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convert -append IMG_*.jpg -gravity NorthEast -flatten -quality 92 output.jpg
Tells me "unable to open image IMG_*.jpg". Thought it would work for all files matching the name
Can you share those files?
Wait, is it case sensitive?
Yeah, it is. My bad
It is if you're not on Windows.
So yeah, but it seems as though the file-size still isn't as optimized as I'd like it to be :(
The photoshop version gets the sprite total weight = to one single image, that's a 50% reduction, without losing quality :\
Can you give upload that PS processed file now?
@MadaraUchiha: best keyboard! ;)
Heh, thanks. Not mine, a friend's :P
I love my $20 keyboard
And here's the one from imagick
I would love one of those optimus keyboards (don't think they make them any more)
Total file weight > sum of both images :(
@MadaraUchiha: they are different size seeds
@Suhosin Try a Logitech G11, you'lllove that too.
@ircmaxell What do you mean?
@Fabien Got a Qsenn DT-35
@MadaraUchiha the images, are different sizes
@DanLugg arrays should be objects at some level (or at least have a base class), period.
@ircmaxell No they aren't
Both are 1280x720
I'm personally "over" the whole idea of unifying the type system. Frankly as long as shit behaves consistently, predictably, and sensibly, I don't really care if its carrier pigeons under the hood.
@MadaraUchiha not on my computer. One is definitely larger than the ohter
Both 1280x720 here
@ircmaxell Are you referring to the two individual images? Or the two sprited frames?
One 1280x1440, one 2560x720
I have almost no idea what's going on after the //Assign To Fn here.
Ahh, was a rendering artifact (due to pre-scrolling in chrome)
So what do you guys say?
Magic or what? :D
@DanLugg problem is, how to do it allowing fine-grained types and avoid bc breaks... Not sure splitting apart strings and numbers would help much there
(very interesting debate above by the way, I'm surprised to see people actually considering breaking things to make them better)
@JoeWatkins You should finally do the native tls patch :P (Even if just to save you from arguing with Derick about removing zts altogether...)
@Calimero Creating exceptions to the rule, permitting string and array to pass a type-check against Traversable (and behave as), is really all I'm concerned with. Thankfully Traversable doesn't actually expose methods for implementation.
Any ideas? @ircmaxell @webarto?
@DanLugg would love that as well, really
@NikiC yeah when 6 is forked I think I will ...
@Fabien what's wrong exactly ?? (jsfiddle.net/Qz2fG/3)
@JoeWatkins I was thinking more like 5.6 ... :D
Does it break BC or what?
@JoeWatkins Nothing wrong. It's a friends template for jQuery plugin. I'm just trying to understand what happens after that comment.
@NikiC in it's current form it requires a change in every extension
@JoeWatkins Then improve the current form :D
@MadaraUchiha Magic :) Your PS JPEG is ~220kb, IM output with slightly better quality is ~510kb and e.g. optimization of IM output from kraken.io is ~380kb, so yeah, magic :D
Oh, he's assigning the function to jQuery's prototype...
@DanLugg Or maybe create a new interface that would match all three types
GenericTraversable or something
We don't need a new interface to describe Traversable.
@NikiC well that seemed doable for unix at least, and is probably doable on windows too, but I'm not sure how, Pierre said he had it working on windows but never told me how, so long as whatever he done could also be compatible then it could work in 5.6 I guess ...
We do if we want to avoid Bc break, since arrays and strings are not object and so do not implement said interface (not testable)
@Calimero They don't need to implement the interface; merely behave as though they do. Parameter type-checks, instanceof type checks, and behave as a valid expression to foreach
@DanLugg won't help consistency :(
(even though i see your point here)
Not internally, but the behavior would be more predictable in my opinion.
@DanLugg traversable strings are a known bad idea ;)
@NikiC Elaborate?
@webarto I hate magic :(\
@DanLugg Keyword: Encoding ;)
I can see your point, but I'm leaning at a 45 degree angle towards "not a problem: it's a byte array"
@NikiC too bad bc-breaking a bad idea is a no-go in php...
@NikiC unless it's like a python string, where the encoding is stored in the string
Isn't string encoding transparency the reason for the (old) php6 failure by the way ?
are people still considering that direction ?
@ircmaxell That seems like it would warrant it's own type; a string with a metadata "header".
Or is that how Python handles all strings?
convert \( +append *.jpg \) -strip -trim -interlace Plane -filter Lanczos -quality 60 output.jpg
Well, python stores as unicode internally, except for a binary type
@MadaraUchiha got same file size, pretty much same quality. Probably could use fine tuning such as blur, sharpen, etc.
Lemme see
@ircmaxell eh
I wouldn't go down that line...
I'd still favor a raw byte array.
What would you do?
Keep strings being binary strings
Syntax error, unexpected token +append
Did you mean -append?
Add \ before (... like \( @MadaraUchiha
Hope you guys had a great new years
@NikiC I think there are some compelling reasons to split it into two (binary strings, and character strings)
Ah, I see
Let me check the quality
@ircmaxell If designing a language from ground up doing that might be worth a consideration, but I would never introduce something like that in PHP
That distinction might be best made with byte arrays and Unicode char arrays.
@ircmaxell I know, it's not a popular opinion :D
Just don't think that having everything work in byte-offset mode is a bad thing
do you deal with multi-byte charactersets often?
@ircmaxell Not explicitly, but I'm pretty sure that any code I write is safe for use with UTF-8 strings ;)
Well, I'd suggest trying it for a while, you'll see how it actually isn't that easy...
@ircmaxell If you don't have an understanding of unicode, then it isn't easy - but I think that's the case in any implementation
even if you do understand it, it's not trivial to do in PHP
in python, it is definitely trivial
you just need to know when it's safe to use a binary function and when it isn't. With UTF-8 it is mostly safe. Exceptions are cases where you want to cut off strings after a fixed number of characters for example
hey @tereško
Or if you want to do "proper" comparisons, but I think that's a pita in any language, simply because it is a pita in unicode ^^
Could anyone check the md5 checksum for this file: i.imgur.com/liAQnd1.jpg?
@ircmaxell uh, if you say so
@NikiC what kind of binary functions are safe?
@ircmaxell It is likely related to me not knowing python well, but I always had much more encoding issues in Python than I had in PHP
md5sum liAQnd1.jpg
7dd0552830627cb6d3a9180ec7490fae *liAQnd1.jpg
@webarto so imgur messed up with it :|
@ircmaxell In first approximation all, as long as no fixed offsets are involved
@NikiC even variable offsets are bad.
@ircmaxell why?
Probably, not sure if quality wise.
the only safe ones are ones that do byte-for-byte replacements
@ircmaxell If I do something like substr($str, 0, strpos($str, 'foo')) to cut off everything before foo, that is guaranteed safe with UTF-8
Same with most other operations
I get pretty much same sizes if I save with Photoshop with e.g. quality 10 and IM's 92...
@NikiC I consider those byte-for-byte replacements... because you're searching for a specific byte
@ircmaxell Maybe an example of what you consider problematic?
@NikiC replace 0 by 1, or 'foo' by 'f', and it's not anymore
@Calimero It is.
substr($str, 0, strpos($str, 'foo') + 4) <-- relative offsets outside the range of the direct byte-for-byte search
@ircmaxell Still no issue there, right? As you know that the foo are all single bytes
ah, tricky editors :D
Yeah, well, that's one of the case with the "fixed offsets", that'll break
In that case you go mbstring
which 1) isn't default and 2) isn't really that reliable (due to character encoding detection)
But I feel like this doesn't actually happen very often. Fixed offsets are not really natural
@NikiC I read that "In that case you go masturbating".
I totally did.
(Especially as fixed offsets usually turn up the "do I need code units or code points or extended grapheme clusters here?" question)
@MadaraUchiha You must have been very quick about it
@ircmaxell Anyway, god bless the database for taking all the really tricky parts (string comparison...) from us :)
well, if you say so
also, anything to do with length is typically problematic...
@ircmaxell Lengths are problematic everywhere though, aren't they?
if you stored as unicode, no, they are not
@ircmaxell Python still gives you a code point length, for example
yup, which is good
While the programmer needs a byte length (storage) and the end user needs a grapheme cluster length...
the programmer typically needs code-point length
what for?
validation for one
there are a few cases where byte-length is important, and in those cases you cast the string to a binary string, and then length it
but I have to go, later!
strlen vs sizeof ?
@ircmaxell Depends... but yeah, that's something where code point length can be useful
(not mentioning mb_strlen)
Validation? Is there something so important you need to validate length?
@ircmaxell @bwoebi Well, I think it makes sense to validate again over-long inputs (but there it doesn't really matter which length you use, as you only need to prevent ridiculous sized)
@NikiC in that case raw binary length usually is good enough.
@Fabien I was playing the other day, was gonna help with the glider thing but got sidetracked doing something else ... jsfiddle.net/6Cj4Q that's as far as I got ...
@ircmaxell The hard part about using multibyte strings in PHP is that we have like 10 extensions to work with them, all covering different aspects and behaving subtly different...
Well okay, maybe it's just 3.5 extensions, but that's close enough to 10 ^^
@ircmaxell Thanks for the discussion, arguing with you is always fun :P
ok Everyone, I'm probably going to get roasted for this one but for a new project in Laravel 4, I CAN'T DECIDE on camelCase or snake_case for VARIABLES (notice I said VARIABLES). Any help?
@DavidGraham camelCase
In PHP, just like in Java, use camel case for everything (apart from constants ^^)
@NikiC Is that what most people would prefer? Just stick to camelCase always, DON'T question it
ok gotcha.....100% camelCase
@Fabien manifest is wrong, I wasn't doing a jquery plugin, was just doing object...
@NikiC if we ever change parmeter order in PHP should we also turn all the functions to be camelcase?
@bwoebi No and no
(I.e. I don't think we'll every change parameter order :D)
@NikiC The main reason I was considering snake_case for variables is_because_variables_can_be_long and that's easier to read than isBecauseVariablesCanBeLong
If we would I mean.
but I think over time they both become easy to read actually
@DavidGraham : either do what you like, or, what the conventions of your team (or the framework) tell you to (probably camelCase)
@bwoebi Well, if we would rename all functions anyway, we could do that, sure. But as said, I don't think that makes sense in the first place
@Calimero @NikiC It's a new project, so I get to choose. I will do camelCase because everyone I talk to seems to say it's more consistent, so do it 100%. In my experience it seems snake_case is losing traction in all aspects.
I thought snake_case would "hang in there" for variables, because they are lowest in the totem pole. It's like they are "pawns" and now we are giving them King names.
When I look at code, and I see snake_case I think it would be great to think "oh, there's nothing going on there but a stored value"
and I can quickly hunt down methods and the OOP meat of the project
For procedural/functional code I think that underscore_case is actually the way to go.
I'm not fighting over the "readability" anymore.....it's the same now in my mind I suppose
@DavidGraham tbh I agree with you, but I work with a bunch of coding-style nazis who vouch for 100% framework guidelines compliance (symfony in my case), so lowerCamelCase it is
camelCase in OO seems to be the way to go.
I'll throw the argument that_this_is_easier_to_read.....that's no longer in play.....
but the arguments of variables and procedural stuff being easily seperated is still in play for me
@DavidGraham depends on what kind of people will read your code
if its only your subordinates and no one else, feel free to choose whatever you prefer
@Calimero Well, let's forget the "past" and let's say all projects are new from here out
but if you intend to distribute it, or have colleagues such as mine... You know the drill :-)
and managers don't care.
The idea of "if you distribute it" and "best practice" are linked together I would say
what is the best way to store users preferences in database MYSQL
LONGTEXT with JSON string or BLOB or create tables in relationship, I have to save 10 different settings
@BasicBridge I think it comes down to if you will ever sort or query by a preference
@DavidGraham a lot of people do think that way. I however acknowledge "best practices" when I can see any point to them, sometimes you end up with personal perfs and bullshit
I do follow PSR-2 guidelines for coding (100% goodness, 0% bullshit)
@DavidGraham I think not, these are email settings giving users an option to set prefernce when to receive email when not
@BasicBridge If you anticipate the User preferences will grow, then use the LONGTEXT as JSON approach. If you don't think they will grow (or won't grow much) then 10 isn't that bad. It's up to you. I think if its 10 to 20, I like having those columns...but that's my opinion.
@BasicBridge so you will most likely make queries on a precise setting value
and as for BLOB...to me it's more for holding HTML or blog posts, etc
@Calimero Yes
@DavidGraham Yes they can grow, but currently yes it's limited to 10
@BasicBridge You just said "I think not" to me. LOL. And "yes" to @Calimero
@BasicBridge I'd have a column for each unless it's likely to change a lot. At least you should have a column for each which you plan to query on.
@LeviMorrison I'm a lower/underscore guy personally for just about everything except class names which are upper/underscore.
@DavidGraham I missed 'or' in your text I read it like this "sort query by a preference" :P
@BasicBridge Then you definitely need some sort of structure for each of your pref (one field for each, or dedicated table)
One thing to think about is in the snake_case vs. camelCase is that one word variables won't look different from one word methods.....so you lose that advantage of them immediately looking different
@DavidGraham except they begin with a $, maybe ? :-P
I feel like somebody once said methods should be "verbs"
@Suhosin I think then tables in relationship will be good as per your approach, keeping settings table separate from users table to make it clean
@Calimero oh right, hah
@DavidGraham aren't they ?
getSomething, setThat, sortByMultipleValues etc
@Suhosin today I stumbled across $instance->just_log_him_in( $user ) ... underscore in my experience, urges people to write too verbose method names
yep....so I'm seeing camelCase as the way to go
another benefit for snake_case knocked down
@DavidGraham If you can't tell the difference between methods and variables there's probably an issue with your naming scheme tbh.
How exactly wordpress do this, I like not using wordpress at all from very long time
@BasicBridge How Wordpress does something is not likely to tell you the best way to do it.
@Suhosin I guess there was just something at that moment that made the $ glaze over me
@tereško Tend to put that down to individual programmers, have seen some horrible camel case too.
@Suhosin Just curious to know :)
@tereško I remember a $user->getTheUsersAddressAndTelephoneNumber().
@tereško that_is_a_really_good_point || goodPoint :-)
@Suhosin I use both for writing my unit tests: test_User_with_Invaid_Input_from_External_Source()
Though I admit some of my methods are probably verbose
but methods in snake_case is a dead issue. I was more concerned over variables, and possibly functions
sometime you are out of words when coding so verbose happen I think so
I don't use anything more than one letter in my methods. Otherwise that's verbose. $a->$b. If you don't know what I'm doing, too bad for you. Sometimes I don't remember what I'm doing...too bad for me.
@DavidGraham can you tell just by reading, which is variable and which i method: "upgradeAccount" vs "accountOwner" ?
@tereško yeah, the verb on the left
so .. whre exactly is the problem ?
or is it a trick because no "$" ?
both can be method
@BasicBridge but one of them shouldn't be
yeah, I was just making sure there was no "life" left in the snake_case argument
as I'm about to code a new project
So I came here to the chat in search of life in the snake_case world
I detected nothing more than a false reading of some "ice" under the surface at the poles :-)
Should I make a t-shirt with "dont_hate_me_because_i_name_stuff_this_way"?
@DavidGraham If you really name your methods with one letter, that's probably what you want to deal with first :/
@Suhosin LOL
b is not a good method name
@Suhosin You are right. x is much better one.
Why is your method name starting with a $? o.O
$a isn't a good variable name either
I would hate to have to read your code. :(
@DavidGraham I'm feeling like i'm in school learning c language
@Suhosin I would rewrite that as $u->n();
@BasicBridge LOL
^^ I hope you're just trolling.
Without me testing it manually does anyone know if the php web sapi appends the default text charset to the content-type header automatically?
Yes ofcourse it was all good humor
@BasicBridge C language a) is not object oriented and b) does not start variable names with a $ sigil so... if this reminds you of C you should have paid better attention. :P
@Suhosin Yikes $walking_on_egg_shells
Actually, that's not valid is it.
Forgot IDE's....just type your code here at SO PHP chat!
@Suhosin haha ow :p , generally in schools variable and functions ( methods ) with a single word are used to teach the basic stuff. But they confuse the student a lot
Speaking of IDE's....I'm using Aptana right now....should I be checking out Sublime Text 2?
generally in schools the classes are "Cat" and "Dog" ... which make them pointless
@DavidGraham it's actually Sublime Text 3 now
@tereško And everything in the database of animals is normalized.
@tereško Yeah, we learned inheritance with Cat inherits from Animal -_-
So sublime Text 3 over Aptana?
@Suhosin class Square : Rectangle // NOOOPE
anybody used both?
OOP is the greatest lie in the world
well .. I use ST3
@DavidGraham phpStorm and ST3
@DavidGraham I've used both, I don't like Aptana at all. It's slow.
I prefer Komodo IDE to either.
NetBeans and punch cards.
But I tend to just use emacs 95% of the time. :/
@Suhosin Yeah Aptana bogs down when you have a huge file. But maybe that's good, as I shouldn't have a huge class that big!
I personally like phpStorm with this theme github.com/abhimanyusharma003/phpstorm-spacegray
@DavidGraham I found Aptana too slow with large codebases, our vortex-base codebase is about 750k lines over ~2.5k files.
I'm still on WAMP (and haven't switched over to VirtualBox).....so emacs isn't an option. (I'm on windows because I go back and forth between doing stuff in Photoshop)
you have a lot to choose from
you should try to use each one for a week and see how it goes
@DavidGraham If you just use PHP, try Komodo Edit then eventually get annoyed at the lack of some features and spend the $250 for Komodo IDE. :)
Komodo Edit isn't bad in fairness to it
People are liking ST3 a lot because of the ability to easily create your own "snippets"
Keeps me from hunting back in my code for "where did I do that little cool piece of code?"
@DavidGraham I like it's multiple editing function you select a word and press ctrl+d ( on windows )
@BasicBridge Oh I see, it does like a 'search and replace all' is what you mean?
@DavidGraham You can do much more than search and replace.
what about integration with Git? How is ST3 on that?
@DavidGraham bullshit. People like ST3 because it has multi-line edit.
@DavidGraham I use standard terminal for git
as for git, I personally use Cygwin's git
works like charm
having it integrated in IDE leads to bad commits
I mean, I use Git Bash for windows, but Aptana does stuff like: show me files that need to be pushed
instead of actually paying attention to what you commit and the commit message, you start using "commit all" with message "dkhsdhfbskdahfbsfhbskadfh" (to bypass min-lenght constraint)
@DavidGraham git GUI is also good for this stuff, very light weight also
@TheLuckyGoof I think this is PHP group
Can I add my own buttons in ST3 for executing batch files and such?
@TheLuckyGoof This isn't the JavaScript room.
@DavidGraham in my experience, GUI for version control is good idea when you are exploring the repository, but not when you are pushing stuff to it
as for the button: can you write python ?
Currently I have a one-click batch file I wrote that pushes all up to my BitBucket account and then remotes into my server and pulls it down from Bitbucket
I know I know, there's no Travis or Jenkins....haven't got that far yet
it took me about a day to get things working with full CI toolchaing
@tereško I guess I was afraid of opening up a monster
@DavidGraham github.com/fracture/fracture#current-status .. it comes with badges
@tereško Any online quick example of some code using Fracture?
nope , I am still working on it
(actually , right now)
@tereško It is like this: slimframework.com ?
User @serigo is again coping other people answers...
@DavidGraham not really. It's closer to Silex, if you are comparing the scope
@Glavić You mean "copying"
@DavidGraham: yes
@JoeWatkins That's pretty cool. Your gSlider.
Once mine is tidy I'll repost it.
@tereško I'll keep a watch on Fracture. It seems to me that the evolution of PHP could go towards a "build your own framework using these common framework building techniques or parts".
Since there are more and more frameworks popping up
baaah .. if you are referring the the stuff on r/PHP, then 99% of "new framework" posts are crap
One line of framework
@DavidGraham and you failed
@BasicBridge LOL!
well .. you could say that PHP is a web framework of C
Yeah, I was pleasantly surprised how well my C helped out when I first picked up PHP
<= completely clueless about C ... last time of use: 5 years ago
yeah, it's been a long time.....I don't know what it's like to program without "requests/urls"
I'm helping my cousin in his college so, I used c language like a week ago I think that was round robin or bst program
I have a question....Is building a package that has a large list of options set in shared properties from your class and the package's class....a code smell? I mean, does it make code more immediately unreadable. Absolutely requiring you go through the docs before things start to make sense?
What I mean is.....if these options (properties) where turned into verbs (methods) then it might be more readable?
ProTip™: open source project quality is inversely proportional to the number of flowery adjectives in the README (a.k.a. Lowrey's Law).
If the first 20 lines of your github project's README contain words like "amazing" and "tremendous" and "Splendid" and "powerful" and "awesome" it's pretty much guaranteed to be terrible.
@DavidGraham wanna quick guide how to "footprint" quality of framework even without reading the source? Just look at the home page. If it mentions "mvc", "orm" or "rapid", then it is probably crap.
@DavidGraham laravel
^ that's just gaming the SEO
I hate ORM's with a passion
If you use an ORM, I don't hate you....but I do hate ORMs
@DavidGraham +1
I think I prefer SQL over "ORM SQL" any day
When I have to write more "raw query ORM statements" then I write regular ORM statements, then I start to question the use of them.
@dyelawn IMHO, that wall of code needs more then 100 internet points to be worth my time
@teresko i didn't want to leave anything out that someone might find pertinent
Here's a question of mine on that: stackoverflow.com/questions/20671835/… However I'm not so big on the Repository Pattern solution as much any more either.
but the problem probably lies in the migration.sql and the annotations in the two model classes, if it's not a doctrine bug
I like C++.
C++ helps a lot with PHP.
I actually have a C++ book too.
I think ORM's are more abstract then PI/SQRT(-1) * INFINITY / 0. (ok now I'm off my ORM rant)
"You can program in C++" by Francis Glassborow
@teresko i really think it is a doctrine bug, though, so i'm hoping that they're expeditious in their handling of issues on JIRA
I am not Doctrine expert
Are facades bad? They give the appearance that the singleton pattern is used?
yeah, but you're a better programmer than i am, so maybe you can spot something in it that i didn't see (flattery)
@DavidGraham depends on the use case
Flattery is nice, bribery is better.
Ok here's another question. How do you suggest/force the proper order that methods should be called from your package? Like don't call ->render() before you call ->setData()
Just say it in your docs?
why would it be a problem, if you render a template with no data?
@tereško Yeah, that exact thought just occurred to me as you answered....
ideally I should let things render at any time
rendering nothing or very little is not a problem, gotcha
thing is: if you work in a company, where frontend-development is not your responsibility, templates are usually ready before you start writing the logic
Are you slicing again at the new place?
@tereško +1
@tereško well I'm not rendering a template, but I have a package that creates a piece of HTML or JS code from your supplied class
@Fabien I was (little bit) on the first week, because I had no access to anything
onw I seem to be solidly in the "backend division"
kind of like a "PHP wrapper" for something annoying to do in JS and that more nicely needs to interact with server side logic. I want to add some settings, call some methods to do stuff, then render that chuck of HTML/JS out to then send to my view.
@tereško That's good. Have you got a better grasp of peoples abilities too now?
10 hours ago, by tereško
another disturbing phrase that admin uttered: "I'm not sure how you connect to it from console, but .."
oh woah... 'admin' ?
so, I'm gonna start applying for jobs tomorrow, if anyone knows of anything backend-y let me know pls ...

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