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@rdlowrey I'm lost in this drupal stuff :-/
@ThW Depressingly, a lot of people who would do that would also throw it into innerHTML so would end up not having any issues :-(
@DaveRandom or wrap it in <![CDATA[..]]]> and think they are save
1 more hower to holidays, I can do it!
/me has been on holiday for over a month :-P
I know what I should blog about: coupling!!!
Blog about LA :P
well, I am off for the day, later!!!
nah :-P
Sexual stuff?
The words 'dynamically', 'associative' and 'array' all in one sentence are a pretty reliable indicator of a crap question. It seems that way to me anyway. just sayin :)
Need two users' assistence in getting a hat. Who's interested?
@MadaraUchiha Depends, do I get the hat too?
@Jimbo I can try and help you get it as well :)
@MadaraUchiha How long will it take? ;)
@Jimbo about 30 seconds
@MadaraUchiha Sure, how can I help?
hats, tis the season! =)
@Jimbo Go to meta.stackoverflow.com/users/166899/…, and upvote all comments from today.
@MadaraUchiha Done
You can get a hat today too if you post a message here and it gets starred
@Jimbo Thank you
@Diemuzi I already have that one, thanks :)
@salathe Lobster and Caviar for You
@salathe This was a HUGE Help
Wishing everyone a merry, merry CHRISTmas
and Happy New Year
Thanks SO Much Everyone
If anybody stars bullshit messages because of some stupid hat I will personally permaban the user hunt you down
@PeeHaa What the F??
@ircmaxell you had one month of holiday? /me humbly bows to @ircmaxell
The problem with statics is not testing. It never was. It's coupling. Framework should be an implementation detail, not a foundation...
Were not allowed to share gratitude?
@PeeHaa can you please star this message?
yay! Thanks!
ha, np
@PeeHaa You got time to help me with the OAuth thing?? :)
/me calmly loads weapon of choice and waits for @PeeHaa to try to hunt him down
i'm watching my front door but @PeeHaa hasn't shown up yet! slacker...
@ircmaxell Expect me!
BTW I expect beer in return...
I'd give you a case of beer of your choice if you starred this message! =P
just beer? No problem, that can be arranged :-P
@samyb8 I'm kinda busy sorting out something yelling at a supplier for work stuff atm :(
@ircmaxell :-D
@PeeHaa Yelling sometimes helps :) Let me know when you get some time! Thanks!
Good morning!
@samyb8 Yeah hope it helps. I have a website which is used by 30 different locations and the supplier just told me there is a bug in the payment system which they don't want to fix before the weekend...
Shit just got serious
I could use a hosting recommendation. I am preparing to dump my long-time host, and would like to move to either an affordable shared host or VPS. Minimum requirements are PHP 5.5, MySQL 5.5 or higher, the ability to host multiple domains and subdomains in a single account, and memcached. Can anyone give recommendations?
@ircmaxell the responses are made of distilled "awesome"
yup, although some have merit
> well, of you would use a function, why not use a function? ;-)
@ircmaxell ^^ because php makes it a PITA without autoloading?
But yes, you're still correct :)
if that was the response, that's one thing
@EdCottrell You won't find 5.5 on a shared host (or at least, I'd be very surprised).
If you're only paying for shared hosting it doesn't matter. It'll be terrible regardless of who you use.
@salathe Im glad you're still here
I tried $link = htmlspecialchars($resp->searchResult->item[$i]->viewItemURL, ENT_HTML5, 'UTF-8');
and thought I was "In There" but...
doing so makes all the listings here: your-adrenaline-fix.com/honda-dirt-bike-parts.html link back to the root page
@DaveRandom sorry to disappoint you.. hawkhost.com/Hosting/features#php5.5.xsupport
@DaveRandom Yeah, that's my frustration. I have an app that would benefit tremendously from certain 5.5 features, especially opcaching.
So Ive tried moving htmlspecialchars() to encapsulate viewItemURL alone but still No Bueno
@reikyoushin I'm not disappointed. tbh it makes no difference whatsoever to me because chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/13651054#13651054
1. Shared hosting is only useful for landing page + contact info. If you have an application you should never ever ever use shared hosting.
2. If you get a VPS you'll be able to get root access and install any php version you like.
So it kind of doesn't matter.
@reikyoushin I'm totally comfortable running a VPS or dedicated server for this, if need be (have done both many times before), but would prefer to outsource server admin for the first phase of things at least.
@EdCottrell if you need a shared with 5.5, i can refer you one ^_^ if you need a vps.. then get the one @webarto has.. vpsdime.com
@rdlowrey Yeah... that has been my experience.
@reikyoushin Thank you for the recommendation.
so far, my experience with them is ok
@reikyoushin thanks
if you decide to go for shared can i be lowly enough to promote my aff link? :P
@rdlowrey I agree with your points in principle; I'm just hoping to simplify my life temporarily while getting the initial versions of the app out. But I am leaning the VPS route...
@reikyoushin Sure - appreciate the tips!
@reikyoushin lol, ulterior motives!
@rdlowrey >=) but seriously, they were helping me setup stuff even if i feel like taking advantage of their support LOL
i like them because they have this PHP version and module selector in the cpanel. never saw it on other shared on our clients ever..
Hey all! I have been searching for a while... How do you filter an array by a string that a key can start with?
@reikyoushin Good to know -- thanks, guys!
Couldn't you just iterate the keys and check the prefixes?
@EdCottrell remember to check the recurring coupons (usually it's 25-30%)
parallax everything!
if you take the rout of itterating through keys you might want to take a look at php.net/array_walk it makes it nice and neat
hello ya'll
@rdlowrey r-d-flower-y
starry starry night again T-T
@Lusitanian Monsieur Desberg, good day to you sir, how be you this fine winter morn?
@DaveRandom Mr. Wright, I cannot complain about my circumstances on this winter morning. How is the abode in England?
(I'd be terrible at formal English)
@Lusitanian Expensive
Oh, abode, not Adobe
How's your new-(ish) job treating you?
OK, still kinda in limbo a bit in terms of actually doing useful stuff as every one is very busy, being an e-commerce company in the run up to Christmas and all. I've been working on a few bits and pieces but there's this ugly behemoth of a CMS and no-one's got time to show me how to use it. There's another new guy in the same boat, and at least everyone actually acknowledges this is the state of play
You're that useful tool no one has time to use.
@reikyoushin Duly noted; thanks.
@DaveRandom sigh. sounds like the type of shop that ends up on tdwtf
who wrote the CMS?
lolwut. I had about 300 ruby processes which blocked the whole system on my os x server…
/Applications/Server.app/Contents/ServerRoot/usr/bin/ruby /Applications/Server.app/Contents/ServerRoot/usr/libexec/webdavsharing/webdavsha‌​ring_mapper
Were they all the same process?
^ that, 300 times. omg.
fail to check if process is running loop
I'm guilty of doing something similar.
The neverending process.
must be Drupal
Yeeeeeeees! I fixed shit!
@PeeHaa doubtful. you probably just delayed it breaking.
Nope. Well actually it wasn't really me who fixed it. But I delegated shit ;)
Weekend is imminent!
@Lusitanian That may be the case, but it's part of my job. So whatsyagonnadoaboutit aight :D
BTW dawg. We also need to do shit this weekend if possible
@PeeHaa shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. also lots of new issues to take care of on oauthlib. let me delegate.
yes exactly
this weekend is good
what's your gtalk?
What's a gaytalk?
@Lusitanian do you also have a server-side component for that thing?
Don't have a gtalk. Is it tied to gmail?
@Ocramius I believe @PeeHaa started one and has since been slamming his head into a brick wall as to how stupid OAuth is
@PeeHaa Yeah, it's the little chat thingy in gmail
ok, just because I'm sick of fkooman's and the horrors of guzzle
@Lusitanian Ah in that case I totally have a gaytalk account. {lastname}.{firstname}
he-he.. merry christmas from Chuck! nice Friday joke :D
@PeeHaa @gmail or your own domain
i'm (firstname)@(firstname)(lastname).com
err i think anyway. that's my alternate domain on apps. whatever, i'll add you
@Ocramius It may take me a month or so, because I am working on paid shit ATM
oh, not planning on swapping it out now
I'd just like to see something better :D
Expect shit here github.com/PeeHaa/PHPoAuthProvider in due time
^ that
ok ^_^
@PeeHaa messaged you on gtalk. tell me if you got it in your gmail, they changed it to something called hangouts (more socialbuzzwordy?)
hangouts is wowesome :D
i've used it for group-vchats
but i didn't realize they totally replaced talk with it
hangouts are pretty spiffy. screensharing is pretty cool
<3 php://memory
That is all.
Nope. No message I think
Although gmail intarface confuses me
add (firstname)@the(lastname)s.com
@rdlowrey marry it ...
Ow nice I just got a free invite for Google+
First day on the job and I got a beer and present :D
lass married a building a while ago ... dare you ...
@JoeWatkins We've already eloped. I was trying to keep it under wraps but I guess the cat's out of the bag now.
I think I have just send you a message.
Or some other jew
But you people all know eachother right?
@Lusitanian Wow, it's you!
@samyb8 it is me
@PeeHaa did you get response or no? they make this so confusing
i don't get technology
back in my day we used IRC
Yes got shit
@Lusitanian been struggling to get this to work!!! github.com/Lusitanian/PHPoAuthLib even with the help of @PeeHaa... :D
Stars in his eyes
@PeeHaa good. this saturday/sunday/christmas we can work
Yes. Get rid of bugs / features and release shit
YEAH! RELEASIN' (idontusebadwords)!
@ircmaxell @bwoebi @DaveRandom @Jack @rdlowrey bugs.php.net/… pastebin.com/VFjwL0bv test for me pls, don't worry about memcached (if you don't have it), we know what it does ... anyone else with @php.net address, u 2 ...
and I'm not even sorry for the multi ping ...
@NikiC ... you don't get away with it ...
ok I'm done ... promise ...
@Lusitanian :P
phpdbg has been merged into #PHP 5.6! Wonderful work by @krakjoe, @felipensp, @bwoebi and the rest of the http://phpdbg.com team.
string(33) "ConcreteInNature::methodByRefInit"
@JoeWatkins ^^
and if you dont set default in method decl, fatal error, right ?
if you could update the bug report with an "I tested, looks good" ...
@rdlowrey thanks too btw :)
@JoeWatkins Yes. Will do. No problem.
oooh… @PeeHaa wants phpdbg children!
Yes yesy I want
Yes finally weekend has arrived. Later all.
I talk to you somewhere this weekend dawg @Lusitanian
@PeeHaa cya
@JoeWatkins ummm... gcc segfaulted... :-S (although presumably that's nothing to do with the patch)
is someone successfully running a MBP with 2 external monitors? If so, how did you do it? (Ideally running ubuntu not osx)
<-- someone is never going to buy mac again :/
@Patrick Currently using the two display ports, one per each monitor
I only have one?
@Patrick are you sure the video card actually supports 3 screens then? DisplayPort supports chaining monitors
PC DP -> Monitor DP IN - Monitor DP Out -> Other Monitor DP In
I don't mind turning off the one on the notebook
I just prefer 2 equally sized screens
@Patrick Yes.
I run this.
I use mDP to dual-link DVI adapters; newer monitors often have DP in which case you could just do mDP to DP.
If you have only one mDP port, that's odd.
It must be an older machine; they've had 2 ports for a while.
@LeviMorrison the previous gen of MBP had only one DP
@Ocramius I have one generation old MBP lol
(as in, not released this year)
it's not the newest one
eih, don't know which generation - I got this box since a month or so
Late 2011 model
DP, is that sexual stuff? /cc @Ocramius
@webarto you sure know your shit :P
I've seen shit...
A: "Do you have a problem working with adult content?"
Me: "Of course not!"
Someone hit me in the head, pleeeeease.
@LeviMorrison is that what you use? store.apple.com/us/product/MB571Z/A/… and then use a monitor where you can hook another monitor to it?
i.e. it was non-mainstream industry :)
this is like rocket science to me
@Patrick You will not be able to chain the monitors.
@Patrick do you only have a DP out?
@Ocramius yes
no HDMI or other fancy stuff?
Only the latest gen supports the thunderbolt chaining.
DP chaining is a really new technology.
@Ocramius @LeviMorrison support.apple.com/kb/sp644 this is it
It's what I'm using on my Dell M4800 workstation and we have to buy an active DP cable for it to work properly.
gotta be kidding...
only one output? O_o
I have not found a reputable vendor, unfortunately.
what were they thinking?
@Ocramius In their defense, they've had 2 for 2 generations now.
They did learn...
@Ocramius you don't bring a monitor to a coffee shop... :D
yeah, still he won't be able to use 2 monitors :\
Definitely not.
so buy something new I guess? ...
I use a mdp -> dual hdmi adapter on my surface pro
I can vouch that the lowest model in the 13" MBP with Retina can support two screens at 2560x1600.
@webarto If you, of all people, have a problem with it, it's probably illegal
@ThW so one output to two monitors?
@Patrick I don't leave my nest
Hmm, are there usb video cards like there are usb soundcards?
@Ocramius Dell 30"?
@Ocramius open window? are you crazy? :D
We have 4 of those here; I opted for the 27" since they were much cheaper and I was only losing 160px vertically.
@Patrick The screens protect me from getting in contact with sunlight
@LeviMorrison you got a 2560x1540 27''?
@Ocramius 1440, not 1540 lol
meh, can't count :P
@DaveRandom make clean first did ya ?
@Patrick one output yes, but double size and splitted beweeen the two monitors
isn't that like, ultra wide?
@Ocramius No, it's not ultra wide. They basically just chopped the bottom 160 pixels off.
It's a non-standard ratio, I think, but I don't care.
@JoeWatkins look in irc
got it
@Ocramius good fap station you have there
@Fabien not a fap station since my girlfriend has the station near mine
so no-fap for me :(
@ThW what am I supposed to look at? those? displaylink.com/shop/adapters
@Ocramius Nice danger-fap station you got there.
@Patrick you asked about usb videocards
@PeeHaa I finally looked back at the original question here. That's exactly what the aerys proxy was designed for. You have full access to everything that comes back from the backend before it's sent to the client. Yes. I thought of things like that.
@Ocramius Awesome
@DaveRandom :*
@Fabien much danger. very scare. wow
I would suggest that stateless static is of no consequence, in fact not different to a function but name-spaced better. I do agree though, start adding state and you can introduce very hard to find issues and testing difficulties with static data. So to clarify, in my world a Utility class is stateless. — Gavin 5 hours ago
@tereško perhaps I'm misreading, but static util classes that retain no state are quite ok
php itself does not retain state
Depends on how you use it
long running processes? :-)
I didn't read the thread thought, so maybe that's why
Hi everyone.
@Ocramius that's not how normal people use php
I'm abnormal :(
I need a performant IMAP mail client. any suggestions?
I suppose static really only has a place in languages like C#, wherein there is no "standalone function", and every method lives in a class somewhere.
A referentially transparent group of expressions statements grouped together into a named container.
That, rand and time.
As an alternative to output buffering, how do you feel about allowing the handle to which all output functions write being modifiable? Something like set_out_handle($h), which would thereafter write all output from calls like echo to $h?
Better yet, simply set_handle($h, $t) where $h is the handle, and $t is a constant for either H_OUT, H_ERR, and any future "core" handles that could/would/should be introduced.
Of course, a complimentary get_handle($t) would follow.
@tereško handling his predecessor's code: i.imgur.com/vXCzhgd.gif
@samyb8 The error message is telling you exactly what's wrong:
> Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_instance() in..... /etsy_codeigniter-master/third_party/etsy/classes/Etsy.php on line 158
@rdlowrey yes, issue is I can't find in the library that function defined...
Then a much better course of action is to submit a bug report with the maintainer of the third-party code you're using instead of tossing up a prayer that some random passerby on stack overflow has any familiarity with that specific library.
Because they won't.
@samyb8 That's probably because it is an undefined function
@rdlowrey yes, just did. thanks
@rdlowrey that 3rd party is PhpoAuthLib by those two :P
@samyb8 if you can't find it, how did you think PHP could ^_^
@reikyoushin how does that change anything? :)
@rdlowrey just saying.. :P
> Then a much better course of action is to submit a bug report with the maintainer of the third-party code you're using
@reikyoushin I tend to think PHP is smarter than humans, but apparently not :)
@samyb8 PHP could only be as smart as it's developers/users.. as with any programming language..
Complaint: HTTP/1.1-compliance when serving static resources is a real bear. Tim Berners-Lee hates us all.
@JoeWatkins Patch doesn't looks right to me
whats not right about it ?
@JoeWatkins You're basically making all by-ref params with a default value into a prefer-ref param ... that doesn't make sense, right?
yeah it does, you can't have a reference to a default, users code has no reference to a default ...
it's implicit that if you set default you prefer a reference ...
reference with default is a separate pattern
nothing to do with prefer-ref
you cannot pass by ref
there is none
with your patch, if you declare a function function foo(&$bar = 'baz') { ... } you will be able to call it with foo('bar') - which is currently and intentionally not allowed
if there is one it will be used, if there isn't you can't pass it by ref, it's implicit I'd say ...
so if it's a seperate pattern how does arg info define it ?
it has to be prefer reference if you are setting a default in the declaration, nothing else makes sense ...
this isn't defined in arg info
Think of it like this: If a value is passed, it is passed by-ref. If the value is not passed, you get the default :)
how is the code above meant to behave ?
the above code is meant to throw an error telling you that only variables can be passed by ref
yeah that's prefer reference, what on earth would be the point in treating the default as a reference
or which above code do you mean?
if you are using the default then the user has no reference to it ...
arg info needs allow_literal or something like it ...
no, it doesn't ^^
literals not being allowed is the intended behavior
it's not a bug or something
if you are using the default, no reference exists to it, the intended behaviour is wrong there, you need another way to handle it ...
You sound like you discovered only just now that you can't pass a literal to a by-ref parameter
@rdlowrey Just in case nobody has mentioned it, your hat makes you look like you have large red nipples.
@DanLugg lol
I'm not thinking about it from that angle is all ...
Very far apart nipples, but nipples all the same.
because it shouldn't be like that, if no reference to it exists then you should not treat it as a reference, you prefer a reference because you can accept the default, which is not in any way a reference ...
don't feel like arguing right now
as long as you don't commit any "fixes" everything is fine :)
@bwoebi grats
Is there any particular reason that widening (protected to public) the visibility of an abstract method when implemented is legal?
(I think I asked this before, but the room was dead and didn't get any feedback)
LSP constrains the inverse, public to protected for good reason, but I can't see why visibility change should be legal under any circumstance...
If I've defined an abstract protected function, why permit the implementer to change that?
how can you define protected function as abstract?

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