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@PeeHaa I am retrieving the content of an entire div. I want to retrieve the full html code. going 2 dinner brb
@NoahHuppert So you are doing the operation on the parent div?
And you are basically looking for innerhtml rather than actual domelements?
If so just grab all the child elements and saved them to a string $div->ownerDocument->saveHTML($childElement);
@PeeHaa That seems about right. Let me try that.
@PeeHaa have you checked your site recently?
its different
@Simon_eQ Different how? I haven't done anything with it that I know of
@PeeHaa That worked perfectly
great :)
@Simon_eQ Nope. Has been looking like that since I set it up again AFAIK
@PeeHaa nope. First time I saw it, it was full
I think you removed some content from the body
You should probably do min-height: stuff
It looks unprofessional, its tempting me to hack it :p
@Simon_eQ Ah yea. No. I wanted to make my footer sticky, but that meant I had to change the structure to also wrap the header, but than I became lazy and said it's good enough
@Simon_eQ Go ahead. You are not the first
@PeeHaa speaking of lazy, I too have the same problem. Only with me, I haven't even bought my domain.
that is how lazy I got
Aug 31 at 16:08, by PeeHaa
I lolled @
@PeeHaa I can do better than that.
@Simon_eQ Feel free to try
In my first week on the job, I discovered an apache httpd Remote Denial of Service vulnerability,
anyway, you I don't want to give out my IP
@Simon_eQ I already know your ip
Remember you just visited my site?
@PeeHaa LOL. I was thinking that just after I wrote it
Isn't there honesty left in this world? agrhh.. Now, I have to buy a new PC :/
It is easy to be lazy with HTML because browsers allow you to be
I actually convinced my wife to use her graphic design skills in web design and she's learning HTML/CSS atm
@cspray cool. But there is a cool app I got introduced this week (probably too late)
It helps a lot, and saves a lot of time, on CSSing issues
You didn't use developer tools?
@Fabien What makes you think I was a developer? oO
@NikiC getting a lot of shift/reduce conflicts… will look this evening how to resolve them. Going to bed now.
I was into PHP for fun. It just picked up on that recently.
Now, I have to start taking things seriously.
Right click -> view source was my first developer tool
@Fabien go to sleep. You confusingly as confusing me too :)
You go to sleep -_-
I will do some small-scale rep-whoring today, damn all the questions seem difficult.
Q: What's does it mean of" /* overloaded elements data types */ #define OE_IS_ARRAY (1<<0) #define OE_IS_OBJECT (1<<1) #define OE_IS_METHOD (1<<2)"?

BeCuriousToday,when I read php kernel codes, which in dir:**php5.3/Zend/Zend.h**,make me confused. Code is follow: /* overloaded elements data types */ #define OE_IS_ARRAY (1<<0) #define OE_IS_OBJECT (1<<1) #define OE_IS_METHOD (1<<2) Is it means like this? And I use int type which has four ...

Does anyone know of a good PHP newsletter software that allows multiple admins/mods?
oh the title
@Fabien there.
It seems like it is impossible now.
I fee pathetic for going through all this, but ... it is what it is.
@Simon_eQ is that for xmatch? or one of their many sister sites
@crypticツ no. chellaul corporation
people these days are lacking insights
I am ready to program PHP
@Simon_eQ whatda.. what is that? LOL
I got scammed, or so it seems
I'm having fun, freaking the hell of the agent.
I think she/he might be new, because a sane person shouldn't tolerate me this long
@Simon_eQ, go through PayPal and dispute or revoke payment.
@Simon_eq @Fabian did some api clean-up and posted some high level documentation up on github (in the docs folder).
FabiEn :)
Also enhanced the readme on the site with some install instructions
@Fabien sorry
Np, about 95% of people also say Fabian.
Which is the English spelling.
Let me know if either of you have any problems getting it to run.
How do you cope with the lack of support for generic collections?
isn't that what an array is :)
@Orangepill No, an array is an untyped collection.
In languages that support generics (C# for example) an ordered PHP array would be more like List<object>
I guess I don't have enough exposure to languages that have a generic collection to know what it is.
okay... so a compile time typed collection.
Yes, essentially.
@Orangepill looking at it now
I vaugely remember that from my c++ classes 18 years ago ... damn I'm old
Note: Ik this isn't the html room but that one is empty atm. So I am trying to make it so when you click on a link it gets the href attribute but does not go to the linked page. Any ideas?
@Bracketworks I think you could pull off a shitty approximation of the functionality in php ... precondition get type check against a string version of the class the collection is for... guess I never knew what I was missing so I never felt the pain of it's absence.
@Bracketworks or you can just do it "the php way" and make and array and cross your fingers and hope everyone only puts things of the right type in it.
@NoahHuppert return false from the on click handler... that cancels the event before the default action can be carried out.
@Orangepill I am currently trying converting all href attributes to data-link and then when the user clicks at all it sees if the tag clicked has a data-link and if it does I do my magic stuff.
data-link .... is that some kinda bootstrap magic or a jquery plugin?
@NoahHuppert Sounds like a terrible approach
Unobtrusive JavaScript is a general approach to the use of JavaScript in web pages. Though the term is not formally defined, its basic principles are generally understood to include: * Separation of functionality (the "behavior layer") from a Web page's structure/content and presentation * Best practices to avoid the problems of traditional JavaScript programming (such as browser inconsistencies and lack of scalability) * Progressive enhancement to support user agents that may not support advanced JavaScript functionality A new paradigm JavaScript historically has had a reputation for ...
@PeeHaa @Orangepill I just tried to that approach I just talked about ended up not working(Suprise! lol). Data- anything is a way of storing attributes if there isn't an official attribute for it.
I know what it is, but converting href's to data attributes is a really crappy way to do whatever it is you want
@Orangepill How exactly would you return false on the click handler.
You don't
So he misinformed me?
You use event.preventDefault()
@PeeHaa Well now that I have tried my weird way I'm nvr gonna do that again. turned into a train wreck.
@NoahHuppert onclick='return false;'
@Orangepill Please don't use inline JS
Think about the kittens
And with that advice I say good night to you all
Only problem is that neither of those seem to work 4 me...
NM people its goood
i want to include a still header in my website ... how i can do it any one tell me... i want to include this in top of my site radio.radiobornil.com/wp-content/themes/iMovies/player/… any one can help me?
@CoolBoy Can you use php?
@CoolBoy If so then you can use <?php include 'header.php'; ?> replace header.php with you header file name
@NoahHuppert i want my header.php are not be delete.... i want it's include another header from this link..
@CoolBoy none of that makes sense to me
1 hour later…
@rdlowrey Sorry to hear that. But if there's anything you want to discuss around that (feeling the need to get a gun for safety), please ping me and let's talk about it...
@rdlowrey Anything stolen?
1 hour later…
morning chaps
what happened to rdlowrey, why would he need a gun what did I miss ??
damnit, my cat just sharted on my bed =o(
hi all
can someone help me?
how to call php function in javascript with javascript variable
var postday= "<?php echo Agotime(&quot;.postdate.&quot;); ?>";
where postdate is the javascript variable
@asifa You misunderstand the relationship between server-side and client-side programming.
Q: What are the difference between server-side and client-side programming?

Madara Uchiha I've seen questions (mainly on Stack Overflow), which lack this basic knowledge. The point of this question is to provide good information for those seeking it, and those referencing to it. In the context of web programming, what are the differences between Server-side programming and Cl...

are we all noticing twitters efforts to make it easier to follow a conversation ?
@JoeWatkins I'm not on twitter because it's so hard to follow a convo, what kind of effort are you seeing?
they got some funky lines between messages and some inline information about what is replying to what sometimes ... not seen a big conversation yet but deffo better than before ...
still limited to 1990's sms sizes ... which is still stupid ...
rooms dead on saturday
room functioning perfectly well, humans dead on Saturday ...
lol, need to get some more aliens in here..
close that question
saved me from hours of research: wiki.answers.com/Q/Is_Jackie_Chan_a_ninja
lol, didn't know php had str_word_count and array_count_values
You learn something new every day
@MadaraUchiha you trolling or are you serious?
@Mr.Alien Completely serious
@MadaraUchiha wooo, I thought you must be knowing, @YogeshSuthar see where our country people uses more brains stackoverflow.com/questions/18671230/…
moin all
Should I flag this?
@Mr.Alien Yes
I already did, do it yourself too.
@MadaraUchiha done..
Morning room 11
Mornin :)
So, in PHP 4, abstract methods can not have a body?
Fatal error: Abstract function ProcessCommand::process() cannot contain body in
		protected abstract function process(Client $command)
			$this->command = $command->getMessage();
Before it lays (more) eggs <- rofl
@JonyKale PHP4 died over a decade ago.
Stop using it right now.
@JonyKale Also, even in PHP5 (all of them), a method declared abstract cannot have a body.
If you want a method in an abstract class to have a body, it's fine, just don't make the method abstract.
@MadaraUchiha I still have to maintain legacy php4 and even perl4 code sometimes. :(
@SweetieBelle This is where you usually cut the line.
When the language itself recedes support, so should you.
@MadaraUchiha I wouldn't do it for most, in the case of the perl4 client he also has 6 perl5 sites, 3 of which I built and all of which I maintain
I refuse on principle to maintain (long long) deprecated code.
The PHP4 site is owned by the company I work for. :P
@SweetieBelle Time for a new website then.
@MadaraUchiha It's on the list of things to port
@SweetieBelle 6-8 weeks?
The company owns somewhere between 40 and 80 sites, I'm not sure how many exactly.
Most are PHP 5.3/5.4 and up to date
But some low prio ones are still running on a 5.2 server, and one is on PHP4. :P
@MadaraUchiha I've had enough of a battle getting them to rewrite all the login systems to use bcrypt.
@SweetieBelle You shouldn't need to battle
@MadaraUchiha Convincing a company to do things that it doesn't see as financially beneficial is a battle.
Prove how easy it is to hack into the system, and show them the kind of damage it can cause them, legally, and financially.
@MadaraUchiha I did
That's how I got them to do it
@SweetieBelle Well, same goes with PHP4.
PHP4 is no longer supported, it's much harder to maintain because documentation on it is sparse, and thus it costs more (because it takes more programmer time)
@MadaraUchiha That particular beast should be done by the end of the year, I'm not personally on that team any more anyway.
@Orangepill ping whenever you are ready
Ah, I see
It's an old interface to one of our low traffic services.
@Simon_eQ Still on the train? :P
It gets very few hits so it's seen as very low priority (we have a desktop & metro interface too)
@SweetieBelle Is there an alternative?
@MadaraUchiha Desktop & metro, using our other services which provide access to that content.
Then issuing deprecation and termination notices 2 and 4 months in advance respectively is the right move.
The site needs to be overhauled, there are plans for that service.
But right now we've got a huge feature push behind schedule so all teams on that
@MadaraUchiha :) I just woke up.
I know a lot about "plans" :)
Me too :P
Pity is its a promising service, it just hasn't got a great uptake.
(Because it's expensive)
@ircmaxell I'm not sure if you know but you're on front page hacker news
(Then again - I guess you know already)
He made quite the shockwave, @BenjaminGruenbaum :D
@MadaraUchiha Its aimed at corporate clients, but our corporate clients mostly get all they need from the consumer service. :P
@MadaraUchiha And rightfully so mind you.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Indeed.
It's not everyday that one of the most valued members of a community as large as PHP ragequites like that
I don't understand what guys like him are doing in PHP in the first place given that there are languages with much nicer ecosystems in languages where criticism and advice in shaping the langage are a lot more valued.
I've had a 2 hour chat yesterday with the head of Microsoft developer relations - pretty much 2 hours of me telling him I don't understand why not everything they do is open source and about their documentation problems and him being a nice guy :P
Supporting a language they use and love.
Told him their documentation sucks and developers are helpless in front of bugs since the source is closed and there is not even refernece sourcing in many cases - that they don't fix important bugs and so on. He's a nice guy but he didn't give me too interesting answers.
Also - that development is too damn expensive :P But I don't think he can do anything about that :P
Their ecosystem can be absurd sometimes
hottest programmer alive.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I kind of avoid Microsoft on principle when it comes to development.
@Simon_eQ And also, an attention whore for posting on the internet like people with a life actually give a shit about hers
@Jimbo I give shit about her
Wait, what? lol
No, just the audacity of some people... that's all
Yea, you know what they said, about the social networking being a "popularity contest"
@Mr.Alien "thanks for your suggestion i have given the credit to the REAL AUTHOR.." Copyright infringement - how does that work?!
@MadaraUchiha Oops, I meant PHP 5.3 XD
so ircmaxell is considering changing his php career to?
@Danack I flagged it. You can't copy what someone else has written on his or her own website, with or without attribution.
but he acknowledged that it's copied!!1! surely that's good enough? /sarcasm
@Danack I just told him to add attribution, already flagged, I searched on google, he has copied the same stuff on Yahoo answers too..
@Mr.Alien that request was misguided, as it makes it seem as if he can copy it if he adds attribution, but he just never can...
And that is so dumb of him, I told him to edit the line at the end which says And as per your ajax question yeah you can do that following steps will be followed ... still he has kept it there
@Jasper right on that... wait
@Mr.Alien worry less about these ppl
@Jasper done, @Simon_eQ yea, I just flagged and left..
what did I miss ?
@tereško nothing imp ;)
Wait, surely you can copy something that's public as long as you cite the source? o.O
Where do you think all those block-of-text answers came from.
proof, the js people do more talking and less programming.
is there any way to read lines from a .txt file, using file_get_contents() ?
if you want to read lines, then use fopen() and friends
@Simon_eQ have a look at php.net/file and php.net/SplFileObject
Depending on whether you want an array or an iterator of lines
@NikiC thanks, I think I just found it. ch1.php.net/manual/en/splfileobject.fgetss.php
so helpful.
@Simon_eQ nonono
that's not what you want
and if that is what you want, then what you want is wrong :D
@NikiC please look in internals chat
"Gets line from file and strip HTML tags"
If you want to go through the lines write foreach (new SplFileObject($fileName) as $line) { // do something with $line }
oh, why would someone want to create such a function
@bwoebi in a min ;)
@NikiC will count exactly 60 seconds ;-P … no, not really^^
//this is foo.txt
line1 = foo
line2  = bar
line3 = tar
@NikiC What I want is to be able to get foo, bar, tar ... easily.
@Simon_eQ get a line, then parse it
programming is an iterative process
@Simon_eQ Maybe what you want is actually parse_ini_file?
So, I think first I must be able to get the line, then something to help me get after the = symbols
but if not:
foreach (new SplFileObject($fileName) as $line) {
    list($left, $right) = array_map('trim', explode('=', $line));
    // $right is the value you want
@NikiC thanks, I will check that out.
@NikiC quick question: why would one use a SPLFileObject and not just the function file() ? Or the former an Iterator which really reads files line by line while looping?
@bwoebi yes
Warning: SplFileObject::rewind(): stream does not support seeking in C:\
Maybe that is for some php gurus, because the object can't seem to do anything right :)
@Simon_eQ uh, what are you trying to do there?
@NikiC I used your snippet, and gave it the absolute path for a txt file.
I am trying to fetch the data, and did var_dump($right) to check if it was working
I think you made a typo or something, because $right does not hold any values.
"stream does not support seeking in C:\" does not look like you gave it a proper file name
that is the weirdest part. I gave it a URL, pointing to a txt file.
moin all
good mornings!
oh I haven't done any CV pls this morning :D
It's all so sweet, calm and quiet.
I hate debugging regex :|
I honestly do, I honestly hate deubgging regex.
preg_match_all("/([^-–]+)[-–]*\s*([0-9-]+)/", $parents_str, $parents);
On a string like
גבי - 0523781702 רן - 0524313847
I'm expecting to catch both names and phone numbers (or at least one of them, to start with)
The result I get from $parents though is:
array (size=3)
  0 =>
    array (size=0)
  1 =>
    array (size=0)
  2 =>
    array (size=0)
Anyone seeing what I'm obviously missing?
@MadaraUchiha ideone.com/buUOSJ
Now I'm really confused.
@MadaraUchiha Your language is just broken
RTL is dumb
No, I am an idiot, carry on.
@NikiC it's tricky to copy-paste isn't it? :-)
Hey @ircmaxell
@ircmaxell Morning
S'up dawg?
Pageviews all time history: 972,751
getting SOOOO close!!!
What was the highest before that?
lol, no :(
I was thinking that was a single page view...
@cspray lol
There isn't a way to tokenize a closure, is there?
No, my best post is just under 100k, but this one is 1/4 that
@Bracketworks tokenize?
@ircmaxell Yea; like token_get_all()
why wouldn't there be a way to do that?
Exclusively on a closure. The only way I can think of is a hack with reflections and line numbers.
you just need the source code it was made with
Blah; if multiple closures exist within the source document, that'll be a pain in the ass.
Dear people in North America, would you understand the phrase "It's a bit of a marmite issue?"
@Danack Like "This shit's all jammy?"
@Bracketworks yup
@Bracketworks check this out: github.com/jeremeamia/super_closure ;-)
@Bracketworks It means "you either love it or hate it".
@Danack Nothing like the smell of yeast extract in the morning.
@ircmaxell Ahhh geez; that brings in the PHPParser :-(
Marmite is nice in tiny quantities. Like Twiglets.
Any php security guru ?
> I have made a CI based site ... I have strong doubts whether a security hole was offered to the hacker on the PHP side.
How many times have you used CodeIgniter?
Have you checked your access logs?
$installment = $helper->installment($FS_Code);
$firstIns = array_shift(array_values($installment));
$firstinsTotal = $firstIns + $grossFee[0];
$firstinsTotalreplacements = array(0 => $firstinsTotal);
$installmentFinal = array_replace($installment, $firstinsTotalreplacements);
$grossFeeRegFee = array("grossFee" => $grossFee[0], "regFee" => $registrationfee[0], "installment" => $installmentFinal);
echo json_encode($grossFeeRegFee);
console log says 500 server error
Any help?
@ఠ_ఠ what's up with all of the [0]?
you mean ?
@MadaraUchiha Depends how much they give you for free ^_^

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