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Just thinking that questions linked in the PHP tag info page shouldn't be deleted - stackoverflow.com/questions/185358/simple-php-orm
Does SO provide any mechanism for preventing that?
(other than locking)
The ORM section of the SO PHP Tag Info/wiki has a link to that question
@JoeWatkins zend_mm_set_custom_handlers should exactly be what you need…
Hi all!
Who have a implementation of interval tree?
Given the current state of PHP, is it completely impossible to support naive function overloading based only on parameter count?
public function f($x) { }
public function f($x, $y) { }
it goes against a lot of things
and it would break a lot of things
Variadics come to mind as an immediate deal breaker.
and they are already there
Actually no; even with support for variadics, the method selection could (for my mini example above) be f{1} for n = 1 arguments, f{2} for n >= 2 arguments.
Then there's default values.
The JS room has had 21 more users than the PHP room at 5134, compared to 5155. We win...
Then again, default values could be supported by including arguments regardless of default values in the count; f($x, $y = 1) == f($x, $y) and would error.
@DanLugg well, you can emulate that..
@AlmaDo Oh, I know, it's all this "emulation" that's a piss-off given the status quo.
@DanLugg what do you mean?
@JoeWatkins you just would have to use the zend_mm_set_costum_handlers() right after zend_startup() call in main(). (zend_startup doesn't use any emalloc anyway)
Well, what do you mean? ;-)
Also PHP is a shitty language where JS is very well thought out, for example JS has with, and hoisting, and indirect evaluation call semantics , and a == algorithm that makes PHP's look sane
public function f($x, $y = null, $z = null) {
    switch (func_num_args()) {
        // ...
@JoeWatkins you must be a pessimist… I'm sure it'll work…
@AlmaDo ^^ like that?
@Jhawins Quantity does not equate to quality ^^
@LeviMorrison You got that right.
@ircmaxell Aside from overcoming potential conflicts with variadics and parameter defaults, what other things would you say it goes against/breaks?
@DanLugg well, trickier
@DanLugg for example, define differant behavior for different args types
@BenjaminGruenbaum Both are really crappy when compared to a pure, godlike language... such as Lisp.
Yea, but that gets sticky. I mean, you could build around it; some sort of method signature/invocation args comparison, but as I mentioned, sticky.
I don't think that's something that should be deferred to userland, and without that sort of support natively, it's going to be a PITA. And it's understandable that it not be supported natively, argument-type-based overloading.
@DanLugg huh, it will be kind of sticky, yep. I mean - you'll have to define that, for example, via some hash-function from passed arguments. So you'll not able to define just anything
My "user-case" as it were, comes from something like this:
public function add($key, $value) {
    $this->add(new KeyValuePair($key, $value));
public function add(KeyValuePair $keyValuePair) { ... }
Whereas currently the workaround would be:
public function add($key, $value = null) {
    if (func_num_args() == 2) {
        $key = new KeyValuePair($key, $value);
    // ...
And then you can't typehint the KeyValuePair type.
why not the public function KeyValuePair $keyValuePair) ?
The main concern is constructors, as the above could further be worked around with an addKeyAndValue($key, $value) and addKeyValuePair(KeyValuePair $kvp)
Hey. Does anyone know how to disable the new scrollbars in Chrome?
@Levi lisp is awesome - that's why so many people use it
@RonniSkansing Yea, that's basically what I was getting at as the second workaround. But again, the semantics of add are sufficient given parameters as additional call data. If I'm passing one, it's gotta be a KVP, if I'm passing two, they're the K and V respectively.
@DanLugg like this, I think..
@LeviMorrison I responded to your HashMap::toArray() issue with a stream of conscious; I'm not sure if it's actually all that relevant.
i have a generic question.. i looked into the countries of the winners of coding competitions at codechef and google's coding competiton... there i saw most of the winners, i mean the top 10 or 20 , were either from US , or Korea, Russia etc.. but i didnot see any Indian coder in the list.. why is that? what do we people lack and you people have ... and how do you have that
@AlmaDo *puke* ;-)
@BenjaminGruenbaum Same with Haskell.
@AlmaDo That's precisely the insanity I'd like to see ended.
@DanLugg how about type hinting a interface instead, pass a keyvalue or a keyvaluepair
well, on implementation level - yes, it is. But for class user it seems precisely as there was "overloading" implemented
that's because protected method are unknown to user..
@blackbee - your question doesn't make a lot of sense. Coding competition is based off of people, it might just mean that there aren't that many Indian developers attempting to compete.
@RonniSkansing The point is, that outside of bludgeoning the concept into PHP as with @AlmaDo's example, there isn't much hope given the current capabilities.
I'd never use that, so..
Its "easier" to just have an addKVP and addKAndV method separately.
@DanLugg but when do you want to use the overloading?
@AlmaDo I wouldn't either, I don't think anyone sane would.
ow.. @N.B. ... but i personally lack the ability to perform under pressure and other constraints... it takes me a lot to tym to figure out a simple solution...
@RonniSkansing In cases where the name add is self-describing enough.
But better, in constructors, where you can't have multiple variants named differently.
@DanLugg last time i was overloading was in C#
@blackbee - well, that just means it's your problem and not the problem of all Indian developers :) plus you're probably relatively new to the development world. Give yourself time.
Well, yea; it's a completely supported feature.
I suppose the use-case is fairly limited, and it would be prohibitively difficult to shoe-horn it into the language now. If we could support parameter-type-based overloading, that would be great; alas.
@DanLugg with php when i feel overloading would be nice, i try a different approach.. =]
@DanLugg Do ctors need overloads?
@RonniSkansing lol, you don't have much choice ;-)
Sure i could smash in a if
@NikiC Sometimes.
@N.B. :D .. well, i have been programming for not more than maybe 2 years or so... i don't know why, but i feel, that people here could do a lot more in 2 years than i did.. . i am already 22 and i don't have a job..
@blackbee - then don't give up and practice a lot, there's not much to say there really, there aren't magic beans we can eat to improve our cognitive or physical capabilities :)
class Foo implements IFoo {
    private $a, $b;
    function getA() { ... }
    function getB() { ... }
    function __construct(IFoo $foo) { self::__construct($foo->getA(), $foo->getB()); }
    function __construct($a, $b) { $this->a = $a; $this->b = $b; }
Intra-hierarchy boxing?
looks very contrived
I never used that pattern at least. Copy ctors are best left to C++ ;)
Rather so, I could write up a better use-case given time.
It is of limited use, being purely on parameter count.
@ircmaxell That's not good
sgolemon: ircmaxell: Also, that's intentional
But I guess removing overflow checks is a very cheap way to increase perf :D
I bet it has to do with the guarding of the JIT...
@NikiC isn't that adding thing in PHP done via fast asm?
so, perf can't be the excuse…
still needs a branch to check the overflow flag ... not much of a diff for PHP, but if that turns your single-instruction add into several branched instructions, I guess that can hurt perf a good bit
especially if the hhvm jit is not capable of determining low-range integers where checks can be omitted
makes me glad I'm not working there
well, can't branch predictor just continue the way…?! actually we always mark these things as UNEXPECTED()?
yup, which is why micro-optimizations like this are typically not huge
@ircmaxell ?
Breaking language semantics is intentional ?
@bwoebi yeah, it just needs to be able to bailout, it's not that big of deal.
@BenjaminGruenbaum bailout? huh? what are you talking about?
sgolemon: scannell: HHVM never supported auto-promotion
sgolemon: This is one of the "Known and Intentional Differences™"
@ircmaxell thinking about ordering a nexus 5 today, how's yours?
@bwoebi In a JIT, that's how you handle these 'unknown types' - you JIT the function in a special (monomorphic - that is 'always the same type') way and then check inputs (quickly!) for incompatible types. If you find one you cool (re-evaluate) the function
@ircmaxell so their correct behavior is 'silent overflow'?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Uh, you really think that an addition overflow would be handled that way ...?
@ircmaxell If they wanted to break it in favor of an exception I would have disagreed and thought they were insane but I would have at least understood the rationale... for even worse behavior?!? wth?
@NikiC Yes (of course, completely outside of userland). Why?
http://pastebin.com/M8fgR8Sx this file contains the values of the arrays red, green and blue that i stole from pixlr-o-matic's .pxs files ... and the outputs produced are absolutely same... maybe the first-line (parameter of the function imagecreatefromjpeg() )is wrong, but replacing it with a filename works without errors.

and http://pastebin.com/HrEMnhUX contains an implementation of a cubic bezier. now i want to know, how do i set the control points so that the output i.e. the y-values of the polynomial function is similar to the values in the previous file..
@BenjaminGruenbaum ah, nevermind. I misread ;)
@NikiC Ah, I did not mean users would check themselves :P That'd be crazy
@BenjaminGruenbaum nah, didn't mean that either ^^
In this case I don't know :P As long as we understand eachother now
So effectively it's just an additional jo bailout after the add :)
Yes, and of course in cases where you can make assumptions about the input you don't even need that
Like, a for loop, even if not unrolled with a counter would not need such a bailout
@BenjaminGruenbaum i have started with Scala... and i was trying to write mergesort in scala on the very first day.. the logic was the one written in cormen's book... i used the same logic while writing it in C.. but i am finding it quite difficult in scala.. the syntax's are kinda weird compared to c java php
@blackbee you're telling me using this new language with a completely different paradigm you've never used before is harder to use on your very first day than languages you're used to?
What a shock :P
header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *');
header("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "GET,PUT,POST,DELETE");
header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Origin,X-Requested-With,Content-Type,Accept");
OPTIONS http://localhost:8080/supersearch.php Request header field Content-Type is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Headers. angular.js:7980
XMLHttpRequest cannot load http://localhost:8080/supersearch.php. Request header field Content-Type is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Headers.
The internet says that should work. What stupid thing am I doing wrong?
@SomeKittens google options preflight
well, are there some resources online to get accustomed to it.. or a book.. the Scala for Java Programmers and Scala by examples are not great books. They donot introduce to the basics like differnce between val and var. Declaring Arrays etc..
@SomeKittens setting custom headers on the request usually triggers that on the browser's side - if I were you I'd just add an OPTIONS handler
@SomeKittens so, either use plain XHR (no jQuery) or configure jQuery correctly :P
@CarrieKendall Love it!
@BenjaminGruenbaum Actually using Angular
@SomeKittens $http or $resource or the restangular thing?
So the headers parameter.
gimme a sec
i feel the need for a php+image processing room.. the guys at image.stackexchange donot lyk php and the ppl at php don't like images .. i have never felt two opposing forces acting on a body in real lyf...
@blackbee between a function and a variable? Seems pretty straightforward to me.. or worse, mutable and immutable?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Even allowing OPTIONS it breaks.
@SomeKittens works on my box (tm) :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum i have read it from here stackoverflow.com/questions/1791408/… but i know i had to look this because i saw val and var being used separately. there may be lots of other things , where do i find'em
@PeeHaa hey! I've been having issues with the OAuth library. See: github.com/Lusitanian/PHPoAuthLib/issues/171
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yarg! :beats PHP with a sharpened stick:
/me reaches for Thors hammer...
eh? Is the github issues functionality also legally used as a means for support?
@reikyoushin Well, if the library is failing that should be the place to report issues.
BAH. You PHP'ers should have spotted that problem long ago: header("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "GET,PUT,POST,DELETE");
@samyb8 i thought it's used when the issues are reproducible bugs or something like it..
(I'd like to not that I'm not the one who wrote that)
@reikyoushin mmm.... then they should build a support forum/chat :)
@samyb8 I can't confirm that though.. btw are you successful on installing composer and phpoAuthLib's dependencies already?
@samyb8 btw. the other issues seem like support type.. so i guess you can use it like that. :P
@reikyoushin yes, I installed dependencies but now get that error when running the ETSY example... I just need someone to help me get a successful request from etsy and then I'll take it from there... :)
@SomeKittens I dislike php but it's not its fault
@samyb8 you have the link to your example?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yeah, it's the fault of the coder who thought header took two string arguments.
@reikyoushin This is the file I use, only difference is that the ini.php has my secret/key for etsy: github.com/Lusitanian/PHPoAuthLib/blob/master/examples/etsy.php
Yay! password_compat works on HHVM! travis-ci.org/ircmaxell/password_compat
too bad it's not needed :-P
Just a question - If you have an iframe that loads solvemedia captcha. Is it possible to make a custom sub-domain and make it redirect the captcha image instead of using solvemedia domain URL in the iframe?
/me waiting for HHVM to support Closure::bind() :(
tried patching around it but I just fail to get a build done :P
@JonyKale sounds fishy?
/me waiting for HHVM to support everything otherwise it's not worth my time
/me agrees with @rdlowrey
@samyb8 when i searched google for your error it mostly points to allow_url_fopen being false, are you sure it's on?
It's the same reason why I haven't released aerys yet. If it can't do everything at a production level that node/apache/nginx do it's not helping anyone.
Production value or you're wasting my time.
@samyb8 this is your phpinfo right? tahara.es/APIs/phpInfo.php
@rdlowrey can I .htaccess in aerys?
@samyb8 then your allow_url_fopen is certainly set to 'off'
What about mysqli_connect?
or curl?
s/everything/everything worth doing/
But yes, you can do all of those things now because you can dispatch any blocking/sync call to a worker thread and have it execute in a non-blocking manner and return the result when it's finished.
But if I ever see the word ".htaccess" again from you I'll pretend not to notice ;)
@reikyoushin changing that right now... thought it was ON!
(courtesy of pthreads and the inimitable @JoeWatkins)
@BenjaminGruenbaum .htaccess is a shitty concept. And so it's not included in everything.
@BenjaminGruenbaum no, I don't like such youtube videos
@bwoebi hacker news had a thread about .htaccess the other day
@BenjaminGruenbaum ln?
I feel like @BenjaminGruenbaum must have the most amazing bookmark folder full of all the best trolling videos/links :)
You're always instantaneous with those
still front page
on hn
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm happy that I have flash off. So it didn't autoplay
So you mean like, when HN wasn't down for days?
@bwoebi ^^
You have to admit it does explain .htaccess pretty well though :)
@reikyoushin and still same error after turning ON the allow_url_fopen tahara.es/APIs/PHPoAuthLib-master/examples/etsy.php
> ' HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized ' in ...'
make sure your credentials are correct..
@BenjaminGruenbaum what's it here?
@bwoebi that video
@BenjaminGruenbaum no idea, I never watch them.
@bwoebi you never watched Friday? Even once?
@BenjaminGruenbaum too early for that.. =P
@BenjaminGruenbaum Friday is in two days???
@BenjaminGruenbaum same here.. until now i dont know how that song sounds..
You have missed so much.
@BenjaminGruenbaum If you're talking about youtube videos… certainly not.
@bwoebi oh you poor thing :(
@BenjaminGruenbaum Well… I feel lucky to never have watched them…
@BenjaminGruenbaum Actually looks interesting. The interface looks pretty slick from the screenshots
@ircmaxell ugh, I agree with your comment right before hers. Learning the wrong thing is just as detrimental as not learning in my opinion
worse, since you don't know its danger
Yea, I agree with that
@reikyoushin indeed issue was credentials, that granted me passing that page, but when I click on Allow, then again I get same error.
And it does greatly contribute towards the current shitty state of web software. I wish the commentator's thought process wasn't so prevalent.
@samyb8 err..
@cspray doesn't run :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum w00t
I guess you really shouldn't judge a book by its cover
/shrug personally I'm pretty sold on PHPStorm anyway. Would take a lot to drag me away at this point
I just get a blank screen :S
It's alpha tbh
Yea, true dat
When someone falls back on a really bad argument the best thing to do is not discuss it with them at all, politely and humbly disagree and carry on.
Crypto is hard and you've personally done a lot to promote making it easy if not trivial for beginners in PHP.
Education should never be at the expense of security.
That's trivial and she's being Populistic.
@BenjaminGruenbaum You only really learn when you get bitten though
@MadaraUchiha not really, I never did anything as stupid as not sanitize SQL queries, or use MD5 for hashing intentionally once I learned those were bad ideas - which was very early on.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Same
Competent developers will listen to advice and investigate further, heck - most algorithms in crypto are not that hard once you get basic math (like very basic structures like groups and pretty basic theorems) out of the way.
The audacity someone would have to blindly ignore that is amazing.
@reikyoushin actually you would need an Etsy account to test the error, but the issue happens after logging in and then clicking on Allow Access (etsy.com/images/apps/documentation/oauth_authorize.png)
@reikyoushin then I get another Fatal error: "Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'OAuth\Common\Http\Exception\TokenResponseException' with message 'file_get_contents(openapi.etsy.com/v2/private/users/__SELF__): failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request ' in /hermes/bosoraweb013/b1151/ipg.tahara/APIs/PHPoAuthLib-master/src/OAuth/Common/H‌​ttp/Client/StreamClient.php:70"
> 'HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request' question is.. why?
@samyb8 i tried registering a new account and it said after login: "This application has limited access, and the user you are logged in as does not have access to this application." so i guess i can't test it myself..
@reikyoushin The error I sent is the full error I get after login in
@ircmaxell I might be off but I never get what you're really saying when you do that.
@samyb8 then your API query must have something wrong with it.. missing parameters, incorrect values like scope, etc.
@BenjaminGruenbaum sort of "I don't care" and "it doesn't really matter"...
trolling for upvotes... Only 12 more needed!!!
A: Is micro-optimization worth the time?

ircmaxellWell, for a trivially small array, $array === (array) $array is significantly faster than is_array($array). On the order of over 7 times faster. But each call is only on the order of 1.0 x 10 ^ -6 seconds (0.000001 seconds). So unless you're calling it literally thousands of times, it's not go...

does anyone have html templates ? I want work on codeigniter and need html templates, so I could develop it dynamically and add admin panel
> I'm (trying) to learn javascript, jquery, and knockout all at once here.
@reikyoushin Where do I define those parameters? In here? github.com/Lusitanian/PHPoAuthLib/blob/master/examples/etsy.php
@ircmaxell Already have :(
that's a silly response ... what other way would you have it, suggest an alternative to "learn right or don't learn" that would actually work, that would result in people you would want on your team ... and you might be worth listening too ...
beta.slashdot.org/story/196593 <-- first good /. post in a while
ping @hakre
@Gordon pong
@hakre are you available for irc or phone? or skype or whatever
github 403'ing for anyone else ?
@Gordon phone, some minutes until my oven is ready with the casserole in it.
Request timeout for icmp_seq 0
Request timeout for icmp_seq 1
Request timeout for icmp_seq 2
Request timeout for icmp_seq 3
--- @hakre ping statistics ---
4 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100.0% packet loss
@JoeWatkins perhaps, I have some problems with fetch right now on private repositories.
would this be a good html website to be converted into dynamic one, with codeigniter?
I have create websites for my portfolio since Ill be applying to jobs
and I am thinking of creating websites on my own
@ircmaxell thx for linking solardesigners scrypt mail. wasn't aware (also the presentation linked there is pretty interesting)
which framework is more dominant Laravel or codeigniter?
who cares? nevermind.
@NikiC I've been thinking about blogging on it, since I've been seeing a lot of people recommending it lately
I dont , the HR agencies and company do
@ircmaxell please do
im creating websites free now
i buy html templates and make them in codeigniter
will try tomorrow, I need to do some internals fixes anyway tomorrow :-P
[off-topic] who knows of a us mobile number verification site? i just need to verify something.. but i dont have a us number. >.<
what's wrong with the question titles today? now this?
dude, you've asked that question how many times over the past few days?
@ircmaxell well, yeah.. hoping someone who hasn't read it yet might have an idea.. sorry bout that. T-T
@BenjaminGruenbaum I remember seeing it on kickstarter, but that's it.
The dumbest thing I can possibly think of: A PSR proposal for HTTP messages
@NikiC there's a lot more stuff than that, that one is the surprising one though...
I'm sorry PSR, but go f@#$ yourself.
@rdlowrey Always remember to mentally pronounce PSR as Pisser.
Helps me, anyway.
Im starting to like Laravel more and more, im still a beginner in frameworks but I really like how it works.
@Duikboot why? Can you explain what you like about it?
@rdlowrey depending, it could actually be a really good thing
@ircmaxell I'd really like to hear why you think so.
enabling things like stack... a common wrapper around a common HTTP request interface...
if it's what I think it is (like the HTTPKernel in Symfony)
It's my first framework I am learning. I like the routing and the artisan CLI: laravel.com/docs/artisan
if not, disregard. github is down :-D

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