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wow, did someone on internals really suggest not cleaning something that's obviously broken? WTF
hi, rounded @NikiC
@NikiC Hello Mr. Spirograph.
@NikiC what PHP will do if I'll pass invalid memory_limit into ini_set() ?
try it
@ircmaxell how?
> Don't start an RFC (or mail list discussion) about standardizing PHP function names and function argument orders. [...] This has been discussed ad infinitum. Review previous discussions and feel free to fork PHP on github.
@ircmaxell I've done this
^^ so that's the catch-all, eh?
well-expected result, but what will be actual value?
Hi guys, I have a html string like this:

<span style="color: #ff0000;">vacation</span>
from 25 Dec 2013 till 5 Jan 2014

I want to remove the <p> and </p> tag and keep the rest. What will be the regex for this case?
@ircmaxell so.. ?
@ircmaxell so actual value will be unchanged?
i.e no limit?
@AlmaDoMundo No, -1 is no limit.
@Jack so any invalid string seems to be 'no limit' as well
What makes you think that?
@Jack wouldn't his test script be in violation of the memory limit if it was truly set to 0
Well, it's set to the heap block size if you set it to 0
@Jack this and this
string about 'little pony' will cause strtol fault and 0-result
@AlmaDoMundo and this
okay.... and I guess it would probably make sense to only check the memory limit when allocating new memory
@Jack so am I right? No limit for 'little pony'? :p
Are you?
@Jack it's all about this
@AlmaDoMundo I know what you're talking about.
I'm asking you whether you have verified your suspicion?
@Jack original question was - what actual memory limit will PHP use if I'll pass something invalid in php.ini or ini_set()
From the code I can tell that 0 and -1 don't do the same thing.
The answer is the heap block size .. whatever that is.
I've tried ini_set() and then ini_get() (like on pastebin sample) - but ini_get() returned same thing, not actual memory limit - that's why I've asked
Yeah, because you're just looking at the ini setting.
that's obvious
if there's a way to check actual memory limit - that would be welcome
@AlmaDoMundo So you're looking to retrieve the actual memory limit at call time, as an int, regardless of to what it has previously been set, valid or not.
@DanLugg yes. actual max. size - no matter what is in php.ini or whatever
@AlmaDoMundo It's about 256kB on my machine.
and code before is evil (i.e. such 'little ponies' in ini_set() or similar bad things are expected)
@Jack 256KB - what
Not Kb .. kB
It's not a Kelvin bit Byte
Potassium bit?
sh*t :(
so if something invalid was passed into ini_set() actual size will be 256kB ?
@jack That would have been hot.
Toasty warm.
@Jack For the sake of pedantry, KB is valid as per JEDEC.
from info that @ircmaxell gave me, there will be no limit..
try it
yes, but how to check actual memory limit?
@AlmaDoMundo ircmaxell just said it would be 0... jack is saying 0 means 0 ... not no memory limit.
And like @ircmaxell said, you can easily find that number yourself.
Hi all. I've a query here. I'm trying to use phantomjs through exec(). But I get an exit code of 139, which on further investigation turned out to be segmentation fault. Could segmentation fault be a result of my webserver blocking execution of the phantomjs binary?
@Orangepill how about this then?
i.e. I've understood 0 is no limit .. :\
then @Jack told me it isn't right
@AlmaDoMundo if conditions in C !== if conditions in PHP.
I'm lame in C...
@jack really? that is weird
so that why I was stuck. Thanks, @Jack @ircmaxell
if (new_value) in C means if new_value is not NULL (or 0, really).
Not something cast to int yields a falsy value kind of soup.
wait.. if 0 is fit - then .. ? after this will return 0 ?
[joe@fiji php-src]$ sapi/cli/php -dzend.expectations=E_EXPECT_ERROR fac.php

Fatal error: expect false in /usr/src/php-src/fac.php on line 2
if this sensible, or shall I hold my ground ?
i.e. if we'll get 0 in zend_atol() .. then when doing PHP_INT_MH() that 0 will fail check and.. no limit? No ..?
@JoeWatkins hold your ground
@NikiC ok
I'm twisted..
I thought so ...
@JoeWatkins no point in replacing assert if we replace it with another shitty solution, right?
have to go now
@AlmaDoMundo I think you are right.
$a = array();
for ($x = 0; $x< PHP_INT_MAX; $x++){
    $a[] = $x;
no but no point in having written this solution for it to get refused because of exceptions ...
@AlmaDoMundo I think you're hopelessly confused.
@AlmaDoMundo See if that blows up with a pony memory limit
@Orangepill You don't even have to go that far lol
@Orangepill that was my point, yes. so from @ircmaxell point follows there will be no limit, while @Jack says there will be ZEND_MM_SEG_SIZE (256 * 1024) limit ..
I'm stuck..
the default could still be to throw exceptions, but for those that are somehow not understanding the feature I'd rather they could break it that ruin it for everyone else ...
I think ppl think it's a replacement for if() !! these people seem to want it to throw fatal errors ...
I've just realized that now I hate ponies..
@AlmaDoMundo No, he said that the value passed to zend_set_memory_limit() would be 0.
it is pointless if you cannot catch ...
And it is, indeed, zero.
where's that zend_set_memory_limit() ?
but I've done all I can to explain it, if it's not understood then it won't be understood I don't think ... and I sorta feel like everyone is saying they want errors and I'm just repeating myself about exceptions ...
@AlmaDoMundo I'm surprised you can't see it.
I'll do it later
I have to go now. thanks, @Jack
@NikiC I see no one in IRC responded to your announcement that you plan to rfc the error/exception problem ...
@JoeWatkins Which server / channel do the internals lurk? ;-)
#php.pecl efnet
@JoeWatkins i didn't ask for feedback ^^
I'm sure I'll get enough angry emails once I post it ;)
yeah you don't usually have to ask someone like, say, Pierre for feedback ...
@JoeWatkins Asking for feedback on the statement that you will create an RFC is requesting comments about requesting comments
RFC: whether I should create an RFC
How meta of you.
Damn straight
@NikiC I see your face is still... unwell.
@NikiC what kind of an angle are you coming at the exceptions thing from, what is going to be your reasoning that we need this ?
I just asked someone to provide the use case for exceptions over errors ...
I prefer having assertions mailed to me in a pink enveloppe.
tbh just removing errors from the stupid places would be a huge improvement
Hi all. I've a query here. I'm trying to use phantomjs through exec(). But I get an exit code of 139, which on further investigation turned out to be segmentation fault. Could segmentation fault be a result of my webserver blocking execution of the phantomjs binary?
Blocking the execution with a segfault would certainly be original ;-)
@JoeWatkins Oh yes, PLEASE!
@JoeWatkins A general style recommendation: use less bold and italics; meaning at the same time.
@DaveRandom what would be much better would be to remove the term error
I think we should email all PHP errors direct to the NSA. That'd soon stop them reading peoples emails, what with the blood dripping from their eyeballs and all.
@DaveRandom don't know if this is funny, sad or both…
@JoeWatkins I'm just sick of writing @fopen()
@Jack I'm sorry. I didn't follow. I sense it was a sarcastic comment .....
We should therefore make it a point to include youtube video links in our error messages.
but sad it is.
@DaveRandom I had cause to write in a communication to internals "So with the fact established that errors should be managable; and it is a fact" ... I shouldn't have to say that there
@JoeWatkins Oh wait, it seems to be a website issue. All italics are bold on wiki :/
@Levi yeah
nobody has ever provided satisfactory rationale for the convention of using errors over exceptions
I just don't get it ...
we have this reasonably good way of managing errors ... even, good way, good, standard way ...
but we cannot use it from core ...
that doesn't make good sense, isn't a decision one person would ever take ...
it's "harder to understand"
I think errors/warnings/notices were a good idea that just didn't work out for whatever reason(s).
@ircmaxell are you offering that up as satisfactory rationale, or "the" rationale ?
the lame excuse would be "because errors were there first" ;-)
tbh, warnings and notices are fine as they are.
because it isn't really satisfactory at all, an exception is not harder to understand than the concept of programming a computer, I should say if you are seeking to learn PHP, or any language, understanding the concept of an exception is the least of your worries ...
@Jack they aren't ...
they are unmanageable ...
they are manageable.
fopen("file", "w+");
what happens if it fails ?
how does my logic understand how or why it failed ??
I see an entry appear in my log file.
Also, that fopen() call would be inside a condition of course.
Yeah, what made the call fail is not clear at the point of calling ...
@JoeWatkins Something like that.
it's illogical and unorganized to think that with all the different ways anything can fail, that if() is enough
I agree that exceptions would be superior here.
good !!
What I meant with "warnings are fine" is really those that are meant to be warnings ... not being able to open a file shouldn't be a warning.
a warning is not managable at the time it occurs, your code cannot handle a warning .... it can only report/log it ...
Indeed .. but how else would you want to manage warnings.
Let's take a double session_start() ... how would you handle that?
set_error_handler('php_handle_errors', E_ALL);
set your own function for handling the error
@Jack the point is that I want to be able to manage them at all, there is no generic correct answer to the question you are asking ....
@Jay Yes, but the only handling you'll be doing there is logging it, probably.
@JoeWatkins I know there isn't :)
@Jack That's a fatal in my book. It's E_PEBKAC and the BKAC should be forced to fix it before code will work.
@Jack what would you want to do with an error?
@JoeWatkins Fixed; it will take a few hours for all the websites to pick it up.
@Levi cool, ta ... I thought that looked odd ...
@DaveRandom It's hard to come up with an example ;-)
@Jay The point that was being made is that the warning occurs in X but can only be "handled" in Y.
the only thing that can reasonably be warnings as they are now are E_STRICT notices, only E_STRICT aren't only warnings, they modify the behaviour of the application ... so there would be one legitimate use for warnings, if it were implemented sanely ...
BKAC = Birmingham Keyboard Arts Center :)
@Jack Yes, yes that's absolutely what I meant. Those bastards need to fix my goddamn code.
Sanely, I think you're going to wear that word out before the end of this year ;-)
@DaveRandom I'm sure they'll be happy to oblige.
I shall just move on to properly, or acceptably, or well, or "okies" ...
@JoeWatkins the
@ircmaxell I thought so ...
I always like to try and come at everything from both sides of an argument ... it is impossible to find sound justification ...
finally I found another webmistress on SO: stackoverflow.com/users/2871878/user2871878 *happy*
I think the most acceptable justification is circular, that would be that exceptions are objects ...
there is no sound justification other than BC, which is a non-trivial beast
but didn't PHP invent mixing procedural and OO code, does it really matter ....
@hakre "Willing to learn from programming geniuses." ^_^
yeah, BC is a real concern, this would have huge impact, but it's definitely something we should pursue for some future version even if it's PHP 7
They already jumped hoops to make namespaces "work" with core functions :)
it would have to be a major version anyway ... there has to be some time in the release process where BC takes a back seat, it has to be major versions ...
namespaces are pooh aswell ...
PHP with Objects (2020)
"pooh" looks kind of odd to me with an h on the end these days
@DaveRandom I'd just like to say I really appreciate that we have your input on these important conversations :)
@JoeWatkins What would you like to do with them?
Because of "winnie the pooh" (tm) ?
@JoeWatkins I'm in "time to go home" mode :-S
@DaveRandom make them useful, not just a way to give classes and functions really long names that do not clash ...
Package visibility ... hmm
Well I'm all for package visibility. That doesn't need to be a BC break either
no it doesn't ... I intend to write a patch, in place of nested classes ...
that's why I withdrew it ...
Looking forward to that!
I didn't start yet, I only played, tis quite doable ... get some simpler stuff done first ...
I think I can provide pretty good reasoning that exceptions are always better than errors, that actually it creates better, more precise and efficient code, on that side of the fence you can reason the case brilliantly, on the other you have to clutch at very very thin, breaking straws ...
The guys writing the Zend exam will have a field day =D
I'd probably get that, had I ever seen the exam ...
@Jack I did :-P
I know hehe
they never prefer errors ?
Maybe I should take the exam just for the heck of it.
@Travis-CI Y U TAKE SO LONG?!?!?!?
I've never heard anyone from Zend say anything about errors vs exceptions ... but spend a bit of time reading /Zend, it appears to me that Zend intended to use exceptions, it is prepared to use only exceptions ...
@DaveRandom php-src?
Hmm, didn't someone mention once that they could do make test -j4 or something?
@Danack have you tried on another machine? Also what version are you running?
test don't run multiple jobs
Exceptions > Errors, in all cases. We don't need warnings; just the do()/tryDo() convention by which do() will always throw, and tryDo() will always return bool with the returned value as a reference parameter.
@JoeWatkins I know they don't (currently); would be nice though.
@crypticツ I recompiled ImageMagick - it works now. Though I think it may be working differently from your machine, I'll upload an image in a mo.
morning all
@Jack yes, definitely ...
moin @crypticツ
@teresko One for you
Morning @crypticツ
@happy have you tried rebooting?
@Fabien Has backbone even existed for 4 years?
@crypticツ yes.. it is just like that. Ugly and not user-friendly. He has vision issue so high contrast is good for him. Unfortunately the program was not made for it to works in high contrast so when you mouse-over the item it is just black.
he just want to be in touch with the family and he experience difficulty to remember things a bit.. it need to be as simple as possible
Backbone 0.1.0 was released October 13, 2010.
@JoeWatkins loved that show too bad it was canceled =o(
@JoeWatkins .. I am out of idea, wish I could help him.. I just realized there is not much out there for old people
I never really got in to The IT Crowd. Was okay to pass time or be background noise.
I don't mean to be pejorative but we can agree on the fact 80 yrs people are from another generation, they found it a pain to switch to touch phone...
@happy most browser have the ability to prevent websites from setting their own styles (colors, font, etc..) change it so websites can't override your custom settings.
my mom is knocking on 70's door, she has a better smartphone than me ... one of the recent iphones ...
@DaveRandom thanks a lot I appreciate it
Note that to find them I went for Google "email for old people"
come to think of it though, there was a time I had to laminate instructions and put them on a cork board next to the pc ...
What do you guys think of setters in interfaces?

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