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@DavidGraham no. get_class($object).
put I thought there might be another shorter way.....using the __NAMESPACE__ or something
thats because namespaces are a lie, namespaces are only strings prefixed to classes during compilation, they don't actually exist as any structure in memory so are not retrievable except from extracting from class name ...
If I'm not mistaken, you can use ReflectionClass to pull out the namespace from the objec
that's a compiler constant for current namespace
oh ok get_class is a PHP function sorry, gotcha!
you are mistaken, it extracts it from the class, it is not stored anywhere in memory except in the class name ...
lxr zend_class_entry
__NAMESPACE__ it bolded it earlier sorry
nowhere to put it ...
thanks for the solution guys! But what's this __NAMESPACE__stuff? php.net/manual/en/language.namespaces.nsconstants.php
or does anyone have a regex for extracting it from the full class name?
current namespace, compiler constant
oh ok...so we can't use __NAMESPACE__ on a passed object (unless that object had a function that grabs it's own __NAMESPACE__ for us)
yeah you could do that ...
I feel ignored :(
Just preparing you for adulthood.
@rdlowrey btw At the risk of scaring people, I've put the code for my webshite public as I don't have time/will power to write a standalone non-trivial application that uses Auryn.
but that would require the user class to have that function and I want my class to do "all the work" it can and not require more than the minimum from user class
Someone working here with drupal?
anybody got a regex for extracting the namespace?
@LeSamAdmin if you want to debug code, you can guess, sprinkle it with var_dump and hacks or you can debug it with a debugger, take your pick ...
@DavidGraham /__NAMESPACE__/
@Jimbo What's that?
@Jimbo not complex enough :P
I am trying to create a zipfile but for some reason I retrieve everytime a zip file with 2kb filesize and a cpgz file in it. hastebin.com/ganikevabe.coffee :s
@DavidGraham you don't need regex, me and danack gave you a solution, just break the string apart and return everything up to the last \
@LeSamAdmin What's the problem ?
function get_namespace($object) {
	if (($class = get_class($object))) {
		if (strpos($class, "\\") !== false) {
			return substr($class, 0, strrpos($class, "\\"));
@HamZa - When crontab runs my script it does the following while loop twice: p.kk7.me/gehotevepa.php - but if I run it directly from the browser, it does it once.
ok you are right, it's not that much code to get it without a regex :-)
@LeSamAdmin Have you used a "simple counter" to verify your thoughts ?
$c = 0;
and in the loop (at the end) $c++;
I just wrote "C++" :O, that must be a sin !
I created a package and part of that package can call other classes if they exist (within the same namespace) to do more things.....so this code really is great, thank you!
@HamZa - I know 100% that it is because it sends me 2 notifications, and emails.
@LeSamAdmin then I don't know either ...
@HamZa - wanna buy pingrglobe? xD
@LeSamAdmin why in the world would I want to do that ?
Starring you guy's comments now....
@DavidGraham please stop
@HamZa it personally offends the baby jesus when you do that ...
@HamZa - Because you want something cool that you didn't make and you want to help me pursue my website dreams? ;)
@DavidGraham The stars are meant to flag interetsing stuff to other people, they're not personal bookmarks.
@LeSamAdmin Remember, I'm a developer. I could create it :)
I thought they were a way of giving you REP
Well, maybe I'm not a developer after all ...
the stars aren't a way of giving REP in the chat?
@HamZa - I know, but I'm bored of managing PingrGlobe lol
@DavidGraham meh, otherwise I would go to chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/1 and ask for stars :D
@Danack you still belive in that? Oo
well, you guys deserve to have great success in your coding careers for helping someone with no REP reward.....I'm honored
"managing", that means you had to build it right from the start :)
But anyways, that means you've got a lot to learn...
@HamZa I did have to build it right from the start
however, I did notice SO gives hats for so many "starred" things in chat
maybe it will help get folks a new HAT, woooohooo
Noodle soup beluga!
@DavidGraham You could always choose 1 or 2 random answers and upvote them. Note that you shouldn't upvote too much in a short time period otherwise they get reverted ...
@HamZa I'm not sure random answers should be upvoted "just because"..
^^ agree; try to find something on topic. (at least)
oh gotcha......random answers from each user that helped?
@AlmaDo well, ok. Choose an answer that earned a bounty (for the efforts/interest) :P
that's pretty cool idea
Oops ....
@HamZa :p
don't upvote any random answers, we answered your question because we wanted to in the course of a conversation, internet pointz not required ...
/me wonders why are we so fond of internet pointz ...
Pff, you'll never be an interweb points millionaire with that attitude.
Human psychology at its best :)
Anyone wanna buy PingrGlobe for £30($35)?
@JoeWatkins ok gotcha....I guess the goal is to create an overall sense of "helpfullness" amoung the PHP community
@JoeWatkins 10K mod tools, mod tools !
I'm the same way if there's anyone I can help
remember that guy in the news that helped a homeless guy learn how to code
that's pretty hardcore, when it comes to help
I... do not remember this.
@JoeWatkins hehe, if you'll have 10k - you'll be able to read funny deleted answers :p that's the only benefit that I know :p
Good morning!
hi, @ircmaxell
Gooooooood morning Vietnam!.. er.. @ircmaxell!
@DanLugg Yeah...the homeless guy even later released his first app: nypost.com/2013/12/11/homeless-man-learns-to-code-releases-app
@DanLugg hehe
morning @ircmaxell
how is everything?
The guy was offered $100 or learn to code....from this programmer passer-by
well I'm just learning now that we are in competition with the homeless ...
here's a fuller article with video: news.yahoo.com/blogs/sideshow/…
anyone else think computing has got a bit strange !?
@JoeWatkins well, there are 10 types of people - those who understand binary logic and those who don't understand
Computing's always the same, if you mention you're a programmer or do work with computers in any sense - expect neighbour or anyone else starting to ask to fix their printer. That's what I learned about computing so far :>
> to learn code from used books from Amazon
^^ TPB is a book reseller apparently.
@JoeWatkins LOL.....but never be afraid of competition, that is ofcourse if you are an idealist and the end goal is the benefit of others along with yourself
Pushing to /documents/projects/github/Weaver
remote: error: refusing to update checked out branch: refs/heads/master
remote: error: By default, updating the current branch in a non-bare repository
remote: error: is denied, because it will make the index and work tree inconsistent
remote: error: with what you pushed, and will require 'git reset --hard' to match
remote: error: the work tree to HEAD.
I was working normally - and suddenly git hates me. Any clue what causes ^^ ?
@N.B. I'm consistently referred to as "a computer wizard" ... I'm totally gonna buy a hat one day ... maybe even a cloak ...
@JoeWatkins Yeah I get that too
dammit stupid zip file
@JoeWatkins Duct tape discarded Blackberries together to make a staff.
@JoeWatkins - I started paying my family members to stop asking me about why "internet is slow" or "why isn't monochrome laser printer printing colors" :D
I figured it's easier that way. I just hope my neighbours don't find about my way of resolving their computer problems :)
@JoeWatkins @N.B. It's either "Fix my printer" or "I wanna build a website [just like facebook but different]"
Ah, those "just like Facebook but better, you can have <insert stupid feature> and they don't!" are the best :>
@N.B. I think the worst one I've had was "I dropped my cellphone in the toilet while I was talking on it, you're good with computers, can't you make it work?"
@Suhosin - ouch, nice one :D
Nasty mental images for a week :(
@Suhosin Even if you could, probably best that you didn't.
I love the "you're good with computers"....that's a big smell
Yeah I decided I wasnt touching that with a bargepole
@Danack I got nothing. Sorry :/
"...can't you make it work?" "Yea, drop it in again and flush"
yeah me neither, I read it, no idea @Danack
@N.B. There should be a T-shirt that says something along the lines of "No, I'm not good at 'computers'. That's not specific enough."
@DavidGraham - if you get it printed, I'll buy it :>
@DavidGraham Black shirt with STFU in white should be sufficient.
@Suhosin Did you ask if it was #1 or #2 ?
@rdlowrey I figured it out. Er, basically it's when you're trying to push a repository to the same place where it already is. I had edited some code in a Composer vendors directory, which has no Github remote. So trying to push it, was trying to push the changes into the same directory, not to github.
if you really want people to keep their computers away from you, NSA appears to be the obvious choice for a t-shirt ...
Also does anyone else think #3 should be a thing meaning "all of the above"?
@JoeWatkins lol
@N.B. another t-shirt...."Can you fix my printer? -Yeah, with a baseball bat"
Yo bro, I can do slow-mo on my Go Pro!
I always wonder how do people get so many damn printer problems anyway..
But then again, I used a printer maybe 10x in my entire life
@JoeWatkins Apparently, people (including the NSA) don't read t-shirts - forbes.com/sites/andygreenberg/2013/12/16/…
Well....seems to me printers were engineered to stop working properly after first ink cartridge is used up.
At Work. That's where you print stuff.
I've seen some people that refuse to get a new PC because their whole business system works on a certain type of paper run through a dot-matrix printer
Printers have been replaced with "I'll just take a screenshot with my phone....or pull it up on my email with my phone"
The last thing anyone has probably printed is a resume. Not sure what else you need to print these days.
has everyone seen Linus giving nvidia the finger ? pretty damn funny ...
Printers are the remaining link between "Computer!" and "Computer?"
eih, it's linus
@DanLugg LOL!?
@JoeWatkins - Linus is one of my favorite flamers, seen him bash "pro" developers and the Nvidia thingy was just great :>
@ircmaxell why do I want to write it like that ? I corrected it after having written it like that ...
I thought you were saying don't write it with upper case first character ...
which I did at first ...
but you're not, you're saying he's always getting annoyed at people ...
true ...
he was very blunt tho, in person, and speaks the words "nvidia, fuck you"
It seems a lot of Finnish programmers are like that.
Or at least 2 / 3 I've known.
when I said "it's linus", I meant more that what else do you expect from him
wonder why they are being so difficult, or if they are being forced to be difficult by ms ...
on a mailing list yeah
GOD DAMMIT FREENODE! Why the hell are you killing me for flood. I auto-join 8 channels. That's a freaking flood
@ircmaxell because of JOIN commands to IRC server flood
hi alma
have you ever work with paypal
@AlmaDo yes, and it's dumb as hell to have it set for 10 channels
question regarding image filesize and quality
@ircmaxell well, just add cooldown time for join. That's easy to implement on tcl/perl (or whatever script language is used in your client)
How come Photoshop manages to shave off nearly 50% of the filesize when I make a sprite? Can I expect a similar result with other tools (such as ImageMagick)?
1-3 sec will be enough
@AlmaDo I'm not using a client to join, I'm using a bouncer
@ircmaxell ah.. then it's a problem
tell irc-op to add you as an exception of flood-control :D if they're available :p
@AlmaDo That's not something an ircop can do.
You need a netadmin with access to the config file :P
@MadaraUchiha well, root op can :p
Anyone for my question above? ^
heh.. I've confused that two user types, yep
@MadaraUchiha Probably, can't think of reason not to.
@webarto Well, Photoshop is magical.
what can be the issue that when I click ' download ZIP' I retrieve a zip file but it's only 2kb and it extracts a file.cpgz file?
@Duikboot Your server serves the script file instead of the ZIP file?
Or is it an external service?
Server. It's a php script wich loads different file paths. those ones needs to be zipped and forced to a download.
Why would I be getting "Call to undefined function get_instance() " when running this library? github.com/SnakeO/etsy_codeigniter
Q: Utility to compress jpeg as good as photoshop or better

tigPhotoshop has a very good jpeg compression algorithm, using which it creates smaller files with same visual quality (compared to for example ImageMagick). Is there some utility, which can produce same or better quality to size ratio?

someone is wrong on the internet !!!
A: Does php handle concurrent requests in multithreaded or multiprocess manner?

Joe WatkinsThe correct answer is: PHP is able to do both, and so can Apache. With the prefork mpm, a multi-process model is used, several instances of apache are forked upon server startup which in turn initialize the PHP interpreter, one interpreter for every process. With the worker mpm, the model is th...

Better upvote Joe!
> Every process can has some threads
what are you a fuckin lolcat
@webarto Isn't that cv-pls worthy? (utility / off-site resource)
> TSRM, an omnipresent part of PHP that nobody really talks about.
@JoeWatkins That's just not true… I'm always talked about when I forget --enable-maintainer-zts when developing … :-D
pretty good description, no ?
@webarto Thanks
have we read the function name inconsistency thread on internalz ?
> strlen("somesting")... syntax is very 1980s to have
right, because len("something") is so much more 2000's
what's your take on this in general @ircmaxell ??
I haven't followed the discussion
can you give a quick 30,000 foot view?
same as always, someone posted that params are in the wrong order, functions are poorly named, rasmus explained why, everyone says that's not important ... Pierre suggests we use nikis scalar methods patch
there are problems with that approach though
either every variable becomes a god object with a metric-ton of methods, or you stop being lose typed...
because all type-conversions happen implicitly on call, you can call sort on a number... that works today
and some operations are actually pretty liberal about conversions.
which leads to a HUGE inconsistency if you tried to turn them into methods
this hadn't occurred to me
which means you'd only be able to turn some very basic, type agnostic functionality into methods
things like ->length... And not a whole lot more
the rest you'd still need library functions for
as the library call implies the type, not the other way around
do you reckon there is a problem to actually solve ?
I don't know if it can be solved, while keeping the loose type semantics
the only thing I think could work, would be to make a "scalar" type. And then make string and number functions all work together on that scalar type.
so then you'd have 4 fundamental types: scalar, resource, array, object.
scalar would be an abstraction of number and string
allow loose transforms among the type, but not across types (trying to use a scalar in an array context would error)...
well that'd involve rewriting nearly all of everything wouldn't it ?
unless you can see another userland way of dealing with it while maintaining some sembalance of sanity
I doubt that will be more readable
If people want everything to be an object they should probably just use python ...
As time goes by, more and more ideas will require a rewrite of everything...
if people want everything to be an object they are batshit crazy and should probably be ignored
@ircmaxell I don't, and it's tidy .. and we are talking about PHP6 apparently ...
there's no way you could do methods in 5
I wouldn't say "batshit crazy". The principal definitely has merit, and I agree with it personally. However, for PHP, it's not a good fit (mind you many paradigms don't really fit PHP)
at least that I can think of
@DanLugg Agreed.
@DanLugg okay, if they want everything in PHP to be an object ... then they are batshit crazy, acting as an object is different, and I liked the idea of scalar methods, but hadn't really thought about what that means until now ...
@ircmaxell It isn't really such a big issue from a practical point of view if you only add methods to strings and arrays
I just want some fucking consistency.
If you want to use strpos on a number, imho it is okay to have an explicit string cast. Everything else is just confusing
array != Traversable is one of my biggest WTFs
(For numbers that wouldn't work well, because it's quite typical to have string numbers ... that's why I wouldn't add methods there)
@NikiC what do you think of scalar type ? assuming we could do either, scalar methods on current types, or new scalar type with methods ...
hell no
more words ? :)
mixing methods for all the scalar types together is even worse than what we have now ^^
@NikiC well, yes. but what if you call strpos on the number directly?
today, that works transparently.
well attaching methods to some scalar types is just as inconsistent as what we have now in some sense too ...
@NikiC I wouldn't mix all the methods. I would only mix those that make sense to mix
@ircmaxell That the point
If you do something weird like calling string functions on a number it's okay to do a cast first
for strings and numbers, sure
It's not something you do commonly, so it shouldn't be much of hindrance
for arrays, not so much
@ircmaxell array don't have any sane conversions
@NikiC I think it's done a lot more than you think, in a lot more subtle ways
it doesn't make sense to call an array function on anything but an array
@NikiC *ahem* strings *cough*
@DanLugg huh?
@NikiC when you say cast first, are you talking about an implicit cast? or an explicit one?
@ircmaxell explicit
@bwoebi Strings as a byte array.
@DanLugg then you're allowed to use str_split first
@NikiC that breaks PHP's entire type semantic tho
strings are numbers, and numbers are strings
@bwoebi Well, yea. But I'm arguing I shouldn't need to.
not that I agree with that line, but it is pretty prevalent everywhere except a few minor edge cases
strings will still be numbers, because numbers won't get methods (just doesn't make a lot of senes there)
@DanLugg If you want that, use C.
Arrays and string should both implement Traversable under the hood.
just numbers will not be implicitly strings anymore if you want to use the method syntax
Which I, as said, have zero problem with
after all, it's new syntax, so I don't much care if it has minor deviations from what was before ;)
yet more inconsistency
@bwoebi I've made a New Years resolution to ignore comments like "If you want <feature> use <language>" ;-)
@ircmaxell A stricter part ;)
I hope PHP6 will generally be a bit more strict :)
@DanLugg good call ...
strict isn't the word I would use
@ircmaxell And of course, with scalar typehints it would be even less of an issue ;) [At least in the implementation where there is a typecast]
@NikiC why? What does it add to PHP except bored devs? (always having to cast explicitly)
@bwoebi you miss context
@NikiC I've read that above, but I mostly agree with Anthony…
Well guys, if you call string functions on numbers all the time, I guess you just write different code than I do
^^ hear hear!
I'm sure I write something like array_sum(str_split($num)) once or twice a year, but that's about it... ;)
anyway, got to go
Even then str_split((string) $num) just reads more sensibly anyway.
@NikiC actually, it's also about array_keys for example. They're auto-casted to int if possible. And when I read from them and pass it to a function…
@bwoebi not sure I get what you mean there
(I've never got why they can be ints)
can discuss later ;)
lata @NikiC
@NikiC (I mean foreach ($array as $key => $val) $newArray[strlen($key)] = $val; or similar things) … and as you know, $key might be int or string…
emm .. guys
I liked the scalar type idea, or I think that's worth some more thought anyway ... I like scalar methods because it exists and works, but we're talking about 6 where we can make actual changes, it always seemed the scalar methods was only a solution because of the way things are now, but if we can change the way things are ...
how can I move all un-pushed commits in a separate branch ? google, don't be lazy
git checkout -b unpushed-commits
git checkout master
git reset --hard origin/master
@tereško no idea, in my lack of knowledge I'd probably git-diff and reset, then create branch and apply patch in it ...
but I'm terrible at git, and regularly fuck things up, so don't listen to me probably ...
Same goes here for svn :D
remember the day I gave 5.4 a free upgrade ?? that was fun ... I steer clear :D
@webarto I've read furst line as "unpunished commits" ..Hang for a minute, trying to understand. I need rest :\
Naughty commits.
I read rest as REST, so...
Probably 'cause of fresh air.
delete uncommited branch wrong tab
(: yep, punish it!
@NikiC well, it's a case that you don't know if it's a number or a string
if you're leveraging scalar type hints, then you might as well not make them optional at that point, since you'd need casts either way

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