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No regret for losing another 100+ consecutive days - that's what a good holiday means
meh :)
One of these days, I'm gonna take 2 years off!!
off what?
off work
atleast that's what I hope I can do
@Leri wth?
@zerkms Lacking minimal understanding. In fact, that's RTFM question.
@Leri it's not about php
why would #php bother?
and how are we supposed to know it's RTFM?
@zerkms That's why I added tag that it's not php related. So who does not care could ignore it.
that's weird
Keeping environment clean is good. And it should not be just for php.
@zerkms Built-in functions are always well documented. Also, question is about performance so there's only valid answer: profile.
does somebody know a parse_str equivalent to parse qs this way? parse_str("aa.bb.cc=33&aa.bb.dd=44", $res);
You mean preventing the period from becoming an underscore?
i'm trying to shorten urls and [] take 3 bytes each instead of one
@Wes You could use this.
i mean treat a.b.c $res['a']['b']['c']
Ah, well, that's something else :)
@Wes what is the original task?
He wants to shorten urls
it explains nothing
does he wake up one morning and realized he wants to shorten them?
shorten url instead of having tons of %5B%5D
or there is a technical requirement
@Wes for what?
Why would you have tons of that? You can leave [] unencoded.
technical requirement, lot of data, can't use POST, GET is limited in length
@Jack html forms encode them by default :P
maybe changing the enctype
let me check
> GET is limited in length
are you close to some known limitations?
I wouldn't recommend that ... seriously though, how long do you want the query to become?
@zerkms yes, my apache settings :P
@Was any partciular numbers?
i also want to beautify the url, now i'm getting:
That's nothing.
And it looks quite beautiful :)
i'm not asking nothing wrong @zerkms the syntax ?aaa.bbb.ccc=1 is a cgi standard iirc
@Wes Maybe you want to store data on server-side and send token from client to access it?
have you checked URI RFC?
neither of them care of "arrays"
only php handles url... randomly :P
i can't go further with the discussion because i don't remember the exact rfc
well, you can just trust me - there is nothing about special meaning of [] or . in parameter names
but that syntax is not a thing i just invented xD
anyway, you could check google's search urls
and see they are not "beautiful"
FBs urls aren't "beautyful" as well
no one cares
how to remove duplicate audio from audio merge from audio files?
I use SOX command to merger audio files.
i would like also to be able to edit the url manually if necessary
oh :-S
for what? :-S
if you want that weird thing - any particular issue with implementing it?
it looks like a pretty trivial task even for a junior developer
@Wes Perhaps you could use this; seems related.
in fact i'm so senior that i got elder implementing this kind of thing myself
anyway @zerkms it's for this: i.imgur.com/8myWiSE.gif
you won, i'll take my ugly urls
good morning.
@Wes And you can't use POST for that? Bizarre :)
i want to be able to add the result page to browser's favorites
@Jack actually post for filters look weird usually
@zerkms What do you mean?
@Wes Oh, right :)
@zerkms You mean post looks weirder than get or what?
How can I resume video where we left in last logged in session ?
@Jack yep. It's frequent when I bookmark some sites filter results
Right, fair enough :)
@Jack means you want to traverse the history of filters
What history?
you can add a filter, then change the filter. Then press the back button to goto the previous filter
@Wes You could ... dare I say it ... roll out a bitly system :)
@andho Right, though you could accomplish this with history api too heh .. on modern browsers at least.
Or, actually .. maybe not even necessary.
further more, if you have a "next page" button, the page query parameter can be just appended to the url. The link will send a GET request. If the filters were post, it would be difficult to send the filters when you press a "next" link
The regular location.hash will do fine.
even when using history api or location.hash it's still GET or URL Parameters. Not POST
Can anybody show me way to do it ?
@andho Yeah, it isn't my problem, so ... :)
btw location.hash isn't readable server-side
Anyway, until it reaches some unreasonable length - it's fine
in my current project I started experiencing issues with length of GET filter-alike url
and it probably will be my first task in this year to solve )
using dots instead of []? :P
definitely not
hm.. is this a dup for this? Since OP mentioned that he don't want stored code..
"I seek an SQL-only solution"
should be read as "I designed some shitty DB and now need a cheap solution"
Yeah, that sounds about right.
not always. May be that's some external parts coming from partner (but - yes, why do not use application then)
Would anyone know a quick solution to Connection timed out [tcp://tunnel.pagodabox.com:6379] via Laravel? I've tried setting my environment local to my virtual host but no success.
@KLVTZ we have no idea what you're talking about
@zerkms Sorry, I wanted to ask the question as briefly as possible. I was referring to cloning a project from Pagoda Box onto my local machine. I was able to do a normal git clone but unfortunately I'm running into the previously mentioned error.
I'm using PHP Framework Laravel.
Honestly, I might just try fortrarabbit instead of pagoda box because of the issues :/
@zerkms he expected you'll guess all ^^ above. Shame on you
@AlmaDo my apologies. At any rate, I was assuming to be brief -some chatrooms are very strict on how much you can ask -well at least on some ircs ive been on..
well, you could, you know, post a question on the site? :)
I COULD, but i figure on giving the chatroom a shot, eh?
It's a problem I could live without solving --if there's such a thing haha. Only because of workable/alternative solutions.
@KLVTZ what does git and php (laravel) have to do with each other. From what I understand your git clone command fails
if you can live without solving a problem.. well, may be programming isn't yours (:
Is there a drupal module developer in here? I have a question about the module i'm creating.
@AlmaDo, I knew the minute I said that I would regret it.
@AlmaDo, of course I want to solve it ;) I wouldn't have spent two hours figuring out solutions xD
@KLVTZ huh.. don't take it too hard. It's nothing else but a joke. Nobody wants to offend you in this room. Hm... Usually.
@AlmaDo, oh i know your kidding!
I like indirect jokes. ;)
@andho So my cloning is successful, but not actually running Laravel on my machine is resulting in the error.
indirect jokes? ehm.. they are those, which have unexpected indirect consecuences like a hit to your face?
nah.. anyway it's time for tea
Goes on StackOveflow.
Virtual Indirect, but discrete, punch.
/me suddenly feels himself as a trololo-man
@Duikboot I am into Drupal. Put your question, maybe I can help
Hi @RajeevK Do you built modules? :)
@Duikboot Yes I do
@AlmaDo queue Rick Rolled
I am creating a module where I have to zip files and force a download
for some reason the download is forced but I retrieve a zip file (2kb) with a cpgz file in it.
So something is going wrong.
@Duikboot What are you converting into zip ?
Documents like jpgs pdfs word dfiles
@Duikboot first check if your zipping works.
What is the best way to check that?
@Duikboot I think those files on nodes. After converting them save that zip on server first and check whether your conversion is working or not.
@Duikboot It may be your code isn't grabbing the proper files at all. Where are those files which you are trying to zip ?
Are the paths I retrieve for zipping.
@Duikboot Then save the zip on server and check the zip file once. Maybe there is issue with conversion
How can I create a text?
That it successfully created an archive file?
I made the whole script for it
But im not sure about how to do tests for the zip file.
save the zip you create into a file. Example: /sites/default/files/webform/temp.zip
Then download the zip file and see what's inside
Hmm how to save it on the server ? with file_put contents?
This is the ZIP Part: hastebin.com/muyacoqika.coffee
Morning all
Good monognro
Hey @PeeHaa
@Duikboot ZipArchive class should provide you something. Either to save as file or get the contents as a string. If you can only get the contents as string you can save it using file_put_contents
Ok thanks ill check it out.
Don't want that to be deleted, contains useful info for future readers. ^
heya @Jimbo
how can i get second record in postgressql
Argh, SwiftMailer ... Y U NO define namespace?!
I want difference between first and second record in postgres
Doesn't sound like a postgres problem per se.
@user2901981 What is the "second record"???
what is the "first record"?
How can you ask such a question without feeling any shame at all?
> Also eval creates another php process ... source ... hmm, not sure how true that is :)
@Jack Sounds like utter bullshit to me :P
Monring Joe
so far, worst. year. ever ...
Meh yesterday morning sucked. But now that I finally had a decent sleep it is doable :)
Why's your year so bad Joe? :)
it's jan the 3 and it's bad already? :o
morning every1
morning wes
Hi guys...
just everything has gone wrong ... everything ...
How to convert negative seconds to minutes in php?
Example @CJRamki ?
@CJRamki negative seconds? abs($negativeSeconds) ?
if my seconds -900 means i need to get -00:15
What's new this new year ?
i am stuck in a problem
my pc is getting wrong ip
@CJRamki Your question is how to do basic math?
@Vandana - What you mean by that ? Can you be specific ?
wait let me write full issue
actually I am fetching my ip address and converting it into latitude and longitude
but it is showing
@JoeWatkins I have a prospect for you if you're interested.
location of jaipur
$seconds = -120; $string = ltrim($seconds, '-'); $minutes = (int)$string / 60; :D - ish
@Wes thanks bro... this piece i want...
but I am at delhi
@Fabien I definitely am ...
Do you want to discuss here or somewhere like gTalk/Skype?
@Vandana - Can you share your code in pastebin.com or elsewhere
@Jimbo $seconds = -120; $string = ltrim($seconds, '-'); $minutes = (int)$string / 60;
is this write?
@CJRamki Erm, sure :')
I mean, it works... might want to round your numbers though
$minutes = round((int)$string / 60, 2);
<form action="process.php" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post">
    <p>Choose a file to upload, it should be a ZIP file containing only the images.</p>
    <input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="10000000"/>
    <label>File: <input type="file" name="upload"/></label>
    <button type="submit">Process</button>
process.php: var_dump($_POST, $_FILES);
@CJRamki Your question is completely different from that which you asked in this room.
Why do I get size of 0 for the file I uploaded?
It's 3.2MB
@MadaraUchiha - because there are two directives in php.ini that govern over file uploads. POST_MAX_SIZE is also used in checks.
@Jimbo but that is actual requirement bro...
It might not be called POST_MAX_SIZE but it's something along those lines. Even if file upload size is allowed to be large, the POST body will be huge and probably go over the directive's limit.
@Rikesh s
@Rikesh post your answers there bro...
@N.B. my post_max_size is 8M
@MadaraUchiha You need to show some server side code.
@Vandana - Are you running your code locally ?
@webarto What server side code do you need?
And what's your upload_max_filesize?
var_dump($_POST, $_FILES);
This is literally all that's in process.php
@MadaraUchiha Oh...
@N.B. 2M, looks like that's it. I'll try to change
File is sent/POST'd, but not accepted, you should have specified that.
Yeah, it was it. Thanks
No probs
$todo_tm = -900;
$time    = gmdate("H:i", abs($todo_tm));

if ($todo_tm < 0) {
    $time = '-' . $time;
@Jimbo @Rikesh
Dejan, me looking for new job, if you know of anything :) (@webarto)
got it from main question...
thanks for you help @Jimbo @PeeHaa @Rikesh
@JoeWatkins - what are you interested in? I know something about available jobs :)
@JoeWatkins We're hiring for a Front End Developer... LOL
@Jimbo noooo @PeeHaa will have a breakdown if I'm anywhere near frontend ...
@JoeWatkins - would you be willing to relocate to a different country or are you looking to stay where you are? :)
@JoeWatkins :D
I'd be alright, but the misses and kids would get lonely and hungry without me ... so better stay here :)
Take them with you :>
Damn, when did I get 20 points. I've lost my 404 :(
@Fabien Oh god....
@Fabien time for some down-voting :)
p.s. happy new year, folks :)
@salathe And to you :-)
@N.B. kids of school age, so gotta stay here ... if u know of anything uk tho, send me contact info ... I have to cast the net wide, I need another job by the end of the month ...
@salathe happy new year :)
@JoeWatkins - what area of UK?
@salathe happy new year!
all guys are from UK?
@CJRamki Pretty much, I'd say 75%+ of us are :-)
@Jimbo Oh... I'm from India...
happy new year @salathe
@CJRamki You're kidding...
@Jimbo Nooooooo.......
@Jimbo Hell no :P
@JoeWatkins - yep, I'll ask my colleagues in UK about jobs in that area, however in what area of expertise are you looking to get employed? I suspect that regular php day-to-day mumbo jumbo is out of the question
@N.B. Anything wrong with regular php day-to-day mumbo jumbo? :P
@JoeWatkins \o/ ... is remote an option?
you guess correctly, something interesting, else I'll get bored, very very quickly ... something backend-y, lots of data, lots of machines, and as much choice as possible regarding language would be nice ...
@webarto remote is preferred
@JoeWatkins nice to see there is at least 1 other dad in this chat :)
@Rikesh sorry for the delay I was in a meeting, No I am not running code locally
Fabien has hooked me up with something that looks pretty interesting, is my sort of thing, still better get out as many emails as possible ...
@JoeWatkins very nice to see this php chatroom members...
all time active...
@PeeHaa on the level, the guy I was working for has disappeared from the face of the earth, I was expecting a payment at the end of last month, it didn't come, he's not answering my emails, I'm tired of being fucked around, this has now been going on for about 15 months ... even if he shows up, I'm fucking done ...

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