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and yeah, javascript is underestimated language too
yeah one of my friend uses vim apparantly he only used vim and he told me he always will use vim
w00t javascript!
(idk where the chat was, i just butted in, sorry :-P)
@JaeKunChoi thats because vim is the best
@KamilTomšík And I'm starting to get the impression that Haskell is also a very interesting language. I'm still evaluating whether it is pratically usable
uses sublime text 2
it's keyboard only right?
Aptana seems alright also
Notepad++ is good for lightweight
Aptana is an abomination
@edorian boo
good just downloaded vim gonna start using this tonight!
Vim? True programmers are using Emacs!
@NikiC haskell is interesting but after all - what exactly is there so special comparing to plain old lisp? (not common lisp)
what's good about Emacs?
Vim seems alright
Dunno,just reminds me of
updated version could be: "there is jquery plugin for that" ;)
Or I can do that with Regex
@KamilTomšík I never used Un-Common Lisp, so I could tell what's the difference ;) But from what I have seen of Haskell it does have some very neat concepts. Like partial application of functions and the stuff you can do with it ;) And I like the Haskell Type Inference system. It's really nothing special, but comparing it to good old (shitty) Java it's really nice that one doesn't need to write out types for trivial things ;)
@NikiC partial function application is something you can implement in any language with first-class functions - including javascript and php
but yeah, this is exactly why java sucks - because it lacks first-class functions
Java will have first class functions soon
@NikiC from what I know - there is actually nothing what is in haskell and what you can't easily implement in lisp
@Raynos hopefully!!!!!
@KamilTomšík correction, there is nothing in haskell that @KamilTomšík cannot easy implement in lisp
@KamilTomšík , there is nothing in list that you cannot implement in assembler
@Raynos actually, target platform for my language is javascript - at least in first iteration before I'll make it meta-circular
@teresko there is nothing in assembler I can't implement with matchsticks
@KamilTomšík Yes, sure. You can do everything in CL and thus you can do that too. Using macros probably even in nice syntax. But Haskell seems to me like an even more minimalist language than lisp and I really like it's concepts ;) But I'm still looking into it. I fear that it isn't really usable in praxis.
oh no - not CL
just lisp
and without macros
I dislike macros - so much!
Interesting :D That's what I like about CL most ;)
macros are considered useful because - how else could you implement control flow routines? oh well... that's myth
you can implement if(conditionClosure, ifTrueClosure, ifFalseClosure) - exactly almost identically like it is done in smalltalk
A abstract class tells what the other class should have for methods etc. right?
that's an interface
What is the difference between a normal class that you use for extending and a abstract class?
e.g Class test extends myClass
you can think of abstract classes as common part of multiple other class , not usable alone , but extendable
abstract classes contain the methods which will all the extensions have
Oh okay
yes exactly thats what i ment by "tell what other classes"
while and interface will only list method footprints
So actually i should use abstract class instead of a normal, as normal class can you use alone?
most of classes which you have will be the ordinary kind
e.g mappers classes if i have two of them and both contains a constructor that grabs $pdo connection and sets it
if you will use the same constructor for all the mappers , then yes , it makes sense to have an abstract mapper class which is extended by all the other mappers
I did extend Mappers, and Mappers is right now a normal class, but actually it should be a abstract class at it should not be usable alone
yeah , that makes sense
Okay that cleared it up thanks..
because the Mapper by itself should not have an instance ( object ) , there is no GenericMapper , because every Model is different
while DocumentMapper , CatergoryMapper , UserMapper all share common methods with that abstract mapper
alittle oftopic to php: When you code and align your code in your editor you use the TAB to make whitespace, is there a way to remove the white space?
@Karem shift-tab
some editors/IDEs have features for automatic formating , that would take care of it
So if i have a file with unproper aligned code and it code like this:
echo 1;

Somehow i would like to mark over that and remove the whitespace so i can write proper
FINALLY !!! @KamilTomšík thanks !!!
and ctrl+shift+tab for "unttabling"
@Karem np
btw: works in js bin too :)
Wow that saved some time
I was getting tired of using backspace -.-
error_log(print_r($_REQUEST, true)); only prints the errors caused by $_requests...but what if i want to print ALL errors?
1. why are you using $_REQUEST
2. what else did you expect
2b). error_log(print_r( doesn't print errors it prints the contents of the $_REQUEST array
well ... that's variation on bulletpoint nr2
$_REQUEST can't cause errors, it's a variable
Do you guys have mixed html and php? If not how do you make it all work together?
@teresko ninja edit
i printed $_request because initially I wanted to see the value beign passed to the variable $_REQUEST['CallStatus']
@Karem , codeangel.org/articles/simple-php-template-engine.html , read this article .. and bookmark it
that showed me its status...
but now i want to see all the erros..
@Karem smarty (old), twig (newer), or just require 'template.html'; or require 'template.php' and use PHP as the templating language it was designed to be
so just looping and <?=$var?> etc.
@teresko nice link
i would recommend to avoid smarty like black plague , and keep some distance from twig too
@teresko oh really.. :o
if there were awards for worst php code , smarty would be competing
reading the smarty code is worse than reading ZF code
@edorian i dont understand smart, twig?..
and boy thats not an easy thing to achive
@edorian i suspect you are not a regular IRC user
But how can you make it all work
Acoording to the article
<h1>< ?php echo $title; ?></h1>
@teresko I'm in 24 irc channels atm
is something like what i have now.. mixed html/php
at the end you will still need to mix them?
@edorian then you might know <cyth> , that is is his blog
@Karem sorry but: first and second links on google when just searching for the name, those are the two most used templating languages in php (expect for php its self)
@teresko cyth as in Chad?
@edorian bingo
i see now.. got into their site time for check it out
@edorian aha
@Karem , if you are interested into separation of presentation , logic and request handling , then it is time for you to start reading on MVC
Haven't met him in person iirc but seem him, yeah
@Karem , this might be good start : r.je/mvc-in-php.html
so what about twig?
Twig is a php template that doesnt seperate, am i right?
but mvc seperates it all
templating deals with V part of MVC
I cant use Twig if my webhost doesnt have it installed.. so thats no go
View is responsible for all display logic , and part of it is management and rendering of templates
it does nto matter so much if templates are powered by Twig or pure PHP
thought i would strongly recommend to go the pure PHP way
@Karem Your webhost doesn't have your code installed ether but somehow you found a way of putting it there, some goes for libraries
only usecase when custom templating languages seems like the best idea , is when you cannot allow client to write php code , but still need to provide ability to change templates in CMS
I don't see much difference between plain old php and twig. Twig makes proper escaping a lot easier than any POPTemplate lib (i know of). Plain php usually does the job well enough
I'm an xampp user on a new Windows box. Should I consider switching to zend CE?
I'm asking here because it's probably not a "proper question"
@sequoiamcdowell , you would be better of switching to a linux/bsd server runing inside a virtual machine , that would , IMO, be the best solution
You might consider just installing apache and php
@teresko why?
MVC is pure php ?
@Karem MVC is a concept
MVC ir architectural pattern
@Karem MVC is a programming pattern
@teresko what's the advantage here over running xampp? More control over the server env. I suppose but much more overhead as well
@sequoiamcdowell , first of all , because canned servers ( like xampp ) are inflexible
Yes but im just trying to understand. I know that MVC is total seperation the display and the working/buisness? logic.. I dont know if I am looking for this, but what are Twig then? It is a php template, for what? And how does it relate to my first question about if you have mixed html and php on your application
@Karem , try using this new thing : google
@sequoiamcdowell , if you are using virtual server , then you can easily change it , you have full control over environment , NIX OS would provide you with tools to compile your custom extensions , and it would not pollute your work environment
@Karem twig is the V in MVC. look at those slied
@sequoiamcdowell That is not MVC , but a poor shade of MVP
ahh thats what you was trying to say above @teresko..
Okay i get it
@Karem , where "above" ?
@sequoiamcdowell besides , running a server on a desktop environment isn't kosher
templating deals with V part of MVC
@teresko well neither is using windows, innit? ;)
but here I am
@Karem no , templating IS a part of V
what i just wrote was what you wrote above
Some people would argue that it's the actual generated HTML that is the V, and that the creation of it is the responsibility of M/C.
any article which defines View as template , is just misinformation
This also being why MVC does not align with the web.
(Then there's people like the previous lead dev here at work, who thought that the V was CSS...)
the poor guy is trying to grasp the BASIC CONCEPTS of mvc
@Charles ,we are talking about Model2 here
To hell with MVC. Separation of concerns achieves the same goals and is far more understandable.
no need telling him to read SICP and get back to you :p
does anyone have experience with Zend Server CE?
html generation, and only the building of the html tags, so basically juggling the data though some foreach's or maybe some sprintf's is part of the view...
@sg3s , do you know what is Single responsibility principle ?
genuine question?
because yes
but I don't feel like explaining
@ircmaxell @edorian @Gordon @teresko @NikiC which one is better from the UX point of view?jsbin.com/oluraj/17/edit#javascript,live
imho , 2nd .. but the button could be smaller =]
and edit could be triggered when clicking on the text , otherwise you have edit and delete too close
yep, I would also choose the 2nd. (Though imho it shouldn't stay an input field all the time, but should transform into normal text when removing focus)
@teresko thx, let me reformulate that question - which "approach" inline/form-based is better for users? and by users I mean not developers
for single data entry : inline
because you are causing user to shift focus
yes, I agree with this statement - how about multiple fields? how long is it okay to use inline approach?
also just clicking the text to edit would be nice
OK I think I'm going to run a linux VM :) TY @teresko et al
@sg3s yeah, yeah, don't take me wrong - this is just very very quick sketch to demostrate 2 different approaches and I'm curious which one is better in which scenarios, that's it
in that case, ignore me :)
i would say : max 2 fields , and even then only if none of the fields is a widget ( calendar and alike )
depends if you can put the controls into one line gracefully tbh
well , true
you should stick to as few control/input paradigms as you can
@KamilTomšík Imho the second approach is always better. 1) The input form is inserted at the same place as the button was. 2) You can insert multiple fields and then fill them out. I.e. if you know you want to add five todos you don't need to always switch between mouse + kbd (though that's probably the lazy developer speaking, not the end user)
@NikiC if it were about me, I'd prefer inline-editation where possible, I'm just wondering if it is widely recognized by users and how long (fields count) it will be comfortable
there is also one other thing - second approach looks like instant insert - it acts almost like if that item was already persisted there - which could be tricky for "public stuff" which can be seen by someone else
case tested that once for a client, people get used to it pretty fast and hate popups generally... so as long as you don't try to cram too many controls in a line it's the way to go
this could be solved by many ways - and I can't decide which one is best :)
the test group was a collection of pros and intermediate computer users (end users for the system we were developing)
@sg3s that's cool - I could name a lot of reasons why inline-edit is better than form but I really wanted to be sure (or at least not be alone) :)
real beginners might have a little trouble understanding it at first, but thats a guess, that said, if you don't challenge them a little they'll always be beginners
hm... I've just found question on ux.se.com
Q: Inline editing or modal popup

adarmousI'm interested to know what would be best the option from a UX perspective. I have a table in which i need to decide if i should edit each row with inline editing where you can click on each item in the row and edit seperately or all at once with a modal popup. Thanks in advance, Adam

ok guys, thx for your time!
is this really the php google groups forum: groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.php/topics It looks like nothing but spam.
It's a usenet group, therefore is indeed nothing but spam.
oh 100 rep for registering on a second stack exchange website? :|
T_T i just replaced my new code in webhost by old code......is it possible to do roll backs to a webhost?
my beloved hard worked php code is all gone T_T
you didn't make backups?
i did, but i accidently overrode the backup...
Hello everyone!
I think you can guess the answer, without a solid copy/backup of your code you're out of luck
cant the webhost people roll back?
unless the webhost you use makes automatic ones
you could ask them...
I know less than you do about what your webhost does and doesn't do... why should I know?
Chances are that if they do backups at all, they'd be nightly whole-site backups and would want to restore the entire snapshot.
@JeffHodge where do you keep your dev files?
do you develop on pc / mac then upload?
in 3 different folders....
yeah pc
right click the file click properties then the tab previous versions
Git, mercurial, svn...
i had different variatinos of the same file and i misclicked n opeend an older version isntead, changed the css and saved the name as the latest one...im just out of words >.<
might be able to get it back that way, @charles is right you should use some for of version control
dino there is no tab for previous versions
what version of windows are you using?
knew it
was built in vista and windows 7
not my choice >_> they put xp lol
sorry don't know what to suggest? but make sure you use some form of version control going forwards
halo guys
I have a question for wordpress users
any wordpress user in here? =)
> Don't ask whether someone is here or can help. Just ask us. If anybody can and wants to help, they will. But no one can know before you actually ask your question.
sourcecontrol? eclipse local history is fine too :V
well the question is I have wordpress damn slow.
i just installed
no plugin
basic theme
even dashboard gets dramatically slow when editing
is it normal?
Are other PHP scripts (especially ones that are database-bound) slow on the same server?
mean on the same WP folder
@luca Maybe it's your database
No, I mean on the same server.
(glad to know that it's my problem)..but what kind of scripts should I check
Let's back up a bit. Is it a dedicated server, a VPS, or shared hosting? If shared hosting, how much are you paying for it?
Maybe your server is slow because it's serving other requests
I never encountered this slow issue when testing both in local and remote without WP
@luca Are you on Linux?
Open Task Manager and look at CPU %
it's variable.. about 50%
physical memory is 72%
That's probably why WordPress is running slowly. Your computer is running other CPU-intensive tasks in the background.
wordpress is slow :)
@ michael so if I give you a link to my website it should be fast to you?
@luca sigh No it's your server is that is running WordPress, not mine.
it's remote
Yes I figured that much
@ kamil I checked other WP powered websites are not that slow check welovewp.com
If your CPU is running at a steady 50%, then you should find out what's consuming so much of the CPU
@michael my cpu is slow yes but how could be related that with slow server?
You said the server was running at 50%
ahh.no my PC !
check CPU % of server
I have linux where should I look =)
Run the command: top
This will open a program that is similar to Task Manager: it displays all running processes with their CPU usage, memory usage and other statistics.
By default, it sorts by CPU usage, so the process that is taking up the most CPU will appear at the top of the list.
I don't have where to type it (I dont actually remember the name in english =P)
I can't type commands
Im using Aruba btw
You must login to the server first.
Do you have SSH access?
I have nothing
but actually wait
However, if you are on shared hosting like @Charles said, then this probably won't tell you much
I have two different websites loaded same server..one wp powered and the other no
actually is so freaking faster the other one
that I assumed is wp related issue..
Does the non-WP powered website use a database connection?
Then maybe it is an issue with WordPress.
I have 3.2.1
should I go back?
i don't know
If the non-WP website did not connect to the database, then it could be that the connection to the database was causing the performance issues.
I don't know much about Wordpress. I would suggest using the latest version.
no cause Im having same problem on localhost (then you might say that is cpu usage related)
I'll keep on searching
thanx michael
It could be that your hosting provider is just using slow servers.
And that your website is being hosting on the same server as other websites.
this is sure but as I told you I have many coincidences (local and remote, on remote the other website on same server is fast) that tell me that is a WP related issue..I googled a little and luckly i found that is my only problem .Other sites are running relatively fast..I hope i find the issue cause wordpress woul save me a looot of time
really a lot
No problem, good luck
OH: "Software development is like Tetris, errors pile up but achievements disappear." ;)
@teresko good one :)
@KamilTomšík the new button is always on the left while all the other stuff that modifies is on the right. But the one on the right is waaaaay better (well its what i expected to happen)
But the text should be preselected to it disappiers then typing, i don't want to delete that every time
@edorian thx - yeah there is a lot what could be improved this was really just quick sketch to illustrate my question (because I know how bad I am in expressing)
anyway, thx for anwering :)
Yeah, i assumed it would be a sketch (and a nice one at that, i can't make stuff pretty like that in under 60 minutes)
Can someone help me with my question: stackoverflow.com/questions/7112816/…
@Gordon he there, how's your slidedeck coming?
@edorian thx :) I do a lot of sketching so it really doesn't take so much time as it did before
@edorian slow. we had a catmergency in the family so i couldnt do much
@edorian anyway - if you haven't already you should give it chance - it works great for analysis and even easens communication with customer
I don't talk to (external) customer
And i didn't to customer frontend anything for over 16 month now (at work)
big companies... :-P
40 people or so.. maybe 60 - we grow a lot..., IT staff of 12 to 15 depending who you count
I worked in quite big J2EE company (200+ devs there) and yet quite lot conversation happened phone-to-phone - especially in "hard" times
which was... just sillly because there was special PR/analysis department dedicated to talking with customers
ah... that's different we actually worked for few insurrance companies so there weren't too much customers
but a lot of different people from there
The neat thing about having sales talk to customer is that they usually tell them to pay us
btw: any tales from job interviews? :)
and devs just tend to implement stuff because they can
did i tell you about the one guy that was asked for sample code and send us a zip from a java book?
With links to the books website and everything
And we most definitely wasn't the author
yeah, you did :)
funny one :-D
you're right about that money thing but as freelancer I can persuade customer to good decisions
Since then nothing too special happend. Had one guy that failed at FizzBuzz (applied as Senior Developer)
@edorian what's fizzbuzz?
reading :)
that's... unbelievable :-D
thats what i thought until that day
But it's always useful to see how fluent people are and to get a disussion started about our code values and training and working with smart people and stuff
but I admit it could take me more than 5 minutes - I'd probably think about few different ways (func approach could be more interesting)
Well yeah, i guess for a PHP job and when asked to build the simple/trivial solution it's quite clear
but anything more advanced would also be absolutely ok ofc... well no... there is a limit, but a soft one
It's somewhere at DivsorFactoryFactoryInterface
@edorian so what is your favorite interview question?
> "Why the hell are you currently unemployed and looking for a PHP job? Are you stupid or something? "
Does anyone here tamper with the session configuration options like cookie_lifetime, cookie_path, and session.name?
on a more serious note thats not a comment about the current job market:
> what's the difference between a left and an outer join?
@edorian this is what you're asking people? :-D
@KamilTomšík I don't quite word it like that
@Gordon "I came here to write PHP, go ask a DBA."
@Gordon would it really be that important for your candidates?
@JohnMerlino just ask your question :) Chances are someone might help you if we understand that you want : )
@edorian :) okay
@Gordon And what is the difference? I always write LEFT OUTER JOINs (which are equivalent to LEFT JOINs) imho, so I don't really see a difference :(
I think @Gordon was quoting my bosses favorite mysql question; I also find it to be an easy way of telling if someone as understood mysql to a point where he should write queries
@KamilTomšík @salathe @NikiC <3 :)
But i seem to be fighting a loosing battle here :P.. well played @Gordon .. well played
@edorian right because I think developers should not write queries that much
Well 2011 I'd agree with you
2006 that was different for PHP realted stuff
why will that frigging ubuntu not let me alt tab out of firefox?
@Gordon Hey, now I somehow feel stupid :( What's the correct answer to that question? That left joins are just a form of outer joins?
I'm looking for that horrible recusrive readdir(); function that lists files .. php 2006
@NikiC Did you google already? Else i give it a shot
@NikiC i dunno know.
@Gordon :D
@edorian Why you need readdir? Legacy code?
Oh, found my readdir() right in the php manual
As far as I know there is no difference
but... I could be wrong :)
@NikiC I'm preparing a slidedeck for a talk I'll give Sunday and i need to take people back to 2006
I was never too much into RDBMS
@edorian uuh, that's nice
@edorian what's the talk?
Code Review in practice
hehe, @Gordon going on and on about Singletons :-)
It's such an amazing conf
de/en covering many many open source topics ( programm.froscon.org/2011/schedule/2011-08-20.html ) not just PHP. Multilingual confs attract a more diverse field, lot's of new people to talk to
@edorian is there any most elegant fizzlebuzz? I just tried that in st and I'm not quite happy with it...
Ok, how do I clean up "html" from Microsoft Word in PHP?
There is no way to purify it once tainted by the most unholy source.
You must burn the entire thing.
It's injecting bad UTF values and screwing the emitted PHP
To the ground.
Yeah, well, that's not an option is it? :p
One can dream, can't they?
Is the problem just bad Unicode encoding, or are you trying to clean up the tag soup?
To fix the encoding, try iconv with //IGNORE//TRANSLIT
For the HTML, you may have some luck with the tidy extension.
I think I need the //translit
1 hour later…
@ircmaxell ping
Pong @edorian
00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

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