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02:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

@LeviMorrison can the search field have a clickable submit button? I constantly use it because I will drag/drop or copy/paste into the field to avoid having to use keyboard and then submit by clicking the current arrow.
@LeviMorrison also the changelog section. The old version had a space between the header cells the new one does not and since they are centered and the content cells are left aligned they look weird. Can they also be left aligned so they line up and make it more obvious that the content cells are part of that column. The new one kinda looks like both content cells are part of the Version column.
@LeviMorrison also what happened to the next/prev function links? =o(
I have a mysql query where I retrieve usernames, I have a array with all active directy usernames, how do I check if the usernames matches and if they don't increases the number of the array until they match?
$dataldap[$number]["samaccountname"][0] must be equal to $data['user_logon']
if not $number++ and check again
pastebin your code block or file
@crypticツ the code will not be usefull since I gave you all the info you need, I just have a mysql query with a fetch, for all username in the query $data['user_logon'] = username, I also have an array with usernames from the active directory where $dataldap[$number]["samaccountname"][0] = username, I have to compare the two, and if they don't match increase $number by one and check again
@Mokkun 'samaccountname' is that a fake index or a real index key?
it's real
asking in case it's sam for sample
they are using weird name for items on active directory :p
are you using PHP 5.4+?
This question appears to be off-topic because it is about a tutorial that was uploaded on Feb 11, 2009 (!) to youtube. — hakre 30 secs ago
@Mokkun pastebin.com/GkMJFhtV you may be able to use an anonymous function and one of the array functions, but this is pretty much it.
@crypticツ love you <3
boah, I stop that now. Every question that comes in tries to beat the previous to be a better close or del candidate.
^^^ all the related on the right bar should be cv'ed as well
@hakre , close that tab. It's destroying your soul
@tereško yes it is, going to play another round of Burnout Revenge.
Is there a way to change a cPanel's theme to something less ugly?
here's an idea: use terminal instead
@Ahmad He wasn't joking...
I know. I'm just so new to web development, that I'm not sure, if I could do everything through a terminal.
But let's see :)
Hey guys, I have an idea for an OS project, I haven't seen it around, so please tell me if I missed it in my research.
An application that would simply prettify/grammarify/whateverify an inserted text in different formats
For example, simple grammar things like doesnt -> doesn't etc are easy.
I'm proposing something a bit more complex
@MadaraUchiha Doesn't google provide a spellcheck api?
@PeeHaa Yes, I'm planning on leaning on that somewhat
But also, I want it to recognize code and know how to format it.
If you are going to make it I might have some use for it as a module btw
(different formats, Markdown = indent 4 spaces, BBCode = [code][/code] etc)
Think about it this way
I want it to take every readable-but-badly-formatted post on Stack Overflow, and turn it into something that's fun to read.
Not sure. A code formatter would be nice though. I think I have also heard @DaveRandom about something like it
@PeeHaa Also, I think Google discontinued their spellchecker API
Because I can't find any documentation on it (and being Google you'd expect it to pop right up)
@PeeHaa I was kicking an idea around with @CSᵠ (I think?) at one point, never did anything on it though
@DaveRandom Think it's feasible?
I'm sure Chrome used to have a native JS-accessible spell checker API, doesn't seem to be there any more though, maybe I dreamed it.
@MadaraUchiha Certainly. It's just a bit of mega-regex, or possibly a proper tokeniser, but it should be possible to make something that gets stuff 95% right
@DaveRandom A tokenizer for each possible language is difficult
I'm a bit busy but I'll be on properly in a bit if you're around
@MadaraUchiha Maybe, maybe not. Anything C-style it's most just brace matching and finding ; terminated statements
Right, I'll be back in a bit
jo @Fabien
Did you find a mentor @PeeHaa? :)
hehehe :)
nope. and it kinda works like I thought it would work. Everybody can say he is going to be a mentor for topic X without any peer reviewing. Faith driven education is how it works :P
The principle is nice though.
Any initiative that tries to better the crap php developers situation is something I would love to like
Ah, freelance (kind of) done. £350 earnt. That's exactly what I have been needing recently. Almost pays for my CT scan :)
@PeeHaa Reference?
how important would you consider inheritance? and when taking class inheritance out of the picture, how important would you consider interface inheritance?
IMO what turns inheritance into an anti pattern is the static coupling of implementation details. Interfaces are free of these details and as such are far less likely to result in abuse. Though OOP wanking and over-designing still probably results in a good deal of unnecessary interface inheritance.
Interface inheritance often means you haven't done a good job distilling your API into its most important, usable and abstracted form.
(But not always)
@Fabien Got update posted on Germino in teambox. Had forgotten to commit the autoloader that's now done .. sample.php should crawl successfully but there is no output ... just uncomment out the print_r statement to see the results of the crawl.
My $0.02 ...
I'm trying to connect with mysqli, but i'm having a connection refused error in my local machine.
any hints?
@rdlowrey OOP wanking?
@rogcg make sure you can connect via command line or some other client using the same credentials
@Orangepill yes I can.
@rdlowrey that mostly mirrors my thoughts as well. but perhaps there's some cases that we are missing.
@Dave Oh, much better. Need to adopt your phraseology
I don't know. Sounds dangerously like sex toys to me.
@rogcg from the same host?
yes.. all on localhost.
@Orangepill Fair enough. Did you ever see the request from Simon for a run through?
@rogcg Exact error message? *nix or Windows?
@DaveRandom I'm on linux.. the only error message is Connection Refused
just it.. When I change from localhost to I get a different message
@fabien don't know if I will do a screen cast but if we can get on the same chat room I can walk you through my ideas there... remember this is all just a prototype and everything is open for discussion.
You most likely should be connecting to instead of localhost either way @rogcg
@Orangepill But your prototype is more advanced than what we would conceive.
@rogcg If you use the string localhost it means something specific, it prefers a unix socket over TCP/IP if one is configured. What's the message you get when you use
@PeeHaa unix sockets are generally preferable (if they work, IMO)
They can be a real bugger to get working again when they break though
and they are permissions oriented, which TCP/IP doesn't "suffer" from
@DaveRandom Isn't that disabled on most instances'?
And unix sockets are faster than going through the TCP stack ...
Maybe, I don't know, I only know that I always set it up. Why would you disable it? That makes no sense to me but maybe there's some good reason I'm missing.
@rdlowrey That would be the major reason why I consider it preferable
@fabien I was just trying to impose good architecture (I may have missed the mark though ... I don't know) I don't believe that it's overly complex though, probably just will require some discussion so that all parties concerned are happy with the way it is implemented.
@DaveRandom Idunno, but more than once I have seen a question on SO where it wasn't the case
@PeeHaa That kinda sucks, but I'd have thought the magic handler for localhost should still fall back to TCP/IP anyway
@DaveRandom Depends I think
It's kind of sucky behaviour that IMO, it should be a mandatory URI scheme if there's more than one option
@DaveRandom trying to get the error..
@Fabien I have to bow out of a bit but I will be back on later tonight... once we can get everyone looks at the code and talking about it I hope all will become clear.
Wasn't there an ipv4 / ipv6 issue where it was fucked up slow?
@PeeHaa IIRC there a subtle differences between the behaviour of libmysql and mysqlnd in that respect, although I'm not certain about that
@Orangepill I'm sure it will. Thanks :)
I can remember something where using localhost made it slow as shit
@PeeHaa Yeh that was a Windows issue when I ran into it, but there's no reason why the same shouldn't be applicable to *nix
Ah windows. ofc :)
@Fabien It might be a good idea to have one of the resident genius's to an architectural review on what I have going on just for a sanity check though.
MySQL itself is mostly to blame for that, because it is really inflexible about bind addresses. You can only specify one, but it supports a few magic values, which is totally ridiculous. That's the only widely used server application I know of that behaves like that
@Orangepill That'd be nice once we're up to speed.
solved it!
I was referencing a different file with different credentials.. =/
thx anyways!
Ah there it is:
> Whenever you specify "localhost" or "localhost:port" as server, the MySQL client library will override this and try to connect to a local socket (named pipe on Windows). If you want to use TCP/IP, use "" instead of "localhost". If the MySQL client library tries to connect to the wrong local socket, you should set the correct path as in your PHP configuration and leave the server field blank.
I think that is stupid behaviour anyway
got it.
@Orangepill That is how I solved that. Now instead of NULL I have '0'. For me that limitation is ridiculous. Because no mater how, I can get the same result.
@PeeHaa Incorrect (at least for mysqlnd) on windows the named pipe magic string is . lxr.php.net/xref/PHP_5_5/ext/mysqlnd/mysqlnd.c#920
@rogcg You almost certainly never actually want to use localhost. It's special stackoverflow.com/questions/11663860/…
@hakre :)
if I ever meet Richard Branson I'm gonna hold him by the hair and punch him in the throat ....
fucking virgin media has been down for about 10 days now, came out, couldn't fix it, am using mobile broadband and it is beyond wank ...
Just you or your area?
Privatisation - Nothing works but everybody feels damn effective.
just me I think, no one I talk to in the street is using it ...
@hakre more like, you don't like it? do it better yourself.
Hmm, that doesn't seem like I benefit in either case.
@crypticツ People keep asking for them but it's odd: a significant number of people didn't even realize those links existed. The reason they are missing is because the only implementation that was committed took up way too much space. Any specific proposal for them? I'll take a mockup.
Do older phpunit versions (3.6) correctly handle a callable typehint?
@crypticツ Probably. Won't be able to work out that one anytime soon.
@Fabien Check out this and see if things start making sense.
@JoeWatkins If you're still here - is any significant overhead in accessing things stored in APC/APCu compared to stuff in memory of the local PHP process? I've just been looking at a few slow things on my code base. One obvious one was composer which loads a massive array of class paths to search for classes in. It seemed an obvious optimisation to use APC to store the individual paths of where classes are, unless there is an overhead to accessing APC that I'm not aware of.
@Orangepill Looks like a good start.
@PeeHaa define correctly
> Declaration of Mock_Routable_7ce7ac75::get() must be compatible with Commentar\....
@Orangepill Your filter looks faulty though. What about strpos() === FALSE and strpos() === 0 cases?
> Router\Routable::post($name, $path, callable $callback) in
@leviMorrison That is probably going to get swapped out with a filter chain object... that was just a quick fix to keep the sample from crawling the entire web.
Does it work in 3.7? I.e. does it get the callable typehint? Am I doing something incredibly stupid again? I basically just created a mock based on the interface with getMock() @ircmaxell
I love it when I am searching for something and I see a member of this room already handled the situation github.com/sebastianbergmann/phpunit/issues/510 @rdlowrey
@ircmaxell will you add constant support to your constant scalar rfc or what will you do with it?
@LeviMorrison I use when I am going function by function for an extension I don't know about, also I use it when browsing through the documentation for say the OOP section. I mean it's not going to end my world if I don't have the links, just made it easier. Maybe you should make a poll and see if people want it or not.
This is... strange: 3v4l.org/5q4nM
error output limbo
@NikiC JSON was removed in PHP 5.5?? =oO
Yeah json has been superseded by yaml :(
At least with yaml you can do is evil
@crypticツ No, it wasn't. Only some distros, like Debian, removed the necessary libs because you may not do evil with JSON as per Crockford's license, which makes it a non-free license in the sense of FOSS.
@Gordon so FOSS allows code to be used for evil then?
Predator Drones being run using JSON requests =o(
> This is the license of the original implementation of the JSON data interchange format. This license uses the Expat license as a base, but adds a clause mandating: “The Software shall be used for Good, not Evil.” This is a restriction on usage and thus conflicts with freedom 0. The restriction might be unenforcible, but we cannot presume that. Thus, the license is nonfree.
@crypticツ Yes. We also dropped support for classes ;)
Finally! Those pesky classes only get in the way of writing code
This is seriously awesome and scary:
Researchers create the first human to human brain interface http://bit.ly/1dF1HvY
@Gordon omg
this opens a whole new world of brain-wave injection attacks
@igorw my first thought was zombies, my second was it could help disabled people, my third was i wonder what sex would be like with, my fourth was hive mind ftw
in other words, I'm sold on the idea
the series "dollhouse" quite accurately depicts the future
@igorw will you be at unconf in hamburg? they have a dollhouse, too
not the unconf. but hamburg
nope, won't make it to barbie&ken unconf unfortunately
barbie&ken unconf? Oo
dolls in da dollhouse
ah. yes. obviously.
1 hour later…
@PeeHaa ahh, the mock generator, not sure
@ircmaxell lol I realize it is sunday, but that is really a slow reaction :P
ALready figured it out btw. :) Was fixed in a later version
@Danack not a good idea to store individual values, when you request something from (or request something be written to) apc a lock is acquired (be it read/write locks or mutex), that incurs overhead, the more the lock is contented the more overhead you get .... it will be better to store the array as it is, retrieve it once per request only, write it not very often and use read/write locks, multiple readers are allowed by read write locks, negating the majority of contention ...
@JoeWatkins Thanks. I may need to find something in-between then. The composer autoload_classmap file takes 645kB with 2050 entries in it, with only about 50 entries actually looked up per request.
to be clear, the cache has a lock, think of it as database level locking ... requesting separate entries is dumb, you can avoid 49 of those and definitely should ...
who done this, composer or you ?
@JoeWatkins Basically - I've finally got around to running the xdebug profiling tools, and 90% of time was spend in loading classes. After getting OPcache to actually work properly I found that i) Composer's way of caching files => classes only works for files that composer knows about, so is totally borked for autogenerated files.
I think the value is an (assoc) array, and it would be stored as a whole in APC, as one single entry. right, @Danack?
ii) So I looked at github.com/symfony/symfony/blob/master/src/Symfony/Component/… which seemed nice but also kind of pointless wrapping around the composer one, when you can just combine the two much more simply.
@Danack you may be interested in this article by Patrick Allaert: patrickallaert.blogspot.com/2013/01/…
@igorw No - see the APC one ^. Basically just not storing any classmap data to start with, and then just caching the data as it's looked up seems faster, and uses way less memory, and works with files that composer doesn't know about.
That's the classmap generated.
with --no-dev.
Just storing the findFile results in APC seemed measurably quicker (plus 645kB lighter) but that's not in a proper test environment, as it's just a single request. And as there is some locking contention on the reads, sounds like I ought to run some proper tests.
I wouldn't store anything in apc
s/apc/apcu ?
02:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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