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@Ehtesham why don't you download and go through its code ?!
man i hate when I have to wait for a client to say 'yes i like it'...
That is why I don't do designing for clients
Some of us have got to get paid though ;)
then you ask them to get a designer and prototype it in Photoshop or something.
Oh yeah, I wouldn't touch actual design work with a ten foot pole - but there's always a submit to client for approval - and invariably bits of the design which are insufficiently specified or which are cross-browser impossible
i didn't design anything, i have to see if he likes the last pdf did (dynamically)
i'm a programmer, not a designer... someone wants me to design something i'll do it, and i'll charge for it but i tell them up front "i am not a designer so be warned"
3 hours later…
so i have a sorting issue i can't seem to work...   I had an MD array like:

    [0] => Array
            [id] => 10
            [u_id] => 2
            [p_id] => 1
            [descrip] => Car 2
            [reason] =>
            [interest] => 0.06
            [months_remain] => 141.170422321
            [month_payment] => 520
            [principal_debt] => 65000
            [real_debt] => 90772.5815525
            [new_payment] => 643
            [powerdown] => 123
            [expiry] => 06/09/2023
function aasort (&$array, $key) {
    foreach ($array as $ii => $va) {
    foreach ($sorter as $ii => $va) {

and look at this:
Q: PHP sort multidimensional array by value

stefHow can I sort this array by the value of the "order" key? Even though the values are currently sequential, they will not always be. Array ( [0] => Array ( [hashtag] => a7e87329b5eab8578f4f1098a152d6f4 [title] => Flower [order] => 3 ...

yeah I found that function myself Omeid, it didn't work
though I found the root cause of the problem, my order by in my query isnt working right
i have the output as before modification and after modification
If you order then by your query why do you need to do it with PHP then ?
Are there certain rules I need to read before posting here?
its not working in my query apparently
something must be screwed in the order_by function of codeigniter or something... 'cause it's finding that 25 is less than 196
or more than rather
$query = $this->db
			->order_by('months_remain', 'asc')
			->where('p_id', $p_id)
@Justin 25 is less then 196
thats my query, that doesn't seem to work
@omeid, i know lol i corrected myself
why codeigniter !?
it was easy and i haven't finished my MVC yet
I suppose i could not use the active record query on that query alone and see if it works
you haven't finished studing MVC or creating your own MVC framework ?
creating my own
why don't you use something already made like KISSMVC ?
Whats wrong with codeigniter
because i'm making my own.. but right now im using codeigniter.. just having issues with this one thing...
What do you guys think about CakePHP? I am trying to learn one mvc framework
hmm ORDER BY isn't even working in regular mysql code outside of codeigniter
@CodeCrack Don't learn a framework if you want to learn PHP.
yeah learn PHP before you learn a framework for sure
wtf.. phpmyadmin is even showing that 196 is less than 25
@CodeCrack and if you wanna know why
then read on:
If you're worried that learning PHP without a framework is going to imprint bad practices in your head, we've got a bigger problem. ;) I believe that with any language, you should be comfortable with the language itself before you gain familiarity with any sort of framework. As someone who's delved in many of the PHP frameworks, I can guarantee that using one will not automatically help you learn "good PHP" (it's still quite possible to write crappy code within controllers, etc.).
and also look at this question
Q: Learning PHP - start out using a framework or no?

Kevin TorrentI've noticed a lot of jobs in my area for PHP. I've never used PHP before, and figure if I can get more opportunities if I pick it up then it might be a good idea. The problem is that PHP without any framework is ugly and 99% of the time really bad code. All the tutorials and books I've seen a...

funny that in that he first admits he's never used PHP.. then generalizes the statement: 'PHP without any framework is ugly and 99% really bad code'.. pretty 'insightful' for someone who doesn't know the language lol
No I already know PHP
I just want to learn a framework
cause a lot of jobs depend it
I have been doing php for a few years now
I have started reading cakephp book and did a simple blog tutorial
durr now i feel like a moron lol
why wasnt my sort working? because the column in the DB was a string type not a numerical type.. durr
Anyone knows how to scrape URLs, domain names and emails out of some plain text with regex? (before I scrap the damn idea altogether)
Guess what? f*ck regex. I'll parse it my way.
Anyone awake?
@ManjotSingh , this chat is persistent
even if noone is awake , they can read your question later
@CodeCrack it is really really BAD , and thing itis implementing is not even MVC
@tereško Why do you think CakePHP is "really really BAD"? CakePHP is working well for thousands of sites, and I'm using it very successfully for a client.
@ianmjones abuse of global state , complicated operations in constructors , huge classes doing too many thing , procedural code ( in form of static functions ).. do i have to continue ?
@CodeCrack I'd check out Symfony or Zend Framework
\o/ at last, I got this freakin' solr import working. I hate java apps.
@tereško Hmmm, from what I can tell most of what you're complaining about comes down to how you use CakePHP and can be avoided, or are you saying these problems are in the CakePHP core?
i am talking about core and the code which cakephp makes you write when using it
it all make cakephp almost untestable
well .. unless you are willing to reinitialize the whole framework just to run a single unit test
@tereško Thanks for the clarification.
Hello world!
Magento sucks. Do you agree or not?
@OZ_ I partly agree
All existing PHP frameworks sucks too. Even Symfony2 has tones of stupid "magic numbers" in code.
That's sad. tereško, which framework do you use? If you use them at all. I know you are smart man.
Ok, maybe I just don't know about some framework which is really cool and rocks. Please, tell me about it.
Ah, nobody wants to talk with me.
Except Elvis Presley.
Or deep night is everywhere except my country.
Greg, is it hard to learn C#?
I like syntax of this language.
Good morning everybody
Gmorning :)
Hows it going?
Playing silly flash games, preparing to continue with The Horror. How about you?
About to board my train to work...
And tired. Oh so tired. Haven't got more than 6 hours of sleep any night this week
Ouch, that's bad. Too much work?
Nah, just me being an idiot and staying up late for no real reason...
Ask your mother to call you every midnight and tell you to go to sleep :P
Except last night where I was at a user group meeting (an hour away from home). It's a good group of people (but I am the only senior dev that goes anymore)...
@Zirak it's not a programmers way. Write program, which will shut your PC down.
Nah. Electrodes on the chair are more effective...
@OZ_ Been there, done that. Wrote a program that deleted that.
You can make a robot that insults you until you cry yourself to sleep!
Why not...?
Or tell your ex-girlfriend to do that :P
You can also take sleeping pills or cut the power-cables
Hello there ! quick question suppose `$DBH=new PDO($dsn);`
I am writing a DBHFactory, which should give me instances of DBH (DataBaseHandle) every time I call `public function getHandle()` method, should I use `clone` to return a copy ? or should I use `new PDO($dsn)`.
I am reluctant to the latter as I will have to move my code inside `getHandle()` e.g. `public function getHandle() { //do lots of stuff; return new PDO($dsn); }`
$DBH = new PDO($dsn);
Don't clone resource objects...
@Sudhi 1) 'new'; 2) you can optimize it and return new object only when you getting new $dsn
ohhk, so new it is. Thanks @OZ_ , I will stick around as I have few more questions/clarification
Can we get Cookies created from javascript in PHP (and also vice-versa)
@Rafee yes. look at $_COOKIE in PHP
@OZ_ i tried to workout with that, but cannot work
here is the code
<script type="text/javascript">
function c()
$v1 = document.getElementById('name1').value;
document.write("Cookie Create : ", + getCookie('cook'));

<form name="f" method="post">
<input type="text" id="name1" name="name" />
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Create Cookie">
<input type="submit" name="submit1" value="show Cookie">
<input type="submit" name="submit2" value="Del Cookie">
<input type="button" name="jsubmit" value="Create J Cookie" onclick="c();">
@Rafee which action not works?
creating a cookie in javascript doesn't work and when i try to retreive throuh php its not showing up
then I can't help you, I don't know JS
Hey guys, quick question. I know I can't do

$pdoStatement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_CLASS, "User");

because of the arguments fetch is expecting. But I can do

$pdoStatement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_CLASS, "User");

Now my question is: I know I have to do

$pdoStatement->setFetchMode(PDO::FETCH_CLASS, "User");

So `fetch()` works with FETCH_CLASS. Can I now also use `fetchAll()` without parameters and get the fetch mode I set with `setFetchMode()`?
Sigh. Your js won't work because its wrong. Js doesn't do string variable interpolation. Not to mention that's not how you set a cookie in js...
Quite confusing, I know. I just want to harmonize my calls to fetch() and fetchAll(), by preparing for them in the same way
About to go into a tunnel, be back later...
@ircmaxell even i tried making this line
oops sorry
leaving off now...
hello there ! I am throwing exceptions :D In a class method which creates PDO object I don't know if the $driver given in $dsn is available or not, I can check if PDO supports the said driver by checking in_array($driver,PDO::getAvailableDrivers), however, what kind of exception should I throw? Runtime? Domain (which extends Runtime) ? or something else ?
What's the definition of Domain?
drivers available to PDO on the system
thats something specific to configuration of the system
A centrally-managed group of information
> Exception thrown if a value does not adhere to a defined valid data domain.
if the item does not fit the list of known items, it's not defined in the data domain
errata : DomainException does not extend Runtime, it extends Logic
Right, because it's a logic exception
but the $driver variable is given at runtime
That doesn't matter. Technically everything is given at runtime
the point of a LogicException is that code needs to change...
hmm, of course, if the consumer of the class has run a single test of the class s/he will know that the driver is not supported
bingo! thanks @ircmaxell : this settles the issue.
/me loves Chat, much better than asking questions :D
will stick around till I get my next question :D thanks again !
drupal sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so the white house too
Is there some way to make something like eval(); return a string of the php it has interpreted and also retain other information from the same php it interpreted?
I want to have a more dynamic meaning of including a php. I want to imitate a MVC pattern and I need to "include" the php into the <body> part of the html but also get from it information like the <title> the web site should have.
@sinni800 why you can't just call method of the object and get "title" as result?
@OZ Should every VIEW have a class?
@sinni800 of course
Makes things so much more complicated...
I have been trying with just including the View where the body should be
But that incorporates a LOT of limitations and look so very crippled
in method of View class you can declare, which variables you need to render page
for example: getPage($title) - and you definitely know, that you need to pass title
Should I use the output buffer? It seems to also be doing what I need
no, but it can be very handy
Start output buffer, include file, stop output buffer... Then write the output into the body and get variables I need out of the included one
well, it's old method of templating :)
Actually I need to come up with things that are functional fast... Employers always want stuff instantlyx
So to say, it would better be finished yesterday
well, you can spend 1-2 hours to understand how Twig works
it will be enough
Oh, sorry, but I am disallowed to use external libraries.. dumb, I know
Since I will not be maintaining this project and nobody wants to "look into the libraries i used"
Although when I code everything on my own they will have to look into the code I made, LOL
Not much difference
... Sec, I understand what you mean. I should look into Twig and imitate how it does things, right?
no, I meant "use Twig" :)
Alright... But as I said..
but.. there is my little View, which can render template and from HTML and from twig: codepad.org/UPBpNF19
it was written in one day, so... But it works :)
Thanks, I will look into it. May I imitate it's behaviour?
you can use it as you want
Is the general rule that purging a cache shouldn't cause dependency errors, correct?
@OZ Thank you
@OZ Man, I should hate repeating code less...
Or, put differently, that you can easily clear a cache knowing that at worst the system would slow down a little until the cache is regenerating?
@ircmaxell /ping for comments ;)
@ChristianSciberras A cache shouldn't have stuff that is DEPENDED upon. A cache only saves things that are available from a different source, but slower... So usually, purging caches shouldn't do anything
@ChristianSciberras I think.. yes
It's like deleting the contents of a temp folder... It should not break anything. If it does, the cache is done wrong
So, building on that, I would be right in saying that if a system did depend on the cached file, it must have been written badly?
Example, a system caches thing in files but manages these files by having a corresponding DB entry.
Deleting cached files causes the cache to generate new ones, hence adding items to the DB.
So, if you started with 5 cached files, you end up with 5 cached files and 5 badly accessed files.
Lame imho.
"manages these files by having a corresponding DB entry" - what?
all it looks like absurd
I mean... caching shouldn't create new record in DB
There should be something like:

foreach($dbrow as $file) if ( file_exists($file) ) include $file;

Instead of

foreach($dbrow as $file) include $file;
No time. Later
@OZ_ Huh? What if you wanted to store additional meta data about the cached file? Such as the source, time, user etc?
@ircmaxell Mkay, cheers.
@ChristianSciberras caching in files it's already bad idea, so... Memory is good place for cache, not hdd
@OZ_ I'm not against associated db with file for caching, but removing cache files causing the system to malfunction.
@OZ_ Memory? What kind of caching are we talking about?
good god people
@ChristianSciberras RAM.
arg. files are fine
@ircmaxell fine for caching?
@OZ_ I'm not talking about RAM caching. I'm talking about, eg, caching thumbnails. User avatars. XML sources. that sort of thing.
just say it to your server, take RAM off and look, how SWAP will be "fine" :)
I can't talk now, but in short, files are fine
@ChristianSciberras so it's not caching, it's storing
You don't go about storing user avatars in memory...you'll end up with a load of crap just to store plain static content.
@OZ_ It's caching.
@ircmaxell I can talk and in any - files aren't fine
It's caching processed images instead of processing them on the fly.
@ChristianSciberras of course.
@ChristianSciberras well, ok, let it be.
@ChristianSciberras in other words, you want to generate some preview and store it, so, of course, you'll need to write path to the file into DB. It's ok, I think.
and in this case I even can allow that system is depends on this files
@OZ_ You're not grasping what I said, though.
**arrggghhh** ! I am so confused !! Here is the situation:-
I am writing UserSubscription class, and as such I need to interact with database, I want to separate the database interaction and Subscription logic. But almost everything that I need to do in the class requires insert/select from the database. Should I create a new PDO handle in the class constructor inside the class or pass as external argument?
sorry to interrupt
@ChristianSciberras : have you ever used linked in api?
@Sudhi Wasn't important anyway.
@Ritesh360 Nope. Why?
i have integrate this api with my code and i got the respoce but i want the public url from that respoce and that thing is not there :(
ohhk, so what should I do? if I write all those insert/select statements inside my UserSubscription class I have highly coupled system, which I certainly don't want. What are the alternatives ?
@Sudhi pass external. use dependency injection
@Ritesh360 You can probably build it up yourself. The public URL is built with publicly known information.
errr, dependency injection?
may be
yes. Don't use "new" keyword in methods of model.
@OZ: was that for me?
@OZ_: hello . i have some problem in my linkedin api response
can you help me?
:1428667 It looks like:

class User {
    function __construct( $db ){
        $this->db = $db;
    function get_name(){
        return $this->db->query('SELECT .....');
hi guys
how are you
@Sudhi yes
any body configure sabre webservices in PHP
@HeartDisk hi fine dude
hi Sunny
how are you
Got to go. Work's a-calling. @ircmaxell talk later.
@HeartDisk fine dude
hmm, thanks @ChristianSciberras for your help
@Ritesh360 I don't know this API, but I'll try )
hay Sunny i need help in WSDL
that's great
could any one help me please
@HeartDisk: what is the problem?
i want to call sub functions from WSDL
Dependency injection (DI) is a design pattern in object-oriented computer programming whose purpose is to reduce the coupling between software components. It is similar to the factory method pattern. Frequently an object uses (depends on) work produced by another part of the system. With DI, the object does not need to know in advance about how the other part of the system works. Instead, the programmer provides (injects) the relevant system component in advance along with a contract that it will behave in a certain way. Motivation Developers of software strive to reduce dependencies b...
ohhk, so looking at @ChristianSciberras 's code I see that the SELECT statements still land in my User class
i got this error when i sending request in WSDL
while the Dependency Injection link you gave says I can delegate this task to the injected dependency
Fatal error: Uncaught SoapFault exception: [soap-env:Client.InvalidEbXmlMessage] Unable to internalize message in F:\wamp\www\booking\connectivity-backup.php:43 Stack trace: #0 F:\wamp\www\booking\connectivity-backup.php(43): SoapClient->__soapCall('OTA_AirAvailRQ', Array) #1 {main} thrown in F:\wamp\www\booking\connectivity-backup.php on line 43
you can use soap client
@Sudhi no, you understand it wrong
ya i am using SoapClient()
are you talking about nuSoapClient ??
umm? which part ? the SELECT statement should be in User class or the latter?
@Sudhi $db are injected there. SELECT can be in User, of course. Just $db should be injected
@OZ Do you think it is good style to append my functions with _POST when they should only be run when a POST method is issued?
ohhk, of course, what data to retrieve from db is something only User class should know, how to retrieve is something $db should handle. Am I getting right?
friends help me please ..
I don't like to repeat the code to ward off statements of different methods in every func
@OZ about your little templating class... what does your template that you render with render_HTML_template contain where the site's content is? And how to concrete VIEWs look?
@sinni800 : I use $request array for such functions, and I populate this array with $_POST or $_GET depending on the situation, so the code stays the same, only the passed on array changes from $_POST/$_GET to $request
@sinni800 well... It's just naming, so do it as you want, but... I think it's better to write this information in comments, not in name
that way, you can use the same functions in any situation, just populate $request with appropriate $_POST/GET
shouldn't the function be decoupled from the POST/GET method ?
@HeartDisk : I wish I could help, but I know nothing much about SOAP clients
@OZ the name is done so the mvc "routing" finds the correct function. For example if you do a GET on something, it will never even REACH the _POST function. That's prevented by design
@Sudhi no. By REST rules some functions should be called only when POST method is used
The index.php which calls the functions prevents a _POST function to be called when the http method is _GET
@Sudhi thanks yaara no problem
@sinni800 well, it's a variant too :)
This way I never have to care about filtering for the request type in my controller class methods
Alright, so it isn't such a bad design ;D
Could somebody help me with this:
Q: How to manage dependency autoloading

NikiCCurrently when building a library I always provide an Autoloader class that handles autoloading for this library using a code like this: require_once 'path/to/PHP-Parser/lib/PHPParser/Autoloader.php'; PHPParser_Autoloader::register(); I'm not sure though how to handle it if my library depends ...

@NikiC When including, doesn't this automatically happen?
The autoloader is triggered because a class is not found, then it loads the class. The class itself can't find another class, so the autoloader is triggered again..
@sinni800 there is setTemplatesDir() for this (if I understood you right)
I never used autoloader but I read the documentation once
@OZ if you have functions which require $_POST only, then certainly go ahead and name them _POST or some other convention which clarifies this, but code which can be used in either case should not be repeated
"One idea I had was that the library should handle autoloading for it's dependencies too, but that just doesn't feel right." - when all vendors support PSR_0, this idea works well
@Sudhi my functions that are not appended with any _$Method can be called by everything
@OZ Could you please give me an example of a template and a view? I can find out the rest by myself
@Sudhi I'm not against this idea.
ohhk, well, in that case, it is imperative that you will need to append your function names with _POST
@Sudhi hm?
you said it is by design that you will need to append _POST/GET right? now lets talk about code/logic which is required by both POST/GET
@OZ I'm just not sure whether that's a good idea. It feels like it's not the business of a lib to autoload another lib.
write that code in separate functions/files which are not accessed by your "design pattern/framework"
and call these function from within your $_POST/GET function files
hi will any body tell me if i set cookie and print exactly after that but i will not get it and when i refresh it , it will print all values in cookie ??
posted on September 09, 2011 by Juozas Kaziukenas

Talking in the Web Species blog today about Dependencies management in PHP projects: Rarely a project lives by itself, especially in the days of frameworks. Furthermore, there are a lot of great open source libraries you might want to use to save time. But all of this raises a new problem – how could we manage all those dependencies. Here are some thoughts on this problem and how you might wan

the only repetition would be a single statement of that particular function call
@sinni800 template: codepad.org/fGqYmShJ , view: codepad.org/0LiPi7S2
I've got a setup where a database serves out records, a hand-full may be exceptions to the normal treatment of records and needs to execute specialized PHP code, what's the best way to architecture that?
I was thinking of a file with a list of callbacks, I'd like to avoid eval.
@NikiC it's business of autoloader.
and autoloader is not a part of the lib :)
@sinni800 : listen to @OZ , I feel I do not understand MVC completely yet
@Sudhi Repitition is strangely repellant for me
@sinni800 : ditto for me, I gave you my suggestion, but I am not sure if it fits the MVC bill, as I don't understand MVC completely, still a [slow] learner
I just microwaved food, now the center is cold and the border is hot as lava
@Sudhi I have been doing MVC in asp.net mvc
So I am trying to bring a lot of concepts over
@Sudhi MVC is collaboration of objects. Ideal collaboration of objects is send messages to each-other.
yes, I know the basics, but I lack practical implementation. Though I am up for an upcoming project completely based on MVC, using struts2+hibernate+log4j
@OZ where is $title actually being set?
it will be fun, perhaps then, I can speak on MVC with some authority :)
@Sudhi oh wow. My project that I currently do has 0% external code except for stuff included in php
It's just me and PHP
@sinni800 : thats what I am doing right now. Learning OOP/OOD/design patterns by using basic class/objects in php
@sinni800 that view was from working project, but template was from minds, so... Well, $title can be set in vars array (argument of render_HTML_template)
the project I am talking about will be much more easy once I clear these concepts by handmade MVC/other design patterns
In my opinion design patterns are a little overrated. I know they suggest a "good" style of coding, but what is "good"?
@OZ uhh alright..
@sinni800 : that will always be subjective. However, when thousands of people all over the world are following/suggesting something, you can not simply ignore them
there must be some point in it
@sinni800 "good" for once is actually quite easily define in this case: It means maintainable.
@Sudhi well the PHP community has a lot of blind following... Sadly
@NikiC : you will be surprised that in the real world 'good' simply means 'working'
@Sudhi I am not even following design patterns on purpose but I always come across one that I have blindly implemented without knowing, lol
@Sudhi That depends on how bad the company is you work for ;)
For example, without knowing, my database classes follow the Data Mapper pattern
Good time everyone !
@sinni800 : interesting, you came up with Data Mapper on your own?
@OmeidHerat : Good time !
@NikiC : well, this is my first job. So I can't speak for all the companies out there, but generally the situation is not at all "good" for good coders
@Sudhi I don't know. I just did it
@Sudhi me too
Apart from minor differences
I just thought: Dumb class + Class that acts upon dumb class
And that was my model
@sinni800 : thats some dumb classes you got :)) which are quite smart, I should say
what happened with me was, I got across this 'Code Complete 2' book on the internet (I think it was Jeff's blog[codinghorror] and that got me thinking
@Sudhi Well I cheated in one "dumb"-class: The user class. SetPassword also instantly hashes the password, then putting it in
i would think it was necessary, the password must be hashed ASAP before passing/storing in plain text
@OZ, @sinni800 : its time for me to go , office hours done, will come back online as soon as I get back home, bbye for now :)
@Sudhi bye
thanks for your help @OZ , bbye !
at least in chat I've done some useful today
that song of Freddie Mercury still sounds in my head, after google's doodle: youtube.com/watch?v=Xe0gIFxYhrk , few days already
I think im gonna do this, @OZ: The index.php runs the controller action which returns a View with the needed ViewData or something else. The index.php then runs the View (output buffered), determines if the view wants a template or not and according to this, runs the template with the $content from output buffer or writes the output buffer directly
If the controller action returns something that is not a View Class, it tries using it as a string and directly prints it to the client
For example if the controller action returns $jsonData
as a string
Does this sound good?
controller should return to FrontController response (text at least), not View object
index.php is your FrontController
@OZ It returns to the index.php, but it returns an instanciated View with the necessary values
so, FrontController calls Controller, Controller calls View (and Model, maybe), takes output from View and returns it to the FrontController
No, not really
well... I think it should work in this way :)
FrontController calls Controller, Controller instanciates View, gives back to FrontController. Frontcontroller uses View Object to run the view, then runs template (if applicable) with content from view
But that would mean code repetition. Controller action should not have to do more than return new View(optional $ViewName, $ViewData)
It's not good idea - FrontController shouldn't be coupled with methods of View
It's what they do in asp.net mvc. the template rendering is not done by the view here, but rather by the viewengine
Controller can return result even without Views, actually
I think it was
Yeah, controller returns string, FrontController checks class against View, if not, tries to output as string
well... FrontController shouldn't know nothing about View.
It's just an effort to reduce the number of classes needed
or new level of coupling will be created
why don't you want to return just text to the FrontController?
of what?
Instanciating a view and doing all that stuff that could be generalized into just one step of calling return new View
doesn't matter how it could be. It could be done in one line of code.
so what should the string contain then? The whole html output?
Then I could just do print(output) actually
you should think about separation of concerns. Controller should return "Response" to the FrontController. It can be text or Object Response.
thank you all for interesting evening, I'm going to home :) bye
00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 23:00

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