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2 hours later…
In my database many posts has some characters like :

[media id=468 width=660 height=440]

With php i want to get media id (the number) and replace it with another function, also after taking the id, dont want that [media id=468 width=660 height=440] to be shown at my posts in html.

Please can some one help with this ? Thank you a lot

PS : I dont need height and width.
@Meo what have you done so far ?
Hey guys
Having a minor sql problem... I would ask in SQL but there hasnt been any activity in two days...
3 hours later…
Does anyone know if it's possible to get GET of an XHR request through JS after it has executed?
I dont think its possible. But well it depends how you run it
My problem is that a specific URL is setting GET variables via a redirect
eg; a request to /ecommerce? gets redirected to /ecommerce/cgi-bin/?userinfo=1234
And I need to get that 1234
@tereško CI doesn't use the MVC pattern?
no , it does not
so basically, an AJAX call to /ecommerce is performed and in the callback part, I would do something like: xhr.getHeader('url') or something
it uses a parody of MVP
@Stephen Learn to edit comments and remove unnecessary ones.
If you hit + you should be able to edit last comment
or you could just click the edit button :)
you're right Christian
Welcome :)
@tereško Nuts.
'n Bolts
@ChristianSciberras , the is not necessary
Oh, wait, it was Nuts 'n Milk
Hey, you're right.
this is my 2nd time on this chat, @tereško can you explain?
@ChristianSciberras what are you talking about ?
Did I mention I found that shortcut by mistake?
I've got the RMR syndrome, see?
Random Morning Ramblings
@Stephen , the main difference between MVP and MVC is in flow of information
MVP "controller" (or actually "presenter") gathers data from models , and then passes it to the view
@tereško but it doesn't do that, you can't pass data from the model to the view
it has to go to the controller first
in classical MVC controller binds view and model , changes state of both , and changes in model cause changes in view via observer pattern
GUYS, whats is the best framework for now?
Yii, Cake PHP ?
DooPHP ?
@ErnestasStankevičius There's no such thing as best
The best, I meen the most popular
in web MVC ( also known as Model2 ) , compared to classical version the the view is requesting the data from model , instead of other way around
@ErnestasStankevičius that depends on what you will use it for
@ErnestasStankevičius jQuery is the most popular js framework, doesn't make it the best...
@ErnestasStankevičius K2F, of course! It's the most secure, cleanest and bestest of them all! (not really)
@tereško well that does make sense, but the way CI handles it just feels right to me somehow
@ErnestasStankevičius least evil in php realm would bout Symfony2 , but it too is flawed
@Stephen , that's why you are a noob
@Zirak i do love jquery :) i actually want it to have my babies
@tereško How come you've been using Yii?
i had to use it
Well, i need damn fast framework, where i have least work witch writing: INSERT INTO sadasd ...
@tereško i think its a matter of opionion, i've been doing this for quite some time
not by my own choice , @ChristianSciberras . and the experience was pretty horrid
oh, ok. Thought you somehow somewhere recommended some piece of it, or something.
no , i havn't
actually i recommend to write your own framework
@ErnestasStankevičius i'd recommend CI, if everybody would do it the way teresko does it, there would be no point to scrum and projects would take ages to complete
@ErnestasStankevičius what is the connection between witchcraft and sql ?
and how about documentation, maintenance etc.. you'd have to document your own framework as well
@Stephen , have you actually seen the code that hoes into that framework ?
it isnt even possible to write unittests for that framework without initializing the whole thing
@tereško i haven't no. But the result is the thing i like. I just keep things like time constraints in mind when developing an application. Also the amount of time it takes to fully document something
@Stephen Basically, ignorance is bliss?
CI abuses global state , contains heaps of procedural code , mis-implements MVC , and calls ORM a Model
@tereško where does it call ORM a model? if you use Datamapper ORM it loads it as a library
i bet you even dont know what Law of Demeter is
@Zirak Basiclly, everything has it flaws. Look at the code of Drupal, magento, joomla..
they also do not call it ORM
Well, DooPHP i see is BEST, realy...
so ... in you opinions , @Stephen , what exactly is ActiveRecord ?
because all examples in that page are about it
Zend fu*ks up with making suqers from wheels
Yii is same DooPHP
CakePHP sucks till v2
@tereško a Database Abstraction layer obviously, NOT an Orm
so .. to you are telling me that ActiveRecord is not an ORM
@tereško Also, the Law of demeter, again wastes recources that some people just cannot afford. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_Of_Demeter#Disadvantages
@tereško that exactly what im saying. Look it up, even look at the code. it aint no ORM.
@Stephen and that , i guess , was "no" for my LoD question
@tereško actually i do know what it is, and i also understand it
no , you do not understand it , and i honestly doubt that you have ever heard about it before
otherwise you would not defend an extremely crappy framework
@tereško but it's c combined effort in best practice and doability. Im working with alot of strict time constraints. And even if i wanted to do things perfect all of the time, there simply is no time. And thats the case for alot of the php developers out there who work with scrum
when there is no time , you write crappy code .. so then later that code hurts you and everyone in the team .. you have to debug it , and you have to work around it
As someone who had to clear up tons of shitty Java code over the past year, "working with alot of strict time constraints" is what makes it happen.
There's no excuse for not making it right
you see , if you have no time to write it right the first time , then you should not write it at all
I never write crappy code, because i hate to look over spaghetti code. I have to do it all the time and it frustrates me
But there are alot of methods that can be handled differently that are still very maintainable and require alot less time to implement
@ChristianSciberras most secure? @ircmaxell alert! ;)
45 mins ago, by Christian Sciberras
@ErnestasStankevičius K2F, of course! It's the most secure, cleanest and bestest of them all! (not really)
@KamilTomšík ssssh you weasel :P
But hey, it's a good selling point.
@ErnestasStankevičius best php framework out there is probably symfony2
See, it doesn't have anything to do with security.
or its micro-version (what was that name?)
Silex ? or something like that ?
yeah silex
@ChristianSciberras I think this is the first thing we agree on
Nah, not really.
As in, we probably agree on other stuff.
@KamilTomšík I mean, you're an ST programmer, not a C/C++ one
So we must agree on something, somewhere.
well, I'm php programmer - mostly, I do have strong background in J2EE and smalltalk is my third favorite language/IDE (to be clear)
Ah, even more. Even more. :)
What's the 1st and 2nd?
It can't be PHP, right?
I do know more languages but these are my favorites (and most well known)
By the way, @ircmaxell try burn this down: github.com/uuf6429/K2F/blob/master/K2F-DEV/core/security.php *
* never said it was anything out of this word ;)
Hey, @KamilTomšík you're free to try as well, you know. :)
@ChristianSciberras okay, according to skills:
1. PHP
2. J2EE
3. web stuff, including JS
4. smalltalk
C, C++

favorite ones:
1. smalltalk-family (self is cool too)
2. JS (if it had non-c syntax, it would be my favorite right now)
3. PHP
somewhere down Java
even lower C, C++
OK, I admit I had to star that.
@ChristianSciberras K2F:
1. why are you sending headers with K2F signature?
2. you're using strtr so you're probably vulnerable to utf-7 attacks
3. code sucks...
1. Meh.
2. Oh, that's new. Why'd I put it there?
3. I'm sure that makes it easier to hack :D
1. seriously, you're only making it easier to hack your site
2. google, @ircmaxell could explain that better than me
3. doesn't but it's full of static methods
@KamilTomšík 1. I know. I'm thinking this issue over actually.
Well, even if I really want the power-by header, I really should move it out of there, make it somewhere different.
And that file ought to be disabling it :D
Where are you seeing strstr()?
I did a search and it didn't turn up anything
oooh, snojs() legacy function
Should be replaced with json_encode()
haven't used it for ages. It's ugly, ugly ugly. Seriously ugly. That method. I'll fix asap.
Thanks for the note, @KamilTomšík
@ChristianSciberras that issue should apply even to htmlspecialchars (everything what gets raw string data and transforms it somehow depending on input encoding)
In fact, htmlspecialchars() even had a memory vuln, which is why I'm enforcing a specific encoding.
@ChristianSciberras which is why you won't be safe anyway :-P just for our security guru he will explain
it is safe, as long as you specifically output in a particular encoding (via header or plain html tags)
but yeah, let's way for @ircmaxell to make his appearance. :D
@ChristianSciberras , your framework hasn't improved much
since when? that file's been there for ages
in its current form, it sucks
the one on github is several versions old.
oh .. it actually hasn't changed since i last viewed it
tehehe :P
Haven't had the time to sync with github.
There are considerable changes. It's just that they're not public yet :D
care for a cookie and some coconut yogurt? Yogurt tastes really good. I don't like yogurt usually, but this one's an exception.
@tereško Question. If you have some functionality used throughout your would-be framework, how would you pass it on? First thoughts indicate DI.
what sort of functionality
So, in your init script, you would have:

$s = new Security();
$f = new YourEpicFramework($s);

It's really generic functions, which are missing in PHP.
For example, I have echo_r() and die_r(), which are just print_r() with some added functionality.
That one and the 4 others after it
As well as the constants from line 23 onwards
if you want to add core function to your available tools , then just create a simple file which contains them
you can even add namespace to separate them from the default alternatives
\K2F\print_r() .. or something like that
What about the constants?
you should not put something inside a class which should not be with in a class
End user would have to be absolute bonkers to define('CRLF','abc')
same rule of thumb for constants
if they are global , set them in the bootstrap outside any classes
hmm, good point.
Q: How to add a Facebook "Like" button to an AJAX driven page

nokturnalI have trolled the net + Stackoverflow and have not found an adequate answer to this question and before I start the trial and error process of finding my own solution, I thought I would turn to the Stackoverflow braintrust and see if there was already a successful implementation. Specifically, ...

@tereško and you think I'm safe to assume that any possible pre-definition of CRLF elsewhere is what I'm expecting?
@ChristianSciberras , it is possible that you might have some local constants , for example : class dealing with routing might contains a constant with a regex pattern
yeah, those are fine by me. I'm mostly concerned with global functionality.
and you can actually namespace constants too
but it was a bit tricky
the usual warnings when it comes to cluttering global namespace in general tend to be about stuff that doesn't belong there.
such as having a load of functions in a plugin prefixed in the same way, in which case a class would be preferable.
I know it's a (very) long way to go, but I want that at least a portion of the framework would be tereško-approved (hehe)
@ChristianSciberras exactly what are you talking about now ?
ok, nevermind that
I was kinda saying:

define('CR',chr(13));             // this is ok

function k2f_dosomething(){   // this is not ok
good morning php
any one can help me?
no , @anyone left 5 minutes ago
nice one like it
i want to save vcard in any of the folder.. not after download directly store in folder. how can i do???
@tereško any idea about that?
vcard functionality
like businesscard
but i can only download this card not store
i know what vcard is
ok than any idea about??
@keyur idea about what? You want use to import vcard instead of just downloading it?
are you trying to force a download dialog ?
ya exactly
yes i used download function
this is my download function
function download() {
$this->log .= "vcard download() called<br />";
if (!$this->card) { $this->build(); }
if (!$this->filename) { $this->filename = trim($this->data['display_name']); }
$this->filename = str_replace(" ", "_", $this->filename);
header("Content-type: text/directory");
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=".$this->filename.".vcf");
header("Pragma: public");
echo $this->card;
move_uploaded_file($this->filename, 'user_data/2/'.$this->filename.".vcf");

return true;
you cannot download a whole folder
here this function doesn't work:move_uploaded_file($this->filename, 'user_data/2/'.$this->filename.".vcf");
from this code i can download my vcard but exactly i want to store it to the folder
that whole thing looks like just a bunch of copy-pasted lines
@KamilTomšík And you said mine looks ugly :D
@keyur You move_uploaded_file() is for moving uploaded files
Not for downloading files
And there's no such thing as mimetype text/directory
And as @tereško said, you can't download a folder.
A folder is not anything tangible.
i want to store that vcard only in the folder man
@ChristianSciberras Although it would be awesome if web browsers could also be used as file explorers.
The only thing near to download a folder is to download an archive, ie, a file containing files. Such as a zip file
@Zirak Huh? They do already.
But exploring != downloading
You can't download a folder, for obvious reasons.
As full-fledged ones
Listing a folder is something else.
@keyur Where what? If you can't bother typing out your questions, I can't be bothered answering.
i can't understand say clearly all of you
ok, @keyur, the concept is simple
Web browser download files one at a time
got that?
ya got it
so, if you want to send a lot of files to a user, first compress those files into a zip, and send the zip to the user.
OR, print out a list of links each for each file
from that i get just a vcard not any more files
ok, so it's one file
only .vcf file
first of, vcard's mimetype is: text/x-vcard
secondly, you output the vcard file by echoing it out (one of the many methods)
you can't "move" the file to somewhere on the user machine, for obvious security reasons.
As a matter of fact, your code does echo out the vcard data. I don't see why you added move_uploaded_file() to the code.
ok, but if i wants to move that vcard to any folder i can't????
i m trying to move the vcard to my directory but it doesn't work
on the user's machine?
of course you can't
yes on user's machine
otherwise, what would stop me from moving virus.exe to C:\WINDOWS\ ?
why i can't? what was the wrong with my code?
because move_uploaded_file() works on the server, not on the client.
It's a security precaution. The download files go in the folder according to the web browser (eg, downloads folder).
Otherwise a download could be used to hack client computers.
@keyur All your computer are belong to us, if you can access the user's machine
ok ok
it's always up to the user to decide what to do with the downloaded files :)
i try to another way
have u worked with CI?
I try to include style.css file
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
And it just doesn't work, it gives me 404 error
unless you have a seriously screwed htaccess file, it's probably a path issue. Hardly CI.
I didn't touch htaccess at all
I know that there is a style.css file for sure
but it still it gives me an error
we all know there is a CSS file somewhere. But not where. I bet your HTTP server also knows this.
Simply go back in there and make sure the path is correct.
CI can't cause this mess unless it took full control of URLs (via htaccess), which would be plain bad. @tereško
well ... the frameworks by default use brute-force htaccess files
@tereško What do you mean? The best htaccess I've seen looks like:

# Turn on rewrite engine and redirect broken requests to K2F
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
	RewriteEngine On
	RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-l
	RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
	RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
	RewriteRule .* index.php?k2fhandleroute [L,QSA]
It's similar to wordpress'
finally found a solution
but cakePHP is much more convenient in templating
In general it's like "if a file or directory doesn't exist, make PHP handle it"
codeigniter or cakephp ... choices , choices
Hey, is there any php geotools lib ?
the best way is to write your own framework
@tereško Between a burnt mess and a cake, I prefer the cake. Problem is, CakePHP is like Portal; it keeps offering cake when it doesn't have any.
I want to check is the point is in some country teritory(poligons list) and cant finde any lib, ofcourse i can write my own, but maybe someone already did this
@ErnestasStankevičius It's actually quite difficult.
I've had such a requirement in a project last month.
What we did was that we had "markers" with lon/lat coords and "regions"
each marker was manually bound to a region
Yes, im doing same thing
A marker/placemark was something like "St John's Catherdral" and the region was something like "Valetta" (our capital).
Usually, that's a bad sign.
Oh, PHPClasses? Worse sign. :P
@tereško This is hilarious.
The very first line of code is: define ("infinity", 100000000);
@ErnestasStankevičius The point is, our region (which is analogous to your polygon) didn't have coordinates.
We could add coordinates to print it out, but it is just cosmetic.
The link between polygon and mark was made manually (in marker properties you selected the polygon/region).
It's easier to understand, less to code, more maintainable and faster (link between marker and region is direct, no need for complex math).
@ErnestasStankevičius are you aware that the code is written for php4 ?
Good morning
Holy reference abuse Batman (to that phpclasses file)
@christian I will reply once I get to work and have a few minutes. But there are some issue's...
good morning folks...
I have some trouble getting user data from google buzz
can I get any help? Thanks
don't know anything about google buzz so I can't help ya there..
Nobody can help unless you ask an actual question...
Yeah, I am posting the question..please bear with me
$ch = curl_init("https://www.googleapis.com/buzz/v1/people/@me/@self)
That returns some error @me is called by anonymous but I have no idea why
I have done everything it gives me the same error. I evened added the API key with it..but still no luck
What error?
{"error":{"errors":[{"domain":"global","reason":"authError","message":"@me called by anonymous","locationType":"header","location":"Authorization"}],"code":401,"mess‌​age":"@me called by anonymous"}}1
looks to me like it's rejecting @me being called by anonymous
@me is a session specific identifier. And you're calling it without a session. That's my first instinct at least...
So I have to set a session first?
No, use another identifier...
Sorry for being slow..but what identifier, the only way to get the user id is through @me
Ask Google. I am sure they have an answer...
OK thanks anyways..btw do you know if I can set a consumer secret or consumer key?
THe ones i have i clientId and clientSEcret..the same thing?
Read the docs. I am sure they go over that...
Ha ha, if I was not a beginner would be easy...so many links..easy to get lost
anyways thanks for your help guys
being a beginner sucks thats for sure. I spend 4 hours trying to figure out some jQuery issues I was having yesterday... turned out I was only missing .length in my code ;\
Hey, @ircmaxell
fine here, you?
had a good morning so far?
Tired. But OK.
hi , what do you need to set up so that you can link to /blog instead of blog.php ?
@frank You need an .htaccess file
Also make sure apache mod_rewrite is available (usually is)
The rest is up to you :P
ta , got a link to an tutorial?
tryed googling wasn't sure what to look for
@frank Get wordpress or something. Plenty of material out there.
Google pretty urls
It's called "url rewriting" or "search engine friendly urls" or that ^
@ircmaxell You were saying?
I was saying what?
Well, that encoding thingy.
23 mins ago, by ircmaxell
@christian I will reply once I get to work and have a few minutes. But there are some issue's...
And what don't you get about that? When I get to work, I will reply...
oh, you're not there yet. Woops :P. Cya later then.
Nope. Not for at least an hour or so...
Ow, you travel for an hour to get there?
Train, right?
Try 2... ;-)

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