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@Jack: are you in UTC+6 timezone?
or +8 ?
You get up early ;)
We have a rooster that wakes up at 6:30 :)
And by "we" I mean the whole neighborhood lol
@Jack lol awesome !
@Jack: where can I but that rooster? ;)
He's pretty "free range" so he typically picks a spot that produces the best echoes :)
@bjori I fixed the problem I apparently made earlier today with the language dropdown.
you didn't reference the ticket :(
As for the default to French: I know my browser doesn't send the french header and I'm definitely not in France, but when I go there at my parent's place without cookies or anything I am served the French page.
oh really?
since when?
It's why I haven't closed the bug.
I dont know; I haven't been to my parent's place in many months.
But I am there now.
I guess it is possible my ISP is doing something funny.
and clear cookies, opening incognito and go to www.php.net/my.php will tell you french?
@bjori No. It says not set.
And is reporting English.
But I know that when I first arrived here it was serving me French.
Didn't change any cookies or anything.
and last seen and all values on that page are english?
and if you then go to php.net/strpos and you get french?
JS Fiddle Ugly Code. I am jQuery newb. I could use some advice.
I am getting English now, but I was getting French before.
how did you go to php.net the first time you got there? via google? are you 110% that link wasn't to a french translation?
At present I am trying to have it so when I click on any non-center slide it slides that one to center
we get reports like this every once in a while.. and its always PEBKAC :]
@bjori It might be possible.
If anyone could help advise, I would greatly appreciate it.
I am unsure at this point ^^
But it caused enough uncertainty for me to ask about it before closing the bug.
the country lookup was broken until couple of days ago (and had been for maybe 6-8weeks)
so we would remember incorrect mirror or unable to determin country
so if you hit a mirror with default language fr, then maybe..
but that resolves itself next time
Ah, I see.
I'm actually pretty busy at the moment; can you explain that on the bug report and take care of it?
I don't know of a mirror which set a default language to other then english.. but that is not something we regularly check for so could be possible
I took the time to fix the code because of how important that was.
I thought I already explained how it works in the ticket
@Fabien: remove prev and next, should call method toCenter() which one you must create... ;)
What's a good way to bring it to center though? The issue I have is it's set to work just for one slide on an animate() call. But I can't call them in succession because if it's quick, it simply doesn't do the second animate()
I think you will have to do some math, to calculate how much you need to move clicked item to the center.
p.s. this is not PHP related question, you will probably get better answers on JS chat?
Ugh, not JS chat.
If it can't be answered in PHP chatroom, it can't be answered.
I think your math to center is the better way forward. I will go with that.
@bjori Perhaps; I glossed since I am busy.
Working a lot better thanks @Glavić
Have you fixed it?
I think that you will still need prev and next, just fix those 2 functions, to jump more than one <li> if needed.
Ok people. I think I can use some sleep now. Laters
Yeah, I am keeping prev an next for the buttons and making toCenter for clicking on the things
Night @PeeHaa
That's some serious macro
yeah, and took me like 30 minutes to get
Pretty cool and worth it though
with that combination, the depth-of-field (depth of world that's in-focus in the image) is SMALL. like REALLY small
like I adjusted it with sheets of paper, and that was too big of a graduation...
which is why this one is SLIGHTLY blury, I couldn't get it perfect: flickr.com/photos/ircmaxell/11698240644
Is it a quick photo shutter speed wise or slow? I know nothing about photography.
it's pretty slow. there wasn't a ton of light coming in... almost 1 second
Must make it tougher, any slight vibration.
yup, I had to use a remote shutter release for it
with a boom tripod
You ever check out Myspace Tom's Photos? He takes some pretty cool ones too. Mind you, seems like a lot of editting too.
holy crap
This is all he really does these days. Will sit around for hours/days waiting for the shot he needs.
I'd do that (and have)
Must be pretty gratifying when it pans out. I can imagine it being a pretty cool lifestyle. Given his money I would most likely do something similar.
I tell ya, for as awesome of a shot as it is, I can't stand things like this: plus.google.com/u/0/+myspacetom/photos/photo/…
if you start editing and stitching photos together by hand, what's the difference between a photo and a painting
Aye. I think G+ goofed a little there. Link only loads the gallery. But I get where you're coming from. Enhancing reality seems a little... false to me.
Anyhoo, I have written enough blasphemous javascript for one night. Night all.
have a good night!
@cheesemacfly back in town?
Hmm, that's a dupe without an answer though ...
@Jack same question by same user
@CarrieKendall Yep, came back this afternoon! Still in NY? I'm heading to bed but let me know if you still can/want to meet :)
@cheesemacfly email me carrie a kendall [a t] gmail com and i'll fill you in :]
How should a RESTful api handle a resource that has some public information but more details when logged in? To further complicate it, what if different users can see even more information on that same resource?
@m59 just take facebook's api as an example
good point. I'll check into it.
@m59 Access tokens are typically used for that purpose; without an access token you only get public info.
@Jack I was particularly thinking of something like api/sessions that might give you just the username of everyone logged in - useful for something like currently logged-in users: m59, Jack, ...
So, api/sessions will only give you the array of usernames, but if you're an admin, you would get the time they logged in or some extra info like that
It's ok to use the same uri for that?
Yes, it's technically the same resource but with certain properties hidden from public view.
Ah, I see.
The way you stated that makes me think you understand what I was getting at :)
it's otherwise breaking some principle that I can't think of how to word.
@m59 I also feel it's weird that a resource changes based on who is looking at it. But I think it's the best way to do it
@andho I disagree ... you'd end up with a clusterf*ked api.
api/sessionsViewAsAdmin lol
like that ^
yes, like that
@Jack exactly. Even though it's weird, i think we should have only one point for access to any resource
@m59 ewwwwwwww
I didn't get any thoughts in the js room - is api/sessions even a reasonable name for a resource if I'm using HMAC?
why should using hmac make it any different?
Because there's no session
The request is just for secret/public keys
ehm, i'm not sure what you mean.
I might understand what I'm supposed to do with HMAC, so correct me if I'm wrong..
User enters un/pw and submits it to some uri api/sessions (probably a bad name)
if the credentials are correct, the server returns a public and a private key.
normally one would use a path like /authenticate for that purpose.
Then the request data is hashed with the private key and sent with each request - no more pw or anything like that
gotcha... err not lol
How do confirm the keys are still valid?
you can create temporary credentials.
GET api/sessions/id makes sense because the server will return either that the resource exists or doesn't.
authenticated requests would have an added signature and perhaps the key that was used to generate it.
that's how you would separate public vs authenticated calls.
Right, I get that
That was bad communication on my part :)
I mean if they return to my site, I need to check that their keys are still valid so I know whether or not to show a login screen.
this is an api we're talking about right?
Homemade, yeah.
normally, api's aren't accessed using a browser :)
Like...every plugin, app, etc, ever?
If things are accessed by a browser it's typically called a website.
Not counting AJAX requests that go on behind the scene.
api's are accessed by, well, applications :)
Seems a little beyond the scope of my current questions, but the situation is that I made a CMS that is all javascript. All the data is presented by the api.
you mean that JavaScript is doing all that hmac stuff?
So, if I want to show some articles on the generated website, I get them from an ajax call to api/articles/article-id
let me get this straight
Then why don't you just use cookies? :)
That's where the keys would be stored.
If a user returns to the site and they have keys, then I need to immediately make an ajax call to ensure that the keys are still valid.
someone logs into application and goes to a resource. say /api/sessions
api/sessions response defers based on whether the user is logged in or not.

when the user comes back his session might not exist anymore (or his key has expired)

so you need to tell the user that he needs to log in? or show that he is logged out?
So, use cookies then.
We're on different pages, I think.
I'm pretty sure.
@Jack cookies for an api?
The keys are stored locally, of course...
@andho What he's describing is a website purpose.
How can a cookie tell me if they're still valid?
@m59 The cookie would contain a blob that's stored on the server-side which corresponds with who someone is.
@Jack it's a web app (full javascript) which uses an api for data
@andho Yeah, but still accessed from within a browser, right?
Not exclusively.
Part of the awesomeness of the CMS is that you can make data available as a REST api also.
Okay, so what other purpose did you have in mind? An app?
Well, no matter ... a cookie comprising a token or the token itself is roughly the same thing.
For example, if I built a website on it and someone was using it for blogging - they can already have all of the blog posts available on the api so it would be easy to make an app with it.
being RESTFul, you can include the session information in your response. (i.e. if the key is valid or not, and a link to authentication resource)
If a key is expired, you can return a failure response.
This can be done as a site-wide policy.
I'm so lost :)
I'm just asking what url and verb it should be.
@Jack I didn't think of this as the resources also have public access. But you're right. If an invalid (expired) token is provided, then the api can return an error response
@m59 whatever URL you goto, if your key has expired, it can return an error response
api/authenticate isn't RESTful. I guess that's where I'm lost.
it is. it returns a resource.
what resource?
Because that's what I need to send the request to to see if it exists.
the temporary credentials you can use to query other resources.
I wouldn't recommend using a single resource to check whether your keys are still valid.
Just make the call you need to make and check the response code.
But that doesn't deal with the ui well at all.
How so?
The UI can easily respond to request failures.
If the user get's to the site, it should tell them up front that they need to enter their password, not show them as logged in (because they have keys stored locally), then when they try to do something, make them enter credentials.
Even worse, if the page would have showed them more info if they were logged in, it instead just gave them the public view while showing them as logged in.
Why would it show anyone they're logged in if you haven't stored any local credentials?
There are local credentials!
I just don't know if they're valid without checking with the server.
In case of a new user, no there aren't.
@m59 your app requests /api/list-something with key 234ol234lj23h423k

it returns:

403 forbidden

"error": "Your key has expired"
I would add an error code explicitly in the response, but yes, that would be it.
At times like these, I'm pretty sure I know nothing about everything.
And that's why you asked here, right? :)
But I'm more lost than before.
it's just prenotions that gets in the way. you were assuming that you need to send a specific request to check if the user is logged in or not. But a rest API works the same as a RESTFul website.
I'm trying super hard to understand how the website can look right without checking...
Especially with the admin panel.
site.com/admin should only show the login form unless they are actually authenticated. Just because they have keys doesn't mean they are still valid, so if the admin goes to the admin panel and starts doing stuff, it would be really sucky if they then have to log in. That should have been taken care of first.
first forget about the api. If you goto /userprofile in you website (traditional) style, shouldn't it show 403 forbidden if the user is not logged in?
you could have an initial check, but most apps don't do this.
/api/token/3J3G2KJ4H23K42 maybe
or /api/session as you mentioned earlier
In fact, that can actually lead to race condition.
The initial check would say "yay', but once you try to make an api call it says "nay"
So in the end you would created something useless ;-)
@Jack if the initial check increases the token expiry date that won't happen
Yeah okay ... but that would also be kinda silly :)
The whole idea behind temporary credentials is that they're ... temporary :)
Let's assume that the homepage would have 4 paragraphs if you're not logged in, but 8 if you are, and 12 if you're an admin.
All of that comes from the same request to the same api uri
somehow :)
the admin goes to the site and sees 4 paragraphs, though the ui shows his username/picture, etc (because he has keys)
So...he requested that resource, but included bad keys
the api should have said "hey, your keys suck"
and the client should have responded.
So, while the call was going on, maybe it showed him as logged in, but all that would have changed when the call came back

$.get('someResource?token=blah', function(resp) {
  if (!resp.authenticated) {
    loggedIn = false;
@Jack that ^ ?
@tereško Perhaps if you lead out...
Hi Morning
I need help , I want to change my current link structure

Current Link Structure is : http://buyyelpreviews.org/sfp_forum/woman-runs-over-boyfriend-three-times-because-they-didnt-stop-at-mcdonalds/

Wanted Link Structure is : http://buyyelpreviews.org/woman-runs-over-boyfriend-three-times-because-they-didnt-stop-at-mcdonalds/
Q: Change the link structure using Wordpress

vs7I'm writing a WP plugin, in which I used custom post type , Everything is working good but only i need to update my link I want to change my current link structure Current Link Structure is : http://buyyelpreviews.org/sfp_forum/woman-runs-over-boyfriend-three-times-because-they-didnt-stop-at-...

@m59 if (!isset($token) && !resp.authenticated) {...
@LeviMorrison thinking about it
Good morning
and happy new year
Happy new year!
$a['key'] = null; isset( $a['key'] ) = ??
probably - false
I tend to use array_key_exists()
Should I remove leading whitespace from my Twig template loop block if it saves ~104KB for the request, because not sure if the server will always have gzip compression enabled. Downside is that the block (25 lines) is a bit harder to read. =o\
@tereško sometime it is true sometime it is false, I dont understand why :(
/me thinks that twig is pointless for most of the use-cases
@cryptic would it make sense to have some sort of deployment script that trims the whitespace for you when you push to production?
@crypticツ sorry a little enter happy :)
@Orangepill Dealing with the readability seems easier =oP
@crypticツ well then there is your answer :)
Happy new year
Happy New Year!!
@m59 Yeah, and then some code to show login dialog or sth.
i am running a batch file using system() but the cmd remains open after it completes execution
any help pls
Install Linux?
on windows?
system("echo I'll catch the buffer");
$return = ob_get_contents();
try to use return;
$output = system('cmd /c Start D:\xampp\htdocs\mskstandalone\file.bat 2>&1 output.txt')
this is my cmd
70k ... a tribute to all the time wasted ;-)
@jack congrats
thanks! haven't seen you around for a while btw :)
@jack real life interjected itself :)
@Jack If only rep = $
@Orangepill ah, yes, that other life heh
rep > $ === false
how did i go so long without ever using filter_var
@andho but you get badges, styled using CSS!!! Real life doesn't give you that.
@crypticツ and now there are hats :)
Now I'm imagining real life with CSS. Those fashion designers are committing suicide.
... even better, you can take a shower without having to take your badges off =D
You need the Shower badge to be able to do that
Hi, thanks.
@Duikboot welcome
Best wishes for 2k14.
I'm out... hope everyone has a good 0x7DE
oh right, wish everyone contentment in this new year
Hi Every body
Is there any solution to transform a website from abc.com to xyz.com without touching abc.com ?
actually I need https on abc.com (which doesnt have https)
@JerryPham ask the same question in this form: "Is there any solution to transform a website from banksite.com to attacker.com without touching banksite.com ?"
You're going to have to have some sort of administrative control over abc.com
or a public dns server
wud? a well thought out (oop) api for interacting with strings, arrays, etc. for php? ... but, then, we wouldn't have anything to complain about anymore =S
@JerryPham Why not just redirect from xyz to abc?
@Jack is that your New Year's wish?
@Leri I'm thinking xyz.com is served over https and is including content from abc.com so it becomes mixed insecure content.
then again, could be wrong. Question is so vague
@crypticツ Mixing up https and http is perfectly fine unless insecured content has access to important data, imho.
@crypticツ Actually I'm working on a project that is a third party. Some of Our clients dont have https on their site. But we need Https
mixing http and https makes it vulnerable to sslstrip attacks iirc
@Leri wouldn't that cause the browser to show that page is insecure? Also if you are including content from a non-https page that content can be tampered with during transit rendering the safety of the https page useless.
@Leri It's facebook app, and facebook app need HTTPS so redirect doesnt works :(
@JerryPham If you are some kind of provider then require https from clients
@Leri We tried but not success on some of them. They even dont know how to setup, and they have various type of system
I'm thinking about a proxy system that cache all content and deliver it again on middle server.
@crypticツ In fact it is insecure. However, when you don't have any other choice including insecure site in iframe may make sense.
But It means I have to deal with many type of contents
@Leri cue the phishing attacks =oP
@JerryPham Yes but how does that make insecure channel secure?
@Leri I just think about download all html from insercure and serve it again with ssl
*"Those should be based on trends, standards, and conventions that are not
older than half the people on this list."* win!
but It could be very hard to handle some kind of contents such as video in flash player
@crypticツ Yup ... teeheehee
@crypticツ I agree that any work around here is vulnerable but once again when you don't have choice you have to compromise. :)
@JerryPham And what about third-party data-center? How is going cache to interact with it?
Ya, I have no idea, just in front of problem :)
I might write a script / daemon to go through every request and cache content
@Leri what do you mean data-center ?
@Jack People who won't setup ssl will hire developers to make WS'es?
@JerryPham Place where third-party sites store their data.
yeah, we cant, because they are on over the world
@JerryPham You have 2 options: 1. compromise something (the only thing I can think of that needs to be compromised here is security, but I might be mistaken). 2 require ssl from third-party (you may loose some of your clients but your consumers will remain happy).
Well, this is just my opinion though. ^
Worst mornig in the history of mankind
@Leri Yes, I think so
Many thanks guys :)
what's up ?
Off to real-world. See you later.
morning @PeeHaa
Good morning and good night my fellow room elevenites.
See you all in a few hours when I have to get up
good mornings :)
@hakre Good morning :)
8 hours ago, by PeeHaa
Ok people. I think I can use some sleep now. Laters
^ 8 hours later. great success. not...
Also in totally unrelated news. It is shit cold outside :(
stackoverflow.com/users/704008/pranav-singh?tab=activity . Moron keeps tossing in edits that only add some random spaces ><
@Gordon Can you stop this (stackoverflow.com/users/704008/pranav-singh?tab=activity) guy's annoying space-only edits?
Hello :) Not my place, but, I checked out: stackoverflow.com/posts/20879172/revisions and it looked like he was just placing code characters, that should have already been there, around code...??
Oh. Naughty design chrome. You allow multiple users, but you don't allow the same extensions to be shared nor you to install the same extension on the other user.
Is this you @Fabien ? fabien.potencier.org
@DamienOvereem notified. ping me when he continues it
@Gordon Thx
well ... this doesn't seem promising
@SamanthaP He does have a few decent edits, but he's probably working on getting a hat or something. An hour ago (and a few minutes ago) he did a bunch of space-only edits.
I'm at my new work and the admin at last arrived to give me access to different systems
and I spend last half hour explaining to him how gitolite works
@Damien 'working on getting a hat', lol.... got it :)
Actually the worst thing is that tons of people still approve the guy's edits..
@tereško not promising ...
morning all ...
mornin' @Joe
@JerryPham Unfortunately not.
Good morning @JoeWatkins who I don't know
morning @JoeWatkins
@SamanthaP Saying good morning is always a good way to start :)
Back to work!
after 3.5 weeks off ;)
@Jimbo welcome
back to work!
after 1 week off ;(
I am back to work after 1 day off :)
( What motor are you driving @Jimbo ) Fazer? honda VFR?
@Duikboot Honda CBR 600F
This year i would like to do my motorcycle license too.
My dead has got a Suzuki GSX750 but it's a bit too heavy imo to start with.
What year? Love the gixxer colours, even on older 750s. I think maybe one day I'll get a GSXR 750, but the 600 is plenty until then
not really a fan of any new bikes, they are too busy, flat bits and creases everywhere ... look like toys ... and they don't look comfortable either, I like to hug the tank as much as the next guy but don't like having my knee in my ear ....
I would like to start with the new Kawasaki Ninja 300
300 ?? what's that make 15hp ?
oh because of price ?
34.77 hp (25.93 kW) @ 11,000 rpm[1]
this guy is an idiot
Just because I would like to start with not a machine where I kill myself with.
29.0 kW {39 PS} / 11,000 rpm uk site says
(better than I thought)
Seems a goot starter for me.
5.599 euro
7702.54 dollars
This month my car is payed off totally :)
there are advantages to having more power, it's not so much about killing yourself as having the power to avoid other people killing you through their ignorance .... it's not like you're wot everywhere, but someone happens to do something stupid and you can put your bike in front of them before they finish the maneuver and you get to live another day ...
That's true but I think that ninja has enough power to do that
maybe round town it would, but at proper road speed - where your in danger of death if you hit the floor even a little bit - not so much ...
its a nice package tho, gotta be said ... more power than I thought ..

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