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Hi guys.
@B7ackAnge7z hey
I have a PHP file that invokes another PHP file via curl. I am trying to have the second file send a response back to the first to let it know that it started. The problem is the first can't wait for the first to finish execution because that can take a minute or more, I need it to send a response immediately then go about it's regular business. I tried using an echo at the top of the second file, but the first doesn't get that as a response.
How do I send back a response without finishing execution?
5 hours later…
@SerjSagan That is because PHP normally buffers everything together at the end of the execution, consider looking at PHP Output Control Functions.
and also it seeems that
what actually you are trying to do ?
1 hour later…
how can i set admin specific product in magetno?
this is NOT a magneto support channel
@teresko reading too many comics lately? ;)
no , it has less to do with comics and more to do with cheap fridge magnets .. at least that is what is see when i read "magento"
@teresko you had some questions about my talk?
yeah , but not right now .. i am ass deep in Inkscape
@teresko have fun :)
It's so sad when a function's lines line up perfectly, and then you realize you forgot something...
Hello :)
Hello T-T
Hello @edorian
Neat, lots of examples
I find that piece of code just marvellous. One tiny call to getTimezone and look at all the code it really executes
I like how you could recreate the code from the comments
that of course tiggers my superfluous commenting ocd <3
i like // @todo refactor timezone detection into separate method best. hell yes! do that!!!
But it's a very neat snippet. Definitely
it has all the evils and pitfalls :)
This is a nice example how bad php code should look like 2011
As in: ugly php 5 and not ugly php 4 any more
@edorian actually, the docs are not superfluous here because the method signatures are liars ;)
@Gordon there are like 100 things wrong with that code snippet
@teresko great example isnt it?
you can show it in interview , and ask the job candidates to explain problems in it
neat idea. i dont do interviews though. but @edorian might want to use it then
I have a rather big pool of stuff to show in an interview but with this one i at least could say "this is not our code, don't worry"
anyone tried eclim.org ?
well ... you should say it only after the code critique .. then you can additionally test for honesty
1 hour later…
@OmeidHerat I am trying to send the process ID of the second PHP file back to the first
Is anyone around to help me with the question I asked earlier?
<?php echo s('A')->repeat(2000);
Yet another string class? :)
Yeah. I'm working on class which will make operation on strings, numbers and arrays easier.
Why not $s->repeat(2000)->writeLn() ?
Because writeLn() doesn't return any value.
But repeat does :)
I still prefer echo s('A')->repeat(2000);, it's objective, but still doesn't go to extremes
@Robik: Intentionally
repeat is unintuitive for me
So I could do echo s('A')->repeat(2000)->replace('A','B');
@Gordon: It's PHP function - str_repeat.
Well writeln is better than echo $s->repeat(2000), '<br />';
I want to do as much as possible, but it's not possible to modify parser :P.
@Robik Why not $s->repeat(2000)->add->($string->NEWLINE)->write(), following your drift
@GlitchMr i know but i find it unintiuitive :)
Except document.writeln() inserts \n at end of string, not <br>, so it could be confusing (in JavaScript).
@Zirak K.I.S.S
Also, I don't like this /> XHTML syntax.
if its called on an object I dont know if this will alter the string or just repeat it
String::NewLine looks good also :)
@Robik KISS says echo
OOP is great, but it shouldn't be a religion
Oh, come on. If you really need something like this, why you won't use define('BR','<br>'); and then echo $s->repeat(2000).BR;
e.g. will s('a')->repeat(10) set the internal value of $str to 'aaaaaaaaaa' or will it just return that string but leave the internal string at 'a'
This will return variable object which contains aaaaaaaaaa value.
@GlitchMr you shouldnt be using string functions for HTML. Use DOM.
Object contains __tostring() function, so you can use echo on it.
@GlitchMr shouldnt it return a string object with that value then?
Well. Pretty much s() is helper function
It works like return new variable($string);
    public function repeat($times) {
        return new self(str_repeat($this->stringValue, $times));
Yeah, something like this, Gordon :P.
i dont like that
Except I'm making a lot of functions like this...
its unclear to me. it should be named something else
Like what?
with str_repeat its clearer because there is no internal state involved
Makes sense
its clear that it will return the repeated input string
but on a object, its not that obvious
minor complaint though
We have 'string'. Repeat it 5 times!
Too bad that I cannot do 'string'->repeat(5).
yeah, well. like i said, the main issue i have with it is that i cannot know whether its changing the internal string or create a new one from the method name
In JS,, I can do things like 'string'.replace('1','2');
but then again. all of those methods should really return new string objects anyway, so i guess its fine
Too bad that I cannot do such thing in PHP.
And I have to make object to have something like this...
strings are value objects and should be immutable
You should be happy that PHP is not JS ;)
But still, it's something that PHP lacks.
I don't see why 'string'->function(); would be problematic to implement in PHP. But whatever.
php wasn't designed as an OO language, it's just a bunch of procedural libraries really.
Makes sense...
I don't like -> operator, but it wasn't designed to be OO language...
I actually like -> better than ., looks a lot sexier methinks.
JS was from beginning OO language...
"Everything's an object" is pretty OO
Even alert() in JS is class function, because it's actually window.alert()...
@GlitchMr you might be interested in wiki.php.net/rfc/autoboxing
It's proposal for now
There is no such thing even in trunk version.
I didnt say that, did i? I just said: you might be interested in it
and if you want that, you can compile the preliminary patch into your php: gist.github.com/162517
How do I send a response back to a calling file without requiring the script to finish execution, ie send a response and keep executing code. I thought the output buffer could do it, but it does not seem to be able to do so
Here's a bit more detail: stackoverflow.com/questions/7202818/…
@Robik emm .. how exactly a static method is better then a simple global function ?
@teresko Huh?
( you can click on the arrow to see a comment i am referring to )
It's not :)
But looks better than that $string->NEWLINE :)
$string->NEWLINE is variable...
Yeah, and String::Newline is const
So it should be const rather than variable because it concerns all strings
I don't find it good :P.
I would prefer global define instead. define('NEWLINE',"\r\n");.
There is, PHP_EOL
I prefer things like s('hello')->replace('h',$variable).NEWLINE;
$string->NEWLINE would be overdoing it...
Hello @ircmaxell
you really are abusing this OOP thing
good afternoon , @ircmaxell
@teresko: How?
PHP can compile it in some way, so I don't consider it abuse.
unrelated sidenote: single best tip when using simplexml after not using it at all is naming the variable holding the tree structure after the root element. saves you issues like this stackoverflow.com/questions/7203705/simple-xml-php-issue
@GlitchMr it looks like you are making a wrapper to fake some behavior from a different language ( a safe bet seems to be : ruby )
@teresko: Yeah. Kinda inspired by Ruby and JavaScript.
then just stop
And implementation of classes seems to be way better than for example implementation of namespaces in PHP.
Namespaces in PHP are joke.
whenever you start to mimic different language , you are doing it wrong
But my web hosting doesn't support Ruby :((((.
then change the hosting
@GlitchMr i dont use languages that have garbage in their name :) #rubyish
Also, I don't like Ruby.
It has kinda weird syntax.
Python ftw
yeah, tuby is ooperl
Every non C-syntax language sucks
well .. in that case i recommend changing hobby .. try gardening or beekeeping
Python is pretty nice. Yay for lack of {}.
Except python
Actually I like Python. It's kinda C, but without {}.
@Robik , we already know that you are pretty clueless. You do not need to remind us about it.
I like {}, but python makes a convincing argument against it...
if x>y:
    print "Awesome";
I didn't programmed in Python lately through.
I think it was if x>y:
I think it's pretty nice method to force consistent style. Of course you can still make obfuscated programs in Python, but it's way harder than for example in C or Perl.
No, its just as easy
Python just makes it hard to hide a program's structure...
Pretty much most examples use lambda.
Or eval.
In C, you can be way more creative with obfuscation
OK. Off to ride the train. Later
I didn't seen many PHP obfuscation examples, but maybe because of variables using $...
@salathe yay! :)
<!--- We have recorded your ISP address and will take legal action
if you continue to view the source code on this page!
Security, Legal and Copyright Infringement Dept.
For this example, please scroll down to
see the totally encrypted source code. --->
I will not comment this thing...
Come on, this protection is very easy to avoid. And why would I want to steal your lame source :P. You don't know best obfuscation techniques - so good that those work only in Firefox and Opera.
Someone good in google calendar api with PHP, please help me with this situation: stackoverflow.com/questions/7193545/…
A: Foreach loop issues in php

salatheIn PHP 'van' == 0 is true. This is because when using == to compare a string and a number, the string is converted to a number (as described in the second link below); this makes the comparison internally become 0 == 0 which is of course true. The suggested alternative for your needs, would be ...

How did the other answer get so many votes so quickly?!
It was 7 votes versus 0 for all of the other answers at one point
I upvoted yours, since I think you did a better job explaining it
me too
seems speed rules the roost over taking time to write (not that I didn't already know that)
@salathe because of Enlightened First to answer and accepted with at least 10 upvotes
, 2 outages in 2 days for the same reason (db password was changed)... Someone did something not too right...
Accepted answer was pretty much invalid.
eval($content) would most probably do parse error
eval('"'.addslashes($content).'"') would be more valid
Is someone good in php google calendar api ?
@CoachNono: PHP Google Calendar API?
@GlitchMr why are you telling me? I didnt write the answer? Oo
@GlitchMr No, it would work (after I just fixed his code snippet)
and also meta.stackoverflow.com/…
Well, with google calendar api and the integrationusing php
@CoachNono > Don't ask whether someone is here or can help. Just ask us. If anybody can and wants to help, they will. But no one can know before you actually ask your question.
@NikiC: Now I think that this wouldn't be parsed by PHP at all.
(it's in the upper right corner of the page)
Also you cannot be sure that <? will always work.
@GlitchMr eval is not a solution. The only solution is a templating engine
Google says that my current url is not proper. see this post for more details : stackoverflow.com/questions/7193545/…
@ircmaxell: I just pasted what @NikiC inserted.
@ircmaxell which PHP is on it's own … blah … you know the argument
@GlitchMr Still not robust...
I still prefer my totally ignored solution using regular expressions.
@GlitchMr Oops, you're right. I edited your string + addslashes version into the answer
Maybe because it was made hour later. I don't know.
I still prefer an actual templating library. Otherwise it's going to be hard to parse...
    $thing="complete sentence";

    echo preg_replace_callback('#\$([a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*)#','changeVariables',$test);

    function changeVariables($matches)
        return $GLOBALS[$matches[1]];
I sent this.
@ircmaxell Which one are you using? Twig? Smarty?
And I think it's better than this eval() solution, but whatever.
Smarty is pretty lame in my opinion
@GlitchMr Hm, after all, you're right, the accepted answer is fundamentally wrong
@NikiC When a file is included, parsing drops out of PHP mode and into HTML mode at the beginning of the target file, and resumes again at the end. For this reason, any code inside the target file which should be executed as PHP code must be enclosed within valid PHP start and end tags.
so all the guy has to do is use HEREDOC or enclose $thing with <?php echo ?>
@Gordon Yep, I noticed that by now too. The accepted answer is just wrong to a point that it can't be edited to be correct anymore whithout changing its solution ;)
When I inserted my answer, that wasn't accepted yet
I don't know. Being quickest makes big difference?
@GlitchMr all of the answers there are poor answers if you ask me
@NikiC I use PHP, but at work I have to use smarty. I'd prefer twig though over smarty (but PHP is the best imho)
Smarty looks like something made for PHP4...
@GlitchMr It probably was ;) That's why people nowadays do not use Smarty anymore, but use Twig instead ;)
@ircmaxell PHP is too much syntax for me ;) That's why I use Twig ^^
<a href="{$href|escape}"{if $title} title="{$title|escape}"{/if}>{if $em}<em>{/if}{$name|escape}{if $em}</em>{/if}</a>
Have a nice day :P.
perfect example why you want to avoid that
this offers nothing over plain old php
<a href="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($href);?>"<?php if ($title) { ?> title="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($title);?>"<?php }?>><?php if ($em) { ?><em><?php } echo htmlspecialchars($name); if ($em) ?></em><?php } ?></a>
if by any chance someone is good with google calendar api and php please have a look at this thread : stackoverflow.com/questions/7193545/…
@GlitchMr Doesn't smarty have autoescaping (like in twig)?
@CoachNono: We've already seen it!
@GlitchMr thats equally poor. Use template functions and be done with it or go all the way straight to using DOM templates or use FB's templating extension.
It's like - let's make calls to PHP function shorter.
@GlitchMr I didn't know that, I didn't receive any answer
from the chat
If somebody will know, he will answer
@NikiC no, you need to do {$foo|escape:'html'}
$doc = new DOMDocument();
$a = $doc->createElement('a'); $a->setAttribute('href',$href);
if ($title) $a->setAttribute('title',$title);
if ($em) { $temp = $doc->createElement('em'); $a->appendChild($temp); }
else $temp = $a;
@ircmaxell autsch. Twig escapes automatically, unless you tell it not to ({{ foo }} vs. {{ foo|raw }})
@NikiC Which is why I said I'd prefer twig... I am using smarty because I have to, but I detest it
@GlitchMr I gave you a +1 on the TE answer. It's the best solution without a proper TE imho ;)
What is TE?
@GlitchMr you know templates are called templates for a reason. All those template engines mix logic into the templates and that's why all of them suck. If you use DOM, you dont put the DOM code into the template. You write the general structure and then have your template parser load that template and do the replacements inside the processor.
Personally, I don't use layout templates.
I never seen Twig, maybe I will try to make something with it.
<?php echo htmlspecialchars(\$var, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') ?>
I wonder how this \$var appeared in this code on Twig main page...
Of course I know it's valid, but weird...
Hi, @HM
@GlitchMr Why is that valid? Looks like a typo to me
namespaces don'T affect vars
oh right
OK. It's invalid. I misunderstood something.
@GlitchMr Report it as an issue please (github.com/fabpot/Twig/issues/new). The Twig index page isn't in the doc code, so I can't fix that myself ;)
@NikiC It would be weird if they did.
Everytime I see that name, I read it as fap bot.
(which needless to say is rather, well, comical)
Namespaces are useless in PHP, at least for me.
They are useful. It allows you to give classes meaningful names, and address them by that. They are also useful for aliasing (which is really nice, but can be abused like sin)
namespace Site;
class mainPage{}

namespace Site\Side;
class sidebar extends mainPage{}
Did I said it won't work?
and it shouldn't work.
if it did work, that would be dumb...
What exactly `\` does?
What's wrong with you, stupid Markdown...
I typed `\`...
Anyways, I meant \.
@ircmaxell That comment hits the nail on the head
Anyone want to flag to reopen:
Q: Recomendations for long books/series

ircmaxellI have a long commute on train each day (about 2 hours each way), so I have a lot of spare time to read. I am currently averaging about 200 to 300 pages per day. I just finished book 5 of A Song Of Ice and Fire, and I am now looking for a new book or series to read on the train. I am looking fo...

Too subjective
It's too subjective in my opinion :P. It's like asking "What is better? Windows, Linux, Mac OS or AbstractOS?".
Well, what about literature is not subjective
This argument makes sense
I wonder why they've even opened those forums.
@ircmaxell buy Hairy Potter, hrhrhr
@Gordon Oh lord
I am not reading a novelization of a porn
This site was created through the open democratic process at Stack Exchange Area 51, and it is currently in beta.
Yeah... I can see it being closed.
My reaction: echo 0123456789; // returns 342391
BTW: It looks left mouse button in my mouse stopped working.
OK, I disconnected it and reconnected, it worked.
@GlitchMr as it should, since 8 and 9 are not valid octal numbers
echo 0181; // returns 1...
Kinda weird in my opinion
Octal is only cause of problems.
Especially if those are completely silent in PHP.
just like $i = (int) '0181';
Yes, except (int)'0181' can be useful to parse user variables.
In case of echo 0181;, it's done at parsing stage.
There is no data inserted by user
@GlitchMr right, but it's likely the same piece of code that's doing it...
And I through that Perl wasn't very strict language...
Why PHP has octal numbers anyways. This feature should give E_STRICT error if it would be used because nearly nobody uses those, right?
@GlitchMr Good question. In my eyes it would be viable to remove them ;) Just no use to keep them just so people can write chmods easier ^^
If I will insert 010 into $_GET[], it will be parsed as 10 in code, not as 8
Actually, chmod() is probably only use of it in PHP.
No, I've used it before
No, in other areas
unbanned. let's see how long that will last this time ;)
Or, even more reasonable would be to make the octal literal use the 0o123 syntax instead of 0123. That way there are no misunderstandings. And this concords with PHPs hex syntax 0xffff and it's binary syntax 0b10101
@Gordon oh-oh
@Gordon for almost a week arleady
@Gordon That's bad news, isn't it?
@NikiC That I could see. I just wish PHP had a binary string syntax. So something like SxFF27390F to create a string, instead of an int...
(string) 0xFF27390F
Hi everyone
Is it so hard?
@GlitchMr won't work
Hi, @phplover
i want chr(0xff) . chr(0x27) . chr(0x39) . chr(0xoF)
Yeah, I suppose this could be useful
@ircmaxell "\xFF\x27\x39\x0F"
@NikiC @ircmaxell the last few comments look okay to me though. Maybe the "cool down" phase helped :)
@Gordon Maybe - maybe not
@GlitchMr Framework_Component_Form_Exception_UnexpectedType_Exception is no better
Hi, @Dunhamzzz
wow, this is a nice chat app!
Actually, there is also application which allows to use that thing as IRC server, but it's too complex for me.
Also, is it hard to use web browser? :P
these seems a lot more slick than an IRC client
Personally, I don't like sans-serif font used there.
But talking in monospace is bad, bad, bad... (too bad I cannot configure styles used by this)
Or maybe $value=$Integer->parseInt($OptionPane->showInputDialog('Please type a number :P'));
Q: Switch to mysqli or stay with mysql?

NealWe have an app here that has been in development (and now in production) for more than a year. Is it worth it to switch all of the mysql_* in the code to mysqli_* Is it worth chasing all the bugs that might (and most probably will) come about? I see from questions like this: Changing this from...

this goes back to yesterdays discussion
where i got flagged...
@GlitchMr why is that?
Because it's subjective
@GlitchMr how is that
how can i make it not subjective?
Some will say one option, some second
Say, "what are the advantages of..." or something like that
@GlitchMr well i rly want the why
PDO is better, but that's just my opinion
why should i spend time changing over?
that was not my question
@GlitchMr No, the relevant people will all say mysqli (or PDO MySQL)

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