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Oh wait, that's the wrong link. Hold up ...
@Fabien Oh no! Apparently google doesn't let you block sites anymore :(
Dang :(
Earlier there was such feature but later it was removed
Any recommended methods for supporting some CSS3 features (gradients) in IE 8 and above?
CSS3 Pie is one, but just curious about others
Alternative is filters, but i am unsure on if its good or standard
morning @ircmaxell
thoughts on this thread: reddit.com/r/PHP/comments/1v54bv/… including my replies?
@ircmaxell Your explanation makes sense to me.
is it a good analogy? I feel it's half good, and half a stretch
I like the mountain bike vs. racing bike ... It's good.
You should choose the tool most appropriate for your goal instead of bolting/welding/taking apart the same bike for each individual use case.
I just don't understand why people can't stop talking about frameworks.
There is nothing interesting about PHP web SAPI framework development.
Frameworks aren't doing anything impressive. The web SAPI has already done the heavy lifting.
PHP web frameworks are just making infinite tiny variations on the same theme (some with good architectural decisions, some with bad).
for the most part, agree
@rdlowrey just a quick question - in your server app project (I forgot the name, sorry), do you represent each request as \Stackable?
but there's more to the framework than request serialization
will give it a read ...
FI_Ins_Amount show me 13500.00000000
    WHEN 'Percentage' THEN FS_Price*FI_Ins_Amount/100
    ELSE FI_Ins_Amount
  END) `FI_Ins_Amount`,
`FI_Ins_NO`,`FI_Type`,`FS_Registration_Fee`,`FS_Price` FROM `fee_structure`  INNER JOIN  `fee_installments` ON `fee_structure`.`FS_Code` = `fee_installments`.`FI_Stru_Code` WHERE FS_Code='MCTS-70-640/1' ORDER BY FI_Ins_NO ASC
What i'm doing wrong ?
why tailing 0000000 ?
instead of just 13500.00 ?
What does your column definition say for FI_Ins_Amount?
And FS_Price?
It's because of your first scenario where you use FS_Price * FI_Ins_Amount / 100
If you want it to two decimal points, round it manually
why mysql doesn't take care of it ?
Why doesn't mysql take care of displaying inaccurate numbers when you didn't tell it to do so? Well, I wonder why.. :)
@ircmaxell You were talking yesterday about it being okay to pass a DiC into a factory to build objects. Assuming this is the only way used within an application to construct objects, that'll be a hell of a lot of factories right?
Here, read this, that might help
@Jimbo no, because every class doesn't need a factory
only ones that need to be created from within other business classes would need one
@ircmaxell But any class that has a dependency will need a factory with the injector in then
@Jimbo no, that's the DiC's job
@ircmaxell you used his analogy better than he did .. but I imagine he's getting pretty tired of jumping to the defense of what amount to his group of friends .... which is why he ended with "fuck it, I'm out" ...
@rdlowrey Continuing with the analogy, it'd be nice if PHP gave you working legs to peddle the bike.
You just might not have legs to begin with. Nothing PHP can do about it.
@DanLugg Well having spent the last two years developing a crazy HTTP server I respect the PHP approach a lot more than I used to ...
@DanLugg Holy f* get a shave man
taylor done himself no favours, that article that he wrote in response was rushed, actually he was providing and explaining a way to avoid the facade as implemented by laravel, but he was kinda focused on the wrong thing while writing ...
@Jimbo Hell, to tha' no.
@DanLugg Beginning to look like grumpyprogrammer :P
@JoeWatkins No, he was drunk and didn't care. I re-asserted that his analogy was a good one :-)
@DanLugg It's the server's job to give you everything you need in an implementation agnostic way. PHP does that quite well. Fancy HTTP abstractions are unnecessary at the server/SAPI layer. If you want to massage the HTTP abstractions that's up to you. But you can't enforce specific implementation styles.
from a password security standpoint do the default options for password_hash pass muster?
@Orangepill yes
@ircmaxell thanks
@JoeWatkins he's on my "bad for the community" list :-X
yeah I didn't really mean you, it doesn't feel like attack when you engage in actual discussion and you always properly engage someone ...
@rdlowrey Yes, you can. The page-controller procedural architecture is a lame horse; it's not fit for the community's expectations any longer.
Hey all
I'm not saying that you can't still expose that, it's just that we have FIG for a reason (messy as it is) and some of that responsibility belongs to the platform.
If I am trying to make a search on my website -- how do I detect if someone uses advanced search? (for example: "id:435 <something else>")
@qwertynl Parsing?
@DanLugg I don't agree. Moreover it's not just PHP. Other prominent languages define requests in terms of CGI-style map datastructures just like PHP does with $_SERVER. The superglobal accessibility is kind of ugly but that's a something that is outside the realm of what I'm talking about.
@DanLugg Yes. How do I parse something like that? My mind is a blank :-(
I have no idea why...
@qwertynl Grammar? Regex?
@DanLugg Yes. I guess. But the user can put <type>:<value> anywhere in the search
so something not after the colon would search all values
Like how Stack Overflow does it
@rdlowrey lol, whenever talk of a good feature comes up, the PHP response is "we're not language X"; whenever criticism comes up, the PHP response is "we're just like language X"
@DanLugg Basically I've just come to believe that what most userland devs (previously including myself) perceive to be ignorance in PHP's design regarding the HTTP request modeling is actually the result of careful decisions regarding what a server API layer should and should not do. Until writing an HTTP server I never would have said that.
@qwertynl It's kludgy, but what I've done in the past is preg_replace, replacing with an empty string in a loop, until I've got no matches. You could match on (\w):(\w), until you have no more, and the rest is just the query.
> Is the Laravel application he made unit-testable? Fuck no.
he's so good with words :P
@DanLugg K I do not often use Regex :-( Would you be able to give me some barebones code for it? I can continue on from that. (if you can)
@rdlowrey I appreciate your position; and the reason you've come to it having tackled a server project, however I can't agree.
It's not the web SAPI's job to enforce one particular paradigm on users. The mutability of the request information is a negative IMO, but it's justifiable because immutability enforces performance constraints on applications that may not need it.
> [14:36] <*> salathe: give me copy&pastable instructions :-)

php-src: taking care of business ...
It's the SAPI's job to give you what you need in a platform/server/application/implementation agnostic way. Anything beyond that is making assumptions about how people should write code which is totally unnecessary for and restrictive of what the SAPI is meant to accomplish.
I get you man. I just don't can't agree, not entirely at least.
if I check if a file_exists() and is_readable() it should never have file_get_contents() fail (return false), right? Or is there some situation where it still can fail?
Because? I want to hear your side of things.
Of course, I'm not saying a built-in analogue for the request in the form of a standardized Request object shouldn't be implemented. Only that PHP performs it's job well and gives you everything you need already. The rest is window-dressing and unimportant to the purpose of the SAPI.
I think PHP has a responsibility to the common use cases of application development, and providing an alternative to the page-controller architecture out of the box, or at least an interface to adhere to, would encourage far more interop than stuff like FIG.
@DanLugg Everything I try keeps failing :-(
1. Press big green merge button
2. ????
3. Party!
@crypticツ you still may fail in some cases (working with procfs, for example) - but in general, you'll get proper results
@AlmaDo it's to just open a config file in a directory, so I guess I'm safe then.
@crypticツ for regular files - yep
$string = "id:1234 testing subject:magical";
$regex = "(\w):(\w)";
$matches = preg_match($regex, $string);  //FAIL
@crypticツ oh wait :p if you'll delete file till file_get_contents() - you'll fail :D
@qwertynl (\w+)
As well, you need delimiters.
> E_WARNING : type 2 -- preg_match() [function.preg-match]: Unknown modifier ':' -- at line 4
@DanLugg :-(
@DanLugg But any good "alternative" would almost certainly require PHP to act as the web server itself. This is a non-trivial thing. There's a reason why everyone just uses apache or nginx ... because doing a good job implementing a fully HTTP/1.1-compliant server that performs well is just an ass ton of work.
@AlmaDo oh, it's not being modified in anyway at least not by PHP and should not be by the user during runtime =oP
I just reject the notion that PHP's existing HTTP abstractions are born out of ignorance. That's simply not the case. And 15 years later they still give you everything you need to write a well-architected web application.
I don't think they're born out of ignorance; I agree with your having mentioned that they are carefully designed.
@DanLugg Sorry, wasn't trying to say that at you :) I was referring to the people who flippantly say "Oh PHP web abstraction sucks."
@rdlowrey I don't think PHP would need to take on such responsibility to provide better architectural options. I'm a fan of incremental abstractions, and providing access to every level of composition. PHP should offer incremental abstractions over the HTTP request pipeline; the PHP world is preaching OO (among other things) and PHP should listen.
@rdlowrey Well, I'd say that; albeit I wouldn't consider it flippant at this point ;-)
Well yes, there are things I would do differently, but they're very surface level things. On the whole the PHP abstraction is eminently well-done.
^^ surface level is the level we design at.
Which makes them fantastically simple to fix in userland.
And we're all painting it different colors.
@DanLugg I'd argue that the world is preaching functional and not OO, but that's neither here nor there ;)
Wtf phpunit
lol, calm down captain Haskell.
$stub = $this->getMock("\HTML5");

// returns NULL
var_dump($stub->loadHTML("some data")); die;
lol that's not me. I'm in favor of a balanced approach. Use functional elements where appropriate. Use OO elements where appropriate. Use procedural elements where appropriate. Anything else is short-sighted dogmatism (part of why the PHP-FIG HTTP "standard" irks me so much).
w00t! This seems to work @DanLugg :
$string = "id:1234 testing subject:magical";
$regex = "/(\w+):(\w+)/";
preg_match_all($regex, $string, $matches);
echo "<pre>"; print_r($matches);
echo preg_replace($regex, '',$string);
@rdlowrey Here's by beef in a nutshell. FIG is trying to level the playing field by constraining participants to a level of interop. That's nice, but it's outside of PHP. I don't think PHP framework interop should be responsible for standardizing request abstractions. That (to me) is very much a PHP responsibility. The abstraction, while it works is in deficit, which is evidenced by the very existence of groups like FIG.
@Jimbo Did you try adding a ->with('some data') constraint?
@rdlowrey Yerp
Still a null
Hmmm @DanLugg how do I allow people to do subject:'this is a test'?
My code seems to ignore it
Oh, quote matching...
@DanLugg Agreed. We agree that a standardized OO API for accessing the request and assigning a response would be a win and negate any point of a fig (I'm using it lowercase going forward) "standard" in this area.
Well either subject:<blah> OR subject:'<blah blah blah>' @DanLugg
I just think it should supplement the existing superglobal abstraction -- not replace it.
^^^ Yes. I don't believe that replacing anything is a good thing; incremental abstractions, access to all composition.
Yeah, not to mention that replacing would break like 70% of the internet.
I'm alright with that ;-)
PHP holds the internet hostage: Day 12.
A bird in the hand is worth broken eggs in your omelete, or something?
Dear internet: all your PHP 6 are belong to us!
I wonder how Hollywood could spin that.
I'm sure it would involve some cry for bolting DRM onto PHP to avoid such problems.
Anyway, back to coding.
    WHEN 'Percentage' THEN FS_Price*FI_Ins_Amount/100
    ELSE FI_Ins_Amount
  END) `FI_Ins_Amount`,
`FI_Ins_NO`,`FI_Type`,`FS_Registration_Fee`,`FS_Price` FROM `fee_structure`  INNER JOIN  `fee_installments` ON `fee_structure`.`FS_Code` = `fee_installments`.`FI_Stru_Code` WHERE FS_Code='AL-ICT/1' ORDER BY FI_Ins_NO ASC
I have a question
In here FI_Ins_Amount return 20000.0000000
@DanLugg whoa. cool!
why tailing ZEROS ?
@qwertynl It returns an array of words from the query, and the $parameters array is populated with key/value pairs of matches of either \w+:\w+ or \w+:"[^"]+"
It only matches on double quotes though.
instead of just 20000.00
@DanLugg That is so cool :-)
My question is clear and concise :) =>
Q: PHPUnit stub returns unexpected NULL value

Jimbo Note: I am attempting to stub out a \HTML5 object for use within one of my tests. When mocking the loadHTML() method and setting a return value, the value is returned as NULL. /** Set up my expectations **/ $stub = $this->getMock("\HTML5"); $stub->expects($this->once()) ->method("loadH...

It replaces the matches, ensuring that you're left with non-key/value data, that can be used for the normal query.
@DanLugg This discussion has a lot to do with why I wrote my own server. Affecting this kind of change requires that you overcome serious inertia and BC breakage. I decided it was easier to eschew the web sapi altogether in favor of a simpler, more performant solution that I could control without having to appease other people.
@DanLugg :-) Thank you so much! You are awesome
Damn right I'm awesome ;-)
I think you're going to have to fight WWIII to push something like this through internals.
@rdlowrey can you find the problem of mine ?
something like what?
@rdlowrey I work in .NET all day; ASP.NET specifically, so I know how over-engineered an SAPI can be.
I don't want that; I don't think anyone wants that.
@ircmaxell Having an alternative OO Request API to avoid superglobals.
we talked about that
Igor and myself...
I think what I'm after transcends a mere OO abstraction. But either way...
I actually started some work at one point building a new SAPI for it
Anyone recommend a library/function for being able to pop bits and bytes off an arbitrary length string?
Well I'm not worried about it honestly ... I have something I prefer to the web SAPI so I don't care what internals does on the subject as long as they don't break the CLI
@Danack Well it depends on how performant it has to be. You could convert each byte to bits with decbin(ord($byte)); and then consume the full string of zeros and ones a byte at a time ...
Well, the concept was to have a function "handleRequest(Request $req)` in PHP land to let you issue sub-requests
@rdlowrey It doesn't need to be performant at all, but I'd like to be able to do things like pop 12 bits off at once.
$bits = '';
for ($i=0;$i<strlen($string);$i++) {
    $bits .= decbin(ord($string[$i]));
// Now you have a string of zeros and ones.
// Manipulate them and convert back with chr(bindec($shiftedBits))
@rdlowrey You didn't 0 pad ;-)
lazy -- sorry :)
If I have a class method whos argument must be a child of a base class how can I do this?

For example:

function addElement( Element $element ) {

$this->elements[] = $element->element;
Where Element is the base class that the other classes use as their base
so it would accept classes such as

class ElementOne extends ElementTwo etc.
@DanLugg The other thing that I think should be considered is HTTP/2.0 ... We should wait to see how that's finalized over the next year or so before rushing out to change the SAPI. I think creating a shiny new thing to fit HTTP/1.1 is probably a mistake with the impending introduction of a new protocol.
screw HTTP/2.0
@rdlowrey Right, we'll just include it in PHP6; cause you know, that'll be on the way soon too, right?
if it ever gets adopted, it's going to be a nightmare for developers
I'm not crazy about HTTP/2.0 but if it gains traction that's obviously not a tenable position because it'll be a real standard and not some goofball fig thing.
@DanLugg Came out a couple of years ago, didn't it?
The books did, now we just need the software.
By the way, where did O'Reilly get their time machine?
Oh, I get it; the versioning is 0-indexed. It's actually PHP 6.5 right now.
couldn't have a new sapi before 6, that's a huge change, unless you kept compat with the old one, in which case, what's the point ...
Here's the problem. I think major SAPI changes are guaranteed to be the Python 3.0 of PHP.
A vanishingly small percentage of php devs care about the architectural intransigences of superglobals.
I think it's due
nothing else really matters, eventually time will win out ...
You think adoption of PHP > 5.3 is slow? Just wait to see what happens with a major SAPI change in PHP 6
I do, but notice, that doesn't and can't stop us pushing forward
I'm not arguing against doing these things, of course.
we'll keep developing at the same rate, no matter what people use ...
The sooner PHP6 comes out, the sooner we can start barking about needing PHP7, so the sooner PHP7 comes out, PHP6 will be adopted.
exactly, it's even our job to be 5 years ahead of the game ...
But I think it's important to consider the consequences of alienating a huge percentage of users. And those users are -- let's be honest -- only using PHP because you don't need to know anything about anything to do nifty dynamic things with web pages.
the abilities of your average developer today say nothing about the abilities of the average developer in 5-10 either ...
PHP won the internet over the last 15 years because it favored "really fucking easy to use if you know nothing about writing good code" over "here's a theoretically perfect abstraction that's nice if you're educated in software design but requires a lot of a certain minimum competency to use"
well they won't be alienated, they'll have been reading about how bad/good it is forever, will have formed opinions without even looking ... just like they do today, about everything ...
str_split seems like such a dirty way to enumerate a "byte array".
Something just doesn't seem right.
well there's nothing to say that it has to be complicated in order to be modern and suitable ?
the simple should definitely be retained, and think we're actually quite good at that ...
Russian doll the abstraction.
Yes, but someone who knows nothing can understand <?php echo date(); ?> ... they don't understand calling functions and object methods ...
Good, more jobs for us.
why would they have too ??
that's our job isn't it ??
I'm not opposed to raising the level of the entry-barrier.
It's something to consider is all. I don't think that PHP has enough appeal as a language on its own merits to remain relevant if you make it hard to use for people who don't know anything :)
Well, at least you've pin-pointed PHP's vision.
Perhaps a generation of developers who learned with PHP because it was dead simple is enough to sustain its popularity through a period of transition to a better language though.
That wouldn't surprise me either.
$sql11 = ("SELECT * FROM ".$tblprefix."committee where uname LIKE '%$uname%' or ename LIKE '%$ename%' or customer_id LIKE '%$cusid%' or cnic LIKE '%$cnic%' or comid LIKE '%$comid%' LIMIT $start, $per_page ");
$rs11 = $db->Execute($sql11);
Query Not Work
i used like operator on many columns
nobody said it has to be hard ... take the example of $_GET, calling it $request is only a different name, and it's not exactly rocket science to overload the object to behave like $_GET does, I'm saying $request["whatever"] doesn't need to be written as $request->getParameter() or whatever does it, that's our job to abstract it so that it's simple, but it doesn't have to suck ...
$sql11 = ("SELECT * FROM ".$tblprefix."committee where uname LIKE '%$uname%' or ename LIKE '%$ename%' or customer_id LIKE '%$cusid%' or cnic LIKE '%$cnic%' or comid LIKE '%$comid%' LIMIT $start, $per_page ");
$rs11 = $db->Execute($sql11);
Query Not Work
i used like operator on many columns
@JoeWatkins ArrayAccess! All of the things!
But yeah I agree.
C++ is a shit language and a lot of people still use it.
@SaimaMaheen Don't ping me.
why not, we build these tools, lets use them to our advantage ...
And it's certainly not because of a low entry barrier.
Stupid pie.htc. If I put the wrong path the request shows in fiddler, if i put the right one nothing shows in fiddler
ircmaxell $sql11 = ("SELECT * FROM ".$tblprefix."committee where uname LIKE '%$uname%' or ename LIKE '%$ename%' or customer_id LIKE '%$cusid%' or cnic LIKE '%$cnic%' or comid LIKE '%$comid%' LIMIT $start, $per_page ");
$rs11 = $db->Execute($sql11);
Query Not Work
i used like operator on many columns
@SaimaMaheen Don't ping anyone + Don't post it again and again
*kzzt* -- Cleanup in aisle 11!
@JoeWatkins This is actually what I'm already doing in aerys -- I have a nice Request abstraction that has all the methods you could want but it also acts like the traditional $_SERVER array via ArrayAccess. The mutability of ArrayAccess is problematic from a design standpoint for similar reasons to why superglobals suck. I've worked around that by retaining all the original values the request was initialized with.
So even if middleware has modified something you can always call $request->getOriginal('REQUEST_URI'); for example.
These are the kinds of use cases that the php-fig http standard is completely ignorant to ... It's what I'm referring to when I say the thing is short-sighted and only designed with http clients in mind. The people doing it simply don't have enough experience with all facets of http to make it broadly applicable and useful.
Has/is anyone else written a PHP wishlist gist?
"wishlist gist" -- 10 times fast.
@SaimaMaheen echo the $sql11 and test it straight on the db
/me chases tumbleweed ....
Never aware of UGT time zone :)
so, you thought, we must all live somewhere it's perpetually morning ??
good thinking, batman ...
PHP notices make me write bad codes
@VarunAgw Welcome to the wonderful world of PHP error triggering ;)
I believe echo $_GET[a]; is a perfect code
@VarunAgw $_GET['a'];
oh no ... for one it's not valid PHP code. Secondly, you haven't sanitized it. Third, the 'a' index may not even exist.
Are you guys trolling?
Notice's are generally disabled and PHP is superb in making assumption
Notice: Use of undefined constant a - assumed 'a'
You guys are definitely trolling...
@VarunAgw But its not good for application if there is even single notice.
I know it now but when I was beginning I thought notice's are okay
@cspray My beard will eventually catch up to yours... eventually :-)
Beard Festival
@DanLugg Well, I do have a pretty big head start
How long (time)?
Roughly 2 years. I've trimmed it up a couple times in that timespan
Hmm, mine started mid-November...
Not too shabby
Yea, it hit a stand-still point a few weeks ago, but it seems to have sprouted again.
I've only just recently gotten to where the beard was full enough to keep grown out. Funny now seeing so many of my peers with their scraggly beard fuzz
not allowed a beard .... a matter that causes much friction in my house ...
I am extremely fortunate in that my wife loves my beard.
Or at least she pretends to ;)
@JoeWatkins Play on words? ;-)
Whoops; sorry
happy coincidence ...
Chaffy coincidence :-P
It'd be lovely in PHPUnit to just say $this->getMock("\Namespace\Class")->mockAllConstructorObjectsAutomaticallyForMe‌​();
Am I having a brain-fart, or can an anonymous function not be declared to return by reference?
@Jimbo Sounds like a job for Auryn!
hi, what SMTP server provider would you recommend for registration confirmation emails? I want to send these when a user registers on my site
@DanLugg Yeah that would work ... but you couldn't mock any of the methods that way
@Lukas For ease outlook.com hosted domains
@Lukas for peace of mind, postfix. :P
are any of these 'free' or with a free tier?
Outlook hosted domains are free
with max 50 mailboxes
postfix is free
ok thanks for now
Outlook hosted domains are free but you have to own a domain*
@Jimbo you want to inject mocks or you want to disable the constructor?
@Ocramius Say I'm creating an object that requires 3 other objects as constructor params
(within my test setUp())
@Jimbo you're not creating the original object, you are creating a mock there...
@Ocramius No no, I'm creating the original object, but with the 3 mocked objects that I pass in
Yeah, I see
so $this->injectConstructorMocks($obj)
err, 'Obj'
public function setUp()
    // Create mocks first, then...
    $this->concrete = new Concrete($mock1, $mock2, $mock3, /** etc **/);
the problem is that in most cases you want a reference to those mocks
Yeah, because I may want to mock a certain method.. I guess
it may work though
I use pimple for this sort of stuff sometimes
when I have complex scenarios I may just inject a mock in a part of my system
so I build a "real" scenario and then replace a single service with a mock
Is there a term for a structure that is exclusively mutable; as in write-only?
@Suhosin I've created an account on outlook.com (domains.live.com) so should I just put in the SMTP server details into php and send email? I've got a domain so I used it there
doesn't outlook.com support only exchange protocol? :trololo:
@Ocramius I just tried it, it works
Hi all.
@Lukas you are new? I hope.
Yo @MadaraUchiha
@Lukas never see ^^
I get discharged from the IAF tomorrow :)
@MaciejCzyżewski new to this chatroom :D
@MadaraUchiha Nice!
@MadaraUchiha Got any plans after? :)
A few, still looking for my path, you know :P
@DanLugg pfff who knows. That URI code is really old.
The only thing of use in that class is the URI resolution functionality
It uses the algorithm specified in RFC 3986
I needed it to resolve relative Location: headers for following redirects in the client.
Ahh; I see. lol
Anything else going on in that class is probably at "who the hell knows" status.
There's obviously something weird with encoding/decoding...
*shrug* Bah well.
You can tell from the presence of docblocks that I wrote that code a long time ago :)
@DanLugg Hahahahahhaha
That's really horrible... hahahaha
@rdlowrey "presence" ... Oh, right, today is opposite day.
Yeah, the mistake was not having them exist sporadically -- it was having them at all :)
Man, that code looks like a mess. It probably wouldn't if I had time to work on Artax (I don't).
@MadaraUchiha that's the plan after IAF
@Jimbo I was proposing for the future
Random Hebrew! I wonder if that would bork the backlog...

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