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@ircmaxell lol
I just opened 11000+ files in my editor. Apparently it doesn't like it.
@DaveRandom What editor are you using?
We're up to EditPadPro7.exe using 1.4GB of memory in task manager and constant 25% CPU (i.e. a whole core) and still going.
Hello gentlemen
@Jack Is there an advantage for one version vs the other?
@Orangepill No function calls :)
Except the obvious one.
@Jack But behind the curtain is not the same code being called?
What made you choose PHP rather than asp.net or jsp?
@AhmedAl-sabsab I didn't choose PHP. PHP chose me
php was there when I started... the others ... not so much
PHP was my first my last my everything.
@AhmedAl-sabsab I am leary about ASP.net because of licensing issues and JSP blows imo
So because PHP is older it is widely used
> It would be great an IDE submenu below the downloads.
^ That's feedback on beta php.net. What on earth does that mean? Any interpreters out there?
@Orangepill I don't think so.
I mean, sure, something is being iterated.
@Jack but the behavior should be the same right?
Otherwise I wouldn't offer it as a substitute :)
I know java I think that will help if I want to learn JSP also I am learning C# in the moment that also will make it easier to learn ASP .. but I think PHP is enough, what do you think guys?
@AhmedAl-sabsab if you're going to pay any attention to licenses, then using ms tools or libraries or frameworks in freelance project always causes an argument, nowadays people don't really care about licenses, but m$ being historically, at least, a lawsuit factory has something to do with ... people do use java, they just don't talk about it as much, I still choose java over PHP sometimes even today, though hopefully for not much longer ...
fyi java is about 5 years older than PHP ...
afilina.com/what-is-project-rescue Never managed a 6-figure budget. ummm... Yeah, not even going to touch that one
@Ahmedal-sabsab we all thing php is pretty snazzy... that's why we are in the php room :)
@JoeWatkins Great answer, you mean I have to pay for using ASP
@Orangepill some people says that PHP is not secured compared to ASP while I don't find that a real fact
well not directly maybe, but you'll need licenses for servers and ide's and the list never actually ends in reality ... sure ms create some cool tools now, vs2012 is pretty neat, they have always had the best (meaning the most "standard") compilers and tools and it's all very good, but you have to pay for it and why on earth should I pay for what I can find knocking about on the internet ...
@AhmedAl-sabsab anyone who says that doesn't deserve the job they are in, because they don't understand what security is...
ASP is almost dead, PHP is getting better every update. Or did I miss something?
@Orangepill I'm addicted, just here to look for the cure ...
@cheesemacfly there are huge sectors of the industry that do not care about the things I just said, they will quite happily pay licenses and support until the cows come home, it's usually part of their contract and the expense is not felt by them as an entity, in their situation, who wouldn't use ms tools, payed for by someone else, with support, paid for by someone else ...
posted on September 13, 2013 by Anna Filina

I noticed that very few people around me understand what project rescue means. Developers usually see this as working very hard to meet deadlines. This is somewhat true, but it’s much more than that. When does a project need rescuing? Most projects go off-track in one way or another. Some are easy to fix due to their small scale, but when a project costs millions or more, the task is more ch

Anyone ever have trouble creating bash script in IDEs with Windows EOL conflicts?
@JoeWatkins ... php is the hepatitis of programming languages... once you have it it's forever.
@Fabien notepad++ can set line endings ...
Cheers @JoeWatkins
komodo too.
all the IDEs and programming editors can set line endings
@ircmaxell interesting bug here ... bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=65665
no I mean an actual bug, not someone who cannot read, or couldn't find what to read ...
Interesting behaviour :)
and it's not obvious either ... I took a glance ...
I spent about a few hours with opcache only ...
@JoeWatkins I agree with you (even if I currently work most of the time with VS 2012 doing C#). My point was that ASP != ASP.Net and ASP has been obsolete for a while now (as far as I know at least)
@JoeWatkins Does it also happen after clearing the cache?
i start on the 22nd :D
@CarrieKendall what exactly will you be doing ?
i was brought on to a team to build this huge app for a college scouting agency (bonus when done) then maintain
@cheesemacfly omg you meant what you said ... sorry, you hardly ever get that ... carry on ... I thought it was meant like "PHP is gonna take over the world and colonize mars"
@JoeWatkins The next Mars rover will run on PHP =D
@Jack will it use php 6 ? :D
@DaveRandom I apologize in advance for restructuring da codez =S
@JoeWatkins Ah...sorry about the confusion then :D
@NullPoiиteя And UTF-64 support :)
@Jack Warning: Unexpected rock in Mars at map co-ordinate ...
sounds great :D
@DaveRandom As long as it's not a fatal one ;-)
@Jack Yeh, I hate those fatal rocks.
@Jack No worries, it was initially just meant to explain the API rather than being a good impl.
The API is still intact (mostly), but I've split up the array access portion ... still on the fence about it.
Destroyed your bitmask enums though hehe
Yeh I was thinking that would probably end up happening. tbh with that API they would be much less necessary anyway, it's much easier to manipulate whichever elements you want
@Jack ArrayAccess I think is a good element to keep, the URI implements Iterator(Aggregate) is highly debatable.
I've taken out the Iterator bit ... I don't feel a URI should be iterated. I would be agreeable to putting back the ArrayAccess though :)
I've left the Iterator inside QueryLevel though.
Yeh well the query is just a collection, that definitely needs to be iterable
Yeah, so I've picked the aggregate form for that.
Reduces the number of methods.
Added an author section for you btw ;-)
Indeed, I always forget that even exists, Iterator is very broken for assoc arrays
@DaveRandom Sorry, just jumped in. How's it broken?
@LeviMorrison Mostly because there's no native valid(), I usually end up doing key() === null
Also the reset()/rewind() disparity bugs me, but that's just a minor consistency problem
@DaveRandom Oh. I see what you mean. Doesn't mean it's 'broken' just not a 1-1 mapping.
Tis annoying, though.
@DaveRandom In any case, feel free to poke around :) I'm off to work on my wife's project now heh
@ircmaxell @JoeWatkins
sorry I had internet connection problems but I read what you sent and now I know more about the topic :)
@Jack so that's what you kids are calling it these days
@LeviMorrison Yeh maybe very broken is overstating it.
I am missing context. What's that URL talk about?
It's one of those I like Friday projects.
@Gordon Thanks, I'll have a look at those as well :)
@Jack that's much better then that handful of crap I threw at you :)
Actually my implementation isn't too far off from Gordons.....
yeah, I just have a separate object for the querypath which you can use but dont have to
Q: ACL - restrict specific features?

user1246800I have been reading about ACL and it is quite interesting but I am not sure if ACL is a right tool for my new backend system. I want to restrict certain features from User Groups and Roles, for example: "Processing" group can see a category dropdown but it will be hidden from a "Sale" team. "...

We have it ... though, it seems that a lot of it can be simplified in hindsight :)
Would a class like URI benefit from fluid interface?
@JoeWatkins Not sure if related, but it looks like the optimizing part of OPCache does NOP removal even if you set optimization_level to 0 - lxr.php.net/xref/PHP_5_5/ext/opcache/Optimizer/pass1_5.c#314
@Orangepill your __construct() shouldn't be doing work and what's this obsession with use of magic methods ?!
@Jack no, because it's not a DSL. It would just be Method Chaining.
Hmm, method chaining is what I meant.
@Jack that's mostly useless then
or not useless but CQS > Method Chaining
Dunno, I could see how (new URI())->setScheme('http')->setHost('www.example.com') => 'http://www.example.com' could work.
Sure it would work. It just doesn't offer much benefit
and you have to add return $this to every setter
which is more error prone than not adding it
and since setters are Commands they should not return anything
I know, they should be void.
What's CQS btw?
The whole first page of CQS is the hedge fund =/
@teresko I understanding the aversion to the magic methods but in this case the work I'm doing in the constructor seems to be completely justified to me. What is gained by deferring to another method for the work?
@Orangepill Testability?
and semantics
@tereško his ctor isnt really doing any work that would hamper testability
but you could obviously move that parsing code to a static factory method though and require the ctor to accept the individual URL parts
@Gordon That's essentially what I've done with mine.
Here's a question, why isn't there a native Uri class? Here we have 3 or 4 different (albeit slightly) implementations of the same damn thing.
the problem that I have here is that constructor ends up being responsible for parsing/unpacking of input
yes, but imo it doesn't in a way that Misko would call a flaw since it's just a requisite to assign the values and doesnt require any external collaborators nor impairs testing in any way
Why do 3v4l.org/KdrNW and 3v4l.org/Z4JUk produce different error messages?! oO
@bwoebi one is a compile-time error the other a run-time error ^^
@NikiC I know… but why do we have different messages here?
because php
@NikiC ok^^
If I have an array ['a' => 1] and another array [1 => 'foo'], is there a magic function which would "join" them and produce ['a' => 'foo']? Or is this just something I'll have to roll myself?
array_map would be great, but I can't produce keys in the projection. array_walk would be great, but I can't alter keys in the callback.
@DanLugg array_combine(array_keys($arr1), $arr2);?
Ah, that'll almost work, I just need to sync the order.
That's of course if they line up.
Ehh, fuck it. foreach will be easier...
array_map() on the first array would work just fine. @DanLugg
How so? Can't take keys without passing array_keys() and can't project new keys either.
array_map(function($item) use ($arr2) { return $arr2[$item]; }, $arr1);.
Oh, for the order you mean.
I know this is heresy, but this'd be alot easier if I could return $key => $value;
Tell me about it.
He just did
30 secs ago, by Dan Lugg
I know this is heresy, but this'd be alot easier if I could return $key => $value;
Ooh, that's like a mandolin on your lips.
BLAH := BLAH "blah"
blah == bullshit I think
Thank you for sharing that with us.
ah I see
@DaveRandom Am I crazy, or is it crazy that the PHP_URL_* constants don't form a mask?
@ircmaxell when is that day :O
@AhmedAl-sabsab You're not at work, are you!?
@ircmaxell yesterday :)
@DanLugg When would you use them as a mask?
Programmers' Day is an international professional day recognized in many technology companies and programming firms, that is celebrated on the 256th (hexadecimal 100th, or the 28th) day of each year (September 13 during common years and on September 12 in leap years). It is officially recognized in Russia and observed in several other countries, including Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, Croatia, Czech republic, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Guatemala, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Mexico, Mongolia, New Zealand, Poland...
@DanLugg I am not working
@Jack $hostAndPath = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_HOST | PHP_URL_PATH)
@DanLugg you are crazy
@DanLugg and what would that return?
so should we feel happy today
['host' => ..., 'path' => ...] (though, preferably [PHP_URL_HOST => ..., PHP_URL_PATH => ...])
@AhmedAl-sabsab NO
@DanLugg and why would you want that instead of the whole array?
@DanLugg Well, that's not supported :)
@NullPoiиteя forever sad :(
@ircmaxell Because I only want the host and path?
Also, even if you only want a single part from the URL, it still parses the whole thing anyway.
the question is .. should the programmer feel?
@AhmedAl-sabsab Yes, pain mostly!
@DanLugg but why? what use-case would you have for having an array with only those 2 elements in it, where the FUNCTION should strip them?
@AhmedAl-sabsab clumsy :P
@ircmaxell I concede; I can filter them myself. Just seemed like it wouldn't have been any harder to make it a mask, and do the work internally so I don't have to.
so why should we be programmers
Who is we?
@Jack pain in the a** mostly
@DanLugg right, but what's the use-case besides you can
@ircmaxell Not having to filter them when I only want an array consisting of a host and a path element.
@AhmedAl-sabsab its one of the highest profession ...in which you can rune your life taking about requirements, design ,bug , debug , bla bla bla .. beer , coffee
@DanLugg that's not a use-case. A use case is why you want an array consisting of a host and a path. And a use-case for why that funciton should return it to you rather than you pulling it manually...?
Also, there should be no reason to filter them anyway ... an array with [a,b,c] is also an array with [a,b]
exactly my point
@NullPoiиteя is that programming :O
@ircmaxell I have no formal use case, hence I conceded.
Well, if you think of one...
I'm not going to dwell on it ;-)
No, if you think of one, let's have the discussion. I just can't see it...
quick question -- if I POST a handful of checkboxes (some checked some not), and then I use setcookie() to set a cookie for each like so: setCookie("c_1", $_POST["checkboxArray"]["1"] ), will a cookie only be created for the boxes which were checked when the form was submitted? in the prior example, if $_POST["checkboxArray"]["1"] was not checked would it make a cookie?
@ircmaxell It's just a matter of noise really. If I never need the fragment, I can either A) never use the element, or B) pass PHP_URL_ALL & ~PHP_URL_FRAGMENT. It's really quite silly though, given the fixed content of the array. I'll never have a bottleneck, there'll never be a problem; sometimes I just ponder APIs like that and contrast them with what I may have done.
fair enough. I think having the 2nd argument is silly once you introduce array dereferencing. $host = parse_url($url)['host'];. So the 2nd argument really was a workaround for lacking of good syntax
@Prefix Why would you want to set that many cookies?
@ircmaxell That makes sense.
@cspray I can't use sessions unfortunately.
basically im just trying to figure out what would be a good way to re-populate checkboxes if the user enters a captcha incorrectly, I don't want them to lose all their checks.
Well, why can't you use sessions?
school assignment and the prof doesn't want us to use sessions yet. :\
@DanLugg If you look at the source code, you will see that parse_url() is a pretty thin wrapper around the actual parser.
@Jack Well, that follows since PHP is a pretty thin wrapper around electricity.
doesnt have to be cookies, optimally I'd like to have the CAPTCHA check for validity before the form is even POSTed
so that way you dont need to worry about repopulating the form
@DanLugg Sure.
Anyone else think of a use-case for this function: 3v4l.org/kQbjs. I externalized it from a private method, but I don't think it'd be of much use elsewhere.
@Prefix Local Storage allowed?
@Fabien yup
Why am I always missing a working pen on my desk ... kids =(
Use that then.
(PS: thanks @Jack)
@Jack I wonder how many carpenter jobs there are in the paper today...
It's a tough living as a carpenter.
@Jack IDGAF. Apparently today I'm not fit for doing this.
"You have to admit, they're very, very fit!" :)
IE10 is required for FormData?! Those lazy punks!
Damn, I'm a bonehead.
good night
Does anybody know the concrete PHP version which will ship without the MySQL extension?
@ComFreek Any of them can be configured without it.
@Jack It's a matter of uncommenting a line in PHP.ini afaik.
Depends on how a PHP build is done. You can choose to bundle mysql inside.
tbf, he's better than hek2mgl :)
@Jack o/
@Jack Didn't know that, but MySQL is deprecated anyway. I wanted to know it for [this reason](chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/11780263#11780263
I want to insert a POST variable into a PHP page. What can I do?
@Fabien tbf sounds different in my head than its intended tbh :)
@Lucio From where?
From the nothing
@Jack heh.
How is your PHP script called?
Go home Spotify! You're drunk. The Meters are not even close to Muddy Waters! Nor is Death Angel close to Spiritual Beggars.
I don't want to create a fake form to send values, but a software that do this for my
@Lucio It already exists.
It's called "The Browser".
@ComFreek It is just a simple page that does echo $_POST['name']
What are you trying to achieve?
You can always set the variable: $_POST['name'] = 'blub'
I don't want to modify the code
I want to do it from the client side
Load the page sending the POST var with my own value
Your client = your browser? If so, this is impossible with a simple link or whatever.
Anything wrong with document.getElementById('myForm').submit(), then?
I know
@Lucio I wasn't joking you know...
cURL is a C library
@Lucio Your problem is not clear. Please describe exactly what you want to do.
Load a PHP page sending my own POST variable.
I already tell what I want to achieve several times.
You can post curl.
@Lucio You don't make any sense.
@Lucio How do you load your page?
Lucio, if you were being clear, no one would be asking you to clarify
You want a PHP page to send POST variables to another PHP page?
on load
No, load a PHP page. Only 1 PHP page here. Just one
@ComFreek With a browser.
So javascript.
@Lucio Make a form, and submit it. If you want it automatically submitted, JavaScript.
Do you just want to fire a request?
Or do you want to redirect the browser window?
AJAX post?
I know that. That is what I don't want to do :)
Have you ever hear about Tamper or Fiddle?
@Lucio What do you want to do then?! Where are you getting your variables? Where are you posting from.
Lucio, if you think we're such morons, why are you asking us?
You are making no sense whatsoever.
@Chris Did you read my mind? I though that it wasn't possible. Seriously, I did never think that.
@MadaraUchiha This is all I have: <?php echo $_POST['name']; ?>
That is my great PHP file. One one.
Then when we ask you to clarify, fricking clarify. Don't keep saying the same thing over and over again, don't be coy. Do you want AJAX, cURL, or javascript submit an existing HTML form. That's really the three ways it is going to happen. And if you're asking about either of the latter two, you are in the wrong room, bro
cURL could be useful
no AJAX no JS
That little comment there, your "great php file", is an example of treating us like we're dumb.
You know that you can't call cURL from the browser?
Use cURL then.
@Chris chill
@Chris You are wrong. I'm saying that the point is not the PHP code.
@ComFreek I did never hear about cURL. It looks promising. I will take a look at the Wikipedia art.
@Chris Thanks for your recommendation. <-- NO SARCASM
@Lucio cURL is a C library. You can't use a C library in your browser.
Yes, command line only

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