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@NikiC The class?
@ircmaxell the first method can see the array, but the second one will not. I wouldn't like to pass it as a parameter, how can I make that array global for every method even if those are called later?
@NikiC well, basically the pre 5.3 way was to do My_Db_Table_Adapter_Oracle and translating that now to namespaces would be My\Db\Table\Adapter\Oracle which imo is a bad idea.
@ircmaxell It represents an array expression. It stores the associated data (i.e. the array element nodes.)
@sathia Post the code that can't see it
@NikiC Then call it ArrayExpression
would it still be acceptable DI, if only the required classes are passed through the constructor? So say with the Survey class, the Database is (has to be) passed on construction, but in the constructor the class does $this->language = new Language('en'); to set a default. The language can subsequently be overriden with $Survey->setLanguage(). Would that be ok?
@Gordon My\Db\Table\Adapter\Oracle isn't a good name and according to PSR-0 you can use _ in namespace names so I'd go with My_Db_Table_Adapter\Oracle here.
@NikiC Hrm... You could do `PHPParser\Node\Expr\ArrayExpre... Dam, @Gordon beet me to it
@NikiC PSR-0 sigh
@Gordon @ircmaxell But why? If It's already in the Expr namespace, why should I append Expression to it?
@NikiC I wouldn't. Possibly My\Db\Table_Adapter\Oracle, but I prefer to name namespaces after the root class of the namespace. So unless Oracle extends (or implements the interface) Table_Adapter, then...
@NikiC because its an arrayexpression. having it in the Expr namespace is really just following the old pear convention of splitting names in a way they are organized in folders.
@NikiC Because of the parser token...
@ircmaxell I though that "My DB Table Adapter" is the project name ;)
@Gordon Well, but I think it's very reasonable to group Expression and Statement nodes. I like Stmt/Return and Expr/New more than ReturnStmt and NewExpr. It just make more sense.
@ircmaxell well, i see where the problem is. it's because I'm extending a class
@Rijk Purists will tell you NO, because of the tight coupling it will introduce. Also, your objects should either be information experts or creators. Not both.
gotta spend more time on this room :)
E.g. shouldn't this be really called CryptLib\BlockCipher\AES or even CryptLib\AESBlockCipher? github.com/ircmaxell/PHP-CryptLib/blob/master/lib/CryptLib/…
Well. This survey object holds metadata about the survey (name, creation date, etc), but also holds objects for all the questions of course. How would you arrange this in a information vs creator object architecture?
But this should definitely be CryptLib\CRC32Hash according to that logic github.com/ircmaxell/PHP-CryptLib/blob/master/lib/CryptLib/Hash/…
@NikiC Why not My\Expressions
@Gordon ?
@NikiC basically I like to organize my namespace in a way thats indepedent from how the classes are named and how they are organized on the file system.
@ircmaxell so the question is, how do i export an array made inside the constructor of the class to a new class that extends the first which contained the array?
@NikiC think packages instead of classname hierarchy
@Gordon would something like a SurveyBuilder object, that passes the array of Question objects to the Survey object be a better layout?
@Gordon I think we'll just need to agree to disagree on class names ;)
@Rijk that depends. Do the questions get loaded when the Survey gets loaded or do they have to be loaded lazily later?
@NikiC i have no problem with that :)
@Gordon might be a dumb question, but in stackoverflow.com/questions/6094744/… , would it be acceptable if the buildHouse() method was a static method in the House class?
@Gordon good question. At the moment, the loading happens instantaniously, but I was planning on keeping the lazy loading option open for possible performance problems later on. Furthermore, the answers of the questions are lazy loaded.
@Rijk No, it would tightly couple your code to the class name ;)
@Rijk nyes, if you promise never ever to call that method anywhere but in your dependency injection container or factories. In general, static methods are overrated and introduce more problems than they offer benefits.
@NikiC Well, then My\DbTableAdapter
No, because it is a block sipher
@ircmaxell Yeah, if "My" is the vendor name, then yes
@NikiC Why? I want to organize the classes by type....
@Rijk if they all get loaded upfront along with the Survey, then yes, fetch them in some sort of SurveyMapper from SurveyTableDataGateway, pass them to SurveyFactory and have that return the fully assembled Survey object
@Gordon @NikiC I was just suggesting that, because I struggle with requiring a series of complex actions from my 'users', where before they just had to do $Survey = new Survey( [id] ); to get an entire survey object, loaded with questions.
@sathia No need to do that. It should be available as long as the constructor that defines it is called (parent::__construct if the extending class defines a constructor)
@ircmaxell See! So ArrayExpression doesn't make any sense either. Expr\Array is grouped by name just the same way.
if you want to lazy load them, you will likely inject another datamapper just for the questions into the survey object instead.
@NikiC Right, but Array is a keyword, so you have to do something about that
@ircmaxell Yeah, not use namespaces ^^. Only solution that doesn't yield strange redundant class names ;)
@ircmaxell awesome! thanks
I find it hard to exist colisions between class names when things are done right
@NikiC You could do _Array :-P
@ircmaxell ... :P
@Gordon it all sounds very smart and interesting.. however, I feel that it would make my code a lot more complex, while the only gain would be easier unit testing? Isn't DI also a little bit of a golden hammer of some sorts?
Or A_rray. Or A[chr0]rray
@ircmaxell Maybe put it in the _ namespace too? So you gotta _\\_Array! (I can't put a single \ in there ...)
@Rijk It's actually far simpler to do it that way...
it is??
@NikiC \My\Expr\__\__\__Array__
@Rijk Yes. The complicated part is shifting how you approach a problem. But once you do, it's actually easier...
@Rijk Not at all. DI will only make sure your objects are loosely coupled, which in turn will make them easier to test, to change and to maintain. The complexity stems from the Object-Relational-Mapping you want to do. DI is simple. ORM is not.
@ircmaxell You can't put a null byte into a label ;) Only Zend can do that (as it does for lambdas if I'm not mistaken)
because the code as it is now is pretty straight forward. You construct a Survey, and that loads up all the questions from the DB and creates objects from them. It's not entirely loose-coupled, but it is testable.. and simpler than a whole bunch of intermediate mapper objects (in my perception -- may be wrong!!)
@NikiC :-P
@Rijk What happens when you need to reuse Survey, or change something about it later? You're stuck. Instead, the better alternative is to inject dependencies so if you need to change something you can just swap it out without editing dozens of classes...
@ircmaxell You're like Einstein, always :P-ing!
@NikiC If Zend can do it, John Skeet can as well, and he can do it better
thanks ircmaxll, have a fine day
@sathia No problem, and you the same
i hope you understand i'm also playing advocate of the devil here.. !
i very much appreciate the discussion
@NikiC Wow, that's the first time I've ever been compared to Einstein. And because I stick out my tongue... That sorta makes me sad... But at the same time... I don't know
@ircmaxell you would still need to change all the differ methods of those dependencies, if needed .. so, it isn't that different
@yoda Not if you're using interfaces for the typehint. You can swap out the class for any other impementation that offers that interface (so you only need to write the class to that interface, as opposed to changing multiple places
there's where my real-world like view gets in
name things as they are :)
if you want to get the posts, do $posts->get(), not $posts->getAllGodDamnCamelCaseSucks()
or anything similar in sense
@yoda You could do a doctoral thesis (PHD) on proper naming, and still not get anywhere significant. It's one of the two hard problems in programming: There are only two hard problems in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things. — Phil Karlton...
not questioning your practices though
@Rijk you can almost always come up with something easier by not doing it the SOLID) way, but experience has shown that it will come back to bite you in the behind sooner or later when you are working on a system that goes through changes.
@yoda Not necessarially. What happens if you want to provide a method that gets based on a non-obvious method? $posts->getByAuthorName($author) makes more sense than $posts->get($author)...
@ircmaxell I find naming quite simple, as long as you have a good overall perspective of what you're dealing with.
@yoda In trivial cases it's simple. It's the edge cases that happen more often than we'd like to admit that post the real challenge (and the most damage can be done)
@ircmaxell please understand that it was an example. The way I do it there's no pattern without any context attached, so if you have a discussion board and want the post author name, it might be something like $post->author('name') or $post->author->name, but it would always depend on the context. Thing is, as far as I can see, most PHP projects lack a clear context, things are done a bit block by block without a full overview of the context they are applied to (not sure I'm making any sense)
@yoda This is a good discussion. Please don't think I'm talking down or annoyed or anything. I think it's important to discuss these kinds of things...
@yoda $post->author->name violates law of demeter
@ircmaxell yes, the edge cases are edgy, but I still haven't found a project / case where that couldn't be accomplished. No problem, I understand your intention :)
@Gordon why?
The Law of Demeter (LoD) or Principle of Least Knowledge is a design guideline for developing software, particularly object-oriented programs. In its general form, the LoD is a specific case of loose coupling. The guideline was invented at Northeastern University towards the end of 1987, and can be succinctly summarized in one of the following ways: *Each unit should have only limited knowledge about other units: only units "closely" related to the current unit. *Each unit should only talk to its friends; don't talk to strangers. *Only talk to your immediate friends. The fundamental noti...
@Rijk because the code that needs this information is digging into $post to get the author and then fetches that authors name to do something with it when whatever uses $post should only have to have knowledge about the immediate collaborators. By digging deeply into the object graph you are creating lots more coupling.
So what your saying is it should be $post->author_name or something, and the Post class should dispatch this to the Author class?
@Gordon $post doesn't implicit need to know about $author, it can magically call it
@yoda its not about post having to know about author its whatever uses $post
@Gordon I don't do it that way anyway, but what do you mean exacly?
@Rijk the question is should $post return the author name at all or should i rather tell $post what to do with the author name instead
and how about 1:* relations -- like Survey:Question
got it
@Gordon well, if you want to display the author name on a web page?
@Rijk then you could tell $post->displayAuthor($htmlPage)
@yoda :-D
Hm... but what if it's like <div class="author"><?=$post->author->name?></div><div class="title"><?=$post->getContent()?></div> ?
@Gordon that doesn't seem the best example though :) but I think you made your point :)
@Rijk then you should get rid of it ;)
you mean your render code should be more structured?
@Rijk not mine. yours :P
hehe speaking methaphorically of course ;)
plz seethis link and tell me any solution plz stackoverflow.com/questions/7349500/…
well, yeah I was the one that put the code here in the chat so technically my code :)
and i was thinking i knew OO ;P
@Rijk no worries. i tell that to myself at least once a week :)
@Rijk and PHP isn't even OO .. always learning :)
it's also true that you have to draw a line somewhere, right? .. as far as abstracting stuff goes
@Rijk yeah, my thoughts exacly :)
you can 'overdo' it too
create objects for all the strings, and objects for every character in the strings ;)
@Rijk i wouldnt mind if all the scalars in php would be objects
at ALL
sometimes i find the 'real' OO solutions a little too complex for my liking.. i think i'm a pragmatic
i'm more of a don't overdo it initially, revise it later kind of guy
but that's what's makes it so hard to insert DI in my code now I guess
@Rijk Doing OO doesnt mean you have to overengineer your application. KISS and YAGNI do very much apply to OOP too. It's usually that when you only "hacked" your way towards a problem with not much thinking about a proper design that it feels complicated to come up with a simple yet well designed solution that is also maintainble and flexible.
Hm, how would you format a multiline elseif that contains multiline function calls?
    } elseif ($i + 1 < $c && T_SL === $this->tokens[$i][0] && '<' === $this->tokens[$i + 1]
              && preg_match(
                     '~(*BSR_ANYCRLF) # set \R to (\r|\n|\r\n)
                       (<<<[\t ]*\'([a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*)\'\R) # opening token
                       ((?:(?!\2).*\R)*) #content
                       (\2) # closing token
                       (?=;?\R) # nowdoc must be followed by a newline (and optionally a semicolon)
@Gordon Well. I wouldn't call the Survey/Questions thing i referred to earlier a 'hack'. But it's not completely valid OO either
@NikiC hide the condition(s) in a method that express what they do.
If you align the ) with the start of the function name as you would normally do it looks really stange
@Gordon Hm... I don't like doing that. Especially as in this case the condition is also extracting data ($matches).
Gotta go unfortunately.. thanks everyone!
@NikiC then suffer from the strange looks ;P
Maybe: ... ?
hope to talk to you some other time in chat
    } elseif ($i + 1 < $c && T_SL === $this->tokens[$i][0] && '<' === $this->tokens[$i + 1]
              && preg_match(
                  '~(*BSR_ANYCRLF) # set \R to (\r|\n|\r\n)
                    (<<<[\t ]*\'([a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*)\'\R) # opening token
                    ((?:(?!\2).*\R)*) #content
                    (\2) # closing token
                    (?=;?\R) # nowdoc must be followed by a newline (and optionally a semicolon)
                  $this->code, $matches, null, $p
@Rijk you're welcome. cya.
} elseif (
    $i + 1 < $c &&
    T_SL === $this->tokens[$i][0] &&
    '<' === $this->tokens[$i + 1] &&
      $this->code, $matches, null, $p
} elseif ($i + 1 < $c
    && T_SL === $this->tokens[$i][0]
    && '<' === $this->tokens[$i + 1]
    && preg_match(
      $this->code, $matches, null, $p
or - my favorite:
5 mins ago, by Gordon
@NikiC hide the condition(s) in a method that express what they do.
Heh, indenting code is just as hard naming sometimes
@Gordon } elseif ($this->amIAGod($i, $c)) { muahahahaha($doEvil); } else { $this->iAmNotAGod($sadFace); }
@ircmaxell sigh you americans … there is a New Testament as well you know. And in that god isnt that evil.
ah, you said aGod
then all is well :D
I have a little non-php related UI question to ask, do you mind if i get your opinions?
This was the busiest room :)
@Dan from my cold dead brain
@Gordon Indeed :)
@Gordon Yup :-P
@Dan Ask your question, if anyone can help they will
On a particular page (product page in this example), better to have a 'Tweet' , 'Facebook like' and 'Share' button, or just a nice simple single 'Share' button which takes care of the first two anyway
What's your preference/experience?
none. But I'm allergic to those stupid buttons clutters
@Arkh exactly what i think, but i think its important to allow people to share it if they want, hence why i prefer the second option
Just wanted other people's thoughts
@Dan - Personally, as someone who doesn't Tweet and doesn't feel the need to share every minutiae of my life on Facebook, I find the modern trend of draping social buttons on everything to be obtrusive. Best to be as discrete as possible. Might I suggest simply putting the text "Share" on the page with a little down-arrow, on click you can show a small menu of options.
mmaybe a "share" button which expands to show all options then
@Chris Good, we're all singing from the same hymn sheet then :D
Share This does this job nicely then
then, if your user is authenticated, you can show different things depending on their use of those share options
like if one has used the facebook share at least one time last week you show it directly
That is also a good design practice - but you risk not showing me something that I would be interested in because I am not logged in at the moment.
Maybe show the icons for what the user is authenticated for, then at the bottom of the little drop-down show "More ways to share..." that will reveal all the options you have implemented?
Well whether you're logged in or not you'd still see the Share button though and it would still expand to show you all the options
@Chris oooh Chris, i'm only two months into this, you've just gone way past my comfort level :)
Pah, same code methods to show the share drop-down would be used to expand the drop-down in size and show even more options. :)
But yes, that is a "bonus" offering - you could KISS (Keep it simple, stupid) and just show all the options on the drop-down right off the bat
Thanks Chris. Anyway, sorry to take the room off topic, i appreciate all your input. One delicate little single share button it is
posted on September 08, 2011 by Marco Tabini

Unit testing shouldn’t be hard. In fact, given its usefulness, it should be easy and pleasant—a tool that every developer would never want to do without. And yet, I see programmers (and, more frighteningly, systems architects) struggling with it constantly. In many cases, they are saddled with large codebases that have never seen any tests whatsoever on one hand, and the fact that a recent ch

Chris, just looked at your profile which raises another non-PHP question...
hey guys i'm using zend framework. I have a App_Exception_404 class (extending App_Exception) which i fire within my controller when something isnt found. I;ve then made changes to my error controller to handle when the exception os App_Exception_404. the problem i have is each controller has a try{} catch(App_Exception $e) {} which causes the errorController not to fire
is there a way for me to skip the Catch(App_Exception $e) when it's the 404 error?
[ hopefully you understand my question :) ]
Mootools better than jQuery for JS framework? I've implemented a few jQuery and a few Mootools elements (slideshows, validation etc), and ive picked up on a bit of chatter recently among experienced devs like yourself that jQuery is pretty poor
@Feeds Good article. Some conclusions are a bit... Unorthodox... But pretty good
@Dan Too subjective of a question to answer effectively
Agreed. I love mootools, I tolerate jQuery :) My co-worker sitting right beside me is a jQuery devotee, he hates mootools with the fire of a thousand suns.
@ircmaxell Hi Maxell, i suppose its just because i notice my jQuery based bits and pieces can be quite buggy, and my Mootools ones seem to, well, not be :)
@Chris ha, thanks
@Dan I'm not arguing the subject or the conclusion, just that it's a very subjective and argumentitive subject
@ircmaxell And not for this room, i know :D
Strictly opinion, and this is probably a better discussion for the javascript room, but jQuery is great for people that don't want to program in javascript, they want results from javascript. Mootools encourages programming, you put your hands in it more. You get the results, but you make them yourself. To me, that means that they'll be more likely to do exactly what you wanted them to do. That said... yeah, let's not go off topic too bad here :)
@Chris Thanks Chris, with that i bid you a fond farewell (love Michigan by the way, used to do the Summer Camp thing near Bloomfield Hills when i was a kid)
@Dan I don't care about the room, just the topic
@ircmaxell Can I run just test method from one test class in phpunit?
test one method? (call one named test)?
@ircmaxell i think you have to use phpunit --filter testName
--filter <pattern> Filter which tests to run.
@Gordon Thanks!
Hey @Kamil!
@KamilTomšík How's your language going?
no progress since last time - gotta make some money :)
current state is:
everything is command there are no params, no variables, not even instance variables in common sense - syntax is strictly about commands and blocks
@NikiC how about you? ;)
@KamilTomšík Uhm are you writing a functional language or what? If you don't have variables?
@KamilTomšík I'm trying to convert 5.2s token_get_all output to 5.3s. I've already wasted hours on that and still not done... :(
@NikiC there are instance variables, just not accessible by syntax but rather by command
oh, that could be tricky :)
@KamilTomšík Very tricky ;)
@KamilTomšík Are you currently only designing or already have some implementation ongoing?
I'm not sure if you'll be able to do that
@NikiC designing (I've decided to do meta-circular vm)
@KamilTomšík Oh, with another ten hours of time, I will certainly be able to ;)
which means I can't do that until lang is designed
@KamilTomšík Why not?
because meta-circular vm is vm written in its language :)
@KamilTomšík Yeah. But you still need to bootstrap anyways
correct, but then it's just about expressing already existing vm in other lang
it's way easier then
only thing I'm not sure about is meta-level functionality
anyone tried elgg 1.8?
1 hour later…
Wow, today just went from nice and interesting to... well...
@ircmaxell stupid, every time. :-)
No, this time, I think it's a combination
stupidity is not bad .. you're just open to the world of possibilities :)
when I see code like this, I want to smack the author for refusing to learn a new concept
$xmlString = file_get_contents($feed_url);
$xmlString = str_replace('georss:point','point',$xmlString);
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($xmlString);
@yoda I just need to remind myself that Stupid people keep me in a job
yeah, I take pills to cope with it :)
@ircmaxell so do smart people. and those usually pay better.
@Gordon I meant that the existence of stupid people make sure that I always have a job
reguardless of who I work for (which are some very smart people)
but if all the stupid people jumped off a bridge (or were transformed into smart people magically), the demand for my job would be significantly less (or at least my particular situation would be hurt)
@ircmaxell i dont think so. smart doesnt imply all of them can replace you or do the job on their own. i mean, hey i can do everything. some things just would take an awful lot of time to master first.
And drupal is really pissing me off as of late
I find humility to be more important than intelligence :)
HEllo all
Does anyone have an idea about template designing?
@Akito what do you mean?
@yoda: How do people develop templates for websites using Adobe Photoshop?
I am very new to it. I know html css and some php.
There are a lot of tutorials on the subject on the internet. You have to understand the types of layout (fluid, fixed) and have a clear notion on how to create the template so that it can be easily cropped.
Of course there's a lot more to it than just this, but you'd better read about it, or watch some screencasts on the subject.
@yoda: I was actually looking for some good tutorial. Do you have a good link to share?
No, I don't do that kind of work, sorry
Ok. Thanks :)
@Akito take a look at this tutorial webdesign.tutsplus.com/tutorials/…
coders now have managers? doing some gigs I see :)
but hey, here in Portugal things are way worse :)
hi all
anyone benchmarked io php I/O vs node.js one?
I just wrote a quick class to do async http i/o
public function execute() {
    $mh = curl_multi_init();
    $req = array();
    foreach ($this->requests as $url => $ch) {
        $req[$ch] = $url;
        curl_multi_add_handle($mh, $ch);
    $running = null;
    do {
        $mrc = curl_multi_exec($mh, $running);
        $ready = curl_multi_select($mh);
        if ($ready > 0) {
            while ($info = curl_multi_info_read($mh)) {
                $ch = $info['handle'];
                if (!isset($req[$ch])) {
                    // We already processed this handle
I am proud of it
it's dirty as sin
but it works quite well
solved my timeout problem (mysql connection timeout)
@Gordon Yes! It's like they never heard of simplexml_load_file()!
Hi @salathe :)
@ircmaxell That code must come straight from hell.
@ircmaxell ... or anyone else know much about SSL certs?
Q: Secure IFRAME nested on non-secure page

ChrisI have a client that, due to specific reasons, needs to place an IFRAME pointing to an HTTPS page on an HTTP page. The HTTP page is hosted on a different domain and server than the HTTPS page, but are both owned by the same client. Putting aside the reasons why this should not be done (please do...

hi @ircmaxell
Everyone else is chopped liver
@Chris, what is the complaint that you get? and no, not all Secure Certificates are the same.
@Justin - In Firefox, it's the big old "Security Certificate not valid" thing you see if you go to a place that has a roll-your-own SSL certificate (ours is an "official" one). Similarly, in IE we're seeing the security bar thing where you have to choose to "allow blocked content".
hmm I don't know anything off the top of my head to prevent that, it could be something in the installation of the SSL that you can set.. Nothing right off the top of my head, i'll research though when i finish this project I am working on (it should be done in about 30 minutes)
can any one help me with this?
Q: whats the difference between ob_flush and ob_end_flush?

loveshi am confused about the PHP functions ob_flush() and ob_end_flush(). About the function ob_flush the manual says The buffer contents are discarded after ob_flush() is called.This function does not destroy the output buffer like ob_end_flush() does. i am confused about the words discarded an...

if i open a php file with firefox(using http:// not file://) that is at my Document Root firefox shows the save file dialog box. what can be wrong?
I have got a project, developing a web app very similar to sites like Elance.com, odesk.com and freelancer.com. After googling a bit I came across Mahara which has most of the features already built in. I have never used Mahara before but have sufficient experience in CakePHP. My concerns are, will Mahara be customized easily, is it fexible?

What do you experts think, which one should I pick? Plz share your experience.

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