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what ?
are you talking about php or JS ?
@ChristianSciberras code styling nazi !?
@OmeidHerat , not if that is meant to be JS code
@ChristianSciberras is it is php , then i strongly disagree
fair enough.
switching brace styles because of one corner case is really, really stupid
it's easily avoided
@MattMcDonald , do you know what he meant by that ? ( assuming it is php )
he's advocating against the allman style because of the js corner case (returning an object literal)
but it is php
yes, and the (non-)point being made is why bother coding the same style in PHP if one little area can trip you up in JS?
they are a really different languages
i would actually see that a benefit , when you can determine language just by silhouette
Is it bad practice while($r = mysql_fetch_assoc()) ? I mean, variable attribution inside loop functions?
inside loop conditions*
	$r = mysql_fetch_assoc();
@MattMcDonald what if mysql result is false ?
then it breaks
@MattMcDonald then you shouldn't do it.
@Omeid Not sure if I understood you
Why not?
it will always run once
But, with just while() {} also
@MattMcDonald not in a while(){//do}
> do-while loops are very similar to while loops, except the truth expression is checked at the end of each iteration instead of in the beginning. The main difference from regular while loops is that the first iteration of a do-while loop is guaranteed to run (the truth expression is only checked at the end of the iteration)...
both conditions do the same
but assignments in condition do the same
Actually, I asked this due to an alert message on Zend Studio IDE
saying this is form some reason wrong, but works fine
always worked
this is for* some reason...
@MattMcDonald Yup that is the point, in while(){//do} even the first iteration is run after checking the condition
So if you do something like:
do {

$r = mysql_fetch...
// and $r =false;
then your code will need at last an if
to continue
just while() {} prevent this
you check first before entering in the condition function
Hi all, does anyone know if i can use bindParam when using query() in pdo?
Yup so if you do

`do {
$r = mysql_fetch_row(); //and mysql_fetch_row() returns false
//Do something with $r here;

Your code will break :|

but in
` while($r = mysql_fetch_row()){
//and mysql_fetch_row() returns false
//Do something with $r here;

nothing will be done with $r.
@MattMcDonald you need some recreational beating for writing that code
I'm ready for it
please , @OmeidHerat , stop using mysql_*
@teresko OK sir, mysqli_*
better ?
not really
i am kinda agains procedural programming in general .. with exception of shell scripts
PDO then ?
mysqli has an object oriented api too
though i would go with pdo ( mostly because i use postgresql whenever it is possible )
fair enough
@teresko btw, what has happend with the stared messages !?!?
oh, bugger a refresh brought them back.
@teresko Actually the point was about the assignment on loop condition. Currently I'm using Zend_Db with PDO
pdo or mysqli is fine. the point is not to use ext/mysql, particularly since the PHP team is trying to softly deprecate the extension
@Keyne if you are writing new code to get review for some other code, don't even bother. unless you are simplifying the same scenario
@OmeidHerat @OmeidHerat Yes, I mainly use in temporary codes.
you are using PDO and giving an example with mysqli_* one is OO and other is procedural, do you think you will get the right response ?
@Keyne there is nothing more permanent as than a temporary solution
Yes, because the point I'm concerned about is not the mysql... Is the assigment in conditions
while($var = somefunction)
which is why I suggested a do...while
But I need to check first before entering in the condition, so do while is a little more expensive in this case
@teresko By temporary I mean some code that you use just one hour and then discard, not temporary code on systems
then you should get more familiar with object oriented ways of writing this
@Keyne Kenye there always could be the case of so really it depends on the case, sometimes you have to go with do{}while() and sometime the only way is while(){//do}
so over simplification can cause misunderstanding and leading to the wrong path.
@teresko I think you didn't get the whole point. sorry
@OmeidHerat As I said, is just about the "assignment on conditions" not about do while and while... But that's ok. Let's give it away
@Keyne and this is what I am talking about.
how can u post code in here without making a mess?
@OmeidHerat No, I'm mainly asking about if it's a problem assign to variables in condition, not about it's usage on different contexts
backticks (`) or highlight + (ctrl + k)
but its not long
backticks are for single lines
$ch = curl_init('http://clientes.cupon0km.com/xml.php');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $xml);
$result = @curl_exec($ch);
if($result === false) {
echo "Error performing request";
else {
$xml_doc = simplexml_load_string($result);
echo 'status is ', $xml_doc->status, '<br/>';
if ($xml_doc->status == 'SUCCESS') {
if (!empty($xml_doc->data)) {
$para = '[email protected]';
$titulo = 'Tenés un nuevo comprador RENAULT en el CRM';
ops and i used the contrl k thing
you need to highlight it all
@sebas when you paste more then one line next to upload... there will be a fixed font button click on it.
that should do the trick
$ch = curl_init('http://clientes.cupon0km.com/xml.php');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $xml);
$result = @curl_exec($ch);
if($result === false) {
	echo "Error performing request";
else {
$xml_doc = simplexml_load_string($result);
echo 'status is ', $xml_doc->status, '<br/>';
if ($xml_doc->status == 'SUCCESS') {
if (!empty($xml_doc->data)) {
$para      = '[email protected]';
$titulo = 'Tenés un nuevo comprador RENAULT en el CRM';
how can i make the html blank when i execute that script but at the same time working?
@sebas what do you mean?
you don't want that 'Status is : *****' ?
i want an empty html
im always getting the status thing
i tried to delete the words "status" and the "status is" but then the code doesnt work
remove this line right after the first else
echo 'status is ', $xml_doc->status, '<br/>';
thanks man ...a lot
no problem.
hi , been trying to fix something since yesterday so really could do with some help please. I have the following code:
$stmt = $db->prepare("select * from `product` where productid in (:productidLst)");
$stmt->bindParam(":productidLst",$productidLst, PDO::PARAM_INT);
thats the pdo query, but I now have this code block:
	$rs['total'] += $rs['qty']*$rs['price'];
	$total += $rs['total'];
	$a[] = $rs;
How can I convert this part to use pdo?
can anyone help me with a MAMP and mysqli issue?
This one?
Q: MAMP mysqli not working

mcbeavI have been scouring the internet for an answer but i cant seem to find any information, there seems to be no mysqli.so extension in my MAMP installation. I have tried removing MAMP and reinstalling multiple times, but no luck. I have tried to use mysqli commands, but nothing happens, and when i ...

hahaha yeah
good eye
open up terminal. type cd /usr/local, hit enter. type ls -a, hit enter. do you see "mysql" listed?
. .. bin include lib share
thats what is displayed
no mysql
cd lib hit enter ls -a again
. libfuse.la
.. libfuse_ino64.2.7.3.dylib
libfuse.0.dylib libfuse_ino64.2.dylib
libfuse.2.7.3.dylib libfuse_ino64.dylib
libfuse.2.dylib libfuse_ino64.la
libfuse.dylib pkgconfig
that's about as far as my debugging help can go i'm afraid. i was thinking that maybe you don't have your PHP path to the mysql socket setup. i don't know enough about MAMP to guide you any further unfortunately
i use the pre-installed Apache/PHP and use my own mysql install
yeah, its looking like i may have to take a path like that, i don't understand why its not working, from what i have been reading, it should be pre-installed with MAMP
i really appreciate the help
np, sorry i couldn't help more. just had a headache with getting mysql installed on a new mac with lion.
hahaha great, something to look forward to as I am about to purchase a new mac with lion..... :/ thanks again!
@mcbeav could try xampp?
yeah, thats an idea, Ill try that really quick, i don't know why i didn't think of trying that
@CharlesSprayberry are you any good with pdo? i'm new to it and could do with a bit of help is poss?
I've worked with PDO before. I've been focusing on mysqli as of late but I can take a shot at it. I'm no @ircmaxell or @Gordon but I know a few things :P
cool thanks,
I have the following code:
$stmt = $db->prepare("select * from `product` where productid in (:productidLst)");
$stmt->bindParam(":productidLst",$productidLst, PDO::PARAM_INT);
thats the pdo query, but I now have this code block:
	$rs['total'] += $rs['qty']*$rs['price'];
	$total += $rs['total'];
	$a[] = $rs;
How can I convert the 2nd part to use pdo?
the while loop was using mysql_* so need to convert it to work with pdo.
what is $res?
i'm assuming some mysql resource?
$res was mysql_query and the sql code above
well first thing you'd want to do is check if $stmt->execute() returned true or false
assuming you've done that
yep no probs can do that
Now look into PDOStatement::fetch()
theoretically you should be able to replace $rs=mysql_fetch_assoc($res) with:
ok, i think i've tried this but i'll give it a go.
that should be $rs = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) in your loop
ok so my code is:
	if ($stmt->execute() == true){
when i print $rs out I only get one result, at the moment there should be 2 results
because the sql uses $productidLst = 1,2
ok, you can shorten your if to just if ($stmt->execute) { if you just have to have the equal signs make it ===
and your $rs = $stmt->fetch() still needs to be inside a loop structure
if you just want all the results and don't need to loop through it you can use PDOStatement::fetchAll()
ok this where I am having the problem.
I need to loop through the results because I am doing this:
$rs['total'] += $rs['qty']*$rs['price'];
then use the same while loop you had in your code and simply plug in $rs = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) instead of the call to mysql
	if ($stmt->execute()){
			$rs['total'] += $rs['qty']*$rs['price'];
			$total += $rs['total'];
if you're wanting $total to be the sum all row's qty * price it looks good to me
i would probably add some kind of error checking in an else {} but that's neither here nor there
i have actually tried exactly the same code that you have suggested, and when I hit the page nothing is returned
I have no idea why its not working, if i remove the while block and just try $rs=$stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)
so a var_dump($total) after the loop doesn't give you anything?
then something is returned
you cannot use prepared statements with WHERE column IN ()
well, there ya go
is this just through PDO or is this a rule with all prepared statements?
@teresko I can get results back when while block isn't used
what alternative options are there?
use PDOStatement::fetchAll() method
look it up in manual
yep, i've tried the fetchall method as well. the only way I can get the code to work is using $stmt->query($sql) but then I can't bind $productidLst
right thanks, all gonna call it a night
1 hour later…
i am trying to install pear on my OSx
4 hours later…
Is Controller the mediator for Model and View? As per the mediator pattern
@rickchristie no, because you may access the model from the view for reading, thus bypassing the controller completely. The controller only handles client input and delegates it to the model.
couple of results for that on Google: encrypted.google.com/search?q=mvc+mediator
@Gordon ugh - sorry for not googling. Thanks for the answer
@rickchristie the google results suggest controller can implement mediator though, so it's probably the usual quibble about MVC, MVP, MVCM and MVCmyarse. I wouldnt worry too much about it :)
@Gordon - do you think Validation should belong to the Form classes (like Zend), or should they be separate set of classes from the Form?
@rickchristie Hmm, not sure. I like the argument by Matthew WO'P that a form can serve as input validator for the model, but then again, I also like the idea of separating input validation/filtering into a completely separate class and aggregate that where needed, e.g. a form and/or a model
interface Validatable
    public function setValidationChains($validationChains);

class Person implements Validateable {}
class PersonForm implements Validateable {}
class PersonValidationChain {}
it boils down to whether the PersonForm and the Person really can share the same validation chain
Why does PersonForm also needs to implement Validateable?
because its only a dumb form with no validation whatsoever. it just knows which form fields it needs and how to render itself.
alternative would be to make a PersonValidatorDecorator
in any case, I like having the validation in a separate layer for greater reuse
I like that idea too
its just that a form doesnt necessarily have the same validation rules than the model
if validation belongs to a separate layer, would it be accessed by the model or the controller? Will view has access to it?
for instance, you will want to escape any form output to prevent xss, but thats irrelevant for the model
@Gordon - you have a point there
the pragmatic solution would be to put it where it feels right
the feeling part is hard - that is the stuff you get from experience
yes, but a lot of experience stems from doing it wrong in the first place :)
for instance, where would you put a date validation. assume your app uses localized dates and you have a JS date picker widget but your model wants iso date format. you could send the localized date from the widgets to the controller and then transform the date in the model. or you could transform in the controller or you could transform in the widget. where is the right place?
mmm. I guess I'll do it in the controller, though I'm not sure
yeah, I'd do that in the controller too
but im not sure either. it just feels more appropriate there
doing it in the widget sounds fine because it happens at the origin but since i can still send requests without the widget i cannot be sure an iso date gets to my model
so its not that fine on second thought.
doing it in the model feels ugly because its a lot of extra effort anticipating any results that might come in. I'd rather throw an UnrecognizedDateFormatException
doing it in the controller feels okay, because the controller should handle input from the UI, so it should know which localized dates it can receive and provide handling for those
it shouldnt check if the date is in a certain range though. that's domain knowledge and belongs to the model
yep yep
actually, i think id move the UnrecognizedDateFormatException out of the model as well and just require it to receive a DateTime object
but that doesnt answer your initial question, does it?
because it contradicts the idea of having one separate validation layer for both form and model
@Gordon - What do you think of the practice of having the model method accept the whole request array, like public function save(array $data) on weierophinney.net/matthew/archives/…
intead of breaking them down in argument list like public function save($title, $content, $category)
The controller only has to do $this->model->save($request->getPost())
@rickchristie okay with me. the model can just pick from that what it needs
the only downside to that is that your api doesnt communicate what request should contain
yeah, although good documentation will solve it.
you can also solve it with a DTO pattern iirc
not sure if that is the right pattern. what i mean is you wrap the request into a dumb object that provides the API for the model to get data from
do you mean public function save(DataTransferObject $data)?
does that mean creating a new class for each model process?
class Person {
    public function save(PersonData $data) {
        $this->foo = $data->getFoo();
class PersonController {
    public function save() {
        $person = new Person;
        $person->save(new PersonData($this->getRequest()));
yes. for the interface.
more lightweight is
class PersonController {
    public function save() {
        $person = new Person;
            'foo' => $this->getRequest()->getParam('foo')
but then your model cannot work with an interface
not that it necessarily needs it
just brainstorming
The way I did it is similar to your first example. I have a loginFormFactory object that has specific methods for the controller to get the data, so I have to create new form factory object for each form/model process

class StudentRegistrationForm extends AbstractFormFactory
    public function buildForm()
        $nimParameter = new Parameter(
            'Student ID Number',
            new Textfield

        $parameterList = new ParameterList(array(

        return new Form(
                'method' => 'post'

    public function getIDFromRequest()
not sure if it's the right approach - the form knows the name of the request variable used, since it is responsible for rendering the form fields in HTML, so the controller asks the form factory, which then asks the form definition object to get it for him
sounds okay to me
@Gordon you're not doing DTOs, do you?
@KamilTomšík no. I find them too heavyweight in general. @rickchristie's approach looks fine though. Its not a DTO in the DTO sense though, which isnt an issue at all.
@Gordon DTOs violate SRP (if they're not generated - but in that case you don't have DTO in common sense)
yeah, looks good (generic enough)
Good morning|day|night everyone!
@OmeidHerat Good $localDayTime to you too
Thanks :D
@OmeidHerat hey you free bro ?
Yeah kind of
need some people to test my code in a while
like manual test or unit testing ?
@OmeidHerat I guess you are supposed to be the test-unit ;)
Hahahaha! nice one :)
... gtg power cut.
will use your services later bro
btw i removed the music . on this version so probably you wont be bombarded by it ^_^
lolz, that is cool.
A: PHP withdrawing attributes from database using explode

Omeid HeratSo here is what you do: $data = 'attribute1=0::attribute2=1::attribute3=5'; $data_tree = explode("::", $data); foreach($data_tree as $node) { list($filed,$data) = explode('=',$node); echo $filed.' : '.$data.'<br/>'; } it will print: attribute1 : 0 attribute2 : 1 attribute3 : 5...

Any optimization possible for that answer ?
@Gordon, should I get mad for this :
Q: PHP withdrawing attributes from database using explode

LucasI'm searching the best way to withdraw some data from my MySQL field by I fail everytime. So here I come... I got some data in my db which looks following: "attribute1=0::attribute2=1::attribute3=5 .. etc.". Now I need to get that data so I can use it like this: foreach($xxx as $attributeName ...

Hi everyone
Does anyone know how can I find an associated entity inside a Doctrine entity?
Simplified code: pastie.org/2366020
777 reputation ftw.
Love it. OP puts poor question with no apparent research put into and calls me idiot for dv'ing it: stackoverflow.com/questions/7050897/…
Poor @Gordon.
1 hour later…
@Gordon I can't decide to vote down or stick with my 777 reputation lolz
@OmeidHerat it has been closed and insults removed anyways ;)
Hi all! i am totally new to PHP. Which book should I read for learning PHP?
@Adnan are you new to php or new to programming?
@Adnan If you come from a programming background, then the Zend PHP Certification Study Guide was pretty good
And whatever level you are, PHP 5: Power Programming is awesome
@Zirak:i am new to PHP not to programming.
@Adnan in that case, go to php.net/manual/en, bookmark it and read the Language Reference
i would suggest to skip through devzone.zend.com/article/627 , to learn the syntax basics
@Zirak I cannot recommend that.
and then read book callled "PHP in Action" ( it's esspecially good if you have a background in Java
In fact, I cannot recommend any books about PHP at all.
Database and socket stuff little old, but basics are there and nice
@Gordon It's not excellent, but it gives a nice intro to the basics
heh, that was the book i was about to link @teresko
@Zirak , if DB stuff is old , then the whole thing is old
@Zirak last time I checked it also covered PHP4 and references and stuff like you hopefully never ever write in a real world application
Q: What is the best PHP programming book?

HaloI'm interested to find out what Stack Overflow believes the best PHP book is - both for those who are beginners to web programming as well as those who have previous programming experience (they don't have to be same book). "Best" includes being both reasonably up-to-date and encouraging best pra...

As said, it's good for the basics. Like, it tells you how to declare arrays and what simple constructs there are. I wouldn't recommend it for learning something more than that, because it's outdated
The book in the top-voted answer @Gordon linked is also pretty good
@Zirak you really dont need anything but the Language Reference at php.net to learn the basics when you are not completely new to programming
@Zirak , please stop tying to help
Thnx very much to all of you for your precious time.
@Adnan np
I need to make this - display info from a table in a MySQL database and then make users be able to select one row at a time. When they do that, a dashboard present on the side allows them to click buttons like approve reject. That will update the table accordingly. How do I go about doing this?
@nitstorm by writing the code for that. simple.
@OmeidHerat: LOL :P was looking for pointers on how to do that...
can you display info from a table in mysql !?
@nitstorm can you show a div by click with JavaScript ?
yes... with onClick correct?
ok, now can you make ajax calls !?
nope... no idea of AJAX
hello guys
is that
Header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently");
the best way to redirect a user ?
@nitstorm then learn about ajax :D
I'd put an exit; after the header("Location:newaddress.com/folder");
yes @David I did it
I just want to know if it's the best way regardless the language being used to redirect a user
and regarding crawlers accessibility
@Oddantfr depends, but will if that is permanent move thant that is it
@Oddantfr this should help you alot
yes the search engines will pick up on that and change their listings to use the new URL rather than the old one.
Q: What HTTP redirection method should I use?

BenjaminI have a blog with a domain. And I'm buying another domain soon. What I concerned is, when I change my blog domain, all links could be broken from other sites. I want the links alive forever, and also want it's page-rank not to go down. For keeping my page-rank, what redirection should I use?(HT...

@OmeidHerat Thanks
2 hours later…
What is a good debugging tool for php
something that allows step in and over
@YaronBuki DBG does the trick
the last version is supported
whats the learning curve
sorry I'm not english native
what do you mean learning curve ?
thats fine. Does it take a long time to learn how to use it
if you've already used the application "dbg" in unix system I believe it is not
no I am not as familiar with Linux as with the windows os
however, the most efficient way to debug your programs is to be more confident with your code, learning how to code in proper way
of course :)
browsers can also act as a debugger
lol thx.
are you new to php coding ?
more c#/asp.net
I have a oo that is upsetting me. So I wanted to us a debugger
what is your purpose using php language ?
AI research =P
no broadening my scope
then use your browser yes
It is all what you need to detect problems in your code
@YaronBuki the most popular tool is Xdebug
yea, I was....but but it is a lot more clunkier. I wanted to see if my function was hit or not
excellent thx I will look at that
it works serverside , and there is some integration with IDEs
as for broadening the scope , yes , PHP will be a nice step , but you would gain much more if you seriously studied either Javascript or proper SQL or something from Erlang/Haskell
developers ( and especially web developers ) are extremely bad at SQL and Javascript
Javascript is not easy to learn though
neither are any other language i mentioned
none of them confirm to your classical OO way of thinking
I didn't pain to learn SQL in my scholar year, it's quite literal and easy to memorize if you are confident with the concept of table
if you're not using a library javascript is the language to quickly burn your brain
well or maybe didn't I learn it in a good way
so , @Oddantfr , did you learn PHP from using CakePHP ( choosing one of worst frameworks was intentional ) ?
but yes ,@Oddantfr , if you did learn JS by using a library , then you definitely didn't do it the "good way" and i am prety confident that your JS skills are quite horrible
not intentional I just have basis in javascript coding I fell on a book that explains how to write jQuery and I don't feel like I need to increase my javascript writing skill
i don't see anything bad at this
are you learning the instructions set of your processor when you decide to code a higher level language ?
jQuery is NOT a higher language then Javascript
higher because it is more explicit it is what i mean
go and ask about this in Javascript channel
because what you are saying is that a library/framework is a language , which is higher then the one for which it has been written , and that learning the language is not necessary if you learn the library/framework , @Oddantfr
did i get this right ?
somehow, my point is some are specialized to improving the core of the languages, others are to rewriting them in order to easing the coding, and others take all the benefits of these two type of coders to focusing on writing applications
i don't think it's needed to learn javascript but a library to write applications, it also goes for php or any other languages that is used to build a web application
@Oddantfr you are my hero
am i not right ? if not I'd like one example that proves a function in javascript is not implemented in a library like jquery
(it also goes for php)
@Oddantfr If i didnt know better either your very stupid misinformed or a troll
I'm actually finding the reverse lately
all the libraries and abstractions im using leak
so Im doing it low level
aren't they expected to be improved ?
@teresko Since you mentioned Javascript. What do you use to check if your javascript function is being called
The php is fine, but I the javascript is not being called
or my personal favourite
var like = function(str) {
  if (str === "a boss") console.log("like a boss");

// in code
like("a boss");
// this is a joke. Don't put this in production
if you need information about parameters with which function was called : console.dir(arguments)
you guys are awesome. I never noticed that in firefox
2 hours later…
webkit inspector has a console as well
and opera too , withing dragonfly ( you have to press tilde ~ key to toggle it )

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