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@Orangepill sent you a PR
@crypticツ Thanks.... my first PR :) ... already merged.
@Orangepill welcome. I still have yet to have my first PR, one day!
@crypticツ did you play with it at all or just notice the gaping security hole?
@Orangepill just noticed it =oP, make sure to check out the $url var as well.
@crypticツ There is a lot of corners to tuck in on that one....
stackoverflow.com/questions/19119744/php-syntax-not-working Poor question, but you have to give the guy credit for naming his error function "apologize()"
I see people using functions to return $this->foo. Is that so that foo is private and can't be modified?
Need a help !!! guys, in forms we use <select id="post_author_id" name="post[post_author_id]">
<option value=""></option>
<option value="1">Justin</option>
<option value="3">Kate</option>
<option value="2">Amelia</option>
</select> and also we can use
also <option value="Justin">Justin</option>
<option value="Kate">Kate</option>
You need help with what?
both key and value as same. then why should we prefer using numbers than some other string values.
I don't prefer to use numbers, lol.
theyre usually a db id
IIRC, Joomla has you do junk like that where the numbers have no meaning at all.
Well, they have a meaning, it's just a bad one :)
@m59 are you talking about accessor methods ... like getFoo()
public function getFoo() {
  return $this->foo;
@m59 that without a corresponding setFoo is a way to make the property read only
and with setFoo, the point is still that only the class itself (and maybe children) are able to modify the value
why a setFoo, then? That seems to defeat the point.
@m59 the setFoo is there so you can do filtering and validate the values that are to be set
Ohh, assuming the class can set the value better than you can directly?
@m59 to keep you from doing something like $product->price = "pancake";
So, is it ever ok to deal with them directly? or is that always going to be a bad practice?
I mean, even if it's "ok" maybe the get/set just for expandability?
@m59 if you getters and setters are just proxies to getting and setting a private property then you might as well make the property public.
@m59 No harm in going that route. It does afford you a little more flexibility.
@ircmaxell do you own packagist.org/packages/cartalyst/sentry -- password-compat? I'm about to get it for another purpose and saw your name and thought I'd give you props if so :P
@m59 another argument is if you have to use getters and setters for one property you should probably use them for all properties just for consistency.
@sadmicrowave that is his... he is also the author of the native password_hash library in php 5.5
celebrity ^_^
so the only reason you would declare a variable private or protected is when the value needed to be validated?
@sadmicrowave he also has an awesome blog, runs a youtube channel on programming and is just a hell of a guy. He wins at all the things.
@marabutt Not necessarily
Sometimes I just don't want my properties manipulated directly from outside control
Say I put a typehint on my setter so you can only set specific objects
@marabutt or when you just don't anyone to know about them ... when they represent the internal state of an object.
This too
Is he single, cuz i would marry him..provided I was gay and I lived in a gay "O.K." state
@cspray is would be cool if you could typehint properties to avoid having to create getters and setters just for that reason.
@Orangepill Yea...
For the most part I avoid setters though altogether
Obviously there are times when I use them but I'd venture to say that's more the exception than the rule
@cspray yeah... almost all the things can and should be set on construction
@Orangepill can you not do that? (typehint)
If you need it changed make another one, at least for service object.... value objects maybe getters and setters would be a good there.
@m59 on a getter/setter you can ... but not on a simple property declaration.
@Orangepill Depends on the value object
public MyUserClass $user; is a no go
I dunno what you just said, kid, but you're special.
@cspray true, but imo most value objects have a valid reason to be mutable.
How that conversation went in my mind. youtube.com/watch?v=7Dt5Nf7ct5c @Orangepill
So, was the point that you meant that you could do like $myClass->set(someProp 'value');
$myClass->setSomeProp(SomeType $value); would be preferred
then I lost the typhintedness of it, lol
but yes
I think I have no idea what typehinting is
looking that up again
yeah, but why?
To ensure that $value is of a type that I expect
So I can typehint for an interface
Then you can pass in any object that matches that interface and my API is saying my code can handle that
So it stops you from using your code wrong?
At least that's how I view it
@m59 Eh...no
You end up with a runtime error if $value is not a SomeType
It stops you from setting that one value to something other than SomeType
But "wrong" is really subjective and code can be in a state of right and wrong at the same time ;)
I just don't know why you'd be passing the wrong value in, lol.
@m59 Think more along the lines of you writing the code and me using it .
Stop stealing my code!!!
@m59 It keeps me from doing something stupid and trying to use your code the wrong way
@m59 Of if it's easier for you think of you putting a safety net there so future you doesn't misuse the class.
yeah, I see.
@m59 Plus it allows your IDE to tell you what should be passed into the function as a parameter, typewise
9 mins ago, by cspray
Then you can pass in any object that matches that interface and my API is saying my code can handle that
^that is the biggest payoff both for typehints and interfaces...
The bigger your project the more you will see why that's the way you should do it
@Orangepill Yea, my first project where I really applied this wasn't even really all that big before I started seeing the benefits
Not to moan about PHP but I just wish that you could enforce the typehinting on the other end of the Interface methods (the return value)
I think what I'm gonna do is learn C to a point I can start actually contributing to PHP
I've taken a look at it before but most of the things I wanna make apps for belong in a web browser so it is hard for me to get past the hello world stage really
@cspray there was an RFC for that, it's been collecting dust =oP
@crypticツ Yea, I would send something on internals but the aforementioned lack of C knowledge has prevented me from sending anything :P
From what I recall the problem with that RFC is the return type hint being before the function name and not after
@cspray That's a sorely needed feature imho
public function test() Foo {}
From what I've gathered the problem is in greping function names
This is from what @NikiC told me and he knows more about this than I do....
I would do the internals work to try to get it through I just couldn't actually implement any of it
I think part of the problem with the older RFC might be that it tried to get scalar typehinting in there too
I think a new RFC would need to focus just on objects/arrays and what we have now
I think scaler typehinting needs to make an appearance as well.
@Orangepill Yes, but that needs to be in its own RFC. Shoehorning it into a completely new feature is not good imo
Hey, are people here at the moment?
I'm building an app with php and mysql and am looking to purchase some great scaleable hosting for my php scripts and my database. Any recommendations?
I've been shown a lot of love from rackspace.
What's your anticipated traffic, application size (disk space), database size, database engine, etc.? Are you looking for dedicated or shared hosting, OS preference, do you require SSH access, cron, email? There's a lot of factors that go into finding a good host that fits your needs.
Personally I am a fan of Softlayer for dedicated medium-high traffic hosting, but I've heard good things about AWS as well.
Traffic will be low at first, but I want to start somewhere where it can be scaled easily without having to change providers.
All I need is PHP and Mysql. The scripts are small and all media like images etc are hosted somewhere else. So it'll basically be a a place to process my php scripts and host the database.
I was looking at AWS but i'm not even sure what to use, so many options haha
@Orangepill Rackspace's cloud hosting looks pretty good actually
@McDanGarrett I've really only ever dealt with the Cloud Servers option but A guy I know hosts about 150 clients on a cloud hosting account with no issues. None of them are high traffic though.
@Orangepill Yeah i'm curious about the best option for a large scale app. Im talking to one of the sales reps on there now.
@McDanGarrett I've never had a bad experience with either there sales or support staff... they are awesome
@Gordon i actually think wordpress is not that bad, because at least it's simple... magento instead is possibly the worst php software ever made xD i still saved somewhere at the office a 10+mb backtrace generated on magento, which i consider the utter definition of what spaghetti code is.... they really don't know what stacks are, it's just a bunch of crap that miraculously works
Hi all
@wes I wish I had enough sense to realize that before I deployed 6 stores with it. I had no clue what good design was.
and spaghetti code is not accurate... its more lasagna code. I have since learned to keep pasta out of my code altogether.
lol, lasagna is pasta xD
maybe at its early life it was good and so it gained popularity, because i can't otherwise understand why people thinks it is good
on a related note @Orangepill do you know some good ecommerce php software?
@Wes it's a cake, it has layers and toppings, and you cut portions out of it, and you eat it on birthdays
it was never good, and no... i'm currently in the process of rolling my own
@crypticツ i want a lasagna with candles on it for my bday now
that would be awesome
from what i understand cake sucks too... stay away from any project named after food
obviously hungry developers make bad decisions
how about zen cart, prestashop? did someone try them?
it does exist O_O
daverandom (i think) suggested one earlier
i'll ask to him
search failed
PHP room regulars' approved stamps are gold
brb getting ready to work
i take back my blanket anti pasta statement... i guess ravioli code is okay.
Good morning.
Good morning.
Hmm. I think I'm having a stupid moment. This works, but is it defined behaviour? Those nested square brackets are confusing me :(
@vascowhite It works and it is defined. The saying is if no date and time information is given in the string, it's looked for a timezone then.
@hakre Thanks for the clarification, I think it is just too early in the morning to think clearly :)
@vascowhite I think it was in your recent date-time question, let's fetch the link I only taked from memory.
> When DateTime::__construct() is passed a single value that is not a valid time string it assumes that the first parameter has been omitted and tries to parse the string as a time zone. As the RFC explains, 'x' is a valid timezone, so you will get a DateTime instance that is in timezone 'X'.
that has been written by yourself ^^ :D
@hakre Yes, I was just checking that my interpretation was correct :)
@vascowhite Let's check that in LXR.
It looked different when I read it again.
lxr.php.net - for that constructor parameter it effectively calls timelib_strtotime - lxr.php.net/xref/PHP_5_3/ext/date/lib/parse_date.c#24773
just found it. I've never seen that before. It looks like I'll be sinking a bit of time into that. :)
@vascowhite I'm not a C programmer but I can somehow read from it also the cross-linking and search works great in lxr
Looks like I'm going to have to learn to read c. Damn you!
Thanks for the help :)
@vascowhite as @NikiC says "it's not that complicated". :)
@hakre I have a vague grasp, but I've never used it and don't have any formal programming training.
But your question is a good one. This seems not to be documented in the PHP manual so an open trail.
Yes, I think the function spec and the written explanation do not agree 100%
it is perhaps the last entry in the 24 Hour Notation table at the bottom: php.net/manual/en/datetime.formats.time.php
Good Morning.
@hakre Yes, I think that's it. Thanks.
Some random question: which task management system do you use/recommend for android?
@Leri Naturally the Android Task Manager, as Android is from Google and this is the first search result. :)
@hakre Actually, I meant todo list management. :) I should have been more explicit.
There's quite big choice on the market, that's why I am asking. I want something comfortable and powerful, otherwise my brain will be burnt out soon.
Sheets of paper normally work best.
Anything computer is professional bullshitting for TODO management IMHO.
Maybe you are right but I still go for some app, probably. Thanks for advice though. ;)
is there a way to load a dynamic php info into a input?
on front-end
something like <?php echo $adminemail = get_bloginfo('admin_email');?>
good mornings
@Leri sticky notes work best IMO, they are always staring at you
@iroegbu Good enough with few tasks but it can get messy pretty easily. I had brief look at Producteev, atm, it'll be my choice.
i am new to php
can any one tell me how to install wamp server on ubuntu?
@iroegbu thanks.
@Aamirkhan You want LAMP not WAMP.
can't we use wamp on ubuntu?
Q: What is the best way to make selected checkbox according ManyToMany relation, Using Zendframework 2 and Doctrine?

Mostafa ShahverdyCurrently I want to make an action named editAction(), This action takes the id of a product and edit it and save it into database. Each product has some categorys. So, in the editForm I must have a related multiCheckbox. My question is how can I select only some categories from database, and if ...

lamp is already installed
The W in WAMP is for Windows.
@Fabien Does it still come with php 5.3? I had to upgrade manually.
I will say... don't use any of those things
@Leri Unsure, I did everything manually last time.
Your installation becomes very messy when you try to put different versions of stuff
Using Zend Framework 2 , how can one :

1. Change the view file directory from the module directory to public directory
2. Change the view file extension from default .phtml to .html

Can someone Please help regarding this, i search google but with no success.

Thank you.
@user1537158 Why aren't you asking that question on SO?
@vascowhite the links you guided me yesterday could not help me
Im still stuck at the same problem
1 min ago, by vascowhite
@user1537158 Why aren't you asking that question on SO?
i was just trying my luck, if i could get the solution, will have to probably do that @vascowhite
Morning @JoeWatkins and @PeeHaa
you know what really sucks ... you know I been working on anon/nested classes ... if they get it, it won't be until the end of 2015 ... ppl don't want to add anything else to 5.6 :(
Don't worry, at the end of 2015 I probably still wont understand them.
And at the end of 2015 I hope I will forget that I ever knew php. /me hides
Morning, @DaveRandom
I don't really get the reasoning, that people need time to adopt new patterns ... I don't see anyone adopting anything at all while it is sitting on the wiki ...
That's just insane
Morning @DaveRandom
Maybe we need to adopt a different development cycle, kind of like what Apache does where 2.<odd> is making new, non-guaranteed features available and 2.<even> are the stables based on the previous odd
(not that Apache should be used as a model for much)
@JoeWatkins There's perfectly valid reason: Backward compatibility. If I start using anon classes when they are released, I will be in a trouble, if my client refuses buying hosting with the newest php binaries installed.
thats not a reason to delay ... it's quite the opposite ...
It's also not a valid argument against any new feature, if it were then there would never be any new features
I agree with you, it should be added in 5.6, but asking community to use actively is completely wrong, imho.
@DaveRandom we are delaying features for 5.7 and people are still using 5.3 ... yeah it's not a great cycle ...
@JoeWatkins People are still using 5.2
Hell, I periodically have to write code for 4.4
I don't maintain anything below 5.4, however I can't use the latest versions but my own fun.
Oh... serialized string could store references...
yeah I know but I mean the version with the steepest gradient of adoption is 5.3 at the minute ... 5.2 is what they are changing from, about 10% are using 5.4 ...
@sectus what ?
It doesn't matter though, people can use what they like, but if they want to use my code that uses $this-wrapped closures and sane array syntax, they're going to have to pull their finger out and upgrade their servers, a job which generally takes all of 5 minutes
I have yet to find a practical application for generators yet actually, I was dead excited about it but so far every time I've written one I've found I should just be using an iterator :-(
@Leri to delay for near as makes no difference two years and then complain in two years that everyone is still using php from 5 years ago is going round in circles ... it we want to encourage people to make the upgrade then they need a reason to do so ...
@JoeWatkins , i mean result of serialization could store references.
you mean references to itself ?
that you can avoid func_get_args and a handful of bugs have been fixed is not enough for most people to disturb their environment ...
@JoeWatkins There are two conflicting points of view there, both of which make that ^ make no sense. Either there aren't enough new features in the new release if people feel that way, or they very fact that there aren't many new features should be a good reason to upgrade, since if there aren't many new features it's highly unlikely to break anything.
@JoeWatkins , 3v4l.org/mU5X0
@JoeWatkins Upgrading is always a must, nobody is arguing about it. But you can't upgrade directly (and I don't say that's good... this is just a fact).
When new version is released, I read changelog, play with the newest version, upgrade my working environment to previous version. I find this the most optimal way for php development. I feel/am safe with clients' bad decisions and my code-base is still up to date.
@DaveRandom I don't have conflicting points of view; if new features are ready they should be included ... it's new features that make people upgrade I think, some performance benefit, or some solution to a problem they have had ...
@sectus I have no idea what they are references too
a reference doesn't contain data, it looks like they contain data
@JoeWatkins , to each other. :^ )
Hello Friends
I need some help from your side.Can you please help me?
@Manish room description in top right.
@Fabien:I have used the custom scroll bar.This Url :(jamesflorentino.github.io/nanoScrollerJS)
@JoeWatkins (fairly obviously I would have thought, but I'll let you off because it's early :-P) serialization can only store references to some other element within the serialized structure, since anything external they referenced may not exist at the point of unserialization
@DaveRandom Did you take the dev job?
@JoeWatkins Well that is certainly true, and it definitely does seem to early for feature-freeze on the 5.6 cycle
I hven't looked at any code yet, sorry @sectus ....
@PeeHaa Just sent an acceptance mail to the guy about 5 mins ago :-D
Only 1 month left of this current shite
@Dave w00t w00t
@DaveRandom :)
@DaveRandom You're being promoted?
Now to see how little work you can do over 4 weeks.
I plan to spend as much of that month of possible working on things that are nothing to do with my job
and how many pens you can steal ...
You don't get garden leave?
@Leigh Nope, got a job with a real company.
Which one?
@Leigh:I have used the custom scroll bar.This Url :(jamesflorentino.github.io/…)
They have computers that were less than 15 years old and everything
moin @Jimbo
@DaveRandom real company?
Yeh, not one of those fake companies
A real company, with a .nu domain! :P
guys I'm trying to add a option to wordpress General Settings, a Phone text field option
I've managed to add it acually. But I can't echo it
I mean a company that actually use PHP and generally write code professionally instead of a company who sell water coolers and don't know how to use a computer
@salathe Yeh I have no idea what that's about
Tried echo get_settings('telefone');
@DaveRandom Not a bad site, I like the way their blog is up to date ;D Are they big? They have some big names in their portfolio
returns empty
@DaveRandom Congratulations then. ;)
some kind of marketing ploy I guess ...
tried echo get_bloginfo('telefone')
returns description
any ideas? :p
@Leigh ~30 employees, ~20 are devs (apparently)
(sorry for disturbing btw)
@DaveRandom Raaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
what is that about ...
@DaveRandom Hmm, quite a high dev:other ratio there. We're ~70 here. We have maybe 15 devs. The rest is sales, marketing, admin, support, UX and testers
@Leigh I asked the guy about the blog in the interview, he said (not unreasonably) too busy writing things for money, not enough time to write shit people won't read anyway for free. He also said they'll be updating it soon because they are running a macbook air comp at PHPNW again this year
either go out with no shirt on, puffing your chest out to make yourself look bigger ... or put a shirt on ... but don't go out with holes all over your shirt ... in other words if you're going to put an image out there, don't let it be a shit one ...
@Leigh Yeh I don't really know how the ratio works in practice, only one way to find out though. I think they outsource the testing though (I forget whether it was him who said that or the other company I went to)

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