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00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

Good evening everyone
@AlexPierstoval Hello
I got a problem with Symfony2 in local dev. I use a virtual host pointing on my *symfony_directory*/web folder, and when I launch app_dev.php in any browser, the profiler shows an execution time of about 1 to 2 seconds, but the browser takes about 15-25seconds to load the page.
While using "curl" for example, the loading time does not exceed 2 seconds.
What's the problem with my browser ? Do you think it may be the assets ?

Any question ?
Hi HamZa
Have you checked the request with the developer tools of your browser (Firebug, ...)?
I'm checking it
-_- firefox was long, now it's eternal...
it's the assets
page loads in 1,6s
first asset loaded in 33s
first css file in fact
depends, chrome still does not support pinch zoom on my device, firefox does
I'm running it on chrome but it's the same
page loads in 1.8s and first css loaded in 31s
... and resulting in a HTTP 500 error
seems you have an problem with the css request
curl won't load the css
of course
how long does it take if you target the css directly with curl?
that's why I first thougth it could come from assets
i'll try
curl does it instantly
could it come from the css filters ?
@AlexPierstoval No, if it results in an HTTP 500, the problem is the server.
Lack of memory, or sth ?
Check your error log (apache/nginx/php) and see what's written there at the times you try to access the defective file.
nothing inside apache log
checking php
and if that doesn't help, there is a secret fixing dance which we could teach you
Would be nice : google ? ;)
nothing in php log
i'm tryin to get the response contents of a failing asset
... empty response
netstat -a | grep 'FIN_WAIT_1' | wc -l
okay, something is going wrong here.
@AlexPierstoval Seems odd. Is your routing set up in a way that CSS files also go through a PHP index file?
Or are those files served as static content?
@bwoebi lol
netstat -a | wc -l
yay… kernel panic now (2 mins ago) panic(cpu 2 caller 0xffffff8001254ba6): "a freed zone element has been modified: expected 0xffffff803319cb60 but found 0xfacade54adf109a3, bits changed 0x53521d49ee8c2c3, at offset 8 of 16 in zone: mem_obj_control"@/SourceCache/xnu/xnu-2422.1.72/osfmk/kern/zalloc.c:461
1 hour later…
reopen-pls so it can be 'd because apparently 4 people believe it needs to be reopened: stackoverflow.com/questions/13907910/…
@Pekka웃 done
Handled :-)
> put on hold as off-topic by Pekka 웃, Benjamin Gruenbaum, NikiC, Ocramius, webarto just now
Thanks guys! :)
now delv :)
1 hour later…
Argh, installing nodejs with some modules is a pain on raspberry ...
needs more jquery
@GordonM cheerio*
Also, don't listen to the star wars sound track whilst contemplating web development, because now I keep finding myself wanting to type jawascript.
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