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Any suggestions on how I can convince our CTO to put some of our classes (request, response etc, framework basically) on github?
to get some feedback for my code :)
then why to do that? Your code belongs to company, thus it may be under corporate special conditions such as ND - and in common case I doubt your CTO is a person who may allow public access to it. Well, you must know the situation better - it's your company after all
hi, @Fabien
@Fabien want a Careers invitation?
I have one thanks. My profile there is a little bland :D
@MadaraUchiha I've mentioned that I have 4 invitations. Well I had 5 and one of them I've sent to @Fabien
hi, @DaveRandom
it's @PeeHaa's influence :p
@AlmaDo I've got about 50 or something, you literally cannot give them away, basically everyone who would want one and is worth giving one to already has a profile
I know. And it's not the issue - I don't care that I have free unused invitations
Has anyone found it useful yet?
#php ignore apcu v4.0.3 ... I broke all the things ... new rule: no releases on tea breaks !! will update when usable ...
morning r11
moin @HamZa
morning all ... btw ...
ugh.. it's -20 now. And it's going to be -31 tonight :\
hi to all, i am exporting csv from table using php mysql, but how to apply cell color?
or row background color?
for particular row only..
@karthys background-color:red; ?
i apply like above your suggestion, but color not apply.
crap, crap everywhere
@karthys What you're asking is quite vague. Are you showing it as HTML/CSS in a browser ?
i have one link export to csv.. when i click this link, table values are open with excel, so i did but the excel row background not apply.?
Oh, geez.
@karthys Well try to do some research. Have you opened the CSV ? Is there something indicating a background color ? Have you even searched something ?
I'm not great coder or anything, but at least I'm not that bat shit crazy.
It's really annoying that you can't find decent "packages" with "composer" for random stuff.
i.e. Symfony, Zend, Doctrine quality.
morning, @webarto @Jimbo
^ ah,yes, you can write anything - since it's your first message for new day, it will be recognized as "good morning" :D
Hey at least it starts with "mo" :)
he-he, so it's non mandatory - feel free to write anything :p
hello friends
$firstname = $this->request->data['firstname'];
gives me undefined indes?
@Jes use var_dump() and start debugging
debugging gives me the the array
@karthys PHPExcel this might help
@HamZa in cakephp
what should I say, do you want me to debug it for you ?
It's a trivial error
That was morning with a dash of face-keyboard
if ($this->request->is('post')) {
$firstname = $this->request->data['firstname'];
$lastname = $this->request->data['lastname'];
$name = $firstname.' '.$lastname;
am i doing something wrong?
What's the output of var_dump($this->request->data); ?
@Jes are you sure there isn't a getter for the request data?
@HamZa array(1) { ["User"]=> array(5) { ["firstname"]=> string(8) "jesudass" ["lastname"]=> string(5) "kumar" ["email"]=> string(17) "[email protected]" ["password"]=> string(8) "password" ["confirm_password"]=> string(7) "paaword" } }
@Jes And now try with $firstname = $this->request->data['User']['firstname'];
@HamZa ohh thanks
got to understand
Stupid git line endings!!! FU
Morning @webarto and @HamZa
morning there
morning y'all..
evening to me ;)
$user = $repo->findById(1);

how to save now? the user shouldn't know how to save itself and I also feel the repo should not be responsible for that
@Cecil It's always morning in Room 11
okay.. sorry
no problem, no need to say sorry :)
@Patrick i think in most cases a the repository pattern is also for persistence
of the in-memory-objects. I often set the repo to be cud only and use finders for read
$repo->persist($user) =]
but often when i peek at code with repos they contain the full embodiment of all operations.. =/
@Patrick repository IS responsible for persistence (getting data in and out of a persistent storage)
@RonniSkansing agree with you there
I see. Thanks
@HamZa yes i opened, but i dont get background color in csv for particular row..
@karthys I give up helping you, sorry
@HamZa ok
Has anyone tried Magento ? It's taking way too long to install it
@Patrick If the repo is responsible for finding, it's also responsible for storing.
@HamZa welcome to hell (:
lol well the first thing I noticed is that it's saying that my DB doesn't support innoDB
After searching a while, I found that I need to edit "C:\wamp\websites\magento\app\code\core\Mage\Install\Model\Installer\Db\Mysql4.php"
But even so it didn't work
^ yep
So I changed
    public function supportEngine()
        $variables  = $this->_getConnection()
            ->fetchPairs('SHOW VARIABLES');
        return (!isset($variables['have_innodb']) || $variables['have_innodb'] != 'YES') ? false : true;

to return true :P
Now it's taking a while to install ....
Because of "WAMP" lol
Panic in php-internals:
@Ocramius you wouldn't belive how many people think method/function names are case sensitive
@Gordon You wouldn't believe how many people don't know you can have the unicode snowman as a function name!
@salathe You wouldn't believe how many people don't know that they can use functions for their code!
@AlmaDo You wouldn't believe how many people think!
@salathe You wouldn't
@salathe You wouldn't believe how many are not people!
@AlmaDo I believe! (hallelujah!)
"good mornings" with "P.S." .. this looks hm.. odd (:
I frequently do so
you first bring some things to think of then follow the silly internet etiquette
good habit is to do that in letter to your partners hehe
Hey @salathe
@AlmaDo in my first skype message to my wife I'm sending :-P
it means BEGIN in sql terms
@zerkms are you married on DBMS?
and she replies me with :-P
it's the end of handshake and means we're ready for a normal conversation
@AlmaDo if only DBMS could bake a muffin cake
so you're using triple-handshake?
TCP fans?
/me just had a 11pm coffee with muffin break
quick quiz: how much do you sleep in average on week days?
hm.. around 5-6 h
If I throw an exception in an abstract class, is there a way to return the class name of the class that extends the abstract class?
@zerkms 8 h
@Patrick your first part of the question doesn't correlate with the second
so the answer: you shouldn't want that
@zerkms TestRepository extends Repository. Repository throws an exception if a parameter that TestRepository must set is invalid. How can I return "TestRepository" in the Exception (so you know where to look for the error)?
or am I doing something completely wrong?
an exception points to the exact line
and to the exact method
and that is more than enough to know where to look for the error
(+ the stack trace)
It gives me the abstract class in the exception
that's where the exception was thrown
So there is no way to tell in the exception where exactly the error has to be fixed?
there is
it points to the exact line where exception was thrown
if it was thrown in an abstract class - it will point to it
Yes. But the error will have to be fixed by changing a value in the class that extends the abstract class, not in the abstract class itself
how is that?
TestRepository extends Repository
and it has a var $entity that needs to be set to a valid entity
i'm returning with a question posted last night
I want to implement gettype for some of my objects... like pastebin.com/hYQabwu1 what is the best way? Return type as string?
@iroegbu instanceof + type hints
get_class @iroegbu
chronos` tried to help me but we could not get to the botom of the problem
@Patrick the information your exception object holds should be sufficient to debug
Q: xml to csv - simplexml_load_file not working for 12MB file

Rasvani'm tring to get the content from a soap service into a csv file. my logic for this problem is first get the content from the soap service: $xml_response1 = $client->__getLastResponse(); Secondly put the content into a xml file for further processing : file_put_contents("test.xml", $xml_respo...

@Patrick create a custom exception class and put as much information as you need to successfully debug and fix the issue
oh... Thanks, I'll go with "instanceof + type hints"
@iroegbu checkmark my chat message then :-)
@zerkms github.com/Room-11/cv-pls.com/blob/master/… :D too specific to understand
@iroegbu hm.. I believe I'm the chat's 7-th "Do" then
^ Epic
just a spam :-( expected it to be a valid question
@zerkms found what I was looking for: get_called_class()
@Patrick how would you use it?
@Patrick you're looking for late static binding
throw new \LogicException(get_called_class() . ' :: protected $entity must be a valid entity');
when exception is thrown it's already too late to run it
it's a static method? :-S
"Gets the name of the class the static method is called in."
if you just needed a class name
you could use get_class
that gives me the abstract class
but it's still weird
how do you use it?
are you aware of its parameter?
get_class($this) :)
@Patrick I'd recommend you create a new exception class and pass $this as an argument
without hardcoded :: protected $entity must be a valid entity
throw new \WrongEntityException($this)
Will do
yay.. I'm ashamed with my poor SO answers stackoverflow.com/questions/5859561/…
@Ocramius the proxy thing worked like a charm. i didn't use your code but it's similar :P thanks. i love when OOP makes sense xD
how would you call that pattern anyway?
@Wes uhh, you built your own proxy thing? :P
@Wes if OOP doesn't make sense in some context, then it's not OOP there. It's by definition of OOP
@Wes depends on which part of it you're dealing with
it's basic lazy loading through smart references though
@Ocramius not really i mean, i just delegated the creation of those dependencies to an external class
@Wes it's a builder? Don't remember the exact name
me neither xD probably, let me check
not sure @Ocramius but it looks like this pastebin.com/ceTxaNDh
yay I haz 100 stargazers
@PeeHaa dutchmen
anyway @Ocramius take a look at it when you have some time ;) let me know if it looks legit to you :P
@Wes I saw it, I don't really like that :P
but it''s acceptable :)
@AlmaDo lol good thing he didn't release a white paper
@Wes a.k.a. that crazy ass stoner
My people are awesome
"acceptable" for me equals "man, i fuc*ing rock!" @Ocramius
Any of you guys use Charles Web Debugger thing?
Have used it
Is it possible to use the query in the local path?
query in the local path?
so path/url/*
maps to
Local map: /foo/bar/baz/<query>.json
I only have used it to inspect requests don't know about mapping shit sorry
Ah fair enough. Cheers anyway.
interface RepositoryInterface
public function get($id);
public function find(ConstraintsInterface $constraints = null);
public function count(ConstraintsInterface $constraints = null);
public function create();
public function persist($object);
am I missing something? suggestions?
@Patrick interface InterfaceRepositoryInterface
@PeeHaa we have to suffix all interfaces with Interface :/
bad practice?
@PeeHaa interface ConcreteInterfaceRepositoryInterfaceFactory
@Patrick Yeah I don't like it :)
@Danack :P
Goddamnit. You fucking found the only place I couldn't come up with a name yet
@PeeHaa Your problem is that you called the concrete implementation Session. Really the interface should be called Session and the concrete should be called NativeSession or something
Or you could just call it Bernard. Bernard is a good name.
@PeeHaa Interface => Session, Implementation => CrappySuperGlobalSession
Native filesystem sessions are totally unusable anyway ... not sure why it even exists
@rdlowrey Good for quick and dirty dev, to be fair. It's not a production tool though.
@rdlowrey @DaveRandom what's better then? db sessions?
@DaveRandom Yeah I went that path, but neither can I come up with a nice name for the impl
Although Bernard does have a nice ring to it
Yeah ... it's for prototyping and that's it. Helpful there for sure.
SessionWithYoMama implements Session
ext/session is a terrible terrible thing. I replaced it altogether.
@Patrick Well, that's a good start. Something that doesn't use the filesystem as a locking mechanism is an absolute must
I'll keep it in mind. Should be easy to replace the native session class once I'm done with the framework.
@PeeHaa Prefixing interface with I is a good thing. /me tired of java's long class names
@Patrick I have a replacement session library almost ready to go which @rdlowrey will hate, probably even more than the ext/session. The problem is that really all that ext/session needs to do is i) read a header ii) write one header line - everything else is application dependent code, and shouldn't be in core PHP.
@Danack Here's what I do. If I want access to a session I simply ask for a Session instance in my app callable. Everything else happens transparently. Totally testable. Not magic and terrible like ext/session.
And no "headers already sent" errors ever.
ext/session is terrible.
@crypticツ I'm not exactly sure what you're asking. One of the main things I wanted to do was make everything testable. Littering code with echo statements is not testable. So in order to make it easy to assert things like header values or response status codes you don't "just send output." Your application controllers return values that can be reasoned about. This also allows middleware to modify the response after you generate it but before it's sent.
So when you return a string it's converted into a Response object with a 200 status code and a reason phrase of "OK" without any headers whose body is equal to the string.
But of course one of the nicest aspects of the PHP web SAPI is that you can just send output whenever and the SAPI takes care of streaming it to the client (and handles the protocol details automatically for you -- chunking, HTTP/1.0 closes, etc). To stream output in arya you wrap it inside a callable.
So you might do something like this:
$body = function() {
    // you could optionally do your own output buffering here
    echo "hello, world";

return new Response([
    'status' => 200,
    'reason' => 'Awesomeness'
    'body' => $body
If you know what the output is going to be (say from a rendered template) there's no point in streaming it as you're only adding unnecessary overhead to your application. In any case, streaming output data happens inside a callable body. That's the only place you should ever echo anything.
Talking of terrible - this still needs more people to shout at him.
@Danack I haven't had any time for php-src in the last couple of days. I'll chime in later today :)
@rdlowrey cheers - he's also the guy who was suggesting making ext/sessions even worse.
I know right ... I can never tell if Yasuo's just not very smart or if there's a language barrier or something.
@rdlowrey why don't you pass a Response object to route handlers?
In any case his RFCs are always incomplete and haphazard
can we execute routers gateway address using PHP curl
my address is like
@andho Because the application creates the response and not the framework? I've never liked that design myself ... In any case you're forcing people to use the response object that way even if they only want to return a string without knowing anything about the HTTP protocol.
@rdlowrey There is apparently a real cultural issue where Japanese people a) don't realise the importance of spelling things correctly in English b) Think that they're a lot better at writing English than they actually are. But even so, yeeeech.
@D_Vaibhav You can access any HTTP resource using PHP curl.
ok that means No for gateway addresses of routers
@rdlowrey the framework can give an Interface to manipulate Response. And you don't have to use it if you don't want to (DI). But as far as I'm concerned (as of now), how can I set a header :)
$response = new Response;
$response->setHeader('X-My-Header', 'some value');

return $response;
@rdlowrey Y U NO IteratorAggregate?!?!?!?
A response object is not a dependency of your application. It's a leaf in your object graph and as such there's no reason to pass it in. Create it yourself and return it.
say, that I have some headers that i set for every request.
PS. I'm not trying to prove anything. I like your libraries and I wanna know if Arya is for me
@andho So you add an "after" middleware that sets those. If I return 'some string' as my response that will be assigned as the entity body of a response object before your middleware ever sees it.
These are solved problems and they don't require passing a response object into the application callable.
@DaveRandom because people expect to be able to do foreach ($session ...) in the same way they can do foreach ($_SESSION ...)
@rdlowrey public function getIterator() { return new \ArrayIterator($this->data); }
@rdlowrey cool
Also I notice you've started declaring public visibility on things explicitly again, what changed your mind?
@DaveRandom Public pressure ;) Smart people in room 11 seemed to agree the public modifier was better so I did it.
@andho It would look something like this ...
$app->after(function($response) { $response->setAllHeaders([
    'Header1' => 'value1'
    'Header2' => 'value2'
@rdlowrey public function pressure() {}?
@DaveRandom actually it was more like ...
class Room11 {
    const PRESSURE = TRUE;
can i pls pls pls pls get some help with
Q: xml to csv - simplexml_load_file not working for 12MB file

Rasvani'm tring to get the content from a soap service into a csv file. my logic for this problem is first get the content from the soap service: $xml_response1 = $client->__getLastResponse(); Secondly put the content into a xml file for further processing : file_put_contents("test.xml", $xml_respo...

@Rasvan Have you tried debugging it?
@Danack i tried all night, last night but to no avail
Guys, can you read some text from an swf file using PHP? I know there's swf tools... Don't ask.
Basically, is anyone living 10 years ago?
@Rasvan You stepped through the code and found where the error was being called and that was no help, or you couldn't find the line that was triggering the error?
a user here was nice to asist me, but we did not get to any result
@Rasvan Please just watch that video and learn how to step-by-step debug.
the crazy part is that php just echo's out Error: Cannot create object from $xml = simplexml_load_file('rhs.xml') or die("Error: Cannot create object");
and also it apears that i cant echo out anything from the xml
tried to echo some value with $obj = simplexml_load_file("rhs1.xml");

foreach($obj->children('http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/')->Body->children('http://api.rhs.ro/1.2/ExportAutomatizatStocuriPret30')ExtendedProductsListResponse->ExtendedProductsListResult->ExtendedProduct->Supplier_Product_Code as $rate)
echo (string)$rate->Supplier_Product_Code . "\n";
and nothing
not even an error
@Rasvan That's not really crazy, it just means that the simplexml_load_file() failed. Have you tried doing var_dump(file_exists('rhs.xml')); to see if that path is valid when you script runs?
@DaveRandom yes i did and the path and the file is valid
but the xml is valid
So if you do var_dump(file_exists('rhs.xml')); exit; at the top of your script you get bool(true) as the only output?
just a sec , i will post the output
@Jimbo I would just look at the .swf file format spec and see where/how the information you need to access is stored in the file then pull it out yourself.
object(SimpleXMLElement)#1 (0) {
sudo apt-get install php5-ming - Oh god, php + flash #php #yolo
@Rasvan Oh OK, so you're getting an empty SimpleXML element rather than a failure. SimpleXMLElement is a special case in PHP, it is the only object in PHP that can evaluate to false
Which I still think is fucking stupid, for the record
@Rasvan var_dump(file_get_contents("rhs1.xml"));
@DaveRandom string(3136) " AC Acer ACS510DBLK ACS510DBLK TBAA GSM PC Telefon Acer Liquid S1/ S510 8GB Duo Black 24 Luni 273.00 273.00 0.00 0.00 0.22 0.24 1559.99 EUR 2 2 0 0 0 2 0.000 0.000 KG 0.000 X 0.000 X 0.000 CN AC Acer ACE2DBLK ACE2DBLK TBAA GSM PC Telefon Acer Liquid E2 Duo 4GB Black 24 Luni 159.50 159.50 0.00 0.00 0.22 0.24 909.99 EUR 2 2 0 0 0 2 0.404 0.370 KG 17.000 X 9.000 X 6.500 CM 4713147036424 PN CN "
This seems to be yet another case where SimpleXML is not simple at all
@Rasvan maybe learn how DOM works, it's a lot better at reporting things meaningfully, although it is a lot more verbose
@DaveRandom Agree. That's really stupid.
I'm out, lunch
but if i do file_get_contents , how can i get to the items that interes me, or better yet i want the output to be stored in a csv file ( dosen't everybody ? :)) ).
@rdlowrey I wouldn't mind so much if you could do it in userland, it would have sensible use cases. But have only 1 native that does it is ridiculous
can you point me in the right direction
i'm going out of my mind here !!
just want to get the values from the xml in a csv, executed by linux cron
Why are you trying to access a SOAP response with SimpleXML?!

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