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A @MarcErmshaus appears.
@bwoebi am I supposed to recognize him?
just noted that… was chatting with him anywhere else before.
yeah, no worries. :)
1 hour later…
Feminist strikes again =oP
Hmmm, actually I kinda agree with her. They have a whole line of "for her" pens. I didn't know pens were so masculine.
It is remarkable how symmetrical the reviews are however.
"The only other downside of these pens is that they seem to remember every mistake I have ever made. But, surely that is to be expected in "pens for her" well done BIC "
Has anyone played around with glyphicons ?
@NoahHuppert we use it
Or good night...
good morning
4 hours later…
Q: Centos /tmp directory has php*** file with large size

TheMaskI have got Cent-Os and When I have checked my /tmp directory I have found that a lot php** files are there and they are of also big size.More interesting thing is that they are updated every-day (I got it from Last Modified date). I found by googling "tmpwatch" can solve it but the problem is ho...

is any one cam help me.... this is very serious bug and it is now my headache
I am getting a lot of files with php prefix and they are of big big size and because of that my temp get full and server goes down ...
@NarolaInfotechDemo what's inside of those files?
what could be the problem that href="#" navigation is not working on server
@JoeWatkins where's the news?
@Ocramius yeah could have guessed I suppose ... what is the point in stas tho, he's such a royal pain in the ass ...
He's very very conservative :\
at least he's not lester
that is an imperial pain in the ass
or whatever you wanna call it :)
can lester vote tho ?
no idea
but yesterday, I just wanted to post "change job" to the ML
what's the point in spending time whining about 5.2 compat all day long? :P
inorite they waste so very much time on such things ...
did you get the timing attack rfc ?
Read it. Not sure it needs an internal function
Is it just me who didn't visit this chat often before or these days php is evolved really fast?
@zerkms any language has been evolving really fast since github
except COBOL
nobody likes COBOL
COBOL developers do
I'm not sure what it is even about, I've read the words of it but no idea what they are trying to actually say ...
I bet they earn a lot
COBOL developers are Vogons
Vogons don't like. They administrate.
where's the attack vector in all this ? you cannot give it the title timing attack, then say most people don't recognize the attack and then fail to mention the attack ...
@Ocramius a helpful reference, since google translate couldn't tell what "vogons" is
/me is failing to explain the student what dependency injection is and how to test class with dependencies
@zerkms I think things have actually changed in the last year or so .... I'm not sure what brought it about ...
@JoeWatkins the attack is in comparing hashed/encrypted string lengths. If the execution time is bijective with the hashed/encrypted string length/structure, you can build timing attacks that allow you to inspect how long a system takes to process a request
it's mitigated by network and such, but it's still possible to use them
lol, one "security" expert made a scientific assumption that my hobby project doesn't use hashing at all, based on some time measurements
oh I seee ... so the result of the attack is nothing more than information about how long it took a server to process a request ?
can't you also use like, a stopwatch for that ?
... being located on almost exactly the opposite side of the globe thus affected by a lot of network issues (not to mention NZ by itself has the worst internet quality)
@JoeWatkins yes, that's the idea. You discover a pattern, then use the pattern to shorten the time needed for a bruteforce attack
@zerkms I'm no expert on this stuff. I know there's weird people who did loads of papers on this kind of timing-attack issues
you sound convinced this is a problem and appear to know more about it than me ... so I guess it's a problem ... I do wonder why I never heard of it in the last 10 years tho, I don't have anything much to do with security, but you'd think someone would have mentioned it ...
@JoeWatkins well, it's very very stupid
actually security can be really tricky
assuming we're using something very insecure (but simple to explain) like md5()
@zerkms : it is someting like binary php code
we can basically know that our hash is being matched or not by knowing how much time strcmp takes to run
haven't you heard on restoring RSA keys based on sound PCs electronics produces?
@NarolaInfotechDemo I have no idea what "binary php code" means
(assuming it's being used on the server side)
seems like it's fun there in UK
so I think I get it, during a brute force this just saves cycles, right ?? if you know after a certain amount os ms that your hash isn't match you don't have to wait ?? is that it ??
Pffft, how can I challenge a declined flag?
@JoeWatkins kinda. I'd rather say that you bomb a server with strings and then find out which hashes get nearest to the timing you want. Then lookup a rainbow table
That reduces the number of possible hashes by A LOT
@zerkms : do you know what is in /tmp directory php files contains and how they are generated?
@Ocramius do you need to have a database downloaded or not?
@NarolaInfotechDemo /tmp may contain literally anything. It's you who put something there
@NarolaInfotechDemo so the best person to tell that - is a developer
@zerkms no need
@zerkms I saw that ... I don't get it ... I don't get why we bow to any of this nonsense, it's not that they object to the sale for some sane reason, when questioned they would have to lay out their ridiculous beliefs and it would pretty soon become obvious they have no valid reason to refuse other than they are whining bastards ...
@Ocramius how would you use a rainbow table then?
@zerkms I wouldn't mind understanding and all that with that M&S & Muslim thing, just wish those understood that If I was to do that same in their country, would I be treated as fairly
@zerkms guessing. You run a benchmark against the server with hashes that start with 1, 2, c... until f (md5, yaaaay :\ ) and see which one takes less
then throw away all the others
you just know that the match that took the longest time is the one that you want to inspect further
@JoeWatkins not entirely similar but I was angry when my wife and her young looking friend was refused to sell a bottle of wine explaining that my wife is likely to buy it for her under 18 friend. It makes me thinking they have no brains - if that was true they wouldn't walk together presumably
so, for 32 chars, it's just 32*16 guesses*benchmark cycles
@Ocramius I'm not getting it :-(
I'm getting the timing attack thing ...
let me see if I can find something...
the one that takes the longest is the one that is closest, I think that's what matters here right ?
I have heard of timing attacks before - but they had more real explanation
so then the next question has to be, how does this rfc change that ?? it appears to introduce a user function, presumably it has to be used to avoid anything, so everything is still open to this kind of thing until they switch to the new function, which isn't very likely ?
@JoeWatkins easy - add sleep(rand) to every hashing function
@JoeWatkins correct
which is kinda stupid imo
because there's userland functions for that, and additionally, fixing+releasing PHP is messier than fixing+releasing an userland lib
anyone know about facebook chat API, I got some error... anyone help ?
then I'm simply not up for adding a pointless function, I am up for doing something about some security vulnerability, but this doesn't actually do that ...
so yeah, I still don't get the use case for core implementations of hashing stuff except for performance reasons
@JoeWatkins indeed
@zerkms would not prevent an attacker from using the same algo without the sleep...
@Patrick the information they get back is skewed is the point ...
if they only are working on hashes that take the longest for a server to refuse, and that server is skewing that time information, then whatever they get back is pointless
Why would invalid password refusal take more time?
than accepting a correct password
I'm trying to write an example
ah so you are talking about brute force attacks against the server not if someone has access to the user table already. nevermind
everything is being refused, we assume, the refusal time is generated by comparing the md5 char by char, the longer it takes to refuse, the closer it is to the one required ...
because comparison stops at the first difference ...
wouldn't the randomness of internet latency screw with that anyways?
"Rubbish and recycling are not collected on Christmas Day, New Year's Day and Good Friday. Instead, the collection is moved to the Saturday that follows." --- guys, does "Sat that follows" mean the next Sat after a holiday or previous?
@Patrick where is it most common for php to be compromised ??
(it's shared hosting)
surely, over the wire would make a difference, but I would say we're more vulnerable on the shared hosting anyway ... and if you are doing it over the wire and know what you are doing you are adjusting for that anyway ...
@zerkms I think that only matters if your collection day falls on one of those holidays, sat that follows means the one after the holiday that effects your collection ...
@JoeWatkins it does. ok thanks
Lester mentioned E_STRICT
dudes got something wrong with him
he did it again?
yeah, for no actual reason, just because he's got some sort of obsession
Since the general feeling here seems to be that if someone is willing to promote their own pet project then so be it, perhaps now is the time to take advantage of DVCS and start promoting a 'simple PHP' project based on a time before 'e_strict'
and again
But I believe
that many of you now understand that anything not rewritten to be e_strict
@zerkms : i m a developer
but i havent used like that functionality which generate this type of files
why wouldn't you promote your own pet project?
No one is being paid, they're all pet projects.
@Fabien this guy is broken, he became obsessed with the decision to introduce E_STRICT more than a year ago, and now he's like a broken record ... it's apparently not occured to him, he could have fixed his obviously crap code (that breaks E_STRICT rules) about 40 times over in the time it's taken him to write several hundred essays to internals about E_RUDDY_STRICT ...
he really does say crazy things ...
I will ask once again that PHP5.6 is shelved in favour of PHP6 to allow
those of us who were happy with the stability that PHP used to provide
to stabilise it once again with a version that we at least stand a
chance of catching up with.
Bet he's a pleasure to work with.
do you know I'm not sure if he's actually involved like that ... the only input I'm aware of from his direction is mailing list noise
I see 0 commits under his name, I think just mailing list noise, and possibly web stuff, dunno ... all I can think about is all the noise, so it doesn't really matter what else he does, he's drowning it out with his own whining ...
yeah reading
yeah makes sense
I replied to the ml thread, it's not completely pointless, but the way the rfc is written and function is named is poor, he should have taken the time to explain that it's nothing to do with normal string comparison, that his function is only for hash comparisons, and would be better named password_compare or hash_compare or whatever ...
the results were actually ok, but I don't have a dedicated box that has no cpu spikes atm
The @font-face { src: url } css function. Is it well supported?
I know most modern browsers such as chrome which is built, or was, on top of webkit, as well as Firefox. Not sure about IE.
moin @DaveRandom
Was reading blog.ircmaxell.com/2013/11/… I don't know 60% of what he is talking about... any pointers on how I can get OOP basics please
The format of font-face has a src, but where does it get the font from? As in how does it locate it?
@iroegbu read zem code
being dumb
and read PoEAA/GoF if you don't fall asleep while doing so
@iroegbu Generally with OOP you'll want to use a MVC framework that takes advantage of Dependency Injection. And follow certain good coding practice such as Don't Repeat Yourself. You might also look up the gang of four on design patterns vs bad design patterns (anti-patterns).
@Ocramius 450 pages... Challenge accepted
Thanks @Patrick @Ultimater
@iroegbu well, consider that those books are more like a "reference"
not something to read and remind completely
just read through and keep in mind whatever you think you need. You get back at the book when you don't remind stuff
blergh. I now have a blob of listeners, services and controllers >.<
and no will at all to disentangle it
@Ocramius It is important to organize your routes before you even approach your controllers.
@Ultimater ?
That is not the problem :)
I only have like... 6 routes or so
@Ocramius Think in terms of input/output
@Ultimater no, I'm not building a crud app
It's a maze of business logic that doesn't really produce output rather than mails, events, logs and reports and such
@Ocramius Sounds like the mess known as wordpress
@Ultimater no? :P
@Ocramius what framework you using then?
ZF2 + SF2
@Ocramius How is Zend Framework 2 not a CRUD app?
@Ultimater err
some kind of event horizon fox/dog ... coool ...
@PeeHaa doesn't load
That's the #fail ;)
I forgot to set a decent timeout :P
Meh I'll add it to the list :P
I didn't know that existed ...
he's basically proposing that for pre-calculated hashes right ?
It's rather new and useless in my opinion...
the pw_verify thing ?
@JoeWatkins not following the thread right now
I love that PS still tells you how long the image would take to load on 28.8k :P
It only takes about a line of code to write a password verification function
@Ultimater ok show us your awesome password hashing code please
ah yes, but in the context of the current discussion where this timing attack vector does appear to be a possible risk, wouldn't it be better to have this done where we can ensure safety, rather than guess at it in userland ?
I mean it's a tiny risk, but a risk nontheless ... I don't see how userland code could be reliable enough you can say "risk avoided" ... I do see how C can do that ...
@JoeWatkins you mean that the affected api is the password hashing one?
I have no real idea about how to randomize the times effectively, but I remember Ezimuel explaining it to me
no that function does apparently deal with this vulnerability only it does it by accepting the actual password and there's no way to pass in two hashes and have them compared in the same security sensitive way as the bare password ...
@JoeWatkins ah
the example I made is just very simplified
it doesn't need to be a comparison like that
yeah but simplified is good, we understand it ...
any math operation causing some sort of delay that can be evaluated can be exploited
that's why "true"-(ish) random number generators are so important :D
291    /* We're using this method instead of == in order to provide
292     * resistence towards timing attacks. This is a constant time
293     * equality check that will always check every byte of both
294     * values. */
we already do it, there should be no argument, it's a completion of the API and should have just been ruddy committed ...
ok, but I still don't get why we can't do it in userland instead
I'm missing something I suppose
this is the equivalent PHP code
you see how you had to add usleep in your code to get a reliable result at all ...
yes, that is because I'm watching pron
errr, I mean playing videogames
that's why, if we do it in C we can say for sure "vector avoided", anywhere else, we can't say that for sure ...
moin @NikiC
@JoeWatkins seems kinda weak as a reason to me
if the purpose of code is to avoid attack, then it's pointless if you cannot say it avoids attack, right ?
We're replacing a predictable time overhead with an unpredictable overhead
and it doesn't matter if the operations to do so are 10, 100 or 1000
@NikiC monringi yo
@JoeWatkins not sure I understand that sentence :\
@JoeWatkins Are you commenting on the usleep?
@Ocramius php doesn't only make it difficult to find the vector but close it too, is what I'm saying, if you cannot get a reliable way in from php without taking some extra steps, then it's sensless to try and solve it in PHP. if we write it in C we know for sure the vector is avoided, there's no way to say that if we are talking about php ...
plus this really is just a completion of the API, it makes sense to be able to use the password_verify logic on two hashes I think ...
maybe, maybe
I'm for "stop cluttering core"
I'm for complete sets of tools
I haz them
@JoeWatkins I don't think there is a pertinent reason why the fixed-time string comparison needs to be implemented in C
it's magic
@JoeWatkins I'm a complete tool, does that count?
yeah that's true, but I'm for providing them in the best possible way ...
E.g. Python is using a C implementation for it, because they had concerns about leaking timing information due to compiler optimizations for ASCII vs Unicode code points
In PHP we don't have that concern
@NikiC I see that it already is, so the conversation changed for me at that point, we already do this in C
The only other benefit you get from a C implementation is that it's faster ;)
Which is, of course, nice.
Though I think here the main point is to have the function readily available
Faster and you don't have to clutter up your directory
so that people don't have an excuse not to use it
I dunno much about this, and after the article @Ocramius posted about the crazy microphone attack thing the other day, in my heart of hearts all is lost if you can hack shit with a mobile phone at four meters ...
@JoeWatkins security is scary
that article was really quite scary to read, you read the first bit and are expecting some kind of april fools joke, but by the second paragraph you're overwhelmed with a sinking feeling ...
that's the reason why you never roll your own crypto ;)
yeah it should really be all on hardware
not really practical yet tho is it ?
Hey @Suhosin
plus I dunno if it would have made a difference, that's a hardware attack really isn't it ?
I got my 3ds

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