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@DaveRandom @crypticツ mornin
@PeeHaa morn <?php echo str_repeat("i", 1000); ?> ng biatch
*grumpy* Morning.
hi, @salathe
@salathe mornin
@tereško mornin, I guess all of you decided to login at the same tym
@salathe lol
It's friday man cheer up!
or do you guys have the alarms synced
@salathe Being grumpy on a Friday contravenes international law
^ that
@DaveRandom I haven't see Ms Black yet
I love how I am not allowed to talk in /bin/peehaa :D
@salathe Moment I was already on it
@PeeHaa Of course!
@Mr.Alien We all live in the same timezone +-1hr
It's 9.07am in the UK and the rest of Europe is lazy so they evidently don't start work until 10
@DaveRandom To be fair, I probably won't start work until 10.
I started at 7 am
(Note to employers: I'm working now!)
@salathe *pm
@DaveRandom Hehe (it's funny because it's true)
@DaveRandom yea I know few noobs over there who outsource their projects to us, they start their office around 11 and they send me the amendments when my office tym is about to get over sigh
my head is going to blow :\ not so loud .. :\
Dear my current employers: I'm not working now and I don't plan to work for the rest of the day. Fuck You. (to my future employers: if you are not arseholes this will not be the way it works when I am employed by you)
she looks like an indian
I flagged the ugly ones
I would like to keep the beautiful one
That's, erm... uglist?
Do I have issues when I would do this one?
/me ducks for cover
@DaveRandom yea, the only one I liked is this
Not sure if brainwashed...
@PeeHaa Yes, the issue being that you wouldn't do the rest of them.
So thanks for this awesome start of the friday people. Lets keep this up!
That's what she said
no plz don't flag that :(
aha, I rejected the flag
Now I'm going to grab a beer coffee :(
Who keeps flagging rebecca?
My money's on evil @MadaraUchiha and his wicked ways
I don't know who flagged now, but frst it was me who started flagging except this gorgeous pic..
I don't think he's awake yet. Or he is counting his money gold diamonds like they all do
@PeeHaa I find that offensive. So offensive that I'm not even going to flag it, I'm telling...
Unable to change file mode on phpinfo.php: Operation not permitted on lunux
Do we have flagorrhoea again?
what do i do
from today we will be posting this on friday
@Jes Why do you need to change the file mode?
@Mr.Alien MAH EYEEEEEES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@DaveRandom humbug!
That is properly offensive
@Jes You are running lunux. No wonder it does not work
@Mr.Alien Nooooo
@Jes I'm going to guess you don't have the permissions to change the file mode, so you should probably get the permissions.
can we flag users? I wanna flag this guy -> rand(Dave);
@PeeHaa didn't you know of Lunux yet? It's written by Lunus Lokivalds.
Yeah of to the permissions shop with you @Jes!
@OctavianDamiean :-D
@OctavianDamiean Oh right, I thought it was the OS they used on the moon landing missions
That was a pimped HP calculator.
Noooooooooooooooooooooo LEAVE DAVE ALONE!
/shakes fist
morning @NikiC
@NikiC omonigngi!
@webarto wtf does :* mean?
Need some help with my question guys stackoverflow.com/questions/19312475/…
Also @rdlowrey ping me when you're alive, I want to discuss stream_socket_accept_callback(), I've been pissing around with an impl and it should be fairly simple and useful I think, but I could do with your thoughts on the signature and how it should work (mostly with respect to the fact that $timeout doesn't make a whole lot of sense, and it might be nice to set a per-client stream context in the callback)
@Alexandrw That's already answered.
@Jack yep, but not entirely, i know now how to add the function to the constructor, but when i try to echo it i get Catchable fatal error: Object of class Clasa could not be converted to string in /home/acosor/work/bpideeas/branches/testing/clasa/clasa.php on line 35
@Alexandrw If you want that, you need to implement the __toString() method.
@Alexandrw That's because objects don't convert to strings unless you implement __toString()
This is nice zdnet.com/…
PHP can't magically know how you want the data contained in the object to be displayed...
Unless echo (magic)$object;
@Alexandrw have you actually learned how to write classes in PHP ... or are you just making shit up as you go ?
morning all
hi, @JoeWatkins
i have learned how to write a class, but i'm a beginner and more complex things take a bit more to lern
@Alexandrw where exactly did you learn this bullshit ? public function __construct(filtru($x, $a, $b)) {
because it's strange how to me it looks like something made up
echo "Hello php chat!";
Here is a question... :D
that is made up, i did't know you couldn't place functions inside constructs
at least not like that
@tereško I can't even imagine what that should mean..
and while I am ranting, @Alexandrw , please write code in english
I know you all have your personal favorites, as do I, so Ill ask this question abit differently... If you could choose to learn/use another PHP framework which one would you choose?
@Alexandrw A construct is basically a method / function. That's it. It's just called a "magic method" because it's automatically run when you create an object from the class (the class is a blueprint for future objects)
@Cool2beblue Symfony for everything, then silex when you want to design your own architecture
Symfony all the things!
@Cool2beblue d) none of the above
@Cool2beblue actually, it might strike you as odd, but in this chat room almost nobody has "favorite framework"
i understand the theory of it, but when it comes to practice i tend to stumble
exec("mysql -pPASS -u USERNAME DATABASE << EOF
insert into sync_errors (SyncE_Branch,SyncE_Error) values('$fixedBranch','$execStatusCheck');
EOF"); this command getting me errors ?
@tereško Why so?
I cant believe it!!!
How very odd!!!
@Cool2beblue because we have unnaturally high ratio of developers who understand OOP principles, practices and laws.
@Alexandrw It's OK to be a beginner, but please ensure you read the fine manual :-) php.net/oop5 (and then read it again)
maybe it's because i didn't quite understand the theory properly... i'll try and read it again, thanks
@tereško So you dont bother with frameworks?
Aug 27 at 20:58, by tereško
@Orangepill most of people here use homegrown frameworks. We usually recommend SF2 only because it's one of the better ones on PHP .. but as stated before - it's like pointing out the smartest kid in the remedial class
@Cool2beblue we are way too aware of problems that PHP frameworks have.
@tereško SIgh, so should I bother using a framework?
as for me, I would personally authorize nuking the whole fucking "bloodline" of CodeIgniter and its spawn from orbit, and do the same for CakePHP
@Cool2beblue Depends on your use-case
@Cool2beblue Depends what you want. Do you want to write fast or do you want to understand what you wrote?
(in general, you can't do both)
@DaveRandom Understand what I write! Of course :D
Stupid question, I'm mind blank right now... if I do a count() as a for loop parameter, I should start the incrementing var at 1 not 0, right?
@Cool2beblue Then don't use a framework. Feel free to inspect every framework you want and see how they work (bring a sick-bag) and steal all the bits you like and write your own "framework" (which you'll never re-use, so it'll just be an application). But at the end of the day, if the boss hands you a load of crap and says "do that by next week" then it's probably best to just use a framework and worry about it later
@Jimbo Assuming that you are iterating a zero-indexed array, yes
@Cool2beblue your average php framework vulgaris has a pretty specific use-case: projects that have short life-cycle. You make it in 2 weeks, it stays up for a month, and then project is gone from internet forever. Usually its some sort of marketing-related projects. Sites for concerts, advertisement campaigns, etc .. Stuff that need to be made quickly and nobody will bother to maintain it.
@Jimbo noo. post Chuck Norris
@Cool2beblue Good thing about Symfony is that all of it's parts are 'components' which, once you know how they work, you can make your own framework with. You can use the routing component, security component, file parsing component for your configs... it's pretty great.
@Jimbo But do for ($i = 0, $l = count($subject); $i < $l; $i++) {}
Thanks for the input , its appreciated. Take it all into consideration.
@Jimbo that's if you follow the PSR0 crap
It strikes me how many people in JS think the problem with globals is memory and performance -_-
@Jimbo You mean for ($i = 1; $i <= count($array); ++$i) vs for ($i = 0; $i != count($array); ++$i)?
@tereško You can't really not follow it though. In reality it is the best option. I'm not saying it's a good option, but all things considered, if you want any form of interop at all, it's the only sane choice.
Yes people I just twatted!
Cod no workie :-( HALP! http://bit.ly/1gvBkaM #stackoverfail
@Jack I just said it's E_FRIDAY and you post that
@DaveRandom I just woke up, so no, it wsn't me (yet)
I'm watching you
This is a beautiful question. — Jimbo 32 secs ago
@DaveRandom sorry, but I don't believe in case-sensitive classnames. It's bullshit.
@Jimbo Not my problem :)
@tereško Fine. Fair enough. Present a better (practical) option and I'm right with you.
@BenjaminGruenbaum The problem is definitely memory ... where did I put these variables?
OK, what the hell?
Whoever it is, stop abusing the offensive flag system or I'll be abusing you!
WTF keeps flagging shit?
@OctavianDamiean It's @tereško
@PeeHaa the "hint" is in the statement.
it would be really nice if THE ROOM FUCKING OWNERS stopped spamming crap.
That's no spam
That's rebecca black
It's ham?
@tereško here's the right way to deal with such a situation. If something really bothers you and it won't stop, contact a moderator to handle this. Offensive flags are for, well, offensive content which those picture just aren't.
Lol, the irony.
Very mature.
Really staph abusing the flags
@Jack it's not "irony" if YOU flag a post to point of how ironic it is
@DaveRandom Only 33. weak man! @Gordon
@OctavianDamiean one picture is not spam. Four in a row - is.
Alright everyone, chill
@PeeHaa you're the gif police, aren't you? enforce.
@MadaraUchiha Why bother. They are not even on the current page in chat
@tereško I didn't.
I don't really want to discuss the validity of the actions because I wasn't here and have no context, which is also why the offensive flag system is broken. That's why asking a moderator to handle the situation is better than placing your bet on a broken system. ;)
Wait, I just got a cup of tea, is this all because of RB?
1 message moved to Trash can
@PeeHaa Unless you're @Levi with a 900 mile tall monitor
Good lord </in the most british accent possible>
@DaveRandom hehehehe
The current view of chat isn't based on srceen estate right? right?
@PeeHaa I think it is
Try spreading chrome across both monitors
@Jimbo that's "bloody hell" (in Irish accent)
No, it isn't
@MadaraUchiha lol what is it now :P
1 min ago, by PeeHaa
The current view of chat isn't based on srceen estate right? right?
It actually is though
My starred message is at top for me
> This is nice zdnet.com/…
The post containers are display: inline-block
@Jimbo then in Dr. Ian Duncan's (Community character) voice.
@OctavianDamiean Stewie ftw
@OctavianDamiean Never heard of this guy, but after looking up a page with a bit of a rap from him, he seems rather hilarious :P
@DaveRandom I'm pretty sure we already have looked into it btw for the plugin
I need to make a plugin
That links everyone's mon-rings
not rings
No, that would entangle too much.
@Jimbo "links" how?
@Jimbo if you didn't watch the TV show Community when you should.
@PeeHaa Really we could do with making the starred messages container a fixed height and y-scrollable based on the computed body height - bottom bar height - computed height of the backlog, I've got a user script that does it but never been arsed to fit it into the plugin in a clean way
Actually something's changed lately with the avatar sizing, the plugin now breaks display when a cv-post is edited before you click it
Has anyone ever tried to use forward_static_call()?
@Jack Doesn't look hugely useful tbh
@Jack I even didn't know about it till this moment..
Morning all
It was introduced in 5.3, but for what reason I wonder.
@DaveRandom hmmm haven't noticed it yet (I thnk)
@PeeHaa It's an edge-case, people don't do it much
Presumably that would have done it
I love how when you want to demonstrate something about posting a cv, all you need to do it look at the PHP newest questions and there will always be at least one candidate
@DaveRandom works for me
@DaveRandom I'm guessing it's like static::$method()
Oh wait, it's not hehe
@PeeHaa @Jack i am trying to write to a file from my php page which is inside /WebServer/Documents folder and it prevents me due to permission
@PeeHaa Have you left the page? It fixes it if you reload the page. I haven't seen it for a couple of weeks, maybe they've fixed it. If not I know roughly where the problem is anyway, it's from the avatar-resizing-based-on-onebox-height code, it does some funky display: adjustments and if they've altered the jQ to replace Even More Of The Things then it will break
what do i do
My OCD makes having 4490 rep annoying -_-
Must answer a question.
@Jes You need to get permissions on the target directory. If you don't know how or are unable to do that, you need to ask the server administrator to help you, because we can't access your server to fix it.
@Starsong Solved.
@Jack Thanks :D
@DaveRandom thx
@DaveRandom nopez. I didn't leave
I cannot leave, because you people cannot be trusted
This room would totally turn into a mess
@PeeHaa Awesome, hopefully it's fixed anyway
Is there a resource where I can get a list of all domains purchased today? I don't mind this being a paid service.
@Fabien You just need to inspect the whois system
@JoeWatkins fffrrrii....
@DaveRandom Our goal is to find if any similar domain names have been purchased.
@MadaraUchiha I don't know, shows how many mon-rings each person has done, brainstorming atm :P
microsoft's live.com never fails to fail:
> Your password can't be longer than 16 characters.
@tereško failing to fail === sucess doesn't it? :)
I don't think this list is possible tbh.
@vascowhite Wait, E_FRIDAY, yes that means it's always a success!
@Duikboot ddddaaaay
@Jimbo that === !success :)
@Fabien it definitely is ...
on account of the fact you can access all the domains purchased today :)
@JoeWatkins haha I first read that as daddaaaay!
@Fabien what do you mean 'similar'? same name but other 1-st level zones?
@JoeWatkins Where?
@Fabien Define "similar"? I've got like 1/3rd of a whois client that I wrote ages ago, might be nice to finish it off
@AlmaDoMundo Similar will be down to us to find. We just want the list.
similar like bootcamp bootkamp.
@Fabien You can't really get a complete list, you have to query individual domains. Creating an aggregate list isn't really possible, the system doesn't send out notifications, you have to explicitly query it
so you're defining certain list or just rule (like levenshtein or soundex)?
@Fabien how you do it depends on what kind of resources you want to throw at it ... I'd be sensible, most domains get bought at 3 or 4 online resellers, these resellers have apis ... that's the easiest way in ...
@AlmaDoMundo levenshtein yeah. Well that parts undecided. Step 1 is can we get the data.
@DaveRandom Thats a little what I suspected.
@JoeWatkins We'd limit it to today only. Any sale.
@Fabien Still, it would be (fairly) trivial to write something that you supply a list of similar names and it queries them for various common TLDs (or a list of TLDs, whatever)
@Fabien then.. a rule? it's not well then - because in common case that will require too many queries. Also you can't be sure that once you've queried your list, it will remain unchanged. As @DaveRandom mentioned there's no link back from the system, so you'll have to maintain your list by yourself
what dave is suggesting is better
The biggest difficulty is that whois "documents" don't have a rigid format, you'd probably end up with some zOMG regexes
if you're only looking for domains matching some keywords then generate a list of domains you want to lookup might be the better way round to do it ...
they don't have a rigid format, but they do have a rigid return code for success or failure ...
Company is quite pro regex :P
True, I guess if you only want to know if they are registered then it's simple. If you want to know when they were registered...
they are bot nearly infinitely large lists ... only your list will be slightly less infinite ...
When isn't so bad. But is there not an issue with the sheer number of potential variations on a name which makes it a lot of queries?
well most whois servers will start throttling you anyway
you are not allowed to hammer crap out of em
At a guess... How many domain sales are there per day?
In what scope?
(are you including country-specific TLDs?)
Although tbh that's a "how long is a piece of string?" question
on a related note, my computer has gained half GB of RAM by removing svchost.exe(netsvcs) memory leak
I don't know, but without being teir 1 backbone connected and paying a bunch of money to everyone involved, there isn't enough time in the day to whois every domain sold ...
^ this
Whatsup ;-)
I have a question, I get an 403 forbidden when trying to rewrite from subdomain to subdomain is this common?
Actually, thinking about it, if you only want to know if they are registered you don't actually need to whois them, you can just look up the SOA/NS
yeah you could digg
it wont always work tho ...
I think dig/nslookup resolves queries
if the zone isn't setup, which it isn't always ... then you'll get no data
So you think it's better to create a list of possibles then see if they're taken?
its still a large list, but yeah it's gotta be the way to go ...
And querying the DNS system is probably a much saner (certainly much quicker) route than whois
for us lowly people anyway ...
There are cases where that would return false negatives, but not many
:) heh cheers guys
^ you can always verify negatives
by using namecheap (any registrar, that's the one in my head under registrar) api to try and register domain but don't take it all the way ...
there's probably a way to do that ...
Yeh that could work. Although they probably throttle heavily as well
limit on api requests yeah but if youre only using it for verifying negatives
I might have a play with some stuff in a bit
plus there's a bunch of registrars, pretty sure if you pooled their resources you would hit no limits
the api will have limits, their website will not ... esp if you can make the requests come from multiple addresses
I might even finish LibDNS! Wouldn't that be a novelty?
@LeviMorrison was it suggested on r/PHP ?
\0/ ban lifted.
hello ladies
@Simon_eQ you were banned? For what?
self-ban .. he's strange that way
@crypticツ self-ban. From Sundays to Friday, just to concentrate more on work.
And, yeah, like @tereško said.
I see it as lack in strength of character ..

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