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@DaveRandom apparently, the first thing you do is rewrite the implementation lol.
some welding on the floor to finish and should have an MOT next week :D
@Will I've put the question on-hold and will convert your answer into a comment
@DaveRandom Also, breaking test cases is good :)
In fact, those are the best.
I deleted the answer and commented
@Jack Possibly, but the lower 2/3rds is just copypasta from something I have written 1000 times before.
@Leigh Hows things going at beef?
@JoeWatkins kewl
@Jack I just don't get the mentality though. It makes no sense to me to say "ignore the implementation" in that scenario because if the code works but it takes half an hour to execute then your tests will pass but the code will be useless.
@Will beef?
@DaveRandom Black box testing shouldn't be that unfamiliar :)
@Leigh Dont you work for we are beef?
@PeeHaa I know right, I am so 80's guy right now ...
@Will No...
				else {
					print '';
@Leigh Oh my mistake must be a different SO user
why do people torment me with their terrible code!
@Leigh whitespace?
@zerkms copy/paste
@DaveRandom That's also not the point :) an implementation should be judged by its functionality (or public api if you will) ... at least that's my view.
If you can make it faster, great. But that's already one step ahead.
@Jack I am familiar with the concept, familiarity doesn't mean I have to agree with it though. To me it only makes sense with a large lib - for example I use swiftmailer all the time but I haven't dismantled it and looked to see whether I could do it any better because it does what I want it to. But if someone gives me a small routine, of course I'm going to look at see how it works and not just what it does.
Because at this point, what I don't know, is what test cases would have broken the old implementation.
Why should there be a difference between a big lib and small utility?
Q: update db table using a loop

samitha `SI_ID is` the Auto Increment Field `SI_Reg_No` i the student registration number `SI_Ins_NO` is the installment number `SI_Due_Date` is the due date of that installment `SI_Paid_Amount` is the paid amount of each installment when my payment form button click i want to update the SI_Paid_...

@DaveRandom I'll probably merge your code in though, if you don't mind giving it up under MIT :)
"update db table using a loop" --- ohhhhhhhhh
@samitha it's the same was as without loop
but with loop
(not kidding)
@DaveRandom Also, I was thinking in terms of php-src proposal work ... =D
I need a mobile app I'm making to display a news feed. What's the best way to store the news? Build an interface that talks to a MySQL database or use an RSS feed or something like that?
@JoelKidd any way you can personally implement is "the best" in your case
@JoelKidd This reddit post may be helpful
@zerkms I can do both, I'm just trying to figure out the best/most used way
Whatever you do, don't store the MySQL credentials in your app :)
Yeah of course, thats why I said build an interface :p
But thank you
@JoelKidd to find the "best" solution - provide a criterias
it's not possible to compare anything if you don't know how
Well let's say the Twitter app for example
like - what is better a bentley or a building crane?
Definitely a building crane.
@Jack you knew it
Building crane crushes Bentley.
How does Twitter store each user's updates?
@JoelKidd they use sqlite
Then that is what I shall use, thanks :D
and VB.net
to process it
da fu
why VB.net?
I thought they used XML documents.
it's proven as the best highload platform
@JoelKidd Use the webservices to Access Data
@zerkms I'm still waiting for the SQLite cluster.
@JoelKidd and return JSON as Response
Well, would it be sufficient if I just made an API like, example.com/retrieveupdates?user=duck
And then return updates for duck through a MySQL query
@JoelKidd Did you look at the link I recommended?
@Jack to run maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap-reduuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuce algorithms on it?
@Fabien I didn't see it sorry
@JoelKidd here
@zerkms Definitely, but only if it runs on SDD.
@Gordon Here he is again
@Jack on tapes
/me remembered that tape-based computers
@zerkms Only played games from tape :)
@Jack Load ""
And sometimes ... I would listen to them =O
@Touki gah :(
... for half an hour
Yeah, with cups over your eyes ... fantasy galore.
Q: PHP find first zero bit

Elliot LingsWhat's the easiest way to find the first zero bit with PHP? For example, say I have an integer 47 which is 111101, how can I find out that the 5th bit is the first unset bit? This needs to work to cater for different integers.

why such people don't work in McDonalds instead?
@Gordon You might consider opening a Feed channel just for reporting that user :p
@zerkms Because of the wages I think.
@Jack do you think he earns a lot with such knowledge?
@zerkms Somewhere I read that php was created for non-programmers, so maybe they work in McDonalds. :)
I often see the job offers with rate sllightly higher than allowed minimal
@Leri fair point
@Jack he uses Big *I*ndian
@zerkms Big Endian doesn't change bit order inside one byte though.
@Jack note "italized" capital I
Lol, yes :)
Btw, in "real" programming languages that's how it's solved en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Find_first_set
strcspn(sprintf('%b', 47), '0') =D
But that would return 8 for 255 .. oh well.
@Jack now you have something to do this evening
Yeah, and it's not this :)
Mark's answer looked like the Rube Goldberg machine in comparison ;-)
How Can I get currency symbol in zf2?
$currency_symbol = '$'; because Obama said so.
@Jack beat me to it!
btw, to compensate my previous link to a silly question this is a really nice one:
Q: void(0) returns `undefined`, but allows property access. Why?

Alex WayneSo void returns undefined after executing the expression passed to it. undefined throws exceptions when you try to access its properties. So why is that void(0).prop returns undefined instead of crashing? alert("void(0) => " + void(0)); // undefined // How is it that this doesn't throw an exc...

@Jack very funny
@zerkms That's ... wunderbar :)
@Jack yep, another piece of useless knowledge
but interesting
I can imagine the confusion :)
var foo = function() {

(function() {
^^ Something like this is annoying -> TypeError: undefined is not a function
stackoverflow.com/q/18783048/251311 - such a questions provoke me to answer with a link to thepiratebay where I put a rar with nested zip with nested word (.doc) with image with an answer inside
Er @DaveRandom you've done a little copypasta faux pas
@Jack No worries, I fixed it a bit since I posted it. I'll try and find some examples of stuff that won't work in a bit
@Leigh ?
you pasted the anonymous user id as the bug reference number (twice) in an SVN commit to docs
@Leigh link?
@DaveRandom Your contribution has merit in the sense that I can split it off into another potentially useful function, url_recombine() :)
Which is actually what you have posted before iirc
@DaveRandom This one, in fact :)
@Leigh That appears to be the system going insane. Those are auto messages :-S
Presumably SVN is picking up on # ids, I just committed with the default messages
@Jack Yeh that seems to be a little wrong
@DaveRandom Ah, ok sorry, you're not to blame then. I did think it was odd that the commit message had nothing to do with the referenced bug title
@Leigh I'll raise that on the list actually, I guess there must be a good few instances of that floating about
@Jack Fixed. It looks like that was originally created with specifically HTTP/FTP urls in mind
Q: merging select and update in one query in mysql

user007I have a doubt. can I combine select and update into one query?? I mean if my table contains values exe-cz2-182657 exe-cz2-24247 exe-ip-356724 I need to select all the values contains cz2 and changes them as exe-cz4-182657

Yesterday's evening of facepalms is continuing
Never used heredocs until now, any way you can use them indented in your code?
Why is it that I never see anyone with rep under around 10k suggesting sprintf? — Fluffeh 14 mins ago
@Jimbo Nope, the end must start the line.
is it possible to force download a Zip file without the use of readfile()?

file_get_contents and fopen, fread are just outputting the content to the browser instead of asking for download
@Jack what did he mean? I often use it to format strings nicely
@asprin no they don't
@zerkms He's probably saying that only high rep users seem to use sprintf() :)
@Jack oh I see now
Several days ago some indian woman wanted to make a compliment about my cute daughter who was with my wife at a grocery store
@asprin It's all about the headers
and she did it using something like "Your mother is not as pretty as you"
It's all about the dum dum dum dumm....
@zerkms I mean, I'm wanting to use an EOD / EOT / whatever within a while loop, which obviously means it's indented by four spaces for the variable declaration
Q: Dubai blocking Facebook post to wall

Luke HumbleWe have setup a WordPress site for our client in Dubai and we are based in Australia. The site has a gallery which is integrated with a Facebook App so that when someone leaves a comment on a photo and ticks the option to post to their Facebook wall it shows the phone on their wall along with the...

@Jack Is there any way around that, I don't want my code messy :(
Well, fair enough. Some time to read big boys' book, otherwise some time later I will also ask about how to find the first zero bit in an integer
Ah, screw you heredocs
@Jimbo Nay.
Unfortunately I only have three unit tests =(
But they all pass! mwahaha
@Jack Unfortunately that won't work unless you changes that values of the PHP_URL_* constants
Q: Simplest MySQL to MySQLi transition

SporeDevI'm currently using the depreciated MySQL that I've been taught in a class. I saw that it's not the right way to go and there are two better options: MySQLi and, even better, PDO. While I find switching to PDO to be kinda difficult for me since I have no idea whatsoever about OOP, I think that sw...

@DaveRandom you can report bugs about bugs.php.net on bugs.php.net
just choose the right category ^^
I'm currently using the depreciated MySQL that I've been taught in a class. Where the hell are those classes? I want to burn them. :)
@NikiC That was a joke, it is Friday after all...
@DaveRandom Yeah, I didn't like introducing new constants :)
@PeeHaa Actually, I have seen that before. Sorry. Also github.com/PHP-Chat/phpdoc-search-api/blob/master/scripts/… is more portable (doesn't require ncurses, just a vaguely sane *nix system).
Yay multi-multi-ping
@PeeHaa a stupid single echo statement was ruining it
Does an "offensive flag" can be "deemed helpful" ONLY by a moderator ? Or an edition of the post turns it helpful too ?
@Touki noop
10+ And Mod
@Jack tbh I'd like to see all enum-style lists of constants like that changed so that their values are easy to use as proper bit masks. The LOCK_* constants make little-to-no sense either LOCK_UN == 3 == LOCK_SH | LOCK_EX :-S
@DaveRandom That would be nice, but will probably never change for existing constants :)
In this case I would argue that it would have been more useful if PHP_URL_HOST == 'host' :)
Yeh, it's important to maintain BC for idiots who use absolute values instead of named constants
So that, you know, $parts[PHP_URL_HOST] would actually work!
funni! and gone!
@Mr.Alien idiot he should ask for at-least 1M rep :D
He should have started with a meta account, then add an overflow account => +100
@Jack Maybe. But I would prefer to just make the return array numerically keyed and make it possible to create sensible masks.
PHP needz moar enum
@Jack I've moved to using the PHP_URL_* for my Uri class.
@DaveRandom Agreed.
@DaveRandom Sure, that would work too :)
I know I'll get shouted at for saying that but I don't care.
@DanLugg Not sure I completely understood that.
@NullPoiиteя I didn't knew we can ask for Reps like this aahahaha
@Jack Just when dumping back to an array, or parsing shit internally.
I use those constants as the keys.
Though, I wish they were named PHP_URI_* instead of URL.
People this question is getting pity up votes: stackoverflow.com/questions/13909247/…
Sounds like a pedantic choice.
I'm not saying you need to do anything about it, but just throwing it out here
Just cv'ed it :)
lol, oh come on, feel pity for me too
> Do you have Zombies enabled, I am guessing yes. It might be that this is interfering with some "smart coding" in the Facebook class, related to a weak internal property which does not get nilled properly.
SO should have some mechanism for giving away <10 rep so you can satisfy OCD tendencies.
> DaveRandom 39,599
you need 2 downvotes
and an accepted answer?
I still need 290 upvotes to reach 66,666 =D
I need an upvote on one of my answer, I will get 2 fresh badges, please help me
same here, but 1 badge
fresh badge? :)
Yeh it's a badge that make inappropriate advances on your sister
1 enlightened and 1 nice answer <- two freshly baked badges..
With 6 upvotes I can get 6 "nice answer" badges haha
that way even I will get many, damn some are stucked at 8 and 9s
now can you guys please stop asking for rep and badge :P
Exactly, so frustrating.
@NullPoiиteя Pls help me! I needs it!
asking for badge is ok, with no rep :))
@CSᵠ and how can we accomplish this ? :P
Yeah, give the upvote and badge but without the rep :)
I've lost interest in rep and badges since I joined this room. Thanks room 11. :)
thumbleweed anyone?
@NullPoiиteя First, you have to reach the daily cap at about 300 ... then ask for moar upvotes :)
@NullPoiиteя you vote and we will get our badges, than I will make sure everyone stops discussing, and btw, really? lets make your pdo question cw
@Leri i can also pretend for same ... but i really want to reach to 20k :P
@Leri It's still worth it until 20K. After that it's just noise.
XDebug seems to not be available when I use the PHP built-in server... do I hafta do something config wise?
Yeah ... noise ... that's how I would describe my life after 20k ;-)
Or at least 10K, it sucks when I go to SU/SF/meta and I can't see deleted stuff
Reaching 10k at meta is doable as long as your keyboard can last.
agreed 10k is must to enjoy so and get @xxxx[{::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::>
@DaveRandom Yes, but I don't really want to be a mod. Maybe reading deleted answers/questions would be nice but 10K is enough. And I can easily get it if I answer questions that won't be answered by rep-whores and will get up-votes from them. For example, this
Yea, you get that K after your rep, looks fancy
When Medusa looked at the Magento source code, she turned to stone.
lol... I read it as Magneto...
Because Magento acts like a mirror, it's as ugly as you are =D
@Gordon That's pretty extreme. I just turned to drink.
:P the second part may be true :P
@DaveRandom drinking. getting stoned. not much difference ;)
@Gordon No, but when you do both in vast quantities Magento starts looking alright.
Getting stoned sounds painful, unless you meant the other kind.
(I think he meant the other kind)
@Gordon I don't know, one is very dangerous and a huge drain on society, the other is illegal.
I sure hope so.
^^ That one, yes.
lol you get 100 rep for passing 200 rep :P
I take it no one likes oAuth :) I've yet to find a person who does.
@Fabien I've asked you a few times whether you're using pecl.
As in, pecl-oauth
@Jack I said I was :-/
Alright ... so php -m shows the extension?
Hmm, does php-cli load a different php.ini or something?
Shouldn't do. Let me check over it.
FTR this is the guide I followed.
@Jack AFAIK, yes.
In your php code you could also check this with if (extension_loaded('oauth'))
@Leri I was asking on his system in particular :)
I'd love to be able to do:
I know it looks for php-cli.ini first.
foreach ($job_tiers as $tier => array($limit => $no))
With the value being an array which is also expanded
@Jimbo Isn't that already possible?
@Jack Oh, missed context, sorry. :)
@Jack You be joking?
foreach ($tiers as $tier => list($limit, $no)) ?
Not sure
I've heard rumours about such a thing.
@Jack yes.
posted on September 12, 2013 by Liip

We continued our exploration of e-commerce applications in the Symfony2 ecosystem at this months hackday with some playtime with OroCRM. OroCrm is currently in alpha phase and is unique in that its primary focus is to provide CRM tools for B2C rather than B2B of traditional CRM solutions. They plan to integrate with different webshop solutions to for example automatically open a lead if a custo

@Jack Nah, unexpected T_LIST
@Jimbo You need 5.5, that's all.
@Jack if (extension_loaded('oauth')) returned true
@Jack Ahh, damnit, stuck on 5.3 with work. Ah well, interesting to know :)
How do you guys handle multi-lingual sites with translations? I'm a little worried/cautious that if I use the english phrase as the key, in my translationfiles then it will just break... if I change anything... I guess the only solution is to use phrases that are keys instead? Like WELCOME_MESSAGE instead of "Welcome to blabla" ??
@Fabien Hmm, then there should be no reason for it to not load the OAuth class.
@Jimbo See also: php.net/manual/en/…
@Fabien Oh, you've installed the latest version right?
@Jack how can I check?
tbh it's oAuth 1.0 that I am after.
@Fabien If you installed it with pecl install oauth it should be the latest (1.2.3)
Otherwise, just report a ticket with code to reproduce at bugs.php.net/report.php?package=oauth and I'll take a look.
@Jack Cool cheers, I will submit it.
Thanks. It's been a while since I've touched the code base :)
But from what I can remember of the code you've posted yesterday it seems extremely basic.
@DaveRandom I'll set up Travis CI later =D
Do you guys use What's you opinion of Code Review?

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