string = "Mastercard - 1234123412341234 - 12/13 - Test Redident"
how can I easily take out 1234123412341234 everytime?
@ircmaxell Apple mentality day
@Duikboot Use preg_match instead of preg_match_all and a simple \d+ will do the job
$n = explode(' - ', $string)[1]; @Duikboot
Ugh ... I just lost the last two hours of my life because of my inability to copy/paste correctly.
ah, exploding might be better/easier ^
oh nice :D
@rdlowrey That's like at least $50 :D
thanks a lot webarto :D
Is anyone familiar with twig? once I set a variable {% set active = true %} how can I make it false?
overwrite it I mean
Hello all
I am trying to print out a form for the team members here to use
it's printing out the form text inputs ok
but when I fill them out, and hit submit
they don't echo out
any ideas?
@JerryLee Shouldn't $links1, $links2 etc be $links[1], $links[2]? Also I really think you should turn error reporting on and/or look at your error logs ;-)
done, the problem was in other place
{% set active = false %}
works as expected
@HamZa not sure I agree, but this is as legacy as it gets, so no point in discussing actually :)
I see, can't be helped
@baba yupp buddy ... i am now.. but under training
good morning
Is the main goal of using anonymous functions to limit scope and not pollute the namespace?
@HamZa LOL
@billmalarky Yeah, you could say that.
@billmalarky I like anonymous functions especially when I need a function just once.
Okay, that's exactly where I was going to be using it (callback function for array map)
thanks guys
@webarto hola
@NullPoiиteя !!!! hey!!
where you been?
@crypticツ got selected for police officer so busy in training and law study's ... how are you ?
@NullPoiиteя Doing well thank you, just busy doing illegal activities which need not be investigated by the police =oP
lol :D ..
@crypticツ btw now i have gun ...:)
@billmalarky No, that is not the main goal at all. Anonymous functions open the door to the entire spectrum of functional programming without side-effects. That's where the real value comes from; everything else is just window-dressing. It takes some time and dedication to really grok the benefits of monads and state avoidance, though.
For now, just get comfortable with using anonymous functions. That way, when/if you come to a problem where you can benefit from a more functional approach you'll be prepared to do so.
good morning
@happy very good morning
Sunday has been a sad day: I was kicked out a company I co-owned for no apparent reason. Today I work on my first contract. Nothing happens for nothing would have said my mother.
Sounds like you should change your user handle.
@DanLugg you mean my nickname?
Yea (sorry, that was totally ass-ish)
@DanLugg being angry or thinking about crushing my ex-partner will not help me finding money to pay my rent. I prefer to concentrate on bright thing ;)
Amen brother, amen.
@happy were you working without legal formalities ?
contracts/deal ?
@happy that doesn't make sense. Did they buy you out? Or do you still have shares?
@NullPoiиteя no. It was legal. Last time I check, prior to sunday I was in the enterprise registry as co-owner. Now I am no more. I know it make no sense. I sent my ex-partner a legal letter requiring a signature. He should receive it today. I will sue him for this.
I find it painful to realize he did that. It is stupid but it tells a lot about him as a person.
business in partisanship is always pain ... but if you havent signed it ... consider your self safe ... though it will waste quite time and money in legal action ...
(btw i am law student )
@NullPoiиteя I didn't sign for being kicked-out. Thanks for the advice
@happy Did you sign anything? Did you guys operate with a contract?
@MadaraUchiha yes
@happy Well then, what does the contract say in the case of disband/retire?
i know but some time by mistake (may be faith on partner ) we do stupid things
Where are you from, by the way? Laws change with country.
@MadaraUchiha yet I don't know. I kept all my important paper in a shelf... In my office.
In am from Canada
I could request a REQ history record which would show those changes made in the registry
@AmalMurali interesting ? about me ?
Good day, everyone
@happy When we made a contract originally, we put it in the web, and digitally signed it with our keys. It's legally binding just like a paper signature in Israel
@Macabre2077 you too
That also means that if the content of the contract are altered, the signatures get invalidated, and everyone notified that the sign failed.
Is this code secure?
<?php file_get_contents("http://domain.com".$_GET['p']; ?>
@MadaraUchiha it'a a good advice. I will do that next time
@Macabre2077 Nope.
@Macabre2077 not at all
@happy Check with your lawyer if that's applicable in Canada though.
IIRC not all countries recognize a digital signature as legally binding.
@MadaraUchiha I will! Thanks you all for your advice and trough about this.
@NullPoiиteя: Erm? When did I say it was about you? :P
@happy Sure thing, glad to help out :)
@Macabre2077 I will let it download a file of 1024mb and open the page several times. Should I call this a DoS attack ?
I've got burnt with that before as well, and if there's one thing I learned: There's no such things as "friend agreements" in business.
Everything should be documented and agreed upon before you begin.
@MadaraUchiha @NullPoiиteя and what kind of attacks could be done?
@MadaraUchiha i second you ... and i have also faced same thing
@NullPoiиteя: Probably wrong order of messages. I posted the link and typed "Interesting...", but I guess the time gap between those two messages were a bit longer than I expected :P
@AmalMurali :D
@Macabre2077 Besides the fact that I could access any file on domain.com?
@MadaraUchiha you can access this file anyway, and you can`t even get source, it`s not /var/www/...
@NullPoiиteя: You have two meta profiles?
@AmalMurali noop just one ?
3 mins ago, by HamZa
@Macabre2077 I will let it download a file of 1024mb and open the page several times. Should I call this a DoS attack ?
@NullPoiиteя nvm, it's someone from Italy.
@AmalMurali lol he is wes :D
@HamZa, i guess that`s one case, and would it be able to call dos if source will 5-th argument (size limit) will be passed?
is it possible to do something like this in twig

`{% for item in data if item.visible | batch(2) %}`
@Macabre2077 First of all, what are you trying to do ?
@Macabre2077 you could limit risk by adding a rule to only allow this from a specific IP
@HamZa trying to make decision: to change or not change that line)
I'm taking HTTP headers... TO THE EXTREME!
I'm wondering what would happen if your file is get.php and I would open get.php=/get.php
Would that be an infinite loop ?
@NullPoiиteя: I suddenly thought "I read this profile description somewhere" ;p
@HamZa it would create a loop and possibly crash :/
or the process would stop after x seconds, whenever determined in your php.ini file
well, thanks for helping
Is there a built-in way to take an array of key/values ['a' => 1, 'b' => 2] and return a transformed array of either [['a' => 1], ['b' => 2]] or [['a', 1], ['b', 2]]
@bwoebi I merged the TLS stuff to PHP-5.6 + master and updated the wiki's RFC section. There are still several TLS things I need to do, but the RFC things are finished at least. You can stop hassling me now ;)
Essentially, re-indexing the array numerically, but keeping the key/value pairs as elements of the array. So, more generally, from [k => v, ...] to either [[k => v], ...] or [[k, v], ...]
@DanLugg Said no one. Ever. ;)
*thumbs toward self* THIS GUY!
You really shouldn't need to do anything special if you're working with headers inside the web SAPI as the server will have already normalized them. Every key should map to a single string value. No need for anything other than a key-value array in those environments ...
Type-safety; setDate takes a DateTimeInterface; setContentLength only accepts positive integers.
(for requests, anyway)
I've written a neato wrapper around an otherwise vanilla HeaderCollection which is itself just a wrapper around an array, with some field-name normalization stuff.
It's all backed by strings anyway, and you can setHeader the raw values if you want. But I like a clean communicative interface.
Basically, I prefer $o->setDate(new DateTime) over $o->setHeader('Date', (new DateTime)->format(DateTime::RFC1123))
By the way, party in the Sandbox!

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