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@LeviMorrison That doesn't look quite so well anymore. Content that's too wide becomes hard to read
@DanLugg Brevity? No. Readability? It's been known. Will I ever do it again? Probably not.
@NikiC I agree but you would not believe the number of people who want it to stretch to fullscreen.
@DanLugg brevity? Well… It's just as readable and short as goto (for fallthrough)… (for just replacing ifs: no!)
@LeviMorrison People don't always know what's good for them :P
But to be honest, I'd never use a fullscreen window at this size for the PHP manual.
Awesome; thanks folks :)
@LeviMorrison That's a luxury of people who have too many monitors or too large monitors ;)
Perhaps, but you asked what it would look like on a larger screen ^^
@LeviMorrison well; I actually have my browser in some space (you know Mission Control on OS X) in full screen and IDE in another…
^ I could do that instead.
@LeviMorrison let us see on a real page
Sadly, this is not visible on anything. (I have other changes on my normal dev environment atm)
I can try to patch it.
Give me a minute or two.
would be nice to have some grouping in php string functions
they are ... emm .. kinda many
@tereško propose some group names…
@tereško you mean more granular than "String Functions" ?!! :P
hebrevc ... :/ We have some really weird string functions
one group could by for crypto/hashing functions
I was just thinking "I've never seen that before!" then I looked at it and now I know why...
@NikiC lol?! nl2br seems to not be good enough…
Why is nl2br even a function?
You can now view the scrollable stuff on leviathon.homenet.org/strpos but it's really rough and I'm sure there are problems with it in various places. @salathe @NikiC
So, @NikiC, you're coming out when I'm in Berlin, right?
@DanLugg Because strtr() is uncool.
@DaveRandom and str_replace also.
@bwoebi That's so uncool its untrue. Underscores are like, total loserville.
@bwoebi it should be crnl_nlcr_nl_cr_to_br_crnl_nlcr_nl_cr()
@LeviMorrison first impression: holy scrollbars, batman!
@LeviMorrison I hate it less than I did last night, but having two adjacent scrollbars on the far right is a usability nightmare IMO -- you have to focus to make sure you grab the correct scrollbar.
John Lennon isn't turning 73 today because I'm a dick.
@salathe lol?!
@rdlowrey Yes, yes, I can remove one of them by making the footer visible at all times as well.
@ircmaxell rofl
@salathe I love OS X for not showing scrollbars if not in scrolling mode :-)
I like the android docs approach
@LeviMorrison +1-ish but could do with putting the footer content in the header and stopping the outer page being horizontally scrollable
@salathe What, "be outdated"? I think we've already got that covered
@DaveRandom I think we're still on Bootstrap 2... that's outdated :) (@LeviMorrison are we?)
Yes, we are on Bootstrap 2. 3 wasn't even in public beta so to speak when I did that.
I am going to update before final release, no worries.
What an ass noodle:
@LeviMorrison heh, rather you than me
Flagged for not being constructive. @MarcB Things might not be easy But I managed to get this far. — LogicLooking 18 hours ago
Hahaha, I saw that. He spammed for help like 4 times yesterday.
@salathe E_TOO_HARD.
@ircmaxell cool
yea thats fun
How do I create a new PHP file in PhpStorm, but where it does not create the file on the filesystem?
it's a rather hard question to Google correctly =o\
@HenrikBjørnskov I'm here if you need help, show me code ...
@crypticツ You mean just like a blank file for just storing stuff in temporarily? I don't know - it seems to be one of the only things that PHPStorm doesn't support.
@Danack yeah, I find the need to use PhpStorm to whip up some code without the need to create a file, but it forces me to actually save it to filesystem =o(
@crypticツ Hmm - the phrase to google for was "phpstorm create scratch file" there appears to be a plugin plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/?id=4428 - just trying now.
@Danack it looks like it still saves to filesystem in scratch folder
Yep - still not ideal.
@crypticツ Just save in /tmp :P
Let the OS clean up.
@AlmaDoMundo So... there's a possibility I may have got a little carried away: github.com/DaveRandom/memrem/tree/2.0
@DaveRandom BTW I totally forgot to ask. Are you officially a php dev?
@PeeHaa I am, although still "working" out my notice
@DaveRandom oh, where will you be working?
Definitely deserves quotes
@NikiC docnet.nu (as of next month)
hehe. When do you want to will you be allowed to leave start
Finish here Fri 8th Oct, starting there Mon 18th
@DaveRandom sites looks like fun ^^
lol ^^ kill it with fire.
I may actually ping them an email and see if I can start on the Thurs before or sth, not sure I need a whole week off and 2 day weeks at start of job are alway good
@DaveRandom oh so a few nice relaxing days off? :)
@NikiC Yeh they certainly present themselves pretty well in person as well, although obviously only time will tell, hopeful though
@DaveRandom First thing you need to do is tell them to put some animation on here. Everytime I hit that page I want to pull the cord
@PeeHaa That's just your parachute fixation again
@ircmaxell Whatever point he might have, it is undermined by the last paragraph when he says "MVC, DAO and Singleton" :)
@ircmaxell seems like textbook case of Dunning–Kruger effect
well, he makes a decent point up until the last paragraph
dunno ... for some reason he things that polymorphism is not needed in OOP
he might assume that polymorphism is somehow bound to inheritance
well, or that he looks like he's making a decent point
I'm missing something obvious - what's the command to build composer.phar from the composer source ? (for testing a branch)
@tereško well, a form of it is, sub-type polymorphism
what exactly points of his do you agree with (excluding the points that you already made in the article)
@rdlowrey broken zts build
I didn't say I agreed with him
I said he was on his way to making a point
@JoeWatkins Ah, okay. Will work on it.
btw, am I only one who thinks that singleton is not an OOP pattern ?
I don't think it's an OOP pattern either
I think it's a procedural construct implemented using classes
@tereško It's a COP pattern ^^
I love that that name stuck (Class Oriented Programming)
3v4l.org/iqKUC .. this basically is a singleton
replace the value with a database connection .. and .. there ya go
class is not required
well, basically is the key word
it's not a singleton
because it's not self-enforcing of type
@ircmaxell ?
but it's the same concept
@NikiC singletons by definition internalize their initialization. So you can't initialize outside of the "singleton method".
although I guess that's not a hard requirement
patterns and concepts are hard
ah, you mean the private ctor thing basically?
that's sort-of where I was going
Hey guys I got a question for you, In this class: gist.github.com/AdamKyle/6904458 when I call a method with multiple params it should call call_user_func_array(), if its one param it should call call_user_func() So if I were to do: $this->some_function($param_one, $param_two) will my _param_is_array() be execute? currently if it's one param it works fine. but I haven't tested with two params or multiple params. thaoughts?
@rdlowrey you want patch ?
@JoeWatkins That'd be great -- which code are you looking at specifically?
openssl.c won't build in zts anymore ...
you mean with the recent PRs merged?
yeah master from about 20 minutes ago
good ole TSRMLS_CC :)
yeah ...
I'm still new with the TSRM things (obviously), so if you see where the problem is a patch would be infinitely helpful -- and would help me see what I need to do differently going forward.
@rdlowrey actually compiling it should display you the function which needs an TSRMLS_CC appended
so apparently the world wont need programmers after the apocalyptic US debt default
i've got my tinfoil hat and vegetable seeds stocked up
@JoeWatkins Oh, seems simple enough.
it is yeah ...
btw, do you know what the CC stands for?
call with comma?
conditional comment ?
Carbon copy?
you're no fun
call with comma
TSRMLS_D tsrmls declaration
TSRMLS_C tsrmls call
... etc ...
and DC? … ah ok
so the full thing is Thread-Safe Resource Manager Local Storage Call with Comma :D
that's one big acronym
yeah :)
I kinda feel sorry for this guy
@tereško y is that?
Yea, why?
I hate requesting a password reset and having to wait 15 minutes to receive the email.
woah, in the time it took me to read my 4k unread feed reader items, another 100 appeared...
function randomString($length, $charset) {
    $characters = $charset || '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ';
    $randomString = '';
    for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
        $randomString .= $characters[rand(0, strlen($characters) - 1)];
    return $randomString;
will $characters = $charset || '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'; cause an error?
i'm use to javascript and not sure if this works in php
@ircmaxell i read the PHP internals the other day. Thanks
@eazimmerman try it
and don't use rand
Always use mt_rand
thanks :)
don't use mt_rand either
No don't use mtrand,, I was trolling.
what should i use?
If I'm using a form where the user enters the URL of a page with their profile pic, how can I have it copy the value of "SRC=" from the class ID "spotlight", from the page when they submit?

Sorry if my question isn't very clear...
if you need security, it doesn't suffice
A: Is a rand from /dev/urandom secure for a login key?

Thomas PorninThe short answer is yes. The long answer is also yes. /dev/urandom yields data which is indistinguishable from true randomness, given existing technology. Getting "better" randomness than what /dev/urandom provides is meaningless, unless you are using one of the few "information theoretic" crypto...

A: Is a rand from glibc's rand secure for a login key?

GillesNo. The PRNG in typical C libraries is designed for speed, not for security. It's usually appropriate for numerical simulations and games (in good-quality implementations — there are implementations out there, mostly old ones, where it's not appropriate for anything), but not for cryptography. A ...

The last couple of days i have been making a project, trying to adapt TDD (or atleast write test, write code). And if any of you have some time, i would love some feedback on the project. Anything from the pattern, naming, etc etc in taken with quite the appreciation.
i found a solution
function randomString($length, $charset='0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ') { ... }
Let me simplify my query here:
How can I get the "SRC=" attribute of a class on a page from another web site?
I love binary literals
@tereško better today?
does anyone know how unit testing works?
@tereško What the actual fuck? He die()'s in his destructor.
Don't they use some pretty strong meds for removing wisdom teeth?
@Fabien yes .. and then those meds wear off
Hey, I am passing through a real strange situation!
and you cannot eat solid food for ~week
Cookies are set on all browsers exepct IE :(
except *
@moderns just keep walking and don't make eye-contact
WB @PeeHaa
Hey greetings to all developers!
@moderns .. set all the parameters in setcookie() function
Would you please check this question: stackoverflow.com/questions/19277733/…
I tried all possibilities.. I have specific situation. Normal situation to set cookies is working fine
@tereško Anything like this? :P
I am really surprised :( I can't proceed anymore with my project
@Fabien that wasn't my experience
Need better drugs
Is there any way to show my question for more people?
I am afraid no body is gonna answer me, till now, no answer :(
@moderns sometimes the best thing to do is to take a break and start again later. forcing yourself to solve an issue can sometimes make things unnecessarily hard
Thanks Joe! Appreciate your hint. But am afraid that no solution for this problem
Which will cause me to cancel the project which I took 6 months to finish :(
if you start spamming the question, you most likely will end up with a locked account and deleted question
I just sent it one time :)
I wish you a nice evening. Thank you all :)
did you try setting all the parameters already ?
I wish I could help but sadly i'm not familiar with setting up cookies
@moderns You cannot set and access the cookie in the same request
setcookie('test', time(), time()+3600, '/', 'domain.com')
Also check your browser's developer tools to see the cookies and requests
@PeeHaa, I know, but I am making another call from the PHP portion to get the cookies
How to see that in IE?
The same as in every browser?
IE dev tools let you see the cookies .. did you check ?
It is working perfect on all browsers except IE
@moderns You may be missing a dot - setcookie('test', time(), time()+3600, '/', '.domain.com')
"Older browsers still implementing the deprecated » RFC 2109 may require a leading . to match all subdomains."
Cookies are enabled on IE and they are working on another project
@moderns You may be missing a dot - setcookie('test', time(), time()+3600, '/', '.domain.com')
I also tried the dot.
"Older browsers still implementing the deprecated » RFC 2109 may require a leading . to match all subdomains."
No result
1 min ago, by PeeHaa
Also check your browser's developer tools to see the cookies and requests
also, @moderns , do you have full error reporting? It seems to me like you are trying to set cookies after you already have begun sending a response
OK then where to go @Peeha
1 min ago, by PeeHaa
The same as in every browser?
i have the RandomLib but how do i import or use it
$factory = new RandomLib\Factory; is throwing errors
I am setting the cookie then redirecting by calling PHP to read it
The problem just in IE
ok good bye
did you understand what I wrote ?
But it is working perfect on localhost for all browsers why?
@eazimmerman have you tried to turn it off and on again ?
When I use the live domain, it doesn' twork just in IE
@eazimmerman oh noes....
@moderns , do you have full error reporting? It seems to me like you are trying to set cookies after you already have begun sending a response to the browser.
@PeeHaa Unexpected character in input: '\'
@eazimmerman On what line? Also what PHP version are you on?
@eazimmerman missing parenthesis, quote or semicolon
or PHP 5.2
"Are you a Zend Certified Engineer". Me: "Yes, and I wrote part of the exam"
@tereško NO I don't have error reporting.
@tereško would you please refer to my question and get points by answering? Would appreciate if you can explain that in the code
@PeeHaa PHP 5
i'm following the example from github.com/ircmaxell/RandomLib
@eazimmerman php 5.0.0 was released in 2004th ... which version exactly
the details just say PHP 5
i'm using godaddy (don't kill me)
And where did you find those "the details"?
<?php phpinfo(); ?>
On the box?
do you get points for being a framework engineer?
@Joe What is a framework engineer?
"framework engineer" is marketing department term for "carpenter"
PHP Version 5.2.17
Oh, and working with Stas and some of the others on the new version of the exam has been... how should I say this... eye opening...
@eazimmerman yeah about that...
@ircmaxell Good, bad, or indifferent?
@eazimmerman it's way too old. Currently 5.4 is the "legacy support" version
@PeeHaa this ... " "Are you a Zend Certified Engineer". Me: "Yes, and I wrote part of the exam" " ...
@Joe And how is that related to "framework engineer"?
@Joe zend makes more then just a lame framework
@Charles eye opening...
@PeeHaa I don't know, that is why I asked
meaning, I now understand things I only guessed at before
@tereško oh... i didnt know that
the best i can do is 5.3
@ircmaxell Well don't leave us hanging, man!
@ircmaxell ok out with the dirt!
Understand what? Technology? Code? People? Motivation? The Deep Dark Secret of the Zend Engine?
@eazimmerman that code will run on 5.3
people and politics
Ah yes, politics.
That's not dirt. That's stating the obvious :)
names we want! :p
certificates are a business
Did you at least get close enough to punch Stas in the nose, yet have the restraint not to? :) Blindly assuming this was face-to-face.
a good business at that too
@tereško no, that's PHP 5.5. The active version is master.
@Charles wasn't face to face
@bwoebi I assumed the system was: "legacy", "stable", "current" .. and maybe "bleeding edge"
Oh darn.
@tereško oh, then you're excused :-P But actually master is very stable I think (actually!)… not a lot bug reports on anything master specific actually.
I have an interesting question. Is a lot of framework-based coding just copy/pasting and hacking the stuff to work?
I hate writing bio's
you at least have some decent stuff to put in them
here's what I have so far:
> Anthony Ferrara specializes in Object Oriented Design, Application Architecture and Web Application Security. He is an active contributor to multiple Open Source projects, as well as the PHP community as a whole. Anthony also is a frequent speaker at conferences and user groups.
I do? I can't think of any way of writing it without sounding like a douche or bragging
well if you aren't overstating what you can do, then it aint bragging
maybe you should list your specialities in bullet-point form. it stands out more
can't, it's just a paragraph
not sure what else to do there
is this for a CV?
@ircmaxell English is not my mother tong but it doesn't sound like you are a douch or bragging in this text
Well you've written about your broad skills, now write about the stuff you do at Zend
oh wait. you forgot to mention years of experience.
saying you have 10-15 years adds some cred
I don't work for Zend
you should use what the others are saying as a guide to what you should say.
and I don't want to add "cred" or anything like that
Word, don't mess around 'homes, I got street cred' to the PHP_INT_MAX
> He has been programming in one form or another for over 20 years, with many languages including PHP, C, Go, Python, Fortran and PERL.
that could come after your first sentence, explaining your history.
that's it, sent
@ircmaxell I'd say just write what you're passionate about, but since this page is all about having "credentials", that's probably not appropriate here.
I just hate doing that stuff
even though you 'hate it' you should look at it from the point of view of the people that may be learning from you (especially if they are paying for it).
experience counts when passing on knowledge
@PeeHaa Aaaand there goes my afternoon.
@ircmaxell Didn't you just turn 30?
@Joe In my experience I people care more about actually seeing stuff being created rather than writing bio's :)
@Orangepill yes, I started programming when I was 7
I taught myself assembly when I was 10
so I think that counts ;-)
true @PeeHaa but this guys knowledge seems to need to go beyond just putting together a cool web app. internet security is very abstract, etc.
I taught myself Fortran when I was 2 :'D
anyone with LaTeX skills want to help me out? why is typesetting tables still hard in 2013...
@Joe I actually lol'd
let me see what typesetting tables is and I will contribute my 2 cents worth
then on to Laravel!
said no one ever
he says "beginner level guide"
@ircmaxell Color me impressed... If you added that to the bio that would be bragging... your current description falls short of reality.
time to code the matrix in fortran using 1 transistor and salt water to power it
@ircmaxell what language where you programming in at 7? BASIC?
@ircmaxell I see your placephant and raise you pointerpointer.com
on a Comodore64
i'm using PHP 5.3 now
but now i'm getting: Fatal error: Class 'lib\RandomLib\Factory' not found in /home/content/26/10994126/html/accountv2/index.php on line 11
lol, I got my first computer less then 10 years ago
@ircmaxell that was me at 9... with a dataset :) no floppy
@MadaraUchiha yeah, I love that :-P
is there something i need to do to import the directory?
@Orangepill I had a floppy, and a tape drive
@eazimmerman did you use composer to install it?
or did you just copy the files?
i just copied the files
ah, it's expecting some sort of an autoloader to be present
@PeeHaa Aw, I thought it went on forever...
@eazimmerman shouldn't that be RandomLib\Factory, without the leading `lib`?
that too
@igorw i had that and it still threw an error
so i assumed it need the whole directory
@DanLugg Yeah. You go through it pretty quickly :(
@eazimmerman well, what is the new error? likely it is progress.
same error
Fatal error: Class 'RandomLib\Factory' not found in /home/content/26/10994126/html/accountv2/index.php on line 3

  $factory = new RandomLib\Factory;
  $generator = $factory->getMediumStrengthGenerator();

  echo $generator->generateString(16, 'ATGC');

ok, and where did you copy the randomlib files?
and in the root is /lib/RandomLib/...
did you include any of them? you need to somehow tell PHP how to load the files.
@igorw I had a question for you ... in your doucheswag ebi implementation what portion of that constitutes the boundary? Is it the fact that the interactors are invokable?
@Orangepill the invokable interactors are the boundary, the request and response structs are the messages that are passed over that boundary.
no. do i include each file seperately (or recursively) or can i just include a path/folder?
usually you'd use an autoloader
if you use composer to install the library, it will generate the autoloader definitions for you
and that will also explain to you along the way what an autoloader is, etc.
@igorw good....that means I understood.
@MadaraUchiha I think I should download those Deadpool comics. I might actually like them.
@tereško I think you would, Deadpool is awesome

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