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Warning: array_map(): An error occurred while invoking the map callback in %s
I heard you like errors, so I made a warning for your error
@m59 depends on lots of things... the query, your indexes, your DBMS, your hardware...
whether you're using TCP or unix domain socket, whether your TCP is loopback or network...
general advice is: less queries are better. don't query in a loop, as there is usually overhead.
@igorw ok, thanks
I'm also in a bind about my data structure
Are you familiar with joomla? (it's similar)
lol, actually I resent what I just said. This particular circumstance reminds me of something from joomla, rather.
/me turns around
and runs
I started with storing some jsons right to the db, but I need to correct that now
I just wasn't worried about it at the time
I have a pages table that has columns: id, path, content, keywords, etc
and I was storing a json like this in content: { header: [5], main: [4,1], footer: [2,8,9] }
and those id's refer to a plugin configuration that is in another table
So, I would then make a query to grab those rows and change out that row for the id, thus giving me a map of what the page looks like, all content/options included
Igorw, The database already is UTF-8 But maybe I can force insert of data to use iconv
If I deleted, say...content item 5, it would still be in the page's table, so that's gotta go
That leads me to thinking I need a table like content_locations with columns: pageId, configId, position, order
so I know what page it is on, what it is, where it goes and what order
but, I don't know how to deal with the order
that's just sounds like a mess.

pageId, configId, position, order

2, 6, header, 0
2, 1, header, 1
2, 4, header, 2
What if I want to put an item at the beginning of the header? I can't really put it before 0
and what if I delete item 1? then I need to remap them.
@Jason when you use the word iconv, you've already lost
it's a php function
@Jason sure. but in most cases when you have to use iconv it means your encodings are not lining up everywhere.
and iconv is just a hack that happens to sometimes almost work.
but as I said earlier, unless you are getting third party that you cannot get in UTF-8, you should not need to convert. ever.
Ever notice how the first slice of bread is often the last slice of bread?
anybody can help me with phpexcel? Is there a way to iterate overcolumns based on first row? (Because first column stores names.)
So, I was wondering if this looks correct... jsfiddle.net/Ykqnx/4 PHP is in the HTML area...
I am afraid to run it as I might crash a live site...
Is foreign keys what you use to say, delete a row by id in one table, and automatically remove a row from another table that also has that id?
or, all rows from that table with that id?
errr, ALL rows from ALL tables with that id
@m59 awe you talking to me?
anyone that knows :)
@ircmaxell Well, I've seen people mean "lisp" by "functional" and "f($handle, $x) not $handle->f($x)" by "functional"
@TazeTSchnitzel if we dilute the meaning of words by how they are misused, we should redefine literally to mean figuratively #ohwait
7 AM here.. and still awake :D
3:30 AM here, just waken up because of too much coffee drinking
so, ircmaxell RIP function autoloading? i truly believed this time was the good one :( iirc it's not the first time this was proposed
I ended up posting my question from above
Q: MYSQL database - How to work with an "order" column that stores and order for another column

m59This could by an x/y problem, so if there's a better approach altogether, I'd love to hear it. The summary of the problem starts at the last code block, so skip to that if you want and come back to the details if needed. I am building a content manager (if nothing else, for the experience). To g...

oops, fixed that typo :)
@igorw Hey, AWS fixed the session handler thing and released a new version of their sdk ... they move fast =D
@rdlowrey i didn't intend to offend anyone, was out of context and of course was a joke
13 hours ago, by rdlowrey
No, but people who don't know a lick of C have no right to comment on efficacy of the internals code.
Trying to find a test case for which parse_url() returns false ... it's not easy.
ok ... enough playing DeusEx
@tereško what part are you on?
btw, awesome quote that it delivered about an hour ago:
> God was a dream of good government.
Finally .. parse_str('http://host:-1') => false
@Jack Or x://::abc/?
There's failing examples in the unit tests for parse_url in the PHP src.
I think you just want to make PHP cry
Decided to just look at php_parse_url_ex() :)
Dang SO is altogether dead today.
europe is sleeping .. or drunk
check back in 6-8 hours
@tereško I apologize if it is bad etiquette to ask, but I have a feeling you can help me here and it isn't looking to good otherwise. If you have time...
Q: MYSQL database - How to work with an "order" column that stores an order for another column

m59This could by an x/y problem, so if there's a better approach altogether, I'd love to hear it. The summary of the problem starts at the last code block, so skip to that if you want and come back to the details if needed. I am building a content manager (if nothing else, for the experience). To g...

If not, totally ignore me, no problem
@tereško i'm trying to code select sql but i can't do it with sql now.(where what i did it with arrays )
see the SANDBOX
good for you
@samitha you are actually executing those queries at some point, right??
i'm going to pay installments
it should be ordered
lol that didn't answer my question at all.
i'm telling the point
yes, but I really need to know if you're executing your queries.
Because if not, what difference does it make what your queries are, lol
Well then, I guess you don't want my help :)
No actually not
i fixed it
@m59 its friday night, what do you expect? XP
guess so.
I just program all the time :)
@m59 I would update all of the orders for a given content context...it sucks but I think it would be the most straight forward and least error prone. You would wrap it in a transaction to ensure that it occurs atomically.
@Orangepill the kind of hard thing is...using straight jsons actually requires one less query when building the page - the trade off being that if I delete a content item, I have to pull every page, check the content json and remove any of that content item manually
however, if I'm having to do manual order updating....
might as well stick to the json, save the query, and simplify the whole process.
even with 1000 pages it's not going to kill me to check them all.
@m59 For that particular problem type I would recommend not packing the data in a field and blow it out to dependent tables. That is a simple tablular two dimensional relation ship.
@Orangepill I'm sorry I didn't follow :(
@m59 correct me if i'm wrong but you are currently packing up all your relationships into a json object and tucking it into a field in a pages table or something like that right?
Yeah, because I otherwise don't care about that information...
and never will
I serve it as a json and send the changed data back as a json
using angularjs client side, json is so intuitive
So, I would always pull/save the json when reordering
deleting a content item would be the only hard part.
But the problem now is if you remove a page component there is no dependency graph that lets you know which page those components exist on ... so you have to crack open each page and delete the component reference if it exists. Am I still on track?
exactly, but that actually sounds better to me overall
I avoid an extra query, having a little extra work translating the json input/output, and all the extra work of reordering.
That's 3 arguments against a separate table and only one for that is directly countered by a single of the 3.
I think this project is really meant for like mongodb or something, but I have to do it in php.
There are many use cases where I do the same thing but imho I think this one (a simple 1-many relationship) is what the databases is good at ... if the structure is deeper (more an arbitrary depth heirarchal structure) I would start bringing in packed json data as an option.
@m59 php has binding for mongo.
lol I think I'm still lost.
as far as php/mongo, I actually meant to say I have to be able to run this on php shared hosts, so no installing things
has to be the typical php setup
but uhm.. I'm still thinking you mean that I should pull all the rows for that page, manual re-order, update
@m59 I did something similar to this and I hit the wall and saw the error of my ways as soon as I had to implement search.
there's nothing to search though?
it's just header: [5, 2 ,8]
It's easy to figure out on which block contains a search term but when you find the term in a block what url to you present to the end user.... you have to unpack all of the data structures to figure out which page the block occurs on.
by the way, I hope I don't come across stubborn. I really want to know stuff!!
ohhhh snap
You mean, they search for "youtube"
I need to know where all "youtube" plugins are
aka, I'm effed.
with the other method, I could actually look at the content_locations table, find all the "youtube" plugins, grab the page ids, look up those ids in the pages table, return those urls
further, that expands on my next problem. I stored the content itself as a json
I could search the json, but it's going to return a nasty result...
a lot of false positives
Dang manual re-order :(
The reason for the json content is mainly that I'll end up having a table for each plugin, which is going to suck performance..
well maybe
If you have a primary key on your table that has the order number in it it should be pretty straight forward.
I was doing this:
$query = "SELECT * FROM plugin_instances WHERE ";
    foreach ($content as $position => $array) {
      $positionLength = count($array);
      for ($i=0; $i<$positionLength; ++$i) {
        $query.= "id={$array[$i]} OR ";
Basically, grab all the content from that one table with one query.
You should be able to get the equivalent with:
SELECT plugin_instances.* from plugin_instances left join plugins on
         (plugin_instances.contentId = plugins.id)
         where plugin_instance.pageId = {{whatever page you are trying to render}}
         order by plugin_instances.position, plugin_instances.order
I'm guessing at the names and fields on a couple of your tables. If you don't have one already I would suggest adding a auto incrementing primary key to the plugin_instances table...
When you do the reorder then you would just build a map that has the id of the plugin_instances table and the new order number and in a loop do something like:
 update plugin_instance set `order`={{order}} where id = {{id}}
Yeah, I get the logic there.
so no ones in the room, its saturday...
I was saying though...if each plugin had a different table
@Mr.Alien you callin' me nobody?
@m59 That would get hairy :)
The jsons are nice because they are their own little table
@m59 Why does each plugin need it's own table? We might be able to get around that requirement.
@Orangepill ofcourse you are here, so wassup wid you, still at the office? and I guess @Jack will be sleepin :p
One thing I need to be able to do with this cms is basically make a plugin for EVERY little stupid thing
@Mr.Alien Back at the office...
Like, if the home page has a special little box with 3 little elements, like some marketing title, some little one-liner and a 3 sentence intro
that's a plugin
when they update it, that stuff is labeled and all
whatever, lol
It's very tailored to them, I guess.
@Orangepill usually at this tym you are about to sleep.. whats the time btw
Well, as you can see, that minor little plugin has 3 fields.
currently, I just save that to plugin_instances which gives it an id (the id of the instance), which plugin type it is (that plugin will be loaded and passed this content), and the content json (title: '', line: '', desc: '')
Then I'll load the thing that takes that content json and displays it.
gives it markup or whatever.
server or client side rendering?
server is informational only
all single page ajax
so, if there was a youtube playlist player, it would be like this in the db
assigned id here | youtube-playlist | { "playlistId" : "EWKFH345345", "videoCount" : 5, "videosPerRow": 8 }
something like that
Articles are a problem :)
and bigger things like that
Those do get their own table
I admit, my thoughts at this point are weak sauce.
podcasts, articles, things like that are more substantial...
I was thinking of having a marker for the plugin_instances table that would let me know to find that content elsewhere
in JavaScript, 3 hours ago, by Abhishek Hingnikar
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=146704982207219 @NullPoiиteя @SomeGuy @anyone who speaks hindi
Maybe the plugin table could have a plugin_data as well as a plugin_cache ... keep the plugin data as json and on update render to the plugin_cache field. plugin_cache for search and display plugin_data for administration.
@NullPoiиteя cool stashe
assigned id here | articles | {"is": "articles/5"}
wtf ^^^
@NullPoiиteя lol
^ why America wants to go to war with Syria??
@Orangepill you mean save the real stuff?
that sounds kinda brilliant?
@m59 they want oil :)
Gosh, what could they do with all this oil??
Now we have 85 rs for a litre petrol
Washington must just get together and roll around in oil and money all day.
@NullPoiиteя I guess indians are really getting on with jQuery
@Mr.Alien When would you have to !important an inline style...
if there is a conflicting important style in the stylesheet.????
@Mr.Alien LOL
@m59 every country is spending billions of $ for oil and it directly effect on the budget so is on economy
@Orangepill if you have an !important declared in external stylesheet it will override inline style, so if you want to override that, you need important to be declared inline
Yeah, but the government hates us. They certainly don't want oil to help the economy.
Mostly, they just willfully, knowingly destroy the economy as hard as a politician can.
Anyway @Orangepill would the idea be to load up the json stuff from the db, change around what I want, load the plugin with those changes, then save the json AND the actual html (from the loaded plugin)?
@m59 that would be my thought, may not make sense with your rendering strategy though.
@Orangepill ya know...that might just be the most brilliant thing EVAR.
Nobel peace price to you, sir.
Because, I need page snapshots :)
Two birds with one stone.
@Mr.Alien If I ever style myself into a corner where I need to put !important on an inline style shoot me.
Then I could route crawlers with the snapshot/fragment thing to a php file that will build the page based on those caches. Get what I mean? @Orangepill
@m59 yep. I was wondering if you had considered Seo as part of the problem space...
My other thought was MUCH worse than this lol
I'm not even going to talk about it.
You really just helped me out so much, man.
Is there anything I can do for you??
I am but a helpless rube..
I'm just glad I could help....
It only takes 15 hours to drive to Minnesota. I could totally come give you a high five.
But I'd die in a car crash :(
@Orangepill sure, I'll use a bazooka ;)
All the things I downvote - I'm eventually going to make a blog of awful code and use it as a comedic teaching opportunity.
When I get this cms done haha
I think I'll cry like a true man when I finally make a site with it.
@NullPoiиteя I guess that was a bottle filled with sprite, and was shaked good enough before he did that
Night all
can we check Branch using mysql where close
@Orangepill can you check my question ?
@Samitha I don't get what you are asking
did you see That branch column data
"SELECT `C_Code` FROM `course` WHERE C_Status=? ORDER BY `C_Code` ASC"
i want to add AND Branch field but
how i send data to the sql ?
SELECT `C_Code` from `course` WHERE C_Status = ? and FIND_IN_SET(?, Branch) ORDER BY `C_Code` ASC
20 from php gold .... time to start whoring :)
morning chaps
Hi All
is anybody know about pagnation
? please help me
I have created a pagination with limit 10
now i have faced one problem
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 it showing like this
i want to customize it to show only some numbers
how can we do this?
Hi! It is possible to increase the award and the expiration date of a bounty question?
@Servant no. I can cancel the bounty though and you can put a new one on the question
@Gordon That's sad.. Can I refund the reputation if I cancel the bounty?
@Servant yes, the bounty gets refunded then. But you cannot cancel the bounty. A mod has to do that.
@Gordon Yeah that's it! How can I do that?
@Servant flag the question with "Other" and ask for the bounty to get cancelled so you can put up a new one. That way, I can refer back to it if there should be questions about the cancellation
@Gordon Are you sure a moderator will refund my reputation even the bounty will expire within three days?
@Servant Gordon == Moderator
@Servant When I cancel the bounty, you will get the points refunded by the system. If you just let it expire the bounty will get autoassigned.
Q: How does the bounty system work?

A. Rex What is a bounty? What is the "Featured" tab on the homepage? How can I search for questions that have a bounty attached? How do I start a bounty? When can I start a bounty? How long is the bounty period? How do I award a bounty? Can I award a bounty to my own answer? Can I award a bounty to an ...

See What is automatic awarding? and Can I raise my bounty?
And also Do I get the reputation back when question I placed bounty that was already awarded is being deleted? and Can I cancel my bounty?
@Gordon Okay, would you please make its bounty award from 100 to 250 and reset its expiration?
10 mins ago, by Gordon
@Servant flag the question with "Other" and ask for the bounty to get cancelled so you can put up a new one. That way, I can refer back to it if there should be questions about the cancellation
I cannot raise. I can only cancel it. You'll have to put up a new bounty after I cancelled it then. And I'd like you to raise a flag on the question for that so we have the cancellation documented
@Gordon Okay I'll do it. Thanks!
@Servant you can put a link to chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/11787028#11787028 into the flag for reference. That would point to our chat here
@Servant bounty cancelled. you can put up a new one now.
@Gordon Started a new bounty. Thanks for a support.
@Servant you're welcome
@crazyMAN one more dot and it's an ellipsis
> Warning: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'DateTime::__construct(): It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings. You are required to use the date.timezone setting or the date_default_timezone_set() function. In case you used any of those methods and you are still getting this warning, you most likely misspelled the timezone identifier. We selected the timezone 'UTC' for now, but please set date.timezone to select your timezone.'
So, you selected UTC but still threw an exception.
morning chaps
you missed a parenthesis — Mitch Wheat 1 min ago
Ya I just saw that yest I guess.. that it has a cv
@MadaraUchiha oh nos it's going to show up in the backlog then. Can someone mark it as protected?
@MadaraUchiha somewhat late, eh?
@crypticツ It's protected since Oct '12
@Gordon Yeah, it was starred though
@MadaraUchiha derp, didn't scroll down
@crypticツ there is a blacklist in the backlog. add the qId to it and it won't show up
what is the difference between using a . or a _ in YAML files?
I see word.word or word_word
I get a "Fatal error: Class 'COM' not found in C:\wamp\..." while having the php_com_dotnet.dll enabled in php.ini and I have the dll in wamp/php/ext, any ideas?
configured with "--enable-com-dotnet=shared"
that's the only ref. to dotnet ^
found it... system filled with php.ini's
1 hour later…
1 hour later…
3 weeks earlier…
got < 1000 all time reputation leaders..
haii all
Q: Get data from mysql using php

IceCream Sandwitch am working on these 3 tables table 1 this table contain some names table2 tables 2 has table 1 primary key as forigen key and table 2 cotains category and subcategory with in main category name is with subcategory id as "0" like **sample data** category_id language_id category_na...

3 weeks from now...
@IceCreamSandwitch what's a sandwitch?
@Gordon a witch which is made up of a sand?
@Gordon Ich dachte, sprechen wenig Deutsch, so dass ich hoffe, Sie sind bei guter Gesundheit ..
@Gordon can u clear my doubt?
look! a sandwitch
@Gordon wow, we are very clever apes aren't we !?
@JoeWatkins yes. smart monkeys we are
@IceCreamSandwitch your question is badly formatted and it's unclear what you are asking. format the question please and make sure to have read meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/156810/…
@ircmaxell do you know any companies that would be willing to sponsor the development of PHP financially? maybe for a tax exemption.
They definitely exist
but not off hand, no
The more I think about it, the more I think a PHP NPO would be a good idea
Talk to Lorna about it
morning @Fabien @ircmaxell
at drupalcamp belgium yiha
@Duikboot living the dream man, living the dream ...
Currently checking out a session about GIT and versioning.
morning @PeeHaa
Drupal :( My distant memories of it are not pleasant
My recent memories aren't either ;)
@Duikboot say Hi to Larry Garfield for me
@Duikboot You going to Prague?
Can't be at Prague have to work then :-( .
When I see his face I'll do @ircmaxell
ok, later all
Goodbye! :
laters @ircmaxell
BTW are you in europe now? @ircmaxell
Or are you just awake waaay too early :P
no, I fly out 1 week from tonight
ah k
talk to you next week about it (off to Miami tomorrow)
and won't be back until late tonght
so, later!
have fun in Miami
Can't say I was a big fan of Miami when I was there... everything is so concrete
Ahhh....., I love the smell if nginx in the morning!
I just found a one-liner optimization that brings Zend/bench.php in zts mode from 3.5 seconds to 3.2 seconds
does the pecl bbcode extension comes with some build in xss preventions?
@user2429266 I've just searched with Google and found nothing
I don't think that it provides XSS security
@Jack yay :)
Otherwise it would be somewhere in the feature list
Very bad documentation.
I tried some xss attacks with no success. Data-uris with base64 encoded images render to images. JS data-uris don't execute.
Have you actually tried a simple <script>alert('yay');</script>?
@user2429266 Try all attacks mentioned here: owasp.org/index.php/XSS_Filter_Evasion_Cheat_Sheet
Actually no. But something like this would get catched from htmlentities which comes in front of the bbcodeparsing.
Tried them. No success. But maybe it's due to browser settings?
@user2429266 huh?
You are already using htmlentities ???
Yes. I just think about some exotic attacks. Data-uris etc.
Also why not htmlspecialchars?

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