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00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

@Leigh Yeah, come over to the dark side, @NikiC.
At 31 I don't regret any of my mistakes. I wish I would have made all of them earlier.
@rdlowrey I'm waiting for him to fork PHP... I'd use ПХП
@rdlowrey heh, I kinda regret not giving a fuck earlier on :P
I mean, you're only young once. The mistakes are way more fun then.
Well, most of them are more fun when you can't actually be sent to prison for them...
I'm surprised you're 31, every time I see you on your github page I have to recoil at your new jersey guido tan, I pegged you at early 20s :p
if you're actually black and it's a lighting issue, I apologise profusely
I'm a dick and I should be banned from the internet sigh, sorry.
I'm actually pretty pasty most of the time. That picture was in the middle of the summer and I was spending a lot of time at the beach. But now I can't change it because then no one recognizes me :)
Being way too tanned is just part of my internet persona at this point.
replace it with an animal that best represents how you wish you were if you were reborn an animal!
that's what all the cool kids do
seriously though, I have a 2.2m armspan, I feel pretty oranutan
@Leigh I need to add and give a name to each form field, correct
I'm a miniature person -- google's conversion tool tells me I'm 1.7m tall and 67kg
@rdlowrey heh, I'n 195cm, and I enjoy eating and drinking too much. Every year I spend the first several months losing weight, and the last ones putting it back on. I'm well proportioned to look at (I used to play rugby - so I don't look like a sphere), but I'm not exactly lightweight
also, these days, my hair accounts for several kilograms
although, even though he has the avatar of a child @daverandom is one hairy mofo
Yeah, well ... no one ever tells you that your warranty expires the exact day you turn 30.
Seriously, your body just stops working optimally at that point.
Nobody told me I had a warranty to start with!
Everything just starts breaking. Planned obsolescence.
so... now you're obsolete, what's your book going to be about? :)
I actually bought a book semi-recently. http://www.amazon.com/Team-Geek-Software-Developers-Working/dp/1449302440

The advice is good. Implementing it is hard (for me)
HI, anyone knows fb-api?

I have a website and user visiting my website gives me some permissions.

Can I have such a permission that I can post on user's friend's wall?
@Fabien potential extra member from the anime room
@Leigh seems the perfect reading for @tereško
@Wesabi You'll need to buy him 5
He'll burn the first 4 somewhere in the middle.
or he will just throw them at people like grenades
@Wesabi Hmm, I'm not sure. I'm sure me and teresko share the feeling that the world will be better off when all of its inhabitants are dead... but the difference is, sometimes I want to fake being nice (for my own gain of course)
I imagine that's why people like @tereško. He's like the things you want to say but the front of your brain says "No..."
Though maybe a little more satanic.
Nobody likes teresko, they just accept that he is actually a clever person, and on average, he does more good than harm :P
@Leigh well that's very sad, i'm a convinced and observant misanthrope too, but a walking dead scenario is too strong
@Wesabi I wasn't thinking walking dead... more roomba overlords...
@Fabien you know? Only recently I understood what sente and gote mean
It's not about being offensive or defensive, it's about having the initiative vs. losing it.
lol, just say if you don't understand something :P
If I make a move that forces you to respond = Sente
@Leigh roombas are the beginning of skynet, you know that right? xD
If my move allows you choice in taking the initiative, gote.
@MadaraUchiha the trick is making one look like the other to your opponent
@Wesabi yea, we'll call it floornet... for now
@Fabien I'm telling you, @tereško is a 8P in disguise.
@Leigh lolz
@MadaraUchiha If he wanted to be, he probably could.
@MadaraUchiha I don't know what they mean but...looks japanese! .. se-n-te, go-te
@Leigh im having trouble echoing?...ugh
@benlevywebdesign You probably want to stand in a very large cave, and shout very loudly
@benlevywebdesign What do you mean by trouble echoing?
You play more games @MadaraUchiha? I'd avoid anything bigger than 13x13 for now. there's a lot I need to teah about 19x19 first
@Fabien I've been playing some against bots
Better than nothing but avoid them if possible.
Seemingly, my rank is higher than K24, since I can beat those bots pretty handily.
You wanna go over some 19x19 stuff?
@Fabien Right now waiting for acceptence from 2k, 9x9 4 handi
Gonna get my ass whooped :D
Although he seems AFK
yes :P
Those move time limit matches are hard
.5 minute per move, I never realized how long it took me to make a move until I was under that limit.
Nah, he's dead.
Yes, avoid time limits if you can
Normally i play 40 minutes and 5x30 byomi
Alright, he's not going to answer. Let's go over some 19x19?
Byo Yomi*
Also, I want you to tell me some about the timing styles
Going to try and loada big sgf file
but it doesn tlike it
yeah KGs died, reloading
Same for me :o
Some sort of update I guess
What you guys doin'
@webarto going to bed
@bwoebi smart
< todays productivity ~ 0
@webarto nobody says that breaks aren't allowed ;-)
@webarto I've been on break for a month.
I was on a break for 2 weeks, and then I was unemployed :D
So, please, I have traumas :D
But good for you! o/
@webarto reading abit on ooad and just chilling
enjoying the life infront of the computer
Anyone used "Kodiak PHP" on an iPad? Does it work for non-trivial code?
@RonniSkansing :) I'm about to fire up CS 1.6, haven't played that thingy in years.
@webarto wow.. hehe i used to enjoy CS many years ago
@webarto Dude, 1.6 was awesome. Haven't played it in years and gave it a thought the other day myself.
Best thing, I'm gonna to play it with wifey.
Saturday night fever, oh yeah.
low-gravity scoutzknivez FTW.
Oh man, that brings me to childhood, when I woke up in 5AM just to play CS before school.
Hop, slice, mothafaka.
Once I started getting accused of being a h4x0r I knew I was spending too much time playing and needed to stop.
Hmm, that explains why I have 5 knives IRL...
Haha, yeah, you're older man.
I think @CarrieKendall was in CPL, no?
I might be making that up. I was never that good.
wkhtml2pdf is being a real pita, anything better to convert my poor mans resume to PDF?
Me neither, man.
I was checking themeforest.net today, and it's insane... you can get like 10k in few months on one WP theme without problem.
@webarto Google chrome and print to PDF? Or just load it into google docs and you should be able to download as pdf
Question: I have this code:
$url = 'http://api.stackexchange.com/2.1/posts/3717/comments';
$data = array("order" => "desc", "sort" => "creation", "site" => "physics");
$response = sendPostData($url, $data);

function sendPostData($url, $post){
 $ch = curl_init($url);
 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST");
 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,http_build_query($post));
 return curl_exec($ch);
echo $response;
Which should grab some comments from the SE API, right?
But it prints this:
?VJ-*?/??K?MU?R?ˏ?M-??OQҁJ?'???J22? ?
What terribly obvious thing am I doing wrong?
@Danack Thanks for that, didn't know it exists. I need to fix print style then, I can't get woff fonts to "work" with converter, tried almost everything. Thanks again.
@Undo curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_ENCODING , "gzip")
@webarto Thanks!
Now it gives me an SE response.
Working good now?
Now I get an SE error, but I bet I can debug that on my own.
Yeah, fix it fix it fix it.
{"error_name":"no_method","error_message":"this method cannot be called this way","error_id":404}
So I'm prob. just missing a param or something.
Read the docs :)
I iz :)
Weird - it won't go away.
Is that all of the code you use?
No API keys or similar?
(so I can test)
That's it, right there.
My current code:
$url = 'https://api.stackexchange.com/2.1/info';
$data = array("site" => "stackoverflow");
$response = sendPostData($url, $data);

function sendPostData($url, $post){
 $ch = curl_init($url);
 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST");
 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_ENCODING , "gzip");
 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,http_build_query($post));
 return curl_exec($ch);
echo $response;
(moved to the info method because it's simpler)
@webarto i believe themeforest gets like 80% of that
@Wesabi 50% at first, and 30% after you sell $75k.
Doesn't matter, it brings traffic, after you gain reputation, you can sell on your own.
@Undo I iz d3bug1ng
Lol, thanks :)
@Undo Remember to set a filter parameter later on to save bandwidth
not that necessary, but good for debugging too
@Undo Note, ending ?> is redundant in the case where you don't have any embedded HTML (or otherwise non PHP content) on the file.
@Manishearth Yep. Want to get it at least using bandwidth first.
urm... are you sure? maybe depends by the theme you make, because i remember that wasn't not even close to 50%
@MadaraUchiha Good to know.
also, if you count taxes, it's 25%
@Wesabi About 100% sure. (you pay taxes in AU)
@Undo It's even recommended to omit it, solves various edge white-space issues.
@Manishearth hey :)
What brings you to the humble room 11?
@MadaraUchiha I think I did :P
anyway just saying that is not easy money :P
It's too easy...
Trust me.
you also have to support customers and help them without asking additional money
Yeah, that's the hard part actually.
Too many... I don't want to say it.
yeah xD
Does this look to confusing for a customer quote request form?
@Undo gist.github.com/webarto/77a159c0a104ee2af7bc this should get you going, you need to GET, not POST (for this example), I've pasted you a simple class, you can pass in $data ($post param), and it will send POST request.
@webarto Wow, many thanks!
when I put an apostrophe in my form input and then submit it comes out looking like this "Ben\'s " and think I'm supposed to do something with htmlspecialchars correct
@NoahHuppert Pretty much, for starters, nothing is aligned.
@webarto ? So not complete shit?
@Fabien come watch if you want :P
Not a complete, but close, align those inputs, make them even, separate into groups, etc.
@MadaraUchiha This guy is potentially around my rank. Sandbagger ahoy!
Oh nm
he just just a stupid move
Let put on some pressure, shall wel? :P
Light play!
@webarto k, thanks
@MadaraUchiha Slow down. Think about your moves a bit :)
In my dbconnect file can I have more than one mysql_select_db(some db name);
Why do you operate on two+ databases?
Of course you can, not just in "connect" file, such thing doesn't exist.
That belongs to '90s.
We boostrapin' stuff now.
@Fabien game's over
not just in "connect" file... you mean just not in "connect" file
@benlevywebdesign Also, that sucks. Just always specify the database/schema name in your queries and you can get rid of having a state based 'current database'.
1+ database to keep things clean looking I guess
That looks like a design smell to me tbh.
You need to select database and run query against it.
Or, make two connections and then pass $link.
That sucks too.
/ \
@MadaraUchiha what are you playing?
@RonniSkansing Go
Alright folks, I'm off
Good night :)
ascii art failed
gn folks, i go to bed
How was everyone's Saturday?
guys, in PHP why can't we make an eager instantiation for a singleton?
why would you make anything for a singleton ?
jo webartjo
wkhtmltopdf>php -r "file_put_contents('EquityRegular.woff', base64_decode(file_get_contents('EquityRegular.woff')));"
^ current status
Need a good looking CV :D
Have you had beers @PeeHaa?
Beer is good, but beers is better :D
If I am having my server send an email, can I make certain text bold without using an html template?
@webarto Yes I had. And the good news is I have both my keys and my car back
Yes yesterday evening was heavy :P
@PeeHaa - how are you? :D
Tired and drunk
@PeeHaa Which reminds me that my driving ban lifts in 2 days :D
Banned for?
okay, can you please tell me why can't we make an eager instantiation for a singleton in PHP?
@webarto Slivovitz? ;)
@PeeHaa Kudos :)
@mamdouhalramadan Why do you think you need a singleton either way?
No, I kind of over-reacted, and one month ban, BAM!
That sucks
I had laser jammers (radar jammers), and they've tried to convinced me that I was speeding.
One does not simply read speed with Laser Interceptor.
hahahha. I hate singleton, but that's just for discussion's sake and knowledge at the same time
@webarto Is that allowed over there?
Technically, no.
It's distracting law enforcement in doing their job.
Here it is forbidden by name. i.e. thou shall not use jammers in thou car
Whoever made it, is a haxor, leet one.
Yeah, we have yokels for cops :)
@mamdouhalramadan What is eager instantiation and what is a singleton
If you have answered both you will have your answer
I was so close... :D
I was only 50k short, haha.
Why would session_regenerate_id be causing my session data to go away after a redirect? It's available right after session_regenerate_id, but not on the following page. Any ideas?
If I comment out session_regenerate_id, the page works fine. With it, no session and login page.
Erm, because regenerate?
why don't you just session_start?
@PeeHaa - let's say you have this simple singleton:
`class SingletonTest {
private function __construct(){
private static $_uniqueSingleton = null;

public $someData = 0;

public static function get_instance(){
return self::$_uniqueSingleton = (self::$_uniqueSingleton!==NULL?self::$_uniqueSingleton:new SingletonTest());
now if you're using pthreads in PHP you might go in a phase where two threads invoking the get_instance method at the same time, which will make two instances of the singleton. Hence, it's no longer a singleton
@webarto lol
I'm storing certain things with the session_id and in this area, I need it to have a different identifier (admin logging into user accounts). Hard to explain. Regenerate actually seems to work on my dev server. I checked the cookie path
I thought regenerate didn't destroy anything. Just creates a new identifier.
Is that not true?
Careful with that...
@Fabien nobody wants to play with me, they all decline my challenge =o(
@crypticツ You should probably play vs me first.
Teaching game
What's your alias on gokgs?
Lady Gaga <3
@Fabien KyraD
@webarto are you saying that regenerate destroys data between requests? I'm not setting the flag to true.
people.php still down?
> It's not just you! people.php.net looks down from here.
Guy who made this service fired me :D
I'm not even mad.
I was thinking of making the same thingy with @rdlowrey libs, but needs serverz.
@PeeHaa - should I post it as a question or am I missing some information here?
As I already stated. You don't need a signleton
00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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