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@MadaraUchiha Or password_compat
@rdlowrey no, we competed at intel lans :P
@CarrieKendall close enough :)
@rdlowrey i'll still sign your mousepad though
i already put a dollar in the douchebag jar :]
rofl how about my headphones w/ microphone attachment?
@rdlowrey i only do man boobs and mousepads
and i want that to be read out of context :P
Sadly ... I have neither :(
do you use a mouse ball? how can you play 1.6 with no mousepad :P
I had biggest boobs in class somewhere in junior high.
i mean you need smooth pulls for shooting through the walls in that game
Quote: Don't be irreplaceable, you'll never get promoted.
so by far the funniest signature typo i have seen in a long time: Senor Developer
Hmm, I may have gone a little too far with this curl pr =S
@Fabien game over, I resigned :D
either too far, or not far enough heh
@MadaraUchiha heh. It's to be expected.
@Jack Is everything there just for fixing NULL thingy?
no, not everything :)
@Fabien Yeah well
Would you have time to review it some later?
@webarto But dealing with all those curl constants being available or not, this was the easiest way to work around it.
@Jack I would fix it first, wait for merge, open up another PR.
It doesn't help that ext/curl/interface.c is a pretty horrendous piece of code.
@webarto If there are too many objections I may have to, but I'm seriously hoping I won't have to :)
Probably not, just fix as much as you can, hehe.
Hey @Gordon can you check why chat.stackoverflow.com/users/1640606/qe-uomis was chat-suspended please?
@Jack Horrendous Code Decision-Making Criteria: Does it involve cURL and PHP? If yes, the code is horrendous.
@rdlowrey Not necessarily..
How else do you query a REST service or make API calls in PHP?
@rdlowrey lol
PHP's curl_* is an awful API.
@rdlowrey I agree
Will take it to mind
There's also mike's http extension ... but of course, that's less portable.
@MadaraUchiha Most of the times, he asks moderators to suspend him
Sorry, portable but not always available.
@HamZa He queried me about it, so I guess it's not the case?
@Jack I'm pretty sure its client functionality depends on libcurl, no?
I seriously wonder if anyone tests cURL with the PHP_CURL_HTTP_REMOTE_SERVER enabled ... it fails 6 test cases on master =(
@MadaraUchiha hmmm if that's the case, then it's weird ...
@Jack There was an openssl test like that for SNI name resolution. I could've fixed it but it's clearly been broken forever and I didn't have the time.
@rdlowrey libcurl is not listed as one of the requirements, so I don't think so.
@rdlowrey You have a grammar mistake on your Artax README page
> an understand non-blocking IO is needed to effectively write code using this paradigm.
PRs welcome :)
:P Hold on
@Jack It's not a requirement for the extension itself but if you don't have it I don't think you can make client requests.
Hmm, let me check source.
I might be thinking of some other extension, though.
@rdlowrey Deserves more love, man.
@webarto What deserves more love?
My sweet non-blocking asynchronous parallel HTTP client?
Aw, shucks :)
Let's make a website :D
I got nothing better to do, "in between jobs".
It will dovetail very nicely with my server (runs on the same event loop).
Anyone know of syntax voodoo to make $o = new f() (); work, where f() returns a class name, without a temporary variable?
@rdlowrey sent :)
@MadaraUchiha thanks! will merge shortly.
@DanLugg Not possible AFAIK
Yea, it's starting to seem that way.
Still waiting for (function() {})(); in PHP :(
@webarto I want to but I have to finish server first :/
new ${f()}() doesn't work, because it's looking for a variable named whatever the returned class is, though, that's about as close as I'm getting.
Still waiting for new Something to return the class object, so you can do new ClassName()->someMethod();
@DanLugg The standard solution is $o = new ${!${''}=f()}();
@DamienOvereem you can ... (new ClassName())->someMethod()
Holy shit.
@NikiC heh.. thats one of those nifty things I've never thought about while it is actually quite obvious :) Nice.. thx :)
@NikiC I lol'd at "standard solution", and then lol'd that it worked.
Thanks :-)
F that.
@rdlowrey It seems that you're right about the curl dependency ... oh well.
F that indeed.
@Jack Not that it matters ... I was just joking about curl and horrendous code, of course :)
lol, the NetBeans lexer is all like IDK WTF UR DOIN
@rdlowrey It's horrendous underneath though ;-)
@DanLugg nice.
@DanLugg Say: It's NikiC magic, b.*
You can't handle it!
@webarto NetBeans just shut down and ran away.
What is ${''} anyway ... a variable with an empty name? and that's allowed? 0.0
any variable name is allowed
as long as it's string specified like that (or variable variable)
My name is . Yep, you heard correctly :)
Derick dislikes @ircmaxell comment
@Jack that's an old-old issue :p
Sure, if you've heard about it =p
xdebug can't handle these variable names properly (atm).
what do you mean?
well, too bad for him
Damn, too bad it's so messy.
I was goofing around with encoding data into class names, with high-byte delimiters, basically making a querystring with chr(254)/chr(255)
@Jack the same thing is valid in MySQL, for example, but more beauty: there you can do SELECT @ with some value :p
If it were only not so disgusting, it'd work for that stuff you were fooling around with @ircmaxell, regarding on-the-fly trait usage.
Rather than having to use \with\whatever\blah
@ircmaxell check this bug, didn't try all combos, tho.
eih, I like \with, since it's semantic
@webarto honest question. What piece of code by that author have you used that wasn't full of garbage like that?
I hear ya, but name composition with a function such as new {f('ClassName', 'TraitName')}($args) is what I'm after.
Where f() does the encoding.
sure, and you can do that today
using eval
Well, yea. I'm just trying to keep the hack as ... clean? as possible.
@Jocelyn disappeared from the internetz o_O ?
@ircmaxell honest answer, I can't judge, but I agree :)
look at the Date api...
Oh, lord :)
I see now.
What about the Date api?
curl*ish* :) ?
wud? are we talking about DateTime here?
Who doesn't love ext/date?
Ah :)
Remember that one :D
Took a while to read.
Yeah. That.
What does stas means when he says that not many people use UTC?
I just offset depending on timezone, for display purposes.
Not sure what else is there...
@ircmaxell :)
Shame on you :P
Does all the forms in symfony should use form builder ?
Q: Symfony: should i use FormBuilder for this form?

ra_htialI'm trying to find the best practice on how to create this form, i have an entity and i want to create a form that will list all entities along with a checkbox for each and the user can select several entities using checkbox and apply an action to all the selected entities, something like this: ...

@webarto In his opinion I guess .. it's certainly my default :)
Yes, but our opinion doesn't matter :P
@ra_htial RTFR(ules).
@webarto haha
it matters to me
Yes, and we don't care much :)
^ what did I just read ?
@HamZa XRumer
@rdlowrey WikiMedia style :D
> The right way is to set up the ini file. It takes about 2 seconds. -- Stas
Wow, he must be superman.
@webarto Yeah that didn't make any sense. UTC is the only default timezone anyone should ever use.
F*** php.ini
@IamGnat You know those strange characters on your keyboard that look like a dot. Or that one that looks like a dot with something underneath it. Or that large button with "shift" on it?
XOR in php.ini FTW :D
> It's Derick's prerogative to annoy all users half to death with warnings, as his way of indicating his distaste for the state of OS support for querying of system timezone. That's the reward we give him for writing lots of date/time code.
Since when has "the right way" ever meant storing superflous information in a global registry?
@webarto wow E_BOT :O
6 messages moved to bin
php annoys me
no 64bit support in (un)pack
build it!
@bizzehdee What's the problem? You can tell us. We'll listen.
@webarto: already have, pack has 16bit and 32bit integer support, but no 64
and no. N2 does not count
There's i and I ... those are machine dependent :)
S unsigned short (always 16 bit, machine byte order).. ALWAYS 16bit...
so no, i and I do not count
Why don't they count? Were you looking for a portable 64bit feature?
im looking for something that is always 64bit, not sometimes 64, sometimes 32, maybe 128... ALWAYS 64bit
Yeah well, php doesn't ship with 64bit regardless of platform.
Can somebody help me with Laravel? Not sure if it's worth making a question just for it
No and yes it is.
@Jack: are you trying to annoy me?
Ok lol
your repeating things i have already stated, or said that i do not want.
2 messages moved to bin
@PeeHaa could you please tell me what i am doing wrong, so i am able to ask my question correctly to find help in order to sort out my code?
@bizzehdee Are you doing websocket protocol stuff? That's a place where the lack of 64-bit (un)pack support causes hassle.
A: PHP concatenation: dot notation vs {$brace-enclosed-var}

emma.fn2Line 1 will be parsed faster, and line 2 is easier to read. :) Btw, with line 1, if you aren't putting variables inside your quotes you should use single quotes; single quoted strings parse faster than double quoted ones.

@IamGnat You just keep spitting out strings of words without any punctuation / capitalization or whatever effort to create a normal sentence.
> Familiarity with MVC Frameworks such as CodeIgniter, CakePHP, Zend Framework
I'm starting to get sad...
@rdlowrey: im porting a few php classes to C#, and some C# stuff to php. the C# stuff uses a lot of 64bit ints, where the other end expects 64bit ints. turns out php doesnt even fake 64bit int support
@webarto is that VPS still open for cv-pls.com ?
@crypticツ Yes, sir.
Erm, m'am.
@crypticツ Yes, sir.
I'm assuming I will just point DNS to it and you will just clone the repos, correct?
@bizzehdee i suppose, just like php did earlier.
If that's all it's needed, yes!
@webarto that whole ad seems like a bad idea. I got to the "being sad" state when I saw the requirement for twitter bootstrap
I have a form containing a textarea for inputing text into. The form also contains a submit button. After pressing the submit button it posts the text within the textarea into my php document. Within my php document the text is added to a database. Once it has been added to the database I would like it to echo back a response telling the user that it has added the text to the database successfully.
However, if i make it echo that response back to the home page, there is nowhere declared for it to display the echoed message. Has anyone got an idea of what i should be doing in order to get this working? Many Thanks.
What is the best session wrapper for PHP?
To make dealing with session data more OO
Dependency injection always mean more configuration. True or false?
@an1zhegorodov Banana!
@tereško weworkremotely.com ... I sent applications 7 days ago, only one reply from Wikipedia (not fit). Careers.SE is even worse...
@an1zhegorodov you might be confusing "dependency injection" with "di container"
@salathe Banana!
@webarto Potato naaaahhhhhhh
@webarto ok can you setup webserver to host dev.cv-pls.com and cv-pls.com and have for right now, both pull from master via cron at whatever interval you want. Have dev version use development ini and vice versa. Gimme a few mins to push to repos changes I made to allow standalone use.
@tereško Okay. I have a Controller with the following constructor __constuct(Movable $repositoryModel, Listable $articlesModel). How would the constuction layer of my app know how to resolve those dependencies?
Hmm, neat; kinda not so terribly awful:
$o = generic_new('Experimental\\Dictionary', [
    'TKey'   => 'string',
    'TValue' => 'Url',
Object of class [ <user> class Experimental\Dictionary TKey■string TValue■Url extends Experimental\Dictionary ] {
  @@ ...\Experimenal\Generics.php(36) : eval()'d code 1-1
@an1zhegorodov what is "construction layer" ?
dependency injection has nothing to do with automated instantiation
@webarto oh and have index of root as 'backlog.php' and rewrite '/backlog' to '/backlog.php'
:) is /var/www/cv-pls.com "public" or do you have /public folder inside?
forgot the real name for that...
web root, yes
@webarto i usually see public_html.. :P
public_php :P
@tereško Remember "Two piles" from google clean code talks? "The pile of objects" and "the pile of new ops"
@webarto yeah i dunno why it's html anyway.. LOL. ^_^
Found the repo, all clear.
when cleaning anything (whether your room or your code), the ones that you would see after are piles of rubbish. XP
@webarto github.com/PHP-Chat/CVBacklogUI webroot is is the 'web' folder
@webarto oh nvm, =oP
ok pushed, hopefully everything works out of the box >.<
@tereško I meant the part of your app, which creates objects, resolves dependencies
ping cv-pls.com
PING cv-pls.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from uvps3.stackoverflow.so ( icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=0.040 ms
@crypticツ :)
I need to flush my DNS then, still pointing to my server
@webarto what version was it supposed to be?
how do you put reason on cv-pls tags?
@crypticツ oohh cool. thanks!
@reikyoushin all the cv-pls info is to the right
@webarto bleh, I pushed to 1.1 not master, it's ok production should be using 1.1. dev.cv-pls.com should pull from master.
is the backlog real time?
@reikyoushin updates every 5 minutes for the API source and every 15 minutes for the Chat source.
oic.. cool ^_^
@webarto arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrhhhhhhhggggggggggg noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
when updating status of any source's questions it uodates those every 2 minutes. @reikyoushin
@webarto uh oh, is that a problem?
@rdlowrey just replace that line with the fatal error in source everytime you upgrade php :-D
@webarto that's a problem in your php configuration
No, it's a problem with Derick
@tereško no, it's a problem with ext/date (or Derick)
That's a problem in your Derick.
That's Derick in my problem.
who is Derick?
Great, just to find where are those php.ini hidden :D
@webarto php -i and scroll up^^
I got this, I'm date_default_timezone_set certified engineer.
@crypticツ Derick Rethans is the author of the date extension and xdebug. He likes long walks on the beach and hates good code design.
@rdlowrey lol ok
@rdlowrey unsure if he hates good code design, because he doesn't love bad code design neither…
@webarto I plan on redoing the whole update system later, but right now on current server I have cron set to do */2 * * * * /usr/local/bin/cv-pls.sh which contains this...
@rdlowrey :D
Hmm ... the jury may still be out. Instead of "good code design," his hate may be limited to all the users of his PHP date extension.
@rdlowrey hahaha
@webarto pastebin.com/A4fmEs0n so that is run via cron every two minutes. The backlog handles the rest, and will run it's own caching to determine if update needs to be done or not.
@webarto should I hardcode the timezone to use?
@crypticツ yes, UTC.
@crypticツ I've used @ :)
@webarto D:
@webarto an @ against exceptions?
date_default_timezone_set(ini_get('date.timezone') ?: 'UTC');
@bwoebi ;)
I've set to UTC in php.ini btw.
Ok, just to setup cron...
how 2 do pls
can u help??
@bwoebi That would be cool for you to implement :D
@webarto are you kidding?
Yes :D
@webarto btw. if we'd implement that it'd just expand to a try catch in opcodes^^
Hah, didn't know you can do that :D
@webarto why not? :-)
@webarto What do you want to cron?
@bwoebi Cool :) life @todo learn C and php internals :)
@Danack Because I was told to do it :D
@webarto It's dangerous to go alone - take this
*/2 * * * * /usr/local/bin/cv-pls.sh
# chmod +x /usr/local/bin/cv-pls.sh
@webarto C is easy. As long as you don't have to deal with things like memory alignment etc.
@Danack Nice :)
@bwoebi I hope I'll "have time" to learn it, so I can fix some bugs or implement stuff. Nice work on PHP btw.
@webarto and there still are some limits in C language… :-/
Sorry, can you reword, I'm kind of slow today :)
I said, kudos to your for work on improving PHP.
@crypticツ think that "main" site is working, I'll setup dev later and send you codez :)
I meant there are some language features I still miss in C… e.g. stackoverflow.com/questions/19681025/…
@rdlowrey the delay in Alert\Reactor methods is seconds (not milliseconds)?
Love that questions when 10k user asks good question, and 100k ones gives answer :)
@ThomasWeinert $delayInSeconds = 0.001; // <-- millisecond
Sorry, got my micro/milli swapped.
@webarto uh, why? :-D
@rdlowrey i am using milliseconds, so i have to convert it in the wrapper
@ThomasWeinert Yea I went back and forth for a while but decided seconds was easier for my use cases :/
Though I suppose I could make that an optional setting.
I used the api from the browser :-)
@ThomasWeinert Yeah I don't have any documentation other than the source code. Looking at the Alert\Reactor interface should tell you everything you need to know to use it. Lemme know if you have any other Qs.

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