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weekend :-P
wondered if it is more active on routine days
class WebService
    protected $baseUrl;

    public function __construct($baseUrl)
        $this->baseUrl = $baseUrl;

    public function query($path)
        return utf8_encode(file_get_contents(sprintf('%s/%s', $this->baseUrl, $path)));

    public function __call($method, $args)
        if (isset($this->method) && is_callable($this->method)) {
            return call_user_func_array($this->method, array($this) + $args);
$github = new WebService('https://github.com/');
$github->findLatestTenActivities = function($service, $username) {
    return new LimitIterator(
        simplexml_load_string($service->query('gooh.atom'), 'SimpleXmlIterator')->entry,
        0, 10
@Gordon I thought you don't like magic methods :-D
+ your implementation is buggy
@KamilTomšík well, yeah. I also dont like artichokes that much, but I give them a try from time to time to reassure that its still the case
if method doesn't exist, it won't work at all
isset($this->method) ?!?!?!
shouldn't it be just a $method
@Gordon simple "call_user_func_array($this->method, array($this) + $args)" would work better
its incomplete right now. just wanted to see if you think that is too magic or worthwhile to follow
@KamilTomšík that wouldnt return anything
or $this->$method?
You could do it without magic - using $webservice->call("methodName", args) but... in this case, __call is appropriate
@zerkms $this->$method
it will result in more readable code (fact that webservice is not standalone object is just implementation detail and nobody should care about that)
how is it supposed to call $github->findLatestTenActivities?
using __call
@zerkms you just add the method as a property and then call it. PHP will not find the method of that name, go into __call and __call will call the method then
yep, just $github->findLatestTenActivities('name');
@Gordon only thing I don't like is that query
it's too much "wild"
@KamilTomšík i thought about adding an explicit call method too. Would you still add the methods as props then or rather collect them inside in an array inside the webservice object?
$ws->add('findLatestTenActivites', function($user) { … })
the implementation with properties looks at least fresh
@Gordon I'd rather use that php hack:
function xxx(){
  Class::method(); //will inject current $this into that method
@KamilTomšík huh? what? that will raise E_STRICT, will it?
@Gordon I like "add" approach more
@KamilTomšík that surprises me :)
@Gordon not sure, but I've used that once in php 5.2 and it worked :)
@Gordon but shouldn't :) vars should be private
I thought you were asking just about that __call
if it was also about __set, then I'm against that
class WebService
    protected $baseUrl;
    protected $api;

    public function __construct($baseUrl)
        $this->baseUrl = $baseUrl;

    public function add($name, $callback)
        $this->api[$name] = $callback;

    public function query($path)
        return utf8_encode(file_get_contents(sprintf('%s/%s', $this->baseUrl, $path)));

    public function call($method, $args)
        if (isset($this->api[$method]) && is_callable($this->api[$method])) {
@KamilTomšík i dont like the query method myself, but until i have my uri template parser done it will have to do like that
I'd rather would like to have query($template, $args) so I can do query('/{username}', 'gooh.atom');
what about builder? :)
$webService = ...;
      $output = ...;
      return $output;
or processBy(handler)
im not sure. i think you are overdoing builders
except __call there wouldn't be any magic
yes, I am :-D
I don't like most of patterns, but this one is really cool - not by itself, but in combination with closures
i mean, i like builders a lot. im just not sure about using them for everything.
but this is the case
you're constructing method
@Gordon you can always pass array, but... :-)
im not sure i understand that builder above
it's builder/configuration for your method, you'll set the name (and you can do this using method or as parameter, I consider method as more consistent option), query (url, if I got your example correctly) and processor - function which will receive plain input and return processed result (which will be returned to webservice caller)
why do you put the methodBuilder into the closure?
why should webservice pass it to the closure?
you can return it, I just don't like that, so that's why (CPS)
Command P? Separation?
continuation passing style
lisp :-D
would you put the entire file_get_contents stuff into processor?
not sure, it could work too, but... that way it could be too much complex to use
so how would your proc() look?
I'd leave this for later (you can always introduce additional builder method)
i wonder if the webservice should have a baseUrl then at all
processor would receive just string, so you would call simplexml_xxx, etc.
or if should just be ->url('http://example.com/{foo}')
mmm - I don't like that
for me, webservice is specific service on one server.
(could be on multiple machines, but I don't care about that, for me it's just one base-url)
yeah, for me too
ok, let me see what i can come up with..
how about
    ->proc(function() {})
the seal isnt that pretty though
what's seal? :)
not better than closure :-P
the end marker for the fluent interface
registerMethod would return the MethodBuilder
yeah, you don't have this problem with closure
not entirely true :)
if you want to do it with the closure you'd still have to invoke the build() method somehow
public function registerMethod($methodConfig)
    $this->api[$name] = $this->builder->build($methodConfig($builder));
or something along the lines. the above doesnt work
yeah, that's true, but that is responsibility of that service
you don't have to care about that
the fluent interface is easier to read imo
though one loses the sense of which object one is in
that's right, php syntax sucks in this
you could avoid that seal()
but then you'd need public setters on that method
name, url and proc are setters
and builder would just delegate those calls and provide fluent interface
you know what I mean, right? :)
not sure i do
method is created and appended immediately, every ->xxx(...) will just re-configure it
yeah, that would work
should WebService be a builder itself?
I wouldn't do that, webservice is standalone object for me
not just builder
btw: webservice should hold state too - in its assigned session
what state?
hi anyone familiar with google closure library? i know its not a javascript room but..........
like logged in state, shopping cart, etc. probably not interesting for you, but this can happen occasionally for web services too...
yeah, yagni right now for me
can u help me reopening a question
@lovesh no, that question was rightfully closed
its a duplicate and its also subjective
can u tell me why ?
i m asking for an advice?
its not a duplicate
the question cannot be answered
i m asking wat should i learn and i also tell in that what i already know
no one can tell you what you should learn
ok can i have ur advice on this
jquery or closure?
learn what is more appropriate for your projects
and yes, it is a duplicate :)
closure seems better at this time to me
but i need experienced people guiding me
if you want to make a decision between the two you should look at your requirements and then decide for yourself. the linked duplicate points out the difference between the two libraries. thats all you need
i cannot tell you use jQuery or Closure because I do not know what you need it for.
@Kamil how about adding __call to the method builder to jump back to the parent? instead of seal
@Gordon isn't that too much magic? :-P
just exploring ideas
dangerous ideas :-P
when you say that it sounds like you like it
I don't :)
@Gordon do you have any tests for that already?
nope, like i said, just exploring ideas how i want to use it
but it falls back to what i found out already a few weeks ago. i want uri templates for that
so im back at writing my parser
I don't know, this never worked for me - either I need something, and then it's easy to come up with something, or I'm doing "academic" work, which only purpose it to be better in some area.
trying to think about what I might want usually leads to analysis paralysis for me...
@KamilTomšík im guilty of that quite often :)
but for private projects its usually always a mixture of experimenting and training. i rarely need to get things done when i do that
2 hours later…
@KamilTomšík do you have any particular reason why you prefer CSP over Direct Style?
@Gordon it's higher abstraction
you're saying what has to be done, but receiver is still in charge - it always can analyze/manipulate that closure, or even invoke it in different thread or on different machine.
you're simply not restricted by "it has to return something"
fair enough
but there is also one other reason
I admit CPS is not very common and probably not readable if you're not used to that, but it 1:1 reflects program flow
you can't do this with cps:
with cps your code always flows from "left to right"
but at some point you have to return something
you don't have to return anything anytime
however there are some downsides of CPS (related to that)
how would i alter an object property with CPS?
show me ordinal code and I'll show you cps one
class User
    protected $status, $foo, $bar;
    public function determineStatus($rules) {
        $this->status = $ruleChain->evaluate(array(
            'foo' => $this->foo,
            'bar' => $this->bar
i just made this one up so ignore details :)
straight to the problem with cps :)
CPS is so powerful it can actually allow you to ignore black-box
or at least harm it
return itself returns just value
but CPS-return is "push" all the way down
so I would have to have a setter for status?
@Gordon rather property
it's basically publisher/subscriber
I'll show you
please :)
class User
    protected $status, $foo, $bar;
    public function determineStatus($rules) {
            'foo' => $this->foo,
            'bar' => $this->bar
          ), function($result){
            $this->status = $result;
instead of asking for value, you'll push closure, which is able to change object internals
aah, yeah, that doesnt work :)
you cannot bind $this as of 5.3
not in php, right?
this will get improved in 5.4 though
well, that sucks :)
then you can bind to a scope
but that's idea - but also the problem of CPS
because closures are first-class objects and that way you have timed-bomb
you should use them very sparingly, that's it - but yeah, sometimes you can't avoid them - but at least, you don't need another language construction (return) for that :)
ok, thanks. that clarified for me, although it also means its not fully usable in php yet :)
at least not withouth setters
or public properties
well, not yet, but as I said, it's not always good thing to have this option
I'd ask myself why I even need that status.
you can avoid lot of these problems with proper factoring.
eih, i just made it up in lack of a better example
yes - I know, but I'm trying to make emphasis on this - CPS return is no better than ordinal return - both of them violate TDA, you shouldn't ask if you don't need to.
fair enough
great, cause I was caught into this - when I discovered CPS I though "maaaan, no returns, no violation of TDA, wonderful", however pushing values to higher levels is not better than asking lower levels. so don't repeat my mistakes :)
@Gordon Hi! Good evening, lads!
2 hours later…
2 hours later…
posted on July 29, 2011 by Rafael Dohms

Recebi hoje pelo twitter (do colega @leoviena) um link para uma matéria da do Jornal Hoje na Rede Globo, ao assitir a matéria fiquei abismado com as informações dadas na matéria. (UPDATE: matéria em texto) A matéria sobre segurança procurava informar o usuário da internet como evitar problemas de segurança e emails de "phishing". O termo descreve ações onde usuários mal intencionados enviam em

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