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Never considered using a symlink for this, makes sense.
For example, on a site I'm working on, the admin area looks identical to the main area but instead of red, it's black.
I can use skin/css/common.css to define styles, then use admin/public/css/admin.css to make those parts black using cascading.
(But not have to write most of common.css 2x)
Yeah, we had a similar issue with my old scammy dating site. We threw up new domains each week for a small period. All the same design with minor tweaks.
^ Another common use, 'multiple' sites with the same content.
Ours was a cluster**** of folders though. Zero organisation.
I also have other stuff in library but it's project specific, like validators, database-mapper, cache etc.
hey.. any tool to view command line result(table) online?
@Fasilkk What command line? SQL? FTP? Linux (which one?)? Windows?
@Fabien My first few were a bit like that, I've got better at organizing as I've done more projects.
Just windows.. table is bracken because of table width..
@SweetieBelle Yeah, it's a shame when people don't realise the importance of a well structured site. Fortunately the very first place I worked was super anal about structure so I picked up some good habits/conventions.
@Fabien I started with freelancing, and using perl to echo out HTML. :(
Good habits came later.
Still pretty sure I have some bad habits though.
@SweetieBelle lol. It's always best to look forward when coding :)
I use short echo tags in PHP all the time.
<?= $varName; ?>
What's the argument against this anyway?
I personally don't use them because I don't like the look of them, but my boss swears by them.
Not sure, readability maybe.
It's not immediately obvious what that does if you're new to PHP.
@SweetieBelle, consider a wide table is viewing from mysql command line prompt.
I use them in templating because I find them more concise and they make my code a bit less wide.
@Fabien You should, because for designers (who actually creates html) it's nothing more than placeholder and they are used to them. I assume you use it in templates.
the result will be Brocken.
@Fasilkk Not sure of any online Windows command line simulators, you should probably echo your output to a file
@Leri Maybe my issue is I haven't worked with designers who do HTML for me :)
@Leri I only use it in templates.
@Leri I don't use PHP as much as I'd like anyway.
I actually really like PHP but I'm not comfortable enough with it to do a full project in it.
It's not on by default is it though?
I fall back into my perl Catalyst comfort zone.
@Fabien In newer PHPs it is, its <? that isn't (because it clashes with XML declarations).
Oh. Well that's good.
We need a room 11 superproject so we can all get ridiculously rich contribute our knowledge to society.
Yes its a better idea @Sweetie :)
How would you guys create a php script that never dies? It's waiting on jobs from the queue.

At present I just use an infinite while loop and I have a cron running to ensure the script has 1 instance running. Does this seem fine or is there a better way?
@SweetieBelle We have github.com/php-chat, knock yourself out :-P
I think I have a github.
@Fabien How is the queue distributed? (where does the data come from)
@Fabien <?php exec('loop.pl');
@DaveRandom Another server creates a job in Amazon SQS. These are all EC2s...
Server 1: Get job data from DB and send to Amazon SQS
Server 2: Check SQS for jobs and process <-- For scalability
@SweetieBelle I have a project I believe could make us super rich but I don't have the skill to accomplish it :)
Is there anyone familiar enough with the AWS distribution and does anyone have a time for few PMs
@tereško That's not very infinite
i was improvising
@Fabien Well yeh, I mean at the base of any given persistent application there is a while ($appIsRunning) {do_shit();}, how you handle respawns is a separate issue. Cron is a poor-man's solution to the problem really, the better way is to test you code/handle all potential errors properly so your app won't just randomly fall over. PHP itself is generally pretty stable.
.. i can never remember the correct syntax for fork-bomb
@tereško That is a fork bomb, but it's not very infinite :P It'll max the memory in a few seconds.
it actually does not max the memory ... cpu is what gets hit
@DaveRandom Aye. I should read more into how SQS keeps the file open. I guess theoretically the process doesn't need to be running if there's no jobs. So never ending is probably wrong to begin with.
@tereško Really?
@Fabien But one approach for a very complex/fluid app or one that is prone to external error sources is to have a controlling process which doesn't do anything apart from respawn the child (which actually does the application's job) if/when when it dies. But also that's what the init.d respawn directive is for.
@tereško I know I ran it once through curiosity and my memory was showing 32G/32G used when it fell over.
it actually might behave differently on different systems
But the CPU could have got maxed after that
controlling process like?
@Fabien Well, at the very simplest level, while (true) { exec('php main.php'); }
(but don't do that)
Oh, heh.
Just create a respawn entry for it in inittab
Ok cool thanks.
hi guys...again :D
a general question about coding styles
what do you think guys about a statement like this: if ('some_condition') return $something
@Fabien Lets get super rich then
@gr4devel What about it?
I wish PHP had perl style if one liners
return $someVar if($something)
@SweetieBelle so basically you feel comfortable with it
@SweetieBelle :) It's rather simple really, as an idea. Just a system for purchases made with your card at shops etc to have the receipt emailed to you rather than printed. Seeing as all terminals are connected to the internet anyway, I don't think it's a far stretch to email it instead. Not to mention the savings to be made for the tellers.
People would opt in to never lose a receipt again
No more pesky fishing for receipts to return items.
@SweetieBelle the fact is that I'm doing some refactoring and I have a lot of single condition that return from functions
@Fabien Hmm, that has potential (though actually I'd rather they SMS the receipt if it were me)
and I'm thinking of adopting one line style
@gr4devel As long as it's not the last line in the function. Although tbh I never omit braces, but it's not totally wrong
@gr4devel My code is peppered with something like
if(!$someVar) return false;
@SweetieBelle Aye. It's a shame I could never actually do it, I just keep my fingers crossed the person who does remembers it's my idea and gives me some of their billions :P
ok guys
@Fabien Doing it isnt hard, getting it rolled out is
I think I'll go with it
The problem is when some n00b comes along and writes if ($foo) $bar = $baz; return $qux; and expects it to only return when the condition is met
@SweetieBelle Yeah. Maybe I should email Richard Branson, while I am there ask him to fix @JoeWatkins broadband.
@Fabien He's too busy failing to fly a balloon round the earth or electrifying his trousers or something
thanks buddies @SweetieBelle @DaveRandom
Happy friday mroingn! goo.gl/uQ7dCg
@DaveRandom It hurts my eyes, remove it, quickly!
Hi @Ocramius
I don't know why I was expecting that link to go somewhere else
@DaveRandom because you secretly WANTED to click it
Yay, I have a github. Look at those amazing usage stats.
I make no secret of that
@SweetieBelle you weren't on the gittubes?
@SweetieBelle It's not very exciting at the moment, put some codez on it!
what were you doing?!
@Ocramius I use Launchpad
And I don't put much on there either. :P
@DaveRandom <? echo "foobar"; ?> <-- code?
@SweetieBelle Yeah, php is nice but... I don't really like it. I am more used to it than like it, to be frank.
@Leri I like it, I'm definitely not used to it
@dragon112 I love it! I'm in. But I'm going to need control.
@SweetieBelle I guess it's because difference in experiences.
@Leri I started with perl over CGI. :P
I still remember /cgi-bin/
I meant different thing. I have barely 2 years programming experience, so I prefer something that protects me from failing.
I can't create good procedural project. I am more used to OOP so I prefer something like Java/c#, that protects me with type-safety
Also clr that hides any dirty low-level pitfalls.
@Leri I find PHP pretty protective, tbh, but I work in C++ day to day.
Why do question&answers like these get so much upvotes: stackoverflow.com/questions/18647214/…
@SweetieBelle Because you have to deal with all clean-up tasks with C++
@Leri Yeah, it's a totally different experience.
@SweetieBelle Yeah. I wish I started my career 10-15 years ago... Everybody can dream. :D
I started 3 years ago @Leri. Seriously, at least.
Before that I had some perl experience but didn't think I'd ever go into software engineering seriously.
What do the Usage column in AWS Calculator mean? I am thinking to go and play with it but cant seem to get everything (I am not native english and a bit bad with the meaning of some phrases)
@DaveRandom from an implementation pov I meant
@SweetieBelle I'd love to work with old computers with all of its memory limitations and low-level languages that's why I want it. :D
oauth 2 basically said. fuck security and saneness @DaveRandom
@Leri Get into embedded systems then. :P
No jobs around. :p
@PeeHaa I guess if you don't care about actual security or implementing the 7 trillion workflows it's simpler to just get shit done
@DaveRandom Yeah. That's what the idiots said. And they are the fucking huge internet companies. Food for thought...
I mean I freely admit that security is not my strongest area, but even I can see that broken solution is broken. I get the same feeling from both OAuth versions and OpenID though, so maybe I just don't get it.
Damn it people who I've sent my CV to, Y U NO RESPOND?????
I sent it from an @php.net email address and everything, so they can see that I am totally 1337.
exec('hg pull default',$output,$status) would not work on my server, i have set up SSH authentication , yet the exec command in PHP will give me 255 status , Please can someone help , please ?
> Hi Dejan - are you moving to London? Have you already found a place to live and booked flights?
@DaveRandom you're not 1337 enough :P
@DaveRandom where did you sent your
@DaveRandom CV?
Why does "then" exist in bash? -_-
@Fabien because bash is the short form of basic.
@Fabien it used to feel natural ...
@webarto Oh a bunch of places, but I really want these guys in particular to at least respond, I sent it them 4 days ago :-(
heh fair enough
@DaveRandom Eurgh, they use FuelPHP
@webarto Yeh Node is really not for the same job as PHP, pretty soon everyone will realise that generating dynamic content on the server side with JS sucks balls
Has anybody ever looked at D?
I've never done Bash before, what's the issue with this? It returns [: 7: missing ] but the command in the if does work. test.php is running.
@Leri I've looked at two of them?
if [ ps -ef | grep -v grep | grep test.php -s -R -n ]
	echo "Found"
	echo "Not found"
bash is nothing to do with basic ...
@Jimbo Yeh but I happen to know that they have recently switched to Symfony 2 More Of Less All The Things, I know someone who works there (and I put their phone system in a few yrs ago)
@DaveRandom Very cool. Can I help? Do you want me to DDoS them?
@webarto Sounds legit
@DaveRandom Cool, knowing someone in there is always a big plus
@Jimbo Two of them? Whatever you meant, this is what I am speaking about.
@Leri I've looked at DD, you know... ah never mind :P
Q: Automating deployment - Using Mercurial Bitbucket PHP

user1537158I'm using Bitbucket's POST hooks to automate the deployment.Basically whenever a commit is made to my bitbucket repository, bitbucket will invoke the script(deploy.php) i specify on my server. I'am using this script.I have modified the script to work for mercurial. What i have done : (my deploy...

@Jimbo -.-
@Jimbo Direct Debit?
^ and another one please :D
@DaveRandom Yes, precisely. Direct Debit.
I love DD's.
Danny Dyer?
A: php mail function not working properly

Hamender If u r sending mail on gmail,yahoo then check SPAM Folder.

Britain's got DD's.
4 upvotes? oO
There's an aptly named individual
They're all E_INDIAN in there
@DaveRandom They have a nice site
Not very nice thing to say, but yes.
posted on September 06, 2013 by bjori doesn't blog

Since 2008 there have been numerous efforts to create a new design for www.php.net, all of which have failed - so far. We've never come as close as two years ago, when the "beta mode" option was added to our website, but we never really got around to finish it. The "beta design" has even received a lot of makeover compared to what is "beta mode" now. To make things a little bit more awesome,

@Leri I flagged for suspicious upvoting, +4 for that :/
Bjori blogged two days in a row, so that means he fulfilled quota for the next 5 years.
@Jimbo I've flagged it as well but as not an answer.
@Fabien I know, they also have a really nice office. With a really shit structured cabling installation, but that wasn't me so I don't really care. Well some of it was me, but only band-aiding bits of it in a hurry because they gave us like a weeks notice when they moved because the previous company they used for their system went bust.
@Leri Annoyingly, it actually is an answer and quite possibly the right one, but it fails to address the underlying shitness of the question and the question subject matter.
It definitely should be a comment though
@DaveRandom <? echo "foobar control"; ?> like this?
@DaveRandom Well best of luck. Send them to SO so we can recommend you.
@dragon112 No, hold down the ctrl key while you type it.
echo 'allah akbar';
That doesn't work :<
@dragon112 You're not pressing it hard enough, sometimes if you hold down both of them it helps.
Maybe get another keyboard and press those as well
Bahaha, just seen an old question of mine - basically I thought MVC required separation over the HTTP protocol
@DaveRandom it really sucks when you get no response at all, at least they can send we've got your mail, thanks for interest.
@webarto Yeh, I mean "fuck off" would be better than nothing
in JavaScript, 2 hours ago, by dystroy
☐ OK, merge in master
☐ Doesn't pass tests
☐ Quality problem
☑ Fuck off
@DaveRandom I only have one..
@dragon112 can we create bootable usb of 10.8.3 dmg image from 10.8.2 system?
@Mr.Alien hey
@DaveRandom Unless it's assumption it should be a comment (does not matter its correctness). Mail is not sent can be caused by numerous reasons and can't really have answer that fits SO, imho. :)
@dragon112 Buy a real computer
@YogeshSuthar Ehhh I don't see why not...?
@YogeshSuthar kya seth kidhar hai tu?
@DaveRandom I can touch it so it's real, just like ehhh...
@dragon112 Because support.apple.com/kb/ht1948 here it says that Note: You should not use a version of Mac OS X that is earlier ("older") than the version your Mac shipped with.
What does it mean?
@dragon112 That means nothing. My pet leprechaun is very much real but he won't let me touch him. He threatened to phone the police last time.
@Mr.Alien I am busy in Android development natively.
@YogeshSuthar and now you started android hahaha
@Jimbo we really should close & delete that question
@tereško I feel it would be better for my future - however it's humorous to keep around for nostalgia
questions attract downvotes , because you do not need to "pay" for downvoting
@Mr.Alien yeah, from last 1 year I am programming for mobile devices, so I am thinking to go in mobile only.
@YogeshSuthar leaving web? ur mind is not stable
@Mr.Alien there are currently more mobile devices then computers
@Mr.Alien Programming for mobile implies web. ;)
@Mr.Alien No, i m not leaving web. Actually I am using Titanium framework for creating mobile application. But I hate it so learning native programming for it.
How to calculate New Latitude Longitude From Old Latitude Longitude and + 100 Meter in PHP?
@YogeshSuthar That means they don't want you to downgrade and they possibly don't have drivers for the hardware on older systems
Q: How to calculate New Latitude Longitude From Old Latitude Longitude and + 100 Meter in PHP?

SandeepHello I have Longitude and Latitude i want new Longitude and Latitude from old with + 100 meter distance spherical. My current lat long is Latitude => 28.6100 Longitude => 77.2300 after moving 100 Meter need new lat long from PHP Code? any idea how to calculate it simply?

@tereško he was starting with JS and node and php advance and jQuery and now what am hearing is mobile.. so this is sane ..
@YogeshSuthar Way too slow when you start interacting with sqlite
@YogeshSuthar stick to one
@DaveRandom My PC doesn't have a phone so the joke's on him/it :D
@Leri ofcourse.. but still its pretty diff from the web
The haversine formula is an equation important in navigation, giving great-circle distances between two points on a sphere from their longitudes and latitudes. It is a special case of a more general formula in spherical trigonometry, the law of haversines, relating the sides and angles of spherical triangles. These names follow from the fact that they are customarily written in terms of the haversine function, given by haversin(θ) = sin2(θ/2). The formulas could equally be written in terms of any multiple of the haversine, such as the older versine function (twice the haversine). Histor...
@YogeshSuthar I really advise you to go native 100% of the time
@dragon112 56K modems ftw
@Mr.Alien Yeah, I will and its last. Now only mobile.
@DaveRandom It's an iMac, it ain't got no 56k modem
@PeeHaa +1
3 pings for extra effect
@PeeHaa What about for when you want to write "tit" but hide it in another word?
@tereško +2
Use title @DaveRandom
There's just no substitute.
@DaveRandom Take your pick: scrabblefinder.com/contains/tit
This could get repetitive.
@dragon112 Yeah I m learning it.
OK I'm done now
Could you apply an example of using glob with a string against a directory of files, not filenames? — blarg 2 mins ago
Um, what? BTW, that question.
@DaveRandom Best suggestion ever: "4 Letter words that contain tit: Tits"
Because >1 is >1 xD
Ah 10kg of cat biscuits just arrived :D
Ah bon appetit.
@DaveRandom potato potato XD
@Fabien I'm coming to yours for lunch
Shit that really doesn't work when written down...
Actually that's a bit unacceptable
@DaveRandom heh.
@YogeshSuthar all d best for that
by the way :p happy friday :p where's Rebecca?
@Mr.Alien hehehe thanks.
@Mr.Alien Ab me pagal ho raha hu lang change kar karke.
@dragon112 pəˈteɪtəʊ/pəˈtɑːtəʊ
@DaveRandom screw that, that's for weird people
@YogeshSuthar mai suun ke ho rha huun pagal toh tu karke toh hoga hi na, thats why I told you stick with one
@dragon112 Works for me then
@DaveRandom Fair enough
@AlmaDoMundo DON'T start about that, I beg of you
maybe some of you with libxml background now more here?:
Q: PHP not have access to the LibXML2 SAX interface?

Peter KraussPHP not have a "standard SAX" interface for event-driven XML parse, have a Expat one. Expat require --enable-libxml option... But LibXML2 have a good and fast standard SAX interface (!)... So, how to access the LibXML2's standard SAX interface with PHP? There are a simple workaround to enable th...

a thought occurs ... why no undef in PHP :s
@dragon112 a-ha! I've successfully trolled you :p
@Mr.Alien @YogeshSuthar Ja want ik praat ook altijd nederlands in deze chat, waarom praten jullie niet even indisch?
how to check whether mod_security is on or off?
we should have undef I think ... why not ...
@AlmaDoMundo How is that a troll? O_o
you beg me :p
@dragon112 Al habri khabri.
@AlmaDoMundo Ah right so I trolled my girlfriend last night? :p
skip that details :\
I did, that was all the information you are getting:D
ok, ok. instead of Rebecca
@dragon112 maar in het nederlands verstaan veel te veel mensen je...
That's f-ing awesome
(but in Dutch, way too many people understand you)
@Jasper Got a point there...
@dragon112 Yea Indiase is leuk is het niet? Als je dutchies kunt krijgen over deze kamer dat kunnen wij ook: p
@JoeWatkins Good to have but undefining constant does not seem to be logical.
@Mr.Alien Err that almost made some sense (not really)
blame google
Google sucks at dutch :d
@Leri it happens a lot, something def's a load of stuff, you load something on top, it references and adjust defs for the next thing to be loaded on top of that ...
@JoeWatkins PHP is not C :)
seems like you could use constants a bit better if you could do the same thing ... what with the fascination with frameworks ...
@Leri it isn't?
I use constant as it is in real-world. I.e. it exists and can't be touched.
^ is the PHP tag now the constant flow of shit?
@JoeWatkins write a rfc now…
I don't think RFC's are req'd for small changes like that ...
and I'm not really proposing the change, but asking the question is there a good reason not to have it ...
@hakre uhm.. yeah, it's been like that for quite some time now
having a way to def and not undef is half implementing the idea of normal constants from my perspective ...
guys, I need some good answer here
@Jasper I go into CV-PLS strike again because it's not possible to handle this any longer ^^
@JoeWatkins I thought that too… but they seem necessary… according to internals...
@Mr.Alien you repwhore you reached 30K and didn't gave us party.
@YogeshSuthar rofl
@Mr.Alien And still begging for rep points. :P
@YogeshSuthar I need that answer, do you have?
Hey guys, if i were to select rows from a database where price > min and < max how would i do this?
Cant figure out the syntax! :/
@OliverK WHERE price > min AND price < max
pretty much exactly as you wrote it down
SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE `price` BETWEEN '10' AND '20'
^ and now down the drain with it.
Ah k easy as! Thanks guys <3
between is 11-19 btw
well 10.01 to 19.99
@tereško This country is a joke
@Mr.Alien You need means? you have accepted that answer and you also given an answer. What else you require.
@hakre Thanks for saving my 2 minutes. ;)
well 10.000000....01 to 19.9999999999....99
@Leri you're welcome :D
@Jimbo I get the feeling that everyone had this feeling about their own country
@dragon112 yes :P but if we round the fractions of the pennies and put them into our bank accounts we could become rich!
@YogeshSuthar I got the answer why the condition was failing, I didn't got the answer why I am not getting an undefined index error -> stackoverflow.com/questions/18643770/…
Is this a proper way of working? codeslayer2010.wordpress.com/2012/04/08/…
Is it sad that I *like* refactoring ugly code? :/
A: How to send messages in reverse order?

Sweetie BelleUse array_reverse just before your foreach loop The function array_reverse will allow you to reverse your $message array before doing a for loop (why not a foreach? it looks like you're going over everything anyway). A simple refactor of this code First of all, your code should be two function...

@Fabien I'm in favor of this. let's do it
any laravel-4 experts here?
@Mr.Alien okk.
@SweetieBelle Yes. You start and never finish personal projects. :(
@Mr.Alien you should create an example that only contains a normal array - no $_SESSION to reproduce this.
Also I don't see the redirect is needed to demonstrate that.
@DaveRandom wut you can send from a php.net address?
@PeeHaa you can't?
@hakre redirect is not needed, but this is a demo sample from the cms am building, so I maintained the logic here as well, I just don't understand the undefined index thingy
lol always assumed it was a simple forward :P Never actually tried it :P
I think it's more important if someone answers to that address that it reaches you then :D
@Mr.Alien If you ask a question about code you've written, Stackoverflow requires you to re-create the example to reproduce the issue from scratch with as little code as necessary to demonstrate.
I think it's bad practice to just fetch something out and dump it into SO.
@PeeHaa You can send as anything you like from any email endpoint in the world, the question is whether the world's anti-spam network will accept it. But I've just configured it through Gmail, which is pretty safe
I've not looked at the php.net spf record actually
@hakre totally shared and explained the question in detail, also sample files are attached :)
@DaveRandom I thought that was an instant bounce
@Mr.Alien Yeah with obviously too much code and fuzz around, so if you're looking to get nice answers, write a nice question :D
@Leri stackoverflow.com/a/18657286/889949 - I thought I'd throw the guy a bone while at the same time not giving anything away
And probably confusing the shit out of him
And I'm no fan of downloading ZIP files only to follow up on a question.
Sounds more like a job assignment then.
@Mr.Alien why you no do if (isset($_SESSION['logged_in']) && ($_SESSION['logged_in'] !== true))?
@hakre If you get payed there shouldn't be a problem
You should send the invoice to their email address :D
@hakre I wrote a nice question, in detail, and lol yes, but to make it more interactive, I just attached the files there so that users can reproduce the error on local.. I never attach files with css stuff, we always have a fiddle there :)
@PeeHaa No because Gmail do it with On-Behalf-Of: which basically means that you send it from your Gmail account, anything that accepts email from Google will accept you mail, but the sender address and reply address appear in pretty much any mail client as the @php.net address
@iroegbu I can use that and I am using that, I just want to know why its throwing me error and not throwing me any error if comparison operator is changed?

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