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06:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

@Gordon I consider it bad practice, because it depends on implementation details (mainly that it's a StdClass object, or a non-iterating object). I'd rather see something like foreach ((array) $obj or foreach (get_object_vars($obj)
whats the difference between foreach($obj as $prop) and foreach($arr as val)?
because obj is dependent on implementation, where array is always an array
got a blog post coming out in 53 minutes
i dont understand that argument. It would rule out using Iterators
Not really, because you're looking to iterate over the object, not its properties
basically, I'm saying don't use foreach($obj to directly iterate over properties
Hmm, no. I disagree with that.
Well, that's the beauty of it all, you can disagree with it
that's just my view
fair enough
anyone know what's the different of php dom 2.7.7 and 2.7.8? I use DOMDocument and DOMXPath, but it shows different result between the result in my localhost with php 5.3.5 and live hosting with php 5.2.17..
I'd suspect the difference to be due to the PHP version and not the libxml version
@ayublin What's different?
wait, i am searching for how to post code here XD
changelog for libxml 2.7.8: xmlsoft.org/news.html
@ayublin just paste it and hit FixedFont or use pastebin.com or a gist
$dom = new DOMDocument;
@$dom->loadHTMLFile("a web page");
$xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);
$result = $xpath->query("//h1[@class='a_class']");
foreach ($result as $item) {
    echo $item->nodeValue;
in my localhost it shows a result, but in my live hosting it doesn't show anything.
are you sure the HTML it's loading is the same?
and remove the error suppression, it may be hiding relevant errors
i bet you dont have allow_url_fopen on the live host
but you dont see it because of error suppression
@Gordon I hate that directive...
to suppress parsing errors with DOM, use libxml_use_internal_errors(true) and libxml_clear_errors()
@ircmaxell yes it's the same
@Gordon oh, okay thanks, i will change the code and see the result again..
fair enough
$dom = new DOMDocument;
$dom->loadHTMLFile("a web page");
$xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);
$result = $xpath->query("//h1[@class='a_class']");
foreach ($result as $item) {
    echo $item->nodeValue;
@Gordon done that, and in the live hosting it shows Document is empty in bla bla error
can you do readfile('the web page')?
or print_r($http_response_headers) after the call to loadHtmlFile
@Gordon I tried readfile and it works, should I still try the print_r($http_response_headers)
oh forgot the "?"
yes, please.
print_r($http_response_headers) generate Undefined variable notice, do I need to assign it or it does automatically ?
That's odd. Do you actually load from a remote server or do you load a local file?
yeah, it's from a remote server.
are you sure it's $http_response_headers not $http_response_header ?
@Gordon yeah I just read it, that's why I can ask. no problem.
@Gordon with $http_response_header it now shows result
can you paste it?
> When debugging, novices insert corrective code; experts remove defective code.
okay, wait a sec..
sorry disconnected..
Array ( [0] => HTTP/1.1 301 MovedPermanently [1] => Date: Tue, 09 Aug 2011 16:52:14 GMT [2] => Server: Server [3] => x-amz-id-1: 15KRGDDZCJ4QEFGJACFM [4] => p3p: policyref="http://www.amazon.com/w3c/p3p.xml",CP="CAO DSP LAW CUR ADM IVAo IVDo CONo OTPo OUR DELi PUBi OTRi BUS PHY ONL UNI PUR FIN COM NAV INT DEM CNT STA HEA PRE LOC GOV OTC " [5] => x-amz-id-2: POVZXwj+lL2jKna3QMOtEJ6UDQzqqR3JSw0WSavMslI8XsQaAfm/RF+mEDtql0Qf [6] =>
Location: amazon.com/Canon-PowerShot-ELPH-300-HS/dp/tech-data/B004J41T7Q [7] => Vary: Accept-Encoding,User-Agent [8] => Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1 [9] => Set-cookie: session-id-time=2082787201l; path=/; domain=.amazon.com; expires=Tue Jan 01 08:00:01 2036 GMT [10] => Set-cookie: session-id=000-0000000-0000000; path=/; domain=.amazon.com; expires=Tue Jan 01 08:00:01 2036 GMT [11] => Transfer-Encoding: chunked )
HTTP/1.1 301 MovedPermanently
yes! but in localhost
Is there a Location header in there?
so for some reason, it's not following the Location header. I'd suggest using CURL to download it then
Array ( [0] => HTTP/1.1 200 OK [1] => Date: Tue, 09 Aug 2011 16:51:58 GMT [2] => Server: Server [3] => x-amz-id-1: 1NRZ87JHJGQFYHH1RHW2 [4] => p3p: policyref="http://www.amazon.com/w3c/p3p.xml",CP="CAO DSP LAW CUR ADM IVAo IVDo CONo OTPo OUR DELi PUBi OTRi BUS PHY ONL UNI PUR FIN COM NAV INT DEM CNT STA HEA PRE LOC GOV OTC " [5] => x-amz-id-2: NPbKWjmEqLL4SDSsdKa5ejRNIFIuZ+5ZH4SgqG9YhplSu2sQj+1qDI9XHi7DguFB [6] =>
@ircmaxell bah. curl stinks. nothing file_get_contents couldnt do.
Vary: Accept-Encoding,User-Agent [7] => Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1 [8] => Set-cookie: session-id-time=2082787201l; path=/; domain=.amazon.com; expires=Tue Jan 01 08:00:01 2036 GMT [9] => Set-cookie: session-id=178-5017613-3251417; path=/; domain=.amazon.com; expires=Tue Jan 01 08:00:01 2036 GMT [10] => Connection: close )
@ircmaxell where can I find Location header? sorry for the noobs question..
@Gordon fgc automatically follows redirects?
this is odd, the exact same code, but different result..
@ircmaxell yes
can you do this pls:
$http = stream_context_create();
    	"notification" => function()
            if (func_get_arg(0) === STREAM_NOTIFY_REDIRECTED) {
                echo func_get_arg(2), PHP_EOL;
$dom = new DOMDocument;
$dom->loadHtmlFile('the URL');
just found a new shortcut for winows7 : if you press [win] + number , then it will open/toggle application from taskbar
@Gordon aye sir!
@teresko nice. thanks for sharing.
though i suspect that this might be an old news
@teresko didnt know it.
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_FUNCTION
that's in my live hosting, it runs php 5.2.17
check if all { and } are where they need to be
for more information, i tried with different url to load, and it works for both localhost and livehosting
or even better , get some IDE which lets you see php syntax errors
@teresko okay
@ayublin oh. of course. sorry. there is lambda in there
in that case cancel my suggestion
@teresko no problem, thanks anyway :)
lambda's are available only since 5.3
which translates to something like "3 years"
@ayublin this is the url, right: http://www.amazon.com/Canon-PowerShot-ELPH-300-HS/dp/tech-data/B004J41T7Q
oh is that passing function called lambda ?
my condolences on your hosting choice
@Gordon yes
that's odd. when I load that URL from my computer, I get a 200 immediately. Not a redirect at all. I dont even get notified that there is redirects happening.
@Gordon wow, yeah, it's also works good in my localhost, but it's not in the hosting X(
and when i enter that in my browser and inspect the headers with TamperData I dont see any redirects either
@Gordon oh, so there is no problem with the URL, but the exact some php file, shows different http_response_header, just like I posted before..
*some should be *same
your code works in 5.2, so its not a version issue: codepad.viper-7.com/By8ZXl
you said readfile() would get the HTML content, right? On both servers?
yes, on both servers, it will shows the web page
cannot be a libxml issue either because I have 2.7.7
@Gordon the hosting have php 5.2.17 but libxml 2.7.8
my localhost have php 5.3.5 but libxml 2.7.7
Can you do $dom->loadHtml(file_get_contents($url))
You think @NikiC will be mad when I will erase his whole website? :(
@Gordon sorry disconnected again, pretty bad connection here, okay going to try it!
I hope he got backup :)
@Gordon still http response header
Array ( [0] => HTTP/1.1 301 MovedPermanently [1] => Date: Tue, 09 Aug 2011 17:30:19 GMT [2] => Server: Server [3] => x-amz-id-1: 0HFVAJ1P9Z6F1TGN1FD1 [4] => p3p: policyref="http://www.amazon.com/w3c/p3p.xml",CP="CAO DSP LAW CUR ADM IVAo IVDo CONo OTPo OUR DELi PUBi OTRi BUS PHY ONL UNI PUR FIN COM NAV INT DEM CNT STA HEA PRE LOC GOV OTC " [5] => x-amz-id-2: e7leYpYoD2BDNyz0OPWWB7sCLd791CgfyNDDhkz8v8ZAjvVyCqKnI0dRhPHHnGED
[6] => Location: amazon.com/Canon-PowerShot-ELPH-300-HS/dp/tech-data/B004J41T7Q [7] => Vary: Accept-Encoding,User-Agent [8] => Cneonction: close [9] => Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1 [10] => Set-cookie: session-id-time=2082787201l; path=/; domain=.amazon.com; expires=Tue Jan 01 08:00:01 2036 GMT [11] => Set-cookie: session-id=000-0000000-0000000; path=/; domain=.amazon.com;
wow, is this a typo [8] => Cneonction: close? in $http_response_header :O
@ircmaxell codepad.viper-7.com/hNpRgc (redirect proof)
@ayublin this is illogical. afaik readfile uses the same mechanism that file_get_contents uses. If readfile works, file_get_contents should work. In fact, when readfile works, loadHTMLFile should work
@Gordon wow, this is really odd, I really just upload the same file I run on my localhost, but the result on the hosting is like that.. Xp
@Robik wow a hackerr
Nothing deleted :P
Well, the game is called HackMe :-D
@Robik i would never want to join the game then :p
When he'll come here I will split up :D
@ayublin ok, you are sure readfile works, right?
@Gordon Yes, i even just tried it again to make sure..
with readfile it render the webpage directly
then do
$html = ob_get_clean();
and then load that with $dom->loadHTML($html);
@Gordon yeah finally it works! I was also thinking how to make readfile assign output to a variable instead of rendering. Thank you very much Gordon!
no problem. You might also try with cURL, like @ircmaxell suggested.
@Gordon okay, thanks again Gordon and @ircmaxell. So i will leave the file_get_content and loadHTMLFile problem in the hosting as a mystery..
one more thing, do you guys learn php from php.net/manual/en/index.php? or any other recommendation? I know php.net is good but it's hard to keep my eyes opened while reading it for a long time.
opss, I think I have asked a bad question :p okay, thanks again I am going to off, it's 1.14 AM already here.. cya..
@Robik Nice, someone finally did it :D
Am I first?
You know how i did it?
Was it planned?
No (@ "You know how i did it?")
Pls don't lock it :(
lol, splfileobject :D
good catch
I leave one more thing there :D
I could delete everything...
hey guys when i make forms in php i usually have the submit button i click to make a post request to a url but how can i just make a post request by running a line of code without a submit button...? ive found this but not sure if this is what i want to put in my code..jonasjohn.de/snippets/php/post-request.htm
@Robik I restored the sandbox :)
Nope :)
But I won't fix the issue. It's just to hard too do the proper object handling using the tokenizer. I'll fix it as soon as I have time to port it to a proper parser :)
I will play around
Do FULL backup now ^^
@NikiC Can i?
@Robik Go ahead ;) There's nothing of importance on that webspace anyways ;) Just don't break the script, otherwise I'll need to upload it again and again ^^
I will leave it alone
I talking about parent dir
At the top of the last function listing in the first answer ;)
Gimme perma link
A: Exploitable PHP functions

RookTo build this list I used 2 sources. A Study In Scarlet and RATS. I have also added some of my own to the mix and people on this thread have helped out. Most of these function calls are classified as Sinks. When a tainted variable (like $_REQUEST) is passed to a sink function, then you have a...

@ircmaxell What is it? :(
hm, looks like I can't post three sad smileys in a row ^^
@NikiC Sorry
@NikiC That's what a cron-job is for
@ircmaxell Nah, that's a free space, it doesn't have cronjobs. And I'm too lazy to set up one some place else
Got to go, bye
Later @NikiC
Anyone know PHP code sadboxes except codepad.viper-7.com, codepad.org and ideone.com?
codepad.viper-7.com/ ?
@gms8994 recording times != profiling
xdebug ftw?
@ircmaxell then how is that any different than the stackoverflow "profiler"?
@edorian Yup
apart from that: It only puts out html and since i do 90% of benchmarking on the cli it feels strange
@edorian I'm actually working on a non-html output
@gms8994 It's not. Their "profiler" is not actually a profiler
care to enlighten me on what makes a profiler in that case?
@edorian How could I make xdebug work in a situation like that?
In software engineering, profiling ("program profiling", "software profiling") is a form of dynamic program analysis that measures, for example, the usage of memory, the usage of particular instructions, or frequency and duration of function calls. The most common use of profiling information is to aid program optimization. Profiling is achieved by instrumenting either the program source code or its binary executable form using a tool called a profiler (or code profiler). The methodology of the profiler itself classify the profiler as event-based, as statistical, as instrumentation, or ...
@ircmaxell But that's stuck on the server, and requires additional steps to get at
@gms8994 And it's on my local machine right now, so no server needed ;-)
@gms8994 Well for benchmarking there is xhprof or maybe xdebug-trace
where can i ask ajax questions?
@ircmaxell sadly, this company is all cowboy-coding
@ChamaraDenipitiya javascript room
@ChamaraDenipitiya Javascript room?
@gms8994 uhhh.....?
er, wait. I used the wrong term
anyway, we write code directly on the server
... what
and that's applicable to this discussion, why?
@Charles Well it's still PHP, no matter how fancy we want to be :)
because that means that the xdebug profiling data is still stuck on the server.
@gms8994 Then use xhprof instead?
It's designed and intended to be usable in production.
@gms8994 There is a webtool to show xdebug profiles, there is a vim plugin and there is gzip + sftp
@gms8994 Apart from that. Maybe just use pear.php.net/package/Benchmark/docs/1.2.8 and spent your time one getting a local dev environment set up?
I know how stupid/pointless that sounds as I had to fight for that two times, but it's doable if you belive in it
@edorian I've tried fighting for it. it just isn't going to happen
Well then just quit. But asking on feedback on something that is pointless in any half-way sane environment is not easy so i guess you can see why we react as we did ;)
I'll take your suggestion under advisement, but as I like getting a paycheck, I don't think quitting is quite the right reaction
Is the dev environment thing technological or political?
political, as it usually is
Can you ensure the untimely demise of the idiots opposing it?
'cause seriously, what the hell.
nope, I cannot
The job market for PHP is soooo amazing strong in the EU (and from what i can tell in the US too) that i wasn't suggesting you not getting paid for more than a day :)
@edorian sadly, the geographical area in which I live has a terrible job market for PHP
@edorian The US is REALLY strong. My company is trying to find talent, and it's in short supply
this area is big in healthcare, and so everything is either .NET or Java
It's not like needed any more reason to disregard phpclasses as spamy place where code goes to die but that one is just to obvious: plus.google.com/105871937716993723180/posts (OP and 5th comment)
(php devs)(unemployment)
nice, I like that
My gods.
On a related note: My carreers profile is now public in case anyone cares careers.stackoverflow.com/edorian
@ircmaxell Solid optimization post, good read
It combines a lot of very valid points in a clean, readable fashion
Nothing special but all around solid
@ircmaxell I have a really hard time taking reddit serious. It's a place to post ragefaces and taking about old memes for me; I can't fit in php there
Further, the PHP subreddit is infected with bile-spewing idiocy and clueless newbies.
But... it drives a hell of a lot of traffic.
true, but that post in particular I thought was interesting
And I'm not saying thats true or something, i just don't like to read reddit. Maybe I'm getting old (old as in slashdot)
since I see both points, and agree with the commenters
@edorian I wish /. had more geeky articles
@ircmaxell HN then?
@ircmaxell Well yeah, the articles themself are really bad anyways but they have a good community that mostly produces a nice to read discussion of pretty much any subject.
or you could always look at /r/programming
Did you find underscore.php?
@gms8994 HN?
/me just gouged his left eye out. Luckily I was able to close it quick enough to save the right one
@ircmaxell I don't see what your problem is with this javascript-style-approach)))););)));));)))));
@edorian uhhh............................................................................‌​..................
@gms8994 Thanks
wow. new chrome on linux is caching pages heavily
@gms8994 I never liked that interface.
Just for showing off what php can do now it's pretty neat i think :)
@ircmaxell which interface?
the HN one
@edorian Neat, sure. If I catch someone using that in production, they are going to have a bad day
Could domain parking be implemented with PHP?
@MajidFouladpour Why would you need PHP?
It is the only server side thing I know ;)
You don't need anything special from a server side language. You need DNS setup and Apache setup for wildcard domains
If a would-be host asks you we want to have monetized domain parking by default - and they want to provide this to the clients - what should I do so this happens?
@ircmaxell I've managed to read the one reddit post. I'm still not convinced mapping namespaces to dir structures is a good idea
@edorian Well, let me ask this: why not?
but that seems to be a done deal for any open source project (I still don't see any point except that bad, slow, filesystem asking psr-0 autoloader)
I want to be able to move stuff around in folders like i think it makes sense and i want to be able to group stuff into meaningfull namespaces
I think mapping namespaces to the filesystem (in that order) is correct, since then it's easy to find things.
and you just can't move a file after you placed it onces
otherwise, if I asked you to find the foo\bar\baz class, you'd have to go figure out where it actually lied...
everything HAS to be maintainable like hell today but we commit to our file structure without any way of changing it
With a mapping, it's always right where you expect
grep -ri 'class baz' or IDE->find class baz is not that hard
but i can see that point
@edorian what happens if there are 15 baz classes in different namespaces?
(ok, if you have 15 baz classes, you have bigger issues, but the point remains)
@ircmaxell Then we have found ourselves in hell, and PHP is the devil?
The ide will show them to me and i pick accordingly. The grep .. well you got me there
@ircmaxell Well "exception"
but having 40 files called Exception isn't all that nice ether
@edorian True
Got to go, would like to contine that another day.. i'm just looking to be finally convinced
take it easy
and I'm definitely up for discussion
@ircmaxell I guess my question is way too noobish!
I don't understand your question at all
@ircmaxell There is a guy who wants to go into hosting business. He wants to offer parked domain service and is asking for my help. I am not sure what is required to offer this.
PHP is not a thing that you'd need to park a domain. You might want to pop over to ServerFault?
@Charles Thx, will try that.
why is it that podcasters can't adjust the levels so that their loud parts aren't so loud, and their quiet parts aren't so quiet? annoying as hell
Why would anyone park domains anymore? You can park them with google and get ad revenue from it
@gms8994 That takes effort and know-how...
or decent software
@ircmaxell shouldn't be too terribly difficult
It's not (which was my point)
hey guys. you mind if i ask an sql question (mysql room is empty :()
@TastyMuffins Ask away. Can't guarantee an answer, but give it a try
i'm creating an online examination site with a table called 'questions'. When they are marked obviously from 1-x, but I can't use primary keys as they aren't always ordered perfectly (and won't). Do i need a numbering column?
huh? Why aren't they always ordered perfectly? I'm not sure what you mean by that?
because questions belong to different exams. if multiple teachers are on the site at once, then the PKorder might be 1,3,9,10, etc. and I need to allow teachers to delete these questions too.
Then yes, you'd need a sort order.
1 hour later…
Hey, just found a major security vulnerability in that Elefant thing...
Hey i am new to working with classes
whats the diff with :: and ->
is -> used only within the class and :: outside
e.g class::function
inside the class:
noone here i gues
or its a dumb question
@Karem: both
Is there anybody in here with Drupal PHP theming knowledge?
Q: Improving my user class

KaremI am still uncomfortable and new with working with classes. I have made a User class that will return stuff about the user. <? class User { public function age($id) { $birth = new DateTime("$id"); $now = new DateTime(); $age = $now->diff($birth)->format("%y...

@Karem , well , one is used for execution is you have an object , the other , if you are affecting a class without object
the static calls are not really recommended , they are considered procedural programming in most cases
except the cases with parent:: for example
except the cases with parent:: ?
parent:: is not a static call (in the context of object)
ok ok so you mean if youre inside the class
yeah , it lets you access methods of the parent class from the extension
:: is not appropiate to use, rather using ->, but you can use :: if parent::
like parent::__construct() will access constructor of the 'superclass'
@teresko: why do you put an additional space before commas?!
okay thanks !
@Karem it is appropriate, but it is a procedural way of development
going to look up "procedural" in my language.. :P
they are not interchangeable, but they are just different paradigms
.. ok , im gonna write a comment on that code of yours
oh lol..
my condolences
what code ? the user class?
its funny when you learn more you want to throw all you have code until now away..
once i wrote birthday days, month and years <select>s each line, because i thought it was the right way.. then i learn about a for loop
06:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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