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Q: PHP/sql: Coding structure for an activitylist

KaremFollowing from PHP: Way/coding method to do activitylist/log I worked with the accepted answer on above question, by having two tables one for the descriptions of the activities, and other for the activities themselves.. table: activitylist Columns: id, description, date table: activities Col...

Please take a look on this question, if you have any idea on how to do it please answer.. Appreaciate
How would I compare results of two json_decode()'d arrays to make sure they contain the same data, but the order is different?
Sorry, json_encode()'d
hey, I'm conceptualizing a class that will interface with database(s) and I'm wondering if anyone has any advice to share.
posted on July 31, 2011 by PHP Classes

PHP 5.4 Alpha Features - Lately in PHP podcast episode 14 By Manuel Lemos PHP 5.4 Alpha versions just started to be released. On episode 14 of the Lately in PHP podcast, Manuel Lemos and Ernani Joppert discuss the purpose and interest of the new PHP 5.4 features already implemented in these alpha releases. They also discuss the repercussion in the PHP community of the plan to deprecate th

2 hours later…
hi all
@KamilTomÅ¡ík pong
ping -l 65510 @Gordon
Ping request could not find host @Gordon. Please check the name and try again.
@ircmaxell Remember we implemented `bit_high()`? I just wrote `bit_low()`:

function bit_low($val){
	return ($pos=strpos( strrev( base_convert($val,10,2) ), '1'))===false ? 0 : $pos+1;
It seems to work, but I guess there could be a more mathematical equivalent which should be significantly faster.
@ChristianSciberras This version seems to be about 3 times faster, but is for 32 bit only...
function bit_low_math($val) {
static $Mod37BitPosition = // map a bit value mod 37 to its position
  32, 0, 1, 26, 2, 23, 27, 0, 3, 16, 24, 30, 28, 11, 0, 13, 4,
  7, 17, 0, 25, 22, 31, 15, 29, 10, 12, 6, 0, 21, 14, 9, 5,
  20, 8, 19, 18
return $val == 0? 0 : $Mod37BitPosition[(-$val & $val) % 37]+1;
Hello @gnud. You completely lost me there :P why % 37?
the first 32 bit position values are relatively prime with 37
And I didn't think this up myself - it's just I've spend some time fiddling bits with c
oh, ok, I see.
There are other versions there that could probably be used for 64bit ints as well
To do it with higher bitness, wouldn't I just split it all in 32bit chunks and loop till I hit the first one?
I'm bookmarking that site =D
The methods there find the number of consecutive zeroes. So I just added one to find the index of the first 1.
That's also why I have to test for 0 at the start - when you count the number of zeroes, you don't need to do that :)
supersonic :P
@GaneshRao Huh?
You can skip the +1 if you change the lookup table values, but I didn't want to do that before I smoke tested it, and then I forgot to do it before I posted... :P
You can even skip the check with 0 if you change the lookup table. Hold on :P
@ChristianSciberras Better version:
function bit_low_math($val) {
/* http://graphics.stanford.edu/~seander/bithacks.html#ZerosOnRightModLookup */
static $Mod37BitPosition = // map a bit value mod 37 to its position
0, 1, 2, 27, 3, 24, 28, 1, 4, 17, 25, 31, 29, 12, 1, 14, 5,
8, 18, 1, 26, 23, 32, 16, 30, 11, 13, 7, 1, 22, 15, 10, 6,
21, 9, 20, 19,
return $Mod37BitPosition[(-$val & $val) % 37];
Oh, and still going :P
function bit_low_math($val) {
/* graphics.stanford.edu/~seander/… */
static $Mod37BitPosition = // map a bit value mod 37 to its position
	0, 1, 2, 27, 3, 24, 28, 1, 4, 17, 25, 31, 29, 12, 1, 14, 5,
	8, 18, 1, 26, 23, 32, 16, 30, 11, 13, 7, 1, 22, 15, 10, 6,
	21, 9, 20, 19,
	/* Fix for INT_MIN */
	-22 => 32
return $Mod37BitPosition[(-$val & $val) % 37];
Hmm. PHP ints confuse me now.
(PHP_INT_MAX * -1) - 500 is appearently a valid, negative number :0
PHP will convert numbers that don't fit into and INT to a FLOAT and then to a String
Yep, I forgot about the auto-conversion to float.
> and then to a String

I didn't understand that part. When does it get converted to string? When the float precision is too big?
You see, what I typed up as a "fix for INT_MIN" isn't really - it was a typo in my test, the number was outside the range of ints.
You can remove that last line if you only care about 32bit ints
@edorian irc?
@ChristianSciberras was thinking about something else, disreagrd this part
@Gordon i should be there
@Gordon Don't mention IRC in SO chat. It might enrage some people.
@ChristianSciberras i added this comment setting the src attribute to null or "" wont cancel the request. and yes there is more work being done here but it guarantees correctness
@lovesh Not necessarily. If a request blocks for 30s, the user might have to wait for 5 consecutive requests until what he searched for gets done.
@ChristianSciberras can u please elaborate i didnt get the 5 consecutive requests part
the user might press 5 keys, hence your code would have to do 5 different requests
If the first request gets stuck, or your server is slow, the 5th request will get after the total request time.
yes thats true
if i look for CHRIS
then there are 5 requests
Say, if it takes the user 2s to type and the request 3s, he has to wait for a total of 15s (5x3)
If instead you aborted previous requests, it would just take 3s to do it. Not 15s.
thats wat i want to do
but i could not abort requests
so i thought better make them only with latest query
so in my example if callback for CHR has not been called
and the user enters I
Well, there are different ways you could make it abort.
then dont make request for CHR but make for CHRI
If all fail, you could instead abort it through JS, that is, ignore the request result.
@ChristianSciberras like?
ok, first make a counter variable.
Each time a request is done, increase this counter.
but i need some way to detect which response is for which request
In the callback, do something like:

if(current_request_id == counter) use_the_data();
that looks good
also i wanted to tell u and that i m trying to solve this problem in a general way. i cud get away with wikipedia api because when i search for say gaga on wikipedia then i get a json with gaga and then the results
but i want to figure out if i can actually manage requests
you have to check the API and if it allows to pass on custom arguments.
@ChristianSciberras if(current_request_id == counter) is a problem because i dont have a way of associating a request with a response
this was the problem with my code too
i figured out last night
@ChristianSciberras the api does not allow custom arguments
ok, but you can still do the association.
By text
See the record starts with "test a", the search keyword I passed.
thats wat i said i want to solve this problem in general
i know it returns search keyword also
So, basically, in your callback, do:

if(data.keyword == searchbox.text) ...
this is a way to it with wikipedia api
Well, then, you have everything you need there.
With the keyword.
You see, if you search for "test" 5 times, it always returns the same search result.
if i was using an api that does not return a keyword i m stuck then i have to associate request with response
So you don't have to associate a request with a response, just the response with your searchbox.
i understand that
but i m trying to generalise this
what if the api does not return the search keyword?
What if the API refuses to return any result?
That's the API's problem.
ur not getting my point
i m not hypothising it
If you want to generalize this, you're doing it the wrong way.
i appreciate ur support but just listen for a moment
@Gordon Pong. ;)
what i m trying to do is handle a situation where a have to associate a request with a response
@lovesh Exactly. And as I said, that is API-specific.
You shouldn't be doing that.
maybe ur right because the problem wud have been trivial if the api allowed parameters to pass to the callback
@lovesh It's not trivial. You can't except all API to allow custom parameters.
thats why i said if api allowed params
@KamilTomšík i didnt ping. you did. i just ponged.
@Gordon yeah :-P
how's it going?
@KamilTomÅ¡ík / @Gordon I trust that you tell every newcomer that Christian S. is a really (really) annoying guy? I want to top off the star-o-meter :-P
Could anyone guide how to track user visiting my home page from Texas..
@ christian thanks for the help
@KamilTomšík so far so good
I am using geobytes.com/…
but its working after few request giving error..
@lovesh welcome!
@Gordon expecting troubles? :-D
@ChristianSciberras you're annoying only when you're asking comments :-P
@KamilTomšík Is that some form of compliment?
could be
so... have you dropped extends? ;)
@KamilTomšík always ;)
@KamilTomšík Didn't use it so far this morning. Loads of procedural tho.
gordon, expecting troubles... that really sounds like half-life :-D
@KamilTomšík You're a fan of half-life?
of course :)
you can hardly find any better scripted game of that time
Ah, prior to "the event".
"just flip the switch while we're safely behind reinforced concrete"
Wasn't they supposed to be working on HL3?
In general, what do you guys think of PHP's double quote behavior? echo "Hello $name $surname.";
In my opinion, I don't like it at all. But that's just me.
I don't like it, but I'm too lazy to type '
You never stop surprising me @KamilTomÅ¡ík :P
Then again, a double quote = two keypress, whereas a single quote is just one. Hmm.
not with cz layout
they're the same there
oh, you've got a point there.
but ' is located next to backspace, so from this point of view, it's harder to type
" is next to L
' is two places from L here.
And " == shift+2
yeah, I see :-P
I do have both layouts cz+us
switching between them when I need to with alt+key
alt gr
but what's the real keyboard like?
what's the physical keyboard's layout?
ah, actually, Z and Y are swapped...
From now on, you're @KamilTom39k to me. =D
most of programmers around here use us layout, I'm exception in this...
Here we get US and GB keyboards. Occasionally, there's MT ones as well.
well, it doesn't matter, does it? you can always switch the layout in os
Maltese alphabet has additional dotted c, z, g and signed h
Depends. Colleague of mine runs a mac and has the keyboard layout switch to italian (OS issue).
Usually it's: (/9 )/0 -/_ =/+
but his is: (/8 )/9 -/0 etc
basically, special characters are all shifted left one key :P
Apparently, Apple thinks MT==IT
I don't like mac, I do like their philosophy, but implementation is imho poor
Then again, Google erased us off the face of earth a few years ago.
Hi all. Does anybody have a good tutorial about Front Controllers in PHP ? I'll appreciate it. :)
@Rafael no, but there's nothing magical on front controller, if you have index.php which takes care of routing or whatever then you already have one
front controller is entry point for http clients to your application
require __DIR__.'/c.php';
if (!is_callable($c = @$_GET['c'] ?: function() { echo 'Woah!'; }))
  throw new Exception('Error');
@Rafael I'm currently working on a simple MVC stack for my company. I think a good starting point is to take a look at how the big frameworks handle the task (ZF or Symfony for example, though I'm not completely happy with the ZF approach). You can also get a lot of inspiration from other languages, the Express Framework for node for example, or Sinatra in Ruby
the above was from twitto.org
If you want a Sinatra like approach, have a look at silex-project.org
apart from that: what @KamilTomÅ¡ík said. No magic involved.
Anybody here got experience using github.com/avalanche123/Imagine ?
any body know api for distance calculation other than google??? plz
@rajesh What kind of distance calculation?
Using longitude/latitude?
What have you got so far? Address or specific coordinates?
no using specific address like when we enter 2 address in maps.google.com it gives distance I want the same distance
@rajesh So, first convert address to coordinate. Then, do the calculation.
For the first part, you need a service like Google's.
The second part can be done with the right library.
but when we convert to first part and calculate the distance it gives distance frm point to point
The second part can be done with the right library.?????
which library??
it's an implementation in R of a very accurate method (doesn't ignore ellipsoidal effects)
will it give me same distance as that of maps.google.com??
I doubt it will give you the exact same value, but it should be close
Ask Google no? How do we know Google's algorithm? It could be more accurate than Google's. Or it may not.
but the problem is client want the same distance as that of maps.google.com gives
so any google's api that will give me the same distance
you can also see the page linked from there movable-type.co.uk/scripts/latlong-vincenty.html
it has an implementation in Javascript, if that's your thing
@rajesh Then use Google's API, no?
which is that?
give me the link plz
there r 5 which 1 to use?
is there a way to skip the glue of the implode function when an item in an array is empty?
@sanders you can implode(array_filter( to remove empty array values before imploding
@grodon yes thanks found it already
any ans to my que?
@Gordon Let's say you had to "archive" something from a database. The specification requires that the thing to be archived must be removed from the DB permanently and stored somewhere.
The storage format can be anything. But it makes sense to be in SQL. (in case for some reason it had to be entered back into DB).
The questions are two:
1. what do you say about exporting to a .sql file?
2. any preference on a better storage format than a .sql file (perhaps XML, JSON, YAML)?
@ChristianSciberras if i had to backup anything from mysql periodically id use a cron job triggering mysqldump
It has to be done manually in my case. Good point about mysqldump.
3 hours later…
quite busy here
guys, I get a string posted to html which is utf-8(mb_detect_encoding confirms), but when its posted from IE i see strange question mark symbol, meanwhile when its posted from FF or CHROME its alright
any clues what could be wrong?
@user834168 It's extremely difficult to tell if a string is really UTF-8 or just contains bytes that kinda sorta maybe look UTF-8ish.
@user834168 Further, without seeing the markup from the form and the data being sent through it, it'll be difficult to troubleshoot. If you haven't already, you should create a question on SO and mark it with the appropriate Unicode and character encoding tags.
im using flash form to send data, flash is embedded in html which has charset set to utf8, but i receive variables encoding differently depending on browser
@user834168 ... add flash to the set of tags in the suggested question.
I'd also recommend a ritual sacrifice.
I understand that Flash prefers mature roosters. (PHP tends to prefer young chickens.)
still, how can it differ in IE and CHROME, cant find the roots of the problem
@user834168 Unfortunately without knowing what magic Flash does, I can't tell for sure. Maybe IE is doing something to the data Flash is sending it? No idea.
if i use utf8_encode on the server side though, I get chars which are not really what I wrote. example: èæè instead of čęęč. Can I fix this in server side?
So, here's a trick. PHP is stupid. Mind-bendingly stupid.
PHP strings are just collections of bytes, with absolutely zero character set information at all.
If you get UTF-8, then the string is already UTF-8.
Passing it back through utf8_encode is going to screw things up, as it wants an ISO-8859-1 string.
It happens that all UTF-8 strings happen to look just like a funny ISO-8859-1 string.
well, thanks anyway
Wow, it certainly takes a while for a blog post to make a circle around the world. Today I shall learn what phpdeveloper's traffic looks like.
@Charles It's not a huge spike, more of a longer drawn out increase in traffic
it's def not like slashdot
@ircmaxell Heh. Well, I'm writing about PHP, so I'm not exactly expecting to hit Slashdot. Submitted to the PHP subreddit, hit the top spot for 36-48ish hours, got 1500 visits out of it. I was pretty surprised at that level of traffic...
Getting into a PHP rant groove before doing the php-internals bilefest that @Gordon suggested.
$highlightcheck = ($activity['date'] < time() + 500 ) ? true : false;
Wont this be true if there hasnt gone 500 seconds from the $activity
oh wait
nvm my bad it should be $activity['date'] + 500 > time()
hi guys
i want to be able to resize swf using php, is that possible?
@Dino Probably not. There's the ming extension, but I can neither vouch for it's quality nor capabilities.
thanks will have a look, maybe somone can advise how I can handle this scenario.
actually let me have a look at the ming extension and feedback to y'all. thanks @charles
@Dino Good luck. Just be aware that I only know that the extension exists, I've never actually used it.
no probs, much appreciated/
ohh one more quick question are there any tools, that I can the how secure an web app is? (in terms of sql injections, javascript vulnerabilites etc.)
preferably free! ;)
You're looking for a thing called a "penetration tester," but I don't know of many. I was reading about one the other day, I think under reddit's /r/programming, but I'll be damned if I can remember the name.
no probs, thanks
if i post utf8 data to php script, do i have to set utf8 header in script or something?
@Charles it's good traffic, don't get me wrong. Just not /. traffic...
just quickly looking around I found 2 : BurpSuite
and backtrack
but need to look into these further
emm .. @ircmaxell , a small question about naming conventions : should name of namespace should be singular or plural ?
@teresko Why would it be either?
mostly because of direct correlation between namespace and folder name
( in the context of autoloaders )
right, but an example of where you're confused?
well .. should it be $route_factory = new Factories\Route(); or $route_factory = new Factory\Route();
well, I'm not sure that Factory should be a namespace
Why would you put all your factories inside a single namespace. o_O
because i would put all the factories in single folder
@Charles Exactly, I keep my factories logically close to what they are instantiating
I've got a long blog post coming soon
(in about 4 minutes)
imho , if i keep factories in the same place as the classes ... makes it harder to oversee it all
@teresko I would disagree there. The factory is bound logically to what it's responsible for. So it makes more sense to find a factory for a Widget near the Widget itself than it does to find all factories in one bin.
but either way, a factory that's close to its relative will be easier to maintain since if you need to make a change to the class, all factories that need to know about those changes are right there near it. While the other way around doesn't work so well...
then you either have to put all the classes in same namespace , or create a separated namespace for Widget
@teresko No, you just need a separate namespace for Widget-Like-Things
@ircmaxell Ahahahahaha. Devshed.
Oh my gods, I thought I knew what that article was, but it wasn't.
ya know ... one could argue that factories are Factory-like-Things
@teresko Yeah, but then you're separating a Thing's functionality into two physical locations. That's asking for a disaster.
@teresko True. It's more of a preference. I'm not saying you're wrong for doing it your way, just that I prefer the other way.
but either way, to answer your original question, I prefer singular, so Factory\Route conveys more information than Factories\Route since Route is a Factory, not a Factories
yeah ... that would make sense
@ircmaxell Unclosed paren in your first paragraph
Factory describes the semantic structure, Factories describes the logical structure. TO me, the semantic structure is more important
@Charles Fixed
header(sprintf("Location: %s", $forbidden_url)); // lolololol
Why do people do that.
btw , on the same subject .. is it wrong to have Class\Route ( the 'Class' part ) , when other related structures are Factory\Route() and Interface\Route ?
@ircmaxell Reviewing Session Init, your second issue is documented as the fourth issue.
@Charles cr@p. I switched things around, and must have missed the reorder there
hmm ... i cannot use Class in namespace
@teresko That I would definitely disagree with. Interfaces should be near the class
otherwise what's the purpose of the namespace
hmm ...
@Charles well, the 2nd and 4th issues are very closely related, but it is documented properly
@ircmaxell Also, your 6th issue is kind of stretching it. A few extra queries do not a DoS make.
@Charles Sure it does. It's using resources that are not necessary to use. That's the making of a DOS vulnerability, since those additional resources are tied up when they don't need to be
it is stretching it a bit, but it's also valid
@ircmaxell Yeah, just stretching it really.
Ahahah, I love register_globals bugs.
yup :-D
@ircmaxell Your ini_set example in the review for vuln #2 is incorrect
good point
(I was half asleep last night when I wrote some of it)
if I actually made money off the blog, I'd be very much inclined to actually pay you for the reviews you've done (content issues, etc)...
"And we can search the entire 8 character search space of 218,000,000,000,000 possible passwords in 119,000 seconds. That's only 54 hours." -- hahhahahahaha
There is much schadenfreude here. I love it.
But that blew me away. Only 54 hours to search the entire search space for the given salt... That's rediculously low
and the 50% chance value at less than 0.01 seconds is amazing as well
Yeah, that's pretty entertaining/horrifying.
yeah, and it clearly shows why sha1($pass . $salt) or even hash('sha512', $pass . $salt) is horridly not adequate anymore.
GPUs :/
Woah, my blog is getting some decent google foo... google.com/… (I'm the third result for "predict next random number" and the 5th for "random number using php")
@ircmaxell Very nice. I'm in the process of building some 5.4 articles... hope to hit the first page for "php 5.4". Muahaha.
Awesome! I've got one or two more in me before too long
What's your blog URL (I'm going to add it to my reader)
@ircmaxell I publish it under one of my more ... abrasive ... personas. Because I'm a jerk. mcglockenshire.com
The published Magic Quotes article is in the middle of a rewrite before I spread it around.
and I really need to fix the freaking front page
I hate Wordpress so much.
(Yet it is also awesome.)
I refuse to run it on my servers, because I can't do an adequate security vulnerability audit on it
and I refuse to use their servers, because I can't stand Matt...
I've been working with it a lot lately. Doing a wacky SSO thing between it, phpBB, my old custom-written forums, some funky Perl code and a mini e-commerce thing. It's been quite a trip.
fair enough
Mind you, I've wanted to murder each and every person that wrote every line of the involved code.
I'd be surprised if you weren't
It's a constant reminder why I don't release and support commercial software any longer.
> A schadenfreude-tastic security review of DevShed's "Creating a Secure PHP Login Script"
hey all
anyone here good with cakephp and linked tables?
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