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Nah, that can't be ... the numbers should be the same, so only 7.7, 8.8, etc.
@Jack I just wondered too… you got a mail too? =P
@bwoebi Yeah :)
Or maybe it just means it won't happen in a x.y.z release.
Which is basically what @zerkms said :)
fucking skype
Day 1 at new job.
guys and gals, has any of you found a way to block skype chat ads ?
@Fabien what's the first impression ?
Very relaxed. So quite good.
@tereško I can give you a solution
I'm not kidding
Day 1 is just settle in and not do much it seems.            rad.msn.com
Mind you, I am on a mac.
@T-- Use DOMDocument
@PeeHaa Using class is overkill in this case. Or not?
Hint: loop through the textnodes anbd wrap them
@tereško aren't they served from one network ?? edit hosts file ??
@T-- Does it need to work for a variable number of strings?
@George Yes
@T-- It might be if that string will always be the same. However I also like to keep in mind future changes when it comes to something brittle as parsing html with regex
@T-- Can we assume they are formatted exactly like so... no whitespace .etc
TL;DR keep sane and use the DOM. If and only if it becomes a bottleneck fix it
@George Yes
> Here are some common words, acronyms, and phrases to learn right away:

Windows Desktop ~ Mac Desktop
We whore so much rep in with your opcache question I'm thinking about giving some away to charity so I can sleep at night ;-)
@JoeWatkins I tried to block doubleclick ... doesn't seem to work
@tereško just get that offer
imagine it requests some skype domain before the affiliate network
for one year you'll forget about ads
Do these chatrooms have UGT-like thing for 'Guys and gals'?
packet sniffer, find out where, block that ...
also think it's ad.doubleclick.something, maybe a different network ... maybe you meant that but didn't want to type it ...
hi, @DaveRandom
@T-- "Bitches" :P
@DaveRandom jo biatch!
@T-- `$string = "String 1<br />String 2<br />String 3";
$newstring = implode("",array_map(function($el) {
return "<span>{$el}</span><br />";
}, explode("<br />", $string)));
@JoeWatkins My gf used to work for double click. She says it was about as pleasurable as you might imagine it to be
Has any one of you attempted to or created a regexp object in php? :)
@GeorgeReith I wonder why I forgot explode completely. Thanks.
@T-- $string = "String 1<br />String 2<br />String 3";
$newstring = `implode("<br />",array_map(function($el) {
return "<span>{$el}</span>";
}, explode("<br />", $string)));
print_r($newstring);` is better
@Jack I did, I found it to be a pointless exercise though
@DaveRandom I thought it might be useful ... like, in my head hehe
I'll try and dig it out for you if you want though
@Jack for what?
@AlmaDo I dunno, to pass around instead of a string I guess.
@Jack Thing is, all you are really doing is replacing a string with an object. A string var can be injected just as easily as an obj var, and it's pretty safe to assume that PCRE is available so there's no sensible decoupling that can be attained from it
I suppose getting match to return the matches array is kinda worthwhile, but a function can do that
Yeah, I'll try to work out if it would indeed be practical to have :)
@DaveRandom The only advantage would be type hinting.
Also pre-compilation expression(?)
Hello FrNdZ
lol. I have no idea what's the problem with this guy.
@BenjaminGruenbaum this answer is actually a shame. — Your Common Sense Nov 6 at 21:00
@Leri Yeh but like I say, that is kinda meaningless since it will always be PCRE based, which is always available. You can't abstract it to an interface that would have multiple implementations, so what's the point?
I actually wonder how pattern studying actually works in php.
@Jack The compiled regexes are cached in an HT, I've already looked at that theoretical optimisation and it's already been done
Two of his 'answers' on the same thread got deleted my mods. ಠ_ಠ
All this from a 73K user.
@AmalMurali pdo is his turf ;-)
@DaveRandom I see.
@DaveRandom You can always create wrapper but so you can do with strings. So, yeah, pretty pointless.
Anything new about PHP in very recent days ??
@Leri Oh yeh, I'm not saying it won't work, simply that you don't really gain anything.
@AmalMurali He's kind of right, though.
I agree. But that kind of posts shouldn't exist on the main site. Maybe on Meta, but not here. :P
"When I want to insult, I use not so direct ways. " :D
@AmalMurali It's his style ... people have accepted it ;-)
setter with two args is much more shame in the question though. :)
What was that good site for getting multiple screen of your site for media testing?
@Leri class ProductsModel extends Model as well.
@Fabien Tried QuirksTools?
Java people, (looking at you @JoeWatkins ) is there any way you can think of to implement event emitters in Java with type safety?
dude, if I wanted to think about java I'd be in the java room ... now you asked me a question I'm obliged to think about it ... is this urgent ?
@Jack Why? I love hidden db initialization in base super classes under the name Model.
sorry that was shitty, you can ask me of course you can ...
@AmalMurali Nope will check it out cheers
@JoeWatkins very urgent kind sir, plz, boss wantz results :P
It's not urgent, just something that's bothering me
i am creating one webservice for ios and android and the data being sent by then is in json format
let me think about it ... I have no default answer ...
@AmalMurali Pretty awesome cheers
i am decoding that data but still i am not getting the array
plz help
i have used $arrAllergy = json_decode($_POST["allergy"],true);
is there existing code to look at so I can see the context ?
but when i echo $arrAllergy it gives blank array
@Fabien: :D
@user2936213 why do you json decode it?
@user2936213: Rule 1: You don't echo an array. Use print_r() or var_dump().
i did that also
@BenjaminGruenbaum are you basically asking is there a way to do C# events in Java ?
but the mobile team is getting blank array only
{"gcm_num":"12345","email":"[email protected]","password":"123456","name":"munmun poddar","birthday":"07-12-1987","phone_num":"1234567890","address":"mumbai","all‌​ergy":[{"allergy_name":"dust","allergy_name":"metal"}],"phone_type":"android","di‌​seases":["type1","type2"],"medicines":["medicine1","medicine2"]}
this is the json that they are sending it to me
@LeviMorrison getFirst() it's more descriptive. For what purpose however?
@JoeWatkins I want typed events, where I can specify in the emitter stuff.
correct that
@user2936213: That looks like a valid JSON string. Is that what you get when you var_dump($_POST['allergy']);?
specify types in the emitter stuff ?
or is code coming ?
actually this is the whole json they are giving it to me
but when i did print_r($arrAllergy);
they got blank array
@Jack @bwoebi were we talking about weltlings 64bit improvements earlier ?
@user2936213: print_r($_POST); -- do you see anything there?
i want to extract sub array in that json named allergy disease and nedicine
ill check
@JoeWatkins yes
@JoeWatkins yes
@BenjaminGruenbaum someone asked me a similar question kind of thing the other day, he got a pretty good answer pretty quickly by showing me the C#, maybe write up a little bit of that and then I'm not thinking about the wrong thing, code is easy to understand, other peoples thoughts are much harder :)
@bwoebi I didn't get that, I only just saw the mail ...
that's a massive undertaking it would seem ...
I want to observe a class, it has... let's say 5 methods
i got this (
[gcm_num] => 11f1cf63843e9d5085081a80f66ad94c290b465a4b23a6049b4eecc77584afec
[email] => Sdgv
[password] => sxf
[name] => Tchg
[birthday] => Cdg
[phone_num] => Fffffff
[address] => Ettff
[phone_type] => ios
[allergy] => (
[diseases] => (
[medicines] => (
They each trigger an event with different arguments and I catch it later
How do I deal with the fact they each have different type information?
@user2936213 Well then your array doesn't get submitted.
(While keeping the eventemitter itself generic)
@user2936213: git.io/chatroom-pact -- read rule 1 :)
the json was: {"gcm_num":"12345","email":"[email protected]","password":"123456","name":"munmun poddar","birthday":"07-12-1987","phone_num":"1234567890","address":"mumbai","all‌​ergy":["dust","metal"],"phone_type":"android","diseases":["type1","type2"],"medic‌​ines":["medicine1","medicine2"]}
@user2936213 How are you getting that JSON?
the mobile team is send this json to me through post methid
which i am extracting
@user2936213: JSON isn't getting POSTed. $_POST['allergy'] contains some random string that's INVALID JSON, and json_decode() returns null. That's why you're getting an empty array when you print_r($arrAllergy).
by $_POST
i checked online the json which i gave right now is valid json
i checked it on json.parser.online.fr
you want code or an idea ?
anything that can let my webservice work
firstly i was using $decode_userRegistration = json_decode($_POST);
@BenjaminGruenbaum Are you looking for this (context)?
but by this android team was not able to post images
so had to change it to new one
@Leri how do I pass event parameters?
@JoeWatkins either would do?
Good moanings :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum Create class Event that will be holding event args and pass it to listener method as arg
@Leri still no type safety, different events have different arguments
Let me show you what I mean and correct me where I am wrong. I guess we can understand each other better like that.
Please someone help me
@BenjaminGruenbaum EventArgs is my first thought ... which would be just a container for Class<?> and the object, Class has a cast method, giving you a way to get the typed object you require ...
@user2936213 I honestly don't understand what the problem is, so please try to explain it to me from the top.
@JoeWatkins with a cast... no type safety
you're forcing by saying the emitter has to be generic, but it's kind of required all the same isn't it ?
@Madara: i am creating a webservice for ios and android for registration
in that WS mobile team is giving me data by post method in json format
how to get the last lines of cmd after executing from php file
i have to show the last lines on the php page?
I mean how would you have an emitter that is not generic ...
that json contains a sub array of allergy, disease and medice which i want to extract to insert it into teir respective tables
but the problem is that sub arrays are coming blank
if I misunderstand ... it's hard to understand thoughts, write some working C# and I'll give you back something as close as possible in java ...
i used $arrAllergy = json_decode($_POST["allergy"],true);
and checked on my localhost it was working perfectly
moin @salathe
but then mobile team was not getting this array
@BenjaminGruenbaum ideone.com/uHLtU8
Hey guys
@Leri right, but it needs to fire different events with different arguments
The MyEvent class needs to change between events
@BenjaminGruenbaum Are you speaking of creating new instance of event for every listener?
well, it needs to give you access to objects of different types ... which is why I suggested EventArgs in that way ...
@JoeWatkins that requires a cast
@Leri yes, and have it invoke a method with the params based on event name
@JoeWatkins typesafety = 0
it's still type safe, you specify what type to cast to and it will fail under appropriate circumstances ...
seems safe enough to me ?
@JoeWatkins it fails at runtime under the circumstances, how is that typesafe?
@JoeWatkins Because of type erasure warning will still be arised, won't it?.
there's no logical path to failure, except programmer error ...
that's safe ...
haha.. found
that guy knows :p
@BenjaminGruenbaum Sounds weird to me. Could you show little sample what you are trying to do?
an example would be easier to understand ... saying it has to be type safe and generic appears to be a contradiction in terms ...
not that I can figure another way to do it, nor can the authors of C# ...
hi... please, someone can help me with this pastebin.com/Znw0i2XK ? thanks
@DaveRandom The reason my proxy didn't worky anymore yesterday was because they again jumped domain
Should work again
@smepie try to post it as a question with structure of both tables
@PeeHaa Presumably it's possible to get Nginx to follow the redirect instead of forwarding it? If you do that it will handle it gracefully next time...
@ImaneFateh that's already here stackoverflow.com/questions/20692341/…
@ImaneFateh already found a method to show all the rows with id_product clear, but i have also to integrate with the other table...can you help me >?
@DaveRandom Hmmm that would be nice
I do understand the problem and there are complex solutions like ngx.lua module than allows parsing of returned proxy contnent but it is easy to drown there. You can just pass /forum requests to internal.com/forum and my preferred way is to make separate subdomain for this forum like forum.production.com — Andrei Mikhaltsov Mar 12 at 14:05
Not as easy at first glance
@ImaneFateh the only problem is that's not clear to me if i can do everything with one query only...
@PeeHaa what are you making a proxy for (use case)?
@RonniSkansing tpb
@PeeHaa ah ok. I need to make a horrid proxy kinda a thing in a couple of weeks for client. It basiclly needs to fetch a http and then transfer the content via. https to the client...
@RonniSkansing What webservice are you running?
Brrrrr... I need a hat
Because I think using nginx you can easily set it up that way with a reverse proxy (haven't tried it yet though)
If you want I can do some tests for you this weekend
@PeeHaa i have not set anything up yet. Yea when i read something about you using nginx for it i got kinda corious
If I don't forget and I am not DRUBAR (drunk beyond any repair) I will look into it
I think im going to set up a vps for it, but i will ask you later how it went ≈]
@PeeHaa Looks like it's not as easy to do as you might think :-(
@PeeHaa I bet Aerys could do it, actually
hello everyone.. just had a little confusion about routes in zend framework 2...
would i need to add in a route manually each time for any/every action created in a module?
@user2936213 In that case, mobile team is not sending the array properly as you would expect it
20 mins ago, by PeeHaa
Not as easy at first glance
@DaveRandom Not that I am going to run it on my server for that, but interesting nonetheless. Is @DaveRandom's assupmtion correct @rdlowrey?
@salathe please can you delete the test patch you created in the OE yesterday? I don't haz teh powahs
@PeeHaa I'd try it myself but since it's @rdlowrey stable at best it might set my server/cat on fire
hello everyone.i built relations with two table in Yii framework.when i try to get value from table relations give "Not set" ? any idea
It's been only two weeks I develop on android and I already hate it. :)
@Leri I kinda like Java tbh, I have yet to try and work with Android but I am planning to venture into it over Christmas
@DaveRandom sure, but... why?
@salathe Because I have cleared the patch queue out and it is displeasing me.
Does anyone else here feel as if YourCommonSense is not the same colonel he used to be?
@DaveRandom hehe, fair enough :)
I mean: his English has been getting worse, and his criticisms are just weird... it wansn't too long ago he made sense... now, though
Or is it just me?
@EliasVanOotegem Not sure, I never liked him that much, he raises good points in his comments, be he does so ever so stingily.
@DaveRandom My hate has nothing to do with java. 3k+ devices are making me crazy.
@MadaraUchiha: I know, but one of those good points he often made was "If DB connections fail the app should fail"
Now, I've answered a question saying just that and just look at the odd comments he left: stackoverflow.com/a/20701614/1230836
I can't work out if he's deliberately being obtuse or if I just don't understand the point he's trying to make
really.. ??? $userRow['_id']->{'$id'}
why would you create a public variable starting with $? http://www.php.net/manual/en/class.mongoid.php

am I doing this wrong or is this just stupid?
@EliasVanOotegem His English indeed got even worse since he returned from his retirement ban. Not sure about the content of the comments. He has written some stupid shit, but also some shit with common sense.
> Variable names follow the same rules as other labels in PHP. A valid variable name starts with a letter or underscore, followed by any number of letters, numbers, or underscores. As a regular expression, it would be expressed thus: '[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*'
@Leri orly? What kind of issues are you running into?
@Patrick Where do you see that code?
@Patrick No, you're right. It's stupid.
I am planning to make something for personal use so I only need it to work on my S4
no I am stupid
It has a to string
@Patrick you're just stupid
@EliasVanOotegem He's referring to the {'$id'} I believe.
(string) $userRow['_id']
that should do
Yes, but according to the docs, a variable, lable or property-name can't begin with a $
@DaveRandom Oh, S4, fancy :P
If its the result of a parsed DOM or something, $userRow['_id']['$id'] might work, or perhaps `
@DaveRandom For example, right now I am trying to find out why is different rsa keys generated on my s3 mini and emulator running honeycombat version.
@webarto Free, I signed my soul over to O2 for 200 years or something
Seems like overflow happens when I read modulus from base64 encoded string on emulator.
@PeeHaa: But can you make sense of the comments he left to my answer, and are they, in your opinion justification for the -1... I really don't mind the occasional downvote, but I do mind not understanding why
Moment let me read the thing
BTW that question is utter crap
@Leri If it works on the device, does that matter?
@PeeHaa: sorry, I can be overly verbose in answers, and yes, the question was idiotic (didn't even include $dbh = null until after I asked OP to include the connection code, too
Also you might want to disable emulated prepared statements
^ see the comments, totally wrong answer.
" Come on, for someone who calls himeself "Common Sense", you aren't really showing much of it" maybe he is.
@DaveRandom Yes, because it won't work on honeycombat. Also, I don't know why that happens, so anything might go wrong on real devices...
and good morning folks. it's friday (before christmas) :D
@RonniSkansing: care to elaborate, because I can't seem to get what he's saying
I simply don't see what he's getting at
@Leri Assuming that it's not the fault of the emulator...
@EliasVanOotegem The thing I personally don't like about that answer (besides the fact you are using emulated prepared statements) is that you are telling OP to not catch exceptions when making the connection failed. That's not very nice for the end-users (a WSOD).
@DaveRandom I bet it has something to do with converting byte array to BigInteger that itself should be cpu bit version dependent.
@EliasVanOotegem I dunno. I just could not help giggle abit at the line. No need to drag his username into the discussion, tell him that you do not understand what he means, rather then being defensive/offensive imo
Also your statement that catching it only when using transactions is a bit odd imho
At least that's how I read your answer
@PeeHaa you names starts with Pee ;)=
@RonniSkansing Mine starts with Mad, your point?
Mine starts with Web :)
@MadaraUchiha there was no point
@RonniSkansing lol. Morning... :P
That is the point
@hakre Morgen!
@PeeHaa: Yes, but I then go on to say that, excactly that makes the try-catch a bit redundant. It's effects are pretty similar to the OP's die() call: app stops. The difference is that I'm used to have an exception handler set, which handles uncaught excpetions, so I just threw a new one
Last day of work before i take the xmas vacation
@Leri I thought the bi-endian nature of ARM was supposed to mitigate that kind of issue?
@DaveRandom Might be, I am just debugging to understand what causes the problem.
@RonniSkansing: Yes, I got a bit annoyed with the comments I got being vague and I got the impression he just didn't read past the first snippet which is indeed silly, but that was the point of that snippet: to show the OP was being silly in doing try{}catch(){die();}
@RonniSkansing His real name starts with Pie. Many awesome things start with pie.
@EliasVanOotegem OPs die is entirely stupid. If somebody would pull such a trick in code I have to maintain I will hunt him/her down
@Leri ARM works on 32-bit words, try padding your byte array out to % 4 and processing it 4 bytes at a time
@DaveRandom Thanks for idea. I'll try.
@EliasVanOotegem You can name a variable anything you like, it's only that parser that can't cope with direct access of it. The identifiers themselves are just used as keys in an HT so they can be any string
@MadaraUchiha WTF
@PeeHaa Read it through
They also get dumped from bitbucket???
@MadaraUchiha I have already seen it
They also got dumped from github initially
@DaveRandom: That's why I also suggested "\0$id", which is what PHP uses for private/inherited properties when casting an instance of some object to an array, for all I know, they pulled the same stunt here
> fluid mechanics is hard for men 'because it deals with "feminine" fluids in contrast to "masculine" rigid mechanics'.
Eww, feminine fluids...
@MadaraUchiha: At the risk of being branded a sexist, c += with implied void gives a syntax error in all languages I know of :)
I have a problem, I have admin site, and login is working great on my linux server, now when I moved it to Windows server running IIS login gives me error Fatal error: Call to undefined function password_verify(). Why? PHPversion is 5.2.11
@Arto You kind of answered yourself...
@EliasVanOotegem That's an ugly hack - you can do it 'properly' like: 3v4l.org/aea7p . Which is also an ugly hack.
password_verify() read it well. Especially the first few lines (above the ones you think are the first few lines)
Or use a zero-width joining space as the first letter of the variable, to really make people want to hurt you.
@MadaraUchiha shit. I hope I dont mess break the whole server when updating php heh, or is there another way to verify that password?
@Arto Not with 5.2
@MadaraUchiha Okay thanks for help
If you had 5.3, you could have used @ircmaxell's library (who happens to be the guy who wrote password_hash() and password_verify()).
@Danack: It wasn't a hack, it was a guess... but variable variables are ugly hacks 99% of the time too
@Jimbo monring
@MadaraUchiha yeh, I think I am going to update to latest version tho. But I am wondering is it possible to break something when upgrading it..
@Arto: check the change-logs
@Arto Probably so. But in your case, if you get to choose, I'd upgrade, and put out the fires.
It's always possible, hard to say if it will
stupid question, but I don't understand the explanation on how to Install the Translation Component for Symfony: http://symfony.com/doc/current/components/translation/introduction.html
it doesn't describe where I should put the git, where I should `include` the files, nor what composer command line I should execute
Can anyone help? ^^'
@DaveRandom For some reason ARMemulator was generating negative modulus. I force it to be unsigned and works respectively. Do you have any idea why that was happening?
@Leri Presumably the default signedness changed at some point, if the MSB is set in the generated modulus then that would break it. Although that's a bit of a guess it seems logical. I would say that for things like that (where you are generating a number and not a sequence of bits) it would be best to be explicit about the signedness anyway...
Will keep that in mind. ^
@MadaraUchiha I have an entire collection of structures that use a smattering of conventions.
@LeviMorrison Yes, I understand, but those specific methods, first() vs getFirst(), what do they do?
Some simply return properties; others have to do some traversal to get them.
Hello All
@LeviMorrison In that case, I vote for getFirst()
@MadaraUchiha You think the get variant indicates more work to be done than first?
@ShankarDamodaran Thanks, but I needed only one which Wesley already helped me out with that :)
@LeviMorrison No, it's just more descriptive. I often use method names of 20-30 characters to fully describe what a method does. first() may indicate other things other than getting the first, it may mean setting the first or placing the pointer on the first. But getFirst() perfectly describes what the method does
Think of it this way, when you read nothing but the method name, arguments, and return type. Can you understand what the method does 100%?
Using Travis CI for the first time :)
@DaveRandom Guess what, emulator's behavior was correct. BigInteger is signed and the modulus starts with 1 as the first bit, so result should always be negative. Either java.security package on Jelly Beans took care of sign on my device or something really weird happened.
Ideally the patch submitter should run the tests before the commit ever hits the git server, so I don't much see the point for CI services, honestly.
@madara i cross cheked it with mobile team they are sending it properly
@Leri What is your device?
samsung galaxy s3 mini
@LeviMorrison Yeah just trust random contributors ;)
@PeeHaa I think most contributions are not from random people, but I understand that. I did say "Ideally" after all ^^
@LeviMorrison also travis ci runs on a specific environment where you see the platform dependent problems you didn't notice before
Today is the day for "Winter Is Coming" hat. winterbash2013.stackexchange.com
I hate hats...
I hate gamification.
kill the gamification !!
@PeeHaa Changing between love and hate is a good time-waster.
hats? my tf2 senses are tingeling
Bitches love tin foil hats!

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