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@crypticツ you might know more than me then.
@Gordon nonsense!
@crypticツ dont underestimate yourself :)
hehe release the krakjoe
Hey hey hey
1. @JoeWatkins ...
2. Yes my host upgraded the PHP version: Php 5.5.6
wow, that was brave
Now that's progressive thinking!
So nowI can use bcrypt wihout problems I think
You mean password_hash()?
not to mention the rest of php...
Sorry yes indeed :D
Which Perl engineer thought that incrementing strings was a good idea? Who?!
5.4.10 is my local version -_-
when will mamp upgrade :p
5.4.22 here.
When I do in my terminal : php -v : PHP 5.4.10 (cli) (built: Jan 21 2013 15:12:32)
@Duikboot Upgrade manually?
Is that hard?
Hey guys, this is more of a database question via ruby, but I'd love your opinion on it -->

In a recruitment app, there are users, which each fill out a common_application_form.
In the common application form, there will be questions like desired_industries, salary_range, grad_year. I'd like to be able to filter users by their answers to them. I.e anyone who graduated in 2005, etc
@Jack seen, crazy ... rather than saying "this is crazy, not useful, a quirk, lets remove it ... " we are getting the complimentary decrement instead ... way to be crazy phplanders ...
What type of database model would you suggest for that?
@JoeWatkins And I thought having a <=> was a stupid idea lol
@Duikboot For LAMP it was easy, dunno about mac.
@Duikboot there might be an easy way to upgrade, does
php -i | grep configure
@StepanParunashvili Relational.
yield anything that looks like a configure command ?
( cannot believe this was removed )
@Jack that could be true, or maybe was then
I know, but still, where's the test code?
Wait what :p
That are all my libs
there ya go, download php and there's your configure command to overwrite your installation with a new shiny one ...
oh derp, the test code was below it
it's in his post @Jack ... in the horrible code accompanying that statement ...
btw [off-topic] what the hell is the black bullet? alpha.castel.be/shots/…
Black bullet? Sounds like a sex toy.
Upgrade on xtc?
totally that's a big dildo ...
@JoeWatkins See? This is exactly the shit I was talking about ... dear gawd!
yeah got an e in it ...
@Jack If you increment strings you deserve even worse. :)
I think someone should mention that this is silly, I haven't read the responses to that rfc yet, but it is silly, we shouldn't entertain more sillyness, we should aim to reduce sillyness to reduce suffering it's the humane thing to do ...
@Leri Yeah, you deserve all the bad stuff in the world descending upon you when you do this :)
But the current state of input filtering being what it is ... I can so see someone trying to troll your forms.
That's developers' fault ^
Basically that whole page is full of great comments, like this one.
Because ++false dun work!
But ++null does, sort of.
Perhaps I should submit a counter RFC ... remove the string increment and make ++false and --true work :)
"What? Taking such a rich feature out of the language?" - Yes!
That would be great. Though there are operations when you need to be type-safe even with dynamic languages. I'd rather trigger warning on ++false than fix that.
cd php-src; git checkout -b unstupidify
Kewl new rls of l4. laravel.com
@Duikboot can you recommend it? i've been working with yii and symfony so far and both are a bit weird. yii is still working with migrations and doesn't have a proper orm and symfony is just too huge in some cases
@skripted I really like working with L4 I finished reading the CodeBright book which was a very good introduction. I like the way artisan works! But there are some people anti-laravel :p
New year resolutions 2014 : Learn VIM
sapi/cli/php -r '$x = "ab"; ++$x; var_dump($x);'
Better? ^^
sapi/cli/php -r '$x = false; ++$x; var_dump($x);'
I suppose I could also add str_inc() and str_dec() so that people can still do arithmetic stuff on strings.
I'm still contemplating whether my choice for boolean behaviour was a good one, though; perhaps ++false should just become int(1).
Yep ... everything becomes a number on ++ and -- ... now let's see how many test cases I've broken >D
@Jack 'foo15'++ === 16 or 'foo15'++ === 1 ?
@Leri Parse error.
sapi/cli/php -r '$x = "foo15"; ++$x; var_dump($x);'
Because "foo15" + 1 === 1
madara@Dor-PC:~$ php -r '$str = "foo15"; $str++; var_dump($str);'
string(5) "foo16"
@MadaraUchiha You're using the wrong branch of php-src.
@Jack No, you are :P
I'm using the official one :D
I'm using the PHP that makes sense of ++ and -- hehe
@MadaraUchiha That was pseudo code to shortly demonstrate my question.
@Jack Personally, I'd expect (int)'foo15' + 1.
What is a partial serverside?
@Leri It is.
Because ... (int)"foo15" is zero, nada, nothing.
why would anyone want to ++ the string?
@Duikboot it's an indicator, it indicated that person speaking has no idea what he/she is talking about
@zerkms Exactly!
and why do you guys even discuss it - it makes no sense irl
@Jack Oh, yeah, sorry. '15foo'++ should result in 16.
@PeeHaa Don't know with any precision, ask Shog
Lol :D
I have no clue what it is :D
@Leri Hmm .. yeah, that doesn't work with my patch ... it still returns int(1) hehe
moin @DaveRandom
btw, created a new vm with iptables, php5-fpm (5.5.x), nginx, git + mercurial and composer. What else is a must have for development?
hah.. I like XCode. It's able to show me error on non-void method if I'm returning nothing. Small, but brilliant thing :p
10:07 personX: noone here did a "partial server side", i.e. a split out of parts of a page into its own file?
hi, @Dave
@Duikboot it's probably SSI
@Leri Oh, I forgot to convert string to numeric hehe ... should be simple enough.
@skripted laravel combines all the faults of yii witeh kohona-style lack of documentation and codeigniter-style marketing. If you must us a framework and the project is small, they you would be better off with Silex, but the reality is - symfony currently is the best that PHP has (which aint saying much, IMHO)
Thanks for spotting it.
no problem. ;)
@Leri Oh, and the substr_count() ... brilliant hehe :)
Oh, that line counting.
BTW, I could not find why PHP_EOL fails sometimes.
Could you explain that?
@Leri Because on Windows it comprises two characters, not one.
\r\n. Stupid Windows. :D
And so you have to deal with two things; 1) you can't use memchr() anymore, and 2) you have to deal with line breaks that are in between two segments.
The latter sucks big balls.
@zerkms some kind of persistence (sql, nosql)
@tereško not sure what will be used yet
it's for tomorrow code retreat
good friday moanings
@zerkms An editor, unless you plan to use vi or nano
@salathe good maoning
@MadaraUchiha it's a VM
normal people do not code in a VM
Yep, I will share through samba into my windoz machine
@tereško Are you implying the @zerkms is normal?
But yeah, okay :D
@LeviMorrison w00t? New RFC layout as well?
moin @salathe
hi, @JoeWatkins @salathe
morning @AlmaDo
who raped the php.net RFC page ?
rfc layout looks strange
@JoeWatkins how it goes? congrats with perfect vote? :p
not too shabby ...
and there's no breadcrumb to get back to rfc index
@LeviMorrison what's occuring ?
Any tool to convert C# classes (contains just properties) into java equivalent classes?
@Leri yep.. sed s/find/replace ..
@AlmaDo sed for windows? :D
moin @Fabien
@Leri uugh.. a bit trickier. install cygwin
hello, @Fabien
@Leri dunno ... could write one probably ...
@JoeWatkins Yeah, that's quite trivial and will definitely take less than rewriting manually. Just wanted to know if there was ready tool. Well there're few on google but they are overkill here.
VIM is like learning a language :P all those key-combo's
yeah seems simple enough ... if it really is just properties ...
@Duikboot hm? using it often. no problems
why do you have a collection of C# classes that are just properties ?
DTO classes.
ah right
Pirate Bay might be making a BitTorrent browser.
can't go on any decent torrent sites ... all blocked ...
sapi/cli/php -r '$x = "15.3foo"; ++$x; var_dump($x);'
@Leri ^^
even if you can find the torrent you cannot use the trackers ... stupid ...
That's their aim with this browser. No more need for domain names.
article ?
Doesn't talk much about it though source
Yay for hardened file sharing.
are there any major differences between PHP 5.6 branch and master at this point?
@crypticツ no
Would the php 5.6 source have phpdbg in it yet?
soon =D
I don't get it, bit torrent is not decentralized, dht is, but there's no point in making every torrent file in the world available because you cannot connect to trackers ... I guess there's a plan for that too ...
Hi everyone, question about Symfony: Why should I use Doctrine / Propel? Isn't there a way to automatically create these object classes based on your existing database, like with CActiveRecord (Yii)?
yeah soon hopefully, not now ...
Compiling PHP from source vs package. Is there more to it than simplicity? Like compatibility?
@Fabien There are some issues if you upgrade packages like libc
Sometimes you would get undefined symbol issues.
So then you would have to manually recompile :)
yeah maybe, I'd be surprised if you could upgrade libc on anything and not have issues somewhere ...
Well, most package managers will catch the deps.
So I imagine most of you stick to package managers?
I always compile from source, I dunno how difficult it is if you don't know what you're doing (because you do it all the time for everything anyway), it's a standard unix build process ...
(I'm not sure if any of these comments were actually an answer to my question or a different discussion)
@DarkAshelin if they are relevant, have em :)
I'm not sure xD
whatsup people
I prefer building myself because some package maintainers have strange ideas about configuration, what should be static or not, what paths should be used ... and nobody does reliable thread safe packages and I've had to think about that for the last couple of years ... less of a concern for most 'spose....
Fair enough.
however remi is quite clued up, so fedora/redhat derivs from remi I'm happy to recommend ... because he's actually involved, everyday ...
I'd like to understand more to simplify my process in future. It always feels like a mild pain to get something running. Conflicts and so on.
Need help with sql query, there are two tables (posts, categories) how to sort categories by the count of posts (posts has category_id field )
you'll get one of about 4 errors to do with missing libraries (4 is a guess, lets see)
One big advantage, I find, is in terms of memory consumption; a manually compiled php is a fair bit smaller than the stock version.
Need a server guy who can give me a free breakable/resettable server :P
good morning @Patrick
I have yet to figure out why --with-ldap has my compile fail. I just remove it in hopes I never have to deal with LDAP =oP Also if you ignore something long enough it fixes itself.
@Patrick could you help me on the question above
cannot open header /include/my/header.h -> yum install my-devel
undefined symbol my_function -> yum install my-devel
#error "blah blah" -> some package is not happy, read the blah
so 3, not 4 ...
@Muhammet look into LEFT/RIGHT JOIN and SUM or COUNT
@Fabien they are not free but linodes are pretty sweet
@Jack the consumption is because of default libraries loaded, and static extension settings, that's exactly what I mean ...
Great, my sanity patch broke 5 test cases hehehe
@JoeWatkins Quite right.
@Patrick I already have a paid one on tilaa. But it's one I don't want to cock up.
@JoeWatkins Yeah, I usually use remi but still get conflicts
@tereško sry have been afk. so you would suggest silex for smaller projects? it also comes from sensio if i remember correctly
10 mins ago, by Dark Ashelin
Hi everyone, question about Symfony: Why should I use Doctrine / Propel? Isn't there a way to automatically create these object classes based on your existing database, like with CActiveRecord (Yii)?
@Muhammet you could also do a subquery, but not sure about the performance of those. like: SELECT , (SELECT COUNT() FROM posts WHERE posts.category_id = category.id) as number_of_posts FROM categories ORDER BY number_of_posts DESC
@DarkAshelin Yii only creates your models based on your tables so it's one-way but the other way around. Also there is absolutely no sync if you change the schema. You have to write migrations manually.
@Fabien linodes are 20 a month I think and you can reset them with one click. pretty cool for trying out stuff
@patrick what would be the way to do it with joins
@DarkAshelin every time you bump a message a fairy dies, and it pisses everyone off, we like fairies :)
@Fabien if you just need it for a short time you can borrow mine actually, I think I'm still paying for it but the site on it is not running anymore anyways
@skripted atm I'm used to creating my table and columns in my localhost/phpmyadmin
is this not good practice?
@Patrick Tilaa is the same and a little cheaper. Not as powerful though.
Is it possible to do something like this in PHP?

class Test
public function meh(){}
static public function meh(){}
@Patrick heh. You should cancel it then :P Thank you though. I can afford it, I am just frugal :P
I get an error: Fatal error: Cannot redeclare Test::meh()
@DarkAshelin Well for me it's way more comfortable to just create my classes and then let Doctrine do the magic. With annotations you can map your table pretty well.
@Ultimater nope
@Ultimater there's your answer then =o)
@Muhammet you should be able to look it up, try out some stuff
@DarkAshelin creating DB independently from abstraction is a good practice
No workarounds using magic methods or something?
@Fabien tilaa looks good, can't go wrong with 5 euros... I'll keep the linode for my next project. Too lazy to sign up again :D
also, I would recommend avoiding scaffolding, unless you intend to generate throw-away code for purposes of prototyping
@tereško @skripted it's what I'm used to right now. But in the documentation I don't see a way to automatically create my entity classes from existing db
@Ultimater yes, look at __call
@DarkAshelin because it's not designed that way.
I think it's called "code first" or something.
@DarkAshelin why would you want to create your entities from your DB? Build your domain objects first and then worry about persistence
@Patrick I've never done it that way before. It just seems a bit inefficient to me right now, as the phpmyadmin interface is really easy
@DarkAshelin WHY would you want to generate code, that will be closely tied to the implementation of domain model ?
Basically, I want to use a system like ActiveRecord with Symfony. The documentation only describes Doctrine and Propel. No way to use a system like this without having to code an entity object class manually for everything?
@webarto is there a plan for the irc link on phpdbg.com ??
.@krakjoe is there an official irc chan for phpdbg? (the website indicates #phpdbg, but without server, and it is an empty room on freenode)
@DarkAshelin stackoverflow.com/questions/5863870/… stackoverflow.com/questions/16356420/… and then keep reading through teresko's answers and buy a copy of PoEEA :)
dunno what to do about that ... irc:// links don't work, java irc clients are a bit geocities ... I'll leave in your capable hands :)
@Patrick thank you, I've read them in the past but it's quite a lot of information to absorb. I'll re-read them
Damn, my patch fails on ++/-- on arrays ...
Obviously $x = [1,2,3]; ++$x; should yield [2,3,4] ... amirite?
> The PHP development team announces the immediate availability of PHP 5.5.7. This release fixes some bugs against PHP 5.5.6 and it also includes a fix for CVE-2013-6420 in OpenSSL extension. The PHP Group hereby issues a fatwa against all those that do not upgrade immediately
might work better ?
A fatwa is something you definitely want to avoid.
Also moooooooooorngin all
moin @PeeHaa
@PeeHaa happy friday 13th :)
idc about friday the 13th, I'm just glad it's finally friday
@Jack Depends who issues it. If it's the PHP group chances are internals will spend 3 years bikeshedding over the shape of the militia's hats and eventually will vote no on the whole idea.
why this doesnt work SELECT *,(SELECT COUNT(post_id) FROM posts WHERE posts.category_id = category_id) as post_count FROM categories ORDER BY post_count DESC
I was under the impression that this is wednesday
@DaveRandom Don't forget the colour guards.
@DaveRandom both hilarious, and true ...
@tereško you made me double-check lol
@JoeWatkins Job done ^_^
Thanks Joe, managed to pull it off with:
public function __call($name, $arguments){}
public static function __callStatic($name, $arguments){}
@Muhammet are you sure all your column and table names are correct?
@Jack you gonna rfc that in opposition to the decrement strings crazyness ?
@Ultimater please, don't write crap like this
@PeeHaa Can you fix proxy. plz? tpb have moved to .pe and the proxy is forwarding the 301 :/
@JoeWatkins Yeah ... for next major :)
@Muhammet try looking up how to work with JOINs then
@tereško You have an alternative to declare a method for usage with both -> and :: ?
@tereško I was only telling him how to do it, not to do it ...
Because, as Tyrael pointed out, there's no way the decrement will be safe to use.
@Ultimater yes, dont use static methods
@Muhammet is the primary key of the category table really category_id? And make sure you prefix it because both table have a column with the same name then
@DaveRandom Sure will update tonight. I haven't added my office ip to the whitelist yet. security annoying FTW
@Patrick yes category_id is the primary key
@JoeWatkins you might notice, how I was not saying anything to you about it =P
Tnx for letting me know I should update it btw
@Muhammet use categories.category_id then
@Jack get your rfc written quickly, won't be long before freeze ...
@Muhammet then change it to categories.category_id in your query
@DarkAshelin, @Patrick that worked, you guys are awesome :)
@tereško yeah I know, I'm just saying he asked a technical question and I answered it, I wasn't thinking about how he'd use it .. I'll leave that to you :)
@PeeHaa White-list is generally dangerous anyway IMO. It's plausible that you might lose access to all IPs on the white list and then you will be screwed. Just cert-only SSH, says I
(i.e. require client cert)
@DaveRandom yeah just use a password code security and make it 000000 #murica
I prefer "password"
You guys often use SplEnum?
@DaveRandom I know your stance about password vs key :-)
@Fabien No :)
@PeeHaa Yeh, put it on github, then you can never lose it.
@DaveRandom Yeah I know I have been thinking about that before.... one of those things you think FUCKDAMNIT when it is too late :)
@DaveRandom heheheheheheheh
@JoeWatkins For 6.0? heh ... I'll write up str_inc() and str_dec() as well and then get it started!
oh for 6
Although worse case I have to contact the VPS provider to be able to login again. :) I know them and they know me and they know I provide a steady stream of new clients for them :)
For 5.6 it's probably no-go, as Tyrael mentioned.
I'll read the thread, haven't read it yet ... so long as someone opposes it before it gets in ...
> While I agree that the current implementation is unintuitive, I would be
against changing it in a minor version.
@HamZa you just found that ?
I think Tyrael might have been a bad choice for RM
@JoeWatkins Someone linked it :P
He tries too hard. Especially on the BC front
@HamZa I remember seeing that years ago, the internet toaster ... we have far too much time on our hands :)
That's not a bad thing per se.
@Jack I think that draconian BC on minor versions is a bad thing ^^
@JoeWatkins hehe, not really true. I didn't read it completely lol
@NikiC What kind of BC are we talking about? The decrement thing? Or in general?
I see.
julien is much more relaxed in that regard ^^
Weird, what's up with array_combine() test case?
It just stops ... the script
for($letter = "a"; $letter <= "p"; $letter++) - a test case with THAT?!
tnx @Gordon @DaveRandom @crypticツ. Just going to keep on pounding the transcript until I have all my data :-)
@PeeHaa Well the nice thing is that if you hit the wall you get a plain-text You can perform this action again in 2 seconds response, which will be easy enough to parse out the 2 and sleep(2)
@PeeHaa have you looked at this launchpad.net/flackbot also upvote this stackapps.com/questions/1798/…
Quick question.
If I want to delete some selected files, is it a good way to use an array and then execute my sql query for that array?
@SabTheCoder Thought you were going to delete files. What does the SQL query have anything to do with that?
I got a wish list with 10 items
@DaveRandom True that
I want to remove 3 items
I check them and click delete.
@SabTheCoder Use a single prepared statement, and execute it multiple times in a loop with different parameters each time.
How will I know which parameter it is?
I was thinking of putting the checked files in an array and foreach looping through it with the prepared statemnt
@SabTheCoder Based on what you selected. See php.net/pdo.prepared-statements for examples on that.
@SabTheCoder Yes, exactly.
Gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme. Chat isn't the little retarded brother of SO anymore (the people in it perhaps, but not chat itself ;-) ) that it used to be imho. — PeeHaa 10 secs ago
:D I'm on the right track then :D Thanks
Note that you only need to prepare once, outside the loop. And execute it multiple times inside the loop.
How does the bot run? Serverside from CLI or GTFO @crypticツ
I'm using procedural style of prepared statements though, too new for oop way
Though I'm learning it slowly in parallel
@SabTheCoder Sure, take your time.
It's the principles that matter, not classes or objects.
Is it possible to limit the scope for bitwise operators?
For instance, I want to have a 4 bit number, and all operations done on those 4 bits only (i.e. for ~0b0101 to be 0b1010 and not 0b1111111111111...1010)
@MadaraUchiha Nope, you'll have to mask and recombine
@Leigh mask and recombine?
($a & ~15) | ~($a & 15)
or something like that
@Leigh That looks... horrible... :P
@MadaraUchiha It's like, lets use emscripten without optimising the result to create something horribly slow and bloated.
@PeeHaa I dunno, I just paste links >.<

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