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@Arto I think you are trying to jump to the 10th step of the stairs instead of just taking the steps one at a time. Your requirement is basic, but it seems you do not know the basics.
@Arto But do consider that your example code has functions all over the place (which is a rather bad way to code..), but you are never actually calling a function. Hence your code is doing nothing.
@Arto I'd suggest starting by turning on error reporting in php.ini. Your blank page is probably due to a fatal (assuming you're actually calling these functions).
@SweetieBelle If that link he posted actually contains all his code, then he has no errors. He is just not calling his CategoryTree() or CategoryList() function.
@bwoebi I wouldn't have changed anything, it is implicit that offsetGet gets an offset and offsetExists calls isset ...
@DamienOvereem I always overcomplicate things by assuming. :P
reading an undefined raises a warning is something everybody should know ... it's obvious that's what offsetGet does ...
@bwoebi ok cool, didn't look closely just saw the word realloc while trying to get a build going ...
@DamienOvereem I am calling function CategoryList() on my index page. I am wondering is there a error on PDO because this is first time I use it.
Accidental pro tip of the day: Put your earphones next to your laptop exhaust fan. You'll get a nice warm earpiece for those cold days.
@JoeWatkins disagree. I expect according to the docs that it'd silently returns NULL...
Without notice.
@bwoebi var_dump($arrayobj->offsetExists('notfound')); there's a reason that's used in the example ... if we spell everything out we'll be writing forever ...
@Arto Oh my .. you are using $connect globally ...
@Arto Your code will magically fix itself if you add "global $connect;" to the top of every function in which you use the $connect variable... But that really isn't what you want to do... Learn about OOP
@JoeWatkins Examples really just are examples… not documentation.
Yeah, that was the trick, time to learn about OOP then, thanks tho.
@bwoebi the example is part of the documentation, it is also simple and clear, nor did it state or show that reading non-existent members will do anything other than it does anywhere else ...
@Arto Don't forget to learn.. Because as it is right now you are coding in a method that was used in php 3/4 .. we are at 5.4 now, things changed. (But atleast you are using prepared statements, you get bonus points for that)
@JoeWatkins well… that's your opinion…
it's observable fact
he added the code that raises the error
he misunderstood the functionality ...
// added by me
var_dump($arrayobj->offsetGet('notfound')); //shouldn't return null silently?
@JoeWatkins He didn't?
didn't which bit ? :)
offsetGet is not the same as offsetExists
he is also expecting null, not the boolean offsetExists returns
afk for lunch
why does he think it should be silent ?? it's not silent anywhere else ?? in some cases it is fatal ?? why should silence be expected ?
Hello All...
@Ocramius what's the fascination with hhvm, did you morph into facebook ?
and how did you morph into facebook ... there are a few things I'd like to morph into ...
@JoeWatkins haha, yes, it's just that there was a lot of dicussion in the zf community about moving some core components to zephir
and I'm pushing back against that ;)
you should ...
why would I ever want to debug generated C code? :P
I am working on dashboard in php use open flash chart for charting in dashboard.it perfactly working on wodow browsers but when i test it in iphone5 and ipad , it failed.
so can you suggest me any way to solve it.
hhvm doesn't solve any problems, and zephir only solves a problem if you are equipped with the skill to write an extension, in which case why wouldn't you just write an extension ....
@JoeWatkins hhvm actually solves a lot of problems for me tbh
mainly the O(1) overhead. It's just like a free boost
hhvm doesn't solve any problems that aren't solvable in a more forward compatible and elegant fashion that doesn't impact on every part of development and deployment of web applications ... to be precise ...
hello all
Huh? Why would it impact development/deployment? O_o
hhvm is not fully compatible is it ?? so before you even deploy it's quite a lot of work isn't it ??
won't your deployment method require changing ??
@JoeWatkins my test suite runs = compatible
if you are on some system that currently supports php, say a cloud somewhere, don't you need to install and configure hhvm instead ...
I am not talking about shared hosting. I am talking about my own personal product/projects
cloud ?
they all support it do they, like they do PHP ?
And I deploy code on my VMs, with the OS/setup that I want, not some half-assed VM setup by someone :D
Yes, you can just build it from source
Ubuntu/Debian/CentOS support is enuff for me at least
@JoeWatkins Clouds don't support much. Too gaseous.
yeah that's been made easier, recently ... was a headache first time I tried ...
@JoeWatkins yep, but that's where we can all help. I don't understand your points against it tbh
i need some help regarding google analytics api
I don't want to support everything in HHVM. It's not a drop-in replacement. I know some things cannot work like they worked on PHP
and I'm fine with it :)
I still don't think it solves actual problems unless you are the scale and stupidity of facebook ... it's a cool thing, but solves problems I don't think so ...
they created the problem in the first place ...
@JoeWatkins I think they solved the problem of writing ZE3 tbh
can some one guide me.... as i am totally new in it
they provided a better engine :P
in any well organized project, I don't think it would have panned out that PHP had all the pressure on it ...
@JoeWatkins yes, it's like evading responsibility
and it's fine tbh. It's a new, separate project, and it is more interesting to me than working on PHP.next tbh
well I'm not so convinced, last time I looked at it there were no concrete reasons to use it, the performance increase they quote aren't enough, or achievable in a well written code base whatever ...
there's a lot of issues, of course, like "can I trust facebook"? and of course they are not php-core
Good practice question : How do you handle authentification in restful API ? Server side and client side ?

What should my server send if authentification succeeds or fails ?
@JoeWatkins a well written code base according to YOUR standards or according to MY standards? Because we had this discussion upfront. Since you're the guy that wrote php threads, I'm not really trusting that sentence of yours.
that's not really an issue it's properly oss isn't it ?
@JoeWatkins it's still handled on their side, so you can't really know
I'd prefer it to be backed by the community first, and not by a company, but that's more like a trust problem
trusting what sentence, for what reason ?
@JoeWatkins because last time you said your code must be readable only to you ;)
I write abstractions, and abstractions eat up performance, and you know where that ends
what about pthreads ?
@JoeWatkins it's more about your concept of achieving speed with readable code
as said, we had the discussion before
and it didn't go anywhere :)
@JoeWatkins because… it's documented that it returns NULL on failure and not NULL + notice.
Well, I guess I came at a wrong time !
hello again back
now my site redirecting "cgi-sys/suspendedpage.cgi"
@PrettyGoodPancake 401, usually
I personally use oauth2 authorization tokens
I dunno why you mentioned pthreads, doesn't seem related, I remember the conversation you're talking about ... I did not say lets write unreadable fast code, what I said was I don't really understand when someone says code is unreadable .. that was all ...
@Ocramius Oh okay
That's the easiest way I guess
Any one know
Why site redirecting "cgi-sys/suspendedpage.cgi" link
@JoeWatkins I see, then I had a wrong position. I cited pthreads because of that "write fast code" thought of you. Nothing wrong with pthreads itself
if I know a language, then code is readable ...
there's a scale ...
but it doesn't run parallel to anything that matters ...
there's a limit ...
I just don't think that readability is a real concern if a I know the language, and if it is then performance should come above it, and there might be things above performance even ...
@JoeWatkins readability is a real concern, because you're not alone ;)
you spend more time reading code than writing it, so your code should not look like a cluttered brainfuck syntax (actually, should be the farest possible from it)
I said if it is a concern ...
meaning if you don't just create readable code whatever ...
why would you suggest something super complex, un-manageable, and inflexible ... before readability comes into it those things do, and are more important ...
before it's readability is a problem, surely those things are and are more important ?
not sure what you mean by that. Are you referring to hhvm now?
the code readability thing ...
No, readability is all to me. And it goes together with object calisthenics
@bwoebi Thoughts? Doc problem or core bug?
I worry about all other problems after that (well, obviously architecture planning comes first)
I don't think we disagree, you call it readability ... I think if I were presented with what you call unreadable I would want to change it for the same reasons but would explain the decision to change it in different terms ... surely there's some more manageable, more elegant more flexible solution, nevermind it's readability ...
@DaveRandom doc problem.
Getting back to HHVM, the point in using it is that it mitigates the overhead introduced by my abstractions by a lot
@DaveRandom I think we had a few weeks back a discussion in chat here about that.
@bwoebi Seems a little inconsistent to me. Throughout every part of PHP, arguments are evaluated before the target is invoked. The fact that there is no target should not prevent the arguments from being evaluated.
Sep 28 at 13:49, by bwoebi
class a {} new a(print "bla"); doesn't print anything, while class a { function __construct() {} } new a(print "bla"); does? erm, wtf, PHP?
@Ocramius okay but you did just say that you introduced the overhead, and I'm just saying that overhead is not always necessary, I'd go so far as saying it's not usually necessary in PHP ...
@DaveRandom we called it: Rasmus evaluation ^^
but if you can measure and find a reason then great ... I haven't tested in a while, I have before, and it was difficult, and not all that successful, it's quite a different animal now, and no doubt it's performance has improved, but I still don't see a reason ... for me, or anyone, usually ... but if you can measure ....
@bwoebi better to call 'garbage in - garbage out'
I at least found it worthy of testing before, and no doubt will be talked into it again ... but I'll still probably resist ...
@JoeWatkins the overhead comes from base abstractions. For example, we have a powerful event manager component that makes some things really nice to write/use, but quite slow
as for HHVM, it's really getting better, so give it a try again - it looks really good so far
@tereško Awesome article.
I'm putting a lot of trust in it, since they've done miracles in the last 3 months or so
why resist the urge to use zephir ?
@DaveRandom NikiC commented also on this chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/12060039#12060039 … so unsure. but I'd just document that for now and eventually change behaviour later…
but not hhvm ?
I'd resist them for the same reasons ... find it strange that you'd resist one and not the other ...
@JoeWatkins some major points are JIT optimizations, the fact that I don't need to change code to run HHVM (except minor BC breaks), and the fact that I don't need to know to work with two languages at once when dealing with HHVM
it's really a drop-in replacement for PHP, not some "php-ish" syntax or such. It's just like an alternate binary.
how much of core ext is implemented ?
I read something about a compatibility layer for ext, is that reality yet ?
it's still an interesting project ...
I dunno how much trouble you get in when things go wrong ...
I get in a lot ... php might have it's problems but it's first and foremost dependable ...
@JoeWatkins not a lot, but enough for my needs. In theory, you can write either core exts in PHP itself (since the JIT does the trick) or just in C++ and then introduce bindings to use that code in PHP
Hmm the benefits of learning basic TDD the last few weeks has been enormous
@JoeWatkins it is. And I'm not suggesting it for an overall replacement (yet)
I'd just use it for my projects, where my code runs, and my tests run on HHVM
I'm not running around screaming "replace php", I just suggest people to give it a spin and maybe help out
for me to trust something like hhvm would need soooo much testing, I dunno if there are enough years in a life for that to ever come about, it's a logistical problem ....
plus I have zero experience with it ... don't like C++ ...
for the same reason, zephir is cool, but probably out of bounds, for many years yet ...
hehe, I get that
I don't like C for example
too much pain with it in university
@bwoebi tbh it's an edge case because it's either E_PEBKAC (for anything other than new $var you should be 100% certain of the constructor args anyway, since you explicitly named the target) or probable poor design (variable instantiations should generally be avoided and when they are necessary the constructors should be compatible, as well as passing args that have side effects being horrible). But my vote would be to have an implicit overridable empty constructor for every class.
as for HHVM, I'd give it a 6 months or so before using it in production. Mainly because of security issues
I'm not bad at C++, I just don't enjoy it for some reason ... whenever I put it to use it's frustrating, and I spend more time talking about standards than doing anything useful ...
in c there are no standards lol
^ heh
it's pretty much limited to tabs and spaces
yeah but you can get on with work ...
@DaveRandom well, actually I agree, but I don't know if others agree too.
and people have conversations about standards like they are there ...
@DaveRandom btw. closed that bug as dupe.
but really they aren't enforced by the people talking about them, or anything else ...
yep, I get the point, but I still don't get the problem with HHVM (except that it's not yet "ready", which is OK)
@DanLugg yes, which is why I linked to it =P
@bwoebi Yeh I saw, linked dupe looks close enough for me
well the reasons I don't consider it feasible in production are the main reason it's not worth investing my time in ... the distinction between personal time and work time is blurred, not sure it exists ...
@JoeWatkins I value stuff I like working on more than stuff that gives me money. So yeah, that's why I'm always on experimental stuff
I'll leave it to chaps like you, the brave, to do the testing, when it comes of age, it's a different consideration ...
when it's the drop in replacement you see happening ...
oh it's not about money at all ...
@DanLugg reading now :p
I work from home ...
@JoeWatkins me too
so work and home are the same thing ... my personal time doesn't really exist ...
@AlmaDoMundo It's very well written.
I work from home == I work in my pants
again, same here. Still, I prefer playing around with experimental stuff
as long as tests run, I'm ok tbh
well I can justify working on php in my personal time, and that will inevitably overrun into work time ... and I can justify stopping work and chewing over problem on php ...
but I can't really do the same for hhvm until it is usable in production ...
@JoeWatkins you can always swap out HHVM and use PHP :P
@DaveRandom Uh, I think you meant ... == I work without pants.
I have to wear pants
that's the only rule ...
that's sad.
I'd quit.
Fuck pants.
yeah, no-go
@DaveRandom pants == underpants?
@Dave calls them knickers
I'm definitely not allowed to wear knickers ... so there's two rules ...
anyone who spots a difference between the field names in those both:

i keep getting 'SQLSTATE[HY093]: Invalid parameter number: parameter was not defined'
‘Yes, give me the office of the President of the United States…. NO, I WILL NOT HOLD. This is an emergency…. Hello, Mister President, I’m afraid I have some bad news. I’ve just been informed that The Internet is not working.’ that made my day :ppp
@DaveRandom Did you have time yet to dick around with my code pad?
@JoeWatkins You might be if you went out and bought your own
@PeeHaa Not yet :-(
beh, anyone got a clue about this?
I use $foo->attributes = $_POST['Foo'][$i]; to update my attributes with the POST values. It works fine except for 1 value which it doesn't override, and it insists on keeping the original attribute values
@DaveRandom what would be the point in wearing them then ?
I have to fix this womans fucking piece of crap laptop later as well, so unlikely to get to if tonight either :-(
@Sprottenwels i do spot a weird ", k. " on row 62
just a copy/paste error, thanks nevertheless
@DarkAshelin Oh man. Don't use anything except english as variables please..
oh sorry, meant to update it
I don't mean on chat :) i mean in your code .. i hate dutch variables
my predecessor did the same
working on someone else's code
"function vervangTextGegevens($input) { .. }" .. bibber ..
( yes, bibber is dutch.. if you dont like dutch, just read it as a mistyped Bieber.. it has the same effect )
@DaveRandom Just get her a tablet, man
punctuation is important there ^
@PeeHaa Tablet man sounds like a douche. The superhero nobody was asking for and now he's here no-one knows what he should be doing with himself.
Might make breakfast on this work laptop in a minute.
@Fabien lol, before I read the comment, I was going to say "I hope you're planning on cooking eggs"
@Fabien well aren't you in 5 degrees from emergency shutdown?
Dunno. We'll see I guess.
@Fabien Fire up Prime '95; let's see what happens.
that's ruthless
lol! No thanks.
@Fabien it's about time to take a screwdriver, open it up and start cleaning
I love compressed air.
@tereško No kidding. I'll speak to the boss. it's his personal laptop I think.
then he can participate
@tereško :)
What is the difference betweed $value[id] and $value['id'] ?
.. or has to take it to be cleaned by people who might be professionals
@Arto the first one will produce notice. And, besides, if there is constant id - you'll get something wonderful :)
@Arto one is bad practice, other is way how yo should do it
@Fabien What the hell are you doing to it?
@DaveRandom my guess - youtube
PHPStorm, FileZilla and Chrome.
Youtube is indeed running.
okay thanks
this guy still asking if his question is stupid :p stackoverflow.com/questions/19517906/…
The trackpad is boiling too. I'm thinking mini-pancakes.
@user very stupid question? Yes! — Leri 28 secs ago
Could not help myself.
@Fabien Buy a vacuum cleaner
@Fabien lies. That material boils in over 1000°C in an anaerobic atmosphere
heh boss just put it on a stand instead.
@Leri lol... And now for another amazing episode of ... NAME THAT HASH
Johnny, can you tell us what our contestants can win today?
Sure can Phil! The winner of NAME THAT HASH will receive not one, not two, not even three, but ELEVEN downvotes! And if that's not enough, their question? Well, I don't need to tell you, WILL BE PUT ON HOLD! Yea!
@Fabien you might need a different boss
someone that actually listens to his/her employees
heh, he's a good boss. I'm only on the laptop a few times a month.
@DanLugg and can i ask which search algo that site currently uses? ;)
Q: How to print table from php file to TCPDF in following scenario?

Anand JajuI have a php file(add_member.php). I'm creating a dynamic table by executing SQL query. The code of this file is as follows: $sql = SELECT * FROM member_details WHERE lname='ABC'; $n = new data(); $res = $n -> querySend($sql); ?> <table border="1" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"> <tr>

can any one help me for this?

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