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@JoshC. It looks like it should work when I sign up as jones); DROP TABLE `users`; --
@JoshC. As you're passing strings, they need to be quoted. Just use prepared statements instead.
@SweetieBelle i'm stupid and forgot to have it report errors. also ive never used a prepared statement before where can i learn more about them
@JoshC. The mysqli documentation has your back. :3
@DanLugg He already stated on internals that he'll continue. (news.php.net/php.internals/70010)
I wont lie, even I occasionally use mysql_ .... sigh, force of habit :(
Have to go back and correct my code
@Cool2beblue Way back i used to poop in my pants on a daily bases. You could consider that a habbit. Fortunately by the age of 2 I was done with it and never looked back ...
@DamienOvereem And that helped broadened my intellect how?
@Cool2beblue Still using it out of habit is a bad excuse ;p
@DamienOvereem Indeed, the bad habit I have though is that I sometimes end up using the procedural mysqli_* instead over the object method when I'm feeling lazy :P
@DanLugg I'd rather peel off my own face !!!
@DamienOvereem maar ek het gesê dat ek gaan terug en regmaak die foute...
i want to use custom Google search in a site which made in cakephp 2.2.3
so its not an excuse
I see ... Well it just doesn't exist.
When you match, there is preg_match. To apply "the g modifier", you just use another function preg_match_all
preg_replace would automatically replace all, if you want to replace just 1 then you need to use the 4th paramater preg_replace(pattern, replace, string, limit); and set limit to 1
@Cool2beblue Indeed.. although I don't understand why you are talking south afrikaans ;p (atleast i think thats what it is.. either that or badly google translated english to dutch) :)
I cna understand dutch
becuase of afrikaans
For some reason it's not the other way around
Afrikaans sounds pretty darn funny to a dutch guy :)
if i used same code in another domain that is working fine why not working that domain
I know ;P But they had the same origin ;)
Hm. Dutch should be able to understaand afrikaans, its mostly a different order of words in sentences
@psanjib E_UNCLEAR
i am ios dev, i have json file locally in my project now my client want some changes in json file like mention here paste.ubuntu.com/6370136 However, it might be something complicated to as the size in the database are separated with a period as above. Is this possible?
@psanjib Probably because google site search needs to index your site? It does that by using the hostname. So if you put your site on another host(name), google wont be able to index until you tell google to index the new domain .
@Mr.Shant What's an IOS dev doing in a PHP room ?
my queries about json
In php one would have json_encode() to deal with escaping json.
yes it wld take care
You should escape the double quotes in your dimensions.. ie: 1.01 x 1.08 to 3'2\" x 1'08\"
i have used this one
When you turn off the faucet in the shower, and prepare to step out, and you realize there's still soap in your armpit. But, it's not the soap that bothers you; it's the necessary 3 - 5 seconds of rinsing in water that is of sub-optimal temperature.
My question is regarding Yii framework.. is it good enough to handle big projects with millions request?
i think the problem for cakephp
how could i get solution
@psanjib don't do that ... format code properly or link to pastebin for big chunks ...
@HamZa Makes sense, don't need the g then.
@Damien thanks let me try
@HamZa I'm still mostly a perl guy. :P
@JoeWatkins sorry not getting you
It's happened a few times, when someone says "guy", and my text-selection cursor is hovering over the "u" such that it looks like an "a", and I lose context of what the person is meaning and think "That's an... odd thing to say".
@SweetieBelle ^^^ :-P
@DanLugg .. thats just plain weird
I never said it wasn't.
I'm just acknowledging your statement
| .
@DanLugg lol
@ssharma Yii isn't good enough to handle your mother's B&B.
@psanjib don't post bug chunk of unformatted code ...
@DanLugg what is with the lions ?
@DamienOvereem without php file can we modify it?
1 message moved to /bin/gif
And yet they're both lions
6 messages moved to Tattoo shit
I 'unno, I'm much better at doing my own programming than I am doing my own tattoos ...
@Mr.Shant I don't know where your json is coming from. But your json content should atleast escape "'s or json will break.
we have a json file “productdetail.json” but we could not find the the php file or any souce code which is dynamically creating this json file......
In-house lions > Outsourced lions.
Problem is a client wouldn't understand the relevance as they would only focus on the aesthetic nature of the image.
"So you're saying my site will look worse?"
@MrShant Im curious how you think that I/we might be able to fix something which you can't find ..
@JoeWatkins I spoke with my wife about the beard yesterday. I have to shave it once I can exercise again :(
I get to keep stubble though. Can't do baby-face.
You might be able to fix your json by writing code that fixes the bad json.. I'm quite sure that can be done with a some nice regex magic
@Fabien Movember ?
@Fabien lol specific grooming requirements.
Dunno if its a world wide thing. But there is this awereness for prostate cancer thing in the netherlands where people keep their moustache/beards for movember..
Nah, just growing my beard till my stress fractures heal. And as it turned out it's taken a few months instead of a few weeks.
Giving you an excuse to leave the beard here
I keep the cheeks trimmed but the chin gets to groooooow
@DamienOvereem We had no-shave November in the UK too
We don't seem to have it in Italy.
Hey, I didn't even realize I'm participating in Movember.
But no one shaves in Italy anyway.
Thats because itallians have crappy thin beards ;p
@Fabien take all the pictures
Could be worse though. Could be chinese
cherish them ...
Chinese people have weird beards ;)
yes but that if any php file is executed ... and it will get back to it’s original position ... which we dont want..
even this can destroy the newly generate json later on
@JoeWatkins heh. i'm trying to renegotiate the terms. I think I can secure the chin but the cheeks have go to go.
I may be okay with this.
@MrShant You are about 95% short of the neccesary information anyone here would need to help you ....
Anyone else use this stuff:
Its like Axe, except you don't smell like you're 14
You want one of my best life tips?
Fire away sir.
Double up on deodurant. Buy one base roll-on, something nuetral like aloe-vera. Use that first and when almost completely dry use spray. Seriously, you smell SOOO GOOD for much longer.
#Lifetip: Wash face and hands several times a day.
#Lifetip: Don't walk in front of a bus.
Some roll-ons are better than others. The Sure aloe-vera is nicer than the Dove one.
@Fabien I can see that working; I'm not a particularly smelly guy, even after physical exertion.
I think I can get away with one, but I can see that working.
@DanLugg Nay about being smelly, more about smelling like an angel.
Don't want to cover up those pheromones.. need to mate
lol, well, basic Old Spice for the pits, and ^^ that stuff for the arms, chest and back of my neck.
I'd say I smell pretty angelic ;-)
@Fabien Might try that some time.
I usually just do cologne + spray
Whelp, I'm off to work; see you all from the confines of my cell.
I reserve cologne for random outings. I used some stuff for work too often now the smell reminds me of going to work :(
So long @DanLugg
@SweetieBelle I thought you were of the female species?
I dun gon broked sumthin'
And I have no f*cking idea what is wrong
Good thing you're leaving soon then :P
@Fabien Annoyingly I'm trying to make something easier to use to hand over to someone else and in doing so I broke it in an inexplicable way
@DaveRandom Versioned at least?
private function createMessage($invoiceNo, $date, $invoicePath, $name, $address)
      $date = date('jS F Y', strtotime($date));

      $data = file_get_contents($invoicePath);
      $attachment = Swift_Attachment::newInstance($data, basename($invoicePath), 'application/pdf');
      $message = Swift_Message::newInstance();

      $message->setSubject(sprintf($this->config['emails']['subject'], $invoiceNo, $date));
      $message->setFrom([$this->config['emails']['from_addr'] => $this->config['emails']['from_name']]);
@Fabien Oh yeh, that's nopt the point
@Cool2beblue No, common misconception.
Can anyone see anything obviously wrong in the logic of ^^^
@Cool2beblue My Little Pony is about 65% male audience. :P
(ignore for the time being any design concerns)
Syntactically it seems fine
@SweetieBelle HahahA
Basically that's getting called in a loop. On the first iteration it creates a message exactly as I want it, all subsequent iterations end up with no attachment (!!!)
But it's still iterating through each and not dying?
I know the file paths are right, I've checked the file sizes after the file_get_contents() and they are all correct
@Fabien Yeh the messages get sent and end up in my inbox, they just have no attachments :-(
(the return value of that function is passed directly to $mailer->send())
What about printing the attachments during the loop to see if they're all there
@Fabien They're PDFs so I can't sensibly echo them out but var_dump(strlen($data)) after the file_get_contents() reports the correct, slightly different, size on every iteration
what about further down the loop?
I suspect I've hit a swiftmailer bug but it was working, all I've done is turn a procedural script into a class, basically just broken the routine up a bit
@Fabien I'm just trying something, one sec
I have some troubles , how I can integrate Zend lib in cakephp project ?
@Fabien turns out it's a swiftmailer bug of some variety. No idea what, but I just got the latest version and now it magically works without me altering my code
@DaveRandom Bastards
@PeeHaa done
/shakes fist
I have loaded zend lib in Vendor directory , but I think that there is problem with loading by project !!!
@DaveRandom I suggest this as your course of action for the remainder of your notice.
@Fabien Hah, that's a regular thing for me
@Fabien If you're ever bored one day and have a non-tech-savvy boss, here's something fun: screen print the desktop with no open applications, set the desktop background to the screen print and delete all the desktop icons
@Phenix_dz Si vous voulez aider dans ce forum, vous devez trouver une de mes questions / réponses et de lui donner une légère hausse XD LOL: D
morning guys!
@Jimbo tnx
I am back :p
@Cool2beblue bizar comme un moyen de partage !!!
@DaveRandom Wow that one is old :-)
@PeeHaa Still funny though. Did it to my sister a few weeks ago, she actually took her laptop to my dad to fix.
@DaveRandom on winXP you just hide the desktop icons.. no need to delete them. ^_^
That's because XP is the best version of Windows to date
@DaveRandom heheheheh
@DaveRandom I did that to a friend once, it was funny for me, but he had about 50 icons on his desktop :X wasn't so funny for him to put them back.
A desktop shouldn't exceed more than about 5 icons IMO
Make sure you leave funny comments everywhere too.
@Dave 2 days, right ?? I remembered ... I am very proud of myself ...
@Fabien 5? my comp, my docs, browser, recycle bin.. there's only room for one more then?
I have 0 icons on my desktop
@Fabien My desktop is my temp folder
@SweetieBelle some people would say, "i dont have a desktop"
what exactly --prefer-distdo when use composer install/update
@reikyoushin I have a wallpaper, and a launcher bar.
The launcher has 8 things on
Anyone care to share some desktop screenshots so we can judge wallpapers and desktop icons?
lol, my old one..
Same here, zero icons on the desktop, some on the taskbar
@Fabien OK, if you want something else enjoyable (on Win) attrib /D /S C:\* +s +h
Iceweasel Aurora, Icebird Earlybird, Terminal, Komodo IDE, Geany, File Browser, Skype, Recycle Bin.
It's all still there, everything still works, but you can't see any of it
My desktop wallpaper has a about 8 acronyms on it that all come from something @Gordon said to a guy in here who asked about becoming a better programmer. My mistake was using acronyms as I can't remember what they stand for :(
@DaveRandom and I really like the Win8.1 UI eg
My desktop wallpaper is a pony
@DaveRandom lol. I just need an unsuspecting victim.
@Fabien Right now i'm on windows
Quick judge his choices!
Hello everyone! :-)
Hi @Duikboot
Are there people out here using a NAS ?
@BasicBridge Click on our desktop, hold shift and scroll down on middle mouse wheel.
@Duikboot I use a NAS
Currently I have about 3 external harddrives but it's a bit a mess to find files on it.
@Fabien my old desktop when i was in college.. lol..
@Fabien nothing happens.
a skinned player and lots of widgets...
Eurgh, TuneUp
'notebook setup'
@BasicBridge It should resize your giant desktop icons. :P
@Fabien that's ctrl and mouse wheel.
ctrl it up then. Damn giant icons :p
@PeeHaa will the class1 ssl certificate be enough to use https?
> How can I check if current year (2013 for instance) has no more the bygone months (like Jan, Feb...Oct), then do something?
@Cool2beblue 8.1
8.1 actually is a solid improvement. Even though it should have been called 8 ..
@PeeHaa lol Where do you even find these funny people
@Simon_eQ here in SO. XP
lauthiamkok, Plymouth, United Kingdom
5.2k 29 82 165
29 Gold badges, all for famous questions
@PeeHaa Your fav, SO user answered this question :-)
You would assume then, he can ask a good question.
@Simon_eQ most of his badges are for questions.. maybe he is a good asker then?
@Simon_eQ Question based badges should be removed IMHO
@DamienOvereem No, they shouldn't. And I say that as someone who has zero AFAIK.
People that asked the most stupid questions about 2-3 years ago are all flooded with gold badges. Not because the question is good, only because they asked the dumb question first.
@DamienOvereem Same for those who answered the dumb questions.
Answering dumb questions beats asking them. Atleast it took some effort to answer.
@DamienOvereem so true. I was just going to say that. It goes for some answers as well
@DamienOvereem I've seen one-line answers with +200
That's not a good answer effort to rep/badges ratio
@SweetieBelle one does not exclude the other. I agree with you considering those answers
@acrosman Hmm, can you edit your answer, so I can cancel my vote? Reason: I feel cheated — Simon _eQ Oct 17 at 17:06
@PeeHaa again, is the class1 certificate enough to use https? sorry, i'm referring to here (forgot to link that one on the prev)
@DamienOvereem Personally I'd rather they cut off rep at 100 per question/200 per answer.
I would second that. Did you ever propose that on meta ?
No, never have.
(then again.. it'll fail anyways since hundereds of rep whores will downvote your proposal..)
Rep whores probably wouldnt mind much
Since they usually get less than +200 on each answer anyway
They're all about quantity over quality
@SweetieBelle they will if most of their rep came from dumb stuff
When i think rep whore I think Kolink :P and I dont know any of his answers which are more than +8/+10
im going to find a dumb question to answer and do some rep whoring X
@PeeHaa hehe, the "best" answer gets deleted (not that it was a good answer)
@Cool2beblue learn from the best then
Looks like this guy can compete with @SweetieBelle 's mylittle pnys
@Cool2beblue that's a pokemon right?
Beats me
@reikyoushin yep
That is a Pokemon @Cool2beblue
It's Absol.
Sorry :P
That guy is Kolink.
Im surrounded by pokemon experts
far from being a pony.. ponyta could do. lol
@SweetieBelle yeah, he changed his name
You're surrounded by nerds. Between us we're sure to know anything about Pokemon, anime, My Little Pony, etc.
I guess, his Real reputation was at stake
i have less than 0 knowledge about MLP..
This is a pony AND a Pokemon :D
I hate ponies :\
@reikyoushin There's always time to change!
@SweetieBelle abomination! *burns it with fire*
@AlmaDo How could anypony hate ponies? :(
@crypticツ What do you think of Filly Funtasia? :P
@SweetieBelle nah.. not interested in carebare-like stuff..
@SweetieBelle I do. Since it hurts PHP memory limit :p
@reikyoushin MLP isn't much like carebears.
but its all colors and rainbows.. no?
The newer series is probably more comparable to Transformers/Simpsons in writing style.
@Fabien I have idea for Levenshtein comparison :p
It is very colorful @reikyoushin, but it's a good show.
1 message moved to bin
@SweetieBelle i thought is for kids. hehe
@reikyoushin Rainbows do not feature prominently, except in the case of Rainbow Dash. :P
@reikyoushin So is The Simpsons. :P
@SweetieBelle honestly hadn’t checked it out until now. It looks horrible.
It's kid-friendly, but it's not patronizing or overly childish.
@crypticツ I'm nerding out over it :(
@Simon_eQ It's a gift
@reikyoushin This is one of the better starter episodes imo, if you change your mind. :P
@SweetieBelle it looks like a cheap Saturday morning CGI show from the late 90's
Your eyes do take a while to adjust to the bright colors, I'm photosensitive anyway so it's even worse for me.
@crypticツ I just really like the character designs.
@reikyoushin I usually find if people watch the first 5 mins and resist the urge to turn it off because zomg these colors or zomg these voices, they tend to like it. :P
@PeeHaa Yep, quite near indeed :)
hi @Jack haven't seen you in a few days ...
@JoeWatkins Hullo, been busy traveling :)
And recovering from jet lag heh
How can I keep the value of a selected drop down list option even after refreshing a page?
post/get, if you lose context, then session/cookie
@Anibel Probably session or cookies for you ... perhaps sessionStorage.
@Jack no excuses ... lazy !!!
hi, @Leri
@Jack could you give me an example
That's why I never ping users with random questions. ^^
@AlmaDo Hi.
@JoeWatkins Get a few kids and tell me again later ;-)
got two !!!
super loud ones !!!
Hehe cool
@JoeWatkins I love "loud" kids... My house is too quiet.
Our youngest is the drama king.
@Anibel Google "php session example"
Kids... I can't help but think of my own (which I don't have) as mini version of me I can shape, mould and project the dreams I never fulfilled on to.
Note to self: Kids are not a Fabien 2.0
something cool I just realised:
type "php.net" + space + "whatever" to search php.net for "whatever"
does any one else use startssl here?
@iroebu Wanna borrow mine? They are easily loud enough for both of us ...
@iroegbu tab works too, doesn't have to be the complete domain. Youtube does it too.
@iroegbu it would work for all sites.. site.com + space = instant site search (for chrome, that is)
@DamienOvereem I would If I could.
Just received an email from "Ellie Watkins" about "my website" www.php.net ... ehm, okay ;-)
@Jack Grats.. Now put up a bunch of ads and get rich </evilmarketeer>
@Jack Maybe it's @Joe's sister
^^ what I was about to say
@DaveRandom My thoughts exactly.
She said that with a few small changes we can make www.php.net more seo friendly.
@Jack cool, i'd like to see them do that. :P
It becomes more important when SO answers come before php.net results ;-)
I'll donate my 2 cents for SEO improvement on php.net ;p
The horror if SO answers indeed come before php.net results ....
then i checked and realized php.net has a page rank level 9. :P
How I feel every day: xkcd.com/208
what's level 9?
@DamienOvereem You're talking about the hopeless people on the floor, right?
I've noticed a distinct amount more SO results recently for me googling stuff.
@Jack No. SO QA's
SO answers will always come before php.net because out community mostly looks for code that can be copy-pasted in his/her project. :)
@Jack google ranks sites via page rank [0-10]
facebook also has a PR level 9.. ^_^
And 9 is very good?
what is it?
yeah. ^_^ it means there are a lot of sites that link back to php.net
PageRank is an algorithm used by the Google web search engine to rank websites in their search engine results. PageRank was named after Larry Page, one of the founders of Google. PageRank is a way of measuring the importance of website pages. According to Google: It is not the only algorithm used by Google to order search engine results, but it is the first algorithm that was used by the company, and it is the most well-known. Google uses an automated web spider called Googlebot to actually count links and gather other information on web pages. Description PageRank is a link analysi...
That pic looks way to happy.
stackoverflow has 7, this chat is level 4.. (according to the plugin i have)
crap. this chat should have 11
A chat room with pagerank 4.. thats actually quite impressive ;p
Hmm, apparently this is an answer =/ I don't understand
> No, really, appear. Seriously. I'm not joking.
I am thinking which is more obfuscated perl or obj-c.
@Leri lisp
perl is always more obfuscated.
@AlmaDo Is not that just endless parentheses?
()))()()()))((())) <-- Lisp
The world's most powerful programming language, most common use: scripting plugins for emacs.
@Leri --> this <-- (description is: This is a super simple number guessing game.)
if you'll open other samples there - you'll find that perl is very user-friendly language :p
@AlmaDo perl IS a very user-friendly language, IF you learn it.
There's a reason sysadmins love it.
@SweetieBelle s/perl/PHP/
If you think Perl is user friendly you should seriously consider a brain scan.
Userfriendly perl sudoku solver: use integer;@A=split//,<>;sub R{for$i(0..80){next if$A[$i];my%t=map{$_/9
$i]=$_)for grep{!$t{$_}}1..9;return$A[$i]=0}die@A}R
( yes.. i know.. pretty much every language can be written in a very unreadable way, but perl is king, only surpassed by the "whitespace" language :)
@Jack perl was the first language I really got good with, I've always found it pretty easy.
> PHP is a minor evil perpetrated and created by incompetent amateurs, whereas Perl is a great and insidious evil, perpetrated by skilled but perverted professionals
You can write very ugly code in perl, you also can write very legible code in perl. Perl is like a butler, it does what you say and it does it how you tell it to.
(Obligatory quote :P )
@SweetieBelle I think it's great for what it was made to do :)
I remember writing websites in perl / cgi
way back when ..
The fact that it is powerful gives it a great capability for good and a great capability for evil.
meh, even with PDO people still manage to write shitty code...
Q: insert array data into mysql using PDO

bobbyjonesi have this array with data from a html form, and i want this array to be inserted into PHP function that handles the INSERT query into mysql. how can i declare my array into PDO $_POST['id']; $_POST['name']; $_POST['age']; $_POST['loc']; $myarray= array(); foreach ($_POST as $key => $value){...

my $pf_location = FillyRT::XML::Config::get_pidfile_path;
my ($username, $consumer_key, $consumer_secret, $token, $token_secret, $last_tweet) = FillyRT::XML::Config::get_twitter_config;
my @search_terms = FillyRT::XML::Config::get_search_terms;

Unix::PID->new()->pid_file($pf_location) or die "The PID is still running";

my $twitter = Net::Twitter->new(
    traits => [qw/API::RESTv1_1/],
    consumer_key => $consumer_key,
    consumer_secret => $consumer_secret,
    access_token => $token,
    access_token_secret => $token_secret
Apart from static abuse, I can't see much that's unreadable or bad about this.
@BenjaminGruenbaum yeah, language designers of PHP are all incompetent. veeeeery true…………
CPAN is what makes perl awesome.
@ThiefMaster I've seen that question this morning. Was it reposted or what?
Nevermind it might be just similar stuff.
Q: inserting form values into an array using foreach loop

bobbyjonesi have this long form that requires multiple inputs, how can i properly insert these inputs into an array using a foreach loop? assuming i have these: $name = $_POST['name']; $color = $_POST['color']; $age= $_POST['age']; $gender = $_POST['gender']; $location = $_POST['location']; ...etc.. in...

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