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I see
when it hits "real world", it usually turns into a disaster
@Leri I can agree with the idea that it's commonly used where it's not justified... but it has it's place.
@HamZa Which book do you use for learning some OOP btw?
@HamZa Then it's aaaallll good ;)
@Sem hehe yeah :D
@Sem btw, in which year of HBO are you ? And what direction did you choose ?
@HamZa 3rd year, and SE of course. Thinking about doing HBO master after
@HamZa the developers that really need scrum are usually the developers ideas like scrum don't work too well with anyway. That's part of a more general problem though. Every team I know does some form of scrum, just not daily, not always everyone and the time boxing has to really happen.
@Sem I see ... I need to buy a raspberry pi for a project, any ideas where I can buy it ?
@Orangepill Just reread my message and I really sounded like I was saying it's bad. Well, you got my point anyway. ;)
@BenjaminGruenbaum I liked some concepts and disliked others
@HamZa I have one and absolutely love the little creditcard. Got mine at sossolutions.nl
@Sem I see, I will take a look. Thanks
@HamZa If you want XBMC on the RPi, try xBian. It's the best.
I look forward to the day you buy a book you get an electronic and physical copy.
@Sem I've no idea what that is lol, is it the OS ?
@HamZa XBMC is media center software. The RPi can play 1080p. There are a couple of different linux distributions for the RPi with XBMC installed. And xBian is the best of those. They have a downloadpack with Automated downloads for shows and movies.
If someone has submitted a PR, and I like it but want to move things about / re-indent before I merge the PR, can I do this myself or do I need to ask the other person to do it in a separate PR, or something....
@Sem ok, I noted it in a file
@Sem RaspBMC is another option, and the one I currently use on my rPi.
@MichaelIrigoyen Nothing beats xBian when it comes to smoothness and loading time, I tried them all.
They must have made some improvements over the past few months then, I tried it about February and it was terrible.
@HamZa Oh and don't forget to purchase a class 10 SD card, it boosts up the speed a bit.
@Sem ah good tip
@Sem That article seems very highly biased towards xBian, but I'll throw it on another SD card and give it a shot.
@MichaelIrigoyen It'll be worth it :D
Anyone who uses git? :)
@HamZa Where are you with OOP presently? Weird question but meh..
@Jimbo svn for life
@webarto git out
class lol{
public function trol{
return 1;
sed off
haha xD
@Fabien TL;DR not far ...
@HamZa So you've not really used or created them?
@Fabien nope. I'm currently stuck at configuring a webserver with nginx, php 5.5 ...
someone knows a good analytics php script?
Why did you go 5.5? :P
@Fabien Well I've moved from windows to linux, and decided to build my own VM server with the latest php
@webarto Finally someone that loves SVN too
@HamZa while your at it, get used to password_hash(); and thank @ircmaxell later.
hah, no, I don't hate, but I sure don't love it.
@Sem hehe, that's one of the "cool" features of php 5.5 :)
@webarto Too bad :(
@HamZa You can still use the compat lib
@HamZa why only on VM? :p
@PeeHaa yup
@AlmaDoMundo well to let things separated, you think this is windows lol ?
did ircmaxell author the php implementation of password_hash?
? not sure I got what you mean
@Orangepill Yep.
@AlmaDoMundo I had windows with WAMP
what is wamp ?
@HamZa You've had Windows with AMP :P
(can google, of cause :p )
@AlmaDoMundo Windows Apache Mysql PHP
@HamZa, no, you misplaced the order. correct is - Windows had you :p
You simply use an installer and you've got everything ready to use
Use Amazon's free tiers aws @HamZa ;)
@Fabien heh, I got some RAM, so no need to host it outside my PC
@HamZa - on my workstation I have 5.3 5.4 and 5.5 versions of PHP
@AlmaDoMundo windows ?
Hey, Any of you who want to help me building a gaussian chart?
Because i have no real knowledge of how to make charts in PHP - and i have tried with JPchart and other alike...
It is for a charity - and you can take all credit, I don't need any ^^
@HamZa But it's super easily to deploy a machine :(
of cause not. how do i do that in win? I have a script that switch versions for me (I have all three compiled)
@AlmaDoMundo hehe I see ...
@Fabien hmmmm Well I atleast can use my VM even without internetz :P
I'm going to need a hand fixing use-function edge-cases.
@ircmaxell if you're up for it and have some time, please ping me.
@HamZa - I remember one case.. when it was PHP 5.2 and somehow application could not be launched on one of our staging envs. Fault was in php_pdo_mysql.dll - which causes web-server to crash
I've googled many days
then, I've found wizardy solution - I need to open that dll in hex-editor and change two bytes and certain offset
@AlmaDoMundo lol
and.. it works. but since then I promise myself never to develop under win
What PHP OOP book do you recommend?
44 mins ago, by HamZa
David Powers

With the surge of popularity of PHP 5, object-oriented programming is now an important consideration for PHP developers. This version-neutral book is a gentle introduction to object-oriented programming (OOP) that won't overburden you with complex theory. It teaches you the essential basics of OOP that you'll need to know before moving onto a more advanced level, and includes a series of prepackaged scripts that you can incorporate into your existing sites with the minimum of effort. It shows how object-oriented programming can be used to create reusable and portable code by walking you through a series of simple projects. The projects feature the sorts of things developers run up against every day, and include a validator for filtering user input, a simple Date class that avoids the need to remember all the esoteric format codes in PHP, and an XML generator. Teaches the fundamentals of OOP Simple projects show how OOP concepts work in the real world Prepackaged scripts can easily be added to your own projects What you’ll learn PHP features, such as the Standard PHP Library (SPL), that are poorly documented or ignored by existing books How to develop classes of their own OOP in easy-to-understand language without getting bogged down in dense theory Solid foundations for developers wishing to delve more deeply into OOP How to leverage the strengths of OOP as a means for creating reusable code that can be used successfully within a pr
@user1246800 ^^^ That one :)
@HamZa so now (and before, of cause) I'm a happy slacky (cause using Slackware distro) user :p
@HamZa Would you be able to help me with a graph?
@JesperJacobsen I've never heard about that thing you mentioned so I don't have any experience with it, it would take me a lot of time to sort things out. I don't have time for that, sorry...
@HamZa Okay :) Well I had never heard of it before either, but it is relatively easy to understand, But i've not really worked with graphs in PHP before :)
well, guys, I'm going home. have a nice evening
@AlmaDoMundo Cyaa ...
@JesperJacobsen What's the problem ?
@HamZa Well basicly all of it - as I does not really have an idea how to make the graphs :)
@JesperJacobsen What graph do you need to make ?
@HamZa A normal distribution graph :) Also called a bell graph or a gaussian chart
@JesperJacobsen Well I guess I have other priorities ...
@HamZa Sure :)
Hm cool
@Orangepill Did you read that book? How hard was it? I was thinking about reading it for some time
@Simon_eQ It's not hard at all, It's rather easy
@HamZa When I ask you, how it was. You have to start thinking like me, then answer :)
@Simon_eQ Well, I've started reading it. It has 350pages. It begins from the really basics and is well explained (in details)
Oh, in that case. Then its easy
My problem is I am unsure which book is right, I know the very very basics of OOP but probably have alot of gaps in there too.
@Fabien How is very, very basic? How you done anything with polymorphic, encapsulating, static keyword...
Ahh, sorry for the dead & living typos
@Fabien tereško said that the book is a good start but there are some things to be warry of
@Simon_eQ github.com/FabienO/rss-reader/blob/master/lib/class.rss.php About that basic. Though I did that a few months ago and know a little more now.
Well that is hard to judge, because you are using the class just to wrap the application
But, I am sure ... you are a lot better than I am, even though I consider myself just basic and not very very basic
Anyone got experience using Composer?
@stevenmc yes
@Fabien ustream.tv/recorded/22783515 I watched this a few days ago but it may be a little advanced for 'very very basics'.
nope, nobody
this is my second OO script, but helps me a lot
I'm having some trouble getting a plugin working, and am pretty sure it uses Composer, but all I get is an error when I try to instantiate the class.
Q: How to use libphonenumber for php

user2298627I've attempted to run libphonenumber for PHP as per this question but have been unable to get it running. All I get is the following, and I have got Composer installed. I'd greatly appreciate any direction on this. My output: Warning: require(/var/www/phone/libphonenumber/vendor/autoload.php):...

@SweetieBelle thanks, i'll give it a watch.
@stevenmc dummy account O_O ?
No, work and personal
I only setup the work account recently
lol ok ...
@Simon_eQ Yeah, that was a job task which they required me to use a Symfony component to make an rss reader for a feed. Hence the weirdness.
@stevenmc what are you using composer for? for cloning?
Well, I'm not attempting to use it myself, but there was a composer.json file in the repo that I'm cloning, so I presumed I'd need to install it
I'll get the github url...
@stevenmc Do you have git installed?
Just following their demo, or the demo I linked to in the SO post, neither worked at all.
Have you gotten composer.phar ?
How do I get/generate one?
curl -s getcomposer.org | php
hello ppl! someone here experiences in laravel?
and follow the tutorials
@dschazam If you call looking at the source and puking. Yes, yes I have
Yeah, I done that - but I didn't realise it made a composer.phar
It's in my /var/www.
Sec, til I try again.
wups.. :) @PeeHaa I am having problem with a many to many relation. It set it up like this: laravel.com/docs/eloquent#many-to-many
@HamZa Don't go :)
now, i want to get the created_at timestamp from the user_role table. how do i get this?
This is now looking more promising @Simon_eQ
this snippet here works, but i thinks thats not really 'eloquent': DB::table('user_role')->where('role_id', $client->id)->where('user_id', $user->id)->first()
@stevenmc write your dependencies in composer.json and run php composer.phar update
Perfect, it's working now!
Thank you so much! It's my first time using composer, so that really helped!
@stevenmc hehe, I used it for the first time like 10 days ago.
I gave you some of the most basic stuff
Does anyone think this library is any good? socketo.me
@HamZa & @Simon_eQ What type of learning do you prefer? task orientated or reading or perhaps something else?
@PeeHaa Any idea? :)
How do you people do PHP development on windows
using wamp?
@Fabien Don't put @HamZa name along mine. You will make him seem like a noob
Using Vagrant?
@Simon_eQ lol I am a noob :)
@user1246800 I use IIS
good evening :)
@user1246800 Yes or XAMPP or download and install php/apache/mysql separately.
lol, we're all noobs in something.
@dschazam No not really. I really dislike laravel :-)
I use Wamp, but im going to try Vagrant.
lol. really?
I switched from XAMPP to WAMP, but both are good.
@Fabien same here, I switched from XAMPP to WAMP
@dschazam really :)
@Fabien You should try Vagrant because it mean you working on Linux environment when you on Windows
@Fabien @Simon_eQ I find XAMPP crap, WAMP is way better IMO
@Neal What's the use case?
@user1246800 tbh, a lot of my work involves jobs that get passed from server to server, so I actually just use AWS free tier.
@igorw Will do sometime later...
@webarto Making websockets using PHP.
hola people!
AWS free tier?
@Fabien both
@Daniel hey, long time no see ...
Oh it's Amazon
@HamZa I have this site, that uses like 50 sprites from a .png file and I need those obviously to show in html, but they are independent (not backgrounds or anything) So, I was thinking maybe I could just place <span class='foo'></span> and just do foo{background: url(sprite.png) no-repeat -1px 0;}
How does that sound?
hey there @hamza! yeah been more busy than normal lately
@user1246800 I totally read that as bier
@user1246800 wow that seems interesting lol
@PeeHaa Time for bier!
@PeeHaa go home you're drunk :-)
@Simon_eQ Where's the problem ?
Anyone know the best (MySQL) way of comparing whether two date/times are within 10 minutes of each other in a select statement?
@webarto yes!
The problem is using <span> to represent an image. Not sure, if that can get me stoned to death
@HamZa Wish that was the case :(
@Simon_eQ Hmmm ... Why not a div ?
@HamZa What is interesting?
@Daniel what two dates? same row? same table?
actually scratch that, I should be able to just use timestamp - 600
@webarto eh?
same row and table, I think I have it figured out. thanks though @Fabien
@HamZa Well, I heard too many divs is not a good thing. And, ... okay! I am divophobic :)
@Daniel Fair enough.
You really think its ok?
@user1246800 That site you linked
@Neal Not sure what you want then? Websockets is not defined.
@Simon_eQ Well depends on what you're doing. But anyways, if you think it's suited then who cares ?
@webarto I was asking about the library i linked. not a small Hacky demo that @PeeHaa made...
any laravel developers in here now? (:
@dschazam I'm a regex developer, how can I help you ?
"regex developer" :D
@NikiC :-)
@Neal hacky?
I do not simply hack libraries
@HamZa do u really want to help me, or are you also joking about laravel? :D
@PeeHaa Reeeealy crappy chat implementation (for now) I am just quoting u lol
@Neal And where did you read hacky?
@dschazam nope, I can't help you with laravel ...
My crappy is everyone elses uberaweseomsauce :D
@PeeHaa ehhh i just surmised. It is possible I was wrong.
I'd rather use it if it says crappy than awesome.
And everything that doesn't work as expected is @DaveRandom's fault
true story
@webarto what would you do when it's awesomely crappy?
Well right now our app is in 2 parts... node and php... Kinda silly
@HamZa Too bad.. :)
@Gordon Well, that's just crap crap then.
I think I'll add some uberaweseomsauce to my Subway Club later today :)
@dschazam (?i)(?:for|4)\s+(?:u|you)
Hi,Can any say how to convert base64string into image file.Then store the image url in the database
@Bing Step 1: learn to use a search engine
@PeeHaa leet crappy > noob awesome
@HamZa he's called Bing. He IS a search engine.
Im new to PHP and im so confused
@Gordon lol
@Bing have you tried Google?
That's a provocation.
@Fabien no sh*t
@webarto Wh4t 15 4 leet?
ya.I tried some of the code but can help in this
@PeeHaa Y U NO USE 1337
@PeeHaa I can tell you what's not, YOU!
@webarto That just hurt my feelings :(
@Bing It's takes some getting used to but keep at it. I find in the beginning there's a few moment when it just clicks.
Q: Convert Base64 string to an image file?

Badal SuranaI am trying to convert my base64 image string to an image file. this is my Base64 string http://pastebin.com/ENkTrGNG and using following code to convert it into an image file function base64_to_jpeg( $base64_string, $output_file ) { $ifp = fopen( $output_file, "wb" ); fwrite( $ifp, b...

Ow wait I don't have any feelings
Your care-o-meter is broken? :D
@Bing BTW you shouldn't store images into your database, just use your file system
care-o-meter is the PG way of saying it.
@HamZa wanted to illustrate my questions better, anyway its something like this jsfiddle.net/SeNCK
even though that link is broken
did php had something like this syntax? var $thisisvar;
A: What does PHP keyword 'var' do?

karim79It's for declaring class member variables in PHP4, and is no longer needed. It will work in PHP5, but will raise an E_STRICT warning in PHP from version 5.0.0 up to version 5.1.2, as of which it has been deprecated. Example usage: class foo { var $x = 'y'; // or you can use public like... ...

@Mr.Alien yes. that's a PHP4-style public property declaration
Was just going to say that
@Mr.Alien Would you stone me to death over this ?
@Simon_eQ jsfiddle.net/SeNCK/1 a little help
@NikiC ok, got that, I was learing about classes and to declare the properties/attributes, the syntax used was that, now my question is why the tutor said that this can be used globally too? did php4 had something like var $thisisvar for declaring globally? cuz if I want to have empty vars I use $thisisvar = '';
@Mr.Alien I don't think it had a global var
@Simon_eQ what you want in that?
@Fabien thanks, but the image was not the problem, rather the idea of using <span></span> tags to hold place for images
jsfiddle.net/SeNCK/1 @Mr.Alien Just wanted to know, if there is a clever way of doing the that.
@NikiC so the tutor is wrong, because even I've not used something like var $var just like JS uses, globally, thanks for clearing the doubt :) btw, you work on core PHP huh, and at this age, where did you studied? docs?
He is a prodigy.
@Simon_eQ will you explain what you are doing?
@webarto few are like those..
also this is something fishy, he uses new persons(); but it works without the () too
Also, I don't know why PHP doesn't throw me an error here as am echoing an echo like
class persons {
		function hello() {
			echo 'hello'.' vaibhav';

	$persons = new persons;

	echo $persons -> hello();
@Mr.Alien Obviously using a sprite to show images, instead of cropping every single image and doing <img src='foo.jpg' /> for each
You don't need () if you have no arguments. @Mr.Alien
Why would that throw an error?
@Simon_eQ why use span? you can simply achieve without it
@webarto aaargh, stop calling me that!
@Mr.Alien can't find anything better?
@Simon_eQ gime 5 mins
@webarto aaa ok, @tereško any inputs?
<a> tage isn't necessary either, unless you're after a link.
@NikiC Blame @Gordon :D
@Mr.Alien Yes. And don't call me Shirley...
@PeeHaa If you haven't noticed, there were three links. In my actual work environment I have over 50 links. separated by <ul></li><p>..img..</p></li></ul>
@ircmaxell when did I called you shirley :P
@Simon_eQ jsfiddle.net/SeNCK/4 reusable.
@Fabien LOL. you have loooooost it. :p
I have 5o links, and each need to show an icon
@Simon_eQ Just look at bootstrap's icons.
@Mr.Alien Nice.
@Simon_eQ for targeting particular li, you can use nth-of-type like .foo li a:nth-of-type(1):before
Ohh, wait. Not nice
its just showing one image..
@Simon_eQ already answered
Question was. Is his good or not jsfiddle.net/SeNCK/6
PHP is inconsistent: strpos, str_rot13, etc
@Simon_eQ .foo li:nth-of-type(1) a:before just realized that you have a single a
@user1246800 WOW really, you don't say...
Visualization of 15 Sorting Algorithms with sound in 6 Minutes. http://youtu.be/kPRA0W1kECg #nice
Its for a high profile website.
@Simon_eQ I never read it...
@Simon_eQ if you are extra markup fan than yes it is cool
@ircmaxell eheheheh :D
@Mr.Alien Now, that I think of it. Since ul is inline element, nesting a div inside it would make it kindf... technically not acceptable according to the rules.
@Gordon .... it never showed the BOGO sort completing...
@Simon_eQ why you want div and even span when you can do that without them? yes, if you are an IE fan than you do need span set to inline-block or block
@Mr.Alien this is for mobile site. It has no concern with IE. But, I'am not sure, you can actually do it without span,div
there are like 50 links
@Simon_eQ wait
No JS!! lol
@ircmaxell I object to your RT'ing strategy -.-
JS lovers will pour that everywhere.
@Gordon The "bubble" sort really makes sense now after hearing that :)
@Simon_eQ jsfiddle.net/SeNCK/7 I can still chop this down
@Simon_eQ no spans jsfiddle.net/SeNCK/8
@Mr.Alien wow! Is this even legal :P
as in mobile/cross-browser compliant?
@Gordon :-P
@Simon_eQ yes, totally
mobiles are often better than desktop for this stuff
Ahh, wifi time is up
thanks @Mr.Alien
@Simon_eQ chopped CSS jsfiddle.net/SeNCK/9 and you welcome
@ircmaxell no, really. I've seen you do that multiple times now. I throw a link or code snippet in here and you tweet it as if it was your own. If you get stuff from other people please put a via @username. In this case via @siavash since I got it from him, which is why I pasted the entire tweet instead of pretending I found it on YT myself.
or rather, at least do it, when you got something from me because I take offense when that happens without attribution
eih. fair enough. And I'm not pretending I found it on YT myself
thanks for understanding
@ircmaxell You also have to pay @Gordon 1ct for every retweet, you know ;)
Can't say I understand why you'd want to use nth type instead of specifying the image name in the class. Ah well.
@NikiC no, he doesn't.
I guess I'm just of the opinion that the content is what matters. How it gets out is immaterial. And the attribution belongs to the creator. The finder shouldn't matter that much...
Well I can understand it, but still..
@Gordon I know. You are German, so it's really 5ct per retweet per follower (in good old GEMA traditions :)
Did I mention that I hate the GEMA?
I agree with @ircmaxell, quite often I tweet stuff and don't even remember where I got it from, let alone what their Twitter username is.
it's not a black and white thing
The content is the primary concern. But it's a difference when you tweet it as "Hey look what I found" instead as "Look what xy showed me". If it's something you got from someone in your network that you think is worth sharing to the rest of your network, why not make the rest of your network aware that this guy might have content that they'd be interested in.
I completely see the point. And I'm not discounting @Gordon's position at all
Fair point.
@Gordon And typically, I do just that. Actually, the vast majority of the time. You just seem to have noticed the relative few times that I didn't...
and I admit I've not done that a fair number of times
@ircmaxell yeah, no worries. No hard feelings :)
You can cite me without reference any time you like, in fact, I'd prefer it, less accountability.
Look. I killed the party :)
@Gordon Party pooper.
So how about that local sports team!
@user1246800 I think you are the first to notice.
@MadaraUchiha POOPER is short for Php Object Oriented ProgrammER
@Fabien I am sure there will announcements for your local sports team streaming videos later that day ;)
You guys do much Lucene search? Can't figure out if I like it or not.
@Gordon That's good
@Fabien I think SO used Lucene before but then switched to ElasticSearch because Lucene didnt allow searching for special chars that would be operators in programming languages. let me find the MSO post
Q: A new search engine for Stack Exchange

Nick CraverAfter the performance problems we have run into with Lucene.NET we've decided to make a change, we're moving the network on to elasticsearch. Here's where to get started: http://stackoverflow.com/search What works: All search operators should be in Many changes below from the old search behav...

Ooh nice cheers.
We use ours on a finding our protected music on illegal sites basis.
Chance to win $5000 anyone? developers.jotform.com/competition/… For what is most likely more than $5000 worth of work.
Worst comes to worst you get a free t-shirt.
You can tell they used the magic wand tool on that t-shirt shop-job.
There it is "As a condition of the app, participant grants JotForm a perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide, royalty-free, and non-exclusive license to use, reproduce, adapt, modify, publish, distribute, publicly perform, and publicly display any app that participant submits"
@Fabien Ain't nobody got time for that ...
@HamZa lol indeed. It'd be ideal if no one took part.

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