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IMHO, the DIC implementation in Symfony2 is one of major problems in that framework
i would recommend to avoid the containers
I see the point in DI (pointed out in your post stackoverflow.com/questions/7345636/…), however I really don't want to start passing on Database objects etc between the objects in my application..
DIC are the next best thing , like ORMs were
ORMs were? Has the train passed that station?
people will soon start to get over the hype ( well , not all of them )
I'm a little bit ashamed but totally missed the ORM 'hype'..
@Rijk , im talking about the ActiveRecord based ORMs
i think it was mostly caused by RoR
ah ok
but then how to implement DI?
because I need a database object in most of my classes
@Rijk factories and builders
do you really have SQL queries all over your code ?
and some of the classes are available as an API as well, and I don't want to put the users through the hassle of creating a DB object first, before they can use the class or something
I don't think Registry::getDatabase() is all that bad honestly
watch the first two videos at the bottom of that post , @Rijk
A: How is testing Registry Pattern or Singleton hard in PHP?

GordonWhile it's true that "you can write and run tests aside of the actual program execution so that you are free to affect the global state of the program and run some tear downs and initialization per each test function to get it to the same state for each test." it is tedious to do so. You want to ...

will do
singleton rocks my world big time
my condolences , @yoda
HMVC is also a great help
@yoda , look here : stackoverflow.com/questions/7345636/… , at the bottom there is a list of links , start from the top
I'll read your post @Gordon, thx
your approach to the subject seems a bit old
there's no need to use globals at all
singletons ARE globals
@tereško well you may be right, I don't have queries everywhere
but anyway
not deprecated ones :)
A: Who needs singletons?

GordonSingletons have very little - if not to say no - use in PHP. In languages where objects live in shared memory, Singletons can be used to keep memory usage low. Instead of creating two objects, you reference an existing instance from the globally shared application memory. In PHP there is no such...

check Kohana's doing on the subject
pretty neat
I can see from a design standpoint how DI is good - it's just that the implementations I've seen don't look in any way appealing to me
@Rijk , there is thing known as "Law of Demeter" , it states that object/functions should have access only to structures that they directly use , and not for "passing along the food chain"
@Rijk , when you are done with videos , then come back =P
k @tereško , will do ;)
and no .. i dont do "private conversations" .. it is pointless @yoda
besides , @yoda , kohana 3.2 contains no singletons now ( maybe one : Request , but i think thats gone too )
damn - first one is 54 minutes :S
got myself some watching to do :P
even the amount of static methods in general has significantly dropped since 3.0
A: Dependecy Hell - how does one pass dependencies to deeply nested objects

GordonIt's a common misconception that dependencies need to be passed through the object graph. To summarize the example Miško Hevery gives in Clean Code: Don't look for things, a House that needs a Door, doesnt need to know about the Lock in the Door: class HouseBuilder { public function buildHou...

ok, you're right about singletons & Kohana @@tereško
but now I'm curious about your doing on the subject
huh ?
what do you mean ?
I am not in any way of form affiliated to Kohana. I have used it extensively, an sometimes i even suggest it to others. But i have my own projects to work on.
no, about Dependency Injection, what do you resume from that
ok .. there must be something lost in translation , i cannot understand what the hell are you asking me
mornin' @ircmaxell
I'm aware of DI, but it seems to me that it somehow kills the point of OOP when you're attaching non-related objects to anothers
@yoda DI doesnt attach non-related objects to another
non-related in a real-world view
if you know what I mean
@yoda no, i dont
@yoda , did you finish watching the videos ? because they explain how DI is used
damn I'm aware of what DI is and I can't find a very good reason to use it
if you are using DI , you pass all the instances you will use in the constructor of the object
@yoda OOP is not about modelling the the real world at all if that's what you mean by real world btw. its about abstractions.
yes, precisely
it's hopeless
and where is the thin line between abstraction and DI?
can't find it
and i'm not explaining myself clearly either
@Gordon , stop explaining rainbow to a colorblind
@yoda i dont see the relation at all
and I would like to be respected
@tereško you're being a bit rude indeed
I myself struggle to see how DI could be successfully implemented in my real world application, too
how can one say that he understand DI and understands OOP but cannot see how the two fit together
yes ok, but could you try to explain it maybe?
if the concept is good, it should be easy to convey, shouldn't it?
that's not what I ment
ok , lets say you have MVC like structure
how would you make a model
I can only think of a few real dependencies of any object
dependencies that can be worked out if you have a good overall perspective of your system
I do understand DI, and used it for years, but ended up dropping it
maybe I haven't found a clear example yet where DI would be really usefull
class SomeModel{

   protected $_object_factory = null;
   protected $_mapper_factory = null;

   public function __construct( $object_factory , $mapper_factory )
       $this->_mapper_factory = $mapper_factory;
       $this->_object_factory = $object_factory;

   public function mystic_change()
      $mapper = $this->_mapper_factory->build('foo');
      $bar = $this->_object_mapper->build('bar');

      $bar->set_id( 42 );
      $mapper->fetch( $bar );
      if ( $bar->get_name() === 'wintermute' )
this code would interact with some storage medium , get data from it , check for something , alter data , and store back in some unnamed storage medium
it would still need to know how to use it's dependencies
so , how would the mapper know where is the storage medium ?
anyone ?
what do you mean by "where"?
well .. maybe it is stored in XML file , or in SQL database or in external REST API .. hell .. it might be just a test and it is stored in /dev/null
History site proposal for those interested: area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/5169/…
that sound's like a driver's issue, wich should be handled by the dependency .. no?
in this case , you prove a Mapper Factory to the Model
you need to change type of storage medium - you change the mapper factory
you INJECT different factory
.. ehh .. too complicated , i guess
it isn't complicated
it just seems to overhead the memory
@yoda well, the idea is that you want code that is easy to test, extend, maintain and fix. And DI helps with that.
* overheat
so here's a real world example
I develop a survey tool
@Gordon maybe it's just my practices that tend to create models that are as human-readable as possible, thus I still prefer to autoload stuff when needed
built-in is support for executing 'validation scripts' upon submitting answers
@yoda there really isnt a reason why you cannot use DI with autoloading. Just like with abstractions, these are unrelated.
its not: "I use DI thus I cannot have abstraction or autoloading."
validation script programmers can use an OO API like $Survey = new Survey( 45 ); $Question = $Survey->getQuestionByLabel('whatever'); $answer = $Question->getAnswer();
for one I need a database connection. so I would require the programmers to set up a database connection (while there is already one available when the script starts executing), and pass that to the Survey constructor. smelly.
@Gordon I'm about to quit trying to explain my point :P
@yoda i encourage you to try to explain it once in a way that makes sense instead ;)
then, let's say the Question object has another dependency, that Survey doesn't have. I have no other choice than to pass that through Survey as well
@Rijk its not smelly
so how could I successfully implement DI for this code?
@Rijk no, you dont have to pass dependecies through survey. see stackoverflow.com/questions/6094744/… again.
@Gordon not from a design standpoint, i agree. But for one the developers need to have the DB credentials, which I don't want to give them. I also don't want them to open a new connection, they should just use the existing one.
who said that you need to make a new connection ?
you create the PDO object once and then pass it around
@Gordon sorry didn't read it yet -- trying to keep up with all the material (@tereško sent me a couple hours of videos already which I'm working through now :) )
@Gordon yeah, but I'm starting to feel like it's just about the practices / ideals that differ. I've used DI and coded without implicit dependencies on object construction, and I prefer not to pass those dependencies at all, it doesn't make sense to me ..
@tereško but how would you access that object from such a 'validation script'?
you need globals / singleton for that, righ?
@yoda then please explain why?
@tereško how do you cope with DI in MVC? Furthermore, how do you cope with the implicit (?) need to have your controllers as clean as possible?
i already showed you have you implement Models
@tereško how would you access the PDO object without some form of globals?
@Gordon I see objects as living beings, that know how to get what they need .. once again, maybe this is just my OOP view
you create all the "commodities" like DB object and Cache in the bootstrap and then use factories to provide then to elements of MVC triade
@yoda For what I've seen the problem with controllers in MVC is usually that the framework doesn't give you control over the object livecycle of that controller. Thats why DI is painful there.
@Rijk , you provide PDO in constructor of Models ( or actually in th constructor of Mappers )
@yoda I think the main point of DI is to convey what your objects need to 'other developers'
@ircmaxell I don't understand how that question is even related.
The function receives two arguments: the value the data type.
@tereško please, take it easy.. I'm not 'trying to do' anything, other than understand how to use DI properly
@Rijk here is another example
A: How to Initialize object by different properties?

GordonWhat you describe could roughly be an ActiveRecord, but ActiveRecord has a couple of drawbacks and isnt a too clean pattern. If you dont know the pattern and its implications, dont use it. Have a look at DataMapper or Repository patterns instead. Here is an easy example implementation: class U...

@Rijk yes, but still, logic is logic. If things are done right, you know that a $post as an author, for instance. Clear OOP makes everything easy
Ah, never mind. I didn't mention that the function is implemented in a data type wrapper class. It all makes sense now. Thanks.
@Rijk basically, you create all the stuff you always need once in your bootstrap. And then your FrontController can inspect the current Request and invoke a Factory or Builder to create all that you need to fulfill that request, including MVC parts.
this discussion is really interesting, though!
@Rijk ws about to say that :)
@Gordon sounds good. Are FrontController, Factory and Builder referring to design patterns?
well .. @Gordon , i try to avoid using FrontController as a general rule
@Rijk yes
@Gordon my controllers do almost nothing but do some basic access control
@tereško front controller can be as simple as simply mod_rewriting all requests to index.php
well .. in that sense maybe
@yoda , controller is responsible for changing state of models and view and binding them together
@tereško that i would dispute but since it would lead into quibble about what MVC is, I wont
@tereško views can do that as well (not plain php views though)
access should be granted or denied outside the controller
@Gordon we can discuss that a bit later
basic access, e.g. controller / action
basically they call a function that does it
@tereško or to clarify that bit: if you route all stuff to index.php and do bootstrapping and determine what controller to call, your index.php already is a front controller
good point
@Gordon i already agreed with that .. kinda
hey.. I have a problem in saving images in a folder.
@tereško yeah, I just kinda wanted to clarify it
@deepz , make sure that you are writing to the correct location ( paths might be relative ) and that you have permissions to write there
@tereško I tried everything. Nothing worked
"doesnt work" is kinda .. emm .. baaad description for problem
One of the best arguments I've heard for DI so far: "Dependency Injection enforces the order of initialization at compile time"
that's a good one yeah
@Rijk for me, DI helps writing flexible, testable and maintainable code
yep, I can see that
was a bit disappointed when I had to write the Registry::setDatabase() method for my unit tests (:
@tereško I have a folder in my website folder. It is used to store images. This is my path $TARGET_PATH = "./images/"; It just won't work
@deepz if you tried everything then there's no solution.
@tereško and also, it says, path not found! while it's there!
try {
} catch (ItDoesNotWorkException $e) {
Unicorn Framework FTW!
might just name a framework after that :)
@yoda I want it to work.. :(
@yoda you cant! I already TM'ed it :)
@deepz then start debugging. If the application says the path isn't found, that should be the first thing to say
@Gordon damn :(
@deepz What directory is the script in, and what where is the images folder?
@yoda I did. I also tried images/ and C/wamp/www/mywebsite/images/
@Zirak images folder is in my website folder
@deepz if you know your server file structure, dump the file path and check of it matches the same structure. After that, check for writting permissions (along with the file owner of that folder)
Are you working locally?
I tried this as well:- if (move_uploaded_file($image['tmp_name'], $TARGET_PATH)) but it also gave error in read/write permissions
@yoda yes. using wamp 2.0
@deepz tried chmod?
he seems to use windows as server
@yoda I can't chmod in windows
Hey @NikiC
I'm conducting a small experiment.
What do you think of that syntax, @tereško / @Gordon?
@Robik Hi :)
@tereško i'm a "she"
@NikiC It might interest you too :)
i think that this does not look like php
True. lol
What's the best way to count digits in an integer without changing it to string? :)
@deepz , sorry , my mistake
@tereško do I want to click that pastebin?
you are curious by nature
@Robik Divide by ten, convert to int, rinse and repeat until it's smaller than 0. Count the number of times you divided by ten
@tereško its okay
@Gordon Depending on your mood :)
@Zirak Yeah, good idea. Thanks.
@ChristianSciberras sigh I didnt :)
@Robik Without converting it to string? Convert it to string.
@Nikic PHP thinking?
@Gordon Ah, probably for the better. Doesn't mean I won't bug you throughout this (and next) week (muahahah!)
@ChristianSciberras thank $deity
@deepz delete that folder, and create it with PHP .. that way it might (not sure about every windows distro) work, since the folder will not have those nasty access control attributes
Warning: $deity undefined. lol
@Robik Nah, Lazy thinking. If a strlen($num) is enough to know the answer I would never go and try to implement it manually ;9
@ChristianSciberras So you want to go into language design too? Seems like a new trend :D
@yoda how do I create it with php?
@deepz mkdir
@NikiC Language design?
@ChristianSciberras Well, that looks like custom lanuage ^^ At least it doesn't look like Perl
Well, ok, technically, you didn't say "programming/scripting language", so yeah, it is "language design".
@yoda yes but, what query should I pass so that it will make a directory?
@ChristianSciberras So this is a followup to your interface-thingy?
@NikiC It kinds of describes functions. If you had to put it that bluntly.
@NikiC Yar.
Good Morning
@yoda thanks. I'll try it and get back to you l8r
Good afternoon @ircmaxell
@ChristianSciberras I don't have time now to think about it much, but from quickly glancing at it: I think it mixed responsibilities. You are doing interfaces, but at the same time you do assertions and variable settings in there.
@ircmaxell Hi...
How's it going?
@ircmaxell Morning? :( Good afternoon!
@NikiC I don't like the assertion concept. So that makes two of us.
@ChristianSciberras What data type thought does it receive?
@NikiC It's morning here...
@ircmaxell Huh?
@ircmaxell I know ;)
@ChristianSciberras look what I replied to
@NikiC :-P
@ChristianSciberras But what I really like is that "path" "name" and "uses" are same length. That way you don't have to think whether or not to align, as it automatically is aligned :) [:P]
@NikiC That was intentional XD
@ChristianSciberras But param and return should be same-width too.
As we're at it: Do you guys align @param s and @return s? I did at first but stopped doing it.
they're already indented, I might shorten them to p/r/a
@NikiC I separate them. @param's have their own section, aligned, and all other tags are separated by a double new line from it
@ircmaxell Yeah, I do it the same way.
@NikiC I don't give it much thought considering @return is only used once
hi, I have a silly question, inside the __construct() I'd like to initialize an array with several keys in order to use it globally from the methods of the class. so far it seems i can't do it, is it a wrong approach?
@ircmaxell I really hate unnecessary empty lines :)
posted on September 08, 2011 by Anna Filina

I had to look deep into Symfony 1.4 code this morning as I was trying to get a field’s value. Form values come from different sources: default values, record values (when editing, for example), original POST values and clean POST values. So when is each available and how do we get it? Get the values by type Default values are what you will be presented with when you display an empty form. Ge

@sathia Why can't you do it?
@ircmaxell The only thing I don't like of aligning @params is that it get's ugly with long typehints. E.g. github.com/nikic/PHP-Parser/blob/master/lib/PHPParser/Node/Expr/…
@ChristianSciberras If it enables readability (which it usually does), I am all for a single blank line. More than 1 is usually overkill, but one is very good
@ircmaxell seems like it returns an empty array when I call it from a method
@NikiC agree
@ircmaxell But in docblocks...
@sathia Can you paste your code?
@ircmaxell sure, just one second
@NikiC That's why I usually don't put the full class signature in the hint. I only put the classname. If you want the namespace, look at the function's signature
I usually do that to separate things that are fundamentally unrelated, say, methods and properties. But @param/@return seem like brothers and sister to me.
@ChristianSciberras Agree. But params and returns are fundimentally unrelated
@ircmaxell That's nice for namespaced code ;) But if you don't use namespaces either for compatability or (in my case) cause of keyword restrictions you need to type the fully name
@ircmaxell input is not related to output?
@NikiC I do type the full class name, just without the namespace
@ChristianSciberras Conceptually, yes. But in practice, they are separate concepts
@ircmaxell Yeah, that's why I mean. But that's quite a difference ;) Whether I would just type FuncCall, or PHPParser_Node_Expr_FuncCall ;) Much wider and thus makes doccomments less readable :(
@sathia works fine for me: codepad.viper-7.com/AHYlde
@NikiC If you're not using namespaces, you kind of have to type the full class name. It sucks, but then use namespaces :-P
@ircmaxell I can't ;) (Because many nodes have names that would clash with PHP keywords. Like Array, New, and ...)
@ircmaxell let me see
@NikiC Then give them better names
@ircmaxell óÒ What could be a better name for a class which represent an array language construct? Imho PHPParser\Node\Expr\Array is a decent name. But it can't be named that way.
@ircmaxell well, I forgot to tell you that check_entities is called from yet another method
@NikiC could it be you are using pear style convention in namespaces?
@Gordon Probably. I don't know what PEAR has for standards. What's bad about it?
@NikiC What does it do?
@ircmaxell What does what do?
@sathia I know that, but my point was to show that the code works, so the error must be somewhere else

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