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made some changes this morning, or late last night, I forget ... I think that was on of the things I was fixing ...
Any web developers around ?
@JoeWatkins Sure did, hour or two ago, updated links. And compiled it again of course :)
@webarto will take a look ...
shame phpstorm isn't oss
oh it's java
who writes it, do we know ?
@JoeWatkins Jetbrains
I mean do they have a person on the scene ?
Also, they have a bunch of discounts you just have to look
I can get a free license, all php-devs can afaik
@JoeWatkins They have a bug tracker with several people getting assigned for tickets
I wanna see how to write plugin ...
(also, I can read the source if I want, it's java, I want docs for plugins)
@JoeWatkins I paid for their IDEs (well, work did) - ReSharper and PHPStorm (which we use for JS in some scenerios because it traditionally comes better and works better than WebSotrm)
Also, afaik they're moving from Java towards Kotlin
wtf is that ... never heard of it ...
@bwoebi It seems that nobody is aware that you can already use constants in constant definitions...
everybody asking questions that have absolutely nothing to do with the proposal
afaik JetBrains are the primary/only users
sounds to me like you'll be executing java still ...
You're writing in something that compiles to Java bytecode but you don't write in Java
Today I am far from yesterday madness and fighting mood, but well
@YourCommonSense Haven't seen you in here before. :)
Only around the site.
@Ben you'll be executing the jvm tho, java ... right !?
@YourCommonSense So would you mind explaining what you didn't like about that question/answer ?
@JoeWatkins It's not Java, it's Java byte code. You can write stuff in languages that are not Java (Clojure, Groovy and Scala being the more obvious examples) and run that on the JVM.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Which question & answer?
perl 6 runs can run on the JVM
@SweetieBelle The one about error suppression.
@YourCommonSense and @tereško in the same room together. This is a bad omen.
Do they have history? :P
@Ben the problem with java is not the syntax, it's the runtime
Lets just say their history has common attributes..
@JoeWatkins I'm not a huge fan of the JVM, but in your case.. why?
to write something in anything that compiles to java, and therefore is, java, doesn't really make a lot of sense, if you are trying to get away from java ...
are you kidding ?
@JoeWatkins Writing something that compiles to Java !== Writing Java
> It's nice to see people get excited for things they already have. Should lead to a little more appreciation of what's already there, I guess..
There are lots of good languages (Well, Scala really) that run on the JVM and let you write good code.
lol, so true :-D
Ah, noticed he added a new answe.r
Unleash the Teresko
@NikiC funny when people developing the language don't know the documented features of it :-)
Even my editor bolds the keywords after I capitalised them
huh, what's it?
@Ben in everybody's case, the jvm takes up a massive, I mean enormous amount of RAM, it is not that fast, it is not that clever, everything and nothing is an exception, deployment is fraught with error, I don't like being lied to; everything is not an object, I don't like that occasionally enormous security risks are found, there's not enough choice in application servers .... the list goes on forever ...
When you make a mistake in a query the response should WHAT?
Joking aside I do shout in my head when I read text in all caps. Dunno why :)
but doesn't mention syntax, not even once ...
@DaveRandom to highlight the columns and table names which aren't uppercase like the rest of the query
@DamienOvereem it would be a bad omen if @Kolink was here .. or @mario. As it stands, I am fresh out of faks to give.
@JoeWatkins Yeah, but you're already running it.
@DaveRandom Maybe WAT?
@webarto Y U NO MAEK SENSE?!?!?!
@webarto HUH?
that doesn't matter, the point is that to write anything in anything that compiles to java is non-sense
@YourCommonSense FWIW the problem is worse in JavaScript :/
well, rather, if you already know java it doesn't make a whole lot of sense
if those language are easier to pick up then crack on ...
but other than sugar they expose absolutely nothing that you cannot do in java
I don't understand your argument against the JVM at all..
I haven't got one, but if there is a problem with java, that is a need to move a project, like phpstorm, from java to anything else ...
then it doesn't make sense to move it to anything that is java, in the end ...
Yeah, and they're doing exactly that. They're moving it from Java to Kotlin.
i want gmail contact import in yii framework
any idea
Why? It makes a lot of sense, you can port it bit by bit and use the existing code base and then, since you have the compiler you built - compile it to something else. That said, the JVM isn't that bad on its own - it's Java. Scala has a lot of useful things Java lacks like first order functions and type inference.
(also, no static :))
@AmitSingla hire a developer
@tereško i will
@AmitSingla There is actually a good site to help you do that. Even import from facebook, twitter or whatever other thing you want.
@BenjaminGruenbaum ?
any extension which can i used
@Ben that idea appears to regress, infinitely ...
@JoeWatkins Why?
each time you compile it to "something else" you are going to re-implement another language, another standard library, another compiler, where does it stop ??
asm ?
bytecode… mircoops… whatever?
it doesn't make any sense to work like that ...
You have something that runs almost everywhere (the JVM) and you want to keep using your existing Java code but you dislike Java. You're big enough so you write a language that can use the JVM but can also compile to another technology which will probably take over some day.
^exactly ...
@JoeWatkins Running languages on the jvm isn't a particularly unknown phenomenon.
i m a php devloper
I am fairly sure that you are not
^ *2 #1 reason people mock php.
@AmitSingla If you're a PHP developer, you'll know that chat.stackoverflow.com is not the URI for the Google Apps API docs. Ask when you have a specific question, not to get someone else to code your app for you.
@SweetieBelle i am just asking for any good extension made for Yii
Most of us here don't use Yii
@HamZa e.g. Yiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ^^
@Ben you are being illogical, I dunno for what reason but if I said to you i disliked the way that words are written on a page, you would tell me to shut up, you would be much more inclined to listen had I said my disagreement were with the sentiment of the text or the ideas it conveyed ... to dislike the syntax of anything is pretty illogical, that aside, to dislike the language as a whole, and then write it something else, that executes in the same virtual machine is also illogical
however cool it might seem, it's illogical and I do not understand it ...
@SweetieBelle ohh then you could also say we are not updated with YII, but don't demoralize persons like me..
they aren't just playing with a project, they are playing with a product in the marketplace that people rely on (to some degree, I guess) to do their job ...
@JoeWatkins That doesn't make any sense. I don't like asm very much but I write a lot of things that compile to the same opcodes.
ok thanks for your time...
you don't fuck with that to try something new, especially if you can be clearly shown to be acting irrationally ...
@JoeWatkins How else would you gradually port your program? You're a market leader and you don't want to rewrite it all at once since that would be stupid. So you write a language you do like to accompany your needs (just like Google, Microsoft, Mozilla and so on have done) that can do two things - it can reuse all your existing code which you can now port gradually and it compiles to another platform that will possibly take over.
> I'm also of the opinion that just " This can allow for writing far easier to understand code, by allowing for far more expressive code." is by far not enough of a justification for a syntax addition. - Derick Rethans
@DaveRandom Derrick with one r please ^^
^ Isn't that basically the best justification for a syntax addition? o.O
I know I just spotted
But still, WHAT???
@DaveRandom And I wtf'd too…
@JoeWatkins also, I don't see what the big problem is with other languages running on the JVM. The CLR runs F#, VB.NET, C# and plenty of other languages successfully for quite a while (it's simpler though). The JVM already runs plenty of languages successfully. People use Groovy (and Grails) in production, Scala, Clojure and other languages.
hi to all
'The fact that this makes the language more powerful and easier to read is not a reason to do it'... IS there a reason then?
@bwoebi The not changing const values point is valid though
It's an attractive platform since while the JVM isn't perfect the bigger issue is with Java - again, your code doesn't compile to Java. It just compiles to cross-platform bytecode.
@DaveRandom ummm, generators. everything you can do with them you could do before hand. Too bad he didn't vote for them: wiki.php.net/rfc/generators#vote
cross platform bytecode ?
you mean java ...
i have some doubt in boonex dolphin cms so anyone know about boonex ???
@DaveRandom how do you mean?
@NikiC when do you advance Named Params to vote???
if it executes in the java virtual machine, it's nothing but java ...
so what's the point ... ??
I see the point of wanting to get away from java
@JoeWatkins That's like saying "If it executes on the x86 processor, it's nothing but C"
Java is just a language that runs on the JVM
but to do that, by writing in something that is actually java, is illogical
@MadaraUchiha after having finished the E_ERROR => exceptions RFC
It just has poor naming.
no, it's not ...
@ircmaxell I've been going coo coo since we got generators in JavaScript, they're so awesome ^_^. I think they can make asynchronous code a lot nicer in PHP and solve a lot for the language.
@bwoebi Huh, what's planned for warnings and notices?
to annoy people as always
@bwoebi You've redefined IS_CALLABLE with a new value. There's always that possibility that some idiot somewhere has used 10 and not IS_CALLABLE, and the actual value isn't significant, so there's no real reason to alter the existing values just so it appears in the "right" place in the list
@BenjaminGruenbaum generators in JavaScript? When'd that happen? Link please? :o
@BenjaminGruenbaum you do realize PHP has had them since 5.5.0?
@DaveRandom because it's faster to make two checks instead of 3
@ircmaxell Yeah, I do :) I'm saving they can solve a lot for PHP.
@bwoebi Meaningfully faster?
@JoeWatkins I don't understand your argument. Running code on the jvm doesn't make it Java any more than compiling to x86 binaries makes it assembly.
@MadaraUchiha Don't expect it to work in your browser. It's ES6 (which no browser fully implements yet), you can try them in Firefox and Chrome (in certain builds) but I use them in NodeJS a lot.
@SweetieBelle Exactly.
@BenjaminGruenbaum right, but fundamentally, they do nothing "new". They just make that paradigm a lot easier...
that doesn't even make sense ...
if you execute in the jvm
you can only execute java
running code in the jvm does, of course, make it java
It makes it Java bytecode
@JoeWatkins No, you can only execute Java byte codes. There's no reason why you can't compile some other language to those
do you know what that is ?
There's also no reason that you would of course...
@JoeWatkins not at all...
In the same way as when I compile C++, it is compiled to (1:1 parallel with) Assembly language opcodes.
@DaveRandom in the jvm, the only thing you can execute is java
you can compile any language into a JVM byte code array
that's the point of "compile"
^ This
okay but what you have compiled to is java
@ircmaxell Right, the ability to replace implementing a state machine anywhere with a single keyword is extremely enabling. It allows you to swap all the API calls to asynchronous calls over time and one by one and make the language work well in asynchronous non blocking scenarios. C# has been leaping very fast since the async/await keywords were added.
Compiling to Java bytecode != writing Java, any more than compiling to x86 bytecode = writing Assembly.
going to execute in the java runtime, how on earth could it be anything else ??
@JoeWatkins If we can write a better language that compiles to Java bytecode, without having to reimplement the JVM, why wouldn't we?
I didn't say it meant writing in java
@DaveRandom it's not so rarely used...
it means executing in java
The JVM isn't the issue with Java.
@JoeWatkins No, there is a specification on what is "Java" - and that's not it. It compiles to Java bytecode (which is a poor naming choice because it doesn't have much to do with Java except for the fact Java uses it).
@JoeWatkins So C# and F# devs both write IL?
@JoeWatkins You can't "execute" in a language.
no but it means executing with the same restrictions
Again, the power of Java bytecode isnt the issue.
That's just like saying "PHP is slow" or "JavaScript is fast" - those are both meaningless. You can talk about implementations. One can write Java and not run it on the JVM at all.
@BenjaminGruenbaum it makes it easier to do so, but doesn't enable it
The JVM is a virtual machine , the bytecode is its assembly language.
@ircmaxell Enabling the developer, not the language :) (enabling as in making it much easier, not as in the possibility, I realize you can do it in C too)
@JoeWatkins Yes, and there exist JVM hardware, where you can execute natively. Which opens a lot of doors
We had this discussion with perl 6, a few months ago. The jvm was considered the best tool for the project's medium-term needs.
we weren't discussing the power of java or the resrictions it has on it ... I like java, I write in it more than I do PHP, we were discussing phpstorm moving their stable product, from java
to something they wrote
that compiles to jvm bytecode, so, executes in the vm, so, is the same application
People might be able to write $res = yield PDO->query(<whatever>) and not change their coding style but not block anymore.
anyone want to say they really think that's a good idea ?
@JoeWatkins I don't think it's a bad idea, why would it be?
@PeeHaa ping
There is no point in a dead on rewrite, you want to gradually port an application. Rewriting is expensive, dangerous and stupid in most cases, especially if you're a market leader like JetBrains.
a stable product, that is earning money in the marketplace, that people rely on, seriously ?? we're not talking about a learning exsercise here
If they can make a language which makes more sense for their use, and -- because they're using the JVM -- make it possible to switch in a modular fashion instead of all at once, it makes perfect sense to use the JVM at least during the transition.
@JoeWatkins Yes, exactly - which is why a rewrite is stupid and gradually porting it makes sense.
@JoeWatkins A stable product still needs to evolve, it's not like they're going to push Nightlies out for download, it'll go through the same testing PHPStorm always goes through.
@JoeWatkins yes, because you bypass the restrictions of the language and the compiler
more sense for their use ??
do you write in java ?
the JVM is quite mature, and is actually quite efficient
@JoeWatkins Not currently. I have written in Java.
of course it is ...
@JoeWatkins I do, but in the past year when I have to work with the JVM I write in Scala. I find it a pleasure compared to writing in Java.
@JoeWatkins But how do we know that they are rewriting? If their language will still produce byte code for jvm they can use existing code-base and add new stuff with new lang.
well I think it's a stupid business decision ... maybe interesting, maybe cool, but a stupid thing to do .. they aren't moving away from anything so far as I can see, I understand a rewrite, I don't understand this ...
@JoeWatkins Really, you'd understand a rewrite?
From a business PoV, a rewrite is the worst thing they can do.
I understand a product outgrowing/outliving a language
Yeah, but the thing is while the language is lacking the virtual machine it runs on is still OK. You can change languages and keep using your existing code base.
Sounds like a win/win to me.
@BenjaminGruenbaum And presumably use in-line Java or write certain parts in Java, where their new language is lacking or inefficient.
why are they rewriting anything at all
what are they escaping in doing anything at all
@JoeWatkins it's almost always a stupid business decision to make a new language. That doens't mean it's not going to pay off...
Probably for efficiency gains. It may be that they just don't consider Java a productive language. It's verbose and cumbersome.
efficiency gains ?
how could that reasonably occur ?
@JoeWatkins Efficiency gains in developer productivity.
yeah good save
but doubt it ...
Coders using a language which allows them to create more functionality in less lines will create products faster.
There are lots of things Java is lacking and there are plenty of bad design choices in Java.
@bwoebi Most people on internals are not developing the language ^^
Java is very verbose.
I write C++ at work, I write perl at home. I know how much faster it is to create functionality in perl than in C++.
I feel bad for you having to write in two languages I dislike :P
I like both of them, I love perl.
@NikiC are most people documentation team?
(Well, I don't dislike C++, it's just complicated)
That's good then.
I don't understand any of this ...
@BenjaminGruenbaum Perl is my favorite language, by far.
@JoeWatkins we don't have to always agree :)
@bwoebi I think most people are just random people
Some of them doing docs, pecl or individual exts. But most are likely not involved
@SweetieBelle I guess you've seen yegge's thoughts on that :P
@NikiC Random people with a @php.net account?!
@bwoebi doesn't take much ...
@bwoebi Which one in particular?
@Ben no, quite ...

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