I have a quick question: are 'am/pm' string comparisons liable? This works in my code: $today->format('g:i a') >= '4:00 pm', but would it be better to get the military hour instead or is this perfectly acceptable?
is there another way to get PHP master snaps other than using Github which always complains about some compiler dependencies. This bug bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=65816 doesn't look like it's being fixed anytime soon.
How would you go about tracking "consecutive logins"? I know I'd have to setup a field in the database -- but would it be something like -- login { 1. grab timestamp of last login 2. check timestamp if logged in "today" 3. increment new field if last timestamp was not "today"?
If I run ls *.jpg *.blah I get the error ls: cannot access *.blah: No such file or directory if an extension matching it does not exist. Is there any way to suppress that message if it finds no matches?
sorry everyone, primary backlog is down. Server has become unresponsive, VPS host is looking into it right now, so hopefully should be back up soon. Until then use mirror.
if anyone votes no on this they are fucking being dicks .... you don't get to improve the speed of something by a factor of 26-52 times in the real world, it doesn't happen, assert is bloody awful this should replace it ... if I doesn't I'll be quite annoyed ...
we cannot improve assert
it is a function
I want this: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/expectations #php #rfc
if you're not sure, then you haven't read it properly ...
assert is 26-50 times slower to assert true than expect ...
there's no way to do that for a function, none ...
dunno how to post the replies to that ... but it was in a reply to that...
because it's so devastating assert cannot be used, it cannot be used just for complex assertion which we would normally do in C ... expect is the implementation it should have been at the start, a high level language benefits massively from the ability to write self-debugging code, and switch off that debugging in it's entirety in production ...
/rant over ...
I didn't put a bunch of effort into this like nested classes, but I'm just getting a little bit annoyed with politics ... nobody in their right mind who knows what they are looking at could possibly be convinced that assertion is better than this ... but from past experience it seems a lot of the people with the power to vote aren't in their right mind ...
I installed joomla on php then I getting error when run on machine. if you know this error : Strict Standards: Non-static method GantryLoader::import() should not be called statically
you could probably fix the code pretty easy, if there's no references to $this in GantryLoader::import then use static modifier on method declaration and the error will go away on it's own without changing settings ...
worth noting that shutting up the warnings doesn't actually fix the code, E_STRICT warnings are sometimes intrusive - ie. they change the behaviour of your application ...
I wanted to replace assert with this, this is an assertion api
but because the old implementation is already there, and crippled, there is no good way to replace it in a backward compatible way without crippling this implementation in the process ...
I think I already explained it pretty well, nobody even wanted to discuss it as a replacement for assert
I really don't see the big deal ... there's even a benefit to breaking bc .... right now, anything out there using expect as a function or method name will be borked ...
but its not a battle I can win ... I'd rather it went in under the name "duck" than didn't go in at all, I don't much care what it is called ... but if the response from the people in charge is "no, we will not provide a way to write debuggable code 50 times faster" I'll be pretty disappointed in the whole idea of spending time contributing like this, prolly just stick to docs and my own projects ...
I don't get anything out of it though, I use doc bugs to distract me when I need thinking time .... everytime I open a file in PHP I see something I could improve ...
that's fair enough, nested/anons, that was ambitious, and I retracted nested before it went to the vote because I thought okay fair enough, I'm getting to understand what is acceptable ....
I'm sure that's the case. I am still figuring out a lot of how PHP works internally. It seems really nasty but perhaps that's just an uneducated perception.
but I don't see in any way how this shouldn't go in, it could go in under assert/expect/duck, but it should be available, users should have this, I want this in future ...
to me, exceptions, iterators, all the stuff in spl doesn't belong externally, there is some pretty stupid ideas floating about, not ideas that any one person would have had, but compromises in the minds of many ...
this rule about not throwing exceptions from internals ...
the thought process of the collective mind is baffling, it went something like this: our error handling is not good enough, we need to do something about it -- implement exceptions here --- right we have this better error managment nobody can use the better error management designed to overcome the problem of poor error management
@BenjaminGruenbaum you use a lot Angular and don't know that angular.min.js is smaller than jquery, don't know about Google libraries CDN also? If there are plenty of scenarios - give at least one example. — OZ_5 mins ago
from an internals perspective I mean ... spl might be useful to the programmer, but not so much to us ... the problem is that it exists at all, that these concepts are not core to everything ...
for those using SPL, but for us as internal developers, what out of it will we be able to use to further the features of PHP ... none, just like we can't use SPL, just like everyone complains when core throws exceptions ...
these ideas belong at the core, everything should build upon them, not next to them ...
the people working on sun's java were not much more a team than we are, spread out working on their own little things, on their own ... but they build upon a solid foundation ...
A lot of the newer languages are very, very simple, so unlike C++, Java and PHP.
For instance, I could see someone like me rejecting the exceptions RFC because it might cause someone somewhere some headache and doesn't add that much value.
yeah, but we're not that ... we're not starting out, we have the whole internet bearing down on us, begging for things we point blankly refuse to provide ...
it doesn't add that much value when you think about in the context of PHP, because people don't write debuggable code, because people don't care about testing, because although the frameworks have the loudest voices we don't pander to them ... people should write debuggable code, people should test their code, and we should provide every support to any project externally to further the developement of their ideas that's the brilliance of being open source, I can go anywhere an help ...
and should ...
every single individual will agree with that ...
but ask a thousand people a question and you'll get back 800 answers of complete nonsense, and be in a democracy and the compromises you come up with are just, sorry, fucking mental ...
well yeah but the only genuine reason there to have an rfc at all is the bc issue which is really a non-issue ...
if we could just agree on that simple thing, we could get a lot more done ...
these small improvements actually become small improvements ...
we can start getting things actually fixed ...
because I agree that it's these small things that make things feel broken ...
not that variadics, or closures, or nested or anon or any of that stuff is missing ...
is that the obvious doesn't work ...
it's just all but impossible to imagine a way to organize all these people ... with mostly different ideas, experiences, goals ...
I'd love it if PHP6 has the solid foundation we require ... I don't give a shit about unicode, and nor does anyone else, but we've all heard the parable of the man who builds his house on sand ...
it needs to be a bit more zend and a bit less php ...
I realise it's a loose distinction, but it seems anything outside of /Zend could literally be anywhere ....
all the important stuff therefore should be done at the level of zend ...
I sometimes wonder if dmitry reads anything outside of /Zend, or listens to any of the mental conversations being had ... /Zend clearly intends the core to throw exceptions, /Zend is prepared to throw only exceptions ...
I think there are issues underneath syntax that require addressing before syntax can be one of those non-issues that we can just "do" ...
right now a lot of the time it's not really worth introducing syntactical changes, there's too much impact around them ...
I don't know a lot about it, but tend to think the ast parser idea will make syntactical changes trivial, I think people are likely more inclined to talk about syntax changes then, when it's less of a headache to actually implement and include ...
whenever you discuss an idea with someone, they tend to think you are asking them to implement the idea, they think well how much work would it be for me to do, it is worth it for me to do ... I don't know why, but it seems that way ...
I'm not sure how much work it is ... but you can only improve it so much in the model you create in your head, the real thing is more complex, there's more to consider than you can reasonably imagine, I'd implement it, there's certainly going to be things you don't have the resolution to see now ...
I think it's definitely worth pursuing ... if it's a long thing then the quicker you get started the better ...
and you'll probably get more help when it exists ...
because if I could fit in your model, you wouldn't want me in it, I'd only be going round taking stuff apart to see how it worked and ruining your model ...
Btw. I'm having a problem I don't really know how to solve the best: class c { const b = 3; const a = 2 + self::b; } print c::a; … self::b is in this case an IS_CONSTANT zval… should I here just transform self::b at compile time to c::b?
@NikiC right now. As said I plan to implement static scalar expressions for function declarations too. It was just a little beginning for constants only until now.
@NikiC @Gordon I'd prefer a second vote for allowing that also on arbitrary methods… (btw. body-less ctor… that'd mean saving one char: ; instead of {}; that isn't worth it I think)
@AshwinMukhija You get your debugger, open up the file vendor/composer/ClassLoader.php and put a break point in the function findFile. Run until you reach the class that isn't loading. Step through the function to see where it's going wrong.
If you want to save time, you can add:
if ($class == 'ClassThatIsntLoading') {
echo "found it";
@NikiC Hmm. I'm not sure that's true. If you ask people two questions they seem more likely to say yes to the one you care about, compared to just asking only the question you care about.
@Danack From my experience anything with more than two voting options or more than one vote usually ends in lengthy discussion as to how our voting process is to be interpreted in that case ;)
At which point @Gordon can magnanimously step in and say that he is dropping the body-less ctor from the RFC as there is a lack of consensus, which makes the bit we really care about more likely to pass? On the other hand - it is more drama than anyone needs.
@NikiC can't you just make to separate votes then: one 50/50 about "when vote passes, include also …" and one 67/33 about "should we include the general feature"?
@bwoebi you can - at the danger that people will complain that they want to vote yes, but only if that part of the feature also makes it in, otherwise no, so pls change this to a multivote...
I've seen that before
Afaik that's the reason why the 5.3 EOL RFC had this biiig range of voting options, because having two separate votes was deemed to be not precise enough ;)