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$string have the complete url
@GangofOne-GoO put your string properties into an array and supply the $array
@Leri WTH! Did you just disown me bro?!
When in every $form['#node']->webform['nid']['components'] is a [1],[2],..[35], array
how do I read them then?
This will supply the $array as _POST values to the $url
what values are you fetching back from the $url?
because this will just give you a status and encoded to json
e.g: [status] = 'OK' (Or soemthing liek that
@DamienOvereem :p
@GangofOne-GoO you code looks like ars
@Leri thanks
You're welcome.
@GangofOne-GoO your also missing the . $String .=
@tereško means
@Jay can u chnge my code
@GangofOne-GoO Awful and needs to be rewritten. It's just his way of saying this.
hi, @Fabien @tereško
@Leri LOL
@GangofOne-GoO ok give me a few
Hey @AlmaDoMundo
@GangofOne-GoO please look at second footprint of php.net/manual/en/function.strtr.php
@GangofOne-GoO but whats $api?
@GangofOne-GoO your making $api nothing and then making $string $api which is nothing
@Jay i can't give you that yr
@GangofOne-GoO what value are you returning from the request?
@Jay 5068570-2008_12_29 5068571-2008_12_29
something like this
if sms sent
what if it fails?
it show error code
gawd i need to get off chat.. i've been posting nothing but bull here today :)
(besides.. i should focus on work)
so off I go.. c'ya later folks
I wonder why PHP RFC common tips are located inside some of Oracle web-sites :p
@Jay and string is like this
Dear [Customer Name], Your order[Booking No] with QTY [Quantity], Amt [Amount],
dynamically chnging values
preg_replace would be better
i dont know much about php
i told u
plz give me the best code if you can
Morning @DaveRandom
@Jay I was
@GangofOne-GoO I haven't done it all but you get the point. something like this: hastebin.com/wofavucimo.php
$pattern = '/'.$val.'/i'; should be $pattern = '/'.$key.'/i'; sorry
@rlemon I'm sure you've realised this by now but the w/h args for copy are only dealing with the portion of the dest image that will be used by the copied src image. Because you specified a src w/h that was bigger than the actual dimensions of the src image, it copies from the top left corner and fills the remaining pixel area in with pixels of the src background colour (the idea being that you can rescale the src onto the dest to blow it up or shrink it)
hi, Dave
I am blind now
hello everyone
I need you help
anybody here ?
we do not support Wordpress here
UC web Services
any one know about the "UC web Services"
@GangofOne-GoO hastebin.com/yutejajiwe.php I haven't tested any of this of course
@da howdy
@DaveRandom howdy
@UnknownDeveloper what's the problem ?
@HamZa obviously, the problem is to ask clear question :p
hi, @PeeHaa
did you know about the "UC web services "
@UnknownDeveloper No, but sometimes that doesn't matter
any one know about that
Hello can any buddy help me on paypal ? i want to implement parallel payment with recurring
no one knows about it, now if you please start describing your problem, otherwise just stop spamming this room
Please check associative payment gateway
its paypal system
hi, new picture
I don't know you. get away :p
@Starsong morningz
@UnknownDeveloper i have implemented simple payment with recurring but i want to implement parallel with recuring
I have a question, I have a foreach that takes elements out of an array.
Yeah, going back to being Sweetie Belle.
The out put is like blah1 blah2 blah3 - blah6 blah8 blah10 - blah903 blah03239 blablah49 -
Every blah is a value.
every '-' sign is also a value
"belle" means beautiful in french, -feminine form-
Is there a way I can say to merge before every '-' the values in a seperated array?
@Duikboot you mean to split your array into chunks by - elements ?
Uhm I thought chunk was made to split it up in an array? as in $blah = llalala - lalala; then it makes lalala and lalala apart.
is the chat always like this in early mornings ?
Wow Im today not good in explenations
@tereško I'm here for 3 hours.. it's not early morning :p
@Duikboot sorry, I didn't get that
@tereško That's when I show up :P
I'll sketch it.
@GangofOne-GoO yo
@Duikboot explode() ?
@HamZa no, it's an array
but it isn't about splitting into chunks it seems
OK people, this page is crap. Some of it is clear as mud and some of it is just wrong, suggestions for better wordings please.
@tereško I think we should cv such questions just because OP throws huge dumps of unnecessary code to us..
url is something like this
@tereško in a line, what's the problem with CodeIgniter?
I wouldn't use the url like that Gang.
i know
I would supply these values in that $args array
thats y i am asking dude
@DaveRandom which of them are wrong?
plz chnge code accordingly
> Normal execution (when no exception is thrown within the try block, or when a catch matching the thrown exception's class is not present) will continue after that last catch block defined in sequence.
> Each try must have at least one corresponding catch block
99% certain that's not true with finally
@GangofOne-GoO $args = array('property' => $string,
'username' => $username,
'pass' => $pass,
'senderid' => $sendid);
Anyone have experience with web-based locale translation support of a site that can translate words into the user's detected language using a framework such as Zend. I'm at a loss how to add structure the language files to add for example Hebrew support that has complicated plurals based on gender and other grammar related things that distinguish one word from each other that would otherwise translate the same into english. For example:

cats(m): chatulim
cats(f): chatulot
cat(m): chatul
cat(f): chatulah
This example simply sucks. Why am I not able to dv it? As far as I remember I was able to vote in the past.
I never used it, I just wanted to know what the problems are.
@HamZa why block him?
@DaveRandom well.. about catch it is fake
@Jay annoying helpvampire
@BenjaminGruenbaum it depends on global state, is filled with php4 artifacts, has horrible routing system, completely misses the point of MVC while using it to advertise and the "entry point" of application code is hidden
@Jay take the time to read slash7.com/2006/12/22/vampires
@AlmaDoMundo This is what I got and what I have to achieve ;
@tereško Thanks, appreciate it.
@Duikboot ; ? that's it ? :p
oh man .. pictures are sad :(((
and it seems you just want to split it into chunks with - element as a delimiter
@HamZa i see
What Pictures are sad oO
@JoeWatkins Regarding assert()... firstly +1000, secondly needs a setting (probably a changable-all ini setting :-() for errors instead of exceptions. Not that I would ever use it in an error-y way, but I can't see people accepting it unless it does.
@GangofOne-GoO well man I have showed you how to do it and I can't show you anymore. The code I gave is in the right direction mate
@AlmaDoMundo Pardon? Don't get your meaning there...
@Jay done
thnx dude
@Duikboot looks like textbook case of map-reduce
Hey everyone!
@GangofOne-GoO awesome
@DaveRandom well, doc page lies about catch block.
@tereško Never heard of that.
then it is off to the glory fields of Google for you
echo '<div id="titlestyle">Title: </div>';
$values= get_the_terms( $product->id, 'pa_descval');
foreach ( $values as $value ) {
echo '<div id="valuestyle">'.$value->name.'</div>';
Hey sorry it might sound noob. I am actually applying different styles to different strings.
Registering settings for wordpress plugin is not working
when i am requsting it says offset error
there is no such thing exists
add_settings_section('main_settings_akshay','Main settings',array($this,'main_section_cb_akshay'),__FILE__); // id, title, call back, which page
add_settings_field('banner_heading','Enter name',array($this,'banner_heading_setting'),__FILE__,'main_settings_akshay');
add_settings_field('banner_heading_1','Enter age',array($this,'banner_heading_setting_1'),__FILE__,'main_settings_akshay');
we do not support wordpress here
thank you
But that div makes the value to appear in other line. Is there any possibility to apply style without div tag? Because it occupies much space.
You are applying styles in your ID?
is there room for wordpress ?

 The Loop

Where humor doesn’t work.
@yourkishore : irc.freenode.net #wordpress 461 people online...
^ and that one
Thank you :)
@Duikboot is this what you're looking for?
@Duikboot Yeah, why?
@all any suggestion for my question?
@Appu You are settings names for your divs... != applying styles in your div id tag...
@AlmaDoMundo Checking! thx
@Duikboot I didn't get you. I am applying id which is defined in the css file through it to that div and it works except the mentioned issue.
Can you define what's wrong and what you want to achieve?
@Appu ID should not be used to apply CSS rulesets
@marabutt yes
You have to set an ID for it with a name and you refer to that by a stylesheet. #yourdivname{ And here you apply styles to it. }
@AlmaDoMundo $data = my array
@Duikboot Nothing is wrong. But I just want to apply it in echo without using div tag, because div takes lots of space and at the same time I want value to be beside title.
@tereško I have followed this http://stackoverflow.com/a/7147651/1592160
@Appu are you aware that IDs have to be unique per HTML document ?
ID = Unique
Class = more then once per html doc.
@tereško Oh? I have never seen it as a problem for drop-in components of which there can only ever be one, have an ID anyway (because of JS for ex.) and/or might have style collisions without the specificity of an ID (although I don't do a lot of styling and I am open to persuasion).
Does fetch="EAGER" create a join in doctrine?
Q: Symfony2: does fetch="EAGER" create a join?

ra_htialI have this mapped property inside my product entity: /** * @ORM\ManyToMany(targetEntity="Group", mappedBy="products", indexBy="id", fetch="EAGER") * */ protected $groups; I wonder, my understanding for fetch="EAGER" is that it should get the groups once the product is selected, this is wha...

@Duikboot there's a sample in that snippet. I think it clear what's your data
@tereško You mean I can only define one id per html doc?
as the name suggests, IDs identify sections of page. They are primarily used to anchor event listeners and group CSS rulesets
@Appu yes
@AlmaDoMundo I have currently this out put: hastebin.com/vacucebiqi.xml
@Appu *one ID with the same value
1 sec
@Appu Your code produces multiple elements with the same ID, that's what the problem is. An ID identifies a specific thing, a class is used to identify a member of a group of things.
invalid code: <ul><li id="icon"></li><li id="icon"></li></ul>
@tereško @DaveRandom It worked though. Anyways I have to learn lots of things it seems. Thanks. I replaced it with class. But my problem is with div.
@AlmaDoMundo almost there
@Appu The browser will compensate for mistakes like this, but it doesn't mean they are acceptable. Make sure you use the W3 validators.
@Duikboot my function relies on delimiter, but if your segments are fixed-length, it's better to use array_chunk()
I am doing that but I Receive currently an empty array {0}
@Appu If I read what you want correctly, you should be using a <span> or applying display: inline-block; to your <div>
@Appu valid code:
<div id="header">
    <ul class="language menu">
        <li class="gb flag element">English</li>
        <li class="russia flag element">Russian</li>
@tereško class names for unique elements (gb/russia)?
@Duikboot of course you will
you have no "-" elements in your array - since you concatenate each element with '<br><br>'
oops :p
@DaveRandom who said that "have flag from specific country" is a unique property ?
True, just seems a little unlikely that you would need to group them in any way if they are not unique, but it's not beyond the bounds of possibility
@DaveRandom also, I tend to avoid use of IDs in CSS to minimize specificity wars
Oh :D
I made it now like : $genereatedFields[] = $value['name'];
But still array 0
@tereško Okay :)
@DaveRandom I don't want the div at all if possible or at least I need to wrap the entire content with one div. Is it possible to apply style without div in the echo statement?
IDs in my code are almost exclusively used for anchoring JS event listeners
oh lol nvm
Oo ...
1st error was I was parsing a non existing form id
hey friends
Q: how can i calculate current age if i have the birthday date in php

Dave-88here my Code: $date = DateTime::createFromFormat('dmY', $report['patient_birthdate']); $html .= '<div class="old_view">' . $date->format('d-m-Y') . '</div>'; My current output is: "02-02-1970" but i need this to calculate -> "43 Age" How can i solve this? I hope someone have idea.

2. now I can parse the form again
Just realised my doctor prescribed me triple the dose of the previous vitamin-D tablets I was taking.
3. Its not yet splicing
Still sick.. guess it is another day of bedside coding
Cool! error nice awesome
@Fabien having bone-relate problems?
parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'function'
so did that help finally?
@Appu What's the style you want to apply?
this looks awesome
@Appu Can you make a fiddle?
@tereško Yeah. I incurred somewhere around 6 stress fractures in my tibia from playing basketball last season. I tried to heal over summer but tibias are apparently very difficult to heal. Been off basketball for nearly 7 months, crutches for 2 months (1 more to go). Taking some osteoporosis meds and Vitamin D/Calcium supplements.
x-Ray on the 28th of Novemeber. If it's not healed they're going to smash a nail through my shin to push it all together.
@tereško I don't get the analogy but I get the point
@Fabien That sounds somehow counter productive. "It's broken. If it doesn't fix itself, we'll break it a bit more."
The hammer is rarely an appropriate tool for fixing things
heh. It's the pin that pushes the cracks together to promote them to heal. I have a small concern it will make me shorter :P
You'll end up with one leg shorter than the other and be forced to only walk in circles
Not that
I really love that buildin server in PHP
@DaveRandom This is what I am getting right now http://jsfiddle.net/d3CzN/
Of course html code is in php file as I have shown above. I want the title and value on the same line.
@DaveRandom I'm not no helpvampire but could I ask for your asstance again?
@DaveRandom Thanks. I tired it with span. I thought we couldn't apply it in echo, but I can.
I'm not no is a double negative BTW. You're effectively saying you are a help vampire. heh :D
@Fabien well I said I wasn't so I'm not. I've been here all morning helping people, does that make me a vampire if I help people too?
@Jay I am not saying you are. I am saying you said you are. "Not no" <--- Double negative.
@AlmaDoMundo Seems I can't get it working dammit
@Duikboot well, from your request - it's working. But it seems your actual conditions are different. Now I don't know them, so can't help you with that. Describe what is your problem now..
@Fabien where r u from?
@Fabien read english first then oxforddictionaries.com/words/double-negatives
I am building this into a PHP script into a drupal page.
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'function' (T_FUNCTION) in ... / eval()'d code on line 34
Line 32 is : function chunkByDelimiter(array $generatedFields, $delimiter='-')
@Duikboot great. You forget ; after var_dump
a shame?
@Jay It's still a double negative. I am well aware of how the English language works.
ok, then you'll know doubles cancel the negative out
'I am not no X' means 'I am X'
Indeed a shame.
Works like charm! Thanks a lot mr. @AlmaDoMundo
Yo @Starsong
whatever, I said I wasn't
It is still a double negative to me too.
@Jay You are from?
planet zeagon
@Jay how is the CMS coming along, put the source out?
For 1 field I have to get the value.

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