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go ask here, @suresh
also, your keyboard is broken ... or you are mentally retarded
is here any one know about open source php tht will fullfil business directory
Random fun fact: @suresh is only 8 rep away from not having chat privileges
@PeeHaa 1 moar! done!
Team work, yay!
BTW FWIW I didn't say downvote him into oblivion. I just pointed out the amount of rep he has had
But yeah. Works fine for me :-)
You guys are mean. \o/
Got pwnd?
Oh, Jesus el cristo savior, SVN is used at work...
There are worse VCSes :)
@webarto all the coolest kids still use SVN
Really? I feel like a savage when using it. Most probably because I'm so used to git.
git reset --hard origin master
git push -f origin master
And such.
/me likes svn
Don't get me wrong I peronally like git better :D
@JoeWatkins Guess who am I going to bother with all of those "How to..." questions :D
I missed the call at 10AM from new employer... woke up at 11AM.
Talking 'bout bad start :D
Friday 13th :D
and usually the answer will be "you can't, that's a git thing"
and also, I've been using svn forever and know about 8 commands, because that's all I ever needed, ever ...
[12:28] * dm ([email protected]) Quit (SVN used as version control)
git is actually the superior collaboration tool, but if all you want is vcs for you and two other guys who don't really know anything anyway, svn is fine, even simpler to setup ...
@webarto hehe
Sure, people exaggerate...
@webarto if you all work in single branch, there will be no problems
It's just that disaster recovery is easier in git if nothing.
@tereško Sort of, I don't know yet... missed the meeting :)
Blame it on the timezones.
Off by one.
@webarto a backup negates that ... and should be standard procedure anyway ...
/me woke up at 8am (that's 0600UTC)
I went to sleep at 5AM... no more of that if I want to keep my job.
@JoeWatkins :)
I've come to really appreciate going to bed at like 7:30pm every now and then.
Maybe, feels great though.
the hobbit is out today. Anyone going to see it?
@Fabien hahahahaha
@Fabien I will wait for YIFY release
also, that gif pretty well illustrate my attempts in learning webGL
@Fabien did he died?
he seemed to be wiggling still after landing
Our gene pool can only hope.
I mean it wasn't his fault there was 10 panes of glass in the way.
or was that just the first pane?
I'm seeing The Hobbit on boxing day
@Suhosin that sounds like some religious holiday for members of cargo cult
yo !
@Fabien idiot
Guinness book of world records has been in serious decline in integrity the last couple decades.
@Jack Awesome.
Can someone confirm that tests where docblock contains both @covers and @dataProvider are not added to coverage report in PHPUnit 3.8?
good friday morning!
@Leri Had to adjust the patch a little to make string increments deprecated :)
String increments in #php? Meh! String decrements? No! Time to shed some Perlness - https://github.com/datibbaw/php-src/compare/master...inc-dec-patch
... I'm somewhat convinced that nobody else here is using code coverage reports =/
^ not sure about the reason though
@tereško Not sure about that combo tbh
Does it have to be 3.8?
that's what I am currently using
and AFAIK, 3.7 did not have such problem
@PeeHaa reason = because OP uses IE. well, seriously, looks like it's too broad or not suitable for Q&A
I'm running 3.7 here, but I can test it under that if needed
why do i only see 3 options on the flagging options? oh it's closed already
@PeeHaa can you make a quick git clone [email protected]:fracture/fracture.gitand run phpunit ./ insider fracture/tests , then see what's in the 'reports' folder
Lol. @BoltClock'saUnicorn I dowloaded IE11 once. Was not impressed;-)
Wow he deleted his own question
@Jack So if someone actually wants do arithmetic on string should use str_inc($str); or str_dec($str);, right?
Maximum allowed size for uploaded files. 2000M
@BoltClock'saUnicorn New users that clean up their crap after themselves? Can you talk to the SO people to give OP a badge for that? :D
@Leri bam! I have old code that will be affected by that haha.
@reikyoushin Well, replacing $str++ with str_inc($str) is not a big deal, while you'll have more intuitive code and less magic. :)
@Leri i had to do that with my excel cell traversals.. good thing I'm about to replace it with a new implementation in a few days.. the replacement is almost ready.
there should be a badge for having a question with 20+ upvotes and 20+ downvotes at the same time
hey guys, can you help me with some testing?
Cloning into 'fracture'...
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
@tereško how would that happen? a low quality question with lots of friends who upvoted? hehe
Trying https...
@reikyoushin I currently have one with +19 and -22 in the main site
@BoltClock'saUnicorn in meta, that's possible alright.. the votes there are used differently
@Leri Yeah, that's the idea! :)
anyone else here using phpUnit? I need to confirm possible bug.
@reikyoushin The plan is to throw a notice to say that string increments are deprecated :)
@tereško Me!
46 mins ago, by tereško
Can someone confirm that tests where docblock contains both @covers and @dataProvider are not added to coverage report in PHPUnit 3.8?
seen anything like that in your own codebase ?
user image
@tereško I saw the question, but have no clue, sorry.
Ahhh refactoring is good for the soul.
@tereško Sorry, I don't have experience with those annotations.
well .. fuck
ok, anyone with phpUnit 3.8 around? I need at least a second confirmation that it's fucked up.
@tereško is it job related?
TDD is not a known practice in Latvia
Heh, my power went out for like 6 hours. Just came back :(
Think buying a second tilaa VPS to have a dev server is too luxurious?
@Fabien Price?
EUR 14.80
@Fabien why not just have two virtual servers?
@Fabien you can get one for 5 euro?
Think of it this way, will the benefit of having it outweighs the costs?
@tereško I was considering that too.
afaik you are not really running anything major on it
@Patrick Yeah, but the 5.55 is 512mb and that's a wee bit too small
@tereško Nope. Not that i would know what constitutes needing bigger yet. Shit going down I would imagine.
@Fabien that should be more than enough for a dev webserver
You could also just set up a virtual server locally
anyways, brb
One of the bigger selling points is similarity to an actual server. I find locally has had too many other factors in the past.
Interestingly it recommends 64bit centos for a 1gb server. o.O
Hey @rdlowrey
@Fabien i think @webarto has one of these 6 GB ram vps
i still dunno what happened though
@rdlowrey do you have phpUnit 3.8 ?
@tereško Looks like I'm on 3.7.28 ... Gimme a few minutes to upgrade and grab xdebug and I'll see if I can confirm your problem. What's it (maybe) not doing correctly for you?
cc/@ircmaxell Пока в Виларибо прогоняют тесты на Continius Integration сервере, в Вилабаджо уже пушнули все в продакшн и разгребают баги
$7 PCM? What's the catch?
@ircmaxell What does it translate to? o.O
@SemashkoSergey My new favorite saying (While one team tests and builds CI system, other team already fixed the bugs in production)...
@Fabien No catch, works good.
They're new, and, possibly lack of support if needed. But I probably don't need one.
@webarto Hmm... tempting. Bookmarked for non-impulse purchase.
@webarto then i guess it's safe if i get one myself ^_^
@reikyoushin Should be, it's a legit business :)
@Fabien only drawback is 30gb storage.. non upgradeable
If it all goes to poop @webarto is being held accountable.
@reikyoushin I only have 20GB on my tilaa one. Plenty for me.
/me doesn't need that much storage
@webarto there are some legit businesses who suck on their thing.. like support, etc
@webarto yeah, RAM!!!
@ircmaxell I'm that other team :P
Apparently RAM prices are going to go up and likely stay up
So buy ram now if you plan to
Really, why is that?
I have 3 slots it appears on laptop, but only 6GB or RAM...
DDR4 is releasing soon too no?
@Jack does your patch make 'A' + 1 == 'B' ?
@JoeWatkins FYI calling register_shutdown_function([&$this, 'onShutdown']); inside Worker:run works for normal shutdowns but it's not invoked when shutdown is caused by a fatal error in the worker thread
@Leigh how that can be so?
I had considered going form 8 to 16GB a while ago but I feel like I have missed the boat. RAM prices already feel too high again.
@AlmaDo because it's to do with ++'a'== 'b'
But then again, maybe they'll only get worse.
@Leigh common mistake. Increment behavior with strings is justified - because increment means 'get next value'. And "next" is context-dependent. For integers it's equal to "add 1", but in common case increment will have nothing to do with adding integer 1 to expression. So, 'A'+1 has no sense at all ..
Asus G75 zOMG
I really like the Razer Blade
Can't believe I missed the 90% off voucher :p
@Fabien Gamer's Laptop is a contradiction of terms.
@tereško Nope. Works for me with phpunit 3.8 + @covers + @dataProvider
@MadaraUchiha Agree. I would never buy one
It can be done, but it's not upgradable, and usually several times more expensive than its stationary PC counterpart.
@rdlowrey so you get proper reports ?
I try to convince people of a similar thing when they purchase PCs/Laptops.
@tereško I do.
"Should I buy a laptop or a PC". You should buy what you need.
But that doesn't mean you didn't find a bug :)
it only means that the bug probably is not in their code
@Fabien The only possible reason to buy a gamer's laptop is if you: a. have a lot of money AND b. travel a lot AND c. REALLY like to play games.
@AlmaDo it has more sense than ++'z' === 'aa'
@MadaraUchiha Yup.
@Leigh no. ++'z' equal to 'aa' is ok - since. like i've said, 'aa' is next to 'z'.
no it's not
in ASCII alphabet it is
i mean english alphabet
@tereško Yeah, I will say that in the past when I've been absolutely certain that the code coverage reports were wrong and that a certain code block must have been executed I was always wrong and my logic was flawed.
at least context, where this has a sense - exists. but 'z'+1 is just summation of string and integer, which is pointless always
@rdlowrey no, I actually tested it by adding a @dataProvided for a method which note needed it, and the coverage was gone for the corresponding methods
Summing strings and number never makes sense. Never.
Not at all, chr(ord('z') + 1) is not "pointless always"
but incrementing strings is largely pointless
I can't think of one possible use case where adding a string to an integer is the best course of action.
@MadaraUchiha me neither ... it's subsidizing a questionable practice in the first place.
@Leigh Not really :P for ($i = 'a'; $i == "z"; $i++)
can you do a test with my codebase: [email protected]:fracture/fracture.git
@tereško sure.
@MadaraUchiha foreach (range('a', 'z')
@Leigh it isn't about ord matter. it's about "next" matter. So - in terms of alphabet "aa" is next to "z", so this is justified in that context. While 'z'+1 isn't ..
@rdlowrey okay, will have a look
@Leigh More memory
@MadaraUchiha but more correct :)
@Leigh True.
Like I said, there are usecases, but not use cases where it's the best course of action.
think of it like - yes, there are many ways to define "next" for 'z' - and one of such ways is implemented in PHP now (i.e. next in terms of alphabetic strings)
That moment when you realize that Internet Explorer is somehow the default program for .xml files on your machine ...
clearly { is next to z
@Leigh it's one of possible options
@rdlowrey worse, that makes windows your operating system ...
@JoeWatkins pretty sure you can get even worse versions of IE on macs
@JoeWatkins you don't want to hear what I have to say about that whole conversation you pinged me at :P
@JoeWatkins I use windows because it's a better desktop. I spend all day in ssh sessions to the linux box under my desk ;)
Trying to do open source dev in windows is awful. No one should be subjected to that.
I seem to be better able to predict my hours on projects and as well finish projects sooner lately : not sure if I get better or my predictions get more relaxed
Also, windows is my operating system (I spend like @rdlowrey just as much time on linux if not more - but windows is more productive for every day things and I have to deal with less)
@rdlowrey Actually, I prefer Ubuntu to Windows any day.
cc @BenjaminGruenbaum ^
I haven't installed windows on a physical machine in years ...
WIndows is awesome. Aw to the fucking some as desktop :)
Has a decent gui, works well, works 10 times faster than windows
0 config time, 0 time compiling drivers/copy pastaing code/reading wikis , 0 time debating supported hardware. Photoshop, IE (for testing code), visual studio, IDEs work out of the box well, etc.
win7 obv
@MadaraUchiha I use photoshop and illustrator a lot and I just got tired running those cpu+memory intensive things in a VM so I switched back to win for my every day desktop but I never do any dev stuff in there.
@MadaraUchiha Oh I agree with that, if you have a shitty pc you should use linux.
@PeeHaa win7 ++
@rdlowrey Yes, if you require Photoshop/Illustrator then Linux isn't the OS for you :D
Windows does not do well when starved.
@PeeHaa this is when you've finished your project a week before deadline
If you use either photoshop or you need to send office like documents there just isn't anything comparable
@BenjaminGruenbaum It's not that I have a shitty PC, I'm too lazy to get rid of 90% of the stuff I have on my windows machine :D
//heh.. move as always :p
@AlmaDo :-) Good thing is: I do just that and still be able to finish work for next week
@MadaraUchiha so you don't know how to configure it properly?
@MadaraUchiha Don't buy a dell
@BenjaminGruenbaum Define "configure it properly"?
@PeeHaa haha.. slacker :P
@PeeHaa ASUS
Yeah, when you have morons sending you pictures in MS-Word 2000 format and excel files you kind of need a win desktop on hand
@MadaraUchiha with windows is dead simple - install vanilla, chrome and developer tools and nothing else.
@rdlowrey Not only that. Also when you have to create documents
@MadaraUchiha basically: Don't actively try to screw with it.
open / libre office is worse than crap
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yeah well, I use Windows for my gaming, and Linux for my work
@MadaraUchiha ooh! and don't get a shitty pc like that :P
I have a virtual one, it doesn't deserve more than virtual hardware
@BenjaminGruenbaum I have it since I started my service :P
It served me very well.
@JoeWatkins I don't know what all you guys are doing working on php - there, I said it.
Trying to use (open|libre)office is like trying to setup a mailing using lotus notes
2 mins ago, by Benjamin Gruenbaum
@MadaraUchiha Oh I agree with that, if you have a shitty pc you should use linux.
@BenjaminGruenbaum How is that a shitty PC?
@BenjaminGruenbaum dunno what you mean ...
@tereško When I try to run the test suite phpunit is telling me:
> Could not use "PHPUnit_TextUI_ResultPrinter" as printer.
Not anything that isn't i7 + GeForce 780 == shitty you know...
@MadaraUchiha Do you always work on a notebook?
@PeeHaa I travel a lot.
@JoeWatkins you're looking for a language with vision, that is willing to break through and make radical cool new things. You also probably want to grow personally and learn a lot. I just don't understand why you'd choose php for that.
I'm ending my service in about a month now, and will invest in a proper workstation when that happens
I have very minimal php versions compiled right now ... I'm probably missing an extension or something that's needed :/
@rdlowrey I had that problem when I used pear installed phpunit instead of composer installed one
@PeeHaa I did neither. wget .../phpunit.phar
There's nothing worse than trying to install phpunit with a package manager regardless of whether that's PEAR or composer.
A: Element with fixed position and display table

rlemonHere is a solution using calc() - I'm not sure it is the best solution (in fact I'm pretty sure it is not, however it works) MDN calc (French) #a { position: fixed; display: table; height: calc(100% - 80px); width: calc(100% - 80px); top: 40px; left:40px; right: 40px; bottom: ...

Good guy @rlemon provides French version of manual because OP's location is set to France.
@BenjaminGruenbaum that's kind of your assertion, I'm not saying I'm totally happy with the pace at which development goes, but I understand why it goes at that pace, and I value it's stability over anything new that I write in a few hours one evening ... my favorite languages are the ones I see to be the most dependable because they don't change, and when they do their changes are well thought out, deployed carefully ...
how to do screenshot in mac ?
you mean an iscreenshot ...
@AlmaDo Grab the mac by the corners. Throw it out the window.
Shoot it right through the screen.
@JoeWatkins I'm not saying languages that break things - you can innovate without breaking stuff. I just feel like the decision making process in php is very erm... problematic. It's actually going pretty fast (the pace in php) but I feel like things aren't that well thought out.
@Fabien ugm.. my "mac" is actually maverick OS under VMWare..
lol, yeah from far enough away that the shrapnel poses you no danger ...
Quick question about twig
Isnt' this supposed to work?
{% if (app.request.locale != "en") or (app.request.locale != "de") %}
A: twig: IF with multiple conditions

Ben SwinburneIf I recall correctly Twig doesn't support || and && operators, but requires or and and to be used respectively. I'd also use parentheses to denote the two statements more clearly although this isn't technically a requirement. {%if ( fields | length > 0 ) or ( trans_fields | length > 0 ) %} Ex...

@AlmaDo Watcha mac'in for? -_-
Seems to be right
@Fabien ? I've made one part of my app and i want to make some screenshots
so to show them to person who asked me to make app
Command-Shift-4 for a snippet
@JoeWatkins it feels like it's kind of well - short-sighted. You can't introduce big changes. Consider C# LINQ for example (there are plenty others, but we've already talked about LINQ so let's just use that). In order to introduce LINQ they had to introduce 10 other things first - they had to introduce anonymous functions, and expressions (with expression trees), and extension methods and LINQ adapters and LINQ itself and so on and so on. That sort of thing requires vision.
Command-Shift-4 then Spacebar for a window/app
They work separately but not together
@Fabien what do you mean? where should I use that? In launched app in XCode ? or where?
PHP doesn't really have that from what the people here tell me, just a lot of nice people who want to help.
yielding generators from yielded genenerators ... my brain is melting
@AlmaDo Unsure. I'm not a mac user.
@rdlowrey yield from, I don't have that in C# (I do however, have a similar thing specifically for async/await which is a built in, smarter version of generators for non-blocking I/O). Python has it.
@Fabien brr. such simple task :( I've implemented so many (for newbie me) things - and now can't show them..
Go old school. Use your phone to take a picture if your screen :P
@Fabien hm.. nice idea! will do that :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum I know nothing about managing a project on the scale of php, and not much about being involved, so I cannot say that a vision would or wouldn't be useful since I've no idea how one might come about, where it would come from ... I can say this though, the chances of there being a vision that fell inline with what I would visualize if forced are pretty much nil ... thus far PHP has served me well because it moves roughly with the times, maybe a bit behind ...
but it's safe to assume that if this continues it will always remain suitable ...
@BenjaminGruenbaum Stop trying to steal @JoeWatkins -_-
@Fabien Steal him where? I'm not that involved with the development of any language engines in particular. I'm just picking his brain for rationale.
@AlmaDo That's probably the only good question posed in the in the last two months.
@AlmaDo there are hundreds of use cases for yield from - the problem is that you tagged it :P
@rdlowrey Word
@rdlowrey you can check my other php questions :D most of them are high rated :p
@JoeWatkins fair enough, I'm not criticizing what you're doing and you're doing interesting things and helping a lot of people - I'm just saying I don't understand it. There is a whole world of people who have spent their entire career building the best engines for languages - you can work with those people on their open source projects rather than on php which I think could be awesome for you. Again - it's totally you call and I get where you're coming from.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Well, FWIW I fixed a bug in the openssl implementation that prevented using php with OpenSSL>=v1.0.1. That fix is part of the just-released 5.5.7 and was submitted with the express goal of allowing support for TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2 in PHP 5.6 (which requires OpenSSLv1.0.1). How's that for vision? ;p
Wow. That sentence is really long and hard to understand.
@rdlowrey it's fine :)
Nope. E_TLDR, ;-)
@rdlowrey fwiw I'm also very disappointed with the way the node equivalent of internals is managing itself.
Q: In practice, what are the main uses for the new "yield from" syntax in Python 3.3?

Paulo ScardineI'm having a hard time wrapping my brain around PEP 380. What are the situations where "yield from" is useful? What is the classic use case? Why is it compared to micro-threads? Thanks in advance! [ update ] Now I understand the cause of my difficulties. I've used generators, but never use...

def traverse_tree(node):
  if not node.children:
    yield node
  for child in node.children:
    yield from traverse_tree(child)
No need for fancy shmency data structures - a simple tree is a good example.
@BenjaminGruenbaum See, this is why I've kept my project closed-source until most of the details are totally worked out. Bug-fixes and new features are easier to implement (and come much faster) when the decision-making process is a dictatorship.
guys how would you make coexist a Response class with functions such readfile() and fpassthru() ?
Good morning
@ircmaxell mornin'
What's going on?
@ircmaxell I'm doing photos of my screen since not found a good way to do that in virtual mac :(
@AlmaDo I just noticed you start all your questions with "SO, ..." ;-)
Stuck in snow, went to my sister because no electricity, most snow here in over 20 years.
Is that SO as in "So, this is what I'm asking..." or SO as in "Dear Stack Overflow..."?
@DanLugg both:D that's why I'm using it
lol awesome :)
@rdlowrey Ah, dammit!
@DanLugg BOOM!
I never fall for those either! It was just too damn tantalizing!
@rdlowrey why did you make me click it? It makes no sense to have that song playing twice at the same time and out of sync.
<-- winning at life!
@BenjaminGruenbaum lol
anyway - time to go home :p later
@AlmaDo later

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